Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Giggity gey geggity goo.
Speaker 2 (00:07):
Struggling to keep your New year's resolution to exercise not anymore.
Introducing the Nokia BS, the only fitness tracker that lies.
Speaker 3 (00:15):
Hey Nokia, what's my step count today?
Speaker 4 (00:18):
You're the equivalent of seven marathons? Not bad for nine
in the morning.
Speaker 5 (00:22):
Hey Nokia, how many calories did I burn at lunch?
Speaker 4 (00:26):
I lack the computational abilities to calculate. Even if I could,
I'd be too distracted by your rip physique. You remind
me of Brad Pitt in Fight Club.
Speaker 2 (00:36):
The Nokia BS. Just because you're a fat, disgusting slab
doesn't mean you're a fat, disgusting slob.
Speaker 1 (00:41):
This is not headline news.
Speaker 6 (00:43):
President Biden delivered whose farewell address last night. Then he
disappeared like Obi Wan Kenobi, leaving nothing but a crumpled
suit on the floor. Israel and Hamas have agreed to
a cease fire, and you know what that means. Tension
in the Middle East is a officially gone forever.
Speaker 7 (01:03):
J C.
Speaker 6 (01:03):
Penny Forever twenty one. Aeropas, Style and Eddie Bauer are
now part of the same company, because bankruptcy is more
fun as a group. There were no new fires in
Los Angeles yesterday. Also not catching fire in LA yesterday,
Andy Dick's career and Dave Droll spent his birthday making
meals for LA fire victims. Dave's very good at putting
buns in the oven. This is not headline news.
Speaker 8 (01:31):
Whoa wake up?
Speaker 7 (01:44):
A cop.
Speaker 9 (01:46):
Italid cannot join the.
Speaker 7 (02:10):
Cab jem can can.
Speaker 1 (02:31):
In this present crisis. Government is not the solution to
our problem.
Speaker 5 (02:36):
Government is the problem.
Speaker 1 (02:39):
This is Charlotte County Speaks.
Speaker 3 (02:41):
Your chance to let your voice be heard on local, state,
and national which use and now broadcasting live from a
dumpy little warehouse behind a taco bell. The host of
Charlotte County Speaks can Love Joy.
Speaker 10 (02:58):
And the way we go.
Speaker 1 (03:02):
Hi the Haber, Friends and neighbors. This your old pal
Kenney News Radio fifteen eighty one hundred point nine FM,
WCCF Radio dot com. Charlotte County Speaks on the air.
Nine ten is the time on this Thursday morning. Our
phone lines are open for whatever you wish to discuss.
Nine four one two zero six fifteen eighty toll free
eight eight eight four four one fifteen eighty. You can
email us the address. Cc speaks at live dot com.
If you miss a show, head to our homepage WCCF
Radio dot com and just head down to the podcast section.
Mike Bassianny along for the Thursday Ride. How are you doing?
What's going on?
Speaker 5 (03:42):
Hello everybody, good morning. It's good to be here. Another
beautiful day.
Speaker 1 (03:49):
It is nice, you know what? And like I was,
we were talking about this the other day, the you
know how it usually is here will get it'll get
really cold, yeah, for a couple of days and boom
back up into the eighties eighty five and that's it.
We've had sustained cool temperatures, which I love. Yes, and
so does my tiny tiny electric bill.
Speaker 5 (04:15):
Yeah right, oh yeah, Uh, it's been.
Speaker 1 (04:18):
Nice, it is.
Speaker 10 (04:19):
Speaker 1 (04:20):
I like the way this would actually uh cause me
to if I was a layman question global warming.
Speaker 5 (04:30):
One would yes. And that's when they stop using the
global warming mantra and they say it's climate change. In Florida,
it should be getting hotter, but it's not, that's climate change.
There's things not right in the balance. Yeah, and there's
fires out in California.
Speaker 1 (04:50):
Yeah, Arson though, no, Yeah, I mean come on Arson, yeah, Arson, Yeah,
deliberate if.
Speaker 5 (04:55):
You have the video like the guy the whole thing. Oh,
there he is. There's global warming.
Speaker 1 (05:01):
You'll check. Uh uh Markowski coming up, Mark Markowski minute.
Speaker 5 (05:08):
He doesn't really talk about stocks anymore.
Speaker 1 (05:10):
Well he does on his show, but on his minutes, right,
he does other stuff. I've been trying to get him
on the show. It never it hasn't materialized because his
schedule and then we I had him all scheduled and
then the hurricane came. Not gonna happen. But anyway, he
talks about how the it's just one big cycle and everybody,
actually everybody, even the property owners in California, are to
blame for what happened in California.
Speaker 5 (05:40):
Yes, because they voted for it.
Speaker 1 (05:42):
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 5 (05:44):
Anyway, folks, happy, happy things, happy.
Speaker 1 (05:47):
Thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thought, long weekend.
Speaker 5 (05:53):
Oh yeah, MLK, that's right. Well, to watch the inauguration,
we all get.
Speaker 1 (05:57):
To yes, we all get the clay in the buck.
Will be simulcasting the first hour. Nice, we'd be doing
all of it, but we have paid programming in the
eleven o'clock hours.
Speaker 5 (06:08):
Yeah, that's right, true, and nothing what happens there and
the clear So what's happening at ten, It doesn't happen
till twelve.
