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May 15, 2024 52 mins

Have you ever felt like you were born with an inner cosmic blueprint - a precise energetic imprint guiding you to your most authentic life? 


I got to sit down with the brilliant Tresa Rivera (@human_design_hypnotherapy), a certified Human Design analyst and hypnotherapist who has devoted her work to unlocking the ANCIENT WISDOM TRADITIONS woven into this fascinating multidimensional framework. She illuminated how Human Design DECODES the unique energetic imprints we each arrive with, breaking it down for us in an accessible way.


We covered the basics like the different ENERGY TYPES (Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, Reflectors, Manifestors) and how getting your chart read by an expert can give you crazy insightful glimpses into your core energetic blueprint. 


Tresa shared mindblowing insights - like how my defined Root center means I need intense bursts of movement, (vs long cardio!). Her teachings provide an initiation into shedding societal conditioning to realign with the sacred forces that shaped our souls’ journeys.


  • The importance of seeing yourself THROUGH YOUR DESIGN rather than society's programming

  • How the 2027 TRANSITS will shift humanity into an era of greater individual expression

  • Practical ways to START EMBODYING the strategy & authority of your HD type

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Episode Transcript

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Oh, here we go with human design. And, Teresa, is it Tresa or.
I should have asked you that. How do you pronounce it? It's Tresa
asking. Yeah, I have a cousin named Tresa with two s's, though, so I thought
yours was tricky. Yeah. Welcome. I've been wanting. I mean, I've
been following your instagram for a while. I think I told you my sister was
like, you should check out this lady. She has, and it's so fun. I

love your personality. I love how real you are with it. And you've given
me insight into my own human design just by some of your
stationery posts that lists, you know, for each of the
design types. It's been really validating for me that
you've couched it and framed it in ways that I haven't heard my human design
in other ways. So why don't you share with us, Tresa, just

how this path found you with human design and also your
hypnotherapy practice and a little bit about your story and background
there. Yeah, absolutely. Well, thank you so much. I mean, first of
all, when I found human design, and I adore
my teacher, the man who gave me my initial reading, but it really felt like
I was listening to a foreign language. It was like, okay, Yoda.

He's brilliant. But. So, when I decided to go to
human design school, it was one of those things where I'm kind of hell bent
on making it human design for dummies. I want people to be able
to practically apply this and to be able to understand it in their own
lives. So I love it when people say, I learned
something new on your page. It's one of those things that lights me up so

much. It's a great page, and it's very unique. It's very
unique. Yeah, I love it. Yeah. Yeah. So, I'm
a certified hypnotherapist. I got my
hypnotherapy certification with the American Board of Hypnotherapy. Oh.
Five years ago. Six years ago, anyway.
Shortly. Yeah, no, it was probably five years ago, because I've been in human

design school for four years. So shortly after I started my
hypnotherapy business, my sister came home from a
retreat one day and said, I found this great thing called human design. See, I
found human design for my sister, too. Yeah,
sisters. They want to fix us. It's why they
want to fix this. It's true. We need

fixing. And so I was like, I don't know what
you're talking about. You're using all of these words. It's going over my head.
Just give me the guy's phone number that read your chart.
I'll call him. And we sat down the next
day, and I had never felt so seen.
Who was this guy, you know, who lives across the country,

who's never met me before, that is speaking secrets to my soul
that my husband doesn't even know. I've been ashamed
to admit to anybody else about myself. And within my first human
design chart reading, I knew two things. I knew
that it was one of the most profound experiences I've ever had. And
I knew I needed to understand why. Why. Why was

it so accurate? And so a week later, I called the guy up and was
like, okay, I need you to read my husband's chart. And then a week later,
I called him up and was like, read my kids charts. And then I told
him I had four chart readings. And after a month, I
said, I think I need to go to human design school. And he
looked at my chart and said, no, you're a single definition splenic manifesto. You're going

to be bored. You're a really fast learner. I have the whole channel of
talent. He said, let me teach you. So I've had a private teacher. I've been
in human design school for four years, and I am
now a trained analyst. And I am to that level where
I'm. I do you know now you're Yoda. You're the
Yoda. I try to be a modern aged Yoda,

though. I might not be as
poetic as my teacher, but I really do my best to say things in a
logical way. But I didn't stop doing hypnotherapy. What I realized
is that everything I learned about human design can
actually impact my hypnotherapy in a way that gives me very
curated and specific tools in order to not just

work with somebody, but to help them grow into a
version of them they didn't even realize they could be.
So, yeah, that's fantastic. I mentioned to you that I'm
studying Gene Keys, which is kind of an offshoot of human design with
Richard Red. And I'm diving deep into kind of that mystery school associated with that.
They're very much symbiotic gene keys in human design.

