Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's giggity gaety geggy goo.
Speaker 2 (00:07):
Let me help you rebrand your new year's diet so
you feel healthier. The donuts you eat each morning, let's
call them whole grain recovery rings. The burger you eat
for lunch, call it a protein patty with optional lettuce
and pizza. Tell your friends you're eating a Mediterranean veggie
platter with cheese. Twenty twenty five might be your year,
but probably not keep it up. Want me to remind
you to fail again tomorrow.
Speaker 3 (00:33):
This is not headline news. Kristin Stewart plays a robot
in her next movie to prepare for her role as
an emotionless automotron. She did nothing. Kevin Costner and Jennifer
Lopez have been reportedly talking every day, but it's only
because he wants her to sell off her engagement rings
to finance his next crappy western. The Weekend says he
had a mental breakdown. It's more proof. Britain Spears continues
to be a pioneer in the music industry and Timothy
shallow May will host and be the musical guest for
s NL. Is there anything he can't do other than
grow a mustache?
Speaker 1 (01:14):
This is not headline new.
Speaker 4 (01:16):
Whoa Wake Up?
Speaker 5 (01:28):
Grab a cup?
Speaker 4 (01:36):
Cannot join the.
Speaker 5 (01:52):
Gallery, slid Canali.
Speaker 6 (02:04):
Cam In this present crisis. Government is not the solution
to our problem.
Speaker 4 (02:20):
Government is the problem.
Speaker 7 (02:24):
This is Charlotte County Speaks. Your chance to let your
voice be heard on local, state, and national which ues
and now broadcasting live from a dumpy little warehouse behind
a taco bell. The host of Charlotte County Speaks can
love Joy.
Speaker 1 (02:51):
News Radio fifteen eighty and one hundred point nine FM,
WCCF radio dot com. How you doing. Charlotte County Speaks
on the air. Monday nine is the time. Phone lines
are open for whatever you wish to discuss nine four
one two zero six fifteen eighty toll free eight eight
eight four four one fifteen eighty. It can email us
the address cc speaks at live dot com. And if
you miss a show again, just head to the homepage
WCCF radio dot com, scroll down to the podcast section
listen to your heart's content. Hey once again. Reminder coming
up Wednesday. This Wednesday, January fifteenth, All day there is
a tribute breakfast honoring and remembering Sergeant Ilio Diaz at
the IHOP in Port Charlotte. A portion of the sales
will be donated to his family. It's all day so breakfast, lunch, dinner.
Get there Wednesday and help out the Daz family. Get
yourself a the Rudy two dy Fresh and Fruity is.
But I remember I I must have been. It was
my first job, so as you can understand, I got
burnt out on ihop. But uh, yeah, I haven't been
for a while. Do they still have the Rudy I'm
gonna have to look that up on their online menu.
Do they still have the Rudy too d Fresh and Fruity? Well,
because it's just so fun to say, two h six
fifteen eighty toll free eight eight eight four four one
fifteen eighty. Well, what do we have today? Today is today?
And today is the thirteenth, not Friday Monday, which you
know the way things have been going. Uh you know,
who knows really, but today is no, it's the thirteenth,
damn it. Yes, okay, wow, And they're in the news
too lately. Uh it's Korean American Day. Well, South Korea
see that they're trying to steal the election in South Korea.
So the South Korean president, you know, calls. Yeah, yeah,
tries to send the military in so you can figure
out what's good to investigate what's going on. And now
they're arresting the it's lawfair. It's just like here they
the left, the scum that the left are there. They're
pulling this same playbook several countries, folks. It's not just US,
several countries. Our State Department, in conjunction with the EU
and other NATO countries, they're trying to pull one off
in Romania right now. Oh, we didn't like the we
didn't like the election that just happened. So we're calling
Russian interference and we're going to step in and say no, no, no, no,
you can't have this election. You have to have another one.
That's the type, and that's our state department that's doing it.
Just to remind you anyway, Korean American Day, National Sticker Day.
