All Episodes

March 20, 2024 42 mins

Welcome to Season 3 of Ballpark Beef, your favorite podcast that delves into the world of baseball and football. Featuring our regular hosts Jonathan, Nick, and Jimmy back with fresh contracts and invigorating content, we leave no topic unattended. In the first episode, we kick off the season and discuss what we are excited for about this MLB season  

We promise a season full of insightful analytics coupled with all the beer you can handle, delivered to you every Wednesday at 5 p.m. From exploring the diversity of toilet habits to the unpredictable nature of sports, we aim to make your ride home entertaining while we unravel interesting baseball news. Whether you're returning or tuning in for the first time, prepare for a journey full of beef through our podcast.

In our season opener, we dive deep into anticipated opening day starting rotations and compare pitchers like Lance Lynn, and Jose Quintana. We test conspiracy theories, evaluate squads, such as the St Louis Cardinals and New York Yankees, and discuss the vulnerabilities and adrenaline that the upcoming baseball season entails.

Enter the thrill of fantasy football as we explore potential outcomes for the rookie draft and Saquon Barkley's impact on the New York Giants. We assess different draft day scenarios, evaluate prominent rookies like Drake May and Marvin Harrison Jr, and discuss offseason decisions concerning the Dolphins and the build-up of the Giants' defensive line. Join us as we ride through another fantasy football season full of action, draft picks, and unpredictable player performances.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls around the world welcome to season three
of ballpark beef y'all know what we gotta do roll the motherfucking music.

Welcome back everybody how we doing today we
are back for season three of ballpark beef motherfucking
season three we're back we had a
nice month off you know we got to enjoy some time outside
of the recording world our tuesdays were
no longer booked so it was good you know we
got some gym gym sessions in jimmy got

some cooking in we we had some good time man
you know and we're excited to be back bring you another
season of just content you know baseball
football fantasy to see football and of course
i have the boys back with me they didn't leave me yet they all
resigned their contracts so we're all good unlike you
know some of these contracts aren't signed in the major leagues they

did sign their contracts they're back so nick welcome back
jimmy welcome back yeah it
was you were kind of forced into it at uh
that intro was so intimate it felt
almost like we transitioned to like an asmr kind of
podcast instead of baseball it was good though it
was good you were really practicing that for 30 minutes

you said that's wild no no i i said i was practicing
it 30 minutes ago on the shitter so you
know it was like it was it was a shit you know like you know
how like guys like you get home you take your shit that's like
your your peace right get home from work you
go to the toilet you sit on there maybe play a game or scroll
social social media that's like my piece i think my.

Thoughts let's let's talk about this this is
our first topic of season three because i am strictly a
morning shitter i don't shit when i come home are you serious
yeah i'm i'm a i'm a
morning so i get into work i have my green tea little honey little sugar have
my green tea it it starts the things flowing honey and sugar yeah it starts

the things flowing about an hour on the toilet right i get home from work i i eat,
right after that on the toilet that's that's me for the day so you know i got
my schedule i love my schedule and you know i'm on the same page as jonathan
usually for me it's wherever i'm going within like 30 minutes of getting there

i'm like all right gotta go yeah it's you know You're a public shitter. Unfortunately.
You don't discriminate toilets? He does not discriminate toilets.
I wake up so late that I don't give my body enough time.
I like that, you know? No shame. That's our first topic of the year.

I was trying to figure out, though, why Jimmy was trying to flame you two minutes into season three.
I know. I mean, dude, like, it's whatever, you know?
It's ballpark beef season three. Big, bad, and beefy, baby. That's what I'm talking about.
Let's see. Two minutes of fame instead of I, bro. I'm bringing the beef.
This is season fucking three, guys. This is going to be our best season.

I say that every season because it can only get better, right?
It can get worse. I mean, potentially maybe, but like, this is going to be the best season yet.
Season three, we're here till next Superbowl. So you're not going to miss us.
And next Superbowl is a year away. So really lock in, you know, stay tuned.
We, we release every Wednesday, every Wednesday at five o'clock.

