Episode Transcript
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Arwen Bardsley (00:00):
Okay, welcome,
everybody. And here we are with
another episode. And I'm reallyexcited to have Dr. T as my
special guest. Today, Dr. Tholds a Doctor of Chiropractic
degree. He's got also a Bachelorof Science degree in Human
Biology, and is a certifiedclinical hypnotherapist and a
certified massage therapist. Sohe sounds like somebody that
would be great to have in yourback pocket using his remote
healing technique, which he hasdeveloped. So it's a unique
technique, Dr. T is transformedthe health, wealth and well
being of 1000s of people andanimals. So I'm really delighted
to be able to delve into thatwith you today. Dr. T, welcome.
I would love to have you firstof all, just tell us a bit about
you. And I like for people toyou know, explore with us how
they got to be where they arenow. You know what the reason is
that you're doing the workyou're doing now.
Dr T (01:07):
That's all been one great
big accident. Just one accident
after another. Not andliterally, it was been one
accident after another and I, Igot into a couple of motorcycle
accidents in my late 20s. And Iended up in pain, really bad
pain for many years, and wasreally trying to figure my way
out of all that stuff. Andslowly over time, I kept meeting
different people doing differentthings. I looked at all kinds of
different healing modalities.
And finally I found somebody whodid something really different.
And it's what inspired me. Imean, really, he inspired me to
get into healing. He was like,you know, I've known you for six
months. Now, Tony, and you know,you are just to you're just
curious. And he's right. I'mjust very curious. I've always
been curious. And, and he, hesaid, Well, I can tell you this
much, you know, you've had eightjobs in six months. And you'll
never figure out the human bodyor the human condition. And I
just I remember, I kind ofremember that day, but very
clearly remember that day ofbeing like, oh, that's, that's
interesting, you know, and, andof course, I was really bad in
school. So I didn't think Icould even get through school.
And so I think I started with myfirst college classes at age 35.
And so I just started with one,beginning algebra to see if I
could even do it. And next thingI know, it spurred some
interested in just going goingahead and plunging full force
into studying first of allchiropractic, and all these
other modalities as well that Ipicked up along the way, before
chiropractic. I had broken abone, a navicular bone in my
hand. And that's that's thehardest it's the hardest bone in
the body to heal. Any doctor outthere knows that, you know,
that's that's an answer on allof our quizzes, and we're in
school. And so I was seeing anorthopedic surgeon and he was
just like, you know, we onlyhave about 10 more days, maybe
maybe two more weeks. And we'regonna have to do a major surgery
to try and save that bone, and Isaid what are you talking about.
So we'll cut the end of your,the tip of your hip off and find
an artery in your leg that we'lltake out and we'll plug in there
and hopefully, hopefully, we'llsave that bone by doing that or
we freeze the wrist you won't beable to use it for the lot of
things that you're doing and soI left I was I just couldn't
believe I was shocked thatmassive surgery because I'd had
a little you know, small movablecast on for about four months
and he was just like, it's justnot healing. So on my way home
from the doctor's I stopped at ayard sale and and everything
there was junk and I was gettingready leaned across the curb to
leave. And they had a box ofbooks that were They were
literally throwing out and thetop books that heal yourself
with hypnosis. And so I flippedthe guy a quarter and I took the
book home and opened it up andand it just kind of took just
talked about hypnosis and howyou can make your own script and
make your own things and do ityourself on a cassette tape. And
so I did it and I listened to itfor 10 days, I went back the
bone was 100% healed.
And so that is probably whatreally got me that's the that
was probably what really got meinterested in the mind over body
healing. And certainly I becamea hypnotherapy Clinical
Hypnotherapist first I did thatfor a couple of years. And
really just saw the power. And Ijust, I really hold on to my
roots there because in my in mytraining this woman had this
amazing tape from these guysdoing nonverbal hypnosis in the
south, like in Mississippi orsomewhere and, and that always
stayed with me that experienceof seeing how they were doing
this nonverbal so they just takea hand kind of move it around
and get people relaxed, and thenthey would they would do the
scripts in their mind.
Arwen Bardsley (04:42):
oh wow I've
never heard of that.
Dr T (04:43):
Yeah it was completely
nonverbal. And so and then and
then they would show the womanwould come back gosh, I can't
believe I walked out I haven'tsmoked since I was you know
three weeks ago or they wouldcome by they would they had they
demonstrated a number ofdifferent people, people who
were scared of driving aroundcorners driving up and down
hills. smokers anxiety, socialanxiety, these sorts of things.
They were they weredemonstrating they were fixing
this using nonverbal hypnosis.
So that always stayed with me asI was doing my studies. And I've
always kind of was drawn towardsintentional base healing
modalities using intention todrive instruction and to try to
help the body heal itself anddrive itself. And so all of that
is kind of, you know, I really,really sunk my mind into mind
body techniques. And, and it wasjust kind of a natural
progression. And finally, about10 years ago, a client came in
and was like, you know, I thinkyou, you should start working
with angels more. And I have areally interesting Angel story.
Maybe I'll tell it later, but,but she literally had a book and
taught you how to call an Angelsfor healing. And I just was
like, Oh, this is not so dumb,I'm not gonna sit in a room and
put sage around me and light acandle and say, speak these
specific words all. So she'sjust doing how you're doing this
other work you're already doing.
And so I just, I tried it. Andwe have a miracle, right in
front of us, this woman who wasa client. And so that's what
started my journey down thisroad that we're doing now. And
that is using angels forhealing. That's all I do. I
don't do any hands on work, I'm100%, remote, angelic, whatever
you want to call me, I don'tcare. I'm a human engineer, a
client gave me that name, yearsand years ago. And it's just the
idea that I'll look at anything,if it's going to help somebody,
I'm willing to investigate itand look at it. We just had a
class here I teach this teachTNT is a technique, I just had a
class and every now and thenI'll find somebody in class who
does need some physical youknow, sometimes we still need
the physical, you know,maneuvers. But gosh, we had, I
don't even know, seven or eightabsolute miracles within the
class over the weekend.
Unbelievable stuff. It's, it'sreally, it's really amazing.
It's fun to watch. I love wakingup in the morning and checking
my email and seeing the miraclesthat we had yesterday. And it's
really, it's hard to wrap yourmind around until you see it.
And that's why one of our modelsis seeing is believing. So we
have people who've never doneany healing at all having having
a miracle within the first hourfrom across the room. So it's
it's pretty stunning. It'sastounding. I mean, it's
astonishing. It's like you'rejust you know, once you once you
see it, and you start going, ohmy god, I can't believe it, or
is it really gone? And then thenext person does it. And then
the next person does it. Andthis was pretty, it was pretty
Arwen Bardsley (07:28):
So a couple of
things from that for me, first
of all, why did this client comein and say to you in particular,
oh, I think you should, youshould work more with angels.
Dr T (07:41):
Well she was a she's a
doctor, first of all. So she was
a doctor, she's a homeopathicdoctor. And she was she was very
interested in angels and howthey could be used for healing.
