All Episodes

April 10, 2024 31 mins

Discussion on Significant UCL Injury Uptick in Major League Baseball

We discuss the young talents making waves on our favorite teams and the promise they have. We delve into energetic updates about the achievements and trials gripping the baseball landscape. Then, we spiral into the core topic: the surge in UCL injuries amongst pitchers. Through analytical evaluation, we uncover the potential factors leading to this growing concern. Join us in debating whether the launch of the pitch clock and the shift in throwing techniques carry any weight in this worrisome trend. We question whether the introduction of chasing high-velocity, the many variations in the way pitchers are now being trained, and the pressure exerted from gripping the ball harder holds the answer. Plus, we contemplate the profound influence of analytics and recent technology on gameplay and injury rates. We scrutinize the evolution of pitches, their growing complexity, and if the urge for more control and ‘nastiness’ could be catalyzing the injury trend.

Our discourse extends into what’s possibly on the horizon for NFL teams near the top of the draft board. What might QB-needy teams do in the upcoming draft? Could the alluring flexibility of rookie quarterback contracts herald changes? Join us as we blend serious analysis with fiery banter, delivering an enjoyable and enlightening listen. As we share our 'locks of the week,' we invite listeners to contribute their insights.

Partake in our rich baseball discourse and voice your views on the topics we've tackled! Engage in this comprehensive exploration of Major League Baseball's evolution and challenges. Catch us in two weeks after our brief break.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Ballpark Beef is back at it again. I'm going to run a little bit of a potpourri
episode for you guys. We're going to talk about a few different things.
And we're going to talk about our youngest players that we're really excited
for. So run that music before I screw up this intro anymore.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to another episode of Ballpark Beef,

where we bring the beef, okay?
Okay and today i'm sure we'll have some beef for you so stay
tuned for the beef back with my co-host we got jimmy and nick as always nick
is our stat man jimmy is our is our other co-host so he's he's up to date on
his stats but nick how's your week man how's how's work you know how's life.

Yeah man i mean the new job's going good you know the
kids are coming soon soon nice it's just i
don't really think i should be the topic of this week's episode
since you have a special day in about nine days
well you know it's it's we'll get
into that once i you know come around the horn here but
let's hear about jimmy's week you know jimmy's important too

so jimmy how was your week going right
back to you pal nine days yeah guys
i mean i getting married in nine days we're gonna take a break next
week so don't expect shit from us we'll be
back the week after that but you know it's it's stressful times
exciting times so you know
nine days we got you bro give us all your

stresses and just go into it and have the most fun nine
days until just complete and pure bliss just don't stop drinking until you can't
stand anymore no i i'm not gonna be trashed at my own wedding that's that's
not that's not something you do you i'm not i don't plan on drinking heavily
on my wedding trust me you won't be good i can't,

it's like i barely have time anyway so it could barely handle alcohol too so.
That too i don't drink like you know it my life depends on it so i have a few
drinks and i'm tipsy that's a good thing right you spend less money right yeah
what's wrong with that ronas,
ronas be expensive ronas and you know can't forget the nooners nooners some

serves what else what what else was i drinking i have been drinking the white
claws no i don't drink white claws anymore where they're just like i don't know
i don't i don't like mickleloves i've been ripping mix,
been on the mickeys what else have i had i
don't know i just i don't i don't you know drink like i used
to man i think my liver's kind of been telling my body to chill out and that's

what i've been doing nick whatever you do it works for you good for you man
i don't know how you do it can't say i'm proud of you because i'd sound like
a bad friend but you know just keep doing you man just Just keep it light at
the wedding, all right? That's all I ask.
I will until a certain time. No.
If I have to carry you out, I'm leaving you at the venue. You're not getting

on the damn shuttle, all right? Oh, no, I'll make it back to the hotel.
Whatever happens after that. You'll be the last person to carry him.
Well, I would feel obliged to carry him just because look at my idiot best man,
completely freaking obliterated.
Trust me, I will not do something like that because that would be an embarrassment on me.
Yeah, it would. It sure would.

