Episode Transcript
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Arwen Bardsley (00:00):
Okay, welcome
everybody. Today I am really
delighted and excited to haveanother one of my food and
spirit colleagues on the show.
So today, I would love towelcome Heather Fisher page from
Integra holistic wellness.
Heather is somebody who has manystrings to her bow. So I love to
talk to these people to hear allthe different things that they
do. So Heather is anutritionist. She's also a human
design practitioner. And she isa healer overall is probably the
best word a healer and anintuitive. So Heather has
developed a program calledIntegra, the integra wellness
method to help others throughtheir healing journey. And I'm
sure that she's going to let usknow that this is partly because
she's had a pretty big healingjourney herself. So we will talk
about that too. So reallyinteresting to delve into why
people design and developprograms to help others that
they know have helped them. Andyou know, what, what better
reason is there. So, welcome,Heather, thank you so much for
your time today. I would lovefor you to Yeah, just start us
off with a bit about yourself,and how you got to be where you
are now doing what you're doing?
That would be wonderful.
Heather Fischer-Page (01:42):
sure. And thank you for having
me on here today. Well, youknow, it's actually been very
much a lifelong journey. For me,I had health issues as a child,
and they, you know, antibioticuse, my dad was a smoker. And I
think a lot of the, you know,kids from the 70s, you know,
there wasn't the awarenessaround certain things that were,
you know, what smoking caused,you know, ear infections, and I
had ear infectious all the time.
So that took me intoantibiotics, and then I became
allergic to antibiotics, and,and then, you know, gut health,
and then we have our ownemotional traumas, and things
like that, that affect us, youknow, things from when I was a
child. And so I always hadissues. And as I look back,
also, I think I was probablyceliac from the beginning. And
as I looked back at theunderlying causes of sila, you
know, the underlying symptoms ofceliac, you know, poor
digestion, you know, I hadhorrible teeth as a kid, you
know, constant and, and my momdidn't allow a lot of sugar, you
know, and it was the 70s, youdidn't eat sugar, like, the way
people are eating sugar now, butmy mom had a healthier, you
know, way of feeding us. But shealso got caught up in the diet
culture of the time, so, but Ihad these issues, and I had, you
know, horrible periods as ateenager, to the point where
even codeine wouldn't hit them.
And so, you know, I was in suchpain, and figuring out, you
know, as I started working onthings, you know, as in in my
20s, I remember going to a herbshop, and he said, maybe you're
allergic to wheat, and dairy,and I'm like, what, you know,
because so that was like, early90s, like, early 90s, when
people weren't really talkingabout gluten, or wheat or
anything, and, and so he gave mesome slippery elm and something
else and things didn't resolve,but I also didn't take to heart
the wheat and dairy, you know,at that point, but anyway, you
know, just really trying tofigure out why I was having
issues and trying differentdietary regimens to see what
will work and in my 20s Somebodysaid, why, you know, why don't
you try it again, you know, Ihad been vegetarian, why don't
you try, you know, really justcutting out all your grains and,
you know, and adding in somefish and stuff like that, and,
and I noticed that my bodystarted feeling better, but
didn't make the totalconnection. And within that
time, I was, you know, delvinginto other modalities, giving
energy healings and seeing someshifts with that, but, you know,
long story short, I had childrenand in my late 30s, early 40s
went totally gluten free after Iwas diagnosed with chronic
fatigue and fibromyalgia, and sothat was I had been there gluten
free for probably a year. But Iremember my ex husband going, do
you think you have that chronicfatigue thing? And I'm like, I
don't know. And so I looked itup, I had 19 of the 20 symptoms.
And so I went and saw achiropractor. And so I started
doing work with him. And that'swhen it kind of shifted me into
my doing a nutrition program. Ihad, it hadn't been like, I
hadn't studied it, I had booksand books of stuff, it just
wasn't finding the right thing,you know, for my body. So I was
integrating, you know, energyhealings at that time, as well
as doing that work and you know,shifting through a lot of stuff
and ended up in 2013 with myfunctional nutritional therapy
practitioner certification. AndI started doing that full time,
and really just teaching classesreally enjoying doing all of
that and wanting more, so that'swhen Food & Spirit came to me.
And because I knew I, you know,I had this background and all
these other modalities that I'dbeen studying and you know, kind
of dipping my toes in and Iwanted something that where it
would integrate, you know, mindbody spirit soul and finding the
work with Deanna Dr. Deannaminich, was incredible and, and
really looking at things andgoing yeah, we do need to eat
colorful foods. And we do needto really look at these
different systems of health andhow we can integrate all that
together. So I added that in andthen over the years, I, I
studied astrology just on my ownfor gosh, years and years and
years, never doing people'scharts or anything like that,
but really, for my own growth,and found human design. And when
I found human design, it was itwas like my soul finally,
really, you know, connecting tosomething and being able to have
these levels with the astrologyas well as one of my favorite
books, I'm sure you know, at theJan spiller book. It's on the
nodes. Yeah, yeah, that bookkind of got the one that was
recommended by Deanna also.
Really, it kind of set me on thepath. And then I found human
design at that same time, and itreally was that piece that just
kind of pulled me into reallyunderstanding myself and why I
would hit, you know, hit thewall. And, you know, Saturn in
the first didn't tell me thatenough. You know, I figured out
why, you know, you know, peoplewould say, Oh, you've got
obstacles with Saturn in thefirst but I did not understand
how to respond to it rather thanreact to it. So for me, yeah,
human design was a huge piece.