Do you have stickers? I do on the back of
my iPad. Stephen Foster Memorial Day, Stephen Foster. Ladies, gentlemen,
here we go. Do we have the song rubber Ducky?
It's National rubber Ducky Day, Las Ducky, Yeah, the one
you may path time lots more fun National Clean off
your Desk Day. Probably not gonna happen. Just it's probably
not not today anyway, here you go, Oh this sounds good.
National Peach Melba Day, Peach melt. It looks like what
is that? It looks like peaches, ice cream and little
raspberries with some sort to by any Yes, we'll do. Yeah,
peach Melbaday. I'm into it. I'm into it. So it
is Monday, of course, that means Dan Perkins coming up
in the ten o'clock their phone calls and other stuff,
and we'll get back to California representing the Democrat Party
on their suicide mission right after this. Hello, everybody, this
is montecoor he's my lion. I have a lion.
Speaker 8 (07:34):
Now we'll be right back with Charlotte County Speaks News
Radio fifteen eighty WCCF.
Speaker 9 (07:42):
So Elon Musk is under fire for basically getting involved
in German politics. Yeah whatever, you never get mad when
Soros does it. But anyway, the leader of the AfD
party in Germany and all the media calls.
Speaker 1 (07:59):
For right, far right whatever.
Speaker 9 (08:02):
Yeah, Alice Weidel, she put out a statement this alshe does.
Does this sound like far right to you Hitler was
a communist. He considered himself a socialist. They nationalized all
the private companies and asked for huge taxes. The biggest
success of our country was to label Adolf Hitler as
a conservative or a libertarian.
Speaker 10 (08:23):
He was not.
Speaker 9 (08:24):
He was a communist socialist guy. The AfD is the
exact opposite. It's a conservative libertarian party. Hitler was not
on the right. Hitler played with people's envy against each other.
That was a socialist weapon. He was nothing other than
an anti semitic socialist.
Speaker 1 (08:41):
She's not wrong.
Speaker 9 (08:42):
Watchdog on Wall Street dot com.
Speaker 5 (09:00):
Mm hmm, in Simon, stay, what about that stand the suf?
What about that name?
Speaker 1 (10:06):
News Radio fifteen eighty one hundred point nine FMWCCF nine
on a Monday, Little Steve Miller and Paul McCartney My
Dark Hour. Yeah, you can hear the beginning of it. Yeah,
they did that riff in there, and that was before
so hey, this was the he stole it from himself
two L six fifteen eighty toll free eight eight eight
four four one fifteen eighty. Well, little everybody's talking about
the fires. Courtesy of the state, county, and city governments
of California. They've made good progress. Firefighters finally, abused and
neglet elected and shorthanded and unequipped as they are, give
it up of the firefighters in La. They actually made
some progress over the weekend, but the death toll, the
number of people dead courtesy of state, county, and city
governments in California told twenty four people last night. Thousands
of structures down. The wind cooperated finally, but there's supposed
to be more wind today and into the week. Two
biggest fires are close to being fully contained, the Palisades
Fire near Malibu and the Eaton Fire near Pasadena. A
lot of home still at risk, but the flames had
at least moved further away from the most populated spots.
This could be the probably the this fire is going
to go down in history. I mean, look at all
the people that have all the faith. You've had more
famous people, more millionaires and probably a few billionaires as
well who have lost everything in this. But again, you
you can't look at this and claim and claim yeah,
climate change. Sorry, I mean you know a lot of
the details were never going to know. But again, you've
got people that have lost stuff over one hundred years, yeah,
over one hundred years. Well, there was that lady going
to evacuate her parents last week. Lived they were in
their nineties, they'd lived in that home seventy five years
up in the Hollywood Hills. Man, the stories they had,
but again you really can't. This isn't really all Newsome
in Bass's fault. Really, it is definitely now, But again
it's more than just their fault. And John F. De
Leo's got a lot more info on it. But again
it's more than just them. They happen to be in
office when it happened. But this, the neglect has been
going on for decades in California. The protection of human beings,
private and public property, the lives and livelihoods. It's just
not a dem crap party value as we're seeing, quite
the opposite. They could care less look at them all.