All I know is there's going to come a point in time.
So a little backstory on my wedding, guys.
We have best man, bridesmaid of honor is Nick and Steph, right?
Right nick and steph if you give them a.
Little bit of alcohol i promise you they
will not stop speaking the whole fucking night so if

you need anyone to talk to at a wedding and you need like a
pal or something invite nick and steph give them
about three four shots and i promise you
you will not hear the end of it the rest of the fucking night
nobody will know where you are okay so just
if you need like a you know a plus
one to look good for the family or something nick's the

guy okay few drinks and you know
he he turns into you know riz god over here
so he turns he starts
talking to moms he starts talking to aunties like that's
nick grandma's like i'm telling you he's
the best plus one ever just bring fucking nick all right
nobody's nobody's safe nobody's safe

but all right let's just don't ask me if i remember it the next
day exactly that that that's another issue
but let's let's get into baseball talk enough
my wedding very excited nine days away but yeah
a lot of stress and for all those who plan weddings
and think that it's exciting to plan a
wedding you're you have issues okay you have issues because jimmy can agree

with me it is exciting but all right let's get into the head yeah yes let's
get into the baseball talk because that's what we're here for um so we're going
to talk Talk about some young players that have kind of been popping off the
past two weeks from our respective teams.
Nick, since I know you're going to be short and so, so sweet,
take it away with your boy Mason Wynn.

Yeah, man. I mean, if you guys watch the Cardinals play.
Rookie season, Mason Wynn, shortstop, dude throws like 100 miles an hour from short to first.
I mean, it's just unbelievable to watch. His double plays are just fascinating.
And he's having a great start to the year at the plate. You know, he's batting .333.
He's not really known for his power, so his slugging is a little low. OPS is .744.

This kid is just going to be something special, you know. Shortstop,
we lost DeYoung this year.
Having a shortstop like that and it's just
it's just going to be a great year watching him i also want to give
another shout out matthew liberatore coming out
of the bullpen now i know they they tried starting him a
couple years ago it was two years ago or last year but uh he's a good piece
to have in a bullpen tall lefty that that can go the distance so i'm very happy

with his performance so far this year nick that just made me proud you did more
than you were asked to do yeah Thank you,
Nick. That made me happy. Thank you.
Man has no faith. Man has no faith in this guy.
He did more than I asked of him. That's like... Nick has it in him.

He can deliver. He can deliver. Nick's got it. See? I'm him.
Sometimes. Jimmy, let's hear about your young guys.
Well, you already know who they are. They're probably the two most exciting
players in all of New York.
All of New York. I knew Jonathan would love that.
So who I'm talking about is Francisco Alvarez and Brett, the Met 80 baby.

Francisco Alvarez, literally, if he could play like 130 games,
he would probably get top five MVP votes.
He is looking phenomenal so far.
Defensively, he's a great framer. He's been stealing strikes.
He's been plucking them out of the zone, bringing them back into the zone better
than Jonathan ever could.

Third baseman uh in it third baseman in
his senior year but francisco alvarez really looking good hitting
the ball hard hitting homers hitting doubles doing
the thing and then brett baity is also looking like a stud over there at the
hot corner he's making plays he's diving for balls catching stuff he's making
good throws across the diamond good strong throws defense is taking a leap and

he's been hitting if he can hit and play defense like this i mean that's a core
that i'm I'm willing to build my team around.
So Brett, the Met Francisco Alvarez looking good in New York.
All right, let's get to the actual exciting guys in New York for a team that
has a winning record and has the best record in the major leagues. Right, Nick?
I could care less about this team, but you can continue.

