Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's a very special guest.
Speaker 2 (00:01):
Today is a National Rubbert Ducky Day.
Speaker 3 (00:03):
What channa does a duck meek?
Speaker 4 (00:05):
I have all my ducks in a row, squeaky clean
like the Rubbert duck National rubber Ducky Day today.
Speaker 1 (00:11):
Go on, give him a squeeze.
Speaker 5 (00:13):
Come on, We're ready to start the show.
Speaker 3 (00:14):
You ready to do this involve a Rubbert ducky.
Speaker 5 (00:16):
No, no, wait, sort of seriously, Oh, only if you
bring your rubber ducky showtime. In this present crisis.
Speaker 6 (00:25):
Government is not the solution to our problem.
Speaker 5 (00:28):
Government is the problem. This is Charlotte County Speaks.
Speaker 6 (00:34):
Your chance to let your voice be heard on local, state,
in national issues and now broadcasting live from a dumpy
little warehouse behind a taco bell, the host of Charlotte
County Speaks can Love Joy.
Speaker 1 (00:52):
Thank you.
Speaker 5 (00:53):
Johnny News Radio fifteen eighty one hundred point nine FM,
WCCF Radio dot com. Charlotte County Speaks on the air
hour number two eleven minutes after ten am, and our
email address is cc speaks at live dot com. If
you miss a show, head to our homepage at WCCF
radio dot com, scroll down to the podcast section, and
there we are over to the phones at two zero
six fifteen eighty and the nine to four to one
toll free nationwide eight eight eight four four one, fifteen eighty.
As we talk stuff with mister Dan Perkins. Dan, how
was your weekend?
Speaker 1 (01:29):
Sir? It was fine?
Speaker 5 (01:32):
Thank you yours good good, uneventful.
Speaker 1 (01:35):
So I got to ask you this question. Okay, you
walk into a seven eleven, pull out a gun rob
the store, and when you walk out the door, there's
like a dozen police officers with their guns strong. So
they take you off and call you off to jail, okay,
and they're not sure whether they charged you for armed
robbery or breaking and entering or whatever. And they go
on and on and on, and they finally decide to
charge you with trustpass and the call jury, and a
jury says you're guilty. It's a felony, and its signed
to sentence you, and the judge says, have a nice life, goodbye.
Speaker 5 (02:27):
Time served.
Speaker 1 (02:27):
That's basically what happened to mister Trump last Friday. Yes,
the judge punted, and he punted big time. He said,
quote unconditional discharge. You said he was convicted of creating
thirty four felonies, and you couldn't figure out a sentence
for him because no community service, no fine, no nothing.
Speaker 5 (02:55):
So what's your question?
Speaker 1 (02:56):
So what was what was the point of the trial.
Speaker 5 (02:59):
It was just a sham. It's known as law fair.
You know it as well as I do. Dan, They
do this.
Speaker 1 (03:05):
The whole thing was answer is, but I'm speaking more rhetorically, Yes,
what was the point of the trial?
Speaker 5 (03:12):
The whole thing again, you know as well as I do,
It was to steer public opinion into making everybody think
that Trump is a felon when nothing he did was
felonious in any way, shape or form. They made up
law out of thin air. They they completely ignored the
statute limitations. They turned a misdemeanor into a felony and
from a state crime to a federal crime. The guys again,
they all should be disbarred. And that merchant he did
what he did because that the that the Supreme Court
chose to punt on this kind of surprise me. I
mean you think they would look at this and say,
my god, what are you doing to our judicial system?
Speaker 1 (03:57):
Speaker 5 (03:58):
Yes, but no, they punted on it, which was a
little disconcerting. But uh again, they just wanted again, it's
it's all part of the manipulation of the people and
and their opinion. See, he's convicted, he's been sentenced to
absolutely nothing, but he's been sentenced so that they've got
that narrative to continue to play with for his second
final term.
Speaker 1 (04:24):
I'm I'm mad because it was a waste and of
time money. More important to me was a waste of
taxpayer dollars and a waste of Donald Trump's fortune, which
was probably part of the part of the brain his
bank account of a skin. I have you know all
the fines that he was given by the judge for
his activity during the trial. Does he get it all back?
Speaker 5 (04:57):
No, because he was he was convicted.
