All Episodes

January 7, 2025 • 44 mins
Tuesday 01/07/25 Hour 2.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Congratulations fantasy footballer.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
You won your league.

Speaker 1 (00:04):
Now you can celebrate in style with Nike's new Fantasy
Football champ apparel. Sure it's hats and jerseys with freezes
like Fantasy Football Champion. Because my real life's at dompster
fire Fantasy football apparel.

Speaker 3 (00:17):
Check out my hat winner Winner zero Actual Athletic Ability
Dinner for.

Speaker 1 (00:21):
People who take winning pretend stuff way too seriously. My
fake team is better than your real one. I spent
seventeen weeks yelling him a TV.

Speaker 4 (00:30):
For this shirt.

Speaker 2 (00:32):
Today is National Bubblehead Day. I'm the bubblehead. It is
National bibble head Day. Thank you for my bibblehead. Like
a bibblehead. Hey, we celebrate figurines that come in a
variety of shapes and sizes. National Bibblehead Days.

Speaker 5 (00:46):
Spring connected head Happy, National Bubblehead Day.

Speaker 4 (00:51):
In this present crisis, government is not the solution to
our problem.

Speaker 2 (00:57):
Government is the problem.

Speaker 4 (01:00):
This is Charlotte County Speaks, Your chance to let your
voice be heard on local state in national insues and
now broadcasting live from a dumpy little warehouse behind a
taco bell, The host of Charlotte County Speaks can Love Joy.

Speaker 2 (01:29):
News Radio fifteen eighty one hundred point nine FM, WCCF
radio dot com. Charlotte County Speaks our number two Ken
Lovejoy with you. Phone lines are open. Whatever you want
to talk about nine four one two zero six fifteen
eighty quilting toll free eight eight eight four four one
fifteen eighty. You can email us the address. Cc speaks

at live dot com. All the shows from years gone
by are available at w ccfradio dot com. Scroll down
to the podcast section and there we all are still
there now I just got back. Let me get a
sip here real quick, ready to go. Hey, we've talked

about Mike McDaniel. He's written a bunch of stuff that
we've gone over over the years here on the show.
He is excellaw enforcement, though he hasn't worn a badge
for a quarter century, but he says every cop knew.
The FBI back then required a college degree for entry

level agents, and not just any degree. They were looking
for accountants, lawyers, people with specific language skills. In other words,
potentially smart people with real skills, and those skills included
not only physical fitness, but competence with arms, avery, personal integrity,
personal integrity, and a mission oriented mindset, but a willingness

to do whatever was necessary to protect America. That's how
we all grew up. Looking at the FBI, however, suffused
with DEI, the FBI, just like most federal agencies, has
dramatically lowered its hiring standards in favor of race, gender,

and other woke quotas. It's an issue, and Miranda Divine
also is reported on just how far the FBI's fallen,
how bad things have become. We all have to kind
of see so that we can see how what a

job cash Betel's got in front of him, she said.
Alarming and alarming deterioration and recruitment standards for the FBI
has been exposed in a report delivered to the House
Judiciary Committee by an alliance of retired and active duty
agents and analysts. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion DEI requirements pushed

by FBI Cress Director Chris Ray have degraded recruitment standards
in all areas, including physical fitness, illicit drug use, financial irregularities,
can't pay to bill, mental health, full time work experience,
and integrity, and pose a threat to the FBI's ability

to protect America from harm, say the authors. Now out
of that report a screenshot here of person. They all
went by anonymous. They didn't want it because we've seen
how the FBI actually operates. There would be retaliation, so
they went by names. Cerra sixty four a fifteen year
plus veteran of the FBI with previous experience as a

supervisory special Agent and more recently as an applicant coordinator
with direct access to the information provided. Romeo Papa thirty
nine has known Sierra sixty four for approximately fifteen years.
The two share similar backgrounds and have been work colleagues
and friends. Romeo Papa thirty nine has no doubt about

Sierra sixty four's authenticity, trustworthiness, or competence, and CR sixty
four says during casual conversations he lamented the overall lack
of physical fitness among the applicant pool. CR sixty four
did not cite specific data, but he she witnessed a
high percentage of failures during her time as applicant coordinator

on the entry standards for the FBI's Physical Fitness Test.
Cer sixty four has seen on more than one occasion
an applicant receive a score of negative two, the lowest
possible score. Other times applicants have simply quit in the
middle of a mile and a half run. The report

sites cases of new agents who are so fat and
unfit they can't even pass the new relaxed standards for fitness,
who are illiterate and need remedial English lessons, who don't
want to work.