And, and I and so I'm I've she'sbeen a client for over 20 years.
She comes in just about everyweek. And so we have a really
close we're looking workingrelationship but she was always
like, you know, and I would tellher some of the stories that I
had had in my in my life and andparticularly in that house I
lived in Los Angeles I'll tellmy I'll tell my story really
quick. So I had this place I hadthis knock on my gate I just
moved into this new house and itwas impossible how we got this
new house my girlfriend at thetime and I you know it was it's
sold in five minutes. And we didthe backup offer it like 100,000
less than what they wantedbecause the house was falling
down. And so the person got thegiant book that said the house
is falling down, they backed outand we got this this really
amazing unique house it was ontop of this hill in the middle
of Los Angeles I had 50 acres ofpreserved land behind it that
our backyard went down into soI'm surrounded by 30 million
people and I have this giantpark behind my house and let all
the way up into the mountain soyou walk out the front door you
would look at look over downtownLos Angeles and you walk out the
back door and you had this clearopen nature path all the way up
to the mountains in thebackyard. I mean it was just as
amazing house well we moved inand I think it was like our
third day in the house. I hearthis knock on my gate I'm like
who the hell's knocking on mygate no one even knows I live
here open up the gate nurseswoman standing there and she's
like, Hey, I'm here for for forhealing. And I'm like, Who told
you I live here? She says I'vecome to the Self Realization
fellowship and I just know thisneighborhood and I was just
walking by and I felt like therewas a healer here. I said well
I'm in school, I do massage I dohypnosis I do a bunch of
different stuff come on in youknow so I brought her in I
worked on her well turns outthis woman was was highly
psychic and highly highly highlypsychic. She she was pretty much
internationally renowned for hertalents and used by a number of
oh just primarily synagoguesaround the all over all over the
world really they would theywould show her old scrolls and
she tell them what they shewould she would define them for
for you know for for thesynagogue. For the people
running it, and long storyshort, she came for a while and
she said, I have two sons a jerkand a saint. I'm going to bring
you the jerk first. And she did.
She was right. He was a jerk.
And I fixed him. And she's notgoing to bring you the saint
next week. And so theappointment, she shows up, she's
by herself. I say, Where's thesaint? And she's, well, he came
to me about two o'clock or threeo'clock this morning, and told
me woke me up and told me thathe was dead. She says, yeah, he
woke me up. And he was killed ina car accident, on his way home
from work. And I say, Oh, myGod, I'm so sorry. He says,
Yeah, well, he's still with me.
He says he's not quite ready topass over yet. And, and he's got
some things to teach me. And hewanted to come along here today
and talk to you and I saw Oh, mygod, that's amazing. She says,
Yeah, well, he's told me youdon't believe me? And I say, oh,
no, I believe you. I just havenever met somebody that whose
dead son was still talking tothem before. And she says, He
tells me the only way you'llbelieve me as if I tell you, you
have a shotgun wrapped up in acamouflage jacket, buried in
your basement underneath a bunchof boxes.
I said, What does he want me toknow? I he picked the one thing.
I mean, my girlfriend didn'twant the shotgun moved. We were
moving from a different house.
She's like, Yeah, I want you tosell that. Get rid of it, give
it away do anything. I don'twant it in the house. So I hid
it in the basement. I think thebunch of boxes in my old army
jacket, nobody. There's no wayanybody. I mean, it's just
crazy. She picked us he pickedthis one thing that I was like,
what does he want me to know.
And so she proceeded to say,well, Angels have kind of been
following you around, youremember that time, she reminded
he reminded me of a couple oftimes in my life where I had had
had near death experience, Igrew up on a farm any farmer's
had a near death experience. Soas a kid, I grew up on a farm
and I had, I get more than Icould count. And when I say near
death experience, you know,like, you know, a tractor
lurching forward or a glovegetting caught in a conveyor
belt or a, you know, a door to asilo failing and almost falling
and, you know, all kinds of hejust reminded me of all these
different times, and he said,those were angels, those were
your angels that saved you. AndI was like, amazing. And he
said, When angels brought you tothis house, and they're here,
we're just waiting on you to askthem for help. And, you know, I
just was kind of like, okay,well, alright, I'm gonna, I'll
start trying. And she kepttalking about how or she kept,
he kept telling me, one of thereasons they put me in that
house is because we had all thisnature behind the house and
negative energies and thingsthat does some of the healing
that was going to be doing was,it was here so that this nature
could help the angels come inand help them carry away some of
this ill that people are having?
Well, this was 20 years ago. Youknow, I'm a slow learner. So I
tried, it's just nothing everhappened. Nothing never worked.
It is never, you know, no oneever got better. And so I kind
of forgot about it, you know, Ikind of forgot about it. And
fast forward 10 years, and thisclient of mine brought in this
old, I don't even know where thebook was from. It was an older
book, and I kind of talked aboutit just talked about how the
Archangels are busy. But there'sa whole group of other angels
that you can work with that noone talks. I mean, they're out
there, we just don't know how toask for help correctly. And so I
think I figured out how to dothat.
Arwen Bardsley (13:08):
Okay, so.
Dr T (13:10):
So I know what your
questions are, Arwen. Why do you
know they're angels? Right? Imean, people always have, you
know, people, how do you knowthey're angels? Well, first of
all, that's what we areintending. And second of all,
how can I how can this happentime and time and time again,
some of these miracles, some ofthe stuff that we see, every
single time we do this, and it'snot just me, it's it's all of
my, all the students in theclass are having miracles,
because I'm not the one doingand I teach them how to do it,
and then they start having themright in front of us. That's one
way I know. Another way is we'vebeen doing these calls here
lately to help promote the work.
And we were on a call just theother day, just last week, and
there was a guy on there namedJoe and Esther is the one she
runs everything for me. So she'son the call moderating and she's
Oh, hey, Tony, Joe's on thecall. Well, I thought it was
Joe, the guy who took my classon the last class. Oh, hey, Joe,
what's going on? And Esthersays, yeah, he's got a bilateral
elbow pain. I said, Joe, what doyou what do you mean you have
bilateral elbow pain, you know,it's right where the insert
right where the muscles areinserted into the bone and both
those elbows there that shouldtake care of it. And that's how
fast the treatment was, like Ijust did right now. That's how
fast the treat was awesome. Thislow voice gets on. Well, I don't
know what Joe you're talking to.
But holy shit, it's gone. Iworked on the wrong Joe. Oh, I
worked on the wrong guy. Ithought I was working on the
other guy who I knew and the guywith the problem. 100% gone.
Arwen Bardsley (14:38):
Yeah. So even
then, even though the intention
was that you were working onanotherJoe. It didn't matter.
