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January 31, 2024 49 mins

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As we navigate through life's complexities, we inevitably encounter the stormy seas of betrayal and the challenging quest for emotional stability. In today's episode, we lay bare the raw emotions that come with such trials, sharing a moment of personal revelation: quitting is no longer a viable escape. Through heartfelt stories and reflective discussions, we unpack the multifaceted issues surrounding infidelity. Recognizing the importance of restraint and wisdom, we explore how to approach potentially explosive situations like a close friend's betrayal, emphasizing the growth that comes from maturity and the power of nonviolent conflict resolution.

Shifting focus to a matter affecting our wallets, we express shared exasperation over the enigma of taxes. We candidly assess how our hard-earned contributions seem to vanish without a trace, leaving little to show in our communities. But it's not all serious business – we break up the intensity with a dive into the exhilarating world of sports. From dissecting the strategy behind recent NBA trades to reminiscing about the glory days of sneaker hunting, we cover it all. Our passion for the game and sneaker culture brings a light-hearted edge to the conversation, offering a reprieve from the weightier topics at hand.

The curtain falls on this episode with a raw, unfiltered dialogue centered on the personal battles and remarkable talent of music and sports stars such as Chris Brown and Trey Songz. We contemplate the complexities of their lives under the spotlight, pondering the influence of NBA rule changes on the game's evolution. And as we wrap up, we commit to continually refining our podcast, striving to provide you, our listeners, with thought-provoking content. Join us on this journey as we peel back layers, challenge norms, and embrace the unscripted nature of life.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Man for this 科技.

Speaker 2 (00:44):
Hey Back TV.

Speaker 1 (01:08):
Beautiful people, we are here again another rendition
of that good old shit calledbang.

Speaker 2 (01:17):

Speaker 1 (01:21):
Frankly, I shall say I'm happyto dawn.
This banks the Reaper and theprivilege to be able to sit down
and have this Great oldconversation time with you
Not people, but people.
So, it's had no without playboy.
How we doing With anotheryelling j julian, you say you're

already hell with that.
We everywhere like.
Bang back how you feelingthough I'm cold, I realize I'm

grown yeah, definitely, when Ican't just quit, I can't record
I am For sure.
I know that was immature of meto just say, but I meant to do
I just can't quit no more.
I'm gonna grow.

Speaker 2 (02:24):
I can't do shit.

Speaker 1 (02:26):
I can't do nothing.
I can't do nothing at all Cuzif I do, I'm gonna have a
That's the situation that noman wants to go through.
You know what I'm saying, andme personally, I definitely

ain't trying to go through it.
I'm fucked up.
I don't want to hear none ofthat dumb ass shit.
That's what a god.
Who who won't hit that shit outthere?
I ain't say to be honest, bro,somebody said out there, they
like that toxic shit.
You know what Cuz she talks?
Yeah, oh, he.
They doubt it was him.

It was a little bit like I liketo talk to.
I ain't got that extra shit,yeah, but you throw it out too.
That's stupid, because at theend of the day, if that
motherfucker hauled off and golf, you're fucking mad and then

you hit that motherfucker back.
You know on the job.
Ain't nothing cute about thatshit?
I'm lying, that's yoursaxophone motherfucker in the
Don't hit me in my eye Likethat's a disrespectful part,
like it's a nigga's and I canwalk around with shiners and

We ain't gonna deter from thesituation.
That that's not cool.
You know what I'm saying.
Shout out to everybody.
That's doing what they doing.
I'm going to change.
I still need to upgrade thefucking patch.
Remember all the buttons.

Number For real, though, I'mtelling you no lie, man.
Why would I lie?
That's crazy For real, though.
He was really like dude had awhole lot of F for his shit too.

He's like yeah, boy, I'm one ofthem niggas.
I'm one of them niggas, Like,if I kiss my bitch in the bed
with a nigga type shit, Likelike he, like he.
Like back there, look likenigga.
This is like it really like real.
Good Listen, he really was like, yeah, because it'll really be

fucked up.
If it's one of my partners,he's like.
If it's, he's like if it's astranger, if it's like a nigga,
I don't know, I ain't gonna befucked over him, I'm gonna beat
But if it was one of my partnerman, I'm gonna fuck over both
of y'all.
I'm like what the fuck?
That was loud as hell.