And over the years, I've addedin hypnotherapy and then I'm
finishing up my my energyhealing certification. It's a
it's about a year and a half twoyear program in energy healing
using the Barbara Brennan Schoolof the hands of light, so Yeah.
Arwen Bardsley (09:09):
yep, yep. I have
that book as well.
Heather Fischer-Page (09:13):
Yeah. So I
work with I'm working with a
someone who is certified who hasbeen an energy healer for
probably 20 years and it's, it'samazing. It's amazing. And it's
been a huge shift for me.
Definitely somebody who lived upin because of that intuitive
psychic nature always kind oflived up in this area and you
know, and didn't want to be inmy body because why, how fun is
that being in your body when youdon't feel well, A and then B
this is kind of more fun. Butfor me, the energy healing
classes have actually groundedme into my body and really
taught me How to live in itdifferently. So that's been, you
know, as you know, it's all ourpersonal journeys really can
come out in our professionaljourneys, and you know, our life
purposes a lot of times, so.
Arwen Bardsley (10:19):
absolutely. And so what work
were you doing before you gotinto the more health side of
things? Was it somethingcompletely different?
Heather Fischer-Page (10:30):
Oh my
gosh, yes, yes. So, um, I
actually in college was a vocalperformance, performance major,
and ended up with a publicrelations degree, stayed in the
music department the whole time,ended up with a public relations
degree worked for an alternativeNewsweekly. For three years,
ended up with a classical radiostation in media relations. We
have a conservatory in KansasCity, through the University of
Missouri. And I was their mediarelations manager, and then and
worked for a production companyfor a while. And that was just,
you know, not understanding myenergy at that time, you know, I
burnt out within six months ofworking for a music production
company and ended up back ingrad school, oh, my gosh, you
know, already burnout. And thenI go to grad school, but got a
degree in interpersonalcommunication, which I mean, I
use, you know, You know, it's,it's so helpful for what I do.
So I did that. And it's so it'sjust this weird, twisty road. In
grad school, somebody knew thatI was good with design work and,
and gave me a job, I workedcreative on call for Hallmark
cards. And so I did visualdesign, work there. And then.
And then I went to sprint to dovisual design work. But again,
those beautiful catalysts thatcome the job was stressful. I
was in this corporateenvironment that was not
creative. And it was thecatalyst for me to go back and
get my nutrition degree, becauseI went into a huge auto immune
flare while I was there,because, I mean, I had reversed
everything, you know, in myearly 40s. And then I get this
job where I'm stressed out notdoing what is what my soul's
calling is. And it was awonderful catalyst. I haven't,
you know, when people are like,oh, did you have regrets? And
I'm like, No, I have no regretsabout anything I've done. You
know, each piece was thisbeautiful step on to the next
phase of my life, you know, andsome of them might have been a
big catalyst. Some of them mighthave been like, Oh, this is nice
and flowy, which I kind of likedthem nice and flowy. I'm kind of
living in that one a little morenow. So yeah, so yeah, very,
very twisty road. And but, youknow, the big message here is
you can always recreateyourself, you know? Yes. So,
Arwen Bardsley (13:22):
absolutely.Everything is energy.
And it's always changing. Yeah.
So just for people who might notknow, can you just tell us a
little bit more about chronicfatigue and fibromyalgia? You
know, what, what were youexperiencing? What does it
Heather Fischer-Page (13:40):
sure.Yeah, so, um, chronic
fatigue and fibromyalgia are twoauto immune diseases, there are
over 200 autoimmune diseases.
And those are just two of them.
And the symptoms that I wasexperiencing was, so it was like
joint pain and inflammation. Iwould have off and on cyclical
headaches, you know, digestiveissues, bloating, you know, just
all of the things that sometimeswe do take for granted. But the
big thing was, I remember wasthat I would sleep for like, 10
hours at night, and then I'dwake up and I didn't feel
refreshed or anything, andeverybody wanted to blame it on
having toddlers. And I was like,No, something's not right. I
just I knew something wasn'tright, with what was going on.
And so I started really divinginto okay, what are the
underlying factors of chronicfatigue and fibromyalgia and
some of them were viruses,parasites, bacterial infections,
as well as mercury toxicity. Andand then there's other factors,
of course, food sensitivitiesand all of these things. And so,
when I went to my chiropractor,he did a lot of muscle testing,
and did find that I had mercurytoxicity, which I wasn't
surprised. You know, my mom usedmercurachrome when I was a kid.
