All Episodes

March 24, 2024 48 mins

Hello Backstory fans! In this entertaining episode of Backstory Sessions, we have a discussion about Cat's social media adventures, the exciting venue and timing updates of her murder mystery event 'Murder on the Mountain' and an update on the upcoming pitch event for the unique mobile dinner theatre, 'Mystery Meets'. We also reveal some details about our upcoming Easter episode, which includes a special guest  Rick Cosnett.

We also have a discussion about the interesting phenomenon of the upcoming solar eclipse, with the odd decision of school closures during the event, eclipse viewing practices, and whether eclipse glasses have an expiration date.

As the episode winds down, we share some exciting future plans, including launching the new Backstory Sessions website, (finally) with an online store,  new merch coming, and expanding our social media presence. We also share a sneak peek into Cat's upcoming drama play "Boxes", an exploration of Matt's SubStack writings plans, as well as the  idea for a new podcast.

We celebrate our milestone of five years working on Backstory Sessions, and for this achievement, we express our gratitude for the support of you, our loyal listeners. 

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hey everybody, it's Kat, and I want to welcome you to this episode of Backstory Sessions.
I'm joined today by my co-host, Matt. Hey, Matt. Hey, Kat. Hey, everyone. How are you?
It's been a bit since we've done an episode together, although...
I mean, we did last week together.

Well, was it last week? I think so.
Well, I mean, we did show games, so maybe it was, like, the week before.
Yeah, but, I mean, we do intros every week.
Oh, well, yes, yes. We do that,
but it's not, like, you know, when we first started out, we were always,

like, doing episodes where it was just us without a guest, you know,
for, like, a lot of the season. That's how we started out.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I understand. Yeah.
So, you know, it's kind of like one of those times where we get to go back and just.
I think it was probably what? Right around Christmas?

Yeah, maybe. It seems like that. That seems about right. I'm going to go look because I'm curious.
It's just kind of nice to be able to talk about the things coming up.
And, you know, we're getting, I don't know what, about three or four episodes
away from ending season 11.

So, yes, that's right. We got like four more and we're going to take a little
break and we revisit some things. So, yeah.
So, all right. Well, I'm going to start with something that I find funny. OK.
OK. So, you know, on Facebook, you can be, they can label you a digital creator if you.

Yes, you are a digital creator.
Yeah, you know, if you do that stuff. So I do that stuff and I've been labeled
that. I've been labeled a lot of stuff.
You know, in particular, if you, like, do well, like, it's on a weekly basis,
they can make you a rising star or something like that. What does that mean, actually?

According to the little thing they send you, you know, it's like your metrics
were really high, like, and I don't know if it's 1% of digital creators or,
you know, something like that.
Is that based on, like, how many people look at the stuff that you post?
It's followers looking at the stuff, commenting on the stuff,

you know, liking, interacting in some way with the stuff that you, the content you post.
Right. So that's happened to me from time to time.
And I guess not that surprising because, you know, I post a lot of things for
backstory sessions and now for the, you know, for the mystery meets.

And so, you know, it's always nice when it happens, but this time it happened.
And it's as funny as saying that kind of set me over the top.
It has nothing to do with Backstory Sessions or Mystery Meets.
It has to do with McDonald's.

Oh, yes. Yeah, I remember this.
Okay. So, you know, I'm fairly clueless in the Happy Meal world and all of that.
Because, you know, I don't have any little kids anymore and grandkids or I don't
get the happy meal myself.
I'm not like collecting toys or any of that. Are you not happy?

Well, you know, the story is McHappy or should I say Wick Happy?
Okay, so, you know, I've taken a liking to these iced lattes.
From McDonald's? Yes, from McDonald's. Well, it doesn't have to be from there, but I do like theirs.

So that happens to be, you know, the handiest at times.
So my cup, I seldom pay attention to details.
Tails but it was a clear cup and
you know half my drink was gone and i happened to
see that the mc was turned

upside down so it was a w right
you know wick donald's and then the golden arches were turned upside down so
instead of an m those are a w right so i'm thinking like i've got got a misprinted
cup you know like they printed this whole thing like,

You know, well.
Then over to the far right, you can see like, you know, Japanese letters or words.
You know, I just knew it was something I couldn't read, but I knew it was Japanese looking. Right.
So I was like, well, you know, it must mean something. thing.