Speaker 5 (06:25):
We can't work weekends, or I can't work after hours,
mom said no, or have serious disabilities or mental health
issues and create drama.

Speaker 2 (06:39):
That was a quote, Hi Coller, you're on the air.

Speaker 6 (06:44):
Hey, good morning. I want to bring up something that
might be very important to consider, and you're going to say, well,
how does this relate to today? Well, do you remember
the Super Bowl where the Patriots played the Rams?

Speaker 2 (06:59):
Okay, which one they played in.

Speaker 6 (07:02):
The Rams like three four years ago, And there was
a play in the end zone where the defensive player
from the Patriots bumped up and grabbed the right arm
the left arm of the Rams player in the end zone,
and there were two referees twenty feet away from that

one play, plus you had cameras there, and no one
talked about the fact that this was an intentional interference
by the defense against the offense of the Rams and
everyone forgets about that. Then the Patriots win the game
supposedly and celebrate. Now, this one fact demonstrates how many

times that everyone in the United States is not acknowledging
the truth about crimes that take place in the United States.
Let me give you another example. Brian Terry was killed
by a gun that was sold from the Obama administration.
Eric Holder was Vice President. Yes, Eric, why wasn't their

investigation immediately by Congress to have Obama indicted for breaking
the law, breaking his oath and then having a resolution
of justice on behalf of Brian.

Speaker 2 (08:28):
Terry Because instead, in sorry, I mean to cut you off,
we got to go to break because instead they decided
to retaliate against the whistleblower, the ATF whistleblower in that regard,
they retaliated against him the ATF. Yeah, Eric, the coward
Holder definitely needs to be brought up on that and

the ATF. Again, I'm with who somebody mentioned it was,
either was it Mace or Marjorie Taylor Green that we
need to get rid of the ATF. Dose, he needs
to get rid of the ATF. Here here on that,
get rid of those rat bastards. They're responsible for the
deaths of Brian Terry as well as several hundred Mexican nationals.

I'm the dude, so that's what you call me, you
know that, or his dudeness or duder or you know,
el dud reno.

Speaker 4 (09:19):
If you're not into the whole brevity thing, we'll be.

Speaker 2 (09:21):
Right back with Charlotte County Speaks News Radio fifteen eighty WCCF.

Speaker 7 (09:28):
Virtues, faults and truth.

Speaker 2 (09:32):
It's been an ongoing theme here.

Speaker 7 (09:35):
We've talked about truth and everyone's relative truth in this
nonsense where everyone can have their own truth. And I
always make fun of that stupid Calvin Klein and my truth.
Mike Calvin's Well, this past week, Father Mike Schmidtz gave
an amazing address, an amazing address at the compference in Utah.

And this is really important and it's something that human
beings do. We we make virtues. Human beings make virtues
out of our faults that we have no wish to correct,
in essence creating our own truth, which isn't truth. Watch

Dog on Wall Street dot Com.

Speaker 8 (10:49):
I can't agree to dis agree, fine lock them fine
by line the.

Speaker 9 (10:58):
Only world, but they color the blade swing while with
full on my mind.

Speaker 2 (11:06):
I guess it's all out of that comment. That's not
my mine in the world.

Speaker 10 (11:14):
I'm stead of.

Speaker 2 (11:15):
Cussing and bitchy.

Speaker 8 (11:18):
And the ain't nobody ham m, Now you don't have
the head. I'm don in rock Gasidy, Oh not in
ninetyays a praise. I'm not in ninety afraid that pray
that pray that pray.

Speaker 2 (11:40):
News Radio fifteen eighty one hundred point nine FM WCCF
ten twenty three on a Tuesday here at Charlotte County Speaks.
Phone lines open at nine four one two zero six
fifteen eighty, toll free eight eight eight four four one
fifteen eighty. Where were we before that fun football memory?

