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April 4, 2024 35 mins

In this rip-roaring episode of Ballpark Beef, the team offers a pulse-pounding dissection of the first week of baseball season's highs and lows. Highlighting the challenges several teams faced due to unfavorable weather conditions in the Northeast, the episode caters to all baseball fans by covering hot starts, early disappointments, and teams that are keeping the pace.

With a lively roundtable featuring Nick and Jimmy, the conversation takes a fascinating twist as it reviews the New York Mets' struggles, Cardinals and Yankees' mixed reviews, and builds anticipations and expectations for an exhilarating baseball season. It emphasizes the unpredictability of the game, offering viewers a reality check and managing expectations of early wins that could potentially lead to false hopes.

The last segment of the episode moves to football news, delving into essential acquisitions for the Houston Texans, evolving quarterback rooms, and an impending NFL draft vested with top prospective picks like Caleb Williams, Drake May, and Jaden Daniels. A highlight of this segment is a vibrant debate on the second most advantageous quarterback in the current draft.

Heading towards a humorous close, the hosts share their underdog picks in the 'Lock of the Week' segment sparking heated debate and demonstrating their passion for the game. This episode is a heady mix of insightful analysis, personal perspectives, and engaging debate not just for Mets, Cardinals, or Yankee fans but for all those drawn to the thrill of baseball.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Oh ladies and gentlemen welcome back to ballpark beef run that music.
Yeah what's up ballpark beef fans how we doing today we are back with another

episode and we We got some baseball juice. We got some stuff, baby.
First week of baseball is in the books. We got around first seven games for most teams.
Some teams have been rained out. There's some really shitty weather in the Northeast.
So we got some games for some teams, some games not games for other teams.
So we're going to talk baseball, baseball, big baseball podcast today.

We got a lot of talk about maybe some teams that are off to a disappointing start.
Teams that are off to a hot start and then teams that we think are just right
so let's get into it boys how we doing this week as always nick and jimmy are
back with me your week was good i'm poaching my first month at the new job you

know for almost a full week of full baseball,
life's going good man uh stupid ass you sound stupid for that can't stand the
cardinals and I can't stand the Yankees. It's been a shit week, just being honest.
All right. So funny. He says it's a shit week, but that's not the reason why.
So let us kind of go into why it's been a shit week for Jimmy.

Let's go into the actual reason.
I know it's very easy to overreact, especially as a Mets fan,
because they've felt so much misery for years.
We're only four games into the year, and Mets fans are already like, oh, the season's over.
Trade McNeil. Get rid of Nemo. Pete sucks.
Don't sign him. You know, it's like four games. There's still 158 games left

guys. I understand they're struggling.
There's 158 games left. You can't win this season in the first week.
You can't. I mean, yeah, the Mets look like complete dog shit,
but I mean, teams go on their stretches.
Like what if the Mets start 0-4, right?
And then they go on to win maybe their next 10.

Like it's very possible in baseball. But Jimmy, you want to break down the Mets start for us?
The New York Mets in the 2024
season being so young but it's not it's
not been very good it's not been very good there are some bright spots though
Francisco Alvarez looking like a
stud looking like the the MVP caliber player that I think he will be Brett Beatty

not too bad of a start Starling Marte good start to him as well he had a slow
spring training but has rebounded the real concern here is Jeff McNeil Francisco
Lindor and Brandon Nimmo all hitting sub 100 on the season, four games in.
It's not looking good at the plate. This lineup is not performing.
Our role players like DJ Stewart and Zach Short making errors,

not looking good at the plate either.
It's been a tough four games. Looking forward to JD Martinez coming to bolster
the lineup. We just signed Julio Tehran to help the rotation.
McGill going down with an injury is kind of devastating.
This is probably the worst four games you could possibly have to start a season.
Yeah, I mean, you guys played four games and have eight runs.

It's not a way you're going to win baseball games. I think we had six in one game.
Let that sink in. You got shut out in almost two.
Yep, so been pretty atrocious. The thing is, you guys played two mid teams.
You know, I don't think the Brewers are anything special. Granted,
you only played one game against Detroit, but, I mean, you lost 5-0.

