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May 7, 2024 46 mins

Join Carlos and special guest, Willie Neely, a veteran, relationship coach, and transformational business figure in an inspiring episode of "From Combat to Corporate Stages: Mastering the Language of Leadership for Business Triumph." Learn about the power of communication, the influence of strategic thinking, and Willie's journey from the military to the corporate world.

Through their shared military experiences, Carlos and Willie dive deep into the importance of mastering communication. They shed light on their challenging paths, highlighting the power of resilience and adversity. Uncover game-changing strategies and captivating stories that demonstrate the impact of effective communication on their road to success. This episode serves as a powerful testament of growth — from struggle to triumph.

Gain valuable insights into the mindset of a successful leader, honing skills like commitment, consistency, responsibility, and presence. Adopt alternative solutions that provide predictability, stability, and success to any CEO currently facing challenges. Understand how to create an inclusive work culture and build lasting change relationships. Learn how the MEAR process can nurture effective communication and assist in times of adversity.

Clear communication in the hospitality industry, corporate America, and client success stories — this episode is overflowing with enriching experiences and shared wisdom. You can watch this episode on our Youtube Channel 

To learn more about Willie Nealy, go to:!



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Episode Transcript

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Is there any single move that you guys could do right now to boost your income
faster than an influencer shout-out?
Imagine having The Rock or Taylor or Mr.
Beast do a shout-out for your product.

What do you imagine, my friends, that I would do?
Whether you're coming up with the next coolest water or a crazy chicken to release
the stress or the next coolest pen that we used back in the 80s.
Imagine what would that do for your business?

Think about it. It doesn't matter what you sell, that will bring so much volume
to your business that most people, they could not even handle the volume coming in.
But isn't it funny that we spend so much time hunting and go finding the next
marketing tactics to grow our businesses and our brands,
and we waste so much time versus focusing on one or two things that will bring the most value,

the most money, the most fun and happiness to our brands and our business to
live the lifestyle that we want.
And today's show, ladies and gentlemen, is a special show to my heart.
As you guys know, I love supporting veterans.
I used to be a Marine in Brazil, and I love helping my soldiers,
brothers and sisters out there who are trying to fighting and protecting our borders.

Today, I have an honor to have an incredible friend and client of mine coming
on the show, who is a veteran, a relationship coach, incredible father, husband,
speaker, that we're going to talk about from battlefield to the boardroom.
Unleashing the secret weapon of his success.

Ladies and gentlemen, with no further ado, to the stage, Mr.
Willie Neely. What's up?
How you doing, sir? How you doing? I'm doing phenomenal, my friend.
I'm doing phenomenal, and I'm super excited for this show because,
man, it's about to go down. You guys already know it.

And today we're going to go deep here because guys, I want you guys to really,
really put some thought into what are we going to talk about here so that you
guys can master the communication,
you know, so that not only has changed Willie's life, but also can revolutionize
yours, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, one of the biggest things that we try to bring a lot of value to you

guys on this podcast, you guys know me, I love interviewing people,
but I also love teaching it.
And one of the biggest skill sets that anyone should be learning out there right
now is the ability to communicate.
The ability to build those lasting change in relationships, which we happen
to have a relationship coach here today, and the ability to get to the stages

so that you can build the credibility, so that you can get in front of these influencers.
Because imagine what they can do for yourself if you can get them to give you
a shout out for your product, your service, your coaching program,
your next coolest product, whatever that is.

You see, I often teach a lot of small business owners. Most of them,
they could not even handle the volume.
They're not prepared to receive the high volume of clients, of orders.
They cannot fulfill, unless if you're doing drop shipping and AI.
So we're going to have a great show here today. I want to start over here with
this question for you, my friend, Willie.

After After your departure from military under challenging circumstances,
and assuming you can talk about some of those things, Willie,
I know that the shit went down.
What was that moment that ignited your determination to succeed in the corporate world?
Can you walk us through that pivotal
decision, but also talk about the turmoil, the shit that went down?

I like to talk about the deep stuff, the stuff that we don't talk about.
Yeah. Thanks, man. Thanks again. Again, I want to tell you, I appreciate you,
Carlos, man. You've been absolutely amazing, a mentor, a friend.
And I just want to thank you, first of all, for this opportunity.
So when I was in the military, this was during the time when women actually

was just coming aboard ship.
So they were already in the Navy, but they just start becoming aboard ships.
So I had the, I want to say, fortunate situation where I had first class petty
officer who became my leader, who I had never met, never seen, never spoke to.

