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November 29, 2024 • 10 mins

When I say Recruiter or Headhunter, what is the first word that jumps into you mind?

The days of relying on headhunters for your next job may be over.

Let me show you a new, revolutionary peer-to-peer job search and recruiting company designed by physicians, for physicians that puts YOU back in charge and eliminates the need for a traditional headhunter!

Traditional physician recruitment is painful, expensive and often misleading. But what if there were a way to take back control, keep more of your salary, and find jobs tailored to your needs while earning cash for helping your peers?

~~ Learn about Grapevyne, a new peer-to-peer job board revolutionizing physician recruiting by prioritizing transparency and trust.

~~ Understand how recruiters often take hidden cuts from your 1st year salary and how Grapevyne eliminates this problem.

~~ Explore how you can earn cash by referring friends to positions through a platform built on physician-driven referrals.

Click play to discover how transforms physician recruitment into a peer-driven process you can trust while creating opportunities for financial rewards and career growth.

Zhen Chan MD and GRAPEVYNE are HERE:

The Ideal Physician Job Search Formula online video training is HALF OFF Here:


Explore physician leadership tools and strategies to stop physician burnout, enhance physician wellness and give you the power of personal influence in the C-Suite. All the tools you need to play your role in leading the charge to wellness - at three levels - for you, your teams and your entire organization.


  • The traditional recruiting industry is facing dissatisfaction from both employers and physicians due to inefficiencies and high costs.
  • A new peer-to-peer recruiting platform allows physicians to earn money by referring their colleagues for job opportunities.
  • Grapevine Health offers a unique model where physicians can receive cash payouts at various stages of the hiring process.
  • The platform eliminates the hidden fees that traditional recruiters often impose on physicians' first-year salaries.
  • This approach empowers physicians to take control over their job search and recruitment process.
  • The founder emphasizes transparency and trust, ensuring that physician data is not sold or misused.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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In this episode, I'llintroduce you to a new and revolutionary
job search and recruiting firmfounded by physicians grown by physician
It's physician to physicianpeer mediated job search and recruiting.
You've never seen anythinglike it.
I'll show you all of theunique features of this new company

and its physician founder.
Hello and welcome to thelatest episode of the Stop Physician
Burnout podcast, a physicianphysician leadership podcast where
you will learn the skills sothat we can join together and lead
the charge to physician well being.
Skills to earn the respect ofyour colleagues in the front line.

Skills to exercise trueinfluence in the C suite and take
back your job, your practice,your career and your life.
All of these tools have beenproven effective in my 40,000doctor
physician coaching andtraining practice.
And if I know one thing, Iknow you're super busy.
So let's get started.
In this Black Friday editionof the Stop Position Burnout podcast,

you will discover some newdevelopments in the recruiting industry
that you're not going to likewhere they're actually stealing part
of your first year salary whenyou take a new position.
I'll also show you a newphysician founded and led peer to
peer recruiting and job searchcompany and we'll talk all about
the revolutionary featuresthat are going to make you want to

register right away.
I expect this company to bevery popular in the years ahead because
it takes everything that'swrong about the recruiting industry
now and flips it intoeverything that's right.
Check it out.
Okay, Doug German here on ourBlack Friday episode of 2024.
I'm here with Zen Chen who'sthe co founder of Grapevine G R A

P E V Y N E, which is a newpeer driven job board and recruiting
service for physicians.
And it's got such arevolutionary design and revenue
You have to hear about it andI think you're going to want to participate.
Just a quick note, I have nofinancial relationship with Zen or.
I'm not being paid to sharethis information with you, Zen.

Tell me what's going on in therecruiting industry that made you
a and your team want to foundthis company now and build it in
this way?
Yeah, there's been a lot ofdissatisfaction from both the employer
side and the physician sidewith traditional recruitment.
It's inefficient, it'sineffective and it's very costly.
And there's not a lot of trustwith traditional recruitment when

it comes to physicians.
So that's where we see thattiming wise, this is a really Great
Let physicians drive the process.
Let physicians make some moneyout of it too, and take that power
in medicine.
Now, most of us know that whena recruiting company brings in a
physician and they sign for anew job position, they get paid a

fee for that.
A headhunt, we call it aheadhunting fee.
Right, but you were telling meyesterday when we first met that
there's another way thatthey're grabbing money away from
the doctor who signed thecontract behind, behind the closed
door and you don't even knowabout it.
Tell us about this newpractice of compensating recruiters.
So there is a commission basedstructure that is a percentage of

the future one year salary ofthe physician.
Oftentimes that can range from15% to 30%.
Now you can imagine anemployer juggling how much to pay
a headhunter versus how muchsalary to provide that future physician.
Well, I'm going to be a littlemore aggressive about stating that
that's actually the headhunterstealing your first year salary and

you're not going to know aboutit unless you ask.
And even then they might not divulge.
So let's go over some of theunique features of this peer to peer
referral system.
Tell us how it works.
If I want to put myself up asa candidate, tell us how it works,
referring my friends, all that stuff.
So I'll go through the full workflow.