Oh yeah? The Judiciary report on the FBI brought forth
by several active and former agents, that's right. CR eighty
seven believes that in general, the quality of FBI applicants
is considerably lower and highly qualified candidates are going elsewhere.

CRA eighty seven said there are a number of reasons
the FBI is getting noticeably lower quality candidates. He said,
the drug policy has been liberalized to include applicants who
had a lifestyle of using drugs. The fitness physical fitness
test is easier and candidates are only required to pass
it once. Failure to adhere to financial responsibility is no

longer a disqualifier. A candidate who was arrested and fought
with police officers was not disqualified. Candidates with driver DUI
convictions are not disqualified. People with a documented mental illness
are not disqualified. Lack of candor, in other words, lying

is not a disqualifier. CR eighty seven said that there
have been candidates that he or she is documented as
lying during different stages of the process, to include the
meet and greet, but FBI HQ refused to disqualify them.
FBIHQ forced the field to continue the application process. Kurt

Schlichtter hash Schlichta has mercilessly skewered the FBI, saying, and
we all know the reason the garbage FBI leadership is
hiring these losers. They all check some diversity box, the
right color dazure, have the right plumbing, They got the
approved sexual preference. Healthy cis white male with relevant experience,

no way denied. Three hundred pounds lesbian animist of color,
furry with a peg leg and bipolar disorder. Here's a
gun and a badge and a warrant to arrest an
American for unlawful praying. Woh, the problem with incompetent, metally ill,

physically unfit agents must surely be of a concern to
soon to be former FBI Chris Ray. No, not so much.
He's the one who pretty much implemented these policies under
g the FBI Director's credibility one direct contradiction to reports

from the field. Despite these findings from highly credible and
reliable sources and sub sources with direct access and first
hand knowledge, FBI Director Christopher Ray reportedly continues to assert
within FBI circles that FBI recruitment for special agents is
quote going extremely well. Two Society of Former Special Agents

of the Federal Bureau of Investigations a On June ninth,
twenty twenty three, FBI Director Ray and other top FBI
officials met the Board of directors of the Society of
Former Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Included
in the meeting were Society President Dennis Lurmel, the society
secretary treasurer, regional vice presidents, and others, including Society Executive

director Nancy Savage. FBI Director Ray was reported to have
said during that meeting that, quoting the Society's report to
its members, quote, agent hiring is going extremely well in
terms of number of applications, which allows us to focus
on hiring strategic skill sets without compromising quality. Wow Wow,

Schlichter says. What the FBI is not hiring for his quality.
They're hiring specifically not to have quality, because quality people
ask questions and don't want to participate in the kind
of fascist pogroms the Establishment has been launching against normal Americans.
The FBI is pretty good at busting Americans for daring

to believe that they have a right to participate in
their governance. Of course, they're not so good at stopping
mass killers or terrorists. Every single time, it seems the
guy is on their radar. Well, except for the guy
in New Orleans, where the FBI was the last agency
to figure out that the dude flying the ISIS flag
was a terrorist. They didn't see him coming. Now, unfortunately

the FBI is to this point they've been able to
get away with all this bs. They've been able to
do it because they're unqualified, unfit, nearly illiterate. DEI hires
haven't been in any real danger arresting grandmothers in ministers
tends not to be particularly dangerous. Physical fitness, situally situational awareness,

marshall and handgun skills. Apparently that doesn't matter anymore. Likewise,
spying on Catholic congregations parents speaking at school board meetings
upset about political and sexual indoctrination of their kids, and
avoiding arresting terrorists and foreign spies doesn't tax their limited
abilities nor put them in danger. Forced to actually do

the job of an actual, qualified FBI agent, however, DEI
hires are going to get themselves and others, even competent
agents killed DEI kills. There's positive signs, however, on the horizon.
Cash Pattel seems certain to be confirmed as FBI Director,

and like him or not, I pray that he can
get at least take a big chunk out of the
problems that this agency is suffering from most of its
surrounding wokeness. Schlickter says, no quarter, no slack, no tolerance

for subpar performance. The FBI, if it's going to continue
to exist, and his is that it does mine, I
think it needs to be completely dismantled completely and on
an agent by agent rehiring process. That's me. That's how
bad I think it is. But if the FBI is