Seven hundred How much how much for an empty reservoir?
Did we pay this broad seven hundred and fifty thousand
dollars a year? I mean, it's not Gavin Newsom alone
who protected a stupid fish at the expense of retaining
rain water. California democraps have been putting obscure animals ahead
of working people in their food source for a long time,
long before any of us ever heard of Nancy Pelosi's
slick nephew, Greasy Gavin. It's not Karen Bass alone who
sacrificed the fire department in order to overspend on silly
and unimportant bureaucracies, allowing critical fire hydrants to be dry,
making unlimited tax dollars available instead for homeless addicts and
illegal aliens. The democrap part has been sacrificing all of
our interests on the altar of political correctness for generations.
And it's not Newsoman Bass who didn't care, don't care,
and aren't expected to care about their constituents' needs. It's
the party, folks, it's their ideology. It's the party, the
Democrat Party that advocates these policies and these positions. Their
ideas have made these politicians heroes in their parties for years.
But look what you get, death and destruction every How
many times are we going to tell you everything a
Democrat touches turns to crap. Remember, insurance companies were fleeing
southern California for several years before this month's wildfires. Insurance
companies employ statisticians, financial analysts, actuaries, risk managers, many of
them have been shouting from the rooftops for years at
California isn't taking proper measures to either prevent or prepare
for wildfires, warning that at this rate the danger was
getting worse and worse by the day. So they bailed.
And how did California Democrats react to this warning? Because
you've got token Republican representation in Sacramento. They attacked the
insurance companies, the Democrats did in the press, and then
limited the premiums that these insurers were allowed to charge
for coverage. So they said, oh, yeah, well, guess what,
We're not going to sell policies in your state anymore.
Instead of responding to the insurance company's accurate warnings by
improving their infrastructure and beefing up their readiness to fight wildfires,
as any other government would do, they turn on the
insurance companies, driving them out of the state and putting
their constituents in harm's way. That's the Demo way, folks,
It's not an exaggeration to acknowledge it. Instead of heeding
a president's prescient messenger's warnings, California Democrats chose to shoot
the messenger instead. And what the Democrats and their support
structure in the education Union, pop culture and press all
desperately need to happen now is for the electorate to
accept their personalization of these colossal failures, failures that directly
led to the absolute destruction of Malibu, Pacific Palisades, and
who knows how much more of La County by the
time this thing's over. So yeah, you can blame Newsom,
you can blame Bass, but kind of a lie. Illegal
alien criminals such as at least one person one known
arsonist are invited into the US on purpose. That's a
Democrat Party policy. Rating the budgets of civil protection departments
such as fire and police specifically in order to puff
up wasteful and destructive bureaucracies and create well paying patronage
jobs for DEI party hacks. That's a Democrat Party policy.
And the DEI has turned into Dee for twenty four
people thanks to their policies prioritizing fish, bird and rodents
over working people, families, employers, and homeowners. That's a Democrat
Party policy. Funding and attracting criminals, indigence and criminal indigent
foreigners with generous welfare state benefits at the direct cost
of government's proper services for its deserving constituents. Hey Democrat
Party policy, and regulating insurance companies to death until they're
driven into bankruptcy or taken over by meglomaniacal government bureaucrats
at the expense of their customers and shareholders. Again, Democrat
Party policy. It's inconceivable that any other California Democrat politician
would have made significecondly different choices in recent years than
La and Sacramento did. If Newsom's advisors and Basses advisors
had disagreed with their bosses about water policy, funding policy,
or staffing policy, we would have heard about it. But no,
the Democrat Party marches in lockstep on all these matters.
So the fact is clear, whether you me anybody wants
to admit it or not. The Democrat Party does not
protect your jobs from the mfare competition of Chinese slave labor.
They don't protect your children from illegal alien drug dealers
and rapists. They don't protect your church or school, your employer,
or your neighborhood, and they certainly don't protect your home
from fire. Republican politicians may be dull and uninspiring, and
they are, but at least they recognize that government's first
and foremost job is to provide the protective services like police, fire,
and national defense for which we institute governments in the
first place. The only real solution, not just for California,
but for the entire country is for the Democrat Party
status as a major political party to be the next
thing to go up in smoke. Here here John F.