So on that ride home, you can listen to our beautiful voices.
Talk about football, baseball, and taking a shit, the shit schedule.
Okay. so just just lock in be
here with us and welcome back if you've
listened to us welcome back if you've not welcome we are
ballpark beef i'm jonathan here with nick and jimmy

boys let's get into some baseball because that's why we're
here that's why we're famous uh that's why people listen
to us right baseball ballpark beef so
crazy you know it's crazy it's been such a
long winter tomorrow well today when
you guys are listening is the start of the season it is
playing in korea the first game of the season we we timed it perfectly by the

way like this was excellent timing but yeah first game of the season is tomorrow
in korea got the padres and the the almighty dodgers funny enough the padres
did make a move trading for dylan cease.
Interesting move. I guess they're still trying to compete. I mean,
they got the players to compete if it all comes together.

But yeah, Dodgers, Padres. Who you guys got in the opening series?
Little prediction right off the bat.
I'm going Dodgers. I mean, they're just too good at this point.
Going you, Darvish, and the Padres, baby. Underdog. Wow. One.
Wow. I'll talk about series-wise. You're taking Padres in the series?
Absolutely. Okay. Okay. Joke's on you, too.

It's a two game series i'm going splitsky going to
splitsky you're going splitsky okay
yeah all right yamamoto's yamamoto's gonna
give up three four runs it's gonna be something something of
a of a little bit of a disaster for a start you know it hasn't been great in
the spring although you can't really like trust any of the spring stats anybody

who watches stats in the spring you're you're a nerd like every mets fan every
mets every mets fan who sees,
every mets fan who has seen all their
young pitchers excel in spring training is if you go on mets twitter you'll
see lavender they are so horny for him vas vasal right vas vasal i'm saying

right they're horny for him every young mets pitcher that's doing well in spring
training Jimmy just basically is being a hypocrite right now because he's.
I love it. We're back. We're back, boys. I'm excited for some young live arms.
Keep bolstering the minors and come help out at the Major League level,

but you can't read into spring training stats.
It's just not... Listen, I'm going to say this, right?
I've looked at some of Yabamoto's starts.
It just looks like the fastball's just not there.
Yeah, it pops, but if his off-speed pitches don't start clicking,
I think he's going to get rocked.
He's really only got a... I love the MLB Instagram posts where they,

they posted him striking out the side and all the comments, whereas you're not
got, you guys aren't going to post him giving up four runs the inning before. Yeah. Right.
You know, I mean, listen, he may have a good career. He may not, we really don't know.
And spring training is no telling of what happens in the regular season,
but you know, hopefully he has a terrible career because he picked the Dodgers

over the Mets and the Yankees.
So me and jimmy can at least look forward to that
right jimmy yeah for sure yeah i
think i think yamamoto is isn't he
signed until he's like 37 too so he's kind
of like a one and done contract situation yeah so
you know hey you don't throw a pitch in the majors and you sign a 13 year deal
it could blow up in your face that's a completely plausible outcome but he could

be he could be a great you never know can i just say like one thing like you
know how like they drop up the top 100 rankings each year before the season.
How is Yamamoto, a guy who's never thrown a singular pitch in the major leagues, in the top 50?
That makes no sense. Like, how do you even know? Yeah, he was great in the Japan League.

Like, you know, historical numbers. Like, if he did that here,
he'd be Cy Young maybe back to back, you know?
But this ain't the Japan League.
Okay. I got to gripe. Because every time I see these stupid lists come out,
oh, top 10 center fielders, top 10 shortstops, bullshit, all like that.
In the national league and the major league and the american league whatever this

the list is they're always so far off
from each other and it pisses me off because on one
list francisco lindor second best shortstop in the
national league hopefully so he should be top two
and then all of a sudden you get to the top 100 players in
the league trey turner's ahead of him you got like
other shortstops who finished behind him in

the top 10 shortstops being ahead of him in in top 100
players overall and then they got the disrespect to
mike trout i just saw a list today fifth best center fielder in the league yeah
that's that's are you joking that's insane it's like where are they getting
this information i can't name five better center fielders than mike trout i
can't like i can name acuna maybe he's right he plays right field he does i mean.

One of them better than mike trout right now is aaron judge and he's not even
primarily primarily center field. Yeah.
He's going to play center field this year, but like if, if I literally can't
name five better, better starting center fielders than Mike Trout.
And if you if if the audience, if you can, please let us know,
like add us on Twitter, like give us your top five, because personally,

I have no clue who should be in that top five besides Mike Trout.
Mike Trout should be number one. I don't care about the injuries.
I don't care about the down year. Down year is still above league average.
All right. And tell me who who are five better players at center field to Mike Trout.
I mean we i'll give you i'll
give you a conversation with julio rodriguez and

i'll give you when he's healthy and if
big asterisk if he could ever play over 120 games byron buxton yeah those are
like the only two high i would even talk about can we talk about wasted talent
and byron buxton like just feel bad man it's you know it's funny i saw him at
a when i was younger or maybe, I don't know, like 13, 14.