But she was coming into our department and she had to make her name known.
So I was on an extension, meaning I had already been in four years.
So I was on four and a half years because my daughter was just being born.
So I decided to extend so that my wife at the time would have health insurance
and that we didn't have any issues as far as my daughter being born,

our daughter being born.
Well, this woman came in and I had made a mistake and I own up to that.
Went out, one of the guys was getting out. We had some drinks.
I had probably two beers.
Came back. They stopped me at the gate. They said, have you been drinking,
Saylor? I said, yeah, I had a couple of beers. They're like,

all right, go over there.
Now, this whole time that I've been in, I was getting 4.0, 3.8 eval,
okay, the whole time I was in. I never got less than the 3.8.
So that's basically A minus B plus.
And this woman, we stood in front of the captain and all of my buddies was like,
hey, man, don't worry about it. You've never been in trouble.

You've already done four years, four years, no trouble, no issues.
You've been having all of these awards. You're good. Don't worry about it.
Then I had a guy sitting right next to me, was on his third captain's mast for
DUIs where he ran into the barracks, literally with a car. He's done all kinds of things.
And they say, you ain't got nothing to worry about. So I go in,

I see the CO and this woman gets up again, never met her. This is my first time seeing her.
And she says, this is the worst seller I've ever seen.
This is the worst seller I've ever
worked with. This seller has no accountability. She just tore me apart.
Never met her. This is was my first time meeting her because I was on what they call TAD.

Because as when you're in, you have to go to other departments temporarily for a little while.
It can be the mess hall. It can be somewhere everywhere.
But I was on TAD when she came into our department. So I didn't even know her.
And so this woman got up there and just ran through me.
And in that moment, it, I tried to speak for myself.

And my XO tells me, stop making excuses.
Stop making excuses. Stop talking, sailor. Stop making excuses.
And I asked him a question.
I said, sir, look at my evaluation.
Look at my records. Let my records speak for me. I don't have to say anything.
I've done everything that I'm supposed to do. I've done everything that you've

asked of me, everything that you She required of me whatever was needed, I did it.
I've never been in trouble. I've never had any issues. I've never had,
I've never done anything wrong. And they literally threw the book at me. Wow.
Literally threw the book at me. They took a strike from me. They put me on restriction.
They did everything that they possibly can do to me in that moment.

Wow. So in, not to add,
I had, I was a, I, when I went in, my,
my recruiter, he told me when I went in you know after high school he's like
hey what do you want to be I'm like a robotics engineer they're like yes you could do that.

Robotics engineer didn't even exist back then man really man do you know what's
crazy brother you know I was going you know for the marines in Brazil and And
then I scored really high.
So I was going to graduate as a tenant.
After two years in, the sergeant that was mentoring me, I need two more years

to go to graduate as a tenant.
And he goes and called my mother the B word.
Try not to cuss. I promised my mom and Liz that I wasn't going to be cussing.
Liz always gave me, Carlos, try not to cuss, my friend.
So shout out to my brother, Liz Brown. Love you, my friend. And...
The sergeant goes and calls my mother. And you guys know my mama.

She's known as a viúva negra, the black widow.
You know, some of you guys that don't know my story, right? Father died in a
horrible car explosion in a car accident.
And my stepfather was murdered. So people, I grew up, people would joke with me.
And in mind that your mom, Mary or Dave, they die or they get murdered.
You know, and thank God I mastered how to reframe that from an early age.

I had to flip, you know, the negative into positive.
But then the sergeant did the mistake to call my mother the B word.
And I go, hell no. And I go, you know, young and hungry, you know.
And I'm in the face, not the mouth. They threw me in military jail for a couple

of days. And then they released me and said, you're out of here.
And then, you know, I thank God that happened. and I ended up coming to USA at age 18.
And, you know, now the rest is history. We are here with an honor to,
you know, mentor people like you, man.
As you guys know, I have this huge initiative that we support veterans. We offer scholarships.
We help them get in pay to speak on the stages. Willie and I,

we just happened to be coming off this powerful session talking about the power
of communication and applying.
And by the way, since we are talking about this right now, Now,
if you guys want to get a sample of that, I want you guys to go to
Go on my website.
And there will be a free gift there on that site that you guys can have a part

one out of seven on how powerful the seven-figure word patterns that connect, that converts,
and that creates a buying frenzy for your business are.
Willie just happens to experience the full-blown session with me before this show.
So we are fired up here right now. Hey, Willie, how was that session?