All right. So Anthony Volpe gold glove last year, weak batting average.
He fixed some things in the off season. And let me tell you,
it's got a 1.2 war already.
Sitting north of 400 as of
before this game today he's over two right
now so i'll be below 400 but he

has a 1.2 war his ops is 1.1 i mean i think he's figured it out i think we have
our future shortstop he looks amazing at shortstop he has i saw stat i could
be wrong he has the the most defensive run saved so far this year.
But yeah, you know, it's just exciting to see Volpe come up and,

you know, take over the shortstop spot.
We haven't had like a real shortstop that you can say is, because in my opinion,
shortstop's the most important position on the field.
And Volpe has taken that. So it's exciting to see.
And the other guy, kind of out of nowhere, it's not like he's been a big name the past few years.
He's also not like the youngest guy, but started taking off beginning of this

year. Oswaldo Cabrera switch hitter plays about just every position.
He was filled in a third for DJ. He's batting three 33.
He's got a nine 35, nine 34 OPS. And I mean, he's, he's just filling in.
And I mean, he definitely earned more at bats. He definitely earned more playing time.
So it's just exciting to see him, you know, kind of finally develop and become

who we all thought he could be.
So yeah, Yeah, some exciting guys from the Yankees, exciting guys from the Mets,
exciting guys from the Cardinals.
The future looks bright. We like young guys. Young guys make the game fun, right?
We don't like watching, I don't know, who's an old guy, like an Anthony Rendon.
The guy just doesn't care anymore, at least from what I've seen.

Like these old guys just like just don't care. Like the young guys bring excitement.
They're all just there for the money. You have Alex Verdugo pimping home runs
and then barking in the fucking dugout. Like that's exciting.
That pumps up a team like the young guys bring energy. And that's why people go to the ballpark.
People don't want to go to the ballpark and see Stan strike out for the 30th
time, even though he's been hot as of late.

I don't know about you, Jimmy, but I kind of like to see that.
Stay in strikeout? Yeah.
I've been watching that since his Miami days, since he was known as Mike.
He just hit another double.
No, but yeah, I mean, the kids, the young kids and players, they just bring excitement to the game.
You know, the older people now, they're just like, all right,
well, I'm just here for a check. So whatever I do, it doesn't matter.

I'm just going to play again tomorrow.
Yeah, like even like last night, like I watched Eli De La Cruz hit inside the park home run.
How often do you see that? you know like i saw
a lot not live in person but live i was
watching on tv and like that's exciting to see
ellie daryl cruz is going to be a superstar i think so it's
the kids are excited i'm gonna cut you off right there but he

ran the bases in under 15 seconds you know yeah he
got some of these guys like you know like you mentioned stanton rendon they
hit a ball and it takes him 15 seconds just to
get the first yeah yeah you know what
else is done in 15 seconds oh i
won't say anymore got me
there didn't land but

yeah so on the contrary though well let me let me shout out bobby with junior
because he's a stud too another young player superstar gonna get mvp votes like
really really top-notch player but mike trout mike trout's found it a little
bit fellas a little little uh old whippersnapper or an old guy trying to teach
the whippersnappers bro.
Trout's having himself a year good start so far looking forward to his numbers

at the end of the the season. Hopefully he stays healthy.
Yeah, it's a good time when Trout is healthy. I think he's the best player to
root for, especially coming from Jersey, as we are Jersey fellas. You know, it's.
I can consider Jimmy a Jersey fella, right? Yeah. Yeah. Hey,
bro. Born and raised here.
Born and raised. But, you know, it's good to see. We love Mike Trout.

But I will shout out Tyler O'Neal, who's leading the league in home runs.
Oh, my partner right there. There you go. You know, looks like he's juiced,
but that's besides the point.
Former. He likes the green monster. Yeah. I mean, it's pretty cool to see.
I know Nick wish he could have been doing it in the Cardinals uniform.