And we could be talking. I mean, we could do thousands of hours of
training on both of those. But. But
I agree with you. When these. When these things find you, it's. It's how you're
built. Like, you can take a personality test, like strings
finder, or, you know, some of those, like, where you question like, it's
multiple choice, let's just say, and then you can get kind of a reading from

that. But human design and jinkies, they're based on
you. Like your template, your birth details, your
astrological profile based on the I Ching. And all the ancient
technology that was really lost, that's now, I guess, making a resurgence. And
I think that's why people are so fascinated with it and it's finding so many
people because this is an ancient technology

that the Chinese knew about, like, what, 5000 years ago?
And it's coming and making a comeback because people are wanting to like what's
going on in the earth, what's going on with me, why am I here? What
are my gifts? How can I express? What are my shadows? What are my
pitfalls? So how would you explain human
design just kind of in a nutshell for people? Maybe this is their first

exposure to it and they want to kind of know an overall, like,
definition of it. Yes, one of my favorite things to lay out.
And so the human design system takes four
very separate, very ancient system. The Chinese Yi Qing being one of
them. It also takes our chakra system, it takes aspects of the jewish
kabbalah, and it takes aspects of astrology, and it gives us

this in depth, detailed and, you know, you mentioned the
I ching. I think what a lot of people don't understand about the Chinese I
Ching is that it is an ancient genetic coding system.
Not only that, but the binary between
masculine and feminine, yin and yang, solid and
broken, one and two. The whole binary of our genetic coding

system stems from the Chinese I Ching. And it has like
64 codons or something that are expressed in the human genome
sequence, right? That's right. So if you were to look at the
hexagrams of the I Ching, there's 64 of them.
It is a mirror image, exact mathematical
match to the 64 codons in our DNA. Now, we have hundreds of

different genetic potentials, but we only have 64 codons, and those
codons are the building blocks of all of our DNA. And
so when I sit down and have a reading with people, I really try to
help them understand that human design is not a personality
typing system. It'S just your design, your actual design, right? It's
a genetic coding system. And your personality is a

byproduct of what's in your actual DNA. And where does your DNA
come from? Right. Comes from mom and your dad and your ancestors
and all of those things. But every time mom and dad have a little
baby, right, mutation occurs.
And everything about human design is about the fact that we have been
evolving and mutating as humans for thousands of years, and

we are in the midst of not just a genetic
mutation, right, gene keys, but an actual
spiritual evolution, an emotional and
spiritual evolution around all of that. So fascinating. I actually have chills
when you said that, because it's like spirit DNA, too, right? Like, our soul has
been evolving, and that's manifesting also in our. Would you say that that's

manifesting in our human design as well, like the path of our
soul? Or is it just this lifetime?
100%. And it's evolving as quickly as these
physical bodies can, because as these physical bodies, right,
they're the house, which is the body needs
to be at a certain vibrational level in order for

evolved soul to sit within the house. And this is a lot of the work
that we're doing now. As a matter of fact, when I look at your chart
and I see that you're quad, right, one of those things that I know is
that you are one of those more evolved spiritual beings
who came here to spearhead the whole
evolution. Because everywhere we're headed towards after the year

2027 has to do with that, right?
Energy that let go, let God, that
divine feminine. Then how come I haven't mastered that yet? Tresa,
because you live in a world filled with
leftness. You live in a world with 1ft, in a
hard, heavy, masculine, focused,

strategic. World, which I have to say has been a huge part of my wound,
that patriarchal wound. Right. Of that.
So when you say 2027,
that just kind of woo. I just had a little. What does. What do you
mean by that? What's going to go on? I've heard a few things that what's
going to happen over the next couple years are prepping us for something bigger. So

it's interesting you say that. 2027. Yeah. Well, first of all,
from a day to day standpoint, it's not like a wrecking ball is going to
come. Come across. Like it's. You're. You know, it's not like there's a big
event that's going to happen in 2027. That's not what it is. What's happening is
astrologically our global incarnation.
Cross is shifting. So we have some big

astrological transits that are coming around in the year
2027. And from a human design perspective, the
programming field, the astrological transit
programming field, the neutrino field, is going to be shifting
towards this new, I mean, haven't you ever heard people talk about the age of
Aquarius? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. We entered into that, though, right? December of

2021, we are still in. The age of
Pisces. I've heard different things. So different people say different
things. Yeah. Well, from a human design perspective, we
are about to step into the very last
phase of the era of Pisces. And within
that, we're on the roof, we're leaping off into Aquarius, and we're

going into this interim phase of entering into
this next stage of humanity. Now, within that, there's
going to be a lot of mutation, physical mutation. Genetic
mutation. We're already seeing it happen. This might be a little bit too
much, but I'm going to say it. No, no, no. Nothing's too much on the
show. I'm going to tell you, one of. The genetic mutations that we're already

watching happen right now is autism and the amount of numbers
of autistic children being born. And after the year
2027, there is said to be even
more numbers as we as a physical species
start evolve into the next. It's not going to be
human. It's going to be something else. We call them rave children. And

again, rave. Rave. Yes. Yeah. Because
I heard of, like, the Indigo children and I actually studied
autism in college 30 years ago. Oh, my
gosh. And there was a 1300 percent
increase in autism at that time. So.
And I actually have a child on that spectrum. I know you do as well.

They do. Yeah. Yeah. Which to me is one of those things where it's like,
okay, this is what we're doing. We are. This is why we're here, you
know? And so, yep, the year 2027, nothing's going
to happen overnight. This genetic shift that we're going
through is going to take a couple of hundreds of years, but we are
certainly going to see a couple of things around the year 2027. First

of all, right, now, we're currently in a collective incarnation,
cross meaning that we have spent the past couple thousands
of years, you know, building collectively
collective banking systems, collective school systems, collective society.
Well, after that, kind of like group. Think maybe, or just like
organizational, institutional kind of control and. Are you

talking about that too? Institutional. Right. Collective is not the same as
tribe. Tribe is like family. Right? Tribe the same, dress the same, wear
the same. Right. And then within the tribes, you have an individual who's
unique. You know, you like David Bowie. Right? Or they're different. They're here
to mutate things. They're here to change things. Well, we're, we're shifting from
a collective incarnation, cross, into an individual incarnation

cross. And so something that we are already seeing right now is the
breakdown of collective structures, collective
school systems. We see a lot of people homesteading and pulling their kids out of
collective schools. The breakdown of collection, collective religious structures,
the bank, the breakdown of collective banking systems. All of this push
towards bitcoin, push towards cryptocurrencies, people wanting

to take their own individual power back. And some of the things
that was already always traditionally very collective. It's
kind of like the rebirth of the sovereign soul, maybe. Oh, that's beautiful.
That all of us were kind of like, sovereignty came to me. That word just
like, lit me up probably about eight years ago, six years ago, maybe.
And what you're saying is speaking to that, I think a lot of people, because

