Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Giggity giey geggy goo.
Speaker 2 (00:07):
In a world where office gossip is deadly get ready
for Secrets of the Breakroom.
Speaker 3 (00:11):
Did you hear he muted the camera during the meeting?
Speaker 2 (00:14):
Again one generation dares to play it close to the vest.
Speaker 4 (00:17):
I can't let them know.
Speaker 1 (00:18):
I'm a swifty not after what happened last time.
Speaker 2 (00:21):
They're masters of secrecy, hiding snacks, political affiliation, tiktoks, even
their real opinions.
Speaker 1 (00:26):
I just love Karen's gluten free cookies, the secrets of
the breakroom, Just kidding. Don't let her know. I'm ordering
donuts on door dash coming soon. Trust no one rated
gen z. This is not headline news.
Speaker 5 (00:38):
Today is clashing close Day, or as we straight guys
know it, Thursday. Netflix is raising its prices again. Meanwhile,
Peacock will pay you twenty bucks to watch Sting canceled
concerts due to an illness. Doctors say every breath he
takes they'll be watching him. Billy ray Iris blamed technical
issues for his weird performance at Trump's inauguration ball because
technically he's a terrible singer. And Ryan Gosling is reportedly
joining the cast of a Star Wars movie. He'll be
the first character to harness the power of the force
through his dreamy eyes.
Speaker 1 (01:20):
This is not headline news.
Speaker 6 (01:21):
Whoa wake up cannot join the cab Schalchem sal can.
Speaker 3 (02:14):
Can in this present crisis. Government is not the solution
to our problem. Government is the problem.
Speaker 7 (02:29):
This is Charlotte County Speaks, Your chance to let your
voice be heard on local, state, and national which ues
and now broadcasting live from a dumpy little warehouse behind
a taco bell. The host of Charlotte County Speaks Can Love.
Speaker 1 (02:46):
Speaker 6 (02:48):
And the way we go.
Speaker 1 (02:55):
Well me Anyway News Radio fifteen eighty one hundred point
nine FM, WCCF Radio dot com. Charlote County Speaks on
a Thursday nine ten is the time. Phone lines are
open for you ins nine to four one two zero
six fifteen eighty toll free eight eight eight four four
one fifteen eighty email address. Cc speaks at live dot
com and UH if you miss the show, head to
our homepage WCCF Radio dot com, head down to the
podcast section and listen to all of us at your
heart's content. Uh a flying solo today in Bassiani on
the road. What do we have today today? This is nice? Yeah,
I'm doing this at the beginning of the show. Maybe
someone will bring me a pie. It's National Pie Day.
Any kind of pie?
Speaker 6 (03:50):
Hm uh?
Speaker 1 (03:52):
Any really? Any kind of pie? I don't I don't
think there's a pie. Well, I've never had mincemeat pie,
so I can't say whether I like that or not.
But other new I haven't had a pie I have
not liked unless somebody just screwed up making it. And
I've had a couple of those. Pecan would be my favorite,
but I love it all apple, pumpkin, blueberry, strawberry, rhubarb.
Also National Handwriting Day. You kids should learn how to
do that. You should ask your teacher sometime. Hey, hey,
can we learn to write? Would that would that be cool?
Could you maybe teach us that? Would that be all right?
I mean, you know trump one, you know, so you
don't have to dumb us down completely anymore. National Handwriting Day?
Hot mine?
Speaker 6 (04:46):
No, not so.
Speaker 1 (04:49):
Not so great anymore. Well, I've had look at that.
Look at my thumb. I've got a funky thumb that's
had surgery on a few times. I can still print
very well, but I can still write cursively, but it's
just a lot slower because Mike I've my right. I've
had a lot of fun over my life, and I've
got the scars to prove it. National Security Technician Day,
the hell's this.
Speaker 8 (05:19):
National Security Technician Day on January twenty third, celebrates the
security professionals who perform the role of security technician within
the global security industry. Security technicians are on the front
lines protecting our nation's critical infrastructure. Without them, our nation's ports,
transit systems, K twelve, schools, government facilities and utilities would
fail to operate properly. Today, we honor all security technicians
to show our appreciation for the hard work they do
for us as they keep our digital life safe. Hats
off to you, Thank you for your service, whatever the hell.
