All Episodes

January 23, 2025 • 44 mins
Thursday 01/23/25 Hour 2.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Today's show is brought to you by four out of
five dentists, making the fifth dentist feel like a social
outcast since nineteen eighty five.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
Good morning, team.

Speaker 3 (00:12):
And good morning to you.

Speaker 4 (00:13):
Who what's a piece of potem?

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Who's the first piece of that pie?

Speaker 4 (00:18):
Is this high homemade pa?

Speaker 5 (00:21):
So good?

Speaker 4 (00:21):
This is fantasy. I'm sorry the pie is powable. Well,
you know what they say, Beauty is in the pie
of the beholder. Hey bought Beauty is in the pie
of the beholder.

Speaker 6 (00:31):
Nobody said that Happy National Pie Day showtime.

Speaker 1 (00:37):
In this present crisis, government is not the solution to
our problem.

Speaker 4 (00:43):
Government is the problem. This is Charlotte County Speaks.

Speaker 1 (00:48):
Your chance to let your voice be heard on local, state,
don national issues, and now. Broadcasting live from a dumpy
little warehouse behind a taco bell, the host of Charlotte
County Speaks, Ken love Joy.

Speaker 4 (01:17):
News Radio fifteen eighty one hundred point nine FM, Wccfradio
dot Com. This is Charlotte County Speaks. Oh the m
the iHeartRadio app. Don't forget the iHeart Radio app. Check
out if you haven't checked it out, A lot of
you have it on the phone. Sometimes don't listen. It's
been updated. Check it out. Look at it looks like
it looks like like a regular radio. You got presets,

all kinds of cool stuff, you can scan, do all
kinds of stuff. Podcasts out, the Wahs got them. Check
it out. The iHeartRadio app new and improved and it's
a lot more fun. It's easier to navigate too. And
your favorite station pops up automatically. I love that that

would be this station on my phone. Hey, did we'd
tell you about the bowling fund rais you're coming up
with the Port Charlotte High School band? I believe we did,
but we're gonna do it again. Coming up. Treasure Lanes Sunday,
January twenty six, one to three pm, twenty five dollars.
Entry fee includes your shoes, you got trophies, all kinds

of auctions, a bunch of other stuff too. One hundred
and twenty spots available. You can call nine four one
two zero four eighty four twenty six, or you can text,
or you can show up and register day of until
twelve thirty. So there you go. Treasure Lanes Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. There.

So what do we have? The Democrats being Democrats. What
did they do? They they voted in favor of rapists,
support rapists and murderers. One hundred and fifty six Democrats
chose to support rapists and murderers. Shouldn't really be a

surprise if you live in the big cities and see
how easily criminals are just turned in and out of
the justice system. Oh quick, get them back out on
the street. Hurry up. So one hundred and fifty six
Democrats voted no on the Lake and Riley Act after

it passed in the Senate, twelve Democrat senators backed the
Lake and Riley Act. What you're saying here, so, well,
how can almost how can almost all Democrats in the
House vote no and twelve Democrat senators vote yes? Well,

it's head to President Trump's desk. It's a new law
that will require the detention of illegal aliens who commit crimes. Duh,
common sense. The people already committed a crime entering our
country illegally. Still, Democrats need to have a refresher on

enforcing immigration laws after hoardes of these peoples have gone
about raping and killing our citizens under the era of
Joe Biden regimes incompetence, So you'll see that it sailed

through the House apparently even with the one fifty six
pass the Senate with significant bipartisan support, and the twelve
Democrat senators voted to pass the law. All these Democrat
senators hail from states that either Trump won one or
are on the border, or are up for reelection in

twenty twenty six, and all twelve of these, most twelve
of these face some very tough reelection roads ahead. From
roll call, twelve Senate Democrats voted with Republicans to pass
a bill on immigration, a topic that has faced congressional

gridlock for years, to address one of President Trump's top
campaign issues, just hours after he was sworn in for
a second term. The legislation, known as the Lake and
Riley Act and named for a twenty two year old
woman who was murdered last year while jogging at the
University of Georgia, would allow for stricter punishments of undocumented
immigrants who commit crimes in the US. The measure went

to the House, it was approved, So they voted because
to say they voted in favor to save their political
butts essentially is why. And at this point, you know,
if that's the best we can hope for. I'll take it.

Speaker 2 (06:10):
Yeah, well, you know that's just like.