I would say it, and people would be like, what do you mean by that?
Like a monarchy, God, like, no, you, yes,
your sovereignty individually, that's so fascinating. So
it's an individual incarnation cross versus the
collective that we're moving into. Yeah.
Yeah. So, and that is one of those human design rabbit

holes where it's like, hi, tell me about human design.
Okay, let's talk about how much time you have. Intricate,
situated, and nobody is, you know, it's. It's not,
that's, it's not going to. It's interesting to know, but it's
not the thing about human design that's going to, like, impact your life or
make you a better mom or a better partner to your husband or.

But just knowing how you're built and how you orient, I think, is
so powerful. It's one thing to go to, like a
facilitator or training, or take a course or this or that and learn
about general and universal aspects to a human. Or
maybe your personality type, let's just say, because that's my training is in psychology,
but it's quite another to be able to

look at how you incarnate it. Like, literally
everything was combining for you to incarnate into a
certain life station number one, where you're
born, the time you're born. And
you said, it's more than just astrology. It's what else? It's
with the human sign. Yeah, we've got astrology, we've got the

chakra systems, which all goes back to the physical body. We have
the, uh, the tree of life, the jewish
kabbalah, which helps us understand how the energy
flows through the body. Right. Because we are a
tree. We are the tree of life. Yeah, one of them. Oh,
right. Collectively, well, there's like the tree of life, of the universe.

And I like to look at it as a feminine image of mother, but
that's the kabbalah. Is a feminine, jewish mystical teachings really
based on that? Feminine wisdom, traditional. But like you
said, you know, we are the chart. You know, we
are the tree. And so orienting, knowing how
you root it, what roots you, right? What makes you flower,

what the fruit that is born from your tree, what is that for you?
Right? And the thing that everybody misses when it comes to human
design is how all of that is happening. When you look at your
human design chart, you see two basic colors. You see everything in black
and you see everything in red. And everything in black
represents what we call our personality. And

you'll hear people say, oh, it's our conscious awareness, and everything in red is our
unconscious awareness. But what is the conscious
awareness? And what is the conscious awareness? 5% of our brain
power, right? It's what's happening right now, right? It's the
captain of the ship. Unconscious awareness is the ship itself. It's
95% of the brainpower. But mystically, our

consciousness existed long before we got
into this body, and our consciousness will exist long after. Mystically,
the consciousness really is the soul. Call it what you want, call
it spirit, call it source. But when this consciousness is
in a body, we have an imprinting, and that's what we call our
personality, right? It's everything we see in black. But on the other side

of the chart, everything you see in red, unconscious awareness,
95% of the brain power. It runs our autonomic
functions, our heart rate, our digestion, our breathing. It is the mind of the
body. And so when you're looking, we call it your design. And so
in the chart, everything you see that is red. Think about that. Like, this is
my body. And when you look at your chart, those two columns are so

different. What your personality, what your mind thinks
your body should want are night and day difference
because your body doesn't want, doesn't act. And
everybody is running around, and their minds treat their bodies
like slaves. Their minds control their bodies,
right? And that's what human design is all about. It's about taking

the decision making power away from your personality,
away from your mind, and giving it back to the body, back to
the trillions of cells, all with their infinite amount of
wisdom. That's what strategy and authority is all about.
That's what the human design system is about. Yeah. So I should mention,
you are a six two splenic manifester. I am a

three five splenic projector. So let's go to
the splenic. So you said everyone has this inner Thor or this, like,
authority, right? Yes. Want to explain that part? Because that was really
fascinating to me when I dove into human design. Absolutely. So for
splenic, that's our authority. That's right. And think about
the word authority, like your guidance system. Now, inner

authority always points to a place inside the physical body.
Everything about human design is about our fleshy, bloody, bony,
physical body, which I. Love, because we don't bypass that,
right? We're here to work with our body. Right? It is what it is. We
got this body, and boom, here we are. Here we are.
Or being dysfunctional or disassociate from your. Body, and then

you're in. Right, which is what a lot of
humanity is currently doing. But so, yeah, so,
so there's a bunch of different inner authorities depending on what
type you are. We have a splint authority. It's not
one of the most common authorities. And in human
design, the spleen center, that chakra system

that we call spleen, that center is all about
safety. It is the oldest awareness
center. It's all about fear. It's about keeping you
healthy and safe. You know, there's a deer. She's in the
meadow. She doesn't hear something, she doesn't see something, but she freezes. She senses something.
She knows something. Biologically, the spleen

is connected to our lymphatic system. It's connected to our immune system. Oh, my
gosh. Oh, my gosh. I have had lymph problems. Or
I did. Yeah. Through my whole growing up
years, like, I always had sore throats. I got mono in college. Like,
lymph just builds up in me. And that's interesting you say that, wow.
In those years, you were very living out as a version of something you