Speaker 1 (05:01):
He was, but he was convicted and he was sentenced.
There was no sentence.
Speaker 5 (05:05):
Yes, well yes there was. His sentence was no sentence.
Speaker 1 (05:12):
Okay, mister smarty pants, thank you. I just I tried.
I've been First of all, from what I saw over
the weekend, the left is absolutely quiet. Has not set
a word. Have you seen anybody talked about the sentence?
No from the left.
Speaker 5 (05:33):
No, because they're too busy trying to cover their asses
for the fire, which which kind of begs the question
why they are talking more about the sentence to you know,
distract people away from everything that happened in La and
in La County is the result of the Democrat Party's incompetence.
So you think they would try to, you know, distract
people away from the fact that, hey, we're failing miserably
in real time here to look at Trump. Look at Trump.
He's a convicted felon. Look at don't look at us.
Speaker 1 (06:07):
All right. So the the speaking of the fire fires
and the complicity to the to the left with its
the EI and everything else, every bit of it. So
I'm looking at I'm looking at the pictures and I'm
looking at I'm thinking of of World War two, the
bombing of Europe after World War Two. I mean, it
just it looks looks like that. Yeah, it's just like
it's just it's leveled, you know. And and I look
at it, and I said, as I started watching this story,
another story was developing in my brain which I started
to write on yesterday. I haven't finished it, but I'll
take the and tell you what the title is and
we can talk a little bit about it. But it's
the title is Democrats Poland, Assassination and Armageddon. If you
look at if you look at the two gentlemen who
one who shot and hit the target with mister Trump,
this assassin who was later killed and the other guy
hide in the bushes. You look at the rhetoric and
the and the the volatility and the vileness of the
Democratic Party, and you look at the number of times
they called him hitler and a Nazi and wanted to
kill the babies and and all these things. Yeah. But
but here's here's the thing that you probably haven't seen.
I found a pole taken by I think it was
by Pew Research. I'm not I'm not. I mean, I
cited it in my document, but I can't remember. I'll
just say to you that there was a nationally known
pollster who did a poll and asked the question about
the shooting, the two shootings, of two attempts on Donald
Trump's life, and what the what the people who were
responding to There were twenty eight percent twenty eight percent
of the people surveyed that they thought he should have
been shot. Twenty eight percent of and I need to
clarify that twenty eight percent of Democrats believe that Donald
Trump should have been killed. Yeah, twenty eight percent.
Speaker 5 (08:51):
Well, when your government, when your government through media gas
lights you on a daily basis and steers your opinion,
i e. Through the law. Fair that we just discussed.
This is the kind of outcome that they're looking for.
That's what they want, That's what the Democrat Party wants.
Speaker 1 (09:10):
So we have Iran who still wants to kill him
and we had I don't know what credibility we can
give to it, but it's just it's data. Let's put
it that way. The FBI said that the person who
attacked in Las Vegas or at New Orleans that killed
fifteen people and injured thirty some people at the market
was radicalized in weeks, not years. They turned him very quickly.
And yeah, and he's saying that he is very concerned
about the fact that the Chinese have established terrorist groups
with in the United States. Big surprise, but that they're
going to attack the infrastructure of the United States. I
vote about that.
Speaker 5 (10:09):
What do we expect? What do we think is going
to happen? I mean, when you have it again, an
entire Democrat Party, a party of losers, posers, anti American traders,
open the border wide open and just allow millions of
people to come in of course there's gonna be terror
cells Chinese Middle East. Of course there's gonna be of course,
there's going to be an increased murder, rape, and robberies.
Of course there is, because that's what the Democrats want,
and they're gonna get it good and hard, just like
the rest of us, only they're going to get it
probably worse. It seems all I read is stories about
all these Democrats who are instituting these policies. It allows
all this to happen, becoming victims of their own policies.
That's fine by me.
Speaker 1 (11:00):
Keep it up right, No, I agree with you. I just,
I just I've said so many times. I've been writing
about this, this issue when the immigration started to explode
three years four years ago, I started writing about the risk,
and twelve years ago I wrote it about it in
my first novel. Yes, the terrorist perspective about terrorists coming
in and attacking the infrastructure of the United States. But
but what I'm what I'm looking at is that second
part of the article. So that's that's the president's attempt
assassination on Donald Trump. And I believe that the Iranian
government has not given up their desire to want to
kill Donald Trump, and I don't.