That's not off to the start that you wanted to see.
Yeah, it's trash. But there are some bright spots. And here they are.
So Mets as a team are fourth highest in average exit velocity this year.
The third lowest on batting average on balls in play. Which means that they're

getting incredibly unlucky.
They're scorching the ball, but right at people. So there is a factor of luck
in this. And I think that will turn around.
This lineup is too good to continue being this bad. and Nimmo
Brandon Nimmo is the only player who is
the only is one of six players sorry in the major leagues
to have 100 mile per hour batted balls in every

game he's played one of six and he's batting
063 do you make that make sense he's scorching it but it's not it's getting
caught it's going right to people it's it's like Nick's expected you know hey
like I said I don't care how hard you hit the ball if you're getting out you
ain't doing your job well to a point yes but but one of the jobs of the hitter is to smash the ball.

And if you're doing that, but you're getting out, that's just luck at that point, really.
Yeah, I'm in that, or they might just have to take a slightly little bit of a different approach.
Yeah, hit them where they ain't. Yeah, my theory. How do the Mets turn this around?
What needs to be done? What's going on?
The Mets are going very below their mean, meaning they're having really bad luck.

They're not playing very well. They need to regress back to their mean,
which is more of a 500-ball club, maybe five games over 500-ball club.
In that range and once they get to that point maybe have a little bit of a hot streak,
they can they can get back in the swing of things you know
the other thing about this is a lot of
world series champions have had four game losing streets

a lot of world series champions in this chat have had even longer than four
games losing streets so i'm talking about yankees who lost nine in a row in
1953 when they won the world series and the cardinals in 2006 lost like eight
eight or seven in a row during their season as well.
So it happens. Happens to the best of us.

Yeah, I mean, it's the first week. Definitely don't have to be sweating about
it. They're off to a slow start.
Yeah, like I said, there's still about somewhere around 150 games left.
So plenty of time for them to make up.
As of right now, they don't look good. They're not hitting good.
I'm glad Luis Severino's a dud.

But, you know, the Mets can turn it around. They got Julio Tehran.
Three of Seve's runs were changed to unearned, by the way. So,
you know, they're getting a dog in Julio, you know.
The Mets, man, they're a joke. All right, Nick, tell us about the Cardinals.
Tell us about the Cardinals. You had to throw in the joke right there.

Tell us about the Cardinals, Nick.
Yeah, I mean, the Cardinals are about as expected as I thought they would be.
They lost three out of four to the Dodgers.
They had a chance of winning two of the games, but the bullpen blew it.
So, I mean, I'm pretty happy about that series. And then taking two out of three
against the Padres, I would say starting the season out three and four is about expected.

And I would take it as a Cardinal fan to go into the West coast early.
No, one's really having like a superstar start except Mason win three 15 with a six Oh seven OPS.
The thing I want to point out though, is the starters were a lot better than what we expected.
Hold on. Hold on. Let me stop you real quick. Let me stop you. Rebecca.

What did you say? A six, seven OPS is good.
Well i'm just saying that's like our best hitter i went looked
at average first and then just right after that average first brendan
donovan's your best player right now no he
is but for mason wind being a rookie and bad you gotta
forget it remember he only looks at average to me average no expected stats

i don't look at expected stats because i don't live off expectations live on
reality anyway reality the reality of batting 300 excuse me your team is 0 and
4 you You should not be allowed to talk. You got four losses, too. Shut up.
We also lost three to the Dodgers.
Anyway, by the way, can we talk about Mookie Betts?

Yeah, the starters for the first first go around, they gave the Cardinals a
chance to win every single game they pitched.
And that's not what we expected, as we all said in the previous episode.
So overall, I'm pretty satisfied with the first week of baseball for St. Louis.
I like that for you, Nick. You know, we kind of got on you about the Cardinals shitty rotation.

And I think they might have a better rotation of the Mets right now. I think that can be said.
I think that can be said. You know, they you guys didn't get swept by the Dodgers.
Probably, you know, the best team in the league.
And, you know, you're holding your own.
Good job, Cardinals. Proud of you. All right, let's talk about the real team in this podcast, okay?