were not, and your mind was forcing you into
complying into a structure of belief that didn't
serve you, you know, and. And then here's the beautiful body saying,
you're not listening to my intuition. You're not trusting yourself. You're
not trusting the way that life is supposed to happen. You're trusting all of this
exterior wisdom instead of trusting your own wisdom. And the

body speaks. The body had. The body is wisdom. And if you don't listen to
the body, the body will be like, okay, I guess I'll just have to talk
louder. I guess I got to get her attention another way. Yeah, it'll ramp
up right, absolutely. So, yeah, in the not
self version of splenic beings, we see a lot of autoimmune diseases, we see
a lot of lymphatic diseases, we see a lot of sicknesses and

illnesses. The truth is, is that when you have a splenic authority, you came here
to have a really strong, powerful immune system
that is, that doesn't compromise. But when you're acting out as a not
self version of you, that's so. Interesting because I'm normally very, very healthy. It's just
the lymph. It's just. Wow. My oldest,
I have three daughters and three sons. My oldest daughter is also a three, five

splenic projector. So we're really good mirrors for each other that
way. Um, so I feel like when I'm telling her things, I'm really telling
myself honestly. So what are the other authorities?
So splenic. Yeah. What are some of the others? So think about
splenic. And splenic is like your inner intuition.
So spleen is always going through this deep binary between fear and

trust wrapped up in fear. Right. You came here to
trust, and it speaks once and it speaks in the now. And that's it. It's
that, yeah. Like, if you. I noticed that about myself, I know right away,
and if I don't, if I go into second guessing or self doubt, it's
gone. It's gone. It's hard to get it back. It's gone because your immune
system is reaching out into the environment all day, every day,

saying, this is safe. And then the moment passes. Oh, this is not safe. This
is safe. Oh, new, new virus, new bacteria, not safe. Right. Well, we
have these 6th sense fingers of
psychic intuition within the splenic center. And so
we get those intuitive knowings, intuitive hits, and
if we don't listen to it in the now, absolutely, they pass. So the

most common inner authority to have is an emotional
authority. You could think, almost all my kids have that. Yeah, yeah.
You can be any type and have an emotional. And when
you're thinking about the emotional authority, what a lot of people misunderstand,
they think that your emotions are your guidance system.
Where I believe in a lot of contexts,

emotions can guide us. But if you have an emotional
authority, what it's saying is that your
intense emotional
charge covers up the truth of your
now. So your triggers can actually mask
how you're supposed. Yeah, that was. Thank you. Beautiful.

Reframe. Absolutely. Because for those emotional beings, and you see it in
your kids, they'll get really happy and high and excited. And
emotionally charged. And then they'll do something
or commit to something, and then the next day, their emotional wave will come
down, and then they'll get emotionally
triggered and hard and angry, frustrated, and why did I do that thing? And

I'm gonna take it all back, and I'm gonna burn the house down. And human
design says, actually, maybe just
don't make a decision when you're emotionally charged. Maybe just
time. Take lots of time. Right. Which is hard
for us splenic authorities because we just want to do it now. And
I could be impulsive with that. Right? But I'm an activator. And so

as soon as I get the thing, I move on it. It's hard for me
to be around people who don't, who have to cultivate a little more
time. And I have to be more patient with those other
types because they need that extra time like you're talking
about, to kind of mull it over and have it sit in their body.
That's right. And for people like me and you, we cannot

wait. We cannot take time. Our lives, things will
not work out for us if we do take that time. And yet at the
same time, here we are with family members and spouses and
friends. Right? And so if you're in a home with emotional beings in
your splenic or sacral, if you're not emotional,
always let the emotional person find clarity around the.

You don't even worry about making the decision. Right. So let's
take a family decision. Right? Where are we going to go on
vacation? Right. So you let the emotional beings
decide where they want to go on vacation. And once their decision is
made, let them take as much time. Then you can come in at the last
minute and say if you want to go or not. Oh, so we get to

be like, it stops with me.
You're the last minute person. Like, no, I don't really feel like doing that. Don't
go. And one of those things is really giving each other permission and
compassion around this thing might be right for me, but it might not be right
for you. Right. And that, that's where the judgment can come in. Like, I got
a real hit on this as a definite no for me or a definite yes.

And the person standing next to me is not getting that. I tend to
put my judgment of how it's not right for me, at least I have in
the past. I'm trying to be more conscious of this. Why isn't this resonating for
you too? Yeah. Or why did I get the call to like leave this
institution when you didn't and you're thriving there. But for me
it's, you know, my not self. What,

okay, so what are the different kinds of authority? So we have splenic,
emotional sacral. What are these
emotional sacral. Ego, ego
projected, self projected, mental.
Did I leave anything out? Oh, there's quite a few. Oh, yeah,
there's, there's quite a few different,

yeah, the, there's only two authorities. There's only
two types that have no inner authority. About
3% of the population. They don't have a consistent guidance
center inside of their. I coached someone who was a projector who had
that. She had no, she's like, well, what do I do?
Yeah, yeah. Well, it doesn't mean that their body isn't guiding them through wisdom. It

means that there's an inconsistency. One day their sacral might guide them, the next
day their spleen might guide them, the next day their ego might guide them. Okay,
so it's like a high gift actually, because they can, yeah,
it can be. But for them they really need, it's all
about environments for them. So they need sounding
boards. They need to bounce ideas off of things.