Speaker 5 (11:51):
I don't believe that the Democrat Party has given up
their desire to help facilitate Iran in killing Donald Trump.
Speaker 1 (11:58):
I agree with you. So I'm one of the things
that I'm concerned about is will mister Trump finishes four years.
I don't know, but I'm very concerned about it. So
that deals with the assassination piece. Now let's go to armageddon.
You look at it, just yes after you, yes, yes, Joah.
The fires in California that have destroyed at least ten
thousand homes and businesses and another twenty eight thousand are
under potential attack is armageddon. And if you look at
it this time, the Pacific Palisse, which has I rarely
had fires that do any significant damage, was the brunt
of the biggest, biggest firestorm and it's still there. And
that is one of the significant areas of the political
left in the arts community in California.
Speaker 5 (13:01):
So some would say some would say armageddon, others would
say sodom and gomorrah.
Speaker 1 (13:08):
Well, you could do that, but then you've got to
add to that what's happening. There's a three legged stool
as I see it, there's Hollywood, there's the universities, and
there's the news. So Hollywood's under attack, physically under attack.
Disney shut down, all those studios have shut down, and
people are dying, and the devastation is so so terrible,
and the ability of the Democrats to even begin to
do anything is so inept that they're more concerned about
hiring the right gender for firemen than they are not
putting water in the fire hydrants. Yeah, that's all part
of a part of the armageddon. But now, but you
just look at it and you say, wait a minute,
is there an armageddon going on in television and radio
and newspapers. Absolutely. The decline, the precipitous, the decline of
viewers and listeners in in the traditional liberal media has
been devastating. People are going to get fired, people have
taken pay cuts, markets have Listenership has dropped fifty percent
or more. Major newspapers like The New York Times and
the worshiping posts are losing money and losing subscribers to
the hundreds of thousands. So that whole there's a whole
set of armor gedton that people are going to be
losing their jobs and the industry is going to go
through change. What is left in the third leg of
that Armageddon stool is the colleges and universities. And I
think that there's what your head.
Speaker 5 (14:43):
What you're calling armageddon, I'm calling ideological suicide. And I'm
just more than happy to stand back and watch.
Speaker 1 (14:52):
Or I understand that I needed to. I need to
tie to something. And and there's a there's a scripture
piece which I play in the piece that talks about
exactly what I'm talking about. What is happening is as
things fall apart. So we're in probably the most in
my seventy nine years, the most dangerous, most difficult time
in our history of our country. And we've got a
gentleman who wants to try and help, but I wonder
just how much he can do when they got there
are people after to kill him, and the rest of
the world is falling apart in terms of value systems.
Speaker 5 (15:40):
I think he should maybe be a little bit more optimistic.
Speaker 1 (15:43):
Yeah, a little bit more optimistic. Well, I would like to.
I would like to see things happen, I really would,
But I am so concerned. I mean, we got I
don't know whether you saw that this morning, but mister Webster,
who was in FBI and CIA in maybe the Carter
administration is one hundred years old, and he saying, I
don't think that Telsea should be should pass Mustard, nor
should cash Fattel. These are not qualified people to run
those particular two agencies. You know, can he walk into Gum? No,
he can barely walk. And I know he can't you
gum because he get poles teeth in. But my point
is is that we're dealing with still this and I've
did a show about it last week. The left has
not understood that America rejected them, and we got people
still criticizing the vote, not from the standpoint I mean
the president of the United States is I think Kamala
could have beat him? Well, why didn't she? And he said,
I could have beaten Donald Trump. Really with a already
two percent, with now the lowest approval rating of any
president in modern history, he could beat Donald Trump. No,
I think his polling data, internal polling data showed he
would lose. He would Trump would pick up four hundred
electoral votes against Biden if Biden was running. So I
had said that really when he decided he wasn't going
to run, I said, I want to see what happens.
How long it takes for him to say, well, if
she loses, I could have beat him, and that's exactly
what he's doing. And now he's saying that she she
could have beat him, and she got whooped. So they're
not dealing with reality, and they're willing to accept the
judgment of the American people because they don't like the
American people. They don't think the American people are smart
enough to make those decisions, and therefore the elite Democrat
left asked to make the decisions for the country.