Speaker 4 (06:14):
Your opinion. Man will be.

Speaker 5 (06:16):
Right back with Charlotte County Speaks News Radio fifteen to
eighty WCCF.

Speaker 6 (06:23):
Trump's scorecard say, I'm bloody impressed. I'm difficult to impress.
I'm just gonna go over day two. We're day two
of the scorecard.

Speaker 4 (06:32):

Speaker 6 (06:33):
Restored merit based hiring at the FAA.

Speaker 4 (06:37):
Thank god, thank god.

Speaker 6 (06:39):
Yeah, you have to be actually a good pilot, you know,
in order to fly. It doesn't matter what color or
who you decide to sleep with.

Speaker 7 (06:47):
Order the closure of all federal DEI offices, everybody working
there put on indefinite leave. Order the repeal of lbj's
miss e O one one two four six that mandated
affirmative action rather than merit based hiring and federal employment

and contracting Great news. Prohibited the use of all racial
discrimination or DEI at federal contractors and universities receiving taxpayer dollars. Oh,
and much much more Watchdog and Wall Street dot Com.

Speaker 8 (07:34):
Good don't end here. You say that thinking you know where.

Speaker 1 (08:00):
He likes begun.

Speaker 8 (08:01):
That's a woman the dead idea.

Speaker 9 (08:08):
That's my thing.

Speaker 8 (08:09):
I lost what's off?

Speaker 4 (08:10):
But something that you say.

Speaker 8 (08:14):
Good last night? They loved you opening doors and pulling
some strings. Didn't walk up and you look in time
the walk tall at.

Speaker 10 (08:34):
The host.

Speaker 8 (08:44):
To June in this sort.

Speaker 4 (08:52):
Yes good wop wop wop wop. News Radio fifteen eighty
one hundred point nine FM ten twenty here at WCCF,
Charlotte County speaks on little Golden Years courtesy of David Bowie,
who on this date in nineteen seventy six released his

tenth album Station to Station and this song was on it.

Speaker 11 (09:18):
Shadow the Shadows, the shadows at least gold.

Speaker 4 (09:27):
What else historically do we have? It was on this
date in eighteen forty nine a woman named Elizabeth Blackwell
got her medical degree from New York's Geneva College to
become the first female doctor Old Doc Lizzie. It was
on this date ninety two years ago, nineteen thirty three,

the twentieth Amendment to the Constitution was ratified. That's the
one that set the date. A new president assumes office
and determines what would happen if the president delect dies
before he can assume office. Well, because a FDR thirty three, Yeah, no, yeah,

four terms. It was long time.

Speaker 2 (10:17):

Speaker 4 (10:18):
This date, nineteen fifty seven, toy company Whammell produced the
very first Frisbees. Come on man, that was fun. One
ninety gram Little Yeah, Marathon Frisbee had a blast. Over
one hundred million Frisbees have been sold since nineteen seventy seven,

plus all the knockoffs as well. Frisbee Golf huge, well,
not huge, but pretty big.

Speaker 2 (10:51):

Speaker 4 (10:51):
Fifty two years ago, nineteen seventy three, Tricky Dick Nixon
announced that an accord had been reached to end the
Vietnam War. Fifty years ago, nineteen seventy five, on this date,
Barney Miller debuted We All Love Barney. That was a
great show. Eight seasons, Hal Lyndon, Jack Sue, Max Gale,

Ron Glass, Steve Landesburg, great comedian, and the sexy Abe Vagoda.
What else do we have?

Speaker 9 (11:31):

Speaker 4 (11:31):
Remember the mini series Roots Back in nineteen seventy seven
on ABC. From mini series based on Alex Haley's novel
began airing became the most watched TV program in history,
and also launched Jordie's career as well. And he's still

doing the reading Rainbow or whatever the hell that is.
I don't know what to tell you. Eighteen. Yeah, debuted
on this date in eight nineteen eighty three, forty two
years ago. Wow, uh da dad. We lost Salvador Dolly

on this date in nineteen eighty nine at the age
of eighty four. Yeah. Madeline Albright sworn in as the
first female Secretary of State on this state in nineteen
what is it ninety seven? Yeah, it worked out so well.
What else do we have? Larry King? We lost Larry

just a couple of years ago, twenty twenty one of
sepsis after recovering from the COVID. Larry was eighty seven.
Give it up for Larry King. He was eighty seven
or he was married eighty seven times. I can't I
can't remember which one it was there two six, fifteen eighty,
toll free, eight a'ight eight four four to one, fifteen eighty.

