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August 7, 2023 21 mins

Today, we delve into the changing landscape of COVID-19.  Corinne Kohler, MD, FAAFP and Santina Wheat, MD, MPH, FAAFP provide valuable insights into this complex scenario.

COVID-19's shift from a designated public health emergency isn't an end.  Rather, it’s a transition in the battle against the virus.  We explore the impacts of this decision, the continued need for testing and vaccinations, and the vital role of vigilance against new variants.  It's clear that even as the emergency status ends, the importance of sustained public health education and understanding the nuances of reported data remains paramount.

As we navigate the evolving landscape of COVID-19, we discuss the imminent introduction of monovalent vaccines in the fall.  These vaccines will undoubtedly bring about new counseling challenges. Dr. Wheat and Dr. Kohler share their concerns and discuss programs to ensure the availability and continued coverage of vaccines for our patients.  Furthermore, they address the potential impacts of changing regulations on cross-border healthcare for those practicing in states serving neighboring residents; as well as the need for increased flexibility and vigilance in response to these changes.

As clinicians, we need to pay attention to information that is continuing to evolve and speak with our organizations about how our processes are changing.  At the same time, we must remain good advocates for our patients throughout these transitions.

Topics include:

-          Updates since public health emergency (PHE) ended 
-          What has remained the same since the PHE ended
-          Changes in perception of COVID-19 and vaccines
-          Keeping up with new information about changes regarding COVID-19 vaccines


-          Review items that have changed or remained the same with the end of the public health emergency
-          Discuss the introduction of future COVID-19 vaccines and the changing landscape

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Carl Earl Lambert, Jr., (00:04):
Welcome back to season two of Beyond
the Needle a physician's guideto increasing COVID-19
vaccination rates.
I'm Carl Lambert, a familyphysician and a member of IAFP,
and I'm an assistant professorof family medicine at Rush
University Medical College.
This podcast series is broughtto you from the Illinois Academy
of Family Physicians, IAFP,through the Illinois Vaccinates

or IVAC project.
Joining for this podcast seriesis provided by the Office of
Disease Control through theIllinois Department of Public
For more information on theIVAC project and receiving free
CME credit for these podcasts,visit illinoisvaccinates.
Thank you for joining us as wecome together to vaccinate

against COVID-19.

Corinne Kohler, MD, FAAF (00:55):
Hello, this is Corinne Kohler with
another episode of Beyond theNeedle podcast.
I am here today with Dr.
Santina Wheat and I am Dr.
Corinne Kohler.
We're both family physiciansvery active with keeping up with
the COVID-19 pandemic.
Today we're going to talk alittle bit about some of the
changes that we've seen with theending of the public health

emergency designation by WHO andalso what the changing
landscape might be for thefuture of COVID-19.
As I mentioned, I'm Dr.
Corinne Kohler.
I'm a family practice physicianin central Illinois, and Dr.
Wheat, if you'd like tointroduce yourself please.

Santina Wheat MD, MPH, FAA (01:41):
Sure , I'm Dr.
Santina Wheat.
I am a family physician at ErieFamily Health Center in Chicago
, Illinois, and I'm the programdirector for the Northwestern
McGaw Northwestern MedicineResidency Program at Erie
Humboldt Park.
I'm looking forward to thisconversation.

Corinne Kohler, MD, FAAFP (01:55):
Okay, great.
So I think we're all aware thatWHO ended the public health
emergency in May, which also CDCobviously also ended its
So let's talk a little bitabout what the impact of
removing that designation mighthave on us and what changes
you've seen, Dr.


Santina Wheat MD, MPH, FAA (02:17):
Sure , let's actually start with the
things that we are going tocontinue to see.
So, most obviously, covid isstill here.
We know that people are stillgetting sick from COVID, despite
the fact that people might notalways have it in the front of
their mind.
So we still have a need fortesting availability and we

still have a need for vaccinesfor those who have not been
vaccinated or, when we have newvariants, be able to provide
that additional information.

Corinne Kohler, MD, FAAFP (02:51):
I agree, and going forward knowing
that COVID will continue tochange or continue to have
variants and that we continue toneed to be surveillance and new
Research into COVID is reallynot going away.
If anything, it has increasedand we will continue to see that

What other impacts have youseen?