Speaker 1 (06:18):
Right, Well, they have the whole play by play, you know,
going up all the dignitaries, who's moved in. I'm sure
there's probably a good segment on where the snipers are positioned.
Speaker 5 (06:29):
Yeah, how thick is the glass?
Speaker 1 (06:33):
Well, we actually we're glad. We're glad it's going to
be a little bit overcast because the glass was thicking.
Of we were concerned about a fire starting from a
prism just shining on Trump's hair.
Speaker 7 (06:50):
On fire.
Speaker 5 (06:54):
Happy datch people.
Speaker 11 (06:58):
Hit it with the se Maybe that's why Michelle doesn't
want to show up. Yeah, and really, who cares? Why
does that have to be a story?
Speaker 5 (07:09):
Because you know, there are the rumors that the Obamas
that it's a little rocky right now for the Obamas.
Speaker 1 (07:17):
Oh oh, well, I did see that meme where it
shows them lying in bed not facing each other. Yeah,
and she says the little puff on her head he's
probably thinking about Diddy, and then the pop up over
Barry's head saying he's probably thinking about Diddy.
Speaker 5 (07:35):
So Rocky, Rocky, rocky for the anyways, folks, come see
my band Happy Times here, Happy Days Days here again. Yes, folks,
check out my website. Mike Ambassiani dot com for the
full show schedule. But tonight, which is Thursday, January sixteenth,
there's a special show going on down at Arts Bonita.
Do you feel bita Yes?
Speaker 10 (08:00):
That stop Talking.
Speaker 5 (08:01):
Bonita and that is put on by Ricky Howard from
the mud Bowdon Jam down there in Naples, and they're
doing a special show at Arts Bonita at the Performing
Arts Center in Bonita Springs featuring me I'm a guest,
Biscuit Miller's a guest, rachelle Coba from the East Coast,
Josh Round, the Pitbull of Blues, Jerry Farrow, and a
few other fantastic musicians will be doing a fun sort
of a jam tonight concert down there at Arts Bonita.
Tickets are still available. You can go to Artsbonita dot
org and or just show up. I'm sure they'll make
a seat for you anyway. Nice little theater there. Looking
forward to checking that out. That's tonight at seven thirty
and tomorrow, January seventeenth. As we talked about yesterday on
the show, we'll be over at the Twisted Fork my
band Mike Embassian and his Blues Rockers, and then we
will be backing up Will Johns for the Will Johns
Band all the way from the UK and be Claptont's nephew.
Speaker 1 (08:52):
He was a little demir in talking about Clapton.
Speaker 5 (08:55):
Yeah, my uncle Eric.
Speaker 1 (08:58):
Yeah, I mean he really didn't go in to the
fact that he's Eric was kind of the one who
helped him really pick up a lot of at first.
Speaker 12 (09:06):
Speaker 5 (09:06):
Yeah, definitely cool. Yeah, and he likes to.
Speaker 1 (09:09):
Fish obviously, he's the license captain.
Speaker 5 (09:13):
Yeah, that's a cool thing. Yeah, and I'm pretty sure,
I'm pretty sure that the VIP tickets are sold out
for that, but keep checking their website otherwise, just get
there early. We start at six thirty, at six thirty
to ten. It's gonna be a fun show. We play
for an hour and a half, take a little break,
and then we're backing Will up for an hour and
a half. So it's gonna be a cool time. And
then Saturday, January eighteenth, join us over at the Naughty
Parrot Tiki Hutton, North Fort Myers from seven to ten
in Marina Town there and then Sunday Sunday. Sundays Sunday Sunday,
join us over at Kickstands, Pup and Grub over on
Pine Island there via Saint James City, nice little afternoon
show from one to four. First time over there should
be a nice time.
Speaker 1 (09:54):
Speaker 5 (09:54):
Haven't been on Pine Island for a long time, so yeah.
Speaker 1 (09:57):
It'd be a good time. Since Birt's blew away, I know. Well,
the walls are closing in on Sheriff Carmine Marsino. As
you know, never liked the Carmine. Carmine was always suspect
to me, just because it just didn't make sense. He
just doesn't make sense, part part time park ranger to
sheriff with all these awards on his chest, like what
the hell is this? And then he had some skivie
shenanigans with a lady and then this. And the reason
I think he got away with this so long is
because of his pack. His pack gave bundoads of money
a lot of local politicians down there, so I think
they just just didn't want to know, because you know,
because now he and Amra Fox did the right thing
and recused her office from it because she took a
bunch of money from it elected she gonna get that
money back because because it appears to be laundered money.
Speaker 5 (11:15):
If there, if there was a way that we could
track that sort of thing. But you know, that money,
it's just just just.
Speaker 9 (11:19):
Just gosh, who knows, who knows why it is?
Speaker 5 (11:22):
We just we were going to move it around, and it's.
Speaker 1 (11:24):
Oh, it's gone top. Lee County elected Republican is calling
on a Carmine to resign or be removed from office
by the governor amid the FBI investigation into the sheriff.
State Committee but and Mick Peters sent a letter to
Governor DeSantis and Lee County commissioners saying that the sheriff
should step aside or be removed. I tend to agree.
I don't think I think Carlin's getting away with us one.
Speaker 5 (11:54):
And but why do they bother, uh, you know, being
nice in that way? Just remove him?