If you guys want to, you know, go take a nap or something, I'll be here for a little bit.
But the Yankees are 6-1. They've just finished up their road trip.
They swept the Astros, and they just won a series against the Diamondbacks, 2-1.
The Yankees look legit. I know it's only seven games in, Like I said, a lot of shit can happen.
Judge can bang his toe on a wall again and be out for three months.

But it looks so, so good so far. I don't know what else to say. Soto is just him.
Capital him. He's batting 345 with a 924 OPS. That's a good OPS, by the way, Nick.
We have another guy who jimmy was

super low on who looks like he's he's gonna
have a crazy breakout year and that's mr
anthony vulpe he is our leader
in average ops i mean and
slug in everything okay vulpe
is gonna have a is gonna be a breakout year he's he's
keeping his swing level he's not trying

to whip it up in the air and Volpe
looks really good man I'm real happy with his his
development and his progress this offseason I think
he's really going to take off and yeah the Yankees are exciting pitching's holding
up I was a bit worried with Cole being out but Rodon's been pitching well Nest
what's Stroman had a good start Nestor Cortez looks a little shaky a little

meh but rotation looks good our bullpen's probably the best in the league.
League yeah yankees are very surprised that
you did not mention as waldo cabrera at all i was
going to mention him but i feel like i'm just rambling at this point but thank
you 409 with a 1.186 ops
are you looking at as waldo or

volpe as waldo because i have as waldo here at 346 with a 1 1008 ops so it says
volpe's batting 529 with a 1.5 well you don't have updated stats done you got
old stats kid stack guy get your stats up i got old stats come on bro mom bleacher
report buddy so i just go off whatever it says.

I mean, baseball reference. I'm sorry.
You're getting a pay cut or something here. I don't know. The game ended literally three hours ago.
The producer might have to write you up. I don't know what's going on here,
but you're a little behind this year.
Regardless of what the numbers exactly are, Oswaldo Cabrera is just as good
as Anthony Volpe right now.

So, yes, Oswaldo Cabrera is having a very good start to the year.
We thought he would just be a utility guy, but with the injury of LeMayhew he's
now the starting third baseman and he is playing very well he's a .346 average,
.1008 OPS, two homers and the most RBIs on the team so guys are contributing

the lineup is deadly from top to bottom except Stanton, Stanton is,
he's burnt out he's burnt toast you throw him
anything but a fastball he's probably going to swing and miss so
as long as you have that scouting report you'll probably
strike him out but yeah that's that's all i got
on the yankees i don't want to keep going because i can all night i like
what i see you're just looking pretty dog so far too

yeah he's looking better than francisco lindor no
doubt yeah i mean judge is struggling but again
it's it's the first seven games right guys like lindor can go eight for his
next 10 like it's possible first seven games there's not much to it it's just
good seeing the yankees sweep the astros and then you know take take on win

a series against the defending NL champs. So it's exciting.
That's all. Not going to get too high on my horses here.
Not going to say. You might as well join them. Nah, it's too early for that.
I'd sound like I'm already saying it's the Yankees year.
I'd sound like a Mets fan at that point. So I'm just going to relax and let not dismiss fan.

Let the season play out. I'm not doomsday.
I'm not doomsday. like these mets fans on twitter are
just it's crazy dude they're it's
remember what jimmy said though the mets are the hottest team in april not
right now you know they started on four they could win you know like
you said 10 15 back to my
we're the coldest team in march we haven't

played much in april but back back
to my whole point on like how it's too early like the the pirates are five and
oh that's not sustainable like it's not gonna it's not gonna finish like that
the detroit tigers are four now like yeah i know they played them who the mets
who who else is playing good like,

the angels are four and two like the red sox are five and two like just there's
just random teams that it happens man it's there's 162 games for a reason but
yeah it's it's not sustainable For some of these teams,
I will ask what at what point in the season like at game wise do you start?
Thinking like hey my team is actually you know this good and my team's like

actually this bad two weeks before the all-star break.
You can't like so what is that about like 70 games you're
the stack guy check it out but i'm just saying the not counting the
games the just look
at like all-star break record from 2023 and just
subtract like 10 or 12 games yeah that's

about the time where you start like thinking okay what positional
needs do we have pitching always you know
is do we need an upgrade at third base whatever in in
the trade market before the trade deadline yeah it's
kind of when you start looking so yeah i i agree with you
about two weeks for the all-star break you can kind of get an idea of
where your team's at and kind of what

kind of mood you should be in based off that but sometimes you know once the
all-star break hits there's still like what 80 games left yeah so it's roughly
70 to 80 games two weeks before the all-star break exactly so like there's still
80 games left You never know what can happen.
But most of the time, you can weed out those shitty teams at that point.