But, I mean, there's no artwork or anything to indicate that,
you know, it goes along with anything.
So, I'm just thinking, like I said, that they misprinted.
So, I decided to search, and I did, and found that, you know,
it has to do with anime, and apparently,

at least I'm told, you know,
they didn't want to have copyright right violations so they
turned from mcdonald's to wickdonald's you
know to avoid anime yeah well
you know so i i mean i used to teach a whole unit on on asian culture and we

studied the arts you know of japan china etc but anime was one of the you know
one of the things that we study.
And so you know i was like
okay well i would have gone a different route with it but
okay that's what it is but it's

okay so yeah so i don't understand they so who printed the cups upside down
well nobody did print it upside down but apparently in anime when they wanted
to to use McDonald's in her work.

It's been like a longstanding thing that they would, to avoid the copyright
issue, they would make it WicDonald's.
So everybody that follows that would know,
you know what it what it meant i guess okay but you

know i i am not
one of those so i had to
read about it you know to know but like i
said all i was thinking was that it was you know somebody not really paying
attention to their job and just like you know the printer and didn't want to
like lose all that money so you know that's what i was thinking well i mean

that That post just blew up with people.
And but they were like so angry and acting like I was like stupid.
I like that. I was trying to make it a political post in some way. Really?

Yeah. And I'm like, oh, my gosh. Gosh, you know, I was like doing just pointing
out, you know, that I didn't know what that was. And I looked it up and here's
what it is. So I hope that, you know.
So where did they, how did they turn it into a political thing?

Well, apparently, you know, apparently it implies that you feel like,
like a conspiracy theory that China is taking over McDonald's.
All of that kind of thing like you know and
they're like and you're stupid anyways because it's Japanese

and you don't even know the difference you know and just things like that like
I mean it was horrible and I was like oh my gosh you know like because you know
I'm not going to be the one posting political things so I mean not intentionally,
but that just goes to show you you know like.

You just never know, like, something as innocent as a cup that you just don't
understand could be taken, like, I mean, there are people out there just waiting
to jump on the political bandwagon.
Well, I think that's probably more, you know, it's just the way things are these

days, you know, people are a lot of keyboard warriors out there.
Yeah, well, you know. know anyway so facebook recognized you for this or something
yes yes they did i i am a rising star,
so even you know even if it was mcdonald's

that pushed me over the top or whatever and
my metrics were very high in the one percent and i
did get my little rising star for the
week so it's only for a week
yes you get re-evaluated every
week and your star could go
away or you know i guess that's supposed

to be incentive you know when you get it it feels good
like it's like getting a sticker or something at school now and you just want
to be good again so you can get it right yeah yeah and that probably never did
work all that well but you know well that's that's interesting Well,
congratulations, I guess.

And thank you, McDonald's, for helping Kat become a rising star.
I know. That's what people should be talking about instead of, you know, always.
Yeah, you're a rising star, but apparently you're a stupid one.

You're a falling star.
You go it down yeah all right what else that was funny so what else you got,
so i have a busy a busy this is a busy time you know we're we are getting ready
for easter and i have to say our easter guest is going to be rick cosnett and

you know how excited that makes me. Yeah. Yes.
I mean, you know, he's just fascinating. It's been a bit since we got to talk
to him. Yeah, it has been a while.
He has a great Easter suit. Like, oh my gosh, it's the perfect color. Everything.

So, actually, you know, he is like, he is aging backwards.
I feel like he looks younger now than he did the last time we interviewed him.
So we got something right,
Well, I mean, not to take away from Easter, because, of course,
that, you know, is a sacred holiday that is coming.

Just so Rick is our guest on Easter, not connected with the holiday.
It just happened to fall on our release day. Right.
But we have our new Mystery Meets Play, which is called Murder on the Mountain.
When is that going to be?
That is going to be in April.