For him but you know that's that's not he had his
moments in st louis i'm happy for him but uh
yeah let's let's go into our team's little
quick update for the past week and then now we'll get into our
our interesting topic our interesting topic
so uh i'll start off since i'm already talking let's
talk about the yankees they are a nine and two as of

prior to this game tonight they're up to nothing nothing they
have the best record in the league their top five
in all pitching stats era and there
was another one their top five but it's good to see no one
calls out offensive put up eight runs
in the past three games on average so the yankees
look really good the lineup's disgusting i'm not going to talk

too much yankees look good i'm excited two weeks in so not much to it yeah man
the cardinals are five and six as of today don't know if they're going to win
or lose lose tonight but the veterans aren't really producing a behind the plate
you know the pitching is about as expected you know sub four era there have
been multiple games where,
pitchers giving them a chance and the bats are just cold so i mean they're off

to about the start that i expected hope to see the bats wake up a little bit
more and you know catch a win streak here and there.
The Mets figured out how to win since we last recorded. Got their first win.
Remember what I said? All they needed was a walk-off. And what did they get
the next day? A 1-0 walk-off.
Wasn't it DJ Stewart?

No, this was the Alonzo Homer and then the Tyrone Taylor single against the
Tigers. First win of the season.
That's right. That's right. Didn't you have a walk-off though?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll get there. That is the walk-off. Okay, okay. Sorry, sorry.
Well, that is the walk-off. Yeah, yeah. But good game against the Braves too.
So we won our first game of the season against the Tigers and then proceeded to get three more.

Who knew the Mets could actually win some games, beat the Braves in a nail-biter yesterday.
Bullpen, top-notch. Bullpen's looking great. Edwin Diaz, shoving. Drew Smith, shoving.
Avino and Raley doing their things, solidifying that bullpen.
We got some guys up and down because we're using our bullpen a lot,
obviously, early on in the season.

Starting pitchers aren't going as long. But pitching looks good for the Mets.
The issue is with, you know, McNeil, Lindor, Heat struggling now.
That's the core of this team. They need to perform. They need to come around
the bend and start hitting the ball.
Because if they don't, we're just going to keep losing 3-2.
And like 4-3 when our pitching is doing a good job. Can't have it happen. Yeah.

That's our weekly roundup for our teams, guys. So let's go into our topic of
today. today. This is kind of crazy what's going on in the majors right now.
There's been a lot of UCL injuries the past few years, and people have been
discussing whether it's because of the pitch clock, or maybe it's because of
the way pitchers are throwing the ball now.

So I kind of just want to get everyone's opinion on that, see where your head's
at regarding that. So Nick, I'll let you take the floor first.
What do you think is the reason for the up in UCL injuries?
Yeah I mean there has been a lot of them
to start the year way more than in the previous years and
I mean my take is it has to be something with with

the pitch clock you know because I don't think when when
they introduced the pitch clock that pitchers are like
oh okay well now I need to throw it a different way you know they could
still do what they have to do they just can't take as much
time in between pitches and it to
me it seems like giving them only you know 10 seconds against
each pitch there you get one inning

or here and there where you're throwing 25 30 pitches and then
say your team goes up and down one two three you're not really giving your arm
time to rest so these pitchers are throwing 75 to 100 pitches within like an
hour so i mean my take is that i just feel like the pitches are being rushed
and and the the muscles in their body aren't aren't used to the movement as fast.

So i'll go next because i know jimmy will have a nice long
explanation got a demo so i'm
gonna go the opposite route i do not think it's a pitch clock i
think the pitch clock actually has nothing to do with the up in ucl injuries
i think it's the way the pitchers are throwing the ball now and all these all
these things they're doing differently now with you know analytics and all this

new technology ways to throw you know curveballs or sliders more ways to get
higher higher velocity on your fastballs.
I think that's what really has to do with the up in UCL injuries.
Cause there's so much technology and information they're, they're getting now.
And there's, there's so many different ways they can learn how to throw a ball

or, you know, get higher velocity on some pitches.
Um, I think that's the reasoning for the up in UCL injuries.
I don't, I think the pitch clock actually has nothing to do with it.
That's it. Now I get to, I get the floor. Yeah. Okay.
So, so, This is what I think. Pitching in the majors has been changing recently, right?