Speaker 1 (11:59):
You know, Well, there's a process.
Speaker 5 (12:02):
I get this as a process, but and.
Speaker 1 (12:07):
I mean, you know, uh, didn't the governor appoint him
before he got elected? Reelect because when Mike's didn't Mike's
as I recall Mike Scott resign and Carmine was appointed.
I could be wrong two six fifteen eighty, toll free
eight eight eight four four one fifteen eighty. But anyway,
he's accused of laundering money and misappropriation of funds and
lots of uh great, lots of people talking. Yeah, so
I don't know, I don't know. It's a it's a
dicey situation because of his pack, his political action committee.
If it wasn't for his political action committee, I don't
think Carmine would be sheriff now.
Speaker 5 (12:52):
Yes, he was appointed in twenty eighteen by Rick Scott.
Speaker 1 (12:56):
Oh by Rick Okay, all right, correct, Well, Governor DeSantis
might want to get involved in this now, yeah, because
a lot of issues with Lee County.
Speaker 5 (13:08):
I mean it's Lee County and.
Speaker 1 (13:10):
Well for Fort Fort Myers PD, Lee County p D
over the years. Well, I mean, I hope they get
their act together down there.
Speaker 4 (13:17):
Speaker 5 (13:17):
When I used to play down in downtown four Myers
all the time, they were constantly having problems. I remember
quite a few years ago a bunch of the nightclubs
let out at like two o'clock in the morning, and
they didn't want to go home, so they continued the
party on the street and there were you know, engines
reving and gunshots being fired, and it took the took
the Lee County cops.
Speaker 1 (13:39):
Well that's just a healthy Friday night out, Oh.
Speaker 5 (13:41):
I know, it took the cops like thirty minutes to
an hour to respond.
Speaker 9 (13:46):
You gotta let them blow off, they steam, Yeah, got
just let it get out, they system.
Speaker 5 (13:51):
Yeah, And so it took him forty five minutes or
so to respond, and then all of a sudden there
was a big crackdown. Two weeks later people were getting
tickets in part working lots for not having their seatbelt on.
And then you were seeing all the bicycle patrols everywhere.
So it's always reaction instead.
Speaker 1 (14:07):
Of well, they're not really going to do anything until
the business community starts screaming, hey do something about it.
And when shots get fired, that's usually when they're screaming,
hey do something about it.
Speaker 5 (14:19):
Right, And that was that was man probably ten years ago.
Speaker 1 (14:23):
Oh yeah two six fifteen eighty toll free eight at
eight four four one fifteen eighty. What are we celebrating today?
Today is the sixteenth of Jenna Airy and uh, you.
Speaker 5 (14:37):
Know, months all already half over?
Speaker 1 (14:39):
I know? Is that weird?
Speaker 10 (14:41):
I know?
Speaker 1 (14:41):
Come on, load, what are you doing to me?
Speaker 10 (14:44):
I don't know.
Speaker 5 (14:45):
You're having spirical difficulties? Is it my turn? Yeah? Here
we are?
Speaker 1 (14:50):
Yeah, area, get to know your customer's day. Hey, you're
out there. You're a salesman, get to or you're a
store owner, get to know your customers, to know them.
Just give him a call randomly. Yes, hey Bob, Hey Bob.
You don't know me, but you were in my store
the other day and I just wanted to say thank you.
Speaker 5 (15:09):
How's the hemorrhoid cream.
Speaker 1 (15:10):
Working National without a Scalpel Day? Yeah, there's a lot
of people that really shouldn't have a scalpel.
Speaker 5 (15:21):
No, so yeah, should be celebrate celeb worldwide.
Speaker 1 (15:24):
National Oh here we go, ooey, gooey, rich and chewy inside, tendercaky,
golden flaky outside were at the inside in the outside
is a great darn tutin. It's National Fake Newton Day?
Do you like the fake Newton? Who doesn't like the
fake news? I like the strawberry fig Newton's and they
also have the blueberries, and that's not a fig Newton.
Speaker 5 (15:49):
Well, it is then a strawberry Newton.
Speaker 1 (15:52):
It could just be flavoring of figs.
Speaker 5 (15:55):
We really don't but hey, it can't have whereas it
also can't have red dye number three.
Speaker 1 (16:04):
Oh yes, oh yeah, well the strawberry might be effected
right exactly. National here we go, National Religious Freedom Day,
National National Nothing Day?
Speaker 10 (16:20):
What is that?
Speaker 1 (16:21):
That's the show.
Speaker 13 (16:24):
Speaker 5 (16:25):
You know what exactly do you do here?
Speaker 8 (16:28):
So you have mental problems?
Speaker 9 (16:30):
He had secret hidden cameras all over to women's bathroom.
Speaker 5 (16:32):
Can you show me?
Speaker 14 (16:33):
We'll be right back with Charlotte County Speaks on news
radio fifteen eighty WCCs.
Speaker 15 (16:40):
Alexandril Cazio Cortes and the new depths of Stupidity. Actually,
what one publication this past week was basically saying that
she's next in line, She's.
Speaker 1 (16:54):
Going to be the next political star.
Speaker 15 (16:58):
Yesterday, there's uh bill in front of the House banning
males from competing in girls' sports. Now, it's it's sad
enough that we actually have to spend time on a
bill like this, but that's the world that we live in.