going to continue to exist, it's going to have to.
After having been so thoroughly disgraced, it's got to regain
the respect of the American people, and to do that
is going to require the merciless enforcement of standards. No dishonesty,
no equi vacation, no more looking like you slept in

your clothes, and get that stud out of your nose.
Special agents Caden and Ashley. We need inspector Erskine here here, Kurt, Yeah,
we do, indeed. But Cash Betel's gonna do even better
than a fictional FBI icon. Restoring competence in the FBI
top to bottom, that's going to take some time. Restoring

public trust in the FBI is going to take even
longer at this point. But it does appear that the
process is going to begin on January twentieth two six
fifteen eighty toll free eight eight eight four four one
fifteen eighty just oh in all, just sullying the metal

of freedom. But Molly Hemingway, who follow her, she's a
great jour she's actually she's actually a great journalist. As
well as commentator. But big brightside in the case of
Liz Cheney and the J six Committee, she acknowledges the

seriousness of the situation and all of the injustices that
were done. And she's happy that Liz Cheney has moved
her toxic and neocom politics firmly into the Democrat Party.
And she was speaking with Maria Bartiomo over on Fox
and said, the pardon is being sought by people who
know what she did, because she's in legal jeopardy. At

the very least, she should be investigated for this. But
I also think it's so interesting how much Democrats. The
reason why she's getting the award, the Medal of Freedom,
is she helped the Democrats campaign. They thought she was helpful.
You might remember that Kamala Harris cam had Liz Cheney
out on the road. That was their closing message, if

you vote for Kamala Harris, you're gonna have people like
Liz Cheney handling our foreign policy. And polling showed that
that actually was a net negative with the people on
that campaign. So Liz Cheney, as awful as her behavior
has been in these last few years, she did give
Republicans this gift of taking her very unpopular, politically toxic
neocon interventionism and moving it from the Republican Party and

now firmly into the Democrat Party. So for that Republicans
can be thankful. I hear here where you always gonna
look on the bright side of things. And that whole
process also again completely and utterly torched Liz Cheney's career.

There's no coming back from this. It's over for her.
She might get a customary book deal, but she better
hurry up with that one from some liberal publisher two
O six fifteen eighty toll free eight eight eight four
four one, fifteen eighty. You know, you know how I

felt about the clock shot the COVID jab We all
know how many deaths that's responsible for and how many
maimings that's responsible for. Well, here's more. Researchers from the
University of Toronto documented a rare instance of giganto mastilla

giganto mastia abnormal and excessive breast growth following the administration
of the Pfizer COVID nineteen vaccine. Nineteen year old woman,
previously healthy, no noticeable or notable medical history, experienced rap
breast enlargement just one week after receiving her first dose
of the Pfizer clot shot in September twenty twenty two.

Her condition worsened following the second dose, with her breast
size increasing dramatically from a B cup to a triple
G over six months. Social media users, of course, have
dubbed this the Pfizer boob job. Despite undergoing extensive medical evaluations,

no hormonal abnormalities or other causes were identified. Doctors determined
that the woman's symptoms aligned with them A pash pash
I can't pronounce it, don't have time, a rare condition
involving idiopathic fibrosis mammary tissue growth. The association between this

pash syndrome and vaccine administration had not been previously established,
making this case particularly noteworthy. So what are you yet?
Clot myocarditis, death, aneurism, stroke, and giant breast Oh, turbo cancer.

Can't forget about the turbo cancer. The patient believed that
the vaccine caused her breath grows. However, her concerns were
not adequately addressed by her primary care physician, leading to
mistrust in the healthcare system. G you wonder why go figure?
After multiple specialists, consultations, and unsuccessful medication trials. She underwent

definitive surgical treatment. Although a temporal relationship does not establish causality,
Dismissing patient concerns can erode trust because they didn't believe her. Oh,
it's not the clot shot. We were told to tell you.
It's great. Hell, we get paid extra forgiving it to you,

for the research is needed on this two six fifteen
eighty toll free eight eight four four one fifteen eighty.
Oh and they're Russian, that ebola vaccine to market, so
stay tuned kids, two six fifteen eighty toll free eight
eight eight four four one fifteen eighty. Also global warming

kind of update, which we've been doing a little bit, Well,
let's relate it to this right here.