Man, absolutely amazing. Mind-blowing. Life-changing.
I'm telling you guys, the difference between being selected,
when you master what you say, how to say it from the stage, when you are reaching
out to event organizers,
when you are networking with people in your local meetup,

When you master communication and you bypass the conscious mind that's saying
yes and no to you, and you get into the non-conscious side of the brain that
can only say yes messages.
That's why our success rate with clients like Willie and many other clients
that have been through the program is incredible.

And I like to put my mouth where my money is. We offer scholarships where instead
of people paying tens of thousands,
they can come in for a few thousand if we see a fit to work together and now
help them dominate, educate to dominate their niche because we're going to be
teaching things that no one else is teaching out there.

It's really being tactical, just like Willie and I are in military,
and bringing that into your workplace.
And that's why Willie is so effective in working with CEOs, in working with
teams, and bringing his relationship in military training.
By doing workshops or working with you, CEOs watching us here live.

It's the things that nobody else is teaching out there because nobody else knows.
And if you do what others do, you're going to probably be getting the results
of what others are receiving.
Evening and really speaking of
that you know the impact of public speaking
which i always talk about is one of the fastest way to
build credibility and authority from the

stage and get in the eyes of the celebrities the athletes the influencers
where you now can work brand deals for you
guys that's selling products like i was started at the beginning of the show
or even if your product is a little chicken to reduce the stress imagine if
mr beast would if you find a away to make this chicken eat the fistable that
he sell his little chocolate that happens to do more within less than two years

did you guys know that his chocolate Mr.
Fistable has sold hundreds of millions of dollars and is actually competing
with Hershey's chocolate something that we could never ever ever it could have
happened in history and Mr.
Beast was able to do in less than two years.

But how was he able to do that, ladies and gentlemen?
It's the power of communications, building relationships since he was 11 years
old with all the influencers in his circle and just getting in the game.
Relationship building. Think about it. What is it Willie is doing here,
right? He's a relationship coach.

He's learning from myself. That's helping him, getting paid to speak big time
from the stages, to do workshops, helping corporations,
advance faster get into the industry stages but think about it right it's exactly
what we do we get into groups we master we learn from each other we help more
people because by ourselves we can only do so much but together we can move

mountains I want you guys to start thinking about if Mr.
Beast could be able to do that from 11 years old.
And then within less than two years, create a chocolate that can now,
in less than two years, was able to compete with now Hershey's.
So much more that can be done out there.
And Willie, how has speaking on the stages transformed your approach to building

credibility and visibility in your field?
And can you share how this visibility has impacted your business relationships?
Oh, man. Speaking on the stage is just absolutely amazing.
Like I told like I told Christoph, speaking on stage is my medicine because

I get the opportunity to share with the audience exactly what it is that I've
been able to do to help people in general dealing with relationships or businesses
on how to be able to communicate more effectively.
And being able to do that is
what truly truly inspires me and has

really made a huge difference in my life because
now I can I can do what I was bred to do right as being a veteran you know we
love to serve so being able to serve that was the biggest thing that I gained
because I've been able to do it on a bigger level and I've been able to touch
more people I've been able to help more people.

And the thing with people, as far as business goes, like I was talking to.
I can say a business owner, right?
And I reminded them and I asked them, have you ever been on a date?
Have you ever been on a date? What is it that you brought to that date?
What did you think about before that date? That person that you was dating,

how did you prepare for that date?
Treating that person as if they're the only person in the room and you want
to make sure that you order what they want and you listen to them, you hear their story.
Imagine when you have a new hire coming in. You let them feel or make them feel
like they're the most important person in the room and you let them know that

you're interested in them and you show interest in them,
and you ask them how would they like to be rewarded right how would they like
to be treated what are their expectations it's the same thing in a marriage
it's the same thing where you go on that first date right but it's not just
doing that as being consistent doing it consistently,