I can't find the buttons forthis shit.
Oh yeah, that's that prom scene.
Shit, right there.

Speaker 2 (05:28):
I was like pull these , pulling up on the scene.

Speaker 1 (05:29):
You know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (05:30):
Thing is wild.

Speaker 1 (05:31):
Yeah, that's all I mean.
Like that was that was shegonna call the police and all
that because he's gonna get downlike he's gonna get the bumma
go back to that.

Speaker 2 (05:41):
You know what you should have told?

Speaker 1 (05:42):
that nigga, you know what you should have told her.
So what you you mean to tell meyou you about to go do all that
, yeah, and what you don't thinkdude's gonna do something, I
don't know.
I forgot what you said for asecond.

Speaker 2 (06:07):
Oh, yeah, yeah yeah, wow.

Speaker 1 (06:09):
Oh yeah, he's gonna beat the bitch up.
Yeah, I know, be for dude.
Yeah, oh, that's what I wassaying.
What if it was one of hispartners?
That's why I'm about to say ifit wasn't his partner he gonna
beat the pit partner man hisonly.
So you mean, tell me if it's anew hill, no Right, he's not
gonna be fucked up with that cuz.

Speaker 2 (06:30):
I got like.

Speaker 1 (06:31):
I got you don't know Move dude on the water situation
Like his partner, nobody'ssituation with the, with the

Speaker 2 (06:41):
Okay, so I was still Me personally.

Speaker 1 (06:44):
My brother doesn't even matter to me, I'm not gonna
do nobody, nothing, that's justwisdom.
It just be like, if they don'tsee me, I'm gonna probably walk
that big black up and then likewalk back out, which you believe
, I ain't going back to thatmonth, like now, if it's my crib

, yeah, that's the whole story,type shit.
But I'm not a diamond.
Keep it a pain, like if.
If we're gonna keep it aroundwhile about to say what like,
yeah, you, you know, sir, cardedwith someone that ain't who you

know, and all that.
And then he said you gonna dowhatever with the situation when
it comes to being that.
So you are such a Squire viewpattern, the but as naked and
Like real deep work, real G.
Should you know?
You're part of the but as naked, just got out of bed smashing

your situation further.
Ball, kick the bitch out andtell that nigga put the fuck.
Fuck a pants on boss him crosshis shit and continue on with
your fucking life.
You had a head of that shitcordially.
Yeah, like that shit is crazy.
The thought that came cross hismind was his, if his father,

why you find the fucking youbitch?

Speaker 2 (08:17):
Good question.

Speaker 1 (08:19):
Now I tell her Tim bro, I ain't alive.
Most of these females be gone.
They be any, be chosen for realbut that ain't expect that,
because the bitch gonna show.
You choose the bitch tendencies, yeah, but you know, when they
just be cuffing it, they becuffing.

But shout out that I'm not, youcan't even call another dog.
We were adults, adults, now dog.
We can't even say that.
You know, I can't even Scythe.
I'm sitting up here screamingat them.
You're gonna let them.

He was just really in love.

Speaker 2 (09:13):

Speaker 1 (09:21):
I, you know.

Speaker 2 (09:39):
I Was One way.

Speaker 1 (09:54):
I just saw a girl Was talking about like the same
Like no, no dude she everreally fuck with.
Like that could see None of hiscousins hit, none of his
partners here like the wholetime they been there be fucking
around, and then I keep on here,daughter, this is about ten

times the last five days thatpeople Well Signed.

Speaker 2 (10:28):
I want to say scientifically.

Speaker 1 (10:31):
Well, I don't know, people like actually did like a
questionnaire like a hundredfemales or a hundred niggas, I
don't know, but the question iswell, what I think is that women
cheat more than men.
Oh yeah, tell you why.

When we be doing shit, we doingthis, make that shit obvious,
as the fuck Making it obviousthis can be.
You know what they're doing.
Then they drop in the hands andwe're not.
That's one to, we're goingcertain shit.