I saw him and Brent Rooker at a Twins minor league game because they play by
Naples. I have family in Naples, Florida.
So I saw him play and Brent Rooker. So it was just cool seeing them evolve.
But the talk around town was Buxton's going to be this huge guy.
If he could stay healthy, he may be the best center fielder in the league, but he just can't.

He has not... I mean, how many games...
Nick can you look up what's the most games he's played in in a year has it been over 100.
Like has he so they have byron buxton
as the eighth best center fielder that's insane that's
insane talent wise no but on a per 162 game basis like if everyone else plays

162 and he plays his 85 or 110 then yeah yeah yeah that's the only reason byron buxton has one One year,
over 100 games in 2017.
That's insane. And that was the year his MVP was 18th. That's insane.
How many games did he play in 2020?

39 that's not that's not they only played 60
games that year 60 hey let's see let's
see what he's averaging so if you guys didn't know new this
year nick is our on-site tech guy so
he's gonna look up stats for us and stuff he's gonna feed us all that he just
got that added to his resume in his contract did he sign yeah is he gonna check

me when i go on my rants about stats yes that's nick that's your new job i i
think this is perfect for you you love that shit this This is your new job.
Jimmy and I, you know, we'll be at the forefront. You can talk.
I know you don't like talking too much sometimes. So we'll be at the forefront. You stat check us.
You'll be the stack guy. Exactly. You love that shit. You like looking up conspiracies

like that's your shit. I have a new role for you. There you go.
Byron Buxton is averaging 74 games a year. It is not.
That's not even half a season. But that just goes to show you wasted talent.
Like, I feel bad for the dude. If he stayed healthy he'd probably be top 5 Easily
easily top 5 So this is what has me aggravated They have Luis Robert Jr.

And Michael Harris II Higher than Mike Trout.
Can you even make the case for Luis Robert Wait and they have Cody Bellinger Behind Mike Trout in 6th,
I'm more mad about Michael Harris. Yeah.
The blasphemy. Well, is that just because he's a Brave? Well, yeah.

That's part of it. Oh, speaking about the Braves, Chris Hale is going to be
dirty for that team. Striding with his new curveball?
Disgusting. That team is a menace to the Dodgers. GG's to the NL East.
Sounds like you're going to have a great time watching them play 12 times a year.
Here, let me give you guys my perspective for this year for the Mets.
I am officially locking in as a labeled pessimist.

I am not excited.
I am not geeked up over this team. I'm not putting all my chips in the middle
of a pot, betting that we're going to win 87 games.
I am going to sit back and hope that I'm impressed because that's just how the season is.
But that's how it's going to be. Okay, but how are we going to be able to talk

shit to you and then you're going to get mad when you're already expecting it?
He'll have a week where the Mets win like two series and he'll start talking
shit like that's that's Jimmy. That's what we live for.
OK, let him be a pessimist and, you know, sit back and just watch.
That's fine. But once Mets fans get a sliver of hope, we will know about it.

A sliver. No, because, you know, it's going to be exciting.
I think I think what will be exciting is like rooting for the young guys as they come up.
And i think that i can talk my shit with
whatever goes on in the season and still compare brandon
nimmo to aaron judge because he'll probably have a better first month and
like cap about that or for instance like say that volpe's a bust because he's

hitting 185 in april like i can still talk my shit don't worry yeah he'll have
shit to talk nick you never doubt that you're gonna have shit to talk about
but you know when we come up to you and we're like hey the mets lost last three
series is you're like, well, what else do you expect?
Well, when you lead the National League in ERA, meaning like the highest ERA
because you have a bunch of Gerties throwing the ball.

Lance Lynn, he's got a large stomach, no offense, but he throws it 91.
Wait, what's he doing? I just want you to know that your opening day pitcher is Jose Quintana.
He's going to shove. Yeah, yeah.
He's going to shove. What was the lefty that threw the no-hitter against the

Cardinals a few years ago? Johan Santana? That's his wannabe.
Did you just forget Johan Santana's name? I'm not good with names, brother.
You just forgot. And Johan Santana didn't throw a no-hitter,
by the way. Yeah, he did against the Cardinals. For the Mets, he did.
No, he didn't. He's called Nohan.
Did you ever see that theory that he didn't throw a no-hitter?