And when they're in an environment that feels good, it means that the people in
that environment are going to be good for them and then they can go ahead
and use them as a sounding board. And if they're not in the right environment,
it will have obviously the opposite effect on their health and
vitality. So we have authority
and then let's talk about the numbers. So you're at six

two, I'm a three five. How many? There's six numbers altogether, is that right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's no, there's twelve, there's six numbers and then there's twelve
different profiles. Yeah. So when we're looking at human design, the
biggest stuff to understand first of all is type.
Second of all, strategy and authority. So type
comes from strategy. I'm sorry, strategy comes from type. I said that

backwards. And then each type has a strategy and authority.
So your strategy is like your game plan. What are you going to do? What
are you going to do? But your strategy comes from your type.
And then each type with their strategy and authority has a
profile. And that profile is like your outfit. It's
like a theme that follows you from

your whole life. And you can have those profiles are interchangeable.
So you can be a different strategy and a different authority authority and still have
a three five profile or a six two profile or a one four profile.
Interesting. So
for the lay person who just, they're starting to feel
like, oh, my gosh, there's so much to keep in mind. What would you. So

first of all, they can go to your website and get a free profile and
get their human design done on your website, which is humandesign, where you can. They can,
they can get their chart done or book a reading with you or whatever. Or
I know you have a masterclass coming up as well, and we're going to give
our listeners a discount code for that. But,

but let's just say they're like, okay, I just got my, I just
got my chart in, and I'm a, I don't
know, one three generator. Yeah.
Beautiful. What would you say? Okay, so
in my family, so with the kids, I have one projector,
three manifesting generators, and two

generators. And the ones that are generators, I
totally, like, I totally see differently. Or, like,
it's so fascinating. Um, but like, okay,
so they just got their thing done and they're like, oh, it says I'm a
one three generator. Where would you have them go first?
Like, what is the first thing that you would have them focus on once they

find out their type? What's the
best? Like, little mini rabbit hole to go down just to maybe understand
their type first and then understand, like, look at the numbers? Or would you
just say type and then authority and
strategy? Yeah. Well, first of all, type, strategy
and authority. That's strategy. Authority. Okay. Now, is it okay

if I explain a little bit about type? Oh, yes, please. Yeah.
So my favorite analogy, my favorite way of talking about a type
is that life is just a play. We're all part of this
beautiful play. And these physical bodies that we're in.
Right? These vehicles that we're in. When we're looking at the scene,
the set of a play, about 70% of the people

partaking in the play, putting on the play, are
actors in some way, shape or form. And that's what the generators
are. All generators and manifesting generators. They're both
generator types. They're the stars of the show. They've got all of this
sacral energy. They're the builders of our world. They're
the birthers of the babies. Even though, you know, I told you. My

sister's the one that told me human design. She's a generator. She's fitting all these
pretty well, that you're saying. Yeah, absolutely. And so within these
generators, there's two types. There's pure generators, and there's
manifesting generators. Both are generator types. They came here to
respond. They came here to do what they want, when they want,
and when they do all of their energy flows, and,

you know, they can really build this amazing world. Well, peer
generators, think about them like traditional script readers. They go
step by step. They're, you know, they go operate a little bit
slower, but they're very focused. They do one thing at a time, and then
manifesting generators are kind of like the improv actors. So they're kind of all over
the place. They work a little bit. That's my husband, pretty much. Yeah. And then

he'll topple back around to, like, miss a bunch of stuff and then circle back
around. Right. Both have defined sacrals. Both came here to
respond. Both are generator types. They're the builders of our world. Now, about
20% of the population are projectors,
and the projectors are the directors of the play. So
all projectors see things that other types don't see. They sit a

little bit higher up on their. Their director chair. Right. They got a really good
view of humanity. They've really sensitive. You can really get good
reads on people, and you came here to lead and guide
humanity, but you need them to come to you,
because everything that we're about right now is headed towards
the divine feminine. And in the divine feminine, there is no force or

control. So projectors cannot walk up to somebody and
give them advice. If you do, it's going to feel annoying or invasive. It's
like too much, too fast. Like, you're just. Yeah, so,
yeah, there's another one, too. Yes. The rarest
one. Yeah. Well, so about 9% of the population
are manifesters, and that's what I am. We are like the

writers of the play. We're the initiators of the show. We're like,
you know, Lone Wolf's in the corner. I'm going to come up with
this brand new script, and I'm going to give it to the
projectors, and they're going to guide and lead the generators into doing
the right manifesto is like the white balls on the pool
table. So nobody really takes action until the manifesto does

something. And then the generators respond, and then the projectors
guide and lead the generators in response. And finally,
1% of the population, we have reflectors. And think about the reflector,
like, the audience. They're like the critically acclaimed
movie critic. They came here to tell us if our play
sucks or if we're doing it.

Just kidding. No, but they probably, like, reflect back.
What's going on, like, in their body. Right? 100%.
They sample, they highlight, and they will reflect back. And so if
you're hanging out with a reflector and you just really don't like them, well, there
are aspects of you that you don't realize. They're just triggering what's in
you that you don't like about yourself. That's right. They're very wise. They're

very intuitive. They're all very psychic. They're, you know, and. And no matter
what type you are, you can be conditioned and to be the exact
opposite of who you came to be. Right. So many. And that, I think
that was me, to be honest, for the first half of my life, I was
trying to conform more to that.
Let's just say emotional authority generator family

of. That was what was held up, and my
intuition was not honored, especially my feminine
side. Yeah, yeah. And I could feel it in my body. Like, somebody
would teach a concept, and I'm talking about my religion of
origin, right. Somebody would teach, because that was my whole entire worldview and
everything I was immersed in, in my family and my culture and my everything. So