not just that first day that they come in and they are hired and you want to
say you want to have balloons and, you know, make them feel like they're so amazing.
But then after six months, it's gone, right?
But no, relationships don't work that way. You have to be consistent.
And, you know, just like when Christophe loved when I said this to him,

when he was getting on the stage, I said, you know, you got to show up to grow
up, right? You got to show up to grow up.
So in order for you to excel, exceed, you have to show up. You have to be present.
And that's in everything that we do. Everything that we do.
You know, it's funny you say that, but, you know, as I often talk about on the

stage, and you and I were talking about this before this,
for any CEO who is struggling out there right now, and you're feeling that pressure
from your board, maybe your stock is going down,
the pressure from the board of advisors. Yes.
I challenge you to give Willie, give myself a shot to come in and bring our

military training with the things that we teach.
Willie goes deep within the relationship, mindset, accountability.
I come in with the military mindset like Willie and the sales and the marketing.
And I challenge you to give us 10 of your guys a shot to do a workshop because
that is power that happens there. And, you know, when you learn from military,

we have a different relationship with practice.
That is no plan B. When you have somebody come in from a consulting firm,
it's a lot of Mickey Mouse stuff. And that doesn't work.
That's why the numbers are stalled. It's going under.
You need military real men to come in and shake the freaking building.
Yeah. Do you feel me? So that's why I often challenge CEOs and leaders.

If you are struggling in your company, you have a sales team,
you have a customer service, they're not performing, I challenge you to reach
out to Willie Neely, reach out to myself, because we can't come in and rock the boat.
What we do is PCS.
It's predictable.
It's certain. And it's secure.

Willie and I, my friend, we can take you, Mr.
CEO, from frustration to freedom. them
but i'm fired up man as we as we
were talking about this literally minutes ago
and i know a lot of people out there right now you'll be and you'll be very
you'll be grateful to have somebody like willie that serve our country that

put his life in the game to come in and shake the building for you guys and
that's why i'm so honored to have you here on the show today my friend and in your Your experience,
Willie, how crucial has public speaking been in opening doors to high level
networking opportunities,
especially influencers and potential high paying clients, right?

They're watching us speaking from the stage, credibility, authority is being built.
Talk to us a little bit about that experience that you are going through right now.
Man, it's funny. I told my wife that I was going to be on with you today.
And she was like, oh, really?
Like another one? And I'm like, yeah, you know, it's opened doors to be on,

you know, several different podcasts,
to be able to share my story, just to be able to be there to help others,
to be that light, right? That light in the darkness.
That's the part that's really, really amazing to me.
And it really touches me because I'm able to do that.
So for clients to see and know my story and me being transparent and again,

being in the military, they know that I'm coming with my heart.
I'm leading with my heart.
And I want them to win. Just like all of our brothers in the military.
I got a lot of brothers that, you know, that I served with that are still my friends this day.
And we still are connected this day. Just like you said, Carlos,
no man left behind. Right.

No man left behind. So having that same mentality when it comes to the people
that I work with, they know that I'm going to give 120 percent of me.
And like I tell you in my married couples, I tell them, I say,
I'm going to give you 120% of me.
All I ask is 90% of you.
That's it. 90. I'm going to give you 120 plus.

Okay? If you catch me on a good day, it might be 150.
You know, and they know that that's what they're going to get from me.
They know that they're going to get all of me.
And I'm going to be there to support them because I want them to win.
I want everybody to win. Just like we're winning. I want everybody to win.
And that's the mindset and the energy that I go into it with.

I have a surprise for you over here right now, live on the stage.
I'm going to get you on a powerful radio show slash podcast show with one of
my business partners that have a giant, large audience as well.
So get ready for that. That's a gift for you for always being accountable, always showing up.

Man, guys, Willie, he just goes to it.
He shows up every week. He doesn't reschedule. He doesn't have excuses. He does the homework.
We show him exactly what to do, what to say, how to say it, how to fill out
the abstracts that will get him more speaking opportunities,
paid speaking opportunities. alternatives.