You never heard about that? Nick, look it up for us. Go ahead.
So, there's a theory that he actually didn't throw a no-hitter out there.
And I'm going to stick by that theory. Nick's going to look it up for us.
Our conspiracy guy goes to look up this crap theory with tin hat in hand.

Quintana would be the number one starter on the Cardinals. You know that, right? No.
Who's the number one starter on the Cardinals? The Cardinals are so damn bad.
The one who's actually starting on opening day. Sonny Gray's not healthy.
Oh, I forgot Sonny Gray's on the team. Miles Michaelis is way better.
You don't even know who's on your team?

Miles Michaelis? Is way better than him. You don't even know who's on your team.
I didn't know he got hurt I do not pay a tax. Are you not a baseball fan?
I mean, i'm sorry. I don't know everything about everything So on your on your
or your sports app, whatever the fuck you follow It doesn't show up sunny gray
may not make it for opening day starter I just close those out because I get so many a day,

brother It's your team,
I'm stuck on comparing Quintana to Myles Michaelis. We might have to do that
as our next player comparison.
I'm stuck on Nick doesn't know his team. That man's reading about some conspiracy theory.
He's reading about the Johan Santana no-hitter.
Look at him. His mouth is open and everything. Because nothing is saying about it.

But just no-hitter Johan Santana theory.
All right, yeah. Yeah, let me just prove my point correct with my stats as I always do.
Career War, Myles Michaelis, 10.5. Jose Quintana, 28.
Career ERA, 374 for Quintana, 393 for Michaelis.

Michaelis is who compared to Quintana, and he would definitely be the number
one starter. Everything I'm reading says his no-hitter was the most impressive.
Nothing about him not throwing one. there was
some theory out there that i heard that that that
he didn't he didn't throw no hitter or whatever but forget
it i guess that's a mute point but appreciate the

look up moot point i appreciate the
look up fellow it man but can
we get back to this do you even know what your starting rotation is
no hey you
you hired him i mean i think
he's getting devoted to a computer role over here because he doesn't even know

he's on his fucking team at this point i could no you're you're demoted right
now okay you're demoted can be i'm not it's not my job to remember the 40 man
roster that i'm no part of it's not the 40 vets you're fucking starting five.
So, who's your starting five without Sonny Gray?
Michaelis. Who else? That's all I know. Lynn? I'm not going to lie.

You know, two out of five. One out of five. Jimmy had to help you.
Apparently, the way that you're talking, how bad they are, I shouldn't even
know their names. It's your team, brother.
Okay. You can ask me right now about any of my favorite teams.
All right. Well, guys, I just want you to know. You can name me five starters on the Dolphins.

Yeah, come on. Yes, you can. You got four easily. Yeah, four.
I don't know the fifth one. Because he's a bad guy.
Braxton Berrios. You asked me that... Actually, he was in my four.
No. You don't have Waddle. I'm kidding. But that doesn't count,
though, because the season just ended a month ago. I watched it for four months.

Nick, I have some homework for you. If you ask me... Listen to me.
I'm speaking. You're not. if those four players got like we're traded off the
dolphins right and you came up to me in august and said name five starters on
the dolphins i'm going to give you the same reaction i am now,
nick listen listen to me listen that's what

i want you to do we are a a baseball podcast very
professional in a way right i need
you to know you're starting five next next episode okay i'm going
to quiz you next episode i need to know
the cardinals starting five without sunny gray all right
so i'll make sure before this the episode starts to
have it on my computer because i'm not memorizing it sounds good

thank you appreciate it that's all
you gotta do i have a hard time remembering people's name when i introduce myself
to them you want me to remember five starters on a team that i only watch
162 games of the year you watch all
the games i mean when i can i i count for the games in the playoffs because
i do watch my team in the playoffs playoffs i'm i'm i'm i'm what was the last

time you watched them when what year when was the last time you watched them
you having flashbacks from the war.
What war yeah exactly your team was in the playoffs and you watched them what
happened that you guys won 100 games 2021 what happened you played how many games three,

I don't think we even played three. You lost the best of three.
I think it was two. Did we win one of them? Yeah.
Oh, we won a playoff game. When's the last time you won a playoff game?
When was the last time you held a trophy? Yikes.
Alright. Bottom half of the MLB in chips. Don't talk to me. Let's move.