Speaker 1 (06:02):
That is, and that's all we have today two six
fifteen eighty toll free eight eight eight four four one
fifteen eighty. Once again coming up this Sunday, Sunday, Sunday,
January twenty sixth, one pm to three pm, We're going
to be at Treasure Lanes Bowling Alley for the Port
Charlotte High School Band's bowling fundraiser. Twenty five dollars entry
per person includes the shoe rental. Again, bring your own
spray or foot powder. Uh trophies given out in four categories,
all kinds of stuff for you to win and donate
more money so that the Portcharlotte High School ban has
stuff to actually be the Port Charlotte High School Band
only on one hundred and twenty spots available. Pre registration
ended yesterday. You can call or text Melanie at nine
four one two zero four eighty four twenty six, or
you can register at the door at Treasure Lanes until
twelve thirty pm Sunday Sunday Sunday for the Port Charlott
High School Bands Bowling fundraiser two six fifteen eighty toll
free eight eight eight four four one fifteen eighty. A
vague what the viveke? What's up with the viveke? The
vivvv the vivva? A vec has uh dropped out of
douge pretty much set Apparently it appears that he's going
to be running for Senate, but uh it kind of
not so bad, you know, not a great There seems
to be a rift somewhat. Sundance says not since Ted
Kruz's GOP nomination speech in twenty sixteen had a political
figure self immolated with such tone deaf stupidity as Vivek
Ramaswami when he blamed American cultures the justification why we
need to import H one beat tech workers. It's been
all downhill pretty much since then. On the day before
Trump's inauguration, Vivek announced he would be departing from DOGE,
which he was tasked to lead with Elon Musk. Normally,
at this point you want to say, you know, felt farewell,
forget about the guy. But there's numerous reports Ramaswami intends
to run for Ohio governor after not being considered for
the Senate position that JD left available. That would be
a hot mess or house whatever the hell. If Ramaswami
would win the GOP primary, which is debatable, he would
be setting up Ohio for a Democrat candidate to win
the general election, because it appears the reality of things
as they are now is that a large percentage of
the GOP base will not support Ramaswami given his controversial
remarks in support of H one b visas, particularly in Ohio.
He can continue to try to clean it up, but
he ends up in no better position than Ted Kruz
and his vote your values nonsense at the convention. There's
certain times in a political career where success or failure
is defined in a moment, and Ramaswami created a hot
mess all around him for everyone with his H one
B statements and protestations. Yeah, Elon was quick to notice
the toxic nature of the pro H one B position
and he's been walking backwards ever since. And according to
Politico Politico grain of Salt, it was Elon who wanted
Ramaswami to exit due to the public mess and distraction
that he created with the H one bv's a mess.
Whether that's true or not, we don't know. It does
seem possible, but uh, Ramaswamy's gone, he you know, still
even as tainted as he could be. Who else is
going to be? I mean, I can't believe that they
ever elected de Wine as governor. That still baffles me.
So it could be Vivik still has a shot. We
don't know, we'll find out, but yeah he did, even
though he made a couple of good points, uh blaming
us or the or or and then trying to call
us racist for not liking the H one bvs A program. Uh,
not a good looks Ramuswati.
Speaker 6 (11:02):
D you mean that across over guy?
Speaker 2 (11:03):
Dad up norse father son fishing Dad.
Speaker 6 (11:05):
Don't get the kids all riled up before beddad.
Speaker 1 (11:07):
Not to be fair, to be fair, to be fair, fir.
Speaker 3 (11:13):
Lots of people who met sounds when the stands up
and sits down, Not just dad.
Speaker 9 (11:17):
We'll be right back with Charlotte County Speaks News Radio
fifteen eighty WCCF.
Speaker 10 (11:24):
The thread, black Hole, Yeah, we're all susceptible to it.
I actually was thinking about the great Disney film The
Black Hole nineteen seventy nine.
Speaker 1 (11:35):
Scary, scary stuff.
Speaker 10 (11:37):
But anyway, you know it's scary too. It's it's the
way that many of these social media well I don't
care either one X, Facebook, whatever, move be the threads
getting you sucked into a story, and then you gotta
follow the next one, and the next one, the next one,
and it just spirals into this big fat glob of negative.