We called it monkey blood. And,but also, I remember breaking a
thermometer. And so, you know,and over the years, I found that
my body is one of those bodiesthat has certain mutations that
don't support detoxification, somy body likes to hold on to
things. And so I have, I'm verysensitive, but also I have to
use certain chelation techniquesthat are more gentle for
releasing. So anyway, we, youknow, doing working on those
underlying issues. And alsoYeah, I'm really focusing on
myself and I did a lot ofautoimmune issues can have
trauma attached to them. Sodoing some work around my old
trauma. The energy work that Idid, I did EFT with people, as
well as you know, a little bitof hypnotherapy. So, yeah. So
yeah, it. So those were really,those are the symptoms I had. So
and then when I flared, when Iwas at Sprint, ended up finding
out that I had a bacteria that alot of RA patients had, like a
gram negative bacteria, workingwith a colleague who is amazing,
and actually, I'm working withher now, on some health stuff,
so she just yeah, she's one ofthose really great people who
dives deeply into it all,including my genetics, because
I'm just one of those people whohas very complex genetics. So
Arwen Bardsley (17:16):
yeah, and so is
this a bacteria that's in your
Heather Fischer-Page (17:22):
The one
before Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
With RA, it was Yeah. It cameout through stool testing. She's
like, Oh, yeah, that ties backto, you know, a lot of people
who have RA may have that, youknow, an over abundance of that
harmful bacteria. So
Arwen Bardsley (17:41):
and so I was
that, therefore, a rheumatoid
arthritis diagnosis for you?
Heather Fischer-Page (17:47):
No, no,
because you know, when as
holistic nutritionists, that'swe're not medical nutrition
therapy, so we don't diagnose,treat or cure. So it was a sign
and symptom that I wasexperiencing some of the
symptoms of RA, you know, andfibromyalgia, yeah, tons of
inflammation, as well asdigestive issues. And yeah, just
in pain, just very painful. So,but that's, it's good, I was
able to shift out of that we,you know, checked my digestive
health. And everything lookedgood gut permeability was back
to normal. But I was noticingthat I was cycling, I would
cycle. And so that's really whenI increased the self care
modalities too and really workeda lot more on trauma and doing,
you know, regression typetherapies and things like that,
to really look at and allow andstopped resisting. You know,
what I was supposed to be doing,what my sole purpose was. And I
think that was the biggest piecefor me was that, when that
clicked, it's like, no, you'renot supposed to be living for
everyone else. You're supposedto live for yourself, and what
makes you happy. And as I'vedone that, over the past year
and a half, things have justshifted a ton. So it's, yeah,
very, very important. And HumanDesign told me a lot about why,
you know, why were things I'malways looking for the why the
root cause, why is this how I amand not everybody's lives are
like mine. I mean, my you know,it's just, there's so much
complexity. And so, and you andI have talked through medical
astrology, I have a lot of stuffthat's hidden that has to be
unearthed. It shows in my chartand so but everything that I
have done I feel like is It is apiece that I've learned that I
now can share with others. Andso that's been, you know, that's
the huge gift of what I havegone through, I now can help
others and support others.
Arwen Bardsley (20:16):
Yeah, exactly.
And that that is your soul'sjourney in this lifetime. Yeah.
So let's go into human designthen because I'm sure there's
people out there going, what isthis human design that she keeps
talking about? And it is afascinating system that involves
several different ways oflooking at somebody. So yeah,
rather than me waffling on aboutthe little bits that I, you
know, understand and think, andI have done a human design
reading, we've had that, andthat was really fascinating. So,
but it's much better to get itfrom the horse's mouth. So
please tell us about humandesign.
Heather Fischer-Page (21:08):
sure. So, human design was
created downloaded by Ra Uru Hu.
And a he in 1987, there was abig consciousness shift. We
know, you know, that was aroundthe time that the indigo
children were coming in. And hewas given this download, to use
different modalities and createthis program. So, that would
help shock people initiatepeople into understanding really
who they were, but he alsocreated it for the children. So,
these children, these amazingbeautiful souls coming in, so
that the parents could have moreawareness around how to guide
these children. And so, it is aconglomeration of human design.
As a human design Human Designis a conglomeration of the
I-Ching. So it uses the 64pieces of the of the I-Ching in
they're called gates, and usesthe Hindu chakra system. So in
1871, it went from a sevencenter to a nine centered being,
and so it uses the nine centeredchakra system. It is Jewish
Kabbalah, quantum energy, andmechanics. And basically
astrology too, because we'reusing the same details we would
use for a birth chart. And soit's this amazing system that
comes together to give you thisbody graph. And really look at
five different types. There arefive different types of people,
but it's more complex than thatthere are many levels of it, you
know. And so those fivedifferent types kind of tell you
how you're supposed to be in theworld, there is the generator,
manifesting generator,manifester, the projector and
the reflector. And each one hasa different strategy for how to
kind of show up in the world,the generator, the two generator
types are here to respond tothings. So instead of trying to
initiate things, they're here torespond. The manifester is here
to initiate things, they havethis amazing flow from their
higher self, you know, Godsource that comes through, and
they're here to just kind offlow with it and go with their
things. And then the projectorsare here to be invited, kind of
like we respond, the generatortypes respond. They're here to
be invited into things, butthey're these amazing once they
are giving that voice. They'rehere to direct and lead. And
then the reflectors are herekind of to calibrate the energy.
They're here, they're 1% of thepopulation, and they're here to
kind of calibrate thatcollective energy and reflect
back what society is doing, butcalibrate it, you know, from a
higher octave. So yeah, it'sthere's these five different
types and there's different waysof responding and, you know,
learning through the profilesplus within that, given in it is
a, an incarnation cross and thatand it kind of gives you a
roadmap for who you're supposedto be in the world, not what
you're supposed to do, but whoyou are, how you're supposed to
show up.