I don't want to say the dates because I don't want to mess the dates.
But I believe it's like the 14th.
I don't want to mess them up, but I think it's the 14th.
You know, so it's a Saturday. Okay. It really is the 14th and the 21st.
So the 14th will be in Barberville at Union College. Well, okay.

Union College has changed their name now.
So it will be at Union Commonwealth University at their theater,
the Rector Little Theater.
Okay. In Barberville, Kentucky on the 14th.
Then on the 21st, we'll be in Corbin, Kentucky, the train station. Oh, cool.

Yes, it's a really cool venue.
And then, you know, the Pinnacle.
The final pitch. Right, yeah. So you've been talking about this for a couple months now.
Just want to give us a short thing about what that actually is.
Okay, well, the date, I should start with the date, is the 27th of April.

Right, and that's going to be at the Pennington?
Yes, at the Pennington. And can you believe the irony of that?
Yeah, that's where you started Mystery Meets, is it not? Yes,
that is where it all began, just like KFC.
There you go. Yeah. So that is going to be the place for the final pitch contest.

There are 13 other entrepreneur businesses, and we'll all be competing.
You have eight minutes to do your pitch, and then three to five minutes for
the judges to ask you questions.
And this is for $15,000 for your business.

So this is for predominantly new businesses in the 606?
I do believe that they can be. So help me on this.
But I think some are like one to three years old or something.
Oh, okay. So they don't have to be like new, new.
I mean, we're pretty like new, new because we haven't even been a year yet.

Right, I don't even have a billboard as far as I know.
Yeah, you know, so you could have a billboard.
Some businesses do that we're competing with. And some have been,
you know, in business longer than a year or so.
It's very interesting there's like coffee

shops there's a children's science
museum you know there are like
a glamping you know like if
you're glamping oh like camping luxury
yes okay you know like kind of
a little bit right not on the outside

as much right they have someone who
kills the bugs for you yeah well so
there is a glamping business there's a
ready set play is like a toy store
type business you know so there's really like
a lot of different types of businesses and we just happen to be you know quite

unique we're the only mobile dinner theater business and we're really happy
to be representing the art and also we're the first from Knox County.
So you have to tell them about your business and what you're doing and all that?

So you have eight minutes to do the pitch. You tell them what inspired your
business, what problem your business solves, how you solve it.
What kind of traction do you have, you know, you started going forward,
you know, are you gaining, are you going backwards, are you,

you know, and then the ask is what you would do with the money.
Oh, yeah. Tell them what you're going to do with the money.
Yes. So, you know, you got to do all, I mean, eight minutes goes by,
as you know, from the podcast, you know, we just get started talking and eight minutes are over.
Yeah. I mean, some go by really, really fast, and then others are like, holy crap.

Well, you know, with me, it's going to seem like really, really fast.
You know, it's already been 18 minutes. Yes.
And I barely just told a McDonald's story. Yes.
You can imagine if I'm summing up, you know, this will be our fifth show.
So you can imagine. it i mean we've done five shows

that we have written and performed
you know i mean that's a lot in
less than a year so you you've performed some
shows more than once though so this is not oh yeah so this isn't the fifth show
it's the well it's the fifth show but not the fifth performance so it's the

fifth the fifth new show that you're doing yes the fifth individual show Okay.
How many performances have you had? Well, so, you know, the very first one,
we did five performances.
So, yeah, we opened really strong. I mean, with five. Yeah.
You know, then it's varied from mostly three after that.

And simply because when we very first opened, we opened at the end of July.
And so we were kind of like a month in and a little bit of a month we were able
to get those five in you know now it's just not possible to do that because.
You know, we're now on the monthly, every other month schedule.

So, like for April, for instance, you know, we say you have Easter,
which is the end of March. Then you have spring break.
Then we have two performance weekends.
Then you have the pitch. So, you know, obviously we have to spend some of the
time preparing for the pitch. So two performances is all that the schedule will allow.