Damn, we got Nick fired up today. Alright, let's move on for Nick's chance pulling
up to our house and wanting to fight and stuff.
So all right back to starting rotations.
Jimmy hasn't met starting five looking banged up yeah he hasn't had an a starting

in three years is your name jimmy It can be.
It can be. Since when? Since when it can be. Are you referring to Jacob deGrom?
I'm saying your projected ace on your starting five has not actually started
the opening day in the last three years.
Kodai Senga was a rookie last year. Okay.

I'm not referring to him. I'm pretty sure Verlander started the year on the IL for a month.
He's a bum. We got Clifford. Didn't start. This year, Kodai's your ace, not starting. Yo.
Yeah, Nick got a 9-4. Don't know how to act, though.
My bad, Jimmy. You can answer the question now, though. All right,

Jimmy. We're talking about the mediocre Mets. So how's your starting five looking, Jimmy?
Listen, I apologize. I don't know. I don't know.
Yeah, I mean, like I said, banged up before I got rudely interrupted.
Kodai's saying his hurt.
Sean Mania's looking all right. Quintana's looking all
right everyone's looking all right Hauser looks pretty good a little

back end of the rotation pickup you know McGill's always
in the mix it seems like we have some reinforcements
coming Kodai Senga later we got David Peterson rehabbing
from a hip you know a bunch of bunch of kind of players you know it's there's
no there's no Max Scherzer to shove there's no Justin Verlander to trade and
get two really nice prospects very excited about them and there's no jacob degrom

to absolutely rip my heart out and stomp on the ground with it so,
gotta make do with the with the dream team we got yeah no
i listen it's it's rough over here in the bronx too if you guys didn't know
gary cole is out for one to two months probably gonna be longer thank god there
is no ucl tear which is good probably the best news i could receive because

Because if we lost him for the year, yeah,
it just wouldn't be good.
So it's going to be patchwork rotations. Probably going to be Cortez is our opening day.
It's probably going to be Rodon after him, Stroman after him.
And then from there, it's Clark Schmidt and whoever secures that fifth spot,

because it doesn't sound like we're signing anybody.
It's now just signed with the Giants. Two year 62 or 63, I think 62.
Two year 62 with an opt out after one year. Let me just say this one thing.
Scott Boris, you're fucking your clients, by the way.
Absolutely fucking your clients. whatever strategy you

have buddy it's not playing you've lost
your client so many money so much money and i
don't know what you're doing pal but anyways i don't think they're going after
lorenzen or montgomery and those are the only two that you know would be viable
to us at this point so it's going to be a patrick rotation hopefully cole comes

back before the all-star break but but that's the most I can hope for right now.
So it sounds like we all have a mid starting lineups. Yeah.
So you guys don't have to talk so bad about the Cardinals until you guys get healthy.
Well, I mean, at least we, we knew our starting. Well, at least my starting
rotation is actually like available opening day. Sonny gray. You're one.

You're a Sonny gray. Who are they? Who are they though?
In my mind it's like with throwing you out on the mound all right you know i'm
gonna pull up the st louis cardinal starting rotation because i'm gonna do nick's
homework for him he's getting an f for today okay nick you're getting enough
i have seven starting pitchers i don't know which out of the seven or the five

that are they well can i can i say one thing pop you have a you have
you have a you have a twitter right you follow like cardinal social media and
stuff like you You see rumors and stuff like that, maybe.
See, there's a difference between following accounts and actually opening up
the app and looking at it.

I'm sorry, I'm not a Twitter guy. Jimmy, we're going to have to talk off stream. This is crazy.
I don't sit there and just... Season 3, opener, and Nick's unprepared.
Yes, we have to have a meeting. We need a team meeting. This is...
You see 15 minutes from HR pop up in your calendar tomorrow, you'll know why.

Make sure you have teams opened. But yeah, I mean, the, the baseball season
is upon us. We're excited. We're excited to talk about our teams.
I would say the Yankees have a very much brighter season than these other two teams.

The Mets may be mid. They could be good. They could surprise people. Who knows?
Who knows what the Mets honestly, because you never know what the Mets, you really don't.
Cardinals, they're usually a good decent
team right like they usually pull wins together i think
this might be one of the weakest rotations they've had in a while though last
year was pretty weak this year is maybe weaker i mean they have seven guys on

the depth chart and sonny gray michael is lancelin kyle gibson drew rom and
zach thompson that that's not a good list as of right now but yeah i mean it
And it's only up from here, right, guys?
Only up from here. We'll see. We got a whole season ahead of us. And, you know, let's...