Speaker 5 (18:00):
Yeah, well, look at the job they've done. I'm sorry,
I mean, seriously, these these guys, Yeah, these guys are
just total just total scum. They're almost as bad as
the intelligence community that both sides, both parties, seem to
be caving to the only you watch, everybody was talking
about how she wasn't going to get the d n
I position, all these senators, but all then all of
a sudden, she comes out and says, Telsey says she
supports reauthorizing seven oh two, which which is the FISA court,
which is them being able to spy on us, has
nothing to do with foreign entities. And so soon she
comes out with that as well, and all she just
might be okay.
Speaker 1 (18:47):
Right, I saw that. It's it's amazing and and Cash
is too radical, he's too radical. He'll he'll go in And.
Speaker 5 (18:59):
That's exactly what we want. Actually, yeah, that's what we want.
Screw the FBI. Every one of them, every single agent,
top to bottom at this time is sus totally. So
they need to that had that. There needs to be
one huge thorough house house cleaning and a revetting of
everybody that they decide.
Speaker 1 (19:21):
To keep, right I. I totally agree with you, and I'm.
Speaker 5 (19:26):
Telling you the fat squad that they've been hiring the
last ten years needs to go to the fat squad
and start doing the PT and getting up to date
on being qualified as an FBI agent instead of this
DEI crap that they got going on. Lard butts right,
can't even put their can't even holster their weapons.
Speaker 1 (19:46):
Yeah, McDonald's apparently over the weekends that they're getting rid
of DEI.
Speaker 5 (19:51):
Yeah. I saw that a lot of corporations are doing
that now because it was just mainly a kiss up
to the UH, to the wokies in government, that's all
it was. And it's very it's not cost effective, it's
very expensive division to create within a corporation, and it
winds up consuming money and delivering absolutely nothing in return.
Speaker 1 (20:15):
Well, I saw one person over the weekend on one
of the shows was talking about California is the poster
child for all the things that have been done wrong
in the country. Yeah, they all are all in place
in California. It's ei. Yeah, all that stuff.
Speaker 5 (20:34):
Like we were talking, we were talking last hour. It's
not just Gavin Newsom in Bass it is. But this,
the problems in California started long before them. And when
you read all the sub articles about this is the
guy who waited over six weeks before or six hours
before issuing a state of emergency while neighborhoods burned in
La the lady who was making seven hundred and fifty
granny year to make sure that the reservoirs were filled
and they were empty, so the fire hydrants are dry.
I mean, these people are just sucking up taxpayer money
and not even doing anything remotely in their job description.
Nobody from the top down, And it's all Democrat policy,
it's all Democrat ideology. It's who they are, it's what
they are. They have no leadership ability whatsoever. They can't
manage piss in Amend's room. It's just they need to
be ran out on a rail. And I hope there's
several lawsuits brought against these people in these city governments,
in the county and the state as well. Everybody dropped
the bullet right.
Speaker 1 (21:44):
There seems to be I'm reading more and more articles
where people are basically saying that these politicians are going
to pay the price at the poll.
Speaker 5 (21:55):
Now, looking at most of Gavin Newsom's donor dollars getting
burnt to a crisp how many do you think this
is going to cause a big shift to the GOP
in California or do you think that they're just going
to buy into the climate change scram and scam.
Speaker 1 (22:14):
And if you go back and look at the twenty
twenty four election results and you look at the map
of California red districts versus blue, what you saw is
a dramatic change on what I would call the edges,
the waterside, and the mountain side along literally from top
to bottom of the state all turned red. And so
everything that's blue is in the middle of the state.
And so I think that given this situation with the fires,
that with the amount of rhetoric of people talking about
we've got to to have regime change here in California.
I think it's very possible that that the people of
California have had enough and at the next primary and
next vote section wherever it is in California, you're going
to start seeing more and more of the center part
of the state turn red. And you could could have
a situation where not only does the state as far
as voters turn red, the voters turn the legislature red
from blue. And I think that could happen at the midterm,
and so we don't really have a sense, like, for example,
one of the most devastating things about the fires is
the smoke. The toxicity of the smoke affecting people miles
and miles away from the fires, and it's toxic, and
so children are at risk, eut ofly at risk, and
these things are going to if people get sick from
the smoke, these are life changing events, so that it's
going to put more pressure on the healthcare system. The
hospitals have adjusted in anticipation of people coming in, but
they haven't started to come in yet in the magnitude
they're expected. Because people are more concerned about what can
they do about finding a place to live and whatever,
and so so the amount of money, but I heard
one hundred and fifty billion dollars. I don't think that
gets anywhere near what it really is. I don't know
how you rebuild it. I don't know how you rebuild it.
