Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:03):
What if every
experience, every hardship,
every obstacle was given to you,not to break you, but to mold
you and strengthen you.
What if the center of yoursuffering was actually the key
to ultimate health?
And what if your own pain wasmeant to be the catalyst for
your rate is purpose.
Welcome to bud belly life,empowering purpose, mind to
Speaker 2 (00:28):
I think too, it's
almost like that hindsight is
2020, right?
Like you're able to look backand just be like, oh yeah, you
know, I eat that or I, I wasdoing that and, and it makes
sense, but you know, if you areable to, to get that more so
under control to eat, you know,cleaner to, to feed that good
bacteria that keeps everythingin check, everything ends up
moving kind of so much moreseamlessly.
Um, as you put it too, it's justlike without effort, you start
to feel like you would.
And you know, it, we, I wantedto use like plant based products
too, because they are, they areinherently adaptogenic or a lot
of them are.
And so, you know, when I saythat they're adaptogenic, I mean
that they kind of fight thatinflammatory response.
A lot of them to a are rich inantioxidants.
Um, so it kind of helps withinthat regenerative quality that
you need, especially if you'reworking out and exerting
yourself so much.
Um, so I mean, I, I'm a big fanof plants.
Fruits veggies the whole bit.
Speaker 3 (01:38):
Well, that's super cool.
I, I, I'm really excited to seemore about that too, Linda.
So what I guess is your missionfrom this point.
So now, now you've got, so justto recap, you guys, we have, you
know, medical doctor takes a, aone year sabbatical in the
middle of her training isnotated for being the, the fur
medical student to do that,which is awesome for yoga and
Iveta medicine study, um, comesback, finishes.
Her degree, ends up getting intopalliative end of life care.
And then going into basicallyadvocacy, um, during the
pandemic, whoa.
And at the end of 2020 decidesto, um, you know, uh, suit her
soul and become an entrepreneur,um, use that MBA that she
Cuz you know, if you're gonna gofor a doctor, you might in a
medical doctor, even you mightas well just get an MBA, check
Speaker 2 (02:40):
It off.
Speaker 3 (02:40):
Know, I know my, my
parents are so disappointed me
right now.
Speaker 2 (02:47):
Now I'm just
My parents were like, wait, soyou went to medical school and
then you got your MBA and nowyou're just starting your own
Like, okay.
Speaker 3 (02:59):
Yes, that's cool.
They didn't try and like guiltyou and like, oh know, just, you
know, scare the heck out of youand to, you know, believe in you
feel everything serves apurpose.
Now you, you have beautifulcredentials, you have an
amazing, incredible experiences.
Um, and now you get to take thatin entrepreneurship.
Like that's really cool.
Cause entre ship is not for theweek.
I always say it's, it's, it's agame.
And it's more of a chess game.
It's not like, you know, it'snot like a slot machine.
It's a chess game, it'sstrategy, but it's full of, you
know, ups and downs andeverything.
And when I think your experiencein, especially with like working
at like doing the end of lifecare and things like that, you
have a good perspective, you'llbe able to handle it.
You know, I'm sure you're ableto handle it a lot better than
many, but
Speaker 2 (03:47):
It's, I mean, it's,
it's an interesting, you know, I
constantly, I feel a lot of thetime, like I'm jumping out of
the plane and simultaneouslybuilding the parachute while I'm
reading the instruction and likeI'm freaking out, but like, oh
yeah, we can do this.
This is, is gonna happen.
We need to do this, this stuff.
It's a lot of that, you know,type of experience.
But I always, you know, onething that I loved about
medicine that I still, you know,that I still miss outside of the
patient and Interac was you feltlike a detective, you were
figuring stuff out based onclues, you know, working your
way through it in order to makesure that you are helping this
Um, and so I, I use kind of alot of that approach in kind of
how I diagnos think of thingsand triage things in
Like it's so honestly it's kindof crazy medical school and
being a doctor super preparesyou for entrepreneurship or as,
as prepared as you can be,because I'm always, I'm
frequently triaging what's goingon, I'm managing multiple things
at, um, but it's, and it'sfiguring out the puzzle, but
it's so rewarding and it's, it'sso much fun.
And kind of too, like before wewent into this, we were talking
about like what, what ourmission is with level and
that's, I mean, like that'sreally part of it and that we
get to see it is, you know, Igot to figure out that part
within level of like, how do wemake products that are for
How, how are we thinking aboutthat?
And then there is the, theadvocacy piece as well.
You know, that, that we are, arereally working to of women feel
empowered about being athletes.
I, I can't tell you how manyinterviews we had.