Three, don't pay attention tothe fact of whatever it is,
because you know why we socaught up on she is who she is.
She a good bird and all thedirection you know what she

Speaker 2 (11:32):
be doing when she ain't going to work.

Speaker 1 (11:34):
She getting powered by a, by Nick, and they entire
on them.
Oh, she had the crap we don'tknow and we, we, the, we, the
creators of, we can't different,can't?
We could dishable, we can'ttake.
Yeah, my, I ain't gonna lie bro, I Think the older me, like the

old version of me, probablycouldn't take it.
We're gonna be a man by thedawn.
No, no, no, no.
Back then no matter which waythe situation is a lot of bro.
No, nobody Right, I was a funlittle bag bagging a bitch I'm

fucking with.
Now you talk see that thing.
No, you're.
You're talking about a femalethat you're fucking with.
What are you not talking about?
A female that you going home toevery night?
A Female that you yeah, that'swhat I mean.
If that I'm telling you knowhow many thoughts go run cross

your mind in the set in thatquick fucking second.
I do know because I've been inthat right before I write what
I'm saying, though the me nowWouldn't trip as hard as the me
Right, we're not talking aboutin the physical stop standpoint.

I'm talking about the wholewhole aspect of it, like the
mental for the me having all,because I'm gonna thank all that
But I feel like me now Get a bea better.
I have.
I have a better way of handlingthat shit now versus me before,
cuz, like when that shithappened to me before, brother,

I was fucking, I was flashingbro like no man.
I understand I lost my shit.
I understand, I understandfurther I don't do.
I think now this for my, for me,this like Could to be forever.
I don't really be, I Can'treally like Be all the way in

with shit.
No more with, with with afemale, because it's like almost
like Trying to happen.
We're playing double Dutch.
You gotta be like you got a newwind type shit and this like
we're gonna take this out theequation.
No, no, no Can't be all in, wegotta be.

We are, we will get this shitto the nitty gritty because I'm
gonna tell you why.
I don't care how old you are,how many times you've been
through this shit you alreadyhave.
You gotta be one of the mostcold-hearted niggas and guess
what, you still gonna fail it.
Now you walk in and art or youfind out, or physically see it

Yeah, I remember yourmotherfucking ass is gonna be
feeling crushed because it'ssomebody you actually a hundred
percent, always with and dealingwith.
It's not, it's a differencewhen it's a picture to sleeping
You know, I'm sorry we goingnorth like we got this 2024 dog

we gotta be honest with us.
Yeah, and it's like we.
Personally, I'm with you on uson a simple fact of I, but, but
I'm also on the standpoint ofI'm prepared because I don't
Yeah, because I look ateverything like it's anything in

an effort Like you just said,anything can happen.
I look at anything like that.
I look at every situation in mylife like anything can happen.
I don't wake up looking at itlike man, I'm gonna do it this
way to make it happen.
No, I can get up and try to doit that way, but anything can
fucking happen.
You know, I'm sorry like these.

And then when it come to youfucking females down, you you
never know you got until you gotReal shit.
You got him and you dealingwith him on a 24-7 basis.
And man, and don't talk aboutif you got a bitch and a side
bitch you fucking with, or aside bitch and another bitch.

That gotta be the moststressful shit 920, 24.
It has to be.
It has to be Like that ass.
Ain't no way in shaping farmniggas could be comfortable with
talking and and in dealing withon a regular basis four, five
different bitches anymore.
You got so she really killingthem bitches, brain Shit.

I'm going to women brain Fuckingreality TV Fucking, no, fucking
reality fuck.
Really is it's just man.

Is this shit worse than asolution?
Water boy, she's just trash, Imean they out your bad.
And then see, you got the onefuck that we're gonna get out
the females.
As for me, you bitch ass,niggas out you Like you
You know, I'm sorry, I know Ijust that just sold each other

out because one got caught on ajob.
This bitch ass, nigga Real.
And then you motherfuckers,that one, something happened.
You Yack like you don't knowwhat happened.
Bitch, take your leg.
Told for that shit.
Well, what else I was about tosay?
Fuck man, stop lying so fuckingmuch.