Speaker 11 (25:43):
And a lot of this environmental question depends on, I
think a very flawed fundamental presupposition. It depends on the
idea that carbon dioxide is pollution. And I would argue,
after interviewing hundreds of scientists, including many who've worked for
the UNIPCC, many of the leading scientists in the world,
that the notion that SEE two is pollution is absolutely preposterous.
We exhale about two pounds of it every single day.

The proportion of greenhouse gases made up of human CO
two emissions is a fraction of a fraction of one percent.
The idea that that is going to destroy the planet
or change the temperature of the Earth is frankly, in
my opinion, totally ludicrous. But from a totalitarian perspective, if
you can convince people that CO two is pollution, there's
no human activity that doesn't result in CO two emissions,

including living, including dying, turning out a light switch, every
single aspect of your life. Then if we submit to
the idea that CO two is pollution, then comes under
the regulatory control of the people who claim to be
saving us from pollution. So when they do these environmental
studies and they say, well, your CO two footprint will
be smaller if you eat bugs, or you do this that,
or you drive an electric car, that doesn't show anything

about whether that's going to benefit the environment or not.
In fact, CO two has actually been very beneficial for
the environment. In interviewing Trump's climate advisor, doctor William Happer, a
physics professor at Princeton University, he said the earth is
starving for more CO two and since we've had a
little bit of an increase in atmospheric CO two over
the last one hundred years or so, plants have gotten
much greener, agricultural yields have improved. So I think we

need to also talk about the fundamental presupposition here. Is
CO two really pollution. If it's not, then all these
alleged environmental benefits are completely fictional.

Speaker 4 (27:17):
And they are.

Speaker 2 (27:23):
Now we've also heard that all these storms, oh my god,
these storms are more frequent, they're stronger, they're destroying everything. Well,
there's a new study out there that is, uh, there's
been a thirty year drop in hurricane frequency and power.

This is a major blow to the junk side.

Speaker 1 (27:46):
Bill NYE, give your metal back.

Speaker 2 (27:52):
It's a major blow to these junk scientists who are
pushing to ban fossil fuels. For years, the radical left
and willing rhinos, wimpy little willing rhinos assured the public
that hurricanes and tornadoes are worse today than ever thanks
to man made global warming. Well, there's a recent list

of the top hurricanes by force that made landfall in Florida,
and only three of the top ten hurricanes made landfall
in the last thirty years Helene Well first, Michael in
twenty eighteen, Irma in twenty seventeen, and Helene the rest.

The most powerful labor day was that was nineteen thirty five,
Andrew In ninety two, Florida, Keys in nineteen nineteen, Okechobee
nineteen twenty eight, Miami nineteen twenty six, Donna nineteen sixty,
and then Irma Helene number ten Hurricane Florida back in

nineteen forty. So new report published in Nature in December
found a thirty year drop in hurricane frequency and power.
Tropical cyclone activity often leads to many adverse impacts, and
assessing their destructiveness as a crucial scientific concern, and here

they investigated changes in the destructiveness of tropical cyclones worldwide
using the power dissipation index and found that there is
no clear trend in most basins, but a significant decrease
in power dissipation index has been detected in the South
Indian Ocean basin since nineteen ninety four, which is almost

entirely due to a decrease in both tropical cyclone frequency
and duration in this basin. The decrease in tropical cyclone
frequency is influenced by increased atmospheric stability. The decrease in
tropical cyclone duration can be attributed to the changes in
tropical cyclone cyclone locations. In addition, the weakened subtropical high

is only observed in the South Indian Ocean, which is
also associated with a decrease in tropical cyclone destructiveness. These
findings have implications for assessing the destructive potential of future
tropical cyclones. Now this isn't going to stop the carnival
barkers like the rager, rather rotund and even more overly

dramatic al Gore. He's still around speaking at the World
Economic Forum. It's not gonna stop him. And when has
he been right about anything? Never? Ever, never, ever never.
Radio show.

Speaker 4 (30:47):
Fun fact.

Speaker 9 (30:48):
This radio show was voted number one by the readers
of Sophisticated Plumbing Magazine.