Speaker 1 (12:00):
Listen, there's gonna be a lot of that.
Speaker 10 (12:02):
You can you can watch a video of Alexandria Kasio
Cartez making an absolute fool out of herself and then
listen to one hundred and read one hundred different people
commenting on it.
Speaker 6 (12:12):
Don't do that.
Speaker 10 (12:14):
You got better things to do with your life. Build, create, protect,
and teach and get off the threads. Watch Dog on
Wallstreet dot Com.
Speaker 4 (13:14):
I got as got it bad them if I did, Jesus,
I just can't do last. She can't be don't but
you'll breathe down him, buddy, But just ball She is Seved.
Speaker 1 (14:05):
News Radio fifteen eighty one Andred point nine FM WCCF
nine twenty five Thursday Morning, Charlotte County speaks on the air.
Phone lines open at nine four one two zero six
fifteen eighty, toll free eight eight eight four four to one,
fifteen eighty. The band right there, focusing on the keyboards
right there from Eric Garth Hudson. Just lost him, the
last surviving member of the band, just lost him on
January twenty first, This dude played pretty much everything. Keyboards
his Lowry Oregan right there was the one that he loved.
He was a master of, but also a piano, accordion,
electronic keys, saxophones, alto tenor, soprano, baritone, bass, did all
kinds of session where work with all kinds of people
like Elton John, who cited him as an early influence.
Just lost him at the age of eighty seven. Garth
Hudson Full Lines Open two six fifteen eighty, toll Free
eight eight eight four four one fifteen eighty. Intel Community
pretty much the rat bastards that have been attempting the
authoritarian takeover of the United States turned it into just
a total surveillance state. And President Trump has restructured the
National Security Council and removes the IC community's influence as
it should be now, if you follow Sundance and a
few others, you know that the silos that operate in
the Intel community are kind of the focus as an
outcome of the national security focus of government. Like Mary
McCord herself admitted publicly, Mary McCord this broad Apparently she
got a pardon too, Not sure if she didn't, Oh
go after Mary McCord admitted publicly that the Intel community
are the background approver for every weaponized approach of government,
including the Department of Justice. So with that in mind,
you've got a process that it looks like Trump's doing
to remove the IC silos from influence over the office
of the President. The chief executive must control all elements
of national security policy and implementation. You can't just have
the president here doing his thing in the Intel community
doing something completely different over here. And that's what's been
happening for a long time. So thankfully, the Supreme Court
recently affirmed the plenary power of the executive branch and
the unitary power of the president in controlling every system
within that branch of government. That ruling presidential immunity further
bolstered the solution that people like Sundance have continuously proposed.
The IC silos must be decoupled from the Executive Office
definitions of national security until such time as the Intel
community institutions can be brought to heal. And the most
effective way to confront a rogue, hostile, and corrupt Intel
community apparatus is to take away the power. And the
best way to remove their power is to use their
primary weapon, their silo structure against them. Turn each silo
into an irrelevant echo chamber by using White House National
Security Council as their replacement, regardless of what triggers the
various Intel community silo embeds that they try to pull,
you know, the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, the DA,
et cetera. Let them shoot blanks by removing their power
over policy and process. If the IC community is isolated
from influence, eventually the legislative branch, specifically the Senate Select
Committee on Intelligence and the House Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence will realize the Seven Ways from Sunday group no
longer holds any power. The IC intel community becomes a
news becomes the you know, a bunch of whiny bitches
stomping their feet while nobody pays any attention to them
right now, as it should be. And this approach would
be affected by restructuring the President's National Security Council the NSC,
the National Security Advisor NSA Mike Waltz, and working with
the Officer of the DNI, Tulsea Gabbert, in a synergistic process,
the IC intel community becomes simply information functionaries, as they
should be. The National Security Council then validates and defines
the information, creates the definition of national security interests, and
initiates the guidance to President Trump, who will ultimately trigger
any action. Now, until yesterday, there's only a few subtle
signs that this silo isolation approach was being accepted as
the most effective, optimal solution to the problem within the
intel apparatus. However, yesterday President Trump signed an executive order
doing exactly the type of restructuring that is needed. The
executive order, it's technical, it's deep, it's in the weeds.