De Leo out of Chicago, he's a transportation manager two
six fifteen eighty toll free eight eight eight four four
to one, fifteen eighty. And yeah, they can't do their
job at a state and local level, they can't do
their job at the national level. Does DEI require starving
our troops? Good question. Mike McDaniel's got some answers that
apparently points to they are being starved. Welkeness. I mean,
that's pretty much a huge particularly after the COVID crap
and forcing the JAB and kicking out troops who would
not take the JAB has been clearly causing much of
the military's recruiting problems. It's a self inflicted wound. And
despite the Pentagon true woke believers protestations to the contrary,
suppose the military wasn't feeding its troops. Might that also
discourage the best and brightest from choosing the military? Might
it also discourage people, regardless of how good and bright
they are, who prefer to avoid starvation, from choosing the military.
Venerable aphorism the army marches on its stomach. True. Equally
valuable observation is that amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics.
A military can't get its troops where it's where they
need to be on time, can't provide them with the food,
the water, the AMMO, the gear they need to fight, well,
they're going to lose. Quote. A year ago, I went
ballistic about reports coming out of the former Fort Hood
now Fort Cavazos. What they do? What the hell's Fort Cavazos?
Why do we have to change that wokeness in Texas
that soldiers weren't being fed. Now, the distances at Fort Hood,
for excuse me, Fort Fort Cavasos, it's an enormous space,
particularly for soldiers on maneuvers in the back hills or
in remote camps dotting the installation. But I've gotten my
independent confirmation from impeccable on the scene sources, and I'm
snorting fire. This is and has been happening at Fort Cavazos,
the former Fort Hood in Texas, and is unconscionable. Fort
Cavezos soldiers have been without proper access to food for months.
One of the Army's largest bases has been barely able
to keep its food services up and running for months.
According to soldiers' station there and dining facility schedules reviewed
by military dot Com, the situation of Fort Cavezos, Texas,
previously known as Fort Hood, has left some junior enlisted
with few options for meals as top officials on base
struggle to juggle logistics while most of its cooks are
on deployments, missions or serving field training and other events.
The base had only two of its ten major dining
options open every day for much of the summer, with
three others open only during limited times. The closures forced
many soldiers to drive long distances across base, sometimes an
hour round trip for their meals. This is the serious
problem that most junior enlisted soldiers are utterly dependent on
the chow haul for food, and most junior enlisted aren't
allowed cars. So Fort Cavezos, third largest military base in
the world, covers two hundred and fourteen nine hundred and
sixty eight acres or three hundred thirty five point eight
nine square miles, with more than two hundred thousand personnel
lived there quote for months. One dining facility was open
and was more than thirty minute drive for my soldiers,
said one NCO who spoke to military dot Com on
the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to
talk to the press. Quote. All the soldiers were going
to that one. It's unmanageable during the workday. Yeah, all
the soldiers show up to one dining facility. Four Kapsos
isn't the only place the army is marching on empty stomachs. Quote.
Dining facilities critical for sustaining the health and readiness of
troops are reportedly offering fewer options, with some meals falling
short of the basic nutritional standards. Earlier this month, the
issue was exemplified by a meal in which soldiers were
served a single piece of toast and a handful of
lima beans for and that's not boot camp, folks, according
to one soldier's station there who shared imagery of the meal.
Even getting access to those limited rations can be hard
given confusing dining hall schedules and seemingly random closures that
make it difficult for many to access hot meals. Military
dot COM's interviews with eight soldiers and review of photos
from Fort Carson facilities found recurring problems. Food runs out quickly,
portions often fall short of the macro nutrient requirements needed
to sustain soldiers demanding physical regimens like running a foul
of Service regulations on feeding requirements for troops. Some soldiers
reportedly shared photos of food that was undercooked or stored
at dangerous temperatures. It hasn't always been like this, folks.