Speaker 5 (17:11):
That's just how.
Speaker 15 (17:12):
Dumb, collectively dumb this nation woke has become. And honestly,
to the people of the Bronx and queens that voted for.
Speaker 1 (17:22):
Her, aren't you embarrassed? Or do you not even know?
Speaker 5 (17:27):
Speaker 1 (17:27):
Speaker 15 (17:28):
Yesterday went off on this rant on the floor because
she was against this bill, claiming that women are bleeding
out in parking lots across the country. What watsdog and
Wall Street dot com?
Speaker 10 (18:00):
Whoa big leg?
Speaker 5 (18:02):
That's five to coming out of my mind?
Speaker 10 (18:08):
I love me with him.
Speaker 1 (18:09):
I just can't help myself.
Speaker 8 (18:15):
When I see you, won't won't getting.
Speaker 1 (18:18):
Down the street, and then you open your mouth when
I see you, and I ran away. News Radio fifteen
eighty one hundred point nine FM WCCF nine twenty eight.
On a Thursday morning, Charlotte County speaks but little John
Lee Hooker.
Speaker 5 (18:35):
John Lee Hooker, Yes. And it was on this day
in nineteen fifty seven that the Cavern Club opened in Liverpool, England.
It became a home to many Liverpool bands, including the Beatles,
who appeared at the club two hundred and ninety two times.
Speaker 1 (18:51):
Really Yes.
Speaker 5 (18:54):
Over the years, a wide variety of popular acts appeared
to the club, including the Rolling Stones, the Yardbirds, the Hollies,
the Caks, Elton, John Black Sabbath, Queen.
Speaker 1 (19:02):
The Who and John Lee Hooker.
Speaker 5 (19:04):
John Lee Hooker, there you go, he was over there.
Speaker 1 (19:07):
In Liverpool looking for some big legs and a tight skip.
Yeah yeah, heading towards the cavin Well lines open nine
four one two zero six fifteen eighty toll free eight
eight eight four four one fifteen eighty high caller, Are
you there? No see, yep, lazy lazy You're gonna call
during a commercial.
Speaker 5 (19:30):
Break and then not and then not hang on and
not and then not hang on, not hanging.
Speaker 1 (19:34):
Not hang on. I tell you what it's uh.
Speaker 5 (19:39):
Or they thought it was still commercial and they walked
away from the phone because I didn't hear dial tone.
Speaker 1 (19:44):
Yeah, I know, but it's just sad that people would
do that.
Speaker 16 (19:48):
I don't think he went to school night later. If
he went to school, he getting marting.
Speaker 13 (19:55):
Yeah, it's super smart kid, all right, all right, well,
you know I folks like I said, like those like
those people, uh you know, peeling out the cars and
shooting up the place.
Speaker 1 (20:06):
They got to get it out day system. Yeah, so
does he as hell.
Speaker 5 (20:11):
And I'm not trying to take this anymore.
Speaker 1 (20:13):
I am hotter than a bare butt.
Speaker 9 (20:16):
On a tin roof in August, and I'm.
Speaker 5 (20:21):
Cold and I'm cold.
Speaker 1 (20:24):
Not really today.
Speaker 5 (20:26):
It wasn't as bad today.
Speaker 1 (20:29):
I was sand's jacket today, were you that's true?
Speaker 5 (20:32):
Yeah? No? Uh no denim, no denim, no denim. Anyway,
Let's check in on old California Stan real quick. Yes,
it's amazing to watch San Francisco turn into a Third
world dystopia in real time.
Speaker 1 (20:45):
And that was before the fire.
Speaker 5 (20:47):
I know, yes, yeah, yeah, we're in San Francisco here,
we're not talking about l.
Speaker 1 (20:51):
A San Francis. You know, it's weird. You know if
why is La burning when it's always windy in San Francisco?
Speaker 10 (20:57):
Speaker 1 (20:59):
Why are they king?
Speaker 5 (21:00):
Speaker 1 (21:01):
Because that's where the arsonists live.
Speaker 5 (21:03):
Yeah, two saves Cisco. Yes, So anyway, Walgreens, Yeah, if
you're going to San Francisco, you can't be going to
any Walgreens because it turns out they're closing twelve more
well stores, how many were there?
Speaker 1 (21:22):
Well, San Francisco is large, and we've probably got forty
five here in Fort Charlotte.
Speaker 5 (21:27):
So well, I know CVS looks similar. Yeah, but yeah,
Walgreens to close twelve more San Francisco stores next month.
As not the Beast as well. Sorry, I know you do.
But crime ridden hell holes don't get to have nice
things like on demand pharmacies.
Speaker 1 (21:46):
You're you're the reason that we can't have nice things.
Speaker 5 (21:48):
Yes. So in twenty twenty two, not to be reported
that Walgreens had shut down fifteen locations in the city
since twenty nineteen. You may also recall a CNN segment
no because nobody that went viral because it wasn't at
the airport that there were three shop lifting crimes that
occurred while the crew was filming that side.
Speaker 1 (22:10):
I do remember that that story.
Speaker 5 (22:13):
Yeah, I remember that. So it's like, are you surprised, No,
because it's uh woke, It's nonsense. It's San Francisco, and you.
Speaker 1 (22:20):
Get what you vote for.