Santina Wheat MD, MPH, FAAFP (03:15):
So I also just want to make a
mention to the fact that we'veseen so much vaccination happen
in individual offices and inindividual pharmacies, and one
of the concerns that people hadabout the public health
emergency ending was that wemight see some of that funding
go away for the vaccines.

But for the individualsproviding the vaccines, we know
that, at least through the endof this calendar year, that
there will still be theadditional reimbursement that's
provided for the COVID-19vaccine, and so we we should all
continue to encourage theorganizations that we support to
provide this important vaccine.

Corinne Kohler, MD, (03:58):
Absolutely .
I think that, as people haveseen, the designation public
health emergency ending it doesnot decrease the impact of COVID
It's still transmissible.
We're still seeing long COVID.
We're still seeing year-roundillness from COVID.
It's not quite as seasonal asinfluenza appears to have been

in the past.
But, yes, we definitely need tocontinue to remain vigilant to
changes, remain a diligent abouteducating our patients and the
public about the need tovaccinate and being aware of any
new changes that appear on thehorizon.
One of the things that probablywill not change also is just

some of the impact that we haveall seen on our practices.
So you know, things liketelehealth will, for the most
part, continue, perhaps withsome changes in terms of
establishing care.
As a telehealth patient, wewill probably continue to see
testing, although maybe not asrequired for routine procedures,

but still the need for testingis still there, that need for
practicing good public healthmeasures If you are infected
with COVID, the same way youwould if you were infected with
influenza or RSV or any of theother viral respiratory
I don't think that educationhas changed.

Santina Wheat MD, MPH, FAAFP (05:29):
I think you're absolutely right on
that, and it's interestingthough, because, as we've had a
lot more exposure, there hasbeen a change in the perception
amongst just about everyone, Ithink, about the impact of COVID
and the need for vaccines.
But, as clinicians, I do thinkit's it really behooves us to

continue to educate our patientson just like the influenza
virus, like yes, you maycontract COVID and have a mild
case, but there's still thepossibility of severe illness
that comes along, and so it isstill worthwhile to be testing
to make sure you stay up to dateon vaccinations to isolate from

others when you're sick, sothat you can try to decrease the
transmission along the way.

Corinne Kohler, MD, FAAFP (06:20):
So one of the major changes that I
was aware with the ending of theemergency designation was the
changes in data collection.
Some of us are very data drivenand knowing that that data is
not quite as robust as it hasbeen really should not change
our focus as clinicians.

But, if you're some one of theclinicians that's very data
driven, you will notice thatthere is a lot of decrease in
the data collection.
We don't have those daily datareports.
We don't have some of therobust surveillance.
It's more of what we do forgoing forward is what we do for
influenza surveillance on moreof population-based and not only


Santina Wheat MD, MPH, FAAFP (07:06):
I think we have to keep in mind
that whatever is being reportedto us if we are receiving
reports, is going to be alwaysan under representation, because
now that the home COVID testsare available, as they happen
for a while, those aren't allnecessarily being reported.
So there might be much moreburden of disease within our

communities that we're unawareof, just because most of what
we're receiving is going to bethe testing that's from

Corinne Kohler, MD, FAAFP (07:36):
Thank you very much for pointing that
So what other changes have youbeen aware of with the ending of
the public health emergency?

Santina Wheat MD, MPH, FAAFP (07:46):
I will say one that is actually
positive as a change is we're nolonger having the fears of the
lack of personal protectiveequipment.

Corinne Kohler, MD, FAAFP (07:57):
Yeah, I think there is more
availability of that and it'sbecoming much more acceptable.
So I know, when I go out in thecommunity, some people are
masked, some are not.
You know it's become much morejust.
This is the way you know lifeis.
But then again we just hopethat those good hygiene habits
have been engraved enough thatwe will continue forward those

with those.
But yeah, having that lack offear of what's next and what's
coming, I think has definitelybeen beneficial to the health
care community.

Santina Wheat MD, MPH, FAA (08:30):
Also with the changes that are
coming along the way.
I know that I was very concernedmyself with the end of the
public health emergency aboutwhat that meant for the
availability of vaccines and thecoverage of vaccines, and it's
been really wonderful to seethat there are plans for
continued coverage for vaccines.