Sundance has it all printed out on Conservative Treehouse dot com.
It's big and it is long, and it does go
into the weeds. But the process hinges upon the execution
of the National Security Advisor, Mike Wall. So as long
as we can keep Mikey in line doing the right thing,
looks like we might have allowed President Trump to put
the Intel community at heal. Hope that's the case. It
needs to happen, because these guys are not your friends.
They're not anybody's friends. Two six fifteen eighty toll free
eight eight four four one fifteen eighty have It's it's weird,
you know, you don't. The Democrats right now are in
total disarray. They don't know what to do. They're still whining,
but they're desperate for some kind I know, they're desperate
for anything, some kind of win. They're looking for anything
that they can call a win and then just run away.
It's uh, it's funny. It's sad, but funny. You think
they would learn you think they would say, hey, maybe
we need to look at our policies. Are they really American?
Are they really constitutional? Shouldn't we get back to, you know,
being the party for the little guy. No, I don't
think it's going to happen. I think they're just going
to keep digging themselves a deeper hole. As Trump racks
up accomplishment and victory after accomplishment and victory, Pelosi and
the gang are as empty as Kamala. If you thought
the left was pathetic before, you haven't seen anything yet.
High Coller, you're on the air.
Speaker 11 (21:52):
Yeah, I just wanted to opine on that woke episcopalian.
At first I thought it was a man.
Speaker 1 (22:01):
No, No, No, she's actually married with two kids.
Speaker 11 (22:05):
Oh wow, I know I was. I was reading that
she lived in a mansion. She lived in a two
point seven million dollar mansion really in DC. Yeah, she's
she's really one amongst the poor, isn't she. Yes, she's
just a complete disgrace. And whoever set up that prayer,
uh prayer breakfast or whatever it was clearly is against
Trump because that that was a total setup.
Speaker 1 (22:34):
I mean, yeah, it appears appears that it was, but
she didn't. But again, it backfired. It didn't go the
way they thought it was gonna go, because she's being
lambasted for being the idiot she is. And oh yeah,
I mean, seriously, what does the Bible say to uh,
you know, cut your breast and penis off?
Speaker 11 (22:57):
No, And I was just reading Leviticus last night in
the King James version, and it clearly states man should
not lie with a man, you know, et cetera, et cetera.
It's very very uh specific about homosexuality and transvestism. It's
it's completely forbidden. Uh So, yeah, she's uh, she's she's
a good advertisement on why to become Catholic or you know,
despite the pope being kind of woke, I think there's
a lot of good Catholics out there.
Speaker 1 (23:30):
There are, there are I don't have anything nice to
say about the Pope or the Vatican, but there's a
lot of there's a lot of great cardinals who aren't
woke that have been very public in their opposition to
the pope. So they they we need a new pope. Really.
Speaker 11 (23:48):
Oh yeah, definitely, thank you.
Speaker 1 (23:51):
You bet, thank you appreciate the call. Two six fifteen eighty. Yeah,
she didn't do herself or the church any favors. I mean,
would you you know that's why most of her pulpits
are empty. I don't know how big her church is,
if she has a huge congregation, I've never heard of her.
But uh yeah, it did seem like it was a
total setup. But you see that's the left doing whatever
they can to claim any kind of win. And Derek
Hunter says, ask the question, what can Democrats claim that
they're doing well on? What?
Speaker 12 (24:31):
Speaker 1 (24:31):
What kind of other than trying to destroy the reputation
of people with lies? What what do democrats do well? Nothing?
They're sort of slow walking a couple of nominees for
Trump's cabinet, but that hasn't even slowed down the progress
that President Trump is making and ridding the government of
racist DEI costs, regulations, or anything else the president promised
to do. Democrats don't matter. Yes, they're suing because well
that's pretty much all they do, but it's so insignificant
at this point as to not matter. Plus it's all backfiring.
The ACLU is promising to fight the deportation.
Speaker 8 (25:16):
Of illegal alien criminals who have exhausted all of their appeals.