Speaker 2 (30:55):
Let's get back to the show.

Speaker 1 (30:58):
We'll be right back.

Speaker 2 (31:00):
Charlotte County speaks on news radio fifteen eighty WCCF.

Speaker 3 (31:06):
We've all noticed old people will come out of retirement
to cook something for the holiday, And the older you are,
the better you're gravy. Is that's how that works. I
don't know why, but I'm curious. I'm paying attention. I'm
trying to learn. Near as I can tell, you have
to have an arthritic grip on a fork.

Speaker 12 (31:25):
And some sort of palsy to get all the warms
out get a good deal on it. Grandma stopped taking
her pills last week. This is gonna be the.

Speaker 2 (31:36):
Best gravy ever.

Speaker 3 (31:40):
She made merangue in twelve seconds this afternoon.

Speaker 2 (31:45):
She's faster than the mixer. That's a house record. I've
done good things.

Speaker 13 (32:02):
The kings and queens will now things they could never get,
things that don't.

Speaker 14 (32:17):
Even know about it, like living, good living.

Speaker 9 (32:30):
I've had my fun. If I never again, well no more,
I've had my fun. If I never get well no more, man,

you know my habits fail and I'm going down slow.

Speaker 15 (33:19):
I look at you.

Speaker 2 (33:22):
I did not say.

Speaker 14 (33:25):
I was a millionaire.

Speaker 16 (33:30):
I said i'd spent more money, done a millionaire, and
everybody kept all the money that I had already spent.
I'd have been a millionaire long long time ago.

Speaker 13 (33:54):
But living.

Speaker 15 (33:59):
Talk about living, Oh yeah, I've had my fun.

Speaker 9 (34:16):
If I never get where no more, I said, I've
had my fun. If I never get away no more.

Don't you know that my health is failing.

Speaker 2 (34:51):
And I'm going down Slow. News Radio fifteen eighty one
hundred point nine FM WCCF ten fifty Charlotte County speaks

the Great Tom Jones. Jeff Beck is that Jeff Becker
Slash two O six fifteen eighty toll free eight eight

eight four four one fifteen eighty. Hey, uh, if it's
always fun. If you can go online and check out
the video of the Consumer Electronics Show and some of
the stuff that they got going on out there. It's
getting started today out in Vegas, and they've got some
some cool stuff so far and some weird stuff too.

There's a new robot. It's robot vacuum that picks up
dirty socks. It's like a roomba with an arm on
top that picks up stuff you tossed on the floor.
Company called Roboock makes it. It's just a prototype, so

no word on pricing, probably north of a grand, but
it can pick up small items that weigh less than
eleven ounces. Video it's not that great at it still
prototype electric roller blades ooh Orthopedis are going yeah, yeah,

love it. You wear the battery around your waist like
that's not going to blow up on you, and can
try roll the speed with a remote top speed eighteen
miles an hour. Eight hundred bucks for electric roller blades. No,
thank you. This is even weirder. An electric salt spoon.

It's been in the works, I guess for a while.
Went on sale in Japan last year. A weak current
of electricity hits your tongue and make stuff taste saltier
than it really is. One hundred and twenty five bucks
in Japan. Can't get him in the US yet. Don't

know that I would want one. A table with working legs.
It's called the Memo and it walks around. Prototype looks
like a small side table with a Pixar lamp on it,
and the idea is it's an AI robot you can
talk to, but it also looks like furniture. Here's something cool.

A stringless guitar. It's like an adult version of those
push button guitars for little kids. But for five hundred
bucks you can feel like you're playing guitar without actually
playing guitar. It's pretty lame. It's huh air guitar. Yeah.
A tiny robot that blows on your drink to cool

it down. Good god, Really, that's what they're coming up.
That's what you have to look forward to at the
Consumer Electronics Fair. It's called the Fufoo. Of course it
is because that's what you would have to be to
want to buy something that blows on your drink to
cool it down. Fufoo. It looks like a cat, of

course it does. Hangs on the side of your coffee mug,
but it also works on soup. Twenty five bucks. Japan's
getting those first because.

Speaker 14 (39:01):
I don't know, And now it's time for Fido random facts?