Speaker 5 (22:21):
Yeah, you get what you vote for. So if you're not,
if you're not burning things, you got it. Bend over, yes,
and you know who's bending over? Is a woke Paris theater,
a theater.
Speaker 1 (22:33):
In Perry Gay Pali.
Speaker 5 (22:36):
Yes, oh I know. And because they are facing bankruptcy,
why you may ask, after allowing migrants to occupy their establishment.
Speaker 1 (22:46):
For Yeah, yes, yeah, you have the smell alone.
Speaker 5 (22:50):
Yeah right, yeah, French leftist theater which I just said
the slave word three times.
Speaker 1 (22:57):
Wow, wows bank And they wondered that you're sure you're
sure it was the migrants. It wasn't just the fact that, yeah, well.
Speaker 5 (23:12):
It opened its doors to two hundred and fifty African
migrants for a free show, and they refused to leave
and remain in the building. Five weeks later. Again yeah again,
Well they did it to themselves. They had a free
event called Reinventing the Welcome. That was that.
Speaker 1 (23:36):
Yeah, they got reinvented for you.
Speaker 5 (23:38):
It didn't ye for refugees and France.
Speaker 1 (23:40):
Oh yeah, it's all. You got a whole You got
a whole edumication on the reinvention of Hey, migrants, how
you doing. Yeah, this is DC is our place now, yes,
look at me.
Speaker 5 (23:56):
We leave here now I am the theater person.
Speaker 10 (23:59):
Speaker 5 (24:00):
However, when the conference was over, the refugees remained and
there's still there. Oh and you just see this is
a video. Yep.
Speaker 9 (24:11):
They stole my whole wardrobe.
Speaker 1 (24:16):
Well you know.
Speaker 5 (24:17):
Oh and it's increased. The numbers have swelled. Three hundred people.
Speaker 1 (24:22):
Now, yeah, they brought their friends. Yeah, we've got a
whole theater. Of course we can handle more than three hundred.
Oh yeah, bring your friends. Yeah. So again people, you
get what your voting. Yeah, are you so surprised?
Speaker 5 (24:36):
But Trump Trump's gonna be so mean. Oh just wait,
Greenland is going to be the fifty first yeah before Canada.
Speaker 1 (24:46):
There you go, that's it.
Speaker 5 (24:48):
Speaker 10 (24:49):
I uh.
Speaker 1 (24:51):
Victor Davis Hansen was on Jesse.
Speaker 5 (24:54):
Yeah, and the I.
Speaker 1 (24:57):
Just got an edit here, but the whole bit was hilarious.
It was after the Joe's whoever the idiot that wrote
that speech. Yeah, he mumbled his way through again you
should be strung up.
Speaker 5 (25:15):
Seventeen minute too. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (25:18):
Anyway, here's what Victor Davis Hansen had said, especially with
you heard it top of the hour news old Joe's
warning about the oligarchs. Yeah, the olar dangerous oligarchs.
Speaker 17 (25:31):
The subtext of that was that all of the so
called oligarchs that supported him in twenty twenty eight got
tired of him. So Mark Zuckerberg gave him four hundred
and nineteen million dollars to warp the twenty twenty election
in key states. And he had no problem without oligar.
Reid Hoffman, another billionaire, funded the E G and Carrol
suit to go after Donald Trump. He had no problem
without oligar. He gave the metal of citizen freedom to
George Soyls, who pretty much did his best to destroy
the criminal justice system in our big cities. So he's
not credible. And when he talks about misinformation, the FBI
conspired with Facebook to censor stories about the laptop that
were that it was authentic, which it was, and then
fifty one so called authorities supplied him on the prompt
of Anthony Blincoln before the debate with Donald Trump from
twenty twenty to lie that it was Russian disinformation.
Speaker 8 (26:30):
They cooked it up.
Speaker 17 (26:31):
He cooked it up. He cooked it up Joe Biden
via his own future secretary of State. So it's just
this projectionis part of Jesse. He saw today with the
confirmation hearings. Do you start with the person and then
do you invent the crime plan BONDI.
Speaker 5 (26:46):
Well, yeah, that's what you do. That's what you did.
Speaker 17 (26:49):
With Donald Trump. You know that none of those indictments
would have ever gone forward if one of two things
have happened, hadn't been Donald Trump, or if Hea just
said I'm not going to run again, then they would
have dropped it. That they picked him, and then they
invented the crimes that will never be brought against anybody
else because they were fictitious. And it's just it's.
Speaker 18 (27:07):
Sad they didn't even try exactly it's all, but they
really again again people like Biden when they're making those speeches,
they're not talking to you and me, they're not talking
to anybody who's actually paying attention.
Speaker 5 (27:25):
All they're doing is offering talking point nonsense for people
to spew out that actually still believe this, which it
keeps dwindling every day because their lives are so blatant
and so obvious that all they do is project everything
that they project and say that that Trump is doing
is what they actually have been doing.
Speaker 1 (27:51):
Speaker 5 (27:52):
They created the Trump the Russia dossier, the Obama spied
on Trump's campaign going into Trump's first victory. These oligarchs
of people actually trying to buy both. Have you seen
mainstream media that's the biggest oligarch for for the left
right now? And oh yeah, Pfizer and all these pharmaceutical
companies funding.
Speaker 10 (28:15):
All of them.
Speaker 1 (28:16):
Wouldn't I think we would? The dangerous oligarchs that I
see are really the big tech oligarchs. Yeah, And I'm not.