Speaker 1 (25:20):
And are now only left with deportation but this is
an issue with clear majority support. They're gone yebbye. Even
CNN is shocked by just how popular removing illegals is,
demonstrating once again they have their finger firmly on the
pulse of Jimmy Carter. For people who scream this is
what democracy looks like, we don't live in a democracy, Dan.
Speaker 11 (25:56):
The Constitutional Republic not a democracy.
Speaker 1 (25:59):
Yes, usually they're screaming this at people simply trying to
give or listen to a speech by a person. These
little Nazis don't like. They sure find themselves on the
wrong end of the popular will of the public an
awful lot. It never stops them, though, No matter how
bad their ideas are, These eh champions of democracy always
sue to stop the implementation of every referendum that they lose,
and they do so without any irony or shame at all.
And that last bit's key. A normal person with a
functioning brain would not do what they do. They would
try to win people to their side, which would require
acknowledging that people are not on their side now. Instead,
they've burrowed back into the cocoon, preferring the echo. Chimba
tend up to eleven and this makes them very dangerous.
Nazis did not engage in open dialogue. Communists were not
known for discussions on the virtue of their policies, and
progressives are the hell spawn of both ideologies. One thing
they need to give their lives purpose and justify the
hate they continually foment as a scalp, any scalp. If
they can just get one Trump nominee to fail in
their bid for confirmation, they will be able to justify
to themselves the horrible things they do and say. After all,
they will have prevented whoever blah blah blah, whoever they've
decreed to be horrible, and that makes it all worthwhile.
The only problem is they don't have any good prospects.
They thought they could get Pete Hegzeth because he's been
unfaithful to previous wives, but he's been faithful since he
found faith. Redemption is an important aspect of Christianity, and
it's what democrats are incapable of understanding. To them, you're
forever your worst day and you'll never be anything more.
They aren't ever their worst day because they don't view
anything other than not towing the line that liberals throw
out to toe as something a human being can do
that is wrong. They dragged out's ex sister in law
to claim his former wife was afraid of him and
he drank too much, things everyone involved has denied, especially
his ex wife, which makes is her sister either a liar,
a registered Democrat getting paid, or all three. The truth
doesn't matter. It has never mattered to the left at
all because the truth does them no favors, so they
ignore the truth and hopefully the Trump administration will be
more aggressive in pursuing criminal charges against people who lie
in affidavits to Congress and are held in contempt of Congress.
It's what Democrats did, and they'll tell you when not
screaming that we can't have two tears of justice. No
one's above the law, accept us, accept us. So who's next?
They want Tulsea Gabbard, but she coz he's up to
America's enemies.
Speaker 8 (29:17):
Speaker 1 (29:18):
It doesn't hold water when you realize Nancy Pelosi and
John Kerry met with Basher assad too. Robert Kennedy Junior.
I look forward to Democrats attacking a Kennedy trying to
claim domain over his name and family. Hell, maybe the
work they did get his siblings to denounce him for
daring to think for himself. So anything's possible, but unlikely.
Cash Bettel at the FBI can't wait to see a
bunch of white liberals telling an Indian American and they
find him to be unacceptable. Maybe Rhode Dland Senator Sheldon
Whitehouse can explain why he will oppose Cash's confirmation because
he couldn't become a member of the whites only beach
club his family belongs to and his wife sits on
the board of Ha ha ha ha. That'd be fun. Sleazy,
scummy Democrats are desperate for any kind of win after
a year of losing, and their only problem is they
don't have the truth on their side, and that has
never stood in their way before, so don't expect it
to now. Also, don't expect their usual tactics to work
this time either. People don't trust Democrats anymore, nor should they.
Derek hunder to be fair, Toby.
Speaker 11 (30:29):
Speaker 7 (30:41):
To be fairs that seems like you're doing all his
works to distract yourself from feelings you don't want to
for dealing with you.
Speaker 9 (30:46):
We'll be right back with Charlotte County Speaks on news
Radio fifteen eighty WCCF.
Speaker 2 (30:52):
Just visited me, my parents. I love him to death.
But two weeks they came to my house, no hotel,
two weeks, didn't ask, just showed up.
Speaker 1 (31:01):
Two weeks.