Dr T (14:46):
Didn't matter. That was
the guy that needed help. They
just come in and wiped it rightout. This is the I'll work on
the wrong body part. When Ifirst started doing this a
couple of times I worked on thewrong body part. How's that leg
feeling feels fantastic. Thatwas your left leg right Oh no,
that was my right leg that'scompletely better. I mean, it's
just it. It's is there's roomfor error with angels, they they
know more than we do.
Arwen Bardsley (15:09):
So my thing
around angels is I know that
there'll be a number of peopleout there that kind of have
difficulty with the concept ofan angel, because they have a
bias or even a trauma fromreligious upbringing, or, you
know, or just skepticism, Iguess, around, you know, the
whole religious concept ofangels. So, and I guess you've
answered my question about howdo we know where they're around?
Because they just keep doingthese things. But I guess is
there is there some other waythat you could explain the
concept of an angel that, thatpeople who just have problem
with that word will find iteasier to get their heads
Dr T (15:57):
Yeah, you know, I, you
start to recognize that, you
know, this is all consciousness,what we're doing this is
consciousness medicine, it's aform of asking for a higher
consciousness for help. So whatI teach in my classes, what
we're doing is we're usingconsciousness to find out what's
wrong with somebody, someone,and then we're using an
intention, via consciousness, toask for help from, from a
different realm, an angel froman omnipotent energy that's
really occurring in a differentWell, in a different realm. And
you know, you can't, most mostpeople listening to this, were
drawn here, most of them, andthose who can't wrap their mind
around it, still have had anangelic experience, even though
they can't wrap their mindaround it. They were still drawn
here they're still listening.
And that's consciousnessconsciousness finds the people
that get the message in arelike, Okay, this is, you know,
this is no, this is no baloney.
He's not joking. He's, that'sall this is all he does. And it
is all I do. And I teach peoplewhat, literally, when this, it
was, it was one of the, one ofthe clients who brought me that
book that time on client rightafter her was the one who kept
pushing me to teach it. And soover time, when I finally
decided, okay, I'm think I'mgonna teach this, they started
showing me I started gettinglittle hints on how to share
this knowledge, and their bighints. And other words, you
know, we all have angels, and wecan all ask for help from them.
But what we're able to do,through all my training, and
everything, all the stuff I'vedone in these little hints, I'm
able to make that happen for youinstantaneously, and bring you
up to speed really fast, whereyou're able to do just the same
things I'm able to do. So I kindof didn't really answer your
question. But you know, I don't,I don't really waste my time
with people who have time forit, you know, I mean, I just had
a woman, somebody, if you're aclient of mine, we have a remote
service requests that you can dolike an emergency, if you have
an emergency, you can do arequest. And so she sent me a
request for a friend of afriend's daughter last night, a
friend of a friend's daughter.
So she sees her good friend andher good friend happens to come
along when she'd never met herbefore. But her daughter is 28
years old and had a heart attackand was rushed to the hospital.
And they didn't think she wasgonna make it. So this client of
mine sends me a request to helpthis person. I don't even know
her name. I've never, I don'teven know who the heck she is. I
don't know what hospital, she'sin, I don't know anything else,
anything about her. Other thanthis woman sent me money to do
an angelic healing request. AndI get the email this morning,
she's out of the hospital, it'scompletely disappeared. They
came up with the diagnosis of amust have been anxiety, and
how's it anxiety when you haveheart enzymes, and you're
admitted into the emergencyroom. I mean, you know, when
doctors don't know, they justcome up with something that must
have been an anxiety attack. Thegirl is 28 She has no reason to
be anxious. I mean, this is thekind of stuff that goes on all
the time. I mean, this is allthe time. And you know, some
some people some doctors mightbe like, Well, what do you mean
you didn't know who you know howyou work on somebody, you know
who you don't have theirpermission or anything. Well
this woman is dying? What am Isupposed to do? It's up to the
angels there. They make thedecision. I mean, I just use the
intent and how to go do whatthey do. And then what we find
with heart attacks and that sortof thing is usually it's an
emotional event tied into livergallbladder anger, some other
emotional event kidneys fear andI don't even remember what I did
other than sent the angels Ihave them have them do what they
do. We call it the big three.
There's three big groups thatwe've defined that we use them
and they have very specificpurposes and that's what I did
for this woman. I got the emailthis morning. She's home.
Arwen Bardsley (19:51):
amazing. I mean
to I was just thinking as you're
talking to answer my ownquestion for people who Who are
a bit skeptical? Or just havesay I, I suppose I don't
necessarily use the word angelmyself, but I certainly believe
in higher powers and I totallyget what you're saying about
consciousness. And my son's beendoing training on the other side
of town. So and it's at sixo'clock at night. So it's, you
know, the terriblest traffic ofthe day and all this stuff. It's
45 minute drive. And last week,at some point, he said to me,
Oh, Mom, why is it that wheneveryou take me the traffic's a lot
better than when Dad takes me.
And I was like, Well, everymorning when I'm going to I know
I'm going to be doing traveling,then I ask that my travels be
safe and smooth. Exactly. That'sintention. And I'm asking, you
know, to me, I'm, I guess, Ithink of it more as I'm asking,
you know, the universe, I'masking the gods, I'm asking the
higher powers. But it is thesame thing as what you're
talking about. I mean, it's allenergy on a higher level, isn't
Dr T (21:06):
Absolutely. And now, you
can just intend a little harder,
and ask the angels for a littlebit of help. I was cracking a
joke in my in my class. Uh, youknow, I told this joke I, you
know, I, you know, I just toldpeople in the class, I'm like,
Well, look, you guys, you know,I expect the front row parking
spot. I expect the ticket to thesold out show, I expect. This is
just how I roll. I go to arestaurant and the line starts
behind me, doesn't matter ifit's 12 o'clock, lunchtime rush
or whatever it is. It's emptywhen I get there, and the line
forms behind me. Now, that's notbeing arrogant. It's just my
life is easier because I havethese got these angels around
all the time. I told the story.
I was in Los Angeles, and youknow, LA's got a few cars there.
Same thing for me. I've never intraffic. I'm never stuck. I just
it just never happens. But I goto my favorite sushi spot and I
pull in and the parking lots ina circle. And I pull it and the
place is full. It's earlyafternoon dinner, whatever it
was. And I drove around theparking lot once I just started
laughing. Are you kidding me?
What are you guys? You gotta bejoking. I mean, I literally was
laughing. I was like, what? Idon't remember the last time you
didn't have a parking spot setup for me what the hell's going
on? And this guy comes out ofthe store. And he runs across
the parking lot jumps in his carraces off so fast. I about lost
it was so damn funny. I thoughtwhat am I? Is he gonna go to the
bathroom? Does he? What kind of?
What did you guys do to him?
Hysterical. But yeah, I was justI mean, I started laughing
because it's like, you gotta bejoking me. What do you you bums.
People always say what kind ofwhat kind of angels do you use?
I use the beach bums. I use theangels just hanging out by the
beach, who are just got nothingbetter to do. So every now and
then they play jokes on me likethat.