somebody would teach a concept, and I would get, like, for instance, when I was
nine years old, I heard about polygamy, which is an early Mormon
practice that they did. And a lot of people know Mormons practice
polygamy in the early days. And I first heard about
it when I was nine, and I only
experienced it as an energetic gut punch, like someone

literally hauled off and punched or kicked me in my midsection.
And that wound stayed there till my forties because I couldn't
take it down. I didn't know what to do with it. It was just, like
you said, an imprint. And
whenever I would ask questions and I would get a response about it, it just
never took that, that kick away. It just stayed there as

an energetic ball of darkness.
So it's interesting that the first half
of my life that I would get a hit on something or
I would discern something, but it wasn't safe. I didn't have that safety you're talking
about with a spleen, even though my spleen was saying, no, that's not right.
But I went into a fear response because they didn't have the

right tools or support to be able to work through what was dissonant
to me, 100%. And you didn't have parents who
knew. They didn't have the capacity to say, oh, you are a
splenic projector, and this is actually your inner guidance system, and you should trust
that before you trust our wisdom, because that's your wisdom, right? We're all
kind of raised in this deep dysfunction. And what's fascinating is that so many people

will look up their human design type strategy, authority and be like, that doesn't
resonate with me. And that's how, you know, you're the
most conditioned version of you. The things that you don't resonate, this is not like
Enneagram. This doesn't change, right? The things that don't
resonate with you, those are your biggest areas of
wounding. That's what you need to work on. And if you look in

my astrology, like my natal astrology, my
deepest wounds are in that house of mother and family and home
Roots foundation, because it's something I came to
work through, especially with the feminine. Yeah. So fascinating.
So, okay, so we've got types. So we've got
generators, manifesting generators, projectors,

reflectors, and manifest. Did I say
manifestors already? So there's five. Yeah, there's
five, but there's really only four. Because generators and manifesting
generators are both generator types, and they both
operate on a fundamental. They have the same Auric
field, they're the same model. I mean, think about vehicles on the

road, right? You have, like, a generator vehicle.
Maybe one of them's a utility vehicle, and maybe one of them is an suv.
Both of them are sports cars, right? In that. I don't know if I said
my analogy, right? And then projectors as being
like a smart car, right? You don't run off the same fuel.
You know, you're an electric vehicle. Yeah. You're still a vehicle. You're on the same

road, but you're not the same model. And then think about manifestos, like semi
trucks, like, yeah, I'm a gum on the road, but I'm
certainly not the same type of vehicle. You know?
You know, the reflector. I mean, almost think about them like a. I don't know.
This is a crude analogy, but like a bicycle, like a motorcycle, like something that
changes, you know, like the kind of each. And so a lot

of manifesting generators will get confused, and they'll want
to act out the manifest or strategy. And
that's the most detrimental thing a manifesting generator can do,
because now they're further conditioning themselves into something they're not. What is the strategy
of a manifesto? Manifesto are the only type that
need nothing and no one to take

action. And as a matter of fact, our whole society is built upon manifesto
conditioning. And manifest conditioning says if you want something, you
got to go out and get it. Initiate action. You got to make
it happen. Right? Grab, go, go. Crush it. Hustle, culture stuff,
those. If me as a manifesto. I cannot
sit around and wait like you as a person. Nothing ever happened.

Trust me. It's not easy for me to sit around and wait.
You can't do it, or it won't work for you. It doesn't work for me
if I do it. And part of the reason why it's not easy for you
is because you were taught at a young age that you were me, that
you're supposed to work like a generator, labor hard like a
generator. Uh uh. Not you. And initiate like a manifesto.
Neither one of those things are you so interesting? Because I have been able to

manifest quite a bit in my life. Um, but I was
getting burned out, and I was feeling unsafe
in some of the models that I was given of what to do, like
business, school, church, everything. Like it. I didn't
quite know how to like, because I would get depleted very easily.
Exhausted. Yeah. You don't have the same energy

systems. And I do have a defined root, and I want
us to talk about the defined centers. I was told that
because I have a defined root as a projector, I have a little bit
more energy or something. Or I have a little. Almost like a generator. A little
bit. You have a
reservoir of energy. It is not like a

generator. Okay. What's it like, then?
Yeah. So, like, what makes a generator a generator? So we have a couple of
different motors in the body. And think about these motors, like pockets, like
purses. They hold energy, they store energy. Well, the
generators have life force,
vitality, energy, aliveness. And they have a very

consistent amount of this when they're operating
correctly. So many generators have no energy because
they're not themselves. They're forcing themselves into jobs that
they hate and relationships they hate, and then they're really tired and frustrated. But you,
as a projector, you have that root energy. Root
energy is adrenalized pressure. It's

adrenalized stress, and it is a powerful
motivator. It's a powerful tool. This is why Capricorn
is. You know this why? You're right. It's the drive. It's the
fuel. Let's work. Let's make things happen, people. Let's go.
Hey. Hey. This thing isn't right. And I see something that's not right. So
we're going to fix it. We're going to make it better. It's more that adrenalized

push now. Now the pressure, the root center is not
like this consistent energizer bunny. Chug, chug, chug. It's not
there. Like, it's like a 24/7 thing. No, it works in a
pulse. Energy is in a
totally. See that about myself. Yeah. Right now, people like
you with this adrenalized, consistent pressure movement's really

important for people like you because. And now you're a
projector. You're not a generator. You don't need to go do an hour worth of
cardio every day. But, like, that's good to know. And ten minute hiit
workout, where you're getting your energy, you're releasing
that adrenalized stress in a healthy way. It's gonna be good for your immune
system, it's gonna be good for your hormones, it's gonna be good. Your heart rate

and your blood pressure. Because I have noticed if I don't move
my body, it's not good. We're talking that lymph, right. If
I don't move it every single day, like, if I just have a day where
I'm just, like, at my desk all day or whatever, I'm indoors or whatever, I
can feel my mental clarity diminishing. I can feel just
everything. My relationships feel weird. That's interesting you say that, because