For example, mine is the rightangle cross of penetration, and
I'm here to use intuition towake people up. I'm here to, but
always, in response, I'm notsupposed to be out there going,
hey, you know, I just got thislittle psychic thing that said
that, you know, you need to stopeating gluten, or whatever it
is, you know, I'm just going touse that as an example, since
we're talking nutrition. But,um, but it's when people come to
me and ask me, Hey, I'm feelingthis way, what are you getting,
and you know, and then usingletting my intuition drop in,
and it's so interesting, becausewhen I allow that to happen,
then I'm able to voice it in adifferent way. And in a way that
they can hear it, and take theinformation in. So it's a
really, really cool system. Andas I went through it, and saw
the definition in my chart, andsaw how different themes life
themes went on, I was able touse that information and kind of
shift the narrative around fromyou know, because we know
there's always light and shadowand everything and or a higher
expression or a lower expressionand being able to go, oh, wait,
I'm in the lower expression ofthat that's not a healthy place
to be, how can I shift myself tothe higher expression of you
know, that definition oropenness and, and a big piece of
it is deconditioning. So when Radid this, that he talked a lot
about the not self. And I havebeen working with a one of his
students, and someone who workedwith him, named Karen
Curry-Parker, and she hasquantum human design. And it is
a it is something that Ra hadbeen wanting to do, which was
switch the languaging. From theI-Ching. I mean, the I-ching is
an ancient divination system. Sothe languaging, and the
archetypes were very, you know,ancient, it's not the
consciousness that we have now.
So Karen has taken it and takenthe languaging and made it more
evolutionary and moreempowering. And so looking at it
from that perspective, has beenreally, really helpful. And she
talks a lot aboutdeconditioning. Because we're,
you know, we're not stuck. As,as we know, you know, our
astrology chart tells us, okay,this is what you came in with.
But you can get a roadmap fromthat information, you know, very
evolutionary. And in the sameway, human design gives you this
practical roadmap to that. Soit's, it's quite interesting.
And, yeah, it was one of thepieces that I, I really, really
needed for my own shift, as wellas I love sharing it with other
people. And I always sprinkle inastrology, because there is that
other layer, you know, lookingat it from, you know, and
especially in life cycles, itcan be very, very helpful to
have those other layers. Butyeah, it's, it was a pretty much
game changer for me.
Arwen Bardsley (28:54):
And so when
people have a human design
reading, they need to know theirtime and place and obviously,
date of birth. Is that right aswell,
Heather Fischer-Page (29:07):
Yeah. Yeah. And it's best tohave the exact time and date.
It's a little looser, becausewe're looking at it from when
things shift in the gates. Morethan, you know, like in
astrology, where we want thatdown to the minute kind of
thing, we're able to have alittle wiggle time, little
wiggle room in it. So, but it'sbest to have it because that's
going to give you you know, ifyou're if the profile shifts,
like the lines of the profileshift at a certain time, it's
not you're not going to get theright learning. Yep. So if yeah
can be it's best to have allthat information.
Arwen Bardsley (29:55):
And just on the
nine chakras Can you talk a bit
more? So obviously, most peopleare familiar with seven and
that's something that I workwith extensively. So, what are
the additional two?
Heather Fischer-Page (30:11):
So, so in
in 1871, according to the Hindu
Brahmin system, it was that. Soyou you have your, your crown
chakra, which we call the head,the sixth chakra, or the third
eye chakra we call the Aashna.
The throat chakra is the throatchakra, the fifth chakra. And
then the heart at that pointsplit into two, it's split into
the G Center, which is basicallywhere the soul star is, or your
magnetic monopole is. And it'ssplit into the heart. So you
have the G Center and the willego heart center that split into
two pieces. So your G-centre isyour identity center, the will
center is the the heart centermore but really houses that ego.
And that will power type ofenergy. And then the the solar
plexus split into Yeah, thesplit solar plexus split into
the emotional solar plexus, andthe spleen. So those two pieces,
you know, kind of thattraditional Chinese medicine
kind of thing. So the spleencenter, you know, is around
houses like your instinct, yourintuitive abilities, but also
fear. And then you have theemotional solar plexus that
looks at that emotion, input,the empathic ability type of
information, and then you haveyour sacral. And then you have
your root. So those two centers,the heart and the solar plexus
split at that time, so and itjust provides a little extra
information on how it all works.
And yeah, when I'm working withsomebody's chakra system, if I'm
working energy healing, I stilluse the seven, the 7 chakra
system. But when I'm looking atit from the human design
perspective, I do look at thoseother centers as well, because
there's a lot of informationthere.
Arwen Bardsley (32:31):
absolutely. So it gives you a
lot more information aboutpersonality and about journey in
this lifetime, really, and howyou're going to approach and
tackle that journey.
Heather Fischer-Page (32:43):
Right, and
everybody has the whole chart,
you know, the quantum piece ofhuman design really is energy,
you know, and we have definitionand we have openness with human
design. And we have the wholechart because we're either have
it the infant the the energy,consistent and defined in our
chart, or we have it open andmutable, meaning that when
somebody else comes into ourenergetic field, we're going to
if they haven't defined, they'regoing to give us that
definition. So we're going toexperience it. So that's another
huge piece I love because I justI understand energy so well,
that it's just enough. It's notegotistical, it's just I do. But
you know what I'm saying? Idon't know why I felt I had to
qualify that. But anyway, butit's just I love it. It's just
yummy to think about that, youknow, how we share energy and
how we exchange it. And, and whywe get conditioned because we
had this openness in this chart.