You got niggas live, just lie,dog like lie, like lie, not lie
in the road like nigga, don'ttell the truth.
And they just I swear to Godyou ever like dog for real, you
know you ain't never my nigga.
That's just like that.
I'm saying you know that niggaline.
He didn't even get to talkevery just bitch why your face

look like I.
What is you doing?
I swear to God.

Speaker 2 (18:11):
I'm dead ass.

Speaker 1 (18:13):
You do that nigga too .
But then again, what nigga?
I know a lot.
I know a good, a lot of goodlines, motherfuckers.
Good line stupid.
Fucking back and I think it's alittle like a lie.

Fuck Back in the day, here flatthing.
I know thoughts, that's mytouch.
Yeah, you ever heard of blackthose?
There's no thoughts.
He's one of them.

Type to be Right to your feet,be looking right at that's
what's in there.
Yeah, my car in the shop.
Somebody was trying to get hisattention.
I'm like brother, you reallyGrowner than everybody out here.

Yeah, I'm gonna be fit.

Speaker 2 (19:47):
He need.
To get him some life together,get this nigga life a little bit
standing right on the curb.

Speaker 1 (19:57):
The car pulled up for him, the girl in the car, but
she blow up pop up.
He keep looking back over theshow, the while looking at the
He's looking at the car.
But I'm looking at him.
Look at the car.
He's looking at the car.
He's looking the middle.
He's going to the game.
Guess we can't see why.
So you keep turning around.

Yeah, my girl up again.
Bump, bump, you know, and boydo it again.
So by the time she do it thefifth time, I'm like dude.
This fucking girl is going foryour dumb guy like you to like
you too.
You're a dog game.

You're a real dog.
Your pop pop.
At this point, your pop party,put your glasses up.
Could that?
Could have been anybodyhorrible situation.
Nothing got no sense nonsense.
But it gets like that.

You tell them they work for theNSN no sense nonsense.
You graduate fucking top of theclass, full-port.
No GP, no happiness, nigga shit.
Nick, is that no?
Niggas almost said in theyounger niggas time though Nick

niggas that's living off thebros, and they got no motion.
I'm thinking they ain't turningthe corner at all.
Yeah, man, I ain't gonna liebro.
I be feeling like, honestly,bro, like with certain females
and I probably kind of feel likethis cuz I Probably been in a

situation a couple times sowe're like you'll be living with
a female and like you just bedoing everything for I, I help
another book or shit, and likewhen you need help, she ain't
got to help you, like type shitto her.

Like you know female be Livingup like using niggas, because
the niggas are not live off them, type shit.
Not saying that's not shit, gooff me now, but just sign like
Call to them experiences andshit what would Niggas who be
with somebody nigga definitelybe just Simp and out and some

just be no, cuz one time I'm offme, man, but they'll manipulate
the fuck out what I'm so mastermanipulates.
Can't I go out they crucialwith that shit to her.
Like that shit up, man, they'llturn that whole that made a

whole situation benefit them.
To her, like at the end, whenthat shit do be over, you be
like piss pool type shit.

Speaker 2 (23:05):
Oh yeah.

Speaker 1 (23:06):
But I'm talking about niggas that ain't got shit
I let you do.
You know Special self, doesn'tthis shit far man way?
Like ain't never been a couchpotato type.
I got quiet like what fuck youspeaking up for the niggas, for
me, that type of niggas?
I'm speaking for them, niggas.

Yeah, come on, niggas, youspeak up for this day and age.
You could be a cup of teaniggas still be making.
So I'm talking about nigga.
They ain't got no motion, knowwhat Need to be.

Building Wall.
We need my money, but see, putthem up in a wall.
It's time I put the wall up forMexican.

They ain't do nobody nothing.
See, if Trump get back off,they gonna finish building that
Now you know why.
You know why they ain't goingup because he's gonna Mexico to
pay for he gonna make a pignigga, that's true nigga, you

ain't here with nigga over there.
Mexico said why.
He says suck his fuckingstamenka.
This is all your motherfuckingidea.
He said we had nothing to dowith this way and bring this
shit up in a meeting.
You came with that Shit up.

That shit was not on the dockettoday.
Fuck section three, fuckingparagraph five.
I didn't see it.