And I will say it was themajority of them that the women
that we spoke to, you know,despite time qualifying for the
Boston marathon, runningmultiple marathons a year, you
know, doing multiple events,being a coach, even didn't
consider themselves athletesbecause it might not be their
primary area of focus, you know,or, you know, they as well be an
executive or a mother or both,or it was a part of their life.
And it was, it was reallyheartbreaking to me.
My co-founder just that thesewomen didn't wanna assert that
Like they, they didn't feelworthy of it.
And what we wanna do with ourcompany level is we are, we want
to empower women of any age, anysize, any, any color that you
are an athlete, no matter whatlevel you're doing it.
And we want to empower and fuelyou to do your best, um, and,
and be there and to besupportive and to be this female
centered community.
You know, I hate that.
I think it was much moreprevalent 10 years ago, but
there was always this feeling oflike women don't wanna help
women, which I never felt thatfrom other women, like, I feel
like it was like men say thatwomen don't wanna help other
Like we, we do.
And that's, that's what we wantto do with level is be this,
this sense of community that weare in this together.
We're gonna work through it.
And you know, you are, you arean athlete and we are here to
cheer you on whatever level youare.
And we are so excited to shareyour wins.
And we, you know, that's like,that's how we feel as a company.
Um, and that's just, you know,you don't get to see that in.
And I think other nutritioncompanies or, or sports food
companies, it's again, it's howis skinny or how sexy do you
look as a woman?
And that's what your, your roleis.
You're not an athlete in spine.
Speaker 1 (08:07):
Do you have a desire
for fulfillment?
That's helping people tap intotheir own health mentally,
emotionally, and physically fireyou up.
Do you believe in the impact ofthe gut microbiome on overall
wellness, you may be an H w Ccoach for more info on our
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Speaker 3 (08:31):
I feel like too, like
with the women piece, cause I
worked, I've worked with so manywomen and I was in, I was a
hairdresser for seven years,like all that stuff.
And I work with a majority ofthe coaches are all women.
And I think that, and I'm one ofthree girls.
I have all sisters, I, one offour girls, are you there?
I think that, um, the root of,if, if people, if people in
general don't support eachother, but let's just for the
heck of, today's say women, no,the root is, is insecurity.
The root is our insecurity ofourselves and what's ironic.
And so we're afraid of somebodyelse's success or for them to be
better or our pretier differentor whatever, because it
emphasizes where we already feelless than.
And it's that awareness andhealing that you can bring to
people's individuals that thenhelps it.
The, the, the aftermath of thatis that it's easier to build
somebody else up.
Like, and so like, like ifyou're living your dreams right
now and you are, you know,kicking butt in your business,
you may not be where you want tobe, but you're active, you're
fulfilled, you're excited.
You're happy.
You are happy because you'redoing something you really love.
So when you see another femaleentrepreneur and she's talking
about something she's done in abig win that she's had or
something you you're like.
Because you feel comradery.
And you feel genuinely excitedfor her because you're not
worried about feeling inferiorto something.
And so building, like you say,building that community that,
but that like, oh, it's kindalike kinda like CrossFit
CrossFit does a really good jobof doing that.
You know, if you've ever gone toCrossFit, like I, one of my
favorite told me the funnieststory about his wife and I've
met her.
She's so sweet.
She's super cute.
She's just this little thing.
And I've done CrossFit a fewtimes and I really enjoy it.
I'm not, um, you know, that typeof athlete by nature, I have to
strive very hard to do it, but,um, but he was saying his wife,
uh, she would do it with himwhen they were new.
And he's that, that it was, yousaid she'd always get so when
they would cheer her on forbeing the last person.
And I, I like completely relatedto that, like stop drawing
attention to me, but becausethey were so good at just trying
to empower everybody where theywere at.
And I feel like that's whatyou're talking about.
And by empowering individual,you can empower the collective.
Because you help a person heal.
It hurt people, hurt people.
Hurt people aren't mean becausethey are a healthy person.
They're not healthy.
They're not healed.
They haven't dealt with trauma.
They haven't dealt withinsecurity.
They talk about people or tearpeople down because it's a
direct reflection of the, oftheir soul, you know?
And so if you can recognize thatand build that up, I just think
that, that, that's a great pieceof thank you.
What you're trying to do thatgoes beyond the typical, like
Women supporting women, likeokay.
But how, how by helping eachindividual woman feel really
powerful and healthy, strong,and beautiful and all that.
And then guess what the, after,you know, the, the side effect
of that is that they aren'tintimidated or uncomfortable or
inferior to another woman, whichmeans they pass on everything
they're carrying.
With them.
It's like a Baton.