But certainly the show and the demand for the show is greater than just two performances.
It's just that's all we can fit in right now. Right. Understood.
It takes a lot to put one of those together.
Yeah. And everybody gets a free T-shirt because another thing that's happening
in April is the eclipse. Crips. Oh, yeah, that's right.

You know, I was reading something about that today, and I wanted to get your opinion on this.
Okay. So apparently, I'm not sure where it is.
It might be in Pennsylvania, where I am right now, because I don't remember the particulars of it.
But there are actually hundreds of schools in the path of the solar eclipse,

which happens, as you said, in April.
And apparently they're closing that day because it's going to be dark for part of the day.
Yes, there are schools here doing the same. Is that not the dumbest thing you've ever heard?
Well, so that makes it sound dumb.

But, you know, what they've been,
the way they spin it here is that, you know, it allows kids and their families to travel to,
you know, like there are in Western
Kentucky is the big place here if you want to get like the maximum.

Of them so it allows families to travel
if they want you know to experience the
eclipse together and learn about it i
mean i guess too like it
could be a liability issue i'm thinking you know if like little johnny got left

on the playground and looked up at the sun i mean well you know like ever since
i started a business i think about like everything like this Oh, Lord.
I mean, I could see, like, you know, snow day, sure, you know,
give the kids off, whatever.
Now we're having eclipse days?

Yeah, we didn't get any of those when we were kids, did we?
And wouldn't it be like a good opportunity to teach them something about like science?
Well, you know, I was going to say I think it was a good teaching opportunity.
But no, apparently we're going to give them the day off because it might be dark.

What do we know? I mean, apparently not a lot.
Uh well here's something else
you might not know i learned this from the oven
mitts and i know that you know the
oven mitt because yes yeah we we
have been there but you know
these eclipse glasses because if you

remember in 2017 there was an
eclipse and many people have their
glasses still from that right but you need
to check because they expire so you
definitely do not want to be looking at the eclipse
through expired you know
eclipse glasses okay that sounds

like a scam to me but i don't know well
you gotta look on there you know it's like
those covid tests you know know expiration dates and
you don't want to you don't want to go blind you
know or something don't want to be staring at the sun for sure
no now i did order you.

Know some bulk glasses for
the play you know doesn't
really make any sense because the play's
gonna be right after the eclipse so you know
they really won't be looking at the sun but murder on
the mountain is play that you know a family goes to the mountain kind of a family

mountain tradition and to watch the eclipse and to scatter the ashes of their
loved one that was her that was her request,
quest so you know they they will at
least have on or with them
the glasses to make it look like that they're really preparing for an eclipse

but if you put real eclipse glasses on you can't see anything you know so it's
really you know was not one of my better ideas yeah i've been better off to ask people,
hey, anybody got expired? Right, yeah.
But, you know, live and learn. It is going to be a great I will say,

it is our funniest play to date.
People will laugh, really.
I think they're going to be really like, I don't even know what the response is going to be.
This one is so funny and wild.
Okay. Well, there you go. Yeah. Sounds interesting.

Well, and one more little bit of information is that there will not be another until 2044.
So 20 years. You have to wait. for
a solar eclipse yes wow
so you know so these glasses will
not help you i think that you you've just

you know wasted money buying eclipse glasses
because they'll be expired by then apparently oh yeah
i think three years is what i was
told you know on most of them but again check
the date on your own glasses because that could vary
i don't really i'm not an expert on that yeah i
don't think i have any eclipse glasses well

i can hook you up yeah um
you know they they have the little insert thing that say they're you know like
past the certification and all of that so i don't plan and I'm looking directly
into the sun. Yeah, it doesn't sound like a good idea.

Yeah, I mean, you know, I just don't. I'm just too skeptical.
I'm a Scorpio, for God's sake, you know? I just don't trust things like that.
All right. What else we got going on here? Let's see. So, oh,
big changes coming soon.
Yeah, so I think you should tell us, like, some of those. Yes,

so what is the one thing, well, I mean, there's multiple things,
but what is one thing that Backstory Sessions does not have?
Does not have...
We do not have a store.