But yeah. You know where your team stands on July 1st. Yes.
That's the date. Yeah. You know, it's too early, guys. Mets, Twitter, relax.
Kodai's going to come back. You're getting JD at DH.
Just relax a little bit, all right? You guys look like prime Yankee, Twitter.

It's kind of funny. Just relax, okay? You guys could be the Marlins.
Well, the Marlins aren't the Mets. Yeah.
That's a dumpster fire. Yeah. The Marlins are not the Mets. The Mets are,
I think, a much better organization, and they have better leaders.
But it's just, to me, the Mets, like, they just don't look like they're not

that they're not having fun.
They're just not enjoying baseball right now. I don't know.
There's there there is zero juice yeah there's no there's no energy it's not aggression it's,
complacency and just you have to go get the game
the game can't just keep coming to you yeah i mean you need a sense of urgency

a little bit of a little bit of fire in your ass and i think once you get a
win or two that'll that'll naturally come yeah for sure like once once you feel
the win it's kind of funny it reminds me of when we played high school baseball Once we felt a win,
you know, which was very rare, you know, it kind of got us like going,
you know, we maybe picked up a one or two in a row and then lost five in a row, but.

Something similar to that, it gets, you get more confidence. It's confidence.
Like if a hitter, like for example, judge, I hate to keep talking about Yankees, but I don't.
A guy starts out, you know, one for 15.
All right. He last night, he finally kind of gets some good swings today.
He has a home run and a double.
It just takes confidence. That's all it is. If the Mets can get some confidence

going, like Lindor goes two for four tomorrow, right? They're playing tomorrow.
Yeah, he goes two for four tomorrow and then maybe next couple games.
He has a few more hits like it's it's a roller coaster effect.
There's ups and downs in a baseball year. So Mets fans relax,
take it easy. You have 150 games left.

It's not the end. Trust me. You're going to see some exciting prospects come up this year.
You may win more than 80 games. It's very possible. It's not a terrible team. You have a good lineup.
As much as I badger Jimmy about how bad the Mets lineup is, it's good. It's deep.
If they played their potential, it's a good lineup. up
i will say one thing why wasn't

reese hoskins thrown out right away like what kind
of balls does this team have right now like there's no moxie you
guys need something that would have woke your team up you know
like that would have got you guys going one of my favorite memories of the 2015
met season was when noah syndergaard threw behind the royal hitter the lead

off like one of the the games of the world series and just like the juice and
the the moxie to do that was insane.
Reese hoskins i don't so here's my take
on it i don't think this is such old news by
the way but it's okay his slide was completely
legal yeah but he targeted mcneil's

back leg with his spike and by doing that
his body was going towards his front knee which could
have either taken out his ankle that he was aiming for
or his knee which would have been even worse so was
his slide legal yes was it dirty also yes yeah
so mcneil has every right to get pissed and he throws as
much of a tantrum as anybody in the league i think yeah i think throwing at

reese the first first at bat get your business out of the way and move on that's
how you police the game yeah i mean i will We'll say this McNeil is a bit of
a cry baby about it. Like I understand like that's him though.
I know. But like, dude, come on.
Like you're, you're acting like a child at this point. Like I,
I enjoyed seeing Reese caught Reese Hoskins do the cry crying, you know.

What they just need something they need like a
walk-off dinger from pete or something they something
to get them going the mets will have it soon mets fans
you'll be all right trust me it's all right
like david stern said this isn't gonna
be your year so remember that too like you
have the potential to make the playoffs but it's not

like you're all in this year you know you're still gonna sign soto next
year don't forget and you gotta sign pete
he's having a real good tryout out in new york so far
yeah he's gonna stay with the new york yankees
all right but we just kind
of rambled on about the mets but let's uh go into
some football news some maybe a little dynasty talk there's

not much dynasty talk really maybe just a few things here and
there but i think the biggest yeah that's fine
i think the biggest football news probably the
past week would be what happened today stefan digs
going to the houston texans is just crazy
to think they now have tank they now have nico
collins tank dell and stefan digs

that receiving core is capital d
disgusting with cj strata quarterback joe
mixon and you know damian pierce at
running back dalton schultz at tight end that's damn
did they have a rebuild talk about completing a
rebuild that team's gonna be.