I'm gonna keep it a beam now tocut your fuck them checks.
Cut the taxes, please.
I know there's one motherfuckerthat will go after that.
Cut them fucking taxes down, mynigga.
I swear to God.
I remember making some 20 barson all this fuck.
When I'm about to say this,like some 50.
Yeah, and Was clean eight, ninehundred other check and was

still coming home with all mymoney.
What insurance you didn't evenwant a while motherfucking don't
want a job.
You was sagging up, you wassagging up.
You bring a regular for regularfart.
No OT Fact from that smallamount of money and the moment

they tax, they hit that taxincrease.
That shit killed all that.
That's what that's.
When you started saying theprices go up on shit, then the
minimum wage shit came backaround and shit, and the next
thing, you know, you go toanother job, you make more money
You know I'm saying shit smoothfor a minute.
The next thing you know, boom,they coming again with it again.
It's like man, this is shit,it's worse than boxing, yeah.

Y'all rocky maziano in the fuckout of me.
I don't know I can't do it.
I can't do it.
I see why niggas be jumping offthe bridge.
This year it's hard.
I'm about six and I can'treally tell, because my shit
already gets socked with childsupport.
So, rocky maziano, hi hi, theybeat my check up.

But a lot of that shit, a lotof that shit the federal
government need to really sitdown and take a look at, because
it's like a lot of thosesituations speaking on that and
taxes Don't make sense.
I'm talking about the To thenitty gritty it don't make sense

, right, you know what you gotpeople.
That's what them kids 24 sevenDon't get the option to be with
them 24 seven and you also havethat's the motherfuckers that's
never done.
The people that are that arenot awarded that option or have
that option, or got moreRespiction or whatever that's

causing them not to beat up.
There's nobody that cares tohear that.
Then you have, when it comes tothis fit with taxes think I've
been crying about my mother.
I'm putting myself in themotherfucking boat.
I've been crying about thesethings for the last 10 years.
I'm tired.
I'm tired of paying them taxesand my check being taxed and

nothing going on.
Do be loon, we do be loon.
That all about the money.
Ain't nothing going on.
Ain't nothing going on.
School still fucked up.
Fucking streets is hit.
Yeah, you know I'm saying theygot more shit going on in the
United States that ain't beingtalked about or dealt with till

it ain't funny.
And then they turn around, theysee the money cross water every
fucking day.
Bitch, what?
That's why my bank accountalways in the negative.
Bitch, yeah, that's still infor me too.
What you dirty bitches.
They definitely have some shitin my heart, I'm telling you.

I think that should be them,but they said it was from police
These Brother, what, please?
They, please, didn't ever beenthat high separate.
My god, the police station, thefool.
Yeah, yeah, you have a picturecar on.

Speaker 2 (29:22):

Speaker 1 (29:29):
Man, we go, we're gonna put it, we're gonna, we
gonna cut it straight to this.
Once you say this never beenthat high.
Okay, then bars up.
No, but they asked for thewitcher color before you put the
password, the cgv code, on theback.
Shit, no, no big, what wait?

Speaker 2 (29:45):
PlayStation does that ?

Speaker 1 (29:47):
They got a car on fire, yeahyou gotta know the Code the to
the three, to the three thing onthe back.
They don't see that in the damnsee.

Speaker 2 (30:00):
Again, I know.

Speaker 1 (30:18):
No one thing, the motherfucking games are killing
these cats.

Speaker 2 (30:24):
They bring the fry the fucking roadblocks.

Speaker 1 (30:27):
Shit man.
These two got iPhone 13 andiPhone 11.
Me too well, I got 12 plus pro11 to and I got the 11 11, what

the fuck.
And I got the motherfuckingChanel case on that bitch you
heard real shit.
And got that much, but I gotsome bitch.
I'm telling we gotta go To putup telling we got we on top

anyway, yeah, but oh, we wrap itup.
Man, sports is going crazy.
All the trades and shit.

Speaker 2 (31:33):
Pays a lease a fuck.

Speaker 1 (31:35):
Motherfucking rappers lacing up the lake is trying to
do some shit.
Yeah, motherfucking Boston losttonight in the garden.
Oh my god, finally everybody.
I'm not happy about it.