And when you get to these stages, what do you guys think can happen?
Even if you're not able to pitch from the stage, but you're still getting paid
3K, 5K, you're working your way up.
As you get bigger ratings, you get paid more the second time.
And not only that, even though you're not able to sell from the stage,
because you're learning, you're mastering and learning with myself the word patterns,

what you say, how to bypass the conscious, get into the subconscious,
How to generate yes messages, buying friends in messages so you can sell more
of your products and services.
When you're reaching out to influencers, like say if you sell merch,
if you sell the crazy chicken, that's going to help you with the mental health.
Or if you're selling a lollipop, you know, now all you need is one influencer

to give you a shout out. And you would sell millions of lollipops,
even if you're making a dollar or 10 cents. Yes.
Profit, if you got millions of people buying it, it's a nice few hundred thousand dollar payday.
But you see, it takes a whole nother level of mastery on what you say,
how to say it, how to bypass that conscious mind.

That's the problem with most people right now. You don't know how to be markable
and create a lure because most people are applying outdated marketing tactics.
And that's where the training is so important, guys. communication.
Building relationships and getting to the stages because now you're building
authority. Now you're building credibility.

Now you're learning what to say, how to say it. So you can now reach out to
those influencers, get on more stages, get on more podcasts,
get on more radio shows, getting paid to speak the big mula from the stage.
Let's say if you are a consultant, a coach, now you want to sell your programs.
Now you don't having to spam people on LinkedIn, on social media.
Now they come to you on the stage.

Now you maybe imagine what would that do to your family?
Imagining what would your wife and your spouse and your kids say,
and you coming home and you say, wow, I spoke on this industry stage.
There was 100 CEOs in the building and five of them came to me and bought my
relationship coaching program at $5,000, $10,000, $15,000 each.

They hire me to also come in and do a workshop for 10 employees where you now
charge $2,000, $3,000 a month.
That's a nice payday. You know what I mean? It's about being tactical, ladies and gentlemen.
And Willie, what specific skills from your military experience have you found
most valuable in corporate settings and now as you coach CEOs and teams?

So that's part one. And then part two, how does this skills translate into building
lasting change relationships?
So I'm glad you asked that, Carlos, because at the beginning,
remember, I said me being, when I was in the military,
my leadership, even though when you hear this, my story, the beginning of my

story, I don't look at it as being something unfortunate.
It was fortunate for me because I learned what a good leader doesn't look like, right?
Because my leadership that I had in that moment, they didn't support me.
I didn't feel valued. I didn't feel respected. I didn't feel honored.

No matter how hard I worked, no matter what I did.
And I didn't even mention that in my journey, I was one of very few that was
in four years starting as an E1,
made it as an E4, and became a petty officer on his first tour.

So I was doing everything that I needed to do.
So what I grabbed from my military background, for one, again,
no man being left behind.
And my brothers, I got a big, great brotherhood.
Like I said, I'm still connected to those guys this day. But...

I also had learned how to be a successful leader because every job that I had
after the military, I was a leader.
I was a leader and I always had guys up under me.
And I always reflected back from the military of what I did not receive from my leadership.
So that directed me to study and to change how I led the guys that was under me. I led by example.

I checked in with them consistently, and I was always there for them.
So now I knew what I got from the guys that worked up under me when I showed up for them.
So now I can tell CEOs, I can tell anyone that I deal with how it is to be an

effective leader because I saw the results myself when I implemented it.
So it's not even just me teaching them what it is that I learned now that I
also help couples and I help married people to be successful in their marriages
and their relationships.
So now I also take that and implement that all together.

And when you mash that together, man, and when you talk about communication,
it's an amazing, amazing connection. Right.
Because one of the things that I told you about that I I came up with was the mayor process.
And that was the maintenance, evaluation, assessment and response. Yeah.

So that's what I teach in anyone that have utilized that method has not failed, have not failed.
But again, you're going to have to do the work.
Like I said, I want 90 percent. I'm going to give you $150,000.
So I'm about to answer the first question. I did big time.

I like it. And can you think about a lot of people right now, Willie, right?
They're facing adversity, right? They're struggling out there.
A lot of coaches, a lot of speakers, people that want to be on the stages,
a lot of employees, career in the corporate space that you and I help so many CEOs and teams.
Teams, can you discuss like a
major challenge that you face in your career path and how you overcome it?