Speaker 2 (31:01):
That's not a visit, that's an insurrection.
Speaker 3 (31:05):
Speaker 1 (31:05):
My father's so cheap.
Speaker 2 (31:07):
You just picked the date they had to be there,
and then when before and after it until it was
cheap enough, and then he bought the tickets.
Speaker 1 (31:14):
I would have paid.
Speaker 2 (31:16):
I would have paid for the flight or a hotel
or a sniper. My mother was like, she was so cute.
She's like, don't worry. We're not gonna be a bother.
We're just gonna hang around. You don't it's not even
gonna be like we're there. You don't have to entertain us. Yeah, right,
try to sneak into the kitchen early in the morning,
get one cup of coffee before it all starts. They're
just sitting there at the counter like two lonely sea lions.
The problem is they have no activities, they have no hobbies.
They just eat and then talk about what they ate
last night, and they talk about what they're gonna eat
tonight and is there time to eat in between? They're
like two retired raccoons just going through my kitchen.
Speaker 6 (32:08):
Instead of the night.
Speaker 13 (32:09):
I hit a womb snipping around your dog instead of
then a hospital telling me you've gotta have more in
the mood, telling me once in stopped, I stop thinking.
Speaker 1 (32:33):
My body started shaking.
Speaker 6 (32:35):
It can't take the mare, don't know. I just want to.
Speaker 1 (32:57):
Get close to you.
Speaker 6 (32:59):
Still sleep.
Speaker 12 (33:09):
In the still of the night. In the stand of
the Night.
Speaker 1 (33:22):
News Radio fifteen eighty one hundred point nine FM WCCF,
Charlotte County speaks nine forty eight on a Thursday, Little
White Snake right there that song Still of the Night
written by John Sykes, who was a guitarist with them.
He was also started out started making it big. He
took over in Thin Lizzy back in the early eighties,
wrote out there last two with them. He was with
White Snake. He wrote that song right there. Just lost
him sadly sixty five, only sixty five. John Sykes dead
at sixty five, nine to forty nine. Here at Charlote
County speaks full nines open nine four one two zero
six fifteen eighty, toll free eight eight eight four four
to one fifteen eighty So uh, the hits just keep
coming for the lamestream mainstream. Just like MSNBC, CNN saw
its ratings take a nose dive right after the election
in November, has not recovered. And anybody who's been watching
the UH entire did you have you seen Jim Acosta lately?
Still same lame, lying commy Jim Acosta, And if you
ever watch him, you know why nobody's watching CNN. One
of the frustrating aspects of the news about layoffs is
that the people who are being let go are all
the low level employees. This week, CNN laying off a
ton Now, not get rid of the on air talent
who are directly responsible for the state of the network. No, No,
they get to keep their gigs. They're getting rid of
all the people that all behind the scenes stuff. The
network could save a whole lot more money by getting
rid of Democrat activists like Anderson Cooper and Jake Tapper
and but Warner Brothers discoveries. CNN plans to lay off
hundreds of employees today as it refocuses the business around
a global digital audience. According to people familiar with the matter,
the layoffs come as CNN is rearranging its linear TV
lineup and building out digital subscription products. Sure, you don't
know CNN so much when it's buried deep in your
cable bill, But are you really gonna pay like a Hulu?
You're gonna pay ten bucks a month for CNN? Are you?
Some will? The cuts will help CNN lower production costs
and consolidate teams, said the people who spoke on the
condition of anonymity to discuss non public changes. Certain shows
that are produced in New York or Washington may move
to Atlanta, where production can be done more cheaply. For
the most part, the job cuts won't affect CNN's most
recognizable names who are under contract, said the folks in
the know. CNN has about thirty five hundred employees worldwide.
CNN could also be on their way to bankruptcy. This
news comes just after CNN lost a defamation case that
could cost them tens.
Speaker 8 (37:06):
Of millions of dollars.
Speaker 1 (37:13):
So there, yeah, I hey, no one deserves it more.
Two six fifteen eighty toll free eight A eight four
four one go oh go bro, go op, go bro.