That's true. We do not have a store, but pretty soon we will.
So then we'll have a little backstory session. We'll have everything.
That's right. So we're going to be doing a website and there'll be a store and
there will be some, maybe some merchandise available.

Available right now i'm thinking like t-shirts and
you know maybe coffee mugs i don't know
yes you know people do love
the tumblers with the little right i haven't
worked all that out about that out yet but uh
we are getting the website set up and that'll
be probably by the time that we come

back when did i say it was may yes
may yeah beginning of may we should
have the website site and the store up and running and
you know there'll be some things on there so it'll
be kind of cool um it'll be very cool yes very very cool yeah and then we'll

you know we'll be able to post some more information about our guests there
and you know episodes and there'll be links to,
all the all the episodes and you know all the social media and stuff like that
so uh yeah Yeah, really excited about that. It's going to be interesting.
Well, I mean, I think you said this was going to be beginning our fifth year.

We probably are in April, right?
Actually, I believe March 20th, so it's almost like today.
This is our beginning of five years.
Yeah i don't remember when we when the first
day or when the first recording came out

i'd have to go back and look but um it was
i believe it's in march that we started in i don't know 2019 or 2018 or whatever
it was 2019 i think yeah 2019 awesome well you know five years that's uh it's

time to have a website after that long.
Yeah, we haven't been really promoting as much as we should.
And I mean, we do a good job in the Facebook group and all that.
But, you know, just opportunities to grow the audience.
You know, offer some t-shirts and stuff. I think people will like that.

And then put out some more information about the episodes.
Well, and you know, I went through this with Mystery Meets. Like I kept saying,
like, we don't need a website.
You know, like people go to social media at first.
Right. But then I asked, you know, several people in our group of Mystery Meets.

And, you know, it's about split. Like a lot of people search for a website rather than social media.
So, you know, it does lend some credibility when guests, you know,
potential guests or their agents want to look at our content.
Yeah. Being a website will just be a big plus.

Yeah. So in addition to the website, there's also going to be some more presence on social media.
You know i think right now you
have a like i don't know
your backstory sessions cat or something
twitter or instagram instagram

i'm sorry so yeah there's going to be a little
bit more of that going on and then i'm hoping
to get on youtube so basically
there'll be the episodes you'll hear playing and it'll be like I don't know
some video I don't know what it's going to be yet but it certainly won't be

us recording so yeah and why not well you know.
I really don't want to be on camera, so. Okay, well, you know,
that's a good enough reason.
I do have, you know, like some squirrels and different nature things that I

could give video of, so. Yeah, I'll let you know.
So yeah gonna be you know gonna be moving farther into the online presence for backstory sessions,
you know which is welcomed of course yeah definitely it's definitely time five

years so excited about that and we may even change the intro music for the for
the episodes and And, you know,
there's lots of things that could happen. We'll see.
All depends on how much time I have.
You know, I just cannot.

Every time we talk about changing the intro and I start listening,
I'll be like, oh, this one, I like this one.
And then, you know, like, it's like shopping.
Like, I just go from thing to thing, this thing. I'm like, oh,
this one's great. This is great.
So, you know, and then I've got like, you know, a hundred things that could be.

Yeah, it's tough to pick music for sure.
Yeah, it surely is. Yep. So, yeah, there's that.
And then, so one of the things that I've wanted to do for a while now is get
all my, all the things that I've written, like I've written lots of plays and I got.

Two three books going right now and you
know some other stuff that i've that i've written and so
i've been trying to think of a way to get it in one place
because right now it's kind of spread out over like i
have probably well i have two tablets that
i write on and my phone and all that

so i just want to get it all in one place so i'm starting
a sub stack do you know what that is
i do not so sub stack
is like patreon patreon is where
you go and you know you post like well
i don't know are you familiar with patreon i am i
do know that yes okay what's your what's your

interpretation of patreon well you
know people some people that i know that have
gone that route and you know it's worked very
well and you know other people not so
much so i think you know i think it depends
on i think it depends on how
much work you put into it and you know making sure that you're doing it at the

right time i think doing it at the right time yeah you know like i mean you
need to be ready um to go full force into promoting and asking and you know,
So this is a place where you would post things.

