On this special bonus episode of #LatinosOutLoud #RachelLaLoca sits down with Founder and Owner of #ConBod and #ConBud on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, Coss Marte. They discuss how his incarceration lead to the creation of his businesses, and how he's giving back to the community that made him. As a business owner who served his time, he is now serving the ex-con community with job opportunities at his businesses, in an effort to truly course-correct lives. The two Dominicanos converse on-location at Con Bod, a jailhouse-type gym that serves attendees with prison-style bootcamp exercise classes daily. After you get your body right, you can head right next door to Con Bud, the dispensary, where you can get your mind right.
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HAPPY 4/20!
#LatinosOut #ConBody #RachelLaLoca #GetYourMindRight