What is one of the darkest times for you that you can think of it?
Well, this happened to one of the darkest times. It was actually with a married couple.
It wasn't so much with a corporation at that time. It was with a married couple.
And I had already been been working with this married couple for,
I think, about six months.
And they wanted to rehire me. But I come to realize that they weren't doing the work.

And so I had to tell them and I had to let them know that I'm not going to work with you.
I'm no longer going to work with you. And my heart bled for them because I wanted
their marriage to succeed.
But again, if you don't show up, There is nothing that I can do.
You have to make the decisions to do the work.

And from that moment, I've had to tell every single corporation,
people, that anybody, it didn't matter if it was a married couple,
it didn't matter if it was an engaged couple, it doesn't matter who it is.
I let them know that if you don't do the work, you won't get the results. Yeah.

And if you don't do the work, I'm not going to accept your money.
I don't care how much it is.
I will refuse to work with you because I want to help those that want to be helped.
I want to help those companies that want to be helped. I knew a young lady that
was in the hospitality industry,
and she came to me in tears, crying, simply because she had to go into a meeting

that she knew nothing about, meaning that there was no expectations established
on what the meeting was about.
So she went into the meeting completely blind, going off of her assumptions.
So those are the challenges that I have to deal with in changing the culture.
But when I see people broken, when I see people struggling, when I see people

literally in tears and crying, those are the most challenging times for me because
those are the people I really, really, really want to help.
But again, when I've placed those situations where you have one party that wants
to work, you have the other one that doesn't.
It kind of ties your hand. Yeah. Yeah, no, I love it. I love that question, man.

You make me self-reflect on a few projects that I assisted, you know,
and it's very difficult when you have opposing parties, especially in corporate, right?
Because now you get HR involved and you have a couple of leaders that are not communicating.
So now the message is not getting to the top.
So some of you guys who are CEOs, the followers, I'm over here in Silicon Valley,

I work with a lot of CEOs and you guys know what I'm talking about.
The moment there is that disconnect in communication, not just in relationship,
in like in couples, but also in the workplace space, that's when everything
goes down the drain, right?
The sales performance, your sales metrics are going to crap.
You know, a relationship, the customer service is going to crap.

All your metrics are down.
And, you know, so important too. And I love that you have the.
And that's the military in us, right?
The standards to say no, because you're not a therapist.
You don't want to torture them. You're having them commit nothing against therapists,
you know, but you've got to have the standards in your coaching,
in your consulting, in what you do, because a lot of people out there and a

lot of people out there, they have certain consultants and certain people on their board.
And some of the coaches and the consultants are not challenging them,
are telling them what they want to hear instead of what they should hear.
And that's when the change happens.
By us having the balls to literally get HR out of the room. Let me have a real talk with you guys.

Let me talk to the sales team. Let me talk to your customer service team.
Let me talk to your board.
Let's have a real, raw conversation without the HR and the lawyers and the managers
in the room. Let's just talk.
Because now I'm going to tell you from the heart, from experience,
what you really should hear.
So now we can change. Now we can go through that culture change.

Now we can create that culture of excellence, that cultural transformation that you deeply seek.
So I love, I love and love, brother, what you just say here right now,
because it's a lot of people out there, you know, they think about those things,
but they don't want to talk about it.
They sugarcoating it for too long until your heads are being fired and no longer

sitting on certain chairs in their companies.
Because, you know, you need a wheelie. You need a Carlos to come in and shake
the house, you know. And really, speaking of Willie and Carlos,
what has been, I always love to hear that from our clients and the people that
we support over the years.
What has been one of the most transformative aspects in your journey working

with us within our speaking program that has done for you? What do you think
has been the most significant?
Oh, man. It's been absolutely mind-blowing for me, man.
And I and I am so grateful and thankful because there's been a huge shift in
in expectations. Right.

Because the one thing that I always do and I'm thankful that I do this,
but I always go in with a like a clean, clean slate.
Like the first time I stepped on the stage, I wanted to make sure I had no expectations.
I had, you know, I go in there clean so that whatever I was being taught,
I can learn it right now. And I didn't have nothing bucking against that.

But you, man, just opened my mind and opened my world to things that I just
did not even know existed.
And I wasn't even aware of. And I wouldn't even prepare for it.
I was like, what? Okay, dang.
All right. You know, and then when we go over to the seventh figure,
I'm like, oh, man, this is a game changer right here. I'm like, okay.