Speaker 2 (31:49):
You know okay.

Speaker 1 (31:50):
I'm gonna talk about that only lost one.
Yeah, it's the first time.
First time this season.
I mean that ain't bad.
28 game fucking.
Third game Straight that we'retying the roof off that bit.
We got a cool.
What the fuck like?

Fuck it up.
Yeah, I don't even know.
I really like my basketballlike a team.
I'm fucking with the boss.
Well, I believe stuff come overthere and they doing anything.
I'm supporting man.
They bother get the pieces,bother get they got a good.

Oh, that's gonna go good with myTurner See, I come, then y'all
got a boy how the bird, a littlebird, do y'all got buddy here,
I got some shit.

Speaker 2 (32:47):
They got a little clip.
They got rid of who theytreated.

Speaker 1 (32:53):
They got with a home.
Something woulda be.
I forgot some new names and hegot some.
And then the pelicans gave upthe point guard they back up

point guard.
Yeah, well, this thing I ever Idon't know.
Yeah, but I don't came runningthat you can't you can't come in
They different.
The black dude, the black dude,I forgot, can't Cairo something
Kyra, kyra, kira a for guys,last name For the play for

You like a second in the leagueor something.
But the piece got not as quiet.
Oh, the Toronto gotmotherfucking.

Oh yeah, I was a bad man withhim and it didn't even leave
jail in process.
Nice game.
Yeah, that dude Right.

So they must have a little balloff the backboard and don't get
yourself type day man.
Did it fucking go out?
Dead it.
Oh yeah, everybody been losingthis shit, yeah.

Speaker 2 (34:54):
Yokey Chutney.

Speaker 1 (34:58):
I'll stop breaking.

Speaker 2 (35:06):
Yeah, wouldn't see another play.

Speaker 1 (35:09):
No, like I'm telling you, they're not playing right
The niggas that them, teamsthat that's got the full clip.
They're not, they're notplaying right now, they're not,

they don't, they don't 10 rightnow.
And then, was crazy, thefucking clip, the fucking clip,
the fucking clip, the fuckingclip, the fucking clip, the
fucking clip was my clip was myplan.
They just the team just kept menear.

Speaker 2 (35:52):
Yeah, that's true.

Speaker 1 (35:54):
I'm telling you, I like the unity got not anybody.
Anybody can go off.
Anybody can go off.
I ain't no body.
Any given night somebody candrop 30.
I'm just like a mother.
They bitch crucial man.

Man, come think about it.
What was going to the fuckingchampionship If they don't go
This shit read out they justtry.
No, if they don't win, theydon't win.
But now, in a serious note, Ithink as much as it's, I think

you got that too.
I need you sign the fuckingletter back.
Shout out to them Anybody live.
They go find me some local wise.
I ain't never get a pen Looklike they're a little confident.
I got them.
I got the first ones that cameup.

Yeah, I remember I was with youwhen you were painting.
More of them.

Speaker 2 (37:07):
What orange and black or some shit on there.

Speaker 1 (37:09):
Black, orange, yellow and red.
Yeah, yeah, I said it was toomuch going up for me.
I can't talk about it, I don'tknow.
I don't know, I don't know, youknow?
I mean B was like it's going tobe something good, oh yeah,
And then he got the Super Bowlcoming out.
I mean play-offs, I mean I meanyeah, vision we going to the

Super Bowl.
Huh, we going to the Super Bowl.

Speaker 2 (37:36):

Speaker 1 (37:38):
You know I should perform that at the halftime, so
Don't give a fuck.
Can't take your bitch with you.
You never know.
I should go lock eyes with thebig bitch going to start walking
towards them.
No, I am not going.
Yeah, he going to hit it withthat.
Get over here, I'm going to getthat fucking dog meter.

Looking at, bitch, I'll be yourfather.
See you, I should go be like ohshit, they say the number.
We do not condone those type ofthings.

No, I'm just thinking aboutgoing to the Super Bowl because
of us.