And you know, for the first 18years of our lives, you know,
our mother or father had thatconsistent energy. And it was,
you know, that we got defined,oh, wait, now I have an
awareness around it. Oh, thatwas my dad's stuff. So then we
go, oh, yeah, that was my dad's,I don't have to own it anymore.
I can release myself from it,and give it back to that person.
So I think that's really one ofthose huge pieces of learning
and going oh, now I understandwhy I was that way or I am that
way but you know it. I neverfelt I could be that way because
of this. I'm gonna start livingauthentically. So
Arwen Bardsley (34:44):
yeah, and also
why people have then the
physical manifestations in theirbody of certain conditions,
which obviously then you canlook at the metaphysical anatomy
and understanding the underlyingemotional causes which are
caused by these influences fromother people.
Heather Fischer-Page (35:03):
Arwen Bardsley (35:04):
So, yeah, that's
yeah, that's, it's really
powerful, isn't it? So whenwould you? Or, you know, maybe
it's a matter of when do peoplecome and have a human design
reading? Like, what do you findthe key triggers that make
people realize that this will bea really good thing for them to
Heather Fischer-Page (35:25):
really interesting. I get a lot
of people at their lifecycles,um, you know, I work with a lot
of people who are getting neartheir Chiron return, or they are
at their Saturn Return, or theirUranus opposition. So around 40
to 42. You know, that's whenthat's my Uranus opposition.
When I looked back at it, Iwent, Oh, that's when all of
these things when the chronicfatigue showed, you know, when
it was that big shift, Uranuscame in and goes, Okay, let's,
let's shake things up. So youcan shift to the next, you know,
up level of things. And so a lotof people will come in at that
time for it. And some peoplejust kind of, or they're in a
little bit of crisis, and theywant to know, okay, what's going
on? So I, I will kind of feelinto their charts, and figure
out kind of maybe where some ofthose conundrums are, or what
could be holding them back. Andwe can go through that and work
through those things. And givethem the awareness that they
need around it. And so it's kindof those waking up points, you
know, and, and awarenesses thatwe all need, you know, and so,
yeah, I find people come forthat type of thing I'm getting
ready to do, the more intensivelooking at lifecycle work,
diving deeper in. And because,you know, I never stop learning,
it seems like, and so I'mexcited to do some deeper dives
into lifecycle analysis. Andalso looking at near death
experiences, doing NDE charts.
I'm very excited about that. Butreally, right now, I really like
a lot of times people will justcome and go, Oh, I heard about
this human design thing. Can youtell me more and so we'll do
just a foundational reading. Butin that foundational reading, as
you know, it really gives you alot of basic information that
you're like, oh, wait, yeah. Oh,that makes sense. My learning
style is that, oh, I'm gonna,you know, I'm gonna, I'm gonna
I'm going to flow with thatinstead of flowing with somebody
else's. You know, I, when Ifound out that I was an
explorer, spiritual, ya know,visionary leader. I was like,
really, you know, or martyrheretic, in traditional Human
Design. I'm like, and I'm hereto like, experiment my whole
life. And I was never allowed towhen I was a kid. And I'm like,
No wonder no wonder I wanted totry things myself instead of
somebody else doing it. For me,it was just so interesting. So I
think it's those little ahamoments, but I am excited. I've
been doing what we call soulactivation readings. And so
looking at it from that deeperpiece of Oh, you have your sun
in the gate 57 You're here, youknow, you're here to do this.
And we look at it from mercury,you know, how we communicate,
but how we can also communicatein our businesses and you know,
just these different pieces thatkind of weave this really cool
story for us to activate ourlife purpose. So yeah, so life
purpose readings and things likethat. But again, I do smaller
readings for people who have abasic understanding of human
design and understand their typeand their strategy because we
always need to go back to ourtype and strategy and go oh,
yeah, wait, I'm here to respond.
Why Why aren't things slowingright now? Well, I'm trying to
push things I'm trying toinitiate things instead of you
know, responding so that'susually my first question. So
you know, you're a generator areyou responding to things? Are
you trying to push things areyou pushing against a divine
timing, but then we can deeper,take a deeper dive into the
chart and look at maybe thoseconundrums. What's holding me
back? Oh, yeah. Do you haveconditioning around having to do
at all for people? Do you haveconditioning around, you know,
fear of the future, whatever itis, you know, and really talking
through those things and givingkind of a mentoring session
through that. So I love doingthat, you know, being able to
kind of counsel and mentorpeople.
Arwen Bardsley (40:30):
And yeah,
because I was just going to say
that, you know, the main thingthat, I mean, obviously, it's
the most basic, but that I wouldtake away from my session, was
that whole thing about being amanifesting generator, and yeah,
not having to pull back frompushing, pull back from pushing.
Yeah, just, you know, go withthe flow, as you were saying,
respond, not not try andmanifest things that aren't, you
know, being brought to me tomanifest
Heather Fischer-Page (41:03):
right to
respond to the universe always
gives us stuff to respond to,you know, constantly and yeah,
and I, I just love you all,you're you manifesting
generators, because you guys getto have like, all these little
plates spinning and trying andsampling and, you know, and and
experimenting, and then goingoh, yeah, okay, this is the one,
that one piece shows up andgoes, Oh, okay. Yeah, that's
what I'm supposed to fly with.