So a lot of podcasts use it for extra content.
Extra revenue well not
revenue but like they post content yeah
it's like in the movie like when
you buy the dvd and you get the you know
the little extra stuff like interviews and things

like that yeah okay so anyway
i'm i'm starting a sub stack which is
essentially the same as patreon i'm going
going to put all my writing projects there
and people can come and read
some stuff for free and then if they want to
read some other things there might be a small charge for it so yeah let's see

how that goes but my goal is to release new content probably once a month at
least so So you'll be able to catch up on,
you know, we've talked about a bunch of different projects that I have going
on, like Heart-Shaped Box and Unstoppable and all that.
You'll be able to read some of that stuff, at least initially,

and then we'll see what happens with them down the road. But that's the plan for that.
Well, you know, that's very exciting. I'm really glad to see your writing to,
you know, be in one place like that.
And I know that you'll have a lot of, a lot of people that will love your writing.

So yeah, it may even put some song lyrics up there that I've done. We'll see.
Well, you know, I, uh, I'm a fan, so I definitely will.
I'll be there. All right. all right
what else we got anything i mean that's

about all this all the time
that i have is like taking up with you
know projects and things like that getting ready
for the pitch and the plays and i will
mention you know it's a little bit further out it's not
until july i haven't talked a whole lot about it boxes
you know that's going to be full-length

drama the first drama that mystery
meets have performed and this
is a collaboration with the train station you
know they they use the art to
to work with veterans like with
ptsd and different things like that right so
you know it's a really good fit for this play you

know because theater of course is an art and we have a couple of people in the
cast that you know have been in the military and i think a lot of people are
going to relate to this play so um you know i.
Be talking more about that as we get closer to july

but that's something definitely that i'm
looking forward to i like the comedies and
you know i love the dinner theaters and what we're able to do
with mystery meets but it is nice to you know just kind of like after a year
to do a drama so is this going to be like a so you said it's in conjunction

with i'm sorry who was Was it the train station?
With the train station, yes. Okay. So is this going to be like a Mystery Meets
Dinner Theater kind of thing?
So this will not be dinner theater.
It'll just be more like going to see a standard theater.

It's a little over two hours. There's going to be book signings. So some authors there.
Hey, you might want to be there. you know some authors
will be there so some music you
know so it's going to be more than just a play like there will be several events
going on that day oh cool yeah all right so we're excited about that yeah that's

uh that's kind of interesting um and that's a really great cast i I mean,
there's only four major characters and a minor.
So, you know, five characters that can hold your attention for over two hours. That's a lot.
Yeah, are you going to do like an intermission or anything? Yeah.

So we will have an intermission and that'll be a good chance to,
you know, get some concessions, that kind of thing.
Yeah, so the train station has food and all that, so.
Yes, they do. So that'll be a nice little break for everyone.
And you'll want to get the, you know, the Kleenexes because this is a tearjerker.

I mean, I really feel like people are going to be very emotional and we will
put out some trigger warnings and that kind of thing, you know,
just to let people know the content.
And, you know, it could be at a time when you're just not ready to view a play
of this magnitude about, you know, serious topics.

So is this the first time it's being performed?
It is the first time. It's, you know, we've had readings of it,
but it's the first time that it's actually performed.
How long ago did you write this? So I think this one is about eight years ago,
something like that. I know.

So this one's co-written with Michael Radford.
And at that time both of our parents like my mom and dad his mom they were you
know all considering leaving their home that they had lived in for you know
50 years or whatever and moving.

And so the play boxes you know as that's where the title comes from from the
boxing up of all all the things.
And as you can imagine, you collect a lot of things over 50 years.
If you live in the same house and you're talking to somebody who's moved 50 times, I don't,

I don't think I have 50 boxes and you still have lots of, you know,
lots of things. Yeah, I do.
You know, it's just, um, It's just one of those plays that as people have aging
parents, you know, they may relate that way.
There's a sibling conflict.