For one, it's excited me. It definitely gave me a breath of fresh air and just
gave me a new lens to look to.
Because, again, things that I was shown weren't things that I was taught even
as I got certified, right? I wasn't taught those things.

And even people before you that was mentors that I've spoken with,
that I had, they didn't talk about those things.
They didn't teach the things that you guys have taught me and even shared with me.
So I'm not just thankful.
I'm grateful. I'm excited. I'm appreciative.

And it's just, you know, it's time to really, really win.
I appreciate about the kind words and, you know, guys, like you guys know me,
I can say whatever I can be biased, but I love hearing, you know,
from our clients, especially veterans.
They have a special place in my heart, you know, because I've been one and I
just love helping our American soldiers.

They're out there serving. If you are one of you watching us,
know that you guys can count with us.
We do offer scholarships and anybody here that's struggling in your business
with your sales team, your customer service,
your metrics, you're worrying about being fired, or maybe you are tired of your
nine to five and you want to transition, you know, into a full blown career

as a speaker, as a coach, as a consultant.
And I invite you guys to grab a free gift where we really just talk about the
seven-figure word pattern.
I actually give it away for free, part one out of seven, on a PDF, a little e-book.
If you guys go, I want you to get on I want you guys to go there.

That's a section in our site that says free gift.
Grab that free gift. So you can go through it for yourself, and you will see what I am talking about.
And, you know, I invite you guys. They want to learn. Get on our calendar. Let's get on a session.
Let's discuss about where you are in your business. And you never know.
One session for free that you come in with me on Zoom can totally change the

game for your entire business.
Because at the end of the day, something that I always teach is the business, the influencer.
The leader that adds the most value in their niche wins, period.
When you show up over here, whether you have a podcast, you have a radio show,
you're on the stage, even if you speak in a local meetup, if you are the one

that adds the most value to the people attending, you're going to win every time.
All you got to know, ladies and gentlemen, is 30% more than the second guy and
the third guy to separate yourself from the pack and deliver value.
If you are starting now, ask them, tell them to give you a shot,
give you a chance, come in, work with them for free, give them a massive result, document the process,

show them where were they before you, where are they now, and watch the magic happens.
Because that's where, you see, a lot of people out there, I often talk about
these products or service descriptions, they do not sell.
It's what your services, your products will do for them is what accounts.
Too many people out there, they are selling their product descriptions versus

really going deep and talking about what is it really doing for people?
Is it getting them on the stages? Is it getting them to those,
you know, 100K plus months?
Is it getting them to fulfill their dreams or exit?
Their companies and maybe you are a small business and you have a construction
company or HVAC or solar and you're in your 60s and you want to retire.

How about we get on the call and we show you guys how we can easily 3x your
revenues just by making a few changes in your communication,
in the way how you speak to your market, by making a few tweaks on the word
patterns that connects and converts and creates buying frenzy,
where now we can get a much bigger valuation for your business,

and you can now sell that business for three, four, five times the value.
What do you think that will do for you during retirement?
You see, guys, the things that we teach is PCS. It's predictable,
it's certain, and it's secure.
And that's why I like to teach. I love interviewing, teaching like we are doing
here right now because a lot of people out there are struggling and they want to help more people.

And one thing is to say, oh, yeah, I love helping veterans. No,
you guys see me over here in real time doing it.
It's about doing it, the real thing in real time with real people and demonstrating it.
Talk about the things that they are learning, how they are feeling about the
process, and you guys replicate that. Because guess what? The student eventually becomes the teacher.
We were just talking about that, Willie and I, before this. Many people that

you guys see on TV, on the YouTube, I used to learn from them.
Now some of them learn from me.
But again, I'm like Jim Rohn. I'm going to die in the coffin with books and
my journals. I'm a forever student.
I just love helping people. And, Willie, I know we're having a great time here, my friend.
And I know that we're getting within 45 minutes in this session.
I normally don't like to go this long, but I was so fired up having you on the show.

And I always love to end my episodes with a powerful question.
And it's your eulogy. And it's 60 years from now, your best friends are in the room.
You know, it's playing ACDC, Nirvana, Guns N' Roses, Metallica,
whatever, you know. And then they're going to say, Willie Neely was dot, dot, dot.