Speaker 5 (24:42):
Well, particularly how do you rebuild it under California standards?
My god, how long is it going to take one house?
You say you had a fourteen point five million dollar mansion,
How long do you think it's going to take to
rebuild that just getting through the bureaucracy years and then
and right now and right now you've got nothing but
incompetence from the top to the bottom.
Speaker 1 (25:06):
So good luck, Yes, I'm luck with that. So it's
it's going to be. It's so it's the life of
a lot of people in southern California. And then you've
got the worst, the most dangerous city in the country
in San Francisco. That the northern part of the state
is no piece of either. So the northern and southern
part of the state are really in serious trouble. From
a democratic standpoint.
Speaker 5 (25:32):
We all thought it was gonna have an earthquake and
break off into the Pacific Ocean. No, it's just going
to burn to a crisp.
Speaker 1 (25:40):
Right. I totally agree. All right, sir, It's Dan Perkins.
Speaker 5 (25:44):
Ladies and gentlemen, check out his website Dan Perkinsmedia dot org.
Dan Perkins Media dot Org. My friend will talk to
you again next week. Have a good one.
Speaker 1 (25:52):
Thank you, sir, Take care bye. Can you hear me
all the way back there?
Speaker 4 (25:55):
Your immaturity is extremely disappointing.
Speaker 5 (25:58):
I am really disappointed you. Do you have any ethical
qualms regarding human experimentation?
Speaker 6 (26:03):
You think this is some kind of game.
Speaker 5 (26:04):
You're just gonna drop the mic and walk off. It's
our break hotel.
Speaker 4 (26:07):
I've been here, We'll be right back with Charlotte County
Speaks News Radio fifteen eighty WCCF. SO.
Speaker 7 (26:15):
I caught a couple of clips on the Carter funeral service,
and again everybody was having fun with creating memes over
the various different presidents and their wives and you know,
the snarky stuff that was going on. It was almost
like a Real Housewives episode there on Bravo.
Speaker 2 (26:32):
Then, anyway, got to the point when Garth Brooks and
Trisha Yearwood started singing in essence the Communist manifesto. Yeah,
John Lennon's imagine I loathe loathe that song. I mean
with the heat of a thousand white sons. Basically, John
Lennon should have probably paid royalties to Carl Marx's uh
uh you know, his his grandkids or whatever it may be.
It's the bloody communist manifesto. Imagine no religion. You're in
a church for crying out loud.
Speaker 7 (27:12):
Watchdog on Wall Street dot com mm hm.
Speaker 2 (27:25):
Oh, grand one of the Christy came to Kashaw.
Speaker 6 (27:32):
Your guitars?
Speaker 1 (27:35):
Uh what tag?
Speaker 5 (27:54):
Did you expectant?
Speaker 1 (27:59):
Down all around your powd?
Speaker 4 (28:01):
Did you have beautiful goods?
Speaker 5 (28:02):
Got him wid it almost retire.
Speaker 6 (28:05):
Attacking gliverer Gools came back in Brooklyn and waders high.
Speaker 1 (28:10):
Wire sun Brook turned downtown.
Speaker 4 (28:17):
Up town.
Speaker 2 (28:20):
Even a higher anything.
Speaker 3 (28:24):
Turn on and gone.
Speaker 4 (28:28):
Wire wires wire.
Speaker 5 (28:34):
News Radio fifteen eighty one hundred point nine FM, w
c C F ten forty two. Here at Charlotte County Speaks.
Phone lines open at nine four one two zero six
fifteen eighty toll free eight eight eight four four one
fifteen eighty. Man this greasy Gavin no responsibility at all,
no accountability whatsoever. He's already out there his reimagining LA
two point zero. That's the plan, he refers to it,
reimagining La two point zero. It aims to rebuild the
city with a focus on modernization and resilience, particularly and
an anticipation of the twenty twenty eight Olympics and the
twenty twenty six fife A World Cup. Yes, we're going
to Where's where's the money gonna come from? Gavin? I mean,
you got a large portion of your property tax base
up in smoke. You think they're gonna pay their property
taxes on something you let burn? What an idiot?