Speaker 2 (38:25):

Speaker 1 (38:27):
When I came to the foot and in two, I ain't going
because of him.
Fuck you ain't Prince, he'sjust usher.
That was to, that was to, thatwas our Michael Jackson, but
under that Russian.
I ain't saying nothing badabout it, I'm just saying you
know, I know.
I'm just saying he wouldn't bea reason I'm going to the Super
I will, michael.

Speaker 2 (38:47):
Jackson, that shit cause.

Speaker 1 (38:50):
Man do I might, as jazz Chris Brown is our Michael
I just tell him I will.
Bobby Brown, always sniffing,always sniffing, cause I'm
telling you, but every song hebeen driving lately, bro, like

some drug induced, he hit twofire lines and that shit.

Speaker 2 (39:20):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (39:26):
Make them so Cam.
On my radio I said boy,definitely to proud on this
You gonna watch the niggaperform down?
That nigga dance for fucking anhour and a half Fuck.
You have every color in that.

You have a rap girl, the Muslimgirl, taking his stuff on.
They rap stuff and shit.
They gonna be unwrapping this.
Oh man, this nigga is wild.
He said the Saudi are going tobe Arabian and that motherfucker
, they gonna be loose.
That is crazy.

They probably gonna be lookingfor the potter.
They gonna walk in that bitchand hit that slump.
That's crazy.

Speaker 2 (40:25):
They can just sit up there like damn, does that type
of body?

Speaker 1 (40:30):
I gotta get a body.
People kicking the door this isfed all across the book.
Fuck that, I ain't going.
Fuck that.
That's what I'm talking about.
Can you imagine walking in apotter?
I mean, yeah, no, chris Brown,motherfucking.
Who else?

Fucking soldier I think he'sstill in that coke, soldier, and
who else?
And who else?
Who else?
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (41:06):

Speaker 1 (41:07):
He dead, though I said alive.
I don't know if it's alive ordead or alive.

Speaker 2 (41:16):
That was stupid.

Speaker 1 (41:17):
They got a couple of people we could scream dead Reed
Charles, reed Charles with ahell of a feeling God forgive me
that nigga was shot up,everything.
That's what the movie said.

Speaker 2 (41:30):
Allegedly he was on TV he was there when it was
filmed, man I'd be able to seeI'm pretty sure you heard.

Speaker 1 (41:40):
He heard motherfucker say action on Jamie with the
Every other smack in the skin,you know what's going on?

Speaker 2 (41:45):
You think this I mean been there before.

Speaker 1 (41:48):
I'm sorry, let me see who else.
Yeah, rick James, I'll give hima hug for Rick James.
Can you imagine how the dopecame out like that In one house,
like in a party, like Eventhough he was dead, he was still

Speaker 2 (42:02):
He was still alive, like in a party like Even flavor

Speaker 1 (42:06):
flavor that bitch.

Speaker 2 (42:07):
I knew one day for sure, two days for sure.

Speaker 1 (42:11):
Somebody would have a lot of holes in there.
Somebody would have squabble.
A lot of holes in there and itmight be the holes, might be the
But they gonna have a lot of,lot, of, lot, of, lot, of, lot,
of, lot, of lot of lot of pot ofsnug bitches in there.

Speaker 2 (42:29):

Speaker 1 (42:30):
Right there in the back, spanning on the counter.

Speaker 2 (42:34):

Speaker 1 (42:37):
They gonna have a lot of that.
But I feel like, I feel like,bro, I think no, can't have they
now if they're gonna real beefagain.
I think all them people feelcool.
As this is the same room, I gotan unpopular opinion.
Whatever thought August else,seen it was engaged, the harder

you fuckingate Niggas ass.
Nothing, fuck.
Nah, it didnt.
Motherfucking, fucking desbesar that.

Speaker 2 (43:36):
Subscribers and its a wrong combination.
Yeah, but you dont want them tothink the wrong thing either.

Speaker 1 (43:50):
No, no, im not like fuck this.
I meant you said I never didn'ttowns scrollers.
This is gonna be sis, nigga,nigga, all glossy up and shit
like damn dog.
You turned into the way and waythough like the fuck.
Yeah, what's going on nigga, Igot glossies on my face like a
well glazed ham.