I. I don't want to work out for an hour. I don't.
You know, and, like, it doesn't even. Yeah, as a matter of
fact. Especially my projector clients. Especially my projector clients with defined
roots. It's kind of like, okay, well, if you want to start weightlifting. Cool.
Do one perfect set. Do one perfect
set of each exercise and then be done. You don't need to be

doing three sets of twelve reps. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. You just
changed my entire life. You don't. You will build more
muscle if you. The less is more for you. Movement is
important, but less is more. That's
so good to know because I can feel me just like, yeah, the
programming is real around, like, this is how you should exercise, and this is what.

And I just let go of all of it and stopped for a long time.
And now I'm coming back into this regulated space because I'm
more interested in restorative principles, like restorative
practices. Because I do one of
my. In my gene keys, I have the shadow of exhaustion for my. For my
work in the world, and I have to really, really work at that. You gave

me some really good insight about.
With those of you who are into gene keys or just getting started and this
is a really fascinating thing that you offered to me before we started recording that,
because gene keys and human design are roughly built around the same model
of, like, how we're built and whatnot
cosmically and here on the earth, that

my. That you can look at your human design profile and kind of see that
there's one gene key that encapsulates.
Of the 64 gene keys, there's one that encapsulates kind of your human
design at its core. And mine is number
38, which is tied to my life. Is it always tied to your life
work? The human design gene key that is. You know, I'm

not sure about because. I don't know. I don't. I haven't studied human
design. But what I know is that there is. I mean, you haven't studied gene
keys. I mean, I studied. You have studied jeans. I do
study human design. Thank you. But when you're looking at your
chart, the upper right hand corner is what your entire
human design chart is built around. It's the cornerstone. And that's

where, like, if you were to just go look up your gene keys, and it's
like, oh, I'm a gene key. This. That's where they're getting that information. But with
that being said, the human design, that one is the most
important. But there's four gates within your incarnation, cross,
and the human design chart. So it's the. The top, upper
right gate, the gate right beneath it, and then on. So

the top two on the left and the top two on the right. The top
two in red and the top two in black. Those four gates make up about
70% of your personality. It's your incarnation,
Cross. It's your life's purpose. It's what you came here to
wake up into. And it all comes
from that cornerstone. Mine just happens to be about being

provoked. Provocation. I told you, the root word
is provo. Yeah, we know what the funniest
thing about provokers is. I mean, your button pushers.
Oh, yeah, I totally. Yeah, I really trigger. I. Yes, totally.
And one of the disruptor. I think I have disruptor energy. People don't know that
about me, but I just hang around me a little bit, and I'll find something

to disrupt. Well, you're
the type of person that lets this shit hit the fan. And
guess what? It happens whenever shit hits the fan, somebody's got to go
through and bleach the whole room, and it ends up getting cleaner than it
was before the shit hit the fan. And so we need people like you. We
need the disruptors. You know, gate 39, the gate of provocation. Or

is it 38? 38? You're a 38 39. So
you're in your sun, and then your 39 is in your earth. And that's
what grounds. So provocation grounds you into that. Those are the. Those two are
programming partners, right? Yes. Okay. That's a genie. Jinkies.
I got it. Okay. Because in jinkies, that's your evolution. 39 is my
evolution, 38 is my life's work, and 39 is my abolition.

What it appears on a day to day surface. Gate
39s move really slowly. They just take their
time. They just do the thing that they're doing. They're kind of meanderers.
They take their time making decisions. And that, in
so many ways, that is one of the most provoking thing that a gate
39 does. It's not like gate 39s are constantly running

around being jerks, but it's just like you're doing your thing, and
then somebody's like, okay, let me know. And you're like, um,
wow. And they're like, hurry
up, you're cakey too long, right? It's a. Everything.
There's so much timing for you. Wrapped up incarnation cross,
just taking your interesting. And you said my incarnation cross

was tension. And I feel that. I feel like I've always held tension of two
sides, trying to be on the middle path, trying to hold
paradox, which wasn't held up as a good thing. I was
held up to be black and white for me. And so I sort of
rebelled against that in my second half of life. I'm like, let's look at the
nuance. Let's go in the middle.

So interesting. So let's kind of. I know we could
just keep. This is so fascinating to me. I want to
know, as we kind of round this out, and you talked about, like,
the earth has its own profile, it has its own
trajectory, it has its own mission. It has its own jinkies in human design,
if you will. And we're

like. A lot of us are sensitive to
what's happening in the earth, even though we can't articulate it
like we'd like, but we can feel it in our bodies. We have the eclipse
and all these other things happening, these big astrological transits.
So. And you mentioned that in 2027, there's some big changes coming with
the collective, and we're moving more into that individualism in a higher

way, not like a selfish way. So
when you work with your clients and you look at what's going on the earth,
what would you say is kind of, if you could kind of wrap this up
for us in a way that makes us maybe look at things a little deeper
or maybe, maybe just an
overall message around what we can do as we move forward

with all these changes, how can we ground into
who we are and really embrace that?
Yeah. Well, you know, it's beautiful. I mean, I was born in
87. I'm not going to tell the world. Oh, my gosh, that's the year I
graduated from high school. I could have had you my senior year and be your
mom. Well, I mean,