Employers that want to listtheir job with us, they contract
with us.
And we actually specificallydesigned that job post to be tailored
to that specialty, as detailedas possible, so that a physician
in that specialty, when theysee the job post, they have as much
information as they possiblyneed and want.
And we include informationlike neighborhood walkability scores,

average home values, public schools.
Because we see physician jobsas closer to buying a new home than
your average transferringbetween, let's say two remote tech
jobs, so to speak.
Once that job is posted, allof our members have access to see
those jobs and can use eitherif they like it themselves apply,

or if they think that theyhave a peer that is a good fit for
it, they can click the refer button.
And just like Uber Instacart,any of these kinds of companies that
have referral codes creates apersonalized link for you.
And when your friend orcolleague or family member sees that
post, they think that they're interested.
Based on this comprehensivejob post, they can apply.

And as they apply and gothrough the various milestones of
the hiring process, you as theperson who referred them, can actually
get significant cash payoutsfor each Milestone what that means?
What, what are you talking about?
Cash payments for my referralsigning up.
Are you kidding me?
So does it cost me anything toregister as a potential job applicant

on the site and get started?
We do not have you pay toregister for the site.
It's absolutely free forphysicians to sign on.
It's a great fund.
If you refer a friend and theyend up, even they don't have to sign
a contract if they end uptaking steps in the application process,
you get paid and these areyour friends.
So this is a true peer to peerreferral network with payments to

you as a participant in allstages of the process.
Wahoo, brother.
So real quick, Zen is anexample of physician leadership outside
of traditional clinicalpractice serving a need in the marketplace.
And I think that you willagree with what you just heard just
now, what you just heard.

Register as a potential applicant.
Refer friends.
They step through the process,you get paid.
So it's friends referringfriends into specifically curated
and mounted job positions doneby a doctor.
Zen, tell them what you'reboard certified in.
Of course I'm board certifiedin pediatrics and I'm still practicing
as a pediatrician.

There you go.
So we got, we got a real mensch.
A real mensch at the, at the throttle.
And Zen is also hip deep inthe practice of creating this company
right now.
So you're working to getpeople to sign up on the network,
you're working to get joblistings into the network growing
And this is everything that'swrong about recruiting flipped on

its head into everythingthat's right.
What do you want our people to know?
Where do they need to go?
How do they register?
How do they refer friends?
What's, what's the skinny?
The best place to go is ourwebsite, Grapevine Health.
That's Grapevine spelled witha Y, G, R, a P, E, V, Y, N, E Health.
You can sign up as a physician.
It's verified right now by an mpi.

And once you're on theplatform, you can see all the jobs
that are posted there andeither apply to them yourself or,
or if you know someone that isa good fit, you can refer them as
So if I refer somebody and they.
Take a step, you can get paid$25 right now.
If they finish the interviewprocess, you get paid 150.
If they get hired, you getpaid two grand.

So at last you potentiallyhave a friend in the headhunter industry
because he's not hunting your head.
He's trying to provide youwith a quality opportunity amongst
Friends and spread the networkbased upon friendship and affiliation
with you and your colleaguesin your specialty, giving you higher

quality job listings.
It's cheaper for the employerto fill the position.
You get more of your salaryback rather than stealing it off
the back end.
And it's just among friends soyou don't have to deal with butthead
recruiters anymore.
Look at him.
Look at that ponum.
He's going to be your buddy,get you in the network and multiplying

the power of the network over time.
Because I think as peopleunderstand what grapevine is, we're
going to have a robust numberof people in the pool of applicants
and a robust number of jobopportunities because it's just an
easier process for the employer.
And let me just remindeverybody, it's a great job market
and it's only going to getbetter because of the collapse of

the physician workforce thatwe're in the early stages of here
in 2024.
So, dear listener, let me makea Black Friday offer to you.
50% off our ideal physicianjob search formula.
Online video training.
Seven short video lessons, 11hours of CME.
We teach you how to build yourideal job description, work with
recruiters, interview,negotiate your contract, and onboard

yourself on the far side to anew job that's at least a 70% overlap
with your ideal job description.
Click the link, grab thetraining, dive in, and best of luck
in your job search.
It's such a good job market.
If your satisfaction with yourcurrent job is less than 5 on a scale
of 10, it's time to at leaststart interviewing because there's

a better spot out there foryou, I promise.
And now back to the show.
Let's wrap it up.
So, Zen Chan Greatvine Health.
G R A P E V Y N E Health.
Go register.
Any last words?
We just wanted to telleverybody that we believe this is
the right way to recruit.

We're driving trust, we'redriving transparency.
We're not selling off yourdata to anybody.
We think that this peer topeer model is the way to bring back
some of that ownership inmedicine to the physician community.
You're not selling my data either?
You mean I'm not going to getspammed as soon as I register with
Thank you so much for sharingyour information here.
That's it for today's episodeof the Stop Physician Burnout podcast.

We come to you twice a week,Tuesdays and Fridays for just 10
A single digestible nugget ofphysician leadership goodness from
my 40,000 doctor coaching andtraining practice.
Please subscribe where you getyour podcast and leave us a review
if you're feeling it.
And until we're together againin the next podcast, you keep breathing
and have a great rest of your day.
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