Okay, great. You other pieces,go sit on the sides on the
shelves. And I might come backto you at some point. But you
know, it's, it's beautiful. It'sbeautiful. And I think a lot of
manifesting generators justusing you, you all as an
example, a lot of times thatenergy was stamped down. And you
weren't allowed to experimentand multitask. And so I think
that is a huge piece. I rememberin a webinar I did, somebody
said, Oh, my gosh, I feel seen,I feel seen now I can tell
people, it's because I'm amanifesting generator, I do get
to do 10 things at once. If Iwant, you know, yes, still be
able to have a conversation withyou, you know, about dinner. So
just, you know, if you need tojust move out of the energy, you
know, so it's, it's good. Youknow, I really, I love every
type, because there's just somuch beauty in each type. When
we're in the flow, so,
Arwen Bardsley (42:38):
yeah, and for
some people, manifesting
generators, I guess they Yeah,it's energizing to have, you
know, multiple plates spinning,rather than depleting as it
would be for I'm sure for someother people.
Heather Fischer-Page (42:52):
yeah. And like me, as a
generator, I, I was a hugemultitasker. And I always
wondered why I was havingaccidents. And or why I was
always burnt out. Or, you know,just yeah, things would happen.
I'm like, oh, and when I finallyfigured out, I'm supposed to
focus on one thing at a time,whatever, lights me up, that's
what I work on. It was sofreeing. And, you know, because
I think society tells us asmothers, especially working
mothers, oh, yeah, you'resupposed to be doing all these
things. And, you know, no wonderI ended up with chronic fatigue,
you know, because I wasn'thonoring my energy. So, yeah.
And so it's really finding thatindividualisation, and, you
know, living authentically towho we are and what our type is,
and our strategy, so
Arwen Bardsley (43:53):
And is there a
good book or something that
people you know, not people whowant to learn how to do human
design, but just that tellspeople all about it, if somebody
wanted to dive into it in moredepth?
Heather Fischer-Page (44:07):
Oh, yeah.
Yeah. First of all, run, getyour chart run. I always welcome
DMs to my, you know, to myInstagram account, because I'll
run a Free Chart for people. Idon't mind doing that at all. Or
you can go on genetic matrixyourself and run it. And then, I
mean, for me, I have even thoughI studied under Karen, I love
her books. Hers is understandinghuman design is her first book.
And that's actually the bookwhen I went on Amazon, and, you
know, in 2018, and I was lookingfor books and I guess I used to
my sacral response, but I waslike, Okay, which one you know
resonates with me and hers waslike boom, okay. I got her book.
And that in its the red one isthe her original one. She has an
updated one with the quantumlanguage, I believe coming out
or maybe it's out. And then, andthen I have books by chayton.
Parker, there's one on lines,but really getting the basics is
the important thing. And sounderstanding human design, you
can get the original, excuse mebook by Ra Uru Hu which is human
design? But and then there'sother ones out there. But you
know, those are the books that ii go between usually Ra's and
Karen's book.
Arwen Bardsley (45:49):
Is Karen's book
maybe more accessible for
somebody who is coming at it asa beginner?
Heather Fischer-Page (45:55):
Yeah, I
think it is. Because
understanding human design, itreally does. It kind of breaks
it down a little better thanit's not like it's a different
language, but it's easier todigest, I think. And, you know,
some people may resonate morewith Ra's, you know, original
work, but she worked with him.
She studied under him for many,many years. And so, but yeah, I
really like her book to getstarted. And she has so many
wonderful, free offerings onYouTube, you know, so if you
find out, Oh, I'm a generator,if you go in and put Karen curry
Parker generator, you will get agreat video on explaining what a
generator is. And so you know,and she, a lot of times, she
will integrate both traditionalhuman design language and then
the quantum language as well,which allows you to go oh, wait,
I kind of resonate more with thealchemist feel of the generator
energy, which I do, I definitelyam like, oh, yeah, that's me,
you know, I mean, I do nutritionand energy healing and you know,
hypnotherapy and human design,astrology, you know, I am that
Alchemist who really pullsthings together into this
different kind of package, youknow, for each person, bio
individual package for eachperson. So but you know what I'm
saying it's, it's, so it's, it'sreally finding what language
speaks to you? Yeah. Yeah. And Idefinitely, that's why I always
use traditional and quantumhuman design language, because I
want the person to resonate withwhat where they are in their
journey. So
Arwen Bardsley (47:46):
yeah, yeah.
Okay. Well, thank you for that.
Would you like to tell us a bitmore about your integra wellness
method, which I assume, asyou've just said, does integrate
all those things?
Heather Fischer-Page (47:59):
Yeah. So I, it's it really hasbeen part experiential
knowledge, part knowledge part,you know, just this amazing
conglomeration of information.
But when I do the wellnessmethod, it is I take a look at
your mind body spirit, soulpurpose. So we look at nutrition
and not from I mean, I do so Ido everything individual. It
that's under the Integrawellness method. So I do deep
dive nutrition if somebody needsit, but if we're doing the
wellness method, I really giveyou know, tips around nutrition,
okay, you know, if we have aclean vessel, things are gonna
shift a little bit better. Sowhat can you do eat more colors,
you know, hydrate? What kind ofmovement? Are you doing? What
kind of self care really, bodywise are you doing for yourself?