What's the over-under on how many starters on the Yankees get hurt this year?
Oh, my God. You're wishing it was released.
We're already over there. Speaking into reality, the Yankees cannot stay healthy.
No team can stay healthy. Well, I mean, you also, a lot of the times you have
half your starting lineup on the IL.

And we still win 100 games. And you still don't hold a trophy like the rest
of us. Hold your hands up for me.
Go ahead, hold your hands up. I need more than two hands. Okay.
That's all I have to say. That's all I have to say.
Hey. You need about, give or take, six hands?

Well, I mean, you technically only need two fingers. so i mean 27 so i could
just become a boston celtics fan and be like hey my team has you know 15 championships
but i haven't seen them win one but you're not you're you're a you're a knicks
fan man that's just like saying lebron's the best player because he has 40 000 points,

what the best scorer is the best scorer he's the most points i mean yeah but
that's because because he's been the longest.
Oh, I mean, sure, like.
Just saying. That was a funny episode. Anybody can have a max amount of whatever

if they've been there for the longest.
27. Okay. That's it. 27. Yankees are the most storied franchise in any sport.
They're the most valuable franchise in American sports.
And they're irrelevant after 2009.
They're going into 24. It's about to be 15 years that you haven't seen your
team win. Okay. When's the last time the Cardinals won? 2013.

Okay. And then what have they done since then? 2011.
No, no. Like 2013 to 2023.
What have they done since then? They've won playoff games. Okay.
Have they made it to NLCS since then?
Maybe once. I got news for you. You know who the most recent team to go to the

World Series is out of us three?
The New York Mets. It's the New York Mets. It's the New York Mets.
You walked right into that one. It's the New York Mets.
Oh, man. Hey, at least. I don't know what's worse. The Mets have been the most
recent World Series team where they lost to the Royals.
Royals had a good team. For real? No.
Yeah, that year they had a good team. But I mean, like, if you say the Royals,

you wouldn't expect to lose.
No, probably not. They're the only bright spot in 20 years. It's true.
The Royals have been in a gutter for a while now.
Jimmy also has the most recent, you know, winning a game in the World Series.
They got lucky enough to get one. That's true. True. That's true.
You got to get there to win one, though.

But, you know, we got 162 ahead of us, so who knows what happens,
right? The Mets can make the World Series this year. Who knows? We got 162.
Anything can happen, right? If you tell me now that we're getting past the Braves
and the Dodgers to represent the National League, sign me up.
Just like if I told you last year Saquon Barkley would be a Philadelphia Eagle. Don't sign me up.

Talk about some football how about that jimmy football
flavor talk some football some fantasy and
then we'll we'll uh we'll bounce because it's getting
long here we're we're you know we're talking and vibing
but uh jimmy you gotta tell
me man how does this feel like are you on the like you're

dead to me saquon tiki barber kind of
vibe are are you like we're grateful for
you we're sorry we didn't offer you a contract Saquon what's
your vibe I am definitely the second
one I am appreciative of Saquon I
was I was actually I think in it was 2018 when he was drafted I was in favor

of drafting Sam freaking Darnold and I was mad we took Saquon I was like bro
we should have got Sam Darnold we need a quarterback this that and the other
thing I'm so glad that Saquon was on our team I'm grateful for.
The time he was with New York And I think that they treated him a little bit
poorly Towards the end And he had a little bit of pent up frustration Because

he wanted to be a giant for life He said the wrong thing He snapped on him And
that's how it goes You feel some type of way Somebody says the wrong thing, you react,
And that is what it is I'll always love Saquon
I'll even root for him as an eagle I am disappointed but
he's won the best for him he's home he's back
in uh in happy valley now do you

have a saquon jersey yes are you
gonna still wear that saquon jersey isn't that
the one probably a couple months ago yes yeah
you're still gonna wear that that one was fine too you're
still gonna wear it okay all right you know i'm gonna see i'm
gonna see who we draft i'm gonna see if it's worth investing in

a jersey you know depends on what position bj mccarthy
pens depends what position
and uh we'll revisit the situation you know okay saquon
so i got for all for all those that don't know i got
the throwback jersey of saquon and i think he deserved a little throwback nod
because he earned it i'm not getting a throwback jersey of some rookie that