Arwen Bardsley (22:55):
Yeah, funny. And
so why is it? I mean, obviously
I totally get I work remotelydoing healing as well. And
totally, you know, don't haveany problems with that concept.
But why is it that you only workremotely now?
Dr T (23:11):
Well, I moved to a little
town in Prescott. It's a small
town and I don't know, I said atthe beginning I don't like
people didn't I?
Arwen Bardsley (23:19):
yep I Don't
believe you!
Dr T (23:23):
No, I will still see
people I just you know, I you
know how it all started yearsago, I just you know, I had a
guy come in, his mom was dying.
She was dying in a hospital inDallas. We fixed her remotely.
She walked out pulled all of ourtubes out spicy, spicy, older
woman. She literally walked outthree o'clock in the morning.
And she was like a socialite,she traveled all over the world
and just told a lot of a lot ofpeople all over the world about
me. Because I get these callsfrom people all over the world.
And I got a bunch of clientsthere and Australia, Melbourne,
Sydney, Perth all over theplace. All Over countries I
never even heard of calling me.
And and so that's kind of how itstarted. I had a full I always
I've always had a full practiceanyhow. I mean, even in school,
I just had a full practice justbecause I'm good. I'm just good
at what I do. And as peoplewould come in, I would I would
tell them, hey, if you get sickand you're traveling or
something, just call me. I mean,we can do this stuff remotely.
Yeah. But we're mostly juststarted building and building
and pretty soon. I mean, you canonly you can only take care of
so many people. I mean, I haveover I don't even know now I
think about 1000 active clients.
And so that's why I had todevelop these programs. I have
this programs called CrazyUnknown shift. It's all on my
website, where we get 15 peopletogether at once and we treat 15
people together at once. Right?
Yep. And after I treat them forabout a half an hour or 15
minutes, then each person I workon each person individually for
three or four minutes. Whenhowever much time we have left,
while everybody else hopes andwishes that these things will
get better. And it's been it'sabsolutely amazing. It's
stunning. The stuff that's goingaway is absolutely absolutely
shocking. I mean we have, wehave results with stuff like
spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosisis where the spine, the spine
swells on the inside of thecentral canal, you lose control
of your nerves. We had a spinalstenosis case on she had 90%
occlusion of any doctors outthere, l two L three L three l
40405. So all of our disk spaceswere completely blocked. She
couldn't walk, barely walk, shehad a walker, but losing track
of her bowel, her urinarybladder. I mean, she's she was
probably the worst one on thecall. But that's the kind of
stuff that we get on a call. Andshe's completely in one program.
It's for one hour sessions overa month. And she's completely
completely better. No Walker, noloss of she can walk. She's
dancing. She's actually knownfor her dancing around town.
She's back dancing. I mean, thisis this crazy. This is
unbelievable stuff. These angelsdon't mess around. And so the
people in the class, what do wehave in class that was really
amazing would probably be therewas a woman in the class this
weekend I again, this is astudent who does does the
healing not me. I just I tellthem what to do. It's all
written in their manual, how tohow to work on somebody, but
this woman had had ahysterectomy and had all of her
reproductive organs removed 20years ago, I can't remember why
what was happening. But she hada she had an infection
afterwards and was stuck in thehospital for two weeks with a
horrible infection. And sincethat surgery, everything was
coming out of her. So she'shaving a prolapse of her
basically all of her herabdominal organs. Yeah.
prolapse. You know what that is?
Right? It's like a basketballhanging between your leg. And
hers was half a basketball.
Also, she was running 102 degreefever for 25 years. I walked
around the room I do what I dodownload this code into so that
you have access to the angel wasI put my hand on her where I do
that? And I was like, what?
What's going on? She's on likethis all the time? Not anymore.
We're gonna fix that she's Oh,no, you don't understand. I have
to change my clothes three orfour times a day. I have to wash
my sheets every single day. Shesays the worst part is no man
will sleep with me because I'mso hot burning up like this. 30
years worth. That's crazy. It'sgone. It's gone. The prolapse is
gone. All the heat was gone. Shecame she is that was all the
first day that was the firsthour of the first day we fixed
all of it. That's a miracle. Idon't know what else you call
that anyone listening any doctorout there? What the hell is what
do you imagine was going on withher. She had an infection just
about every cell of her body.
And these angels come in andmatch frequencies all in
accordance with the Royal ricework back in the 20s. That's how
I teach it. We modulate them, wecall it well again, we've
divided them into a couple ofgroups. And I had a new person I
read to her out of a book I saidhere just just intend the angels
do this for this woman. And shegot up she said what did you
this isn't it's like a lightswitch. It was just shut off.
And so you know, these are Idon't know if you call him I
mean, you know, you know theword is a little grandiose. I
don't like words like miracleand healer and all this because,
you know, at the end of the day,we're not doing I'm not setting
out to do this. I do this 10-12hours a day. I'm not wiped out.
I like to go play I like to gofor a bike ride when I'm done
working. And these are aimedthese are energies outside of
us. This is not like Reiki it'snot like I'm a super high power
guy. I'm not I'm just sittingthere and I know how to intend
that vibration. And it's it's ait's a it's how I'm able to
teach it is it's a code theyshowed me a code it's like a
light language code a lot ofpeople out there talking about
light language that's kind ofwhat it looks like when I plug
it in. And I basically like youknow all my experience with all
my experience and having allthese people push me Hey, you
got to teach it you got to teachit every night I went to bed
going how in the hell am I goingto pass this on? How am I going
to how am I going to pass thison? How am I going to pass this
on and they finally showed meand they showed me on a beach in
Nicaragua was really quiet mymind was really quiet we just
relaxing looking I was reallylooking looking for shooting
stars looking for UFOs which Ihave seen down there a few times
there's no lights down there. SoI'm out in the countryside and
there's there's no city lightsand so you know I was just lying
back really meditating justrelaxing and they just kind of
popped in and of how there's anenergy comes out of your hand
that opens up a certain part ofyour your mind. And I'm able to
plug this code right in andboom, you're up and running. Now
anybody and everybody listening,including yourself obviously
have access to angels. I justdon't know if you can do what
we're doing with them yet. Idon't I haven't seen it yet. I
mean, I just hear people I'mworking with Archangels I'm like
What are you fixing? What'swhat's going away people oh
people just feel better. I don'tcare about feeling better. I
feel good every day. I want toknow are you fixing disease? Are
you fixing weird stuff? Vertigobackache floaters in the eye
colitis cystitis bursitis achesand pains and spinal stenosis
and I mean I could go On and onand on, you know, this stuff is
disappearing. And it's it'sabsolutely amazing what we're
seeing these these cell walldeficient forms or pathogens,
this is probably the one of ourbiggest challenges are facing us
health wise.
Arwen Bardsley (30:14):
Yeah, I did want
to ask you about that. So yeah,
please tell tell us more. Whatdo we need to know?