Attest to ten years in the Navy. It was never
like that when I was in, and I'm certain it's
never been like that in the Army before. Not what
I've heard. Air Force, I mean Air Force chow hauls
were open for hours, convenient to airmen, and food was hot, filling,
and tasty. Same with the Navy. Hard to know whether
this is mirroring competence malice of the result of the
military's preoccupation with DEI CRT pumping all our money and
equipment over to Ukraine. What's clear is that the enlistment
in the military entails the promise that the military is
going to meet the troops daily needs. And officers used
to be taught their troops needs came before their own,
and the best officers ensured their troops had good food
and ate before they did with everything else, damaging our
military readiness. If we can't even feed our best in
brightest kids, who upon taking the both signed a blank
check for any amount up to and including their lives,
it's no wonder recruitment is suffering. Pete Hegseth can't be
confirmed fast enough. This once again falls on the bug
eyed sacka pooh that is Lloyd to Austin ladies and gentlemen,
and the President just saying, it's pretty disgusting that our
troops suffer like this for commies like them.
Speaker 8 (27:30):
We'll be right back with Charlotte County speaks on news
radio fifteen eighty WCCF.
Speaker 11 (27:36):
I do do my own laundry. Thanks, thank you. I
think that's what it deserves, and I've always done my own,
and to be honest, I felt it had been forgotten
about over these past seventeen years. To sacrifice I was
making that other husbands didn't have to make.
Speaker 4 (28:00):
Speaker 11 (28:00):
Very differently she'll read the labels. I'll wash a ruggin
a suit together.
Speaker 4 (28:06):
I don't know.
Speaker 1 (28:10):
You won't put your shoes in there?
Speaker 5 (28:12):
And put your shoes.
Speaker 11 (28:16):
The washing machine is always a foot from the wall.
Speaker 4 (28:18):
When I get.
Speaker 11 (28:19):
Done, it's like that's a lot of stuff you put
in the you know, yeah, and look it's almost all wet.
Speaker 10 (29:05):
This j she was mood as mad a sweating point
it on out of veil. I was just je joodiye
f the old.
Speaker 5 (29:19):
I need it.
Speaker 4 (29:19):
I took it.
Speaker 11 (29:20):
Hold with you, get out, moll with you.
Speaker 10 (29:31):
This Judi, she could have been any hour after working Dad.
She'd send me in the corn fill that afternoons suside
and so.
Speaker 11 (29:45):
Paul your joke.
Speaker 5 (29:48):
This judy at a.
Speaker 10 (29:50):
From side dal then I would kick it if I
was getting on the chance.
Speaker 5 (29:57):
Man lost the news Mother, it.
Speaker 1 (30:05):
Happening News Radio fifteen eighty one hundred point nine FM
WCCF nine forty four. Here at Charlotte County Speaks. Phone
lines open at nine four one two zero six fifteen
eighty toll free eight eight eight four four to one
fifteen eighty. Well, too bad, so sad, Sorry, Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
The last time Washington won a wild card game, won
a playoff game was two thousand and five. Here chance
to do it with Gonzales from thirty.
Speaker 4 (30:51):
Seven to send Washington.
Speaker 5 (30:53):
To the final eight.
Speaker 11 (30:58):
The Washington coming doink.
Speaker 1 (31:04):
And the divisional doink? So divisional doink? Sorry, Tampa. Pretty
good season though, year after year though the Super Bowl?
Who I really, you know, for Bob's sake, for you know,
just I my Browns are never going to get there
in my lifetime. So seeing the Lions go as far
as they have this season, I'm kind of rooting for
them to make it. But most according to a new poll,
only thirty seven percent of Americans are totally indifferent who
wins the Super Bowl. Eleven percent just aren't sure. The
most popular teams still in the running are the Chiefs
and the Detroit Lions. They only got eight percent a
piece about you know, people will. As far as for
who Americans think is going to win the Super Bowl,
thirteen percent think the Chiefs are going to win, eight
percent think thirteen percent Yet, well, the polling is being yeah,
you got too many too many Swifties in the Yeah,
they mess with the polling. Lions eight percent people, thirty
three percent once again don't care who wins. Nineteen percent
aren't sure. Twenty two percent of Americans say they plan
to watch most of the postseason games. Well most I got.