So what I think is happening because of no sticky stuff, I think these pitchers
have to grip the ball harder.
And this also has to do with all the grip changes and little things that they're
doing in these pitching labs to try to get an advantage, try to spin an extra
hundred revolutions, try to like flip off a curve ball, try to rip off a slider.

I think because they're trying all these different things. They're gripping the ball really tight.
There's no sticky stuff anymore. So they have to grip it tight in order to not lose the ball.
And because of that, they're straining all these muscles in their forearm as
they're getting ready to throw a ball.
You think about it, every time there's like a car accident, the person who like
braces themselves gets hurt more because they're tensing up their body for impact.

Same with pitching. When you're
grabbing this ball so tight and you're throwing it because you have,
you know, no grip or like it's really slick,
these baseballs are changing there's no sticky stuff to hold on
to the ball when you grip it so tight you're putting
more strain on that forearm which goes right towards
your your ucl as well so they're getting these forearm flexor strains and these

ucl injuries because i think they're gripping the balls i think that has to
do with it now my question to you is because it seems like i have a different
opinion than both of you would you say it's more of one of the other or a a combination of both?
I think it's a combination of all three of our perspectives,
to be honest with you. I'm just trying to give a different side.
I think going faster. Yes. I think straining your body in shorter durations,

rushing through the pitches.
I think there's some factor there. Is it significant? I don't know.
Is the grip strength part that I'm talking about significant?
I don't know, but maybe all of it together is kind of like causing all these injuries.
And now what would you say is a way to prevent it?
Yeah, I mean, that's the challenge, right? Like, when people from the 80s were

pitching, they just grabbed the ball and threw it.
They didn't really care about what grip they had. They just threw it, you know.
They made their outing last because they, you know.
Fastball, middle, middle. Yeah, like, hit it if you can.
You know, I'll throw an 80-poo right in your zone and see if you can hit it.
So I think it's changing where we're chasing velocity.

We're chasing these spins we're grabbing it we're throwing
as hard as we can we're squeezing it we're screwing up
our arms all these kinds of things are all in unison and
then you know doing it very quickly like with very
short time between pitches it's it's a lot the arm
isn't supposed to throw 90 something it doesn't either
my arm doesn't no my arm is uh like

a paper towel yeah towel roll
so what was john what was jonathan's point
again jonathan's point was pitchers are trying to throw the baseball at like
different arm angles i believe and like different releases to try and make the
ball do something that's not supposed to do which is kind of the same thing
as you're saying with the grip

because you know when it comes to pitching it's all about the grip now,
yeah because people are tinkering with their grips they're changing their cutter
grip to become a sweeper they're putting the fastball in a different part of
their hand to be able to to spin it more efficiently.
They're trying to throw at different angles to get different types of vertical

break in the strike zone to see if that has any effect.
But I really think, to sum it up, squeezing the shit out of the ball is really
just putting that strain on that forearm.
They don't have a grip because of sticky stuff. They're throwing it very quickly
and they're tinking around a lot. I think we're all right.
I feel like we're all right. yeah i think it's a

mixture of everything but if it i think if it's leaning towards
something more it's kind of to your point jimmy
where they're just doing all these different things whether it's
increased velocity increase their spin rate you know all these things to maybe
throw a slider differently a fastball differently i think it's just adding more
strain to the arm when the arm's not supposed to even be throwing like this

you know back in the 80s if you had a a guy like.
Like a Nolan Ryan who just threw a hundred miles an hour, he probably threw
a hundred fastballs a game. Like that's all you needed to do.
Yeah. That's what we said. We were like the back in the eighties,
they're just like fastball middle, middle to see how far, like,
say how you can, if you can hit it or not.
And you know, it's nowadays it's like, all right, well, how can we get the RPMs

up? How can we get your velocity up?
What way can we throw a slider differently? So like I said, your RPMs would be differently.
Like it's just all these things and it's just causing more strain on
your ucl where you're not supposed to be straining your ucl
like this like throwing a baseball is not a like a
normal thing to do you know
it's it's it's supposed to cause strain on your arm that's why whenever you

go back into playing baseball your your freaking shoulder is going to fall off
right like when we when we used to throw sometimes we wouldn't throw for maybe
like a year or two we'd go throw and we couldn't feel our shoulder the next day maybe our our,
our, our UCO would be sore too. Like it's, it's not a normal motion.
So just adding more to it is going to cause these things. And that's what the uprise is.