In your own word, who was Willie?
Willie was a dedicated father, an amazing husband, a great speaker, and he loved everyone.
And he always gave 120% to everyone. It doesn't matter your color,

your breed, your sexuality, none of that.
None of that matters at all because love is love.
And the first thing that God required for us to do is to love, period.
And recognize that we are humans first before anything else.
That's who Willie is. And that's who Willie was. Yeah.

I love it. I love it. I often say from the change, you know,
it's not where do we come from, where do we went to school.
Or the color of our skin is our attitude.
That's going to make us win. You know, it's something that I always talk about.
And I love to end the show this. And really, before you tell us where they can

follow you and learn more about you, I want to give a shout out.
I was recently appointed a advisory council member for Team USA.
Right now we are helping Team USA MMA.
They're going to be competing in October in Romania.
And right now, guys, we are on a mission. We need to raise a million dollars
to help 40 athletes get to Romania, their next big tournament.

We need to buy their gears. A lot of these guys are out there working.
We need help getting their gears, buying their tickets, airplanes.
We've got to pay the Romanian government. And it's a lot of things.
As you guys know, a lot of teams, we think Team USA, they're not supported the
way how the big teams like swimming and gymnastics and soccer are.
So we need your help. If you are a business owner, if you can donate $1,000

minimum for Team USA, what you will receive for that, one, you can write that off.
You also will get the athlete to make a video saying, hey, Mr.
Business Owners, thank you for helping out. Because of you, I'm competing.
I'm traveling. I'm here. So you can use that video on your social media.

You'll get placement on Team USA website.
I did a podcast with Team USA right before this episode. You guys can listen.
Team Captain Janae Noonan and I, we even sweetened the pie. in addition to getting
that video from the athlete, in addition to receiving a placement on Team USA
website and getting millions of views into your business,

team captain and I, I also doing a shout out on our Instagram.
Hers is Janae Noonan, my Carlos Inspire.
And you guys will get an additional shout out from her and from myself.
So I have about 35,000 followers there.
She has about 80,000. So you get almost 120,000 eyeballs into your business, into your brand.

And you never know what 120,000 eyeballs will do in addition to everything else
that you are receiving just by donating $1,000 minimum to our athletes from Team USA.
It's a win-win all around. You guys know me. I'm big, involved in a lot of causes.
I sit on a lot of different boards.
Right now, we're helping the Team USA. I'm involved in boards with helping the

kids. They are facing hunger. You guys know every proceed from the book.
Work Like an Immigrant, links under the bio.
100% going towards the book. Right now, we have Mother's Days coming up this weekend.
We launched the Carlos Inspire collection for Mother's Day. You guys go on TikTok at Carlos Inspire.
We have some really cool mom shirts and gear.

And we're also donating most of that as well, going to causes to help support people in need.
By now, we need your help. Even if all you can do is a like,
subscribe, drop a comment, every help highly appreciated so we can help more
people. As you guys can see, we love helping the veterans.
We're helping homeless. We're helping Team USA. We're helping kids facing hunger.

It's documenting the process and just leading from the front.
It's like I started at the beginning of the show.
It's mastering that communication, mastering. We leave relationships to relationships,
not paycheck to paycheck.
And at the end of the day, man, I can really say, man, everything is about love.
It's about helping one another.
And really the best place, my friend, that they can follow you,

where you hang out the most on social media or your website,
where they can learn more about you. Thank you.
Man, on all platforms, except they can go to,
And that's where they can find me. And on the other platforms like Facebook

and on Insta, it's Coach Nealy.
So, you know, Coach Nealy, last name N-E-A-L-Y.
Cool, cool, cool. I'm going to put over here, for you guys watching
us live and you guys listening to us on Apple, Spotify,
iHeartRadio, Google Music, Amazon Music, and around the world,

you go to, divine, the letter
Appreciate you, my friend, Willie. Appreciate you guys, man,
watching us from home live later on the replay.
Drop a like, drop a comment, and share this with everyone you love.
And we are on a mission, my friends, to help millions of people around the world.
I appreciate you guys. You guys know the drill.

Life is all around the mission.
Never the commission. And when you feel like giving up, you know it, baby.
The days that breaks us are truly the days that makes us up. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
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