That might change for someindividuals what the options are
right now.
So, specifically those withprivate insurance, there might
be some changes as far asco-pays that are needed for
vaccines, and so it will bereally important as clinicians
for us to talk to our patients Italking with their insurance

companies about what co-paysmight there be.
So hopefully there will not bemany of those, and for those who
are seeing patients who are notinsured, there is really great
information that all childrenwho are eligible for vaccines
for children will continue toreceive covered COVID-19
vaccines and for adults who arenot insured, who are often the

hardest part or hardest peoplein my experience to get vaccines
for, HHS has announced aprogram called the Bridge Access
Program for COVID-19 vaccinesand treatments, which will
maintain access for those whoare uninsured once the vaccine
moves over to the commercialmarket.

Corinne Kohler, MD, FAAFP (09:51):
Thank you for pointing that out.
I think as our vaccinelandscape changes, we will need
to be diligent as clinicians asto what is available where it's
Certainly withcommercialization you know which
pharmacies will be offering it- Will there be co-pays?

But we do know that CMS hassaid that they will continue to
pay that reimbursement on COVIDvaccines, at least until the end
of the year.
So hopefully that will not havea great impact and, as Dr.
Wheat mentioned, the uninsuredadults will have an avenue.

Any children that are coveredunder VFC or VFC plus or will
continue to be, have access.
I think to remind providersthat there is a website called
Illinois Vaccinates.
com which is a cooperationbetween various of the state
organizations that will have upto date information, including

where private vaccines will beavailable and such.
Certainly, one of the thingsthat we are aware of in terms of
the change in landscape will bethe change in the vaccines that
we will be seeing this fall, asit has been recommended that
all further vaccines right nowwill be monovalent so that we

will just have the Omicroncomponent in future vaccines
starting this fall.

Santina Wheat MD, MPH, F (11:22):
That's absolutely right, and I will
say I have a little bit oftrepidation about the counseling
that's going to come along withthis.
But as I've been thinking abouthow I'm going to talk to my
patients about this, I'll sharemy thoughts with everyone is to
talk about this similar to how Italk about the flu vaccine, in

that every year we know that thevirus changes a little bit or
potentially changes a lot, andwe really depend on the people
who are monitoring theinfections to look at how that
virus is changing over time andto plan for vaccines that are
going to be able to directlyimpact that Not just my patients

I've been telling my children.
It's like I just think this isgoing to be something that we're
going to get a flu shot andyou're going to get a COVID shot
every fall.
That we're going to make surethat we're protected against the
different strains that arecoming to have our best shot of
if we do get sick, then it won'tbe so bad, or if we get lucky,
then the vaccine will helpprevent the disease altogether.

And so just really being ableto talk to our patients and our
colleagues honestly about howthe changes in these plans
really mean that there's beensufficient attention paid to how
the virus has changed.
Just because of public healthemergency's ending doesn't mean
that we stopped paying attentionto it.
It just means that it's becomepart of our daily activities and

it's going to the sameprocesses that other diseases
that we watch out for are going.

Corinne Kohler, MD, FAAFP (12:59):
I agree I have often referred to
the influenza vaccine duringthis time as another virus that
changes in mutates and we areconstantly changing our vaccine
and sometimes we get it rightand sometimes we're behind on
that influenza vaccine.
But I think the important thingis with the COVID vaccine, along

with influenza vaccine, is thatthe real purpose of the vaccine
is to prevent that seriousillness and death.
Yes, you may still get mildillness and unfortunately,
you're still probably able totransmit it, but it is there to
help prevent the serious illnessand death and the wear and tear

on our healthcare system.
Hopefully, going forward, ourhealthcare system will be able
to rebound a little bit fromsome of the wear and tear that
COVID has provided in terms ofstress on staff and resources
and such like that.
So I am looking forward to that.

I do think that, as cliniciansand providers, one of the
important things to do is justto really keep track of where
your information sourcescontinue to be.
We've all been aware of lots ofgood information and a lot of
misinformation out there andjust knowing that as we go

through and we're looking atguidance that we're using those
really robust sources.
So your CDC, your HHS, your CMSfor your coding and also then
for us in Illinois our IllinoisPublic Health website and
Illinois Vaccinates forup-to-date information as to

what is coming.

Santina Wheat MD, MPH, FAAFP (14:52):
I think that's right and I think
that that should be somethingthat we said.
Going back to the, what reallyhasn't changed?
I think that the information isgoing to continue to change, is
going to continue to be updated, and so we all will need to
stay on top of those websites,as you mentioned, and Speak with
our organizations about how ourprocesses are changing along

the way.
I do think that this change invaccine this year will will be a
big difference for somelocations.
I think we'll have to watch outfor where the vaccine is
available and make sure that, ifit's becoming less available
for some of our patients, thatwe're doing some focus
counseling on.