I'm not because I'm not sold on Vivaik and uh
Elon and uh uh and h j D because of
his connection with Peter Teel and Planeteer or Palenteer, Pallenteer.
I mean, they want to totally ai the whole thing
they're gonna and I just had I fear that these
big tech people are. Is Doze really there to to
make government efficient? Or is Doze really there to help
implement the a massive surveillance state system is currently being
readied for implementation plunteer.
Speaker 5 (29:10):
Yeah, and Elon's a smart guy and he has a
lot of things going. It is interesting, is it is?
It is going to be interesting to see what they do.
But and when you say big tech, looking at Zuckerberg again,
he just wants trust money.
Speaker 1 (29:24):
I don't trust him at all. Yeah, he wants to
make money. And that's why it was. It was all Oh,
mister government made me do it. I'll never do it again.
Speaker 9 (29:32):
I'm real sorry, Okay.
Speaker 5 (29:34):
South Park character in the flower Field. I'm sorry, sorry, sorry.
Speaker 1 (29:42):
Yeah, No, I don't trust Zuckerberg. I don't trust any
of them. I'm sorry, I just don't. I don't trust Vay,
I don't trust Elon. I don't trust any of them. Yes,
they're doing good things now. But but but before, before
he let it know that he was running for president, uh,
DeSantis was doing all kinds of really good things too
to try and butter us up. And I'm just wondering
if we're being buttered up when it comes to the
whole AI thing. I think AI is dangerous. I can't
wait for the e MP I really can't. I think
it's I think that's exactly what needs to happen to
that crap. It's at one. It's too people think it's great.
You have to think no more.
Speaker 14 (30:29):
I just have to know enough words task day I
and they doing well for me.
Speaker 5 (30:39):
Have you seen Rocks?
Speaker 1 (30:42):
I haven't used it, but I know it exists. Yes,
it's interesting, I'm sure it is.
Speaker 5 (30:48):
Speaker 7 (30:49):
Speaker 1 (30:50):
Hey, if you're looking for a gig for just one year,
sounds like it to be a blast, but a little
you're gonna you're going to be working though, Okay. Uh.
Planters looking looking to hire three new people to tool
around the country and their Nutmobile.
Speaker 5 (31:12):
Yes, like the Wienermobile, only actually planting plants.
Speaker 1 (31:16):
No, it's it's like the Wienowmobile's slightly less sexy cousin.
Speaker 7 (31:20):
Speaker 1 (31:21):
Starting this June, you'll be a brand ambassador for a year.
You get to drive the nutmobile around. You should have
the Wiener and the Nutmobile. Yeah, yes, Uh. You drive
around the country different parts as part of the Peanutter Squad.
Speaker 5 (31:40):
Speaker 1 (31:40):
You'll also manage event planning pitch the brand to local media,
you know, like, hey, hey, hey, could we do an
in studio at your morning show? Bring the leader, bring
the excuse me? Then I drove the Wienermobile last year.
This year, I've drive a Nutmobe.
Speaker 5 (31:54):
Bring they did do that last year.
Speaker 1 (31:57):
Yeah, that's a gig. It's a gig for your forty
five one thousand bucks.
Speaker 10 (32:01):
Speaker 1 (32:01):
I would imagine you'll also get some per diems.
Speaker 5 (32:03):
Do you have to have a CDL license?
Speaker 1 (32:06):
No? No, it's just like a like a motor Yeah.
Speaker 5 (32:10):
Nice, I'd do it.
Speaker 1 (32:12):
Pretty cool. Forty five grand plus benefits. There's also a
travel stipend, but they don't say how much. You can
apply between now and February fourteenth at planters nutmobile dot com.
Speaker 5 (32:24):
What if you're allergic to peanuts?
Speaker 10 (32:28):
I don't know.
Speaker 1 (32:29):
That's a good question. Let's find out. Here's the top
five questions to ask before applying to the Planters not Mobile. Yes,
there's more than five questions here? Can I avoid driving
past anyone I went to high school with? Do I
only buy gas for this thing? At shell A? Hey?
Should I disclose my peanut allergy?
Speaker 5 (32:58):
Speaker 1 (32:58):
Yeah, there you go forty five grand. You're probably gonna
be you know, well, you're going to be surrounded I
would imagine by samples of peanuts, So it probably wouldn't
want to wouldn't want to do that. Can I still
make front of the guy who drives the Wiener Mobile? No,
nome on, I was not anymore good healthy competition? Yeah,
that's true. Some new one liners probably developed that. Am
I allowed to take this on dates? Not that I'll
ever have any? But can I take them? If I?
Where did my life go wrong to wind up at
this point?
Speaker 10 (33:33):
Speaker 1 (33:34):
This is still less embarrassing than the cyber truck. Right,
see your doctor.
Speaker 16 (33:44):
It may not be the tallest or the most athletic,
but someday we'll be the richest.
Speaker 8 (33:49):
We'll be right back with.
Speaker 14 (33:50):
Charlotte County speaks on news radio fifteen eighty WCCF.
Speaker 10 (33:56):
Did I go to a doctor the other day?
Speaker 19 (33:58):
I'd like to make your phot those stupid four right,
They're like, who should we notify in case of an emergency?