You know, they all say analytics is a good thing, but maybe it's not for pitchers. Maybe it's not.
Yeah. I mean, the one thing that comes to mind for me is are these pitchers,
what's like their ultimate goal, you know, is their ultimate goal to see how
far they could go with getting batters out?
Or is it just let me see how much movement my my off-speed pitches can do your

goal is to have the nastiest stuff well that's what i'm saying but i i don't
think realistically to be the best pitcher you have to have the nastiest stuff
so you do no i don't think so so you're telling the location,
yeah like if your stuff's not nasty you're not gonna be good okay but if your
stuff is nasty and you can't locate it you're gonna be dog shit yeah but nastiness comes with location,

like all right if you can dot up if like all right if you can dot up a fastball middle middle in,
like dot right yeah yeah on the line on the line that's nastiness not many people
can do that i understand efficiently i feel like the harder they try and throw

it the harder it is to control.
And when you go to off speed pitches the
harder you try and spin it the harder it's going to be to control yeah
i mean i guess that's fair it's just
like i don't know it's there's a
lot of people going but then they're also getting in
these labs and like trying to overlay the fastball with the slider to like make

it look like one or the other it's like all these crazy and like they're trying
to maximize the left the left break and minimize the down break and like they're
doing all these very technical things which great for pitch design but it's just hard on the arm.
And it's the arms not supposed to be doing that but yeah
what do you guys think let us know is it pitch clock

is it these new pitching labs is it
maybe just this generation like what
do you guys think it is let us know but let's let's talk some football not much
to talk about in football wise because we're still all waiting on the draft
really in terms of draft do you guys see like like any team making a big move

for a quarterback in the first round?
I know like Caleb Williams is going one-on-one. I think we all know that, right?
I think it's a high percentage. Do you see like maybe a team like the Vikings
or the Giants or a QB needing team making a big move to kind of get themselves,

a tier one or tier two quarterback?
Because I have a feeling there's going to be at least three to four quarterbacks
that go within the first 15 picks, which is crazy.
Yeah, I mean, I've been seeing some stuff that the Giants might be in talks
to try and get the third overall pick.
Yeah. I mean, me personally, I think with this draft class, I'm not opposed

to a team, you know, trying to move up in the draft to get a quarterback.
I mean, it's one of the most important positions of the team.
Yeah. So, you know, if you're a team like the Giants or the Vikings where,
you know, you don't really know who your quarterback is, or right now you have
like a 35-year-old quarterback. I mean, I don't see what's wrong.
We're trying to get a young quarterback, keep the veteran and let the veteran

like, you know, kind of train the rookie to where he's now he's in his third,
fourth year and he can compete for an MVP.
No yeah i definitely agree with you on that i i
definitely see even a team like the vikings you
know i can definitely see them making a move for a quarterback they have sam
darnold right now but they they need someone to keep jj happy and i will obviously

see who that is but i think they'll be making a move for a quarterback whether
it's mccarthy drake may i would love to see drake may with Justin Jefferson.
That would be a match made in heaven, in my opinion.
But, you know, I definitely think there's going to be a lot of movement in the
first round that we haven't seen in a while, because for some reason,
a lot of people are high on this year's QB class.