Corinne Kohler, MD, FAAFP (15:31):
This is how you get it, and also this
is why I think it's important,even if it's a little bit more
difficult to get to that vaccinethan it was in the past one of
the things that lessons that Ihave definitely taken home
during this whole COVID journeyhas been increased flexibility
as an individual, responsibilityjust as a citizen, but also,

very much so, increasedflexibility as a clinician.
How I did it yesterday may notbe how I do it today, and
probably will be different thanhow I do it tomorrow.
So, again, being aware of thoseresources, communicating, being
open to the fact that this isnot, this is not static, this is
something that has changed orwill continue to change and

Certainly I think one of thepositives has been just
increased communication.
Increased communicationespecially amongst providers and
amongst Organizations that I'veseen, and hopefully that will
continue to happen, also goingforward.

Santina Wheat MD, MPH, FAAFP (16:34):
I think you're absolutely right.
I hope that that is somethingthat we continue to see going
forward and, as you said, thatthings will be changing on a
day-by-day basis.
One of the other things that Ithink All of us need to pay
attention to, particularly herein Illinois, is that we are
Clinicians in a state that oftenserve people that are coming

from other states too.
There are several states thatborder us, and sometimes people
Cross over to receive care towork and so sometimes receive
care closer to where they work,and so it is important for us to
also keep that in mind, as theresources that are available
here in Illinois might beslightly different than some of
those bordering states, and soit would just be helpful to pay

If you are someone that'scaring for people in those
bordering states, to payattention to how things are
changing in those states as well, because it might impact access
for your patients.

Corinne Kohler, MD, FAAFP (17:27):
Oh, I agree, especially as we start
looking at perhaps changes inregulations pertaining to health
and also sending controlledsubstances across state lines,
of all kind of gone used to theincreased laxing those
regulations during COVID, butagain that that may change and
we need to be staying on top ontop of that.

So I really appreciate yourpointing that out.
I'm not in a particularlycollar area but we do get for us
Where I am with the Universityof Illinois, we get a lot of
international students andpeople that are visiting
scholars and such like that andall that can impact all their
health insurance coverage is notjust COVID.

So keeping on top of that isDefinitely something that's on
my radar.

Santina Wheat MD, MP (18:18):
Absolutely , and I hope that COVID is just
staying on people's radar.
As we alluded to before.
Some people have just become alittle bit more comfortable with
It felt like it's not thatimportant to stay on top of, but
I hope, as clinicians at least,that we're still paying
attention to the things that arechanging and how our processes

for our patients will need achange based on this, and will
still advocate for the needs toensure that access remains,
particularly with the programsthat are providing the bridge
access and knowing that asco-pays start, that it might be
an impediment for some of ourpatients, and so just sort of
being the good advocates that wecan be for our patients along

the way.

Corinne Kohler, MD, FAAFP (19:03):
Oh, I agree and thank you so much for
pointing that out and the factthat we just need to continue to
be vigilant and diligent andaware of everything.
And again, the resources, andagain, just because one
designation has disappeared, thedisease state itself is still

there, as we, you know, summertends to be a little bit more
relaxed with respiratoryillnesses, but certainly as fall
comes in and with the change ofvaccines, will definitely need
to be vigilant on that.
Any closing thoughts, Dr.

Santina Wheat MD, MPH, FAAFP (19:44):
I would just say a reminder that
the different resources continueto be updated.
They continue to be availablefor you.
I hope that you will continueto reach out and I hope that
everyone feels comfortable withthe idea that COVID is still
here and there's lots ofresources for us to stay on top

of to help keep our patients andourselves and our families safe

Corinne Kohler, MD, FAAFP (20:10):
I would definitely like to put in
a plug for illinoisvaccinates.
com website, IVAC, IVAC bootcamps and information that are
on that website, as well as CDCfor their continued updated
information and they still haveexcellent patient education
Watch for more information aswe make the switch to monovalent

vaccine this fall, as there'llbe more information on changes
with that and dosing.
I would like to thank you forjoining us this evening.
Thank you to Dr.
Wheat for the greatconversation that we were able
to have and again I think ourwords are to stay vigilant, stay


Carl Earl Lambert, Jr., M (21:00):
Thank you to our expert faculty and
to you, our listener, for tuninginto this episode.
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