I'm like about the doctor? How about that actor? He goes,
you got a big family. I'm like, my dad's kind
of fat.
Speaker 1 (34:18):
Where's this going?
Speaker 10 (34:22):
They actually asked me.
Speaker 8 (34:22):
This one time in a forum.
Speaker 20 (34:23):
He goes, what year did you start high school? I'm
like freshman year, who starts as a senior? And then
I always asked you for a closest living relative, I'm like,
from here in my house.
Speaker 10 (34:45):
I put four miles.
Speaker 5 (34:49):
Speaker 20 (34:50):
Then he goes anything running your family, I'm like divorce
and bad decisions. You can throw broken dreams in their two.
Speaker 10 (34:59):
Doctor, why don't you do this version?
Speaker 1 (35:30):
News Radio fifteen eighty one hundred point nine FM, WCCF
Radio dot Com nine forty nine here at Charlie County.
Speaker 5 (35:38):
Speaks, It's easier to sing this version? Yeah, same kid,
it would be.
Speaker 1 (35:41):
It would be easier to singh You just got to
get the acoustic out, which you never do.
Speaker 5 (35:47):
If anybody would book my Bob Dylan show, I would,
you know what? When I was in Nashville, I was
at Groon Guitars and which a fantastic place, and I
got to meet George, awesome guy, super cool guy, and
they had the and Eric Clapton's signature model Martin, and
so I was playing it. You know, you play Little
Tears in Heaven. You played Leila unplugged, and I go,
I really want this because it sounded it sounded really
really set how much. I think that one was about
four grand, So I did not not that one. No,
came back with that gold strat though. That was nice.
Speaker 1 (36:24):
There you go.
Speaker 5 (36:25):
But yes, on this day. In nineteen ninety two, Eric
Clapton recorded his unplugged session for MTV. The set, which
included his current hit single Tiers in Heaven and a
reworked acoustic version of Leila Here. It earned six Grammy
Awards for the album, including Record of the Year and
it was what else is there was something? No, Yeah,
six six Grammys, and remains a favorite in his impressive catalog.
Speaker 1 (36:50):
Yeah, well this is this is kind of how he
plays it now.
Speaker 5 (36:53):
Yeah, yeah, he played it? Yeah yeah, and what was
it the I think some streaming. Maybe it's Disney. Plus
they're doing all these music documentaries now that's okay, and
which is great. Always love like it.
Speaker 1 (37:09):
Yeah, when MTV started doing the behind the music, right,
those are series. Those are great. Ya, everybody loves that.
Speaker 5 (37:14):
But I think they're either releasing the whole concert MTV Unplugged,
oh yeah, or I'll google it.
Speaker 1 (37:22):
I would like to see that, yeah.
Speaker 5 (37:24):
Or they're they're doing that and adding more behind the
scenes stuff.
Speaker 1 (37:28):
I don't know that's that's okay with me.
Speaker 5 (37:29):
Yeah, I don't mind.
Speaker 1 (37:31):
Well, uh, it's still we're not at the end of
January yet, and there's still even though we're past the
date where most people give up on their New Year's resolution,
there's still still some people that are gonna stick with it,
particularly if you're pissing all that money away on the
Ocempic and then will go v Apparently those are the
people who like to work out in gyms. That's what
it says here. Okay, anyway, these are a part of
the four New Fitness I always love these. You know,
I'm an old man. I've been working out my whole life,
and I always love seeing these new bs fitness trends. Yeah,
they come out and we'll see how long they last.
Team sports, sports sports and studio based workouts are trending.
Nineteen percent of people who work out regularly expect to
participate in team sports. I would imagine maybe the pickleball.
Speaker 5 (38:19):
I would assume, or some of those group or some.
Speaker 1 (38:22):
Of those group classes.
Speaker 9 (38:24):
Okay, in this and here we go, you.
Speaker 5 (38:26):
Know, not a team sport though, No, that's true.
Speaker 1 (38:28):
No, that's a class anyway. Personal trainers are still popular
but trending down. You're a little too pricey and full
of yourselves really and you're never used one Uh I
was one little twenty one class. Oh, people who don't
like me, I'd make you sweat. I tell you to
get come on, come on if somebody else wants that bike,
you know, way people kicked squid Game first Plase steak knives.
Twenty one percent say they'd work with a health or
wellness coach coach recently, which is twenty five percent fewer
than last year, and but it's still higher than eighteen
percent twenty twenty three. They're great, but they also can
be a little bit pricey. If you if you're just
getting if you're just starting, you've never worked out before,
you have no idea what you're doing. Yes, to get
you going, I would highly recommend that you get a
personal trainer, get some help. Uh More people at your
gym will be on ozempic. Poll found that people on
weight loss drugs like ozepic and will goob you tend
to prefer working out in a gym. They're less likely
to exercise at home or outdoors. Okay, I use all three? Yeah, yeah, yeah,
turning your workout into a game. It's a game. Let's
play a game. They mean things like the Apple Watch challenges,
you know, and fit like you know, hey, it works
for a lot of people. See yeah, uh fitbit badges.
Eight percent always gamify their workout, which is up from
six percent another sixteen percent sometimes up.
Speaker 5 (40:21):
They got to make it fun.
Speaker 1 (40:23):
I was just I do my stats. Yeah, you know.
I I wear my Apple Watch for working out in
the gym, but my garment for everything else, for everything else.