Speaker 2 (39:07):
Would you want that? Maybe, Grandma? That would be a
great gift for Grandma so that she doesn't burn her
lips on the soup with the assisted living facility number
one of your five random facts. The dog that played
Toto in The Wizard of Oz was a female Karen

Terrier named Terry. She made twenty three total movie appearances,
including three that were playing in theaters at the same
time in the fall of nineteen thirty nine. Wizard of Oz,
The Women and Bad Little Angel, Good Little Puppy Number two.
The sixth Commandment literally translates from Hebrew as thou shalt

not murder, not thou shalt not kill, because it took
into account that people might face situations like war self
defense when killing was necessary.

Speaker 1 (40:03):
So there.

Speaker 2 (40:04):
Number three, the US Constitution is forty four hundred words,
which makes it the shortest constitution of any major country
in the world. Number four, the three most valuable film
industries in the world are the United States in Hollywood, India, Barleywood,
and Nigeria. Nallywood seriously didn't know the hand one down there.

And finally, number five, the first script for e t
the movie Extraterrestria. Yeah, it was a horror movie. Steven
Spielberg decided he liked it better as a family movie,
and that horror script was rewritten to become Poltergeist. And
there's your five random facts two six fifteen eighty toll

free eight eight eight four four one fifteen eighty. Yeah,
you would think that they I just recalled, you know,
the consumer electronics. It was some a lot more cool
stuff than that. That just looks dopey. I don't know. Anyway,

As we all head off to our day with our
extra pair of underwear, don't forget your extra pair of underwear.
High collar. You're on the air, do you have an
extra pair of underwear? Do you carry an extra pair
of underwear with you at all times.

Speaker 10 (41:35):
Actually, while I was calling Sony must have brought up
what I did. But I have at times, you know,
especially if I was out out at work and stuff.
But isn't it National Bean Day?

Speaker 2 (41:46):
No, that was yesterday. Today is actually National pass Gas
Day because after National Bean Day that was yesterday.

Speaker 10 (41:56):
Okay. But so that being said, I'm sure you've had
a shirt before and next your prayer will come and
hand you.

Speaker 2 (42:05):
That's that's true. But I I anytime that I have
had a that happened to me, I was at home
and I was already ill. So I've been fortunate in that.
I've been fortunate in that regard.

Speaker 10 (42:23):
You are probably one of the few, and God bless
you for the Thank you, lucky stars.

Speaker 2 (42:29):
Thanks Bud two oh six fifteen eighty toll Free eight
eight eight four four one fifteen eighty. Yeah, I've been
lucky in that regard, because that's no fun. That can
be no fun. We saw, well, we saw it happened
to al Roker, happened to Biden, looked like he didn't
have problem with it, crouched right down and let her

go right there on stage. Uh, good news. Here a
guy in Illinois, redoing his parents' bathroom. He's ripping out
some dry roll and he found an old Christmas gift
in the wall, still wrapped, and it had his name
on it. Apparently they hit it and for forgot all

about it. Nineteen seventy eight turned out to be a
set of toy planes Thunderjets. Matchbox made them pretty cool
in the wrapper. Everybody. I did the same thing. As
soon as I read this this morning, I googled how

much it would be, And as soon as I started
typing price today, everybody's already googled that. Not much. You'd
think it would be more. Only about eight bucks of
the plane, so I'd still hold on to it. Still
pretty cool. Utility workers in Kansas saved two bobcats that
climbed a pole got frozen to it over the weekend.

High tamp on Sunday was sixteen degrees wind chill minus five.
One was a kit and the other was the mom.
Took two hours to get a mon stuck, but they
got a mon stuck and they ran off, and apparently
they're all, okay, there you go. Lots of people drop
spare chains in the old Salvation Army kettles this holiday past,

but a few random do gooders in at least ten
states tossed in gold coins worth thousands of dollars. Happened
in Illinois, Arizona, Ohio, Pennsyltucky, Michigani, Stan, California, Stan, Kansas,
North Dakota, South DA, Kuoda, and Oreganistan. Pretty cool. Have
a great day. WCCF Ponta Gorda

Speaker 4 (44:42):
Shahanna County's only news talk radio station, serving you around
the clock.
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