Speaker 2 (44:09):
Nigga what is going on the fuck off the screen, man
put your fucking shirt on thewiz you know this and that wiz
keep crying about people talkingabout it.

Speaker 1 (44:18):
I'm gonna pay and just say don't hurt his family.
You keep posting that nigga,you saying something about it,
I'm keep posting weird ones inyour fucking drawers.
You know you got fans that areniggas too.
I'm trying not to unfollow youtoo, nigga.
Come on this motherfucker.
Your drawers are all fucked,you're done you're done, dude

you're just not weird as shit tome.
You're just gonna put that shot.
That he just put the face jokesis cool.
But that nigga raise up y'alllike a lift like a bitch, y'all
like a lift like a motherfucker.
He raise up yeah what?

Speaker 2 (44:58):
the fuck is going on like what the fuck?

Speaker 1 (45:01):
how about outside bad ?
The fuck, that's that fuckingCOVID shot.
That nigga is full blowndiabetics.
You know what I mean.
There's a bitch shit.

Speaker 2 (45:17):
I swear to god that is shit is crazy.
Shit is crazy y'all.

Speaker 1 (45:23):
I ain't for real.
Fuck, that's the shit I do youever look at that?
Every fucking day there's shit.
I wanna call Chris Brown a cokeaddict with a nigga can dance
and that stuff don't get tiredlike wait, that is coke shit.

Speaker 2 (45:43):
I take this back here .
I take this back here you.

Speaker 1 (45:48):
My motherfucking dog, chris, is wapping them bitches.
You got Trace on, keep gettingsuper sexual assault and shit.
You got your punch and holes inthe eyes.
I guess I don't know you cansee me wearing his foot on his
feet Trace on.
Chris Brown, don't be giving afuck he be like fuck a bitch,

kids are like that.
Nigga you snortin coke out ofthis bottle you snortin coke on
a bitch son shit.

Speaker 2 (46:20):
Man be like what?

Speaker 1 (46:21):
you saw what they did when they made that meme for.
Jaheem when he was kidding intothat woman he went bald like a
motherfucker, like amotherfucker he was coloring his
hair all kinda colors he didhis robin he did his robin he

was a rockstar rapper singingnigga like type shit.
He didn't dance, did his robinwas like a rockstar, like
basketball, like movie actor,type shit.
Can't forget nigga that ranaround with the transformers
fuck with you fuck with you fuckwith you, dennis.
I need to ask you aconversation.

You need to come sit back here.
Pretty much we gonna gosomewhere in the building.
I'm gonna ask you.
You might get mad.
I like you.
I don't think he gonna get madme neither.

Speaker 2 (47:17):
I'm just talking shit here.

Speaker 1 (47:20):
Yeah, pretty cool, I fuck with them so, my god, was
one reburrled getting by.
I was just curious the way theytalk about the game.
The game was still the way itwas and he was inserted in the
Wouldn't be no step-curvy,wouldn't be no jala mans.
You know why?

Because he would have been in afucking shit and then you would
have had more of him type ofniggas coming to his mother, but
the fact that they took defenseout, this is crazy.
And then it's like you get spursand niggas being able to play
You don't get.

Oh, james Harden went to theLakers, couldn't get fucking 10
And then John Morant went toBoston and couldn't get five.
And it's like you don't hearthese things.
You don't hear superstarsgetting shot.

Now, dude, be gone.
But they move.
They be gone, bananas.
You know what I'm saying?
I'ma keep it a bay with you,though we're gonna chop this
shit down, cause I got twothings going on right now.
I got a pee and I got a shit,so one I can go do and come back

, and the other one once I gosit down on the toilet.
I ain't getting back up untilI'm finished, but I gotta did it
by from around here and go doall that.
You know what I'm saying justback to my cat man anyway, uh,
fuck what I'm saying we fightingto give y'all better quality,

so this might sound better alittle bit better than most
I'ma listen to it and doublecheck and make sure and we're
gonna give it to y'all.
How I go call it the give andgo the pick and road you know
what I'm saying?
Throw that bitch up and we'regonna dunk on your bitch ass
here and put that shit on bang,bang bang.
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