Very exciting to watch next year i'm excited and you know i have cj strata's
my fantasy quarterback so it just makes me feel even better and yeah texans
look like the real deal man they're excited i run that division for multiple
years yeah yeah that's for sure that's for sure Yeah, I agree.

What a what an acquisition digs is in the in his twilight years,
I guess is the term. Yeah, yeah.
Towards the end of his playing career, I would say on the second half at least.
Is he a serviceable number two wide receiver behind Nico Collins?
Or even better, if this is possible, him being the number three option behind Nico Entank?

I mean, you can't get much better at a three than Stefan Diggs.
That has to be the best receiving core in the league. Sorry to cut you off.
No, we'll take that to the bank.
It has to. That team is going to be exceptionally scary as long as Diggs understands his role.
That that's that's another thing i was going to bring up is dicks

has like this this thing in him where like if he doesn't get receptions or involved
he seems to act like a cry baby now we'll see how that works out like is he
the number one in in houston like is he going to be the number one i don't think
so i think nico collins at this point might be a better receiver
tank dell is on the rise i know he's going to be coming back from injury so

we'll see but i want i I want to see how that's going to work out if,
you know, they kind of broke it down like, hey, you could be the number three
option at one point, you know, like, who knows?
But now, on the other hand, Buffalo, they got Curtis Samuel and Khalil Shakir.
So they're thin, makes it a little easier for the Dolphins now because Josh

Allen's going to be thrown to who?
Cares. Nobody. My question is, does James Cook's value go up because Diggs is gone?
On i think it stays the same i don't seem yeah i mean like they honestly digs had like,
didn't have a crazy year last year he wasn't targeted as
much i think jimmy got rid of him at a

perfect time last year like after jimmy got rid of him he just had
like the most shit year ever so that was a great trade on jimmy's part that's
uh that's what you gotta do you have to recognize these trends bro you have
to be a good gm it's okay to have it's okay to have the vets but you got to
move them at the right time and i moved both of my veteran wide receivers both
north of 30 at the right time for the right assets yep yep.

Cup cooper cup oh yeah and i also
have all of my quarterbacks have improved their situations
gardner minchu going to the raiders to be the
guy that's improved eric stidham is the
number one quarterback option in denver right now all of
my backup quarterbacks have improved their standing and then
i obviously have rock purdy and anthony richardson so

you want to talk about dynasty corner my quarterback room
got a little bit better and i didn't have to do anything thing so
luck of the irish right there that's that's that means
there's no pressure in this draft which gets us
to our next topic i have a pretty good topic okay so
i think i think the consensus number
one quarterback is caleb williams i

think that's pretty pretty obvious yeah but there's
been a lot of talk about who is the number two quarterback in
this draft now we got people thinking that
there's going to be some trades up to go pick at number two
and get jj mccarthy i mean you have
jayden daniels and drake may in that conversation michael pennix
even even you know throwing his hat in the ring so who

is your number two quarterback for this draft who are you most excited for other
than i like this i like this okay so i'm gonna actually have a a long breakdown
here if you guys don't mind but my and so i have tiers of quarterbacks.
Tier one is caleb williams i think he separates himself from

anyone else i don't care about the antics off the field as long
as the guy shows up he's going to be the best quarterback in the draft he has
all the tangibles to be the best quarterback in
this draft qb2 i don't
think it's jj mccarthy i like yeah he
was part of a winning team but he was he
wasn't the main contributor to that team like i i

don't see him being the number two pick and then there's there's a guy like
jaden daniels who has who's a fantasy guy's dream he has rushing up a side he
has a good arm but my issue is is in college i was watching some tape he takes a lot of hits,
when he when he scrambles he likes to take a lot of hits and he's he's not always

smart with how how he takes hits.
When you're in the NFL, if you take hits like that, you'll be out for the whole
year like Anthony Richardson was.
Okay? Because Anthony Richardson thought, you know, he could run everything
and he got out. He was out for that year.
My number two guy is Drake May. Drake May reminds me a little bit of Justin Herbert.