Dr T (30:20):
Well, this is you know,
this is a big deal is, you know,
the human body is we haveburden. So how much how full is
your glass? Right? Is your glassso full? Is it so full that one
more drop in the in the glassthat spills over? So? So that's
what I'm what I'm finding is theimmune our immune systems are
wrecked. And these bugs aregetting stronger and stronger.
You know, we've been usingantibiotics for what, 45 years.
That's why we have E. Coli.
These things make thesepathogens stronger. Now we have
5g everywhere. Isn't itwonderful? You got phones
working so fast. They'realtering ourselves. It's
altering ourselves. It'saltering our DNA. It's making
these bugs stronger andstronger. And so I'm talking
about everything from bacteria,viruses, parasites, mycoplasma,
nanobacs stuff you can't even,you can't even stop we don't
even we don't even know about.
And I'm teaching I'm teachingthis cell wall deficient forms,
this is the idea that you have acell in your body and say it's a
bacterium, then we send out wesend out a bunch of antibiotics
to kill it off. Well, we killoff all of them, but four of
them. And what are thosebacteria? Do they change their
cell wall? So when we send outan antibiotic next time it goes
right by it, it doesn't see it.
And there's whole books writtenon this stuff. And there's,
there's there are live, liveblood analysis doctors out
there, they're hard to find, butthey are seeing these things.
Now they're seeing pleomorphismwhich is one organism turning
into another? Why is all thishappening? Electronics, all
these electronics?
Arwen Bardsley (31:49):
I was gonna say
do you think it is all the
Dr T (31:53):
We can't escape them? And
then the pesticides, you know,
these pesticides, it's in ourdrinking water? I mean, look,
what they're doing with, youknow, ethanol, for example, here
in the United States, you know,they spray all their corn with
with the glyphosphate rightbefore they harvest it, they
turn it into fuel, and wheredoes that go? That goes into the
air we breathe. What does thatdo? Oh, well, you know, I mean,
we have so many different healthchallenges these days. That's
why a lot of this stuff isn'tworking anymore. We, you know,
we, you know, I'm a licensedchiropractor. I had, we had at
least three people in the classthat have a chiropractor seeing
every week for 20 years for neckback, elbow, knee, some kind of
weird ache or pain. We fixed allof it. All of it in these
people. And usually we didn'tfind it where the where the
problem was. The first womanshe's like, Oh, well listen,
crunch, crack, crack, crack,crack, crack, crack, crack, and
she's like, I haven't seen mychiropractor for a week I go
every single week. It's can'tmove my neck this and that. I
had a woman across the room,treat her and her back heated up
down by her hips. Her entire herentire neck came unglued. She's
She felt it all down here. Yeah,yeah. It's all bugs down there
pulling on all the fibers allthe way up to the body. And they
don't they don't we just don'ttalk. We don't learn this stuff
in school. You know, you have todig to find these things. And
yeah, so it's kind of funny.
She's a corporate executive, thewoman who fixed her from across
the room. I just talked toanother friend here in town who
runs an herb store. And thiswoman just happened to drive by
the herb store on her way out oftown yesterday. And they got to
chatting. And the woman Nancytold my friend says, Yeah, I
just came from Dr. Cahill'straining. She's oh my god, I
can't believe that's, that'samazing. Awesome. How was it all
was great. And she's well, youknow, I've been having this.
I've been meaning to call himcall Dr. T. Because I've been
having these headaches now for acouple of weeks. And Nancy says,
Well, let me just take a look.
And she fixes them for her onthe spot.
Arwen Bardsley (33:53):
Oh, amazing.
Dr T (33:54):
That was yesterday. So my
friend called me today. Hey,
guess what? No, hey, I haven'tbeen having them every day for
two and a half weeks, threeweeks and completely gone. 100%
gone. So I'm gonna send Nancy anasty email and tell her I'm
starving. I'm hungry. She'staken how dare She steal a
client from me
Arwen Bardsley (34:13):
But I mean, you
must, you know, you're saying
you're working 10 to 12 hours aday, or whatever it was. So you
need to kind of train otherpeople don't need because
there's only so many people thatyou can fit in.
Dr T (34:26):
Doctors are unaware of
what I'm talking about. Look,
everybody is sick. Everybodylistening to this. And if you
aren't sick, thank God, but youknow someone who's sick. And so
I've got to get this out there.
Because this is this is, youknow, who's going to help that
woman who's 102 degreetemperature for 35 years. She's
already been to everybody.
lovely person. When you seesomebody you, you know, we've
set I mean, there was women inthe class who whose mom had a
sister rushed to a hospital forsomething. She went home The
next morning, she said we'resaving lives with this work. And
and this isn't just isn't justme now, the stuff I'm hearing
from my graduates, we have amentorship program, we pretty
much are in contact every month,the stuff that's happening is
absolutely mind blowing. Theseare bonafide miracles that you
can't, you can't I don't knowhow else to describe them isn't
just and they aren't justgetting lucky they the people
are people know, now everyoneknows that, you know, they have
faith in this angelic realm. Andthey know that when they call
these angels forward, there'sthere's going to change, it's
going to change somebody's life.
Arwen Bardsley (35:35):
Do you think
that we can change? You know,
bigger things like the wholeclimate crisis? And you know, do
you think we can use thesepowers to somehow create bigger
change to heal the Earth?
Dr T (35:52):
Oh, yeah, we've done we do
that on these mentorship calls,
we usually have about 30 to 40people on and you better believe
that's what we're doing. We havea lot of challenges right now, a
lot of challenges have beenbestowed upon this planet and on
humanity. And so we're able towhere we are having success, in
some of these areas,unfortunately, can't talk about
it. Because it's, it's you know,it's forbidden. But we have a I
have a protocol that we've comeup with where we're we're
turning some of theseinterventions around. And it's
amazing and its instantaneous,it doesn't take it doesn't take
oh here take the supplements forsix months and see how you're
feeling. It's right now it's inseconds, if not minutes. And so
so we are collectively doingthis for the planet. We're
collectively doing this forcountries on top of all the
other stuff that we do. So yeah,we're doing we're building a
community because I believe inthat kind of I think that we
need to do these kinds of thesethese goodwill things on. You
know, it feels good to you. Itfeels good to everyone else. All
of these calls we've had hererecently we've we're doing big,
big love blasts to the some ofthese families that some of
these recent tragedies thatwe've had here in United States.
Things are really getting nuttyover. I mean, they always have
been nutty over here, but thislast year, things have some for
some weird reason things havegotten worse.
Arwen Bardsley (37:17):
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, that's really true. So Butspeaking of supplements, I was
going to ask you, do you, youknow, we've got all this stuff
blasting us all the time, allthe chemicals, all the
electromagnetics do yourecommend to people you know,
things like eating organic andyou know, doing what they can to
avoid getting, you know, thisstuff impacting you as much as
it can, if you're not aware ofit, and you're not doing
anything? What? What's your takeon that?
Dr T (37:46):
Yeah, absolutely. I'm, you
know, most people here, most of
my clients are already on call.