It's just studs up there. Giants are going to go up, I think.
Giants need a top-tier quarterback.
Yeah, for sure. Like you said, it resets your clock, right? You start off with
a rookie quarterback contract, and you can add around them.
It's really like it saves you a ton of money.
Yeah, I mean, look at the Chiefs, right? They can't spend big because they got

freaking Mahomes' cap hit.
So it's like they have to draft well, or they're just not going to be the team
that they are every single year.
If you don't draft well, well, you're kind of SOL.
What's another team that kind of has like a young quarterback on a good deal
that they can keep adding around?
I mean, Joe Burrow got an extension. Justin Herbert got an extension.

Oh, CJ Stroud. Yeah. Yeah, that's... I mean, I put two in the conversation too.
No, they have to pay him. Oh, they didn't pay him yet? No.
Okay, well, once they pay him, C.J. Stroud, the Texans are in probably one of the Purdy.
The Texans and Niners are probably in the best position.

Niners maybe even more because Brock Purdy was the last pick of the draft.
So he's getting paid absolutely nothing. I think the Packers are in a good situation too right now also.
Yeah, yeah, no. Jordan Love, for sure.
But those teams that have that flexibility with
their quarterbacks on a rookie contract it makes

life a lot easier because qb's are getting paid 50 55
60 mil now a year and if
you guys don't know how the cap the cap works in the nfl they only
get a certain amount to spend it's not like mlb where you get you could spend
as much as you want but you're going to get taxed out the ass nfl there's there's
a cap like literally a cap on how much you can spend so So having a quarterback

on a rookie deal is like the most ideal thing to be in.
I agree. But I think that wraps it up, right? Nothing else to talk about.
Jump into our locks. You could do our locks. There you go.
See, I thought the stack guy would have updated me on that. Pretty useless right
now. If I don't say so myself.

Hey, bro. Stats are not locked in a week. All right.
Friday, April 12th. 12th let's get our locks of the week not our dogs our locks,
locks of the week locks of the week so are we doing by a certain percentage
here just like our locks I mean we're just doing locks so do whatever do whatever you think is a lock.

Okay works for me I think my lock of the week is going to be the Braves over
the Marlins that's a pretty easy lock right there Chris Sale on the bump versus
What is that, Taylor Rodgers?
That's an easy lock. Trevor Rodgers?
I'm going Yankees and Clark Schmidt over Cookie Carrasco and the Guardians.
Locks of the week, like taking candy from a baby. For sure. Wow.

They're a dog? Are they a dog?
I was going to take the Dodgers over the Padres, but they're dogs.
Are they? With Yamamoto on the bump. And they're home.
Michael King on the bump? He's having a good year. Miss him.
Yeah, but the Dodgers are home. Are we changing to dogs of the week?
Nah, lock. We'll do dogs in two weeks.

All right. I will go with the lock of the week, the New York Metropolitans over
the Kansas City Royals because Michael Walker... I just love betting on your teams.
Michael Walker sucked for the Mets and then all of a sudden found it with the Red Sox.
Do you not understand that whoever has played for the Mets and then goes to
another team, they become a superstar?

No, I've not understood that. Jared Kelnick, superstar? Alright,
wait. How about you name someone that's more familiar?
Scherzer is a superstar now? Now Verlander is a superstar. Well,
if they're healthy, they are. Yeah.
They're Gertie's bro. They're 42 years old. Superstar. Grom was a superstar
with the Mets and then got traded and is hurt.

So you just named three people that are hurt. Okay. Who else do you want to know?
Whatever. Better than Mets, bro. The Mets, the average 1.7 runs per game. Yeah.
That's not Lux. Yeah, forget it. I'm not even going to entertain that fool.

But make sure to check us out, guys. That's our locks.
Yankees, Mets and Nick. What seems to be affected? The best team in the East.
Braves, Marlins, sir. All right. Make sure to check our locks out.
We will be back in two weeks. Next week, we will not be recording as we will be very busy.
So I hope you all have a lovely Wednesday evening and a lovely week off from

Ballpark Beef. and we'll be back in two weeks so peace out.
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