Coming in, not the greatest stats, but he has like a slight rushing upside, very good arm, and he's.
I just like Drake may a lot. I just gave away my whole scouting report to Nick.
So he's probably going to take the quarterback I want at this point.
Hopefully he doesn't, or it's all smokescreen for him to take a quarterback.

I don't want it, but he'll never know.
Cause I could be completely bullshitting right now. Cause this could be a smokescreen.
So my number two guy is Drake may. I like Drake may. I think he's a very interesting.
I think he even has the potential to be better than Caleb Williams, but we'll see.
Yeah, I mean, literally what you said honestly meant nothing to me.

My decision has been between Jaden Daniels and Drake May this entire time.
But, I mean, it's good to have a quarterback that is able to run,
but a quarterback that ends up like Anthony Richardson, his rookie year,
is a quarterback I don't want.
So, yeah, I mean, I was taking Drake May the entire time. What are you shaking your head over?
I can't stand you. You find any way to badmouth my team and me,

the Mets, Anthony Richardson on my dynasty team.
Like, can you, like— Hey, hold up. Did you just admit you're taking Drake May?
I did, yeah. But also, if he's there. It gets to me. If he's there.
Actually, you're thinking of taking him? I'm still waiting for a response about the IHOP shit.
He's paying $100 for next year. All right, well, then it all depends on the

number two overall pick.
Number two pick is either going to be Caleb or MHJ, depending on how it goes.
Jack wants to move Jalen Hurts For a wide receiver and a pick Now that I know
you're taking Drake May I might actually do that Because I don't want Jaden
Daniels I just really don't want Jaden Daniels Fuck you,

Okay so here's the thing You're overlooking Penix and McCarthy Because I think
that they're They're dog shit I think they're on the same level as Jaden Daniels
I don't think so I have Caleb Williams,
I have May and then I have McCarthy and Pennix kind of like 3A, 3B.
And then I have Jaden Daniels after that because just too much risk.

He doesn't take hits. He takes very ugly hits in college. They're going to get
even worse with bigger and faster and stronger players in the NFL.
I think you're sleeping on that tier quarterback. But, that being said,
I love the drama at the top of the draft because I'm not involved in any of
these quarterbacks. I'm not getting any of them.
So, by the time it gets to me at the 1-0, what am I, 7?

What are we looking at here? The way you're talking doesn't make sense on how
you're not going to get them.
You're comparing two quarterbacks that are 5-6 in our eyes, but you have them as three, four.
So if they come to you, you're not going to have any hesitation of not taking them.
The issue is they're not going to come to me is because you're going to select

a wide receiver and there's going to be Marvin Harrison Jr. taken too.
And then, you know, there's also Romo Dunes, which is a very tasty pick for somebody else.
So I don't know what the hell you're doing because you're taking one at three
and then you have five and six ahead of me.
And are you going two quarterbacks? Are you going two wide receivers?
Like, what are you doing? I don't know.

But you have the seventh pick, and you're saying there's five quarterbacks that
have a chance of going in the top five.
I don't see five quarterbacks going before your pick.
I don't see five going before my pick? You think six out of the first five picks
are going to be quarterbacks?
Well, no. I think six out of the first—five out of the first six,
yeah. Nick, do you want the 104?

So you're just thinking that no one's going to take a wide receiver or anything?
I think only Marvin Harrison Jr. Well, actually, I don't know.
I don't fucking know, Nick. Nick, do you want the 104?
Why? I'll give you the 104 for the 105 and the 107.
Jimmy has the 107. 106. I have the 105. Yeah. The 104 for both of those.

All right. No, no. Listen, I'll give you the 104 and my 204 for the 105 and
106. Send it in to the commissioner.
Why would I do that? You move up, you can get Drake May and Jaden Daniels. By one spot.
Yeah. No. Then you don't get a wide receiver if you're looking for one.