Speaker 2 (11:54):
Exactly it that's, I
mean, it, it's just, it's so
lovely too, to just to be a partof that community.
And it's, it ends up being, I'm,I'm a big believer in, you know,
giving in instead of looking toreceive.
Um, and I frequently find toothat in those times I'm giving
is when I actually end upreceiving the most.
Um, and that's, you know,that's, that's what happens and,
and that's fantastic, but it's,so it's just so important to
develop that and to strengthenthat and to also just be like,
it's okay, like, you know, weare here as a collective to go
through this together.
I also too, I, I don't wannalike, not bashing men either.
They're fantastic men out there,but you guys have totally had
your time to shine.
Like it's been great.
And we have some fantastic menwho are level allies, who, who
are here supporting us as wellby, you know, it, they too are,
are just very much so about,like, I, I wanna support, I've
seen, you know, my partner, my,you know, my daughter, my, my
wife have to deal my sister dealwith these things.
And I wanna try to help supportin ways that I, I can.
And so we are also too superappreciative of that.
And I do wanna give like a fivesecond plug that a big part of
what we do.
And part of our company is our,our athletes are really what
drive, how we look at ourproduct, how we look at our
brand, what we're reallythinking of.
Um, and so if you are an athleteor, you know, a female athlete,
we would love, love, love totalk to you and, and just hear
about your experiences and just,you know, learn more about you,
um, and share with you what weare doing with level.
So you can find us on Instagramat level nutrition, where you
can find us on ourwebsite@levelnutrition.com.
You can emailus@teamatlevelnutrition.com, but
we, we want to hear from you.
Um, so I really too, I, I wannaput that emphasis out there that
if you, if level sounds likesomething, that's, that's
interesting to you and, and youwant to, to make sure that your
voice is heard in femaleathlete, nutrition, like hit us
We, we wanna talk.
Speaker 3 (14:21):
And you're doing, you are doingso exactly what we covered in
the previous episode is you'redoing exactly what we talked
about instead of, instead oftaking a situation that feels
complex or that, you know, youdon't care for something like,
you know, or instead of just,just being angry about, let's
say gender inequality or allthese things, instead, you said,
what is, uh, how can I beeffective in, in inspiring what
I wanna see?
And I'm just gonna go do it,like, go do it.
Like, just put, yeah.
Put the social media down andget, get a pen and paper.
I love pen and paper.
I go through notebooks, like acrazy book.
Speaker 2 (15:06):
My goodness.
I know.
And I have a favorite type ofnotebook too.
Speaker 3 (15:11):
Yes, say, what do I
wanna empower?
Not what do I wanna disempower?
We all know what we wannadisempower.
We wanna pull the plug out of alot of things.
A lot of people, a lot ofactions, a lot of all kinds of
But what do we want on toempower?
Let's take all this energy anddo that.
Like you said, giving is thebest way selfish.
I always say I'm a super selfishperson because I love the giving
piece, uh, fulfillment.
It, it it's something thatnothing else can touch, you
know, I've, I know what it'slike to succeed and like do some
stuff in business and hitmoments where I've made really
good money.
I never thought I'd do.
And all those things were superexciting and cool.
Um, but nothing touch is whatthe, the ongoing, um,
fulfillment and justgratification of giving and
empowering somebody else andgiving to somebody else and just
find a way to do it.
It is, it is the best way to beselfish, like give yourself
permission to be extra, extraselfish, um, and the world will
be a better place.
So, Uh, well, Linda, thank youso much.
This has been such a pleasurehaving you, um, you're a
blessing to the community or ablessing to the world, um, and
just thank you for, forempowering all a multifaceted,
you know, approach to health andpeople, and for standing for
something and for not beingafraid to pivot and, and, and,
and, you know, uh, feed yoursoul.
So I appreciate it.
Thank you so much.
Speaker 2 (16:36):
Thank you.
Thank you for having me on andletting me share my story and
share what we're working on withlevel it, I mean, I had so much
Speaker 3 (16:45):
Yes, absolutely.
I'm so glad we finally pulledthis off.
Well, you guys wanted to findher, um, give us your website
one more time, just so that.
Speaker 2 (16:53):
Our website is levelnutrition.com and level is
spelled L E V E L L E.
Um, so level nutrition.com.
Our Instagram is level nutritionand our email is
Speaker 3 (17:11):
And we'll plug the
links into the podcast.
Thank you for being here, Linda.
Thank you guys for listening andwe'll see you next time.
Speaker 1 (17:22):
Thank you for joining
us for another empowering
episode of Budha belly life.
For more information on guthealth and mindset, resources,
visit Budha belly, life.com andremember, heal yourself and then
empower others to do the same.