That's, you know, I don't Idon't get the I don't get the
McDonald's people. I don't getthe people who eat, you know,
processed foods, you know,people who brush their teeth
with fluoride toothpaste, and Idon't I don't get a lot of those
already doing that stuff.
And okay, well, I don't have todo a lot. I mean, I, you know, I
don't need to convince anybodyof anything. I mean, you know,
but there's a lot of stuffthat's going on in the body that
we do need help with stomachlinings are ripped up, people
have such bad stomach linings,it's from all the meds and
painkillers and antibiotics andall this stuff that even when
you're a kid, you take whenyou're a kid, they're still in
your body. You know, people whogrew up in the Midwest, in the
Midwest, and like, the UnitedStates, like in the corn states,
Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio,these people are all dropping,
dropping like flies from cancer,from all the pesticides. So you
know, I get somebody from there,I'm like, well, it's up to you,
you do what you want to do. Buthere's you need about five
things just to get thosepesticides out of your body. So
I use, you know, what we what wedo is I teach you a method of
access to all of consciousness.
I mean, if you and I really area part of the same thing, which
I know we are, then we need tohave access, we can access that,
to find out what's gone wrong inyour systems. That's how I do
this work remotely. And youknow, there's everybody on here
has these experience, everybodylistening to you has these
experiences, where you think ofsomebody you haven't seen in
years and years and years, youeither call you that. I mean, in
our class, I'm driving home, I'mpick I picked everybody pick the
three people up from the airportto come to my class last week.
And we get to talking on the wayhome, there's a woman in the
front seat, two women in theback and a guy in the back and,
and the woman up front saysWell, where do you guys from and
one of the women in the backsays I'm from Los Angeles, Los
Angeles. My daughter lives outthere. Good. What do you do? I'm
a set decorator for a televisionshow. She says what TV show and
she tells her she's well mydaughter is. My daughter works
on that show and she says What'sher name is you know, such and
such name is Kennedy and thewoman in the back says, Yeah,
I'm her boss. I'm the one whogot her into the Union and got
her data, data, data data. She'soh my god, you're the You're the
woman that she's been telling meabout how amazing you are. And
you're such a good person to mydaughter, and bla bla, bla, bla,
bla, bla, bla, and we get to theseminar the next morning, and
the first two women who walk outwhat are you doing here? Oh, my
God, I haven't seen you in 30years, they went to high school
together. These are the this isconsciousness.
Arwen Bardsley (40:28):
We are all
Dr T (40:29):
People hear this who are
like, oh, I need help. You need
Um, I wanted to ask you as well.
So Reiki was my first modality.
to call me I'm happy to help youget on one of these programs.
The rest of you who don't justlook at his crazy, whatever,
good luck. I wish you all thebest. I hope you find healing.
And you know what I stillcertainly use in most of my
Because it sucks when you'resick. You know, that's how I
that's how I got into this mess.
It was an accident, butliterally was an accident I was
broken up and and, you know, Ilove to get people out of pain
and get them out of theirdisease states and then see
people thrive. You know, it'salways been my philosophy and my
practice, you know, I don't wantto see somebody every week. I
really do love people. But Ialso can't stand people I want
you out living your life. That'sa little bit different
philosophy than than mostpractitioners. Unfortunately,
you know, they have a money,lack of complex something that,
you know, you have to keeppeople coming in. There's so
many people who are sick and notdoing well, we have getting more
clients is never an issue. It'sjust not an issue.
healing sessions and you saidsomething about, you know, what
I'm doing. It's not like Reiki.
So do you mean, you're notchanneling the energy?
No, we're just as we'redirecting the angels to do the
Arwen Bardsley (41:50):
Yeah, right.
Okay. Yeah, yeah,
Dr T (41:52):
we're directing. So we're
using intention, and knowledge,
if they don't know, if theydon't know what to do. That's
why That's why the class is soimportant because I packed it
with all 25 years of clinicalexperience. You know, if you
don't know how viruses can liveinside the nervous system, then
you're missing a lot of stuff.
If you don't know viruses loveto go from this organ to that
organ, and cause depression,anxiety, self deprecating
thoughts, suicidal thoughts is apathogen. Doctors are so far
behind, they're not even talkingabout it. They talk about mental
health, and they, they won'teven they don't even look at any
of this stuff. But we've seenlifelong depression disappear in
seconds. How the hell's thathappen? Though, these are
pathogens that live within usthat create poisons, they they
defecate just like any otherbug, just like we do. And these
toxins travel around the bodyhave a receptor for dopamine,
right here comes dopamine, youknow, molecule Well, now all of
a sudden, you have all thesemolecules that look like
dopamine but aren't. So now allyou got one spot. You can't get
enough dopamine in here to feelgood. So you're depressed your
entire life. So your mom wasdepressed her mother was her
father was it goes backgenerationally? It's passed on
through generations, it's passedon to us. You know, they talk
about genetics, genetics is justnot it's not what they claim it
is. They get to go oh it'sgenetic on so and so had it it's
just genetic it's not genetics,these are bugs, these are
pathogens and we just I just hada woman I don't I can't remember
the name of the disease. She isit's a high platelet disease.
Who knows some of these namesare crazy. So she's got high
platelets, I find a pathogen inher and and but the doctors are
all it's it's genetic. Well, herso her other sister has the same
thing doesn't have any problems.
But another sister doesn't havedoesn't have the so called
interrupted gene, you know, thegene marker, but she has high
platelets. What What the hell'sgoing on there? You know, they
just don't you know, that justdoesn't make any sense. She She
has high platelets just as highas the other two girls, but she
doesn't have the gene marker.
That doesn't mean it's genetic.
It means there's something beingpassed on. Yeah, I think I think
she's going to be I mean, wewon't know for a few months
because all her blood cells haveto be regenerated to see but I'm
pretty sure we will have amiracle with her and she'll
never she won't have highplatelets anymore.
Arwen Bardsley (44:12):
So yeah, can you
give us well, I guess I wanted
to just Yeah, understand what ahealing with you is like and I
don't know if you do some kindof a demo or just explain you
know, what it's like for theperson experiencing it. What do
they feel what are they otherthan obviously feeling better?
Dr T (44:35):
Well, everybody feels
everybody is different, of
course. So some people getreally hot. Some people feel
just depends on what we'reworking on. We worked on a cyst
on a guy the other day and hewas he thought I was standing
next to him with a blowtorch. Itwas that hot. He was in another
country somewhere. I don't evenremember where the heck I think
he was in Canada somewhere. Andso some of these we do these
live calls, I don't know everyfew months and it's all on the
website. I think we'll probablystart them again and not Just,
but they're really, reallyfascinating. And it's really
fascinating to see, you know, 35people all putting in different
things that they're wrong withthem. And I just I tried to pick
new people. You know, we've hadsome people kept coming back,
and they've had really systemicissues. And so I always try to
see them as well. Really try tohelp them get them moving. But
everyone, everyone's different,but everybody does feel
something, you know, pretty mucheverybody feels something like,
depending on what we're workingon. Do you have anything going
on that you're concerned about?