Apple in my opinion, just me, apple Watch sucks. I
don't it does. I don't like it for bike riding.
I don't like it for anything where I have to
use a stopwatch, I don't like it. I like my garment.
Garment's great. And the garment battery. You know, my Apple Watch,
you're always recharging the damn thing. Yeah, my garment. I
can get almost almost seven eight days out of a
charge on it. Yeah that's use it every day with
a little pip on there telling me good job, good job,
or or he's all wrapped up in a cast and
he's got a crutch. That's hilarious. But anyway, Yeah, stuff
like that. I a lot of these trends again, they're
just fads. They move in, they move out. But yeah, yeah,
your your your CrossFit personal trainer. Cost a lot of
money to rent, costs a lot of money to rent that. Yeah,
rent that warehouse. And those tractor tires and big ropes
you know, don't come cheap.
Speaker 5 (41:35):
Right at least they last a while, that's true.
Speaker 1 (41:38):
That's true. And they are heavy.
Speaker 5 (41:41):
Yeah to move Nobody wants to.
Speaker 1 (41:42):
Move those was going to repossess them. Bring the Hugo around.
We're gonna take this big tire.
Speaker 5 (41:49):
Yeah, so I found it. MTV has announced the release
of Eric Clapton Unplugged, over thirty years later from its
Grammy and Emmy Award winning Global music franchise MTV Unplugged.
The nine minutes special will premiere and select US n
UK theaters on January twenty seventh and twenty eighth, before
it's available to stream on Paramount Plus beginning February twelfth.
Speaker 1 (42:11):
That's another globally, I'm gonna have to wind up dumping Netflix.
And well I'm almost done with Cobra Kai. Oh yeah,
I'm I'm Do.
Speaker 5 (42:19):
You watch the Squid Game?
Speaker 1 (42:20):
No? No, it was interesting, I'm sure it was could
care less high collar you're on the.
Speaker 5 (42:26):
Air, Good morning.
Speaker 12 (42:29):
How do you think about Zuckerberg has admitted that he
was pressured by the administration to censor freedom of speech.
I think about he's sorry action lawsuits billions of dollars.
Speaker 9 (42:43):
Yeah, yeah, it was mister government made me do it.
I didn't want to do it, but it was mister
government made me do it and made me give him
four hundred and nineteen million dollars for the twenty twenty election.
Speaker 1 (42:54):
Yeah, you forced me to do it, sly. Sorry, but
I'm sorry.
Speaker 9 (42:57):
I'm not gonna do that no more.
Speaker 12 (43:00):
But what do you think about class action lawsuits?
Speaker 10 (43:04):
Speaker 1 (43:04):
I mean why not? Because look, you know, I love this.
I love this idea. I love this idea that corporations
think that they don't have to adhere to the First Amendment.
I just I think it's hilarious. I think it's hilarious
that government thinks that they can use corporations to try and.
Speaker 5 (43:26):
Circumvent right the excuse me circumcise.
Speaker 1 (43:29):
Yes, yes, the First Amendments.
Speaker 12 (43:32):
Spreading the misinformation. It wasn't exactly, imber.
Speaker 5 (43:38):
Exactly what did What did Biden say in his farewell
pre recorded address, Oh they're getting rid of fact checkers.
Speaker 10 (43:45):
Oh no, oh.
Speaker 1 (43:46):
No, we can't lie to you anymore. No, so you know, so,
yeah you can try it, but good luck, I mean
good luck. I agree, Yeah, I agree.
Speaker 5 (44:00):
I think a lot of that. Trump wants to do that.
And that's why Zuck is all of a sudden playing
nice with Trump, because Trump said, look, you're either gonna
play with nice with me, or I'm gonna have the beautiful, amazing,
fantastic against Pam Bundy. Look into you, little zuckerback boy. Yeah,
so you know, I think it's it's that tactic too.
Speaker 10 (44:22):
Speaker 12 (44:23):
I know you left fascist book because of I'm assuming
fascist book jail, but they got they you got put
into for telling the truth.
Speaker 1 (44:32):
Yeah, oh oh three times. Yeah, I was a ribbon
Yes I have, Yeah, I got the medal and everything.
Uh huh Facebook jail, Yeah indeed, no, I yeah, I'm
I'm with you on a class action. I just don't
see how it's uh uh fine, final lawyer is gonna
take it, and I don't think it's you'll be.
Speaker 5 (44:52):
You'll find a judge that's gonna you know.
Speaker 1 (44:54):
Yeah, right, yeah, we gotta we gotta weed out the
judicial system be for a case like that would I
think be able to go anywhere. You know, we'd get
some Obama appointed judge that would just put the kibosh
on the whole thing. Yeah, story judge, and I would
say the same thing about a class action lawsuit against Pfizer,
Maderna and all the other guys who've murdered literally murdered knowingly,
willingly for money, murdered a bunch of people and maimed
a bunch of others. There should be a huge class
action lawsuit against that. But they'll be waiving their little
immunity in our faces. Oh yeah, thank you for the call.
We've got a fake news radio update on the way.
Next hour. Eric should be in here and we'll tell
you how you can actually purchase a case of the Mondays.
Speaker 14 (46:19):
We're in news Radio fifteen eighty am w CCF Punda
Gorda and f M one hundred point nine W two
sixty five EA, Punda Gorda