October is AAC Awareness Month and I am thrilled to have Angela Moorad, SLP, on the show today. We are going to be talking really specifically about how to use a split screen or a split view with AAC and another app or program, like YouTube or a book. Angela is going to show you step by step and what to do and how you can use these to enhance the communication of your child or students!
Angela Moorad, MS, CCC-SLP has 35 years of experience in AAC across the lifespan with a primary focus on ages birth to 21 years. She is the founder of OMazing Kids AAC Consulting, has done extensive beta testing and feedback for therapeutic, educational and AAC apps across the iOS, Android, Amazon Fire, Chromebook, Windows and Web-Based platforms, is active on social media and in numerous AAC/AT related Facebook groups, and is the author of several in-depth AAC feature matching resources (including info about AAC features to support Gestalt Language Processors) + several other AAC related resources.
Be sure to watch this episode on YouTube too, so you can see Angela demonstrate how to use a split view on a tablet: https://youtu.be/lFq7R-iBYbA
In this episode, Angela Moorad and I talk about:
How to use an AAC app side by side with another app or program
Using a split view/split screen with an AAC app and YouTube
Using a split view/split screen with an AAC app and Kindle
There are no pre-requisites for a robust AAC device
Links Related To This Week’s Episode:
The best way to reach Angela is via Facebook messaging over on her OMazing Kids AAC Consulting Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/OMazingKidsAAC/
Email at: omazingkidsaactpt@gmail.com
You can also connect with her on her blog, social media and TPT:
Teachers Pay Teachers Store:
YouTube: https://youtube.com/user/amoorad1
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/omazingkidsaac
OMazing Kids AAC Consulting Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/OMazingKidsAAC/
AppPeeps Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OMazingKidsAppPeeps/
GoTalk Now AAC & GoVisual Visual Scene Apps – Ideas and Sharing Facebook Group:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/omazingkidsaac
Threads: https://www.threads.net/@omazingkidsaac
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/amoorad
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/OMazingKids/
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/amoorad1
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelamooradomazingkidsaac
AppRaven AAC App Collections: https://bit
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