Or you want me to look at ornot?
Arwen Bardsley (45:33):
So I've had high
blood pressure for all of this
year. And I do feel like it's,it's stress related as far as
lifestyle, everything I do forblood pressure is great. But my,
you know, my biggest I wasthinking while we were talking,
what would I get him to work on?
You know, my biggest issue atthe moment is that my hair is so
thin and keeps falling out. AndI'm sure there's an underlying
cause there. But my naturopathicdoctor and I have not been able
to work it out. But
Dr T (46:07):
how long has that been
going on?
Arwen Bardsley (46:08):
Oh, look, it's
been it's been going on for
years and years, probably, youknow, coming up to 20 years. But
in the last, you know, fewyears, it's been heaps more. So
you know, the last time I wentto back to the hairdresser,
she's like, Oh, my goodness, youknow, you're really, you've got
no hair anymore. And I used tohave heaps of hair. And as a
woman, it's very frustrating.
Unknown (46:32):
Yeah, it's coming from
your liver. And with some of
your high blood pressure aswell, liver and also fighting
adrenals. Do you have a tendencytowards anxiety when there's
nothing to be worried about?
Yeah. So that's adrenals.
Thyroid, so. So let me just takea look here really quick here?
Oh, yeah, no, we would, you'veprobably taken plenty of stuff
for your adrenal glands, but itdoesn't matter, they're still
you still have anxiety. So it'san organic, there's an organic
cause that's it, you have somekind of virus, I am finding some
kind of pathogen that's insidethe adrenals that loves to
scratch it and producenorepinephrine, then it's food
for him. So that also willtrigger the the nervous system
to give you higher bloodpressure, something your nervous
system thinks that there's abear jumping out of the trees,
but there's no bear. And so, sowe would need to we need to fix
that. So if you quiet your mindand take a breath in and breathe
out and just get your mindquiet, can you actually feel a
buzz in your body have a like alittle physical sensation of a
buzz of anxiety? Yeah,fascinating, right? So I get out
my doctor book you get one ofthese in my class and my doctor
book. It just helps me focus. Soyou just gonna pay attention to
that buzzing in your body andtell me when it's gone yeah,
this has been here a while butthat should start quieting about
Arwen Bardsley (48:17):
Yeah, it feels
different, it feels lighter.
Dr T (48:23):
Just a little bit more has
been around a long time. It's
usually gone really fast. Butthis is really far in there. How
many children do you have
Arwen Bardsley (48:32):
Dr T (48:39):
that should feel a lot
more quiet. Now I'm going to
move further up to within yourendocrine system further.
Because I find that usually oncewe have that there, a lot of
other tissues get misregulated,dysregulated. So we're gonna
just fix that. So I'm actuallyinside your brain I'm in your,
your pituitary, your pineal yourthyroid and then I'm going to
look at that liver for you. Sonow your supplements for your
adrenals will help you so you'llwant to get some adrenal
support. And you'll also want toget something more for your
liver. You know there's allkinds of stuff shisandra really
good mountain thistle's reallygood Phlanthus Nyeri is really
good. That helps with electromagnetics and decongests the
liver. So I am finding yourliver's pretty, pretty plugged.
Now when you have two children.
You know, you have to detoxthose little babies and doctors
don't look at that. And so whatthat does is it creates a mess.
And so we're just cleaning thatmess up for you Even though it's
not there anymore. It's just itjust clogs the liver. If the
liver is clogged, it isn'tworking, it isn't clean and
clear. And working correctly,what's the heart got to do? Work
harder. Also, we know there'sthe neurological connection from
a gallbladder to the heart aswell. So the gallbladder and
liver both work together,basically. And if they're, if
they're under functioning, thatwill also cause the heart to be
harder. And I'm also finding anemotional aspect for you as well
for your heart. So let's fixthat here. Once I finished this,
that God you had, did you do youhave your Visa card with you? I
think we're gonna need I thinkwe're gonna need some money. And
we're gonna need a little moretime for you. You're.
Arwen Bardsley (50:53):
Yeah, I'll come
Dr T (50:54):
Yeah, I'm joking. I'm
gonna have you take a little
breath end. And a little breathout. Let's take your right hand.
Take your right hand andunderneath and to your left
armpit and drop your arm down oryour hand down about four inches
and just press in there like abroad contact just pressing is
it tender in there.
Arwen Bardsley (51:15):
Dr T (51:17):
Nowhere at all?
Arwen Bardsley (51:18):
Dr T (51:19):
Did I already fix that?
Says I didn't each and so kindof go go a little bit as you
have this resource, mid axillaryline. So go a little bit lower
below your breast up like evenwith your breasts all the way up
to your minute up to yourarmpit. And it's not tender
anywhere. You don't have to pokeit's just a broad contact. Okay,
fascinating I've never seen thisbefore? So let me see here. Do
we fix this already? Interestingindication is that we fixed it.
But I haven't seen that in along time. Maybe you're just so
open that you just went aheadand fixed it for me. But I'm
going to do one more thing justbecause we can. When I find that
we can't leave you like this. Wehave to we have to do one more.
One more minute. You have onemore minute.
Arwen Bardsley (52:06):
Yeah, of course.
Dr T (52:07):
Just everybody listening,
have a minute if you do, do what
we're about to do. So you'lltake a breath in. And you'll
breathe out and relax your mind.
And bring to mind where yourheart is in your in your body
where your heart is and fill itfull of compassion for yourself.
Yeah, compassion for yourselfthat pity, that sympathy, that
kindness, that warmth and lovethat tenderheartedness soft
heartedness. That mercy nowhaving mercy and being lenient
with yourselfyou up what else is there that
tolerance and kindness andconsideration and warmth and
love and care for yourself?
Excellent, and then move it overto appreciation. These are
things that you appreciate aboutyourself, this the enjoyment of
these good qualities aboutyourself. All those things that
you do and you'll look back onand I was glad I did that.
Things you value about yourselfthings you respect. Things you
cherish things you admire thingsyou have a high opinion of
things you hold in high regard.
Things you give thanks for anacknowledgement to yourself a
hat tip towards yourself, agratefulness and thankfulness
for who you are and who youbecome in life. And take a
breath in and a breath out thatis a heart resonance technique.
And so we just bathed yourentire body. By doing that
holding that for one minute asyou're doing that I'm holding
these angels of vibration ofangels that come in, they change
vibration of cells, they remindyou how beautiful you are, they
love you they are they followyou around, they guide you
through your day to the future.