I like my picks right now. I like three, five, and six.
Four is a bad place in the draft. That's fine, bro.
Four is a Mofungo place in the draft. It's just like he just broke my heart
now because I really thought he was going Jaden Daniels.
So you're saying four is a bad spot in the draft. Why would I go to five?

No, I'm saying you move up to four with the fifth.
I have the third. Yeah, dickhead. I'm not really impressed about that because
I also don't want any more picks.
You're asking for my you're saying I'm going to give you the 104.
No, I'm giving you the one. I mean, you're giving me the 104 and I'm giving you the five and the six.

Yes, that's stupid. I'm going to add another pick in there. Why would I want
to go up one pick to lose a player?
I'm adding another pick in there. Yeah, a pick that's 12 picks later. Yeah, that's value.
Okay, buddy. So you're basically saying that instead of having three out of
the first six picks mine, I should have two of them so I can get two second round picks.

No, you'll get two fucking quarterbacks, Jaden Daniels and Drake May.
Imagine that. You said I wanted Drake May over him. Why would I want Jaden Daniels too?
It's a great draft. I mean, maybe. It's a great draft.
Maybe. Or you get Drake May and Marvin Harrison Jr. Maybe.

I'm shocked. You shafted my whole plans. All right.
No shot. Basically what's going to happen this draft It's going to go Caleb
Williams, Marvin Harrison Jr Nick's going to take May,
John's going to do something stupid Probably take a quarterback there Nick's
going to take another quarterback and a wide receiver I'm going to have Who
am I going to have available I'm going to have quarterback towards the bottom

of my list Available I will have Nabbers or O'Doones available And I'll have
Bowers available So I'm sitting pretty,
I'll have a quarterback, a wide receiver And a tight end to pick That's seven,
Seven's a fun place in the draft,
Yeah sure is Four sucks cock I'll tell you that Sure does Four sucks You gotta

either reach down for a quarterback Or trade it away Or hope that maybe Marvin Harrison Jr.
Is still there There's no way Actually I can't believe that Jack is going quarterback,
I mean I can see Marvin Harrison Jr.
Is falling to fourth if Jack's trying To trade his quarterback back.
He's trying to trade Jalen Hurts for a wide receiver one and a first round pick this year.

That's the value I got today. Or an RB1 and first round pick this year.
Only Jalen Hurts, right? Only Jalen Hurts.
I wonder what that trade would look like. He doesn't want any receivers.
He ain't gonna get any fucking high picks for it. I asked him about that.

But yeah, I'm going to see what that looks like, though. I guess that's all
for tonight, right, guys?
Yeah, I mean, unless you want to do the lock of the week.
Let's do our lock of the week. I just got one comment, though.
Jack really said Kyler Murray was worth three firsts. Just let that sink in.
And now he's got that price for Jalen Hurts. Crazy.
Friday, right? Yes. All right.

Lock of the. All right. Are we doing actual lock of the week?
So we're doing underdogs of the week. We could do whatever your heart desires.
Let's do dogs of the week. Let's do dogs. All right. Underdogs of the week on
Friday the 5th. Yes, sir.
Dogs of the week. See this.
Oh, that's going to be a good series this weekend.

I bet you this is an underdog. I got my dog.
Who's your dog? Wait, can we make a rule? The dog has to be like at least 45% or lower.
That's fine. It can't be like 48 to 52. I don't got a dog. All right, he doesn't have a dog.
I bet my underdog is the New York Mets against the Cincinnati Reds.

Damn, I was going to say that.
It's crazy. I don't got a dog. Not that many dogs.
Nah, there's not that many good dogs. Unless you're reaching at this point.
Well, if there's not any, then you can just go with what you want.
I got a dog. What's your dog? I got Logan Gilbert and the Mariners over the Brew Crew.

They're dogs? Yep. I got a dog. I'm taking Padres with Dylan Cease over the
Giants and Jordan Hicks. That's my dog.
There you have it, folks. Those are the dogs of the week.
Yankees new motto. Dogs. All right, guys. Have a wonderful week. Happy Wednesday.

Oh, no. Happy Thursday. We were recording a day late. I forgot. Happy Thursday.
We'll catch you all next week. enjoy some baseball Mets fans chin up gets better from here peace out.
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