I was up till halftime. I went to better half,
I get up. Early one percent they said they'll watch
some peski. Thirty seven percent don't plan on watching at all. Well,
that's that's just rude. Nine percent say they'll only watch
the Super Bowl. That's it, the only game. That's Yeah,
the real aficionados right there two oh six fifteen eighty
toll free eight a eight four four one fifteen. Huh yeah,
well no bucks are out, so I don't care. Like
I said, I'm kind of rooting for the Lions. That's it.
So there. Uh oh. By the way, you don't see
these very often. A six point eight earthquake twenty one
kilometers southeast of Mayazaki, Japan. Uh that's a big one.
Lots of fours. You see fours all just about every
day somewhere force may as, some fives. But a six
' eight that's a big a tsunami warning out there
for the Japanese islands out there, just saying, well, right,
look you click on that if you go to again
earthquakes dot Volcanodiscovery dot com. You can't see it all,
and then you'll understand why trying trying to erase CO
two is just a pipe dream. It's it's it ain't
gonna happen, with on average of about twenty four actively
erupting volcanoes on any given day. Sorry, you're not. You're
not gonna it's not It's not gonna have it. Duncan,
Oh no, they experienced a donut shortage in some states conspiracy.
When Duncan dropped the donuts from its name seven years ago,
it wasn't because they were abandoning donuts. It was just
they evolved into more than just donuts. But now some
stores don't have donuts. Duncan locations in several states, including Nebraska,
New Mexico haven't had any donuts dating back to last week.
What because they're dealing with a temporary supply shortage. Those
stores had signs up saying that the shortage was due
to a quote manufacturing air roar no specifics. One of
their suppliers apparently dropped the ball and didn't have a
backup plan. Apparently, about four percent of Duncan locations were impacted.
They're expecting to be replenished earlier this week, so people
are still ye, hang on, people, just hang on two
six fifteen eighty toll free eight eight eight. There's this
guy uh Radio Genoa. He lives in Italy and he's
an American that lives in Italy and he the MEMI post.
You see this whole cheerleading team for some college coming
down the steps of the stadium. Every single one of them,
every one of them not there. There was not a
normal Every one of them was you know, really, they
were all how do I say, aspiring lizos, every single one.
There must have been twenty. It's all wearing a little
you know, college uniforms in the jack They're all coming
down way, every one of them. What do they eat? Yeah,
so cookies and cake for the team.
Speaker 4 (37:10):
Speaker 1 (37:12):
Anyway, Well it made me think of that when I
read this headline too, and I knew this. You know
this is true. They can't keep this up. They'll die.
You're gonna start And have you ever seen the one
in three vegetarians and vegans admit to cheating by eating meat? Yeah?
Of course. Have you ever seen the look on somebody
who's never had a steak and they take a bite
of a good steak for the first time, Heaven. They're
in heaven. They're never a vegan again. They become a
hunter after that, right, But you know this, plant based
bs gets more popular every year. But being a vegetarian
or vegan isn't always an exclusive status. In a new
poll of vegetarians and vegans, thirty eight percent admitted that
they have cheated and that they do have cheat meals
with meat. Vegetarians who still eat dairy and eggs are
more likely, well least, they're smart enough to eat dairy
and eggs. They're more likely to admit than vegans who
avoid all animal products. It isn't just a one time thing.
Forty seven percent of people on plant based diets say
they rarely eat meat, maybe once or twice a year.
Thirty eight percent eat meat occasionally, so every few months.
Ten percent said they eat meat often about once a month.
Five percent say they eat meat very often, like more
than once a week or more. Are you really are
you really a vegan? Then? Can you really get away
with calling yourself vegan or is that just a pose?