comes into the league who hasn't shown us anything yet though so just know that
okay respecting that's fair have you been staying up to date with the Giants offseason?
Yeah, I think we're filling out our line a little bit. We traded for a nice edge rusher.
Yeah, Brian Burns. That's solid. That's solid.
Solid on the edge and up the middle on the defensive line with Dexter Lawrence

and Keon Thibodeau on the other side.
So I'm happy with that line. Just keep bolstering the offensive line.
Pay the men who need to be paid and draft good skill position players.
It's a receiver's please. Darren Waller might retire Good.
Good riddance. Yeah. No. Give me, give me O'Doone's. Give me Nabbers.
Give me probably JJ McCarthy in that spot. As far as QBs go.

Give me Brock Bowers. Those are all difference makers. I don't care. Yeah. No, I got you.
Yeah. But let's, so football for the Dolphins, basically we lost a lot of big names.
We lost Christian Wilkins. We lost Rob Hunt. We lost a lot of key players.
We just, you know, with the contracts we have on the roster,
or it's it's hard to keep everybody now we have to

pay to uh you know tyreek's got the crazy
cap hit but we we've signed like a
lot of low-key solid guys like a jordan brooks
we signed jordan poyer like there's
just we signed like low-key guys that i
think are contribute for us and hopefully we make a
good solid pick in the draft where we can set ourselves
up for next year and hopefully make a run again that's all

that counts i'm not too favorable on giving
to an extension extension like i said i'm not
100 sold on him i mean he's good but like i don't know it's just there's something
there that i'm just not 100 sold on so we shall see that's still a far time
away for football season but coming up we do have the rookie draft and you know what that means,

good old dynasty league will be drafting soon nick officially i'm gonna have
to start putting and do some work.
Nick officially has... Finally. Will come in at the 103.
So Nick will have 103, 105, and 106. I will be at the 104.
And the 112 for Nick. And Jimmy will have the 17.

Don't you get 112? Yeah.
Jimmy will have the... Four first round picks? Yes, he does.
Trade the other ones. What are you doing? I just haven't had time to like actually
try and make up a good trade.
I get all shit trades and then I'm just like, yeah, I don't want to do this right now.
Nick, who are you looking at at 103? What's your plan?

Oh, I can't give that away, brother. I mean, you're before me, so.
103 is a quarterback. It's kind of plain and simple. All four of you at the top need a quarterback.
You could ask me what I'm looking at, but I don't know what's going to happen
to where, you know, maybe something comes up to me and I get rid of my 103 and
now everything has changed.
It's a bunch of different scenarios that can happen. And the only reason somebody

trades up to 103 Is to get a quarterback So like I said 1-1 probably going quarterback
Because he doesn't know what the hell to do with his team 1-2 quarterback 1-3
quarterback John you need a quarterback too I'm going wide receiver,
Take whoever the fourth best quarterback is If top three is quarterback I'm
going wide receiver I'm not tearing down,

You need a quarterback But I would tear down McConnell,
Okay, and say top three is quarterbacks. You know who's there for me at 104?
Marvin Harrison Jr. Oh my God.
Okay. Jack should take Marvin Harrison Jr., but he also- And then- If I'm Jack,
I'm not taking Marvin Harrison Jr. Why?

Because I would take a quarterback and just try and flip one of the two that I have.
No one's going to pay his price. Yeah, I guess. guess well i mean
his price but i mean i would make it a reasonable price where i
can get back to three you know somewhat decent players i
if if listen art jason that's
it like jamar chase marvin harrison jr berts and
josh allen i feel like that's a

core that is a core yeah but it's off that
i'm telling you right now if marvin harrison jr is
at 104 i am taking him and i
i am going to trade for either kurt cousins or baker mayfield that's
what i'm doing you won't get you won't pay
baker's price though i don't think yeah i've already i have
terms on the table already so i do

he likes my offer and i said i'm waiting till the
draft so i have terms i'm not telling you why would i tell you tell me oh no
because you're gonna go back you can't oh regardless you can't beat my offer
anyways that's what i mean so if you set the price why does it matter I'm going
to give him 225 first Okay for Baker Mayfield Yeah.