I see this. I know that you see this more emphatically than I see this
because you had, you know, another decade or a half right
before I even entered into this world. The
energy on our planet is shifting. Life when you were in
high school is not the same life as the. It was
hard, it was mean, it was dense, it was heavy,

it was cruel. Yeah. I still have high school dreams. Yeah.
Oh. Oh, my God. The bullying. It's like, my daughter's
16 and there's an entire mental health facility. Like a. Like a room
that they can go if they're having a bad day, where they can just. Wouldn't
that have been. No. We see the energy of our planet
raising. We see the hard, heavy, lower frequencies

starting to lift. We see people, more and more people
every year wanting to go through their self development, self
discovery journeys, waking up to spirit exiting,
bonding, detrimental religious
systems that have been holding them back, spiritually imprisoning
them. We see this as something that is just naturally starting

to happen in our collective. The frequencies are raising. And when
we're looking at human design, we have this theme in each type has
a theme, a true self theme, and a not self theme. And so we want
to bypass, we want to get right to the meat and potatoes of what human
design. Let's get to the shortcut. What can people do? Focus on
living out your true self theme. So for you,

it's success. But I hate that word because I. Don'T like it either. It
doesn't really appreciation.
Because when a projector is seen and heard,
when somebody asks a projector for guidance or for advice,
how do you feel? You feel appreciated. But not only that, what you're giving
to them is the literal definition of appreciation.

You're bettering their journey, you're bettering them, you are appreciating
them, and you feel appreciated. And so. And it doesn't matter
what you are feeling appreciation around.
If you were to just wake up in the morning and look around
your house and think about all of the things you appreciate. You would put
your body, your aura, your frequency in a place

of appreciation. And the powerful law of attraction can do what it
does and pull to you all sorts of other things that
make you feel appreciated. And this is the magnetic
aura to bring people. Okay. Yeah. It reminds me of that saying,
what you appreciate appreciates success. What you
and for you as a projector, take that word success

and think appreciation. And now your body is speaking
to you through chemistry. It's going to tell you when you feel
bitter, it's the same feeling as unseen, unheard,
unwanted, rejected, left out, sad. All of
those words are sent, basically. Just encapsulated my childhood.
I have a beautiful childhood, but I don't think I was really seen for my

gifts and for who I am. As most of us, that's most of us,
right? Well, her children have more childhood wounding
than any other type because you needed more one
on one attention. Your need to be seen
and heard and recognized is this podcast.

Sorry, but the childhood. So the projector children,
they just need a little bit extra of that appreciation and
attention and recognition for being seen and
heard for who they are and what they are. And what if a
projector child is in a.
How do you do this when you're a child that your parents aren't,

you know, seeing and like you're in a culture or a system that doesn't
honor your projectiveness? You just have to wait till you get older, I guess, and
just kind of. That's exactly right. Then what? A couple things
happen. First of all, you inherently believe
that your worth and value is not important. I mean, you know what that's
like. You're a little projector child. You see things that grown ups don't see. You

know things that grown ups don't know. You try to share your wisdom, you try
to share your advice, you get shoved down, you get put in the corner alone.
Everything you are has to do with guiding the other. If you're alone, there
is no other. You can't do your fundamental job as a human.
This is some serious wounding. And then what will happen is the projector will grow
up unconsciously believe that that's what love is, and start

attracting partners into their life that don't see them, don't hear them, don't recognize them,
because they believe that that's what love. Is, that
deep and profound. Because I did have relationships like that.
You are just a wealth of, like, I feel like I could just sit at
your feet and just, like, ask you a ton of questions and, like,
learn so much. But why don't you reiterate to our listeners where they can

find you what you're offering right now and,
yeah. How they can. How they can dive into this without overwhelm.
Really, the best way to dive into human design without overwhelm is to have
your chart read by a professional chart reader, a
professional human design analyst, somebody who has
not studied human design in Google, somebody who's actually studied the deeper

mechanics of human design, who can give you the meat and potatoes of who you
are. And then within all of that, I'm very
passionate about emotional health, mental health, psychological aspect.
That's why I became a hypnotherapist in the first place. And so when you step
into human design, you're going to find all sorts of deep emotional
wounds, repressed negative emotions, limiting beliefs.

And I use hypnotherapy to help heal a lot of that so
that you can move through your human design experiment and deconditioning process
a lot easier, supported and all. So I do one
on one. I know you have a, like, kind of a waiting list right
now, or you're, like, booked a couple of months out. So I think it. But
just listeners, it's worth it. I haven't had a reading from you other than

this conversation today, but it is. So I did have
my chart read by a professor, and it made all of the difference because I
was trying to figure it out on my own, and it just didn't, it
wasn't computing in my psyche.
Absolutely. It's. And a lot of people use a lot of words that
are complicated and having somebody break it down. So I do one on one

readings. I do hypnotherapy sessions, like, let's just clean it up. Let's
heal. You don't need to be dealing with it anymore. And right now, I'm actually
starting to put together masterclass courses where I'm teaching.
And so if you don't want to wait, if you want to hop onto my
master classes or if you want to go to my website and download
videos so that you can just start learning on your own, we've got also, and

I have self guided hypnosis recording, so nice
per time, and they can. Get a free test for their human design right on
your website as well. So that's humandesign
Absolutely. Yeah. Yep. Thank you so much, Tresa. This was
fascinating. It was so great to chat with you. Thank you for having me on.
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