That's what'll gonna happen to you if you do. If
you haven't noticed, uh, heading towards the top of the hour,
we bring you the one hundred worst rated foods in
the world. How adventurous of an eater are you? Seriously?
The site Taste Atlas ranked the one hundred grossest foods
in the world based on three hundred and ninety thousand
online reviews from tourists. Most of the top ten sound
pretty gross, and Nordic countries dominated. But is there anything
on this list you'd take a crack at? H ooh ah.
The first one, I mean, just the word, just the
name of it. Blood pancakes, pancakes made with onions, spices
and rein deer blood. Popular in dus Feeding, then the Finland,
but the average rating from tourists is a one point
six out of five one point six. Here's another one
you don't eat just saying it sounds like some sort
of diarrhea. Blood pault. Those are dumplings with reindeer blood.
Yes again Sweden, Finland, kusk Grove. It's a calzone, oh, calzone,
stuffed with French fries and full hamburgers, including the bun. Well,
it doesn't sound gross at all. That sounds like something
Guy Fieri you'd come up with, or something like that. Yeah,
if you can eat it all, you get the T
shirt and you don't have to pay. That doesn't sound.
Speaker 6 (39:25):
Bad at all.
Speaker 1 (39:27):
That's number three? Was it? Raw hamburger? Okay? Here's number four?
Svid svid or speed just half a show god, half
a sheep's head boiled and served with mashed potatoes. God,
no traditional dish in Ireland? Yeah, of course it is?
What the hell else you got?
Speaker 6 (39:56):
Speaker 1 (39:57):
Here we go? Here's one from thy Land. Finally, deep
fried silkworms. No. Number six chapoulele Chilian bread made with
potatoes and flowers. What's wrong with that? That sounds pretty good? Okay?
Number seven jellied eels. Actually you would think this would
be Asian. It's actually an old school street food in England,
dating back to the seventeen hundreds because the British have
no cuisine. That's why they had to import. Yeah, India. Anyway.
The flavors described as unique and unpleasant. Yeah, here we go.
Ramen Berger. It's the only American one in the top ten.
A chef in Brooklyn came up with it in twenty thirteen.
The buns are made of fried ramen noodles. I'd still
give it a try. It doesn't sound not bad. It's
a burger. How bad can it be? Number nine sour
curry made with fish and trails. Yes, fish cuts, no,
thank you, no thanks uh. Number ten artichoke salad in Greece. No,
in Greece, as in the country, they boil the artichoke.
Speaker 6 (41:28):
What it all right?
Speaker 1 (41:34):
It doesn't sound that bad. Boil artichokes, make them tender,
cut them up and add lemon, mustard, garlic, and dill.
Average ratings two point two. Doesn't sound that bad to me. Really,
I love the artichoke cards anyway. The only other American
food that made the top twenty five is frog eye salad. Ew.
That's a Utah treat you Mormons, I tell you. That
came in at number twenty two. It's a pasta salad
made with custard, coup whip, and canned fruit, not actual
frog eyes. Oh so it's not that bad. Four more
American dishes made the top one hundred Tunic casserole tough
to get right. Number seventy three chocolate covered bacon. What
you eat around the chocolate chicken a La king Remember that?
Well that was the first canned at Chinese food. Number
eighty two chicken riggies. What is that number eighty six?
Pasta dish with roots in Upstate New York. Okay, whatever,
that doesn't sound that bad. The only Canadian dish on
the list is boiled fiddleheads. Okay, whatever that is. Sounds
like a fish. No Mexican foods made the cut, not
even tacos deoho eyeball tacos kind of gross. You would think, huh,
what do they call that?
Speaker 6 (43:08):
Speaker 1 (43:09):
It was fermented chicken eggs. Uh uh, ballot in the Philippines. Balot.
It's stunk so bad they loved it. Fermented chicken eggs.
The chicken is like almost ready to come out, but
it's dead inside there. You bite the top off, suck
the chicken out. It's stinks. It's horrible that that should
have beat out a Ramenburger. I'll tell you. I'll tell
you that, all right, kids. Fake news radio update on
the way. We'll be back after that. I need more coffee.
We're in news Radio fifteen eighty am w CCF Punda
Gorda and FM one hundred point nine W two sixty
five EA, Punda Gorda