And then we look at that piece,the Human Design piece, are you
living true to who you are? Areyou living authentically? Are
you living? Are you living andbeing a human being rather than
a human doing, are you and so welook at the chart. And I always
find when people when we do thechart, whether it's, you know,
just a foundational reading orit looks at the conundrums,
things start to come up andthings come up that are ready
for healing. So we'll do somehypnotherapy or what is called
the E motion technique, where weshift thought forms that might
be stuck in the body somewhere.
Say it's in the heart, you'refeeling like this tightness in
your chest. And so we look at itand we find out what that
thought form is and then weshift that and we dissolve it
and then we replace it with adifferent thought, or
hypnotherapy. But we can workthrough those conundrums
together and decondition pieces,and then I always find after
we've shifted those thoughtforms that it's really good to
kind of pull our energy backinto our body and do a, an
energy healing. And this stuffis, this is not in one session.
This is over, you know, youknow, three months where we, you
know, weave in what we need.
And, um, but, you know,integrating it into the body I
found is so important, you know,it's really, it's really kind
of, you know, encapsulating allthat you're doing by using doing
that energy work and balancingthe chakras again. So, and
removing any, if there's anyenergetic blocks that are going
on, because sometimes if youhave that little energetic block
there, it might show up in aform, that I intuit that I can
help remove, and shift in, youknow, and then, you know, fill
with, you know, amazing roselight or whatever. And so, and
just shifting, getting ourenergy back into our own bodies,
you know, I have a techniquethat I do, that's a centering
technique, you know, that justbrings all your energy back to
you and lets everybody else'sgo, you know, who wouldn't love
to have that? I'm like,seriously?
Arwen Bardsley (51:41):
And who doesn't
like that? We need it.
Heather Fischer-Page (51:45):
Yeah, we
all do. Because we are all out
in these things. We're all we'reconstantly 24 hours a day being,
you know, yeah, pulled in thesedirections with social media and
you know, our own lives, youknow, and so getting centered is
can be very helpful. So, thatreally is the wellness method,
you know, really looking at,again, the body through
nutrition movement, the lifepurpose with human design,
hypnotherapy, looking at that,the mind really looking at that
and shifting our mindset doingmindfulness work. You know, I
always it's funny, because a lotof times, the guides will give
me a mantra for them or anaffirmation to take forward with
them. And also, yeah, inmeditation, and then and then
the spirit really getting thatconnection in and working with
that energy with the energywork. So yeah, it's, it's, it's,
it's, it's pretty incredible.
And you know, when you come outon that other side, it you are
ready for that next piece, youknow, so it's just yeah, I love
it. I love being able to takepeople through that and, and
really guiding and supportingthem on their journey.
Arwen Bardsley (53:15):
Yeah, yeah.
Wonderful. And so over threemonths, how many, you know,
interactions would someone Haveyou? Is it like on a weekly or
fortnightly basis that you'd behaving a session with them?
Heather Fischer-Page (53:27):
yeah. Yeah. Like every week, to
two weeks, just depending onwhat we're doing. Yeah. Within
that we got to integrate, weneed to integrate the
information. And so and, likewith energy, healings, and as
you know, once a month is aboutas much as you can do energy
work on a body, because yougotta have to allow the body to
calibrate and integrate. Soyeah, so we meet either weekly
for some things, or we mightmeet every two weeks. And then
yeah, but if something comes up,and it's like, oh, wow, that
human design session really kindof clicked me. I think it's time
to do a hypnotherapy release ora sacral session, which is a
human design technique forgenerator types, where we really
connect into the sacral Yes, andno, you know, in that decision
making, so we will do that. Soit really is, yeah, it it's,
it's kind of works very flowbecause not everybody's gonna,
you know, not everybody has thesame timing, you know, and so we
really kind of just flow withthe person I you know, as as as
they're needing it, but yeah, Ido. I put the package together
and we talk through it and seehow things come up. And, you
know, check in, there's alwayscheck ins - where Are you? You
know, how are you feeling? Allof those types of things that
can help? Bring it back, bringyour bring them back to the
present and going okay. Yeah.
Okay, what is my emotional checkin right now? So where where's
my mind? Where are my thoughts?
You know? So? Yeah.
Arwen Bardsley (55:21):
And you do work
remotely with people?
Heather Fischer-Page (55:24):
Yes, yes.
Yeah, it works. As we know,energy. Energy goes across the,
the, you know? Yeah, across theuniverse, you know, there's no
time and space. Yeah, once youget in there. So it's yeah, it
works really well. And Iactually really enjoy doing
remote energy work because thebody is not there. So it's much
easier to connect in.
Arwen Bardsley (55:53):
Yeah, I know
what you're saying. Yeah,
Heather Fischer-Page (55:58):
I always
make sure though, before I do an
energy healing on somebody thatI connect via zoom. I mean,
we're going to talk anyway,because I want to connect into
the energy. And then yeah, butit's interesting when the body's
out of the way you can reallyshift some great things.
Arwen Bardsley (56:19):
Yeah, I think,
yeah, you can connect to those
that to the higher vibrationsmore much more easily can't you?
Yeah. Yeah. Very cool. And yeah,I just wanted to comment on
you're saying the energy healingonce a month? I do. Yeah, I find
that people will generally saythat they and I'd love to do a
study on this at some point. Butthey'll say they've kind of feel
the results, the benefits of theenergy healing for around three
weeks. It's just been amazinghow many people have said that
to me, over the time I've beendoing this work. So three weeks
seems to be for some reason, theperiod, that, you know, you're
kind of assimilating the energywork. But so therefore, then
people will often you know, doit as a monthly self care thing.