Speaker 4 (29:52):
This? Yeah?
Speaker 5 (29:53):
Quick, hurry up, Get the pr campaign out there, quick
launch it La two point zero, reimagine. He's already on
the Sunday shows on NBC. I mean word salads, wild gestures.
Throughout the interview, k Newsom appeared defensive as he often
clapped and made several other glaring gestures that caught the
attention of viewers as he attempted to spin his way
out of his disastrous leadership. Reimagining La two point zero.
People are still in tears over losing everything they own,
and you're already out there trying to rebuild on their property.
It's just you know, that's Democrats, demo craps with a
P at the end.
Speaker 3 (30:54):
No t P.
Speaker 2 (30:56):
It's another simulation gone mad.
Speaker 5 (30:58):
Who the hell are you, guys?
Speaker 4 (31:00):
You're an extraterrestrial escape from the government Seal Confirmation.
Speaker 5 (31:02):
Code XV two r DM.
Speaker 1 (31:05):
Yeah, I do believe that Oprah has an alien baby.
Speaker 4 (31:08):
We'll be right back with Charlotte County Speaks on news
radio fifteen eighty WCCF.
Speaker 3 (31:14):
I'm moving a little slow tonight. I had a hot
pocket for dinner. Good to see I'm not the only
white trash here. HI buy the hot pockets I go
in grocery stores. I'm like, I get these. I've never
eaten a hot pocket, and then afterwards been I'm glad.
Speaker 1 (31:32):
I hate that.
Speaker 3 (31:34):
Mom's like, I'm gonna die.
Speaker 4 (31:37):
I paid for that?
Speaker 5 (31:39):
Did I eat it or rub it on my face?
Speaker 3 (31:43):
My back hurts.
Speaker 6 (31:47):
Speaker 3 (31:50):
I was looking at a box of hot pockets. They
have a warning printed on this side, sod.
Speaker 5 (31:55):
Warning you just fought hot pockets. Hope you're drunker heading
home to it trailer.
Speaker 1 (32:02):
Hot pocket.
Speaker 3 (32:06):
Never really see that on a menu when you go
out to dinner. And let's see all have the Caesar
salad and the hot Pocket. Tonight's specials. We have a
sea bass which is broiled, and we have a hot pocket,
which is cooked in a dirty microwave. Is your hot
pocket cold in the middle, It's frozen, but it can
be served boiling lava? Hot?
Speaker 2 (32:31):
Will it burn my mouth?
Speaker 3 (32:32):
It'll destroy your mouth. Everything will taste like a rubber
for a month.
Speaker 5 (32:39):
All love the hot Pocket.
Speaker 2 (32:41):
Hot Pocket.
Speaker 5 (33:49):
News Radio fifteen eighty one hundred point nine FM, WCCF
Radio dot com, Charlotte County Speaks. It is ten fifty one.
Governor DeSantis has called for a special session of the
Florida Legislature to be held the week of January twenty seventh.
Among the topics to address our immigration issues, illegal alien
invasion issues, as well as hurricane recovery, condominium problems, and
the ballot initiative process. DeSantis said, the President elect Donald Trump,
who will be inaugurated January wherey twentieth, will make major
changes in immigration policy and the state needs to take
actions to help carry them out.
Speaker 1 (34:42):
So there you go, but the.
Speaker 5 (34:47):
Kibosh on the old invasion, and now it's time for
random random you even though at this point a little
too late, number one of your five random facts. The
modern Oval office was only created in nineteen thirty four.
It was designed so that President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who
used a wheelchair, could move easily between the office and
the residents. Number two. The word turquoise is based on
the word Turkish because it described the color of the
Mediterranean Sea off the coast of southern Turkey. Number three.