They do a whole bunch of stufffor us so I'm holding space for
them to do that as you're doingthat all the blood's rushing
through your body and you areamplifying that vibration to all
of your organs now so it reallyhelps with the heart and that's
on my website that simple thatsimple technique is on my
website you can you know I youknow you plug in your email and
then my team emails you abillion things go on and get all
the free stuff. You should haverelaxed to heal for sure. That's
a 20 minute recording that justhelps you helps your mind
remember how to Relax,everything in life is easier
when we're relaxed. Everythingis. And so there's also built
into the recording allow thisintent to have these the
subconscious distortions clearedout, I think you'll be I think
it will fix that high bloodpressure, what you need you do
need to do some some selfsupplementation now for your
liver and I believe your hairwill now grow back.
Arwen Bardsley (55:22):
Dr T (55:23):
Yeah, I really do. You
might want to get to be sure you
have the trace minerals andsilica. Silica's huge for your
hair. Those are the big thingsthat I'm hearing that that you
should you should do for yourhair, but it should stop falling
out now. And that's one of theside effects of the vaccine and
of COVID. In case you don'tknow, is hair falling out? You
probably didn't go down thatroad right?
Arwen Bardsley (55:46):
I haven't had
COVID No, but I did have the
vaccine because we had to theykind of mandated it here in the
state that I live in.
Dr T (55:56):
Yeah, yeah. Oh, that's
been a real problem for people.
Yes, turned out to be a real bigproblem. So let me just take a
quick peek there and see if wecan't just take care of that bad
part of that. Because all thehair falling out all started
after that was introduced. I'vetried, I've come up with a very
specific treatment for that isthat's actually how I discovered
to treat the whole thing. I hada client whose hair was falling
out in clumps, she had thethickest hair you ever seen. And
she sent me a picture of it. Shewas holding her handful like a
softball. And she's like this,this is how much fell out this
morning. I was like, We need toget on the phone. So it took a
couple of times before theyshowed me how to how to stop the
negative effects from that. Buthers was the first person whose
hair we fixed. And you know howfast that treatment travels. Up,
fix somebody's hair falling out.
And you have a lot of people atyour door and it's just like,
now you might feel this. Youfeel your body warming up?
Arwen Bardsley (56:58):
Yes I do. Yeah.
Dr T (57:01):
You definitely gonna feel
this one. So let me just make
sure we get all of this and thenwe can call it a day. I'll have
you take a little breath in thea little breath out. You should
have felt like your whole bodywas in an oven for just a few
seconds, and then it'll startquieting back down again.
Arwen Bardsley (57:22):
Yeah, and kind
of a tingly sensation. Yeah.
Dr T (57:29):
That's what they do. They
change vibration. That's, you
know, this is a form ofvibratory work. You know what
you mentioned about Reiki? And Ilooked at a lot of that stuff, a
lot of different types of of theenergy work in the beginning,
but it wiped me out. I mean, Iwould see three people I'd be
done for the day. No, I was theproblem with it. So I always
knew I needed to come up withsomething that was something
that wasn't take as much as yourenergy. And so I think we found
it and it really works. I thinkyou're gonna have a really nice,
nice recovery.
Arwen Bardsley (57:57):
A nice head of
hair! Oh, thank you. And yeah,
so for everybody out therewatching and listening. Yes. So
I felt Yeah, as I said, thetingling, certainly the the
heating up when Dr. T said, Iwould feel that. And in the
first bit, yeah, just, you know,I I, at the moment, I've got all
this big stuff happening in mylife. And so anxiety is kind of
always there and a lot of kindof feeling like pressure around
my heart. And you know, thatjust all dissipated. So, yeah,
Dr T (58:34):
that should stay gone.
That should that should staygone. Certainly support your
adrenals and your liver. And Ithink that I don't think that
will come back. I rarely ever,ever, hardly ever find the heart
is a problem. The heart has itsown nervous system, its own
circulatory system that's usedsomewhere else. I don't know how
cardiologists stay in businessbecause they shouldn't they
shouldn't even be allowed inbusiness. Because all they do is
look at the heart. You know,when's the last time a doctor
put a hand on you? Guys, thefirst thing I teach in class is
how to go through the organsfigure out what figuring out
what organ is actually causingharm in the body figure out that
priority organ. Because if youhave one organ that's under
functioning, it's stealingenergy from all the other
organs. That's how the bodyworks. But doctors don't even
they look at their chart. Theydon't even touch you. They don't
even they don't even look at youanymore. They look at the chart.
It's crazy.
Arwen Bardsley (59:22):
Yeah. Well,
thank you so much. And you know,
obviously thank you for yourtime before I let you go. What?
What do you want to share withpeople about how they can find
your website? I know you'vementioned a few things that are
on there, but what is it and isthere anything else you want
people to know any programs orevents that you wanted to share?
Dr T (59:44):
Yeah, the the website is a
as in Adam human engineer, a
human engineer. That's the nameof this client gave me 20 years
ago, so I got the website 20years ago, so ahuman
engineer.com it has. There's allkinds of free stuff on there.
There's Relax to heal is onthere there's a lymph video on
there you should get there'swhat the hell that heart
resonance technique is on therewhat we did you and I did that's
on there though those some ofthose three simple things have
changed. So I get so many emailsfrom people saying Thank, you
know thanking me for giving thatto you because it the chances
are it's going to really turneverything around especially
with you with those tendencytowards high blood pressure.
Giving the extra attention toyour heart really makes a big
difference. You know, we're sohard on ourselves, right? We
were just hard on ourselves fromthe time we're kids, we're hard
on ourselves and the heart lovesto have compassion felt for
itself. Instead of for our kidsor our dog or cat or our family,
everybody else all the time. Itlikes to have that feeling.
spread love spread joy, joy, Ilove I joy is such an important
thing. If you can make somebodysmile and make somebody laugh,
you feel you feel good. Theyfeel good. Anybody seeing it
feels better. Joy is rightbehind love. You know, love is
the most important thing in lifeand joy is right behind it. And
you know, I love bugging peopleand saying, Hello, good
afternoon. You know, we've lostour ways and and people don't do
that anymore. It's sad. It's oneof the things I love about this
country. I've adopted Nicaragua,somebody walks into a restaurant
Nicaragua, they walk in and theysay, Boy, Buenos Dares. And I
was like, What the hell are theytalking to? And they're talking
to the whole restaurant aretalking to anybody. They're just
giving a greeting that, hey,I've arrived. And I want to say
good afternoon, everyone.
Everyone does it. You know, Iwas in Los Angeles playing my
game disc golf. And I bet Ipassed a 500 people and not a
single person looked me in theeye or said hello to me or said
good morning or good afternoon,anything? Nothing. And so I
couldn't wait to get back toArizona cos here. You can't shut
them up.
Arwen Bardsley (01:01:52):
I think we're a
bit more friendly and talkative
down under.
Dr T (01:01:56):
I think so. Also. Thanks
so much for having me.
Arwen Bardsley (01:02:00):
Oh, thank you so
much. It's been wonderful to
meet you. And thank you so muchfor sharing your wisdom and I
really encourage people who aresuffering in any way to get in
touch with you.
Dr T (01:02:11):
Thank you