But I do also find that for somepeople, especially initially,
they will benefit from comingevery two weeks for maybe three
sessions, to really, you know,kind of shake things up in a way
and really get the energy movingso that they can release what
they need to release, and thenbe ready to assimilate that they
need to assimilate. So. Yeah. Ijust wanted to make that
comment. From my point of view.
Heather Fischer-Page (57:34):
yeah. Yeah. And in between, for
me it we're doing like thehypnotherapy work. So we're
releasing thought forms andstuff like that. And so yeah,
it's, every system worksdifferently. And I always tell
people to, and I'm sure you feelit, too, is, you know, when
you've had an energy session,sometimes the next day, you're
not gonna feel that great.
Arwen Bardsley (57:59):
Exactly. Yeah,
Heather Fischer-Page (58:00):
I remember
coming out. I'm like, you know,
the next day going, why don't Ifeel better? And wait a second,
energy got shifted. So thoseopen spots, even though good
energies been put in there, haveto integrate and assimilate. So?
Arwen Bardsley (58:18):
totally agree.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So before wefinish up, I'd love you to just
tell people about your podcastas well, because I have had the
privilege of being a guest onyours. The integrity Podcast.
And so I guess it's just youknow, I want what kinds of
guests do you have other thanme? Just so that for people who
are interested in having alistening, having a listen,
should check it out?
Heather Fischer-Page (58:49):
Yeah, so
it is the Integra podcast, and
the tagline for it is everythingwisdom, wellness and woo. So I
it's yeah, it's so fun. So I getto talk to everybody. You know,
it really, you know, you got alittle wisdom, you got some, you
know, do you do wellness, or areyou into Woo. But, you know,
I've interviewed amazing people,I really love to share people's
stories of inspiration and howsomething that may have been
challenging for them becametheir life purpose. And, you
know, my first interview waswith Natasha Ria El-scari. She
is a poet. And but in the KansasCity area, she is huge in the
black community and has reallylifted up the black artists in
our community and but she's alsoan author and a poet. And so we
talked about her book aboutconsciousness and dating, and it
was lovely is she wrotebasically wrote a book for her
son on, you know, how to be, youknow, spiritually, mindfully
conscious of when you date andin relationships. So it was
really cool.
Arwen Bardsley (01:00:15):
Heather Fischer-Page (01:00:15):
And then,
you know, then I had on someone
who does kitchen therapy, youknow, who overcame colon cancer.
And now she teaches people howto take care of themselves and
empower themselves and see thework that we do in the kitchen
as self care. And yeah, and youknow, then I have somebody on he
is his, he has his own podcastcalled Confessions of Christian
kid. And talking about hisunwinding from a pretty
conservative religion, and how,really reading the red letters
of the Bible gave him you know,a real understanding of really
who Jesus was, is and is as aAscended Master and, you know,
huge part of that realm. And soit's just been this lovely
group. And then I had this womanon who was a medical astrologer
does the Evenstar Wellbeingprogram, you know, so it was,
it's lovely, I'm so excited. Ilove being able to talk with
people like you, and really putit out there for people because,
you know, when we're stuck, weneed inspiration. And I want
people to have access to theperson they resonate with. And,
and so that's what's importantto me. Yeah. And I just, I just
interviewed somebody who wrote abook on on un-bullying and how
to how to speak to bullies andhow to speak to your the bully
in yourself. And it was prettyincredible. So I just yeah, I
really try and have like thisweave this group, you know, this
beautiful narrative for peopleto find what they need and who
who they can reach out to so
Arwen Bardsley (01:02:22):
yeah, nice. So
fascinating. I look forward to
the unbullying episode that yes,I really interesting. Cool.
Yeah. Okay, so, and your podcastis available on all the
podcasting platforms.
Heather Fischer-Page (01:02:41):
Spotify, Stitcher, Google, I
believe, yeah.
Arwen Bardsley (01:02:46):
Yep. Okay. And
then how else can people best
get in touch with you if they'rewanting to connect with you
around your work?
Heather Fischer-Page (01:02:57):
yeah, so I have a website it's
Integra holistic wellness.comAnd I'm on Facebook at Integra
holistic wellness and Instagramis Integra holistic wellness as
well I think yeah, yeah. Yeah. Iactually you know, how you know
how when you get like a commonname, they kind of switch like
my old business name. I hadsomething that you know, I had
to add some letters or somethingon to the end of it and I'm
like, Oh, I actually did getthem all to work. Integra
holistic wellness either.com andor on Instagram is Integra,
holistic wellness, and also onFacebook. And so, yeah, you can
reach out that way through DMs.
And also, I have scheduling onthe website as well.
Arwen Bardsley (01:03:55):
Yeah, yep. Okay,
yeah. Okay, well, thank you so
much for your time, Heather,it's been a really great
conversation and fascinating thework you do so I'm so pleased to
be able to bring bring that tosome more people.
Heather Fischer-Page (01:04:12):
Thank you so much for having meon. Here. It was, you know, I
always love talking with you.
Arwen Bardsley (01:04:19):
Oh, good. All
right. Thanks, Heather.