Mort Walker, the guy who created Beatle Bailey as well
as High and Lowest comic strips, came up with the
idea for using random symbols like exclamation points and hashtags
to represent swear words in cartoons, and the official term
for it is grolicks g rawlix. Number four. Before twenty
twenty three, college basketball players were not allowed to have
a jar is number that included a six, seven, eight,
or nine. That's because after a foul, the refs would
signal the player's number to the score table with both hands,
and small numbers made it easier. Number five. In the
Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme, there's no mention of him being
an egg. That's just how he's evolved to look in
pop culture. I really don't know what he looked like.
But if he broke, you know, probably an egg. You know,
chre's your five random facts thinking what else would he
be if all the king's horses and all the king's
men couldn't put him back together? Just yeah, I had
to be an egg. Yeah it was logical. Okay, some
good news out here. A guy from Pencil Tucky is
going viral after proposing to his girlfriend and on a
plane and recreating a scene from the Wedding Singer It's
the one where Adam Sandler sings gro Old with You
to Drew Barrymore and he did it on a plane.
Doesn't say whether or not she said yes. Security guard
at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art is also now
a featured artist there. Forty five year old Armia Malik
Klil graduated from art school in his twenties, moved to
the US in two thousand and six with less than
four hundred bucks in his pocket. He's been working as
a security guard at the museum for a decade. A
curator found out he was an artist and liked his stuff.
Now one of his sculptures is part of an exhibit
called Flight into Egypt that features art from eighteen seventy
six to the present day, so good news for him. Now, Yeah,
we got a lot of tragedy surrounding the wildfires in
and around LA, but it has also inspired a whole
lot of kindness as well. Jose Andrea's World Central Kitchen
has set up a bunch of meal distribution sites around
the city to make sure first responders and people affected
by the fires to get somebody to eat. A bunch
of firefighters walked into an In and Out Burger to
get burgers the other day, and the whole place gave
them a huge round of applause. The Rose Bowl has
been acting as a hub for donations and emergency response efforts.
Vendors have been showing up to hand out free food
and supplies. Seafood restaurant about an hour south of LA
called the Calico Fish House stepped up to be a
national donation hub where people can send stuff. Volunteers have
been showing up in trucks to drive supplies to LA.
They're handing out everything from food and water to diapers
and pet food. Mexico did you see that in the paper?
Just sent seventy two of their own firefighters in to
LA on Saturday to lend a hand. They're being deployed
to help fight the fires that are still burning. Firefighters
from other states have also shown up to help, including Arizona, Nevada, Utah,
New Mexico, Oregon, Colorado, Washington, and Texas, even Ukraine. Even
even the little the little swarthy douche in Green is
offering to take take his young and old troops off
the front lines and send them to help fight the
fires in La. Thank you, Zelenski. Shouldn't you be getting
your resume in order? You know, just saying, dude, just
saying that kind of wonder two oh six fifteen eighty
totll free eight eight eight four four one fifteen eighty.
Of course we just heard comedian, that was Gaffigan right
talking about the hot pockets. Yeah, well, uh, somebody took
hot pockets in a different direction here. Uh well there
was a uh we have criminals afoot.
Speaker 3 (40:23):
Speaker 5 (40:24):
Usually the most dangerous thing about a hot pocket is
it just burns a roof of your mouth You get
that big mouth roof, top of your mouth blister there.
All right, This guy raised the bar. A man in Michigan,
Daniel Hudson, went into a Dollar General earlier. This month,
started stuffing hot pockets into his pocket. An employee confronted
him and he didn't take that well. He started yelling
at employees. Then he reached into another pocket and pulled
out a gun apparently, and even hotter pocket. Daniel threatened
to blow the employee's head off. So they let him
get away with a hot pockets and the heater, and
then they called police. They said they knew him and
he was actually a regular customer. So the cops tracked
Daniel down to the break room at his workplace. So
he's on lunch break, goes and robs the dollar general
for hot pockets. They found him back at his workplace
in the breakroom eating his hot pockets. Daniel tried telling
the police he didn't mean to steal the hot pockets.
He just put him in his pocket because he didn't
see a clerk the one confronting you didn't. Can you
understand why? I say, ammo up? Now, okay, I have
a good day. Anybody got any more jokes anything funny?
Speaker 1 (42:12):
Nope? Nope?
Speaker 2 (42:13):
All right, see you folks.
Speaker 4 (42:15):
We're in news Radio fifteen eighty am, w CCF, Punda
Gorda and FM one hundred point nine W two sixty
five EA Punda Gorda