At that point? If you're eating meat more than once
a week or more, you're just a poser. You call
yourself a vegan. Ain't happening. Thirty three percent of those
people admit they keep their meat indulgences a secret. Yes,
keep the poses. Now a few caveats. Number one, If
you're eating meat very often, you probably can't identify. You
just can't. You're just health conscious, or you're a picky eater,
or you eat in moderation. But if you live in California,
I can understand. You got to keep the pose up.
You'll be ostracized from the community. Yeah, you have to
wear a disguise, a trench coat. Yeah, trench coat and
a hoodie when you go into a five guys or
an in and out in California. Also number two, which
also again can throw this pulling way off. This survey
was conducted by a beef company called Lin's Heritage Angus
as part of their totally unbiased Vegan and Vegetarian Meat
Cravings Report. So they got what they paid for two
O six fifteen eighty toll free eight eight eight four
four one fifteen eighty. Wow, do we really care about this?
Because rolling Stone really hasn't. Rolling Stone is ranked the
two hundred and fifty greatest albums of the twenty first
century so far. Let's see. I'm just going down the
list to see if I can agree with anything on here. Okay,
number fourteen Elephant by the Way, Night Stripes, Okay, I'll
give you that Bob Dylan, Love and Theft. At number nineteen,
I'll go ahead and give you that Bowie Blackstar twenty four.
But number one lemon Ad Beyonce, really really, really really
really No.
Speaker 4 (41:30):
No. No.
Speaker 1 (41:34):
Two six, fifteen eighty toll Free eight at eight four
four one of fifteen eighty. Oh back to food, and
this goes along with the Vegan and Vegetarian survey. Friday
was quitters Day. Last Friday was at the tenth. That's
when people were most likely to abandon their new Your's resolution.
You see why I don't make one. But if you
want to pretend that you're still sticking to your diet, well,
by gosh bygall Arbi's has got just what you need.
They're running this promo in five cities this week called
New Year, Same You, and just added salad to their menu.
But not really. They added three menu items that sound
healthy but aren't. They're just fake names for stuff that
they already have. If you step up to the encounter
and ordered a salad with dressing this week, you're gonna
get a double beef and cheddar sandwich.
Speaker 4 (42:46):
Speaker 1 (42:48):
A green smoothie gets you a milkshake, and steamed vegetables
gets you curly fries. The idea is you can cheat,
but get around it on a technicality. If anybody asks,
you can say, all I had for lunch was a
salad and some steam vegetables, and technically you're not lying.
But they're only doing it at five locations Cleveland, Vegas, Miami, Chicago,
and Hotlanta. If you go to any of the RB's,
you still have to tell your spouse what you had
for lunch was a big bag saturated fat. But hey,
well I still you know. I'm telling you on occasion,
you just got to go have a jamocha shake.
Speaker 7 (43:43):
You have to.
Speaker 1 (43:45):
That's always been the draw ever since I was a
wee child. Hey, we all know remember seeing the a
couple of weeks ago Will Ferrell sitting in a La
King's hockey game dressed as Buddy the Elf, looking like
he was hungover. Ah asked why he did it. His
quote is, occasionally I just like to do weird things
like that, just to stir it up. Okay, he's have
you seen the Brothers podcast?
Speaker 5 (44:32):
Speaker 1 (44:32):
Neither, but Will Ferrell does their podcast. That's cool. I
mean that they're able to get people like that. Sometimes
bands boot people can't ad anymore drug issues or their
wives or girlfriends. The malaise is known as band crap. Well,
if you have tickets to see Keith Urban this year,
the band's gonna look a little bit different than normal.
He just dropped two longtime members. First band Memory kicked
out was multi instrumentalist Nathan Barlow. He's been with the
band for almost ten years. Second bad he boot the
bassist Jerry Flowers, who's been playing with Keith for over
twenty five years. No reason on why. Both Nathan and
Jerry were very classy. Had nothing but kind words to
say about Keith. Yeah, yeah, that was all in the
NDA and the severance package. You're only going to say
nice things about me. Keith has a show you could
change a band wherever he wants. That's you know, he is.
Radio Update on the way talk to you after that
with Dan Perkins.
Speaker 5 (46:04):
Porn MHM