So, you know, many people can relate to a distance, you know, with their siblings.
Then there's a PTSD and dementia.
You know, there's just a lot of dynamics in this story. and I feel like most
everyone's going to find their character you know that's going to be them and and.

So, it's very interesting. Yeah, sounds like it.
So, that's in July. I think it's July 11th or something like that.
And we'll be, you know, we'll be promoting that heavily.
All right. Well, I think that covered everything.

Yeah. Yeah, I mean, we're kicking around an idea for a second podcast that may
come about, but we'll see how that goes in the near future.
Give an update on that and when that happens.
Yeah. We're, you know, still unstoppable after all this time.

Yeah, it's been quite a ride, for sure.
A lot of different directions but um you know so we have already are talking
about next season and who we're gonna have on do you have want to talk about any of those people,

well i think um i think
we should leave that a mystery a little bit okay but
you know i i will will say that i think people
will be shocked and amazed shocked and amazed
hmm i wonder who it's gonna
be okay well

i guess i can't say too much because i don't know too much you know we've talked
about a couple people but i don't know that any of them have been booked but
yeah so it'll be i'll be shocked and amazed right along with everyone else i guess when it happens.
Um i i'm like i'm like the what would you call me you know i like the scheduler but the scheduler.

Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, luckily we have made some good connections and that
always helps because sometimes you get a guest you never thought you'd have
a chance of interviewing.
Yes, that is true. Falls into place and you don't even have to work that hard sometimes.

And then some of them you work really hard and you still don't get.
I mean that's kind
of the way the that's kind of the way it goes i
guess so we'll go back to shell games you
know it's kind of like a shell game yeah there you go yeah
just so you know the last time we
had have done an episode like this it

was just you and i and that was
on on christmas eve ah christmas
eve well that seems like
a longer time ago than it was i guess
but um yeah i mean it seems like
uh that was forever ago but
it's only been a couple months so yeah well

we may be doing another one
who knows that's right all righty
there's nothing else i guess we'll call it a
podcast and uh get this
one released sorry well i do think you know it's a good time to say thank you

to all the people that are listening like faithfully each week and um you know
some people have been with us since the beginning and kept listening and And,
you know, so I feel like that's kept us going,
you know, I mean, obviously, if we started doing these and our audience didn't grow.

You know, we had five people every week.
You know, we probably would not have made it to starting year five.
So um thank you to everybody
that is out there that you know
does support us does like share the
episodes or you know invite your friends
all of that i appreciate that we appreciate that yes of course and also oh i

have to i mean you i think you were gonna do this but i'll do it i have to thank
our listeners in ghana they're really coming through for us in the last In the last couple weeks,
they're actually number three still ahead of Canada, which is surprising, but...
Yeah, I'm kind of excited about that. So thank you, people who are listening in Ghana.

We appreciate that. And come on, Canada, get with it. Yeah, they're like a distant whore.
I mean, it's really bizarre.
But, I mean, I don't know why. Well, I know people, you know,
I know people in Canada that, you know, like Newfoundland, you know,

different provinces there.
Right. i feel like they can like had called themselves closer to number three
i mean they had been number three for the longest time but you know ghana's
kicking their butts so yeah ghana's gonna.

Gonna hold on to number three yeah apparently so
for a little while probably this month they will anyway but yeah it's just surprising
i mean you never know where people are going to listen from and we do have a
pretty wide i mean most of our listeners come from the u.s obviously but uh,

around the world i mean we're heard
in a lot of countries so we are international
i mean we do have a following so uh yeah it's kind of interesting i mean just
when we first started of this is like well you know i just want to do it for
because it sounds cool let's do a podcast and uh yeah you know maybe some people

in kentucky will listen to us,
yeah their family right yeah and now you know now we have uh people around the
world to listen to that's kind of cool,
well I mean I hope you're laughing with us and at us but you know whichever

category you happen to be in just keep listening there you go alright well.
Thank you everyone and we'll talk to you all soon bye,
As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or comments,

you can send those to cat at or you can write to me
at backstorychessings at
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