Be better to just draft one acre mayfield's a top 10 qb last year if you didn't know it's qb 10,
qb 10 for the cheap trying to go get him for the cheap i know it's qb 10 same
ideas we got the same ideas qb i mean great gms think alike but and then i'm
gonna trade back into the first,
i'm gonna take marvin harrison jr i'm gonna trade back

into nicks 112 i'm gonna pick up a tier 2
two quarterback and then at two i'll probably
give nick a depends we're gonna
see how the draft rolls out but nick i'll be talking to
you well i hope your trades are more reasonable i
already told you i'll give you karen for the 106 so i
can take brock bowers that's rude i mean

why would i pass that up why would i pass so
for me this is what the draft's looking like one one
one two one three one four quarterbacks and
one wide receiver one five and one six i
don't know nick you're probably going wide receiver and another
quarterback i think you'd need that let's just assume that's the case i wouldn't
go running back that early for me one of the wide receivers is available and

then brock bowers is available so i could go either nabbers or o'doones or bowers
so for me i just gave you my plan that's a win-win-win.
Or I'd trade. You just gave us like five different scenarios.
And then you're asking me what my scenarios are with three out of the first six picks.
Yeah. I just told you what your scenarios would be. I said, if you go two quarterbacks,

both wide receivers. Yeah, but that's one of the receivers.
All right. This is my breakdown here. I'll tell you right now.
This is my this is what I'm going to do.
I'm going to tell you right now. This is what I'm going to do.
I'm going to tell you my plan right now. I don't give a fuck.
104. 104 if drake may or jayden
daniels is there i'm taking one of them if they're not there i'm

taking marvin harrison jr if drake may and jenny
daniels are there i'm trading the 106 for nick
i'm giving him an rb and the 205 and i'm
taking roma dooms or malik neighbors and
then with the 204 i'm going to take a running back and
then 312 i don't give a fuck that's my plan now if
marvin harrison jr there i'm going to

take him at the 104 and then i'm going to trade to the 112 and
take a tier two quarterback and that's my plan so
there you go so it seems like jonathan's plan is
relying on me to make a trade that that's it none of
none of his none of your situations had you taken the
106 from nick no he did but what
i'm confused about is he said he'd give me the 106 for the second round

pick but then he was picking the second round pick no no
i'm the two i'm giving the 205 i'm
not giving you 204 you have four and five yeah oh
i didn't know that yeah i didn't know that yeah well now you know i never seen
me up for that too ah yeah hit me up about that too trey mcbride right up no

stop it okay yeah i mean stop it okay i mean,
trey mcbride is first round talent james cook 204 james cook.
Talk 204 j oh my god if that works out
my plan will be perfect 204 james cook let me know all right
we'll talk let me just tell this guy no so we cannot

see him happy 204 james any offer he
says no no no just like see his facial reaction you
said we'll talk and this dude like act like he just won a
million dollars no because if that happens then my
chyron trade is irrelevant like because
then i have james cook and then i have drake
may because i'm assuming nick's taking and jayden daniels i have drake may

roma dunes or malik neighbors james cook
and that's a great draft day for me it's
a great draft day it's great i just don't get
how you can fucking remember all these scenarios it's a great draft
day that's all i'm saying bro you know
we know the rookies we we got our guys on our draft board i
got them pinned on my cork board ready to pick well

i can't even tell you what i'm doing the next day of my life well
that's a problem saturday of mother's day yeah i
have to change that why is that
actually mother's day it's the saturday of mother's day.
Are you going to be present yeah
oh we can
not okay we're doing it yeah yeah

okay like how long i don't
know maybe 24 hours i don't know because
i mean this i just i'll let run so whatever
it's rookie draft but if that night
jimmy's home we can do it at my new place that's
assuming it's may 11th one two three yeah one two
and four do it quickly they will it's those

are like guaranteed picks i mean finish this in
one day so was the regular draft last year and it still took four days oh yeah
we're doing it all right make uh your schedule free that's what we're doing
you guys are coming over now did i set it for may 16th may 11th may 11th may 11th draft day.

At wax yes sir we'll
put on the tv we'll have a vibe you feel me order
some food little booze up got to
save a mofongo how you doing all right listen guys
on that note on that that note more fungal that
was the season opener season three is
here we're not going anywhere we got about

a year of content for you so stick around enjoy and
have some fun with us if you want to talk to us you can always shout us out
on twitter as you know nick does not check his twitter so don't shout him out
and we appreciate y'all appreciate y'all who are coming back appreciate you
who are first-time listeners have a good night and listen we'll be back next

week don't forget ballpark beef out,
typical I had to do it I had to do it.
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