I don't know. He was buried a lot. I love
the interview that Larry had with Norm MacDonald. Hilarious interview.
If you want to watch two dead guys just saying this,
you know, you know how I feel. I mean almost

eight in the eighteenth year of the show. Here not
a fan of the un vacate the building, implode it,
put a park there or something, and send all these
people back to their respective countries because the UN does
US no favors from Breitbart, outrage intensifying as after Israeli

hostages recently freed from Hamas in Gaza revealed that they
were held in UN facilities during their captivity, with critics
calling the UNRWA a front for Hamas that must be
disbanded immediately. Last week, three Israeli women, Romy Gonen, Emily

Damari and Doran Steinbrecker were released in a high stakes
prisoner swap which saw Israeli free ninety Palestinian detainees, including
convicted terrorists. The women, who endured nearly a year and
a half of captivity under the terrorist group of MOAS,
described being detained in United Nations facilities, including tent camps

and humanitarian zones administered by the UN Relief and Works
Agency the U n RWA. Should you know again, get
the hell out of the UN dump these guys. Additional

reports indicate they were held at the Camal Adwan Hospital
in northern Gaza. The former hostages now undergoing rehab obviously
severe conditions long periods under ground confinement, no sunlight. One
woman recounted being subjected to a medical procedure without anesthesia,
underscoring the inhumane treatment that they faced. In response to

the revelations, critics, of course, have taken to the socials.
But if this isn't another reason to get the heck
out of the UN, I don't know what to tell you.
These guys do us no favor. And I'll bet you
how much you want to bet we pay the majority

of whatever the UN costs. How much you want to
bet we pay the majority of it? I would be
surprised if we don't two six fifteen eighty, toll free
eight eight eight four four one fifteen eighty. In Canada, Canada,

Tom knighton the stats are wow, pretty weird, he says, recently,
I was reading some interesting from National Review. It looked
at some numbers out of Canada. Pretty fascinating. Great White
North has two things many here have long favored in

the US. They have single payer healthcare and assisted suicide.
More people want the former than the latter, thankfully, but
enough want both to cause concern. The same people tend
to think that we should be like Canada on other
things too, like gun policy, see they believe guns kill people. However,

a piece by National Review points out something interesting quote
what a debacle. More than fifteen thousand people died in
Canada in one year because they couldn't access care in
the country's collapsing socialized healthcare system. From the Toronto Sun

to fifteen thousand, five hundred people died waiting for healthcare
in Canada between April first, twenty twenty three until March
thirty first, twenty twenty four, according to data compiled by
second street dot Org via Freedom to Information Act request
across the country. However, second street dot org says the
exact number of fifteen four hundred and seventy four is incomplete,

as Quebec, Alberta, Newfoundland and Labrador don't track the problem,
and Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia only provided data on patients
who died while waiting for surgeries, not diagnostic scans. Second
street dot Org says if it extrapolates the unknown data,
then an estimated twenty eight thousand, seventy seven patients died

last year on healthcare waiting lists, covering everything from cancer
treatment and hard operations to cataract surgery and MRI scans. Whoo,
that's a lot, folks, just you know, just saying it
gets worse. About the same number of people were euthanized

in Canada in twenty twenty three. Some asked to be
lethally jabbed because they couldn't access healthcare in a timely fashion.
So around thirty thousand people die waiting for healthcare that
never comes or are euthanized by the Canadian government. Now,
some of those who die waiting likely would have died

no matter what. That's just a percentage, obviously, just as
some of those euthanized were likely going to pass anyway regardless,
might have had some terminal illness and didn't want to
ride out the pain. However, I'm willing to bet it
wasn't all that many, though we're never really gonna know. Meanwhile,
how many Americans were killed with a gun in twenty

twenty three, which mostly mostly lines up with the same
time period only thirteen, five hundred and twenty nine. Now,
it's a lot, but fit a million compared to thirty thousand.
With the government's help, the United States has more than
eight times the population of Canada. Canada has got about

the population of California, and even massive death and destruction
brought by our gun policy second Amendment pales in comparison
to the number of people the Canadian government managed to
kill during the same timeframe. So even if you counted
just the youth and the people who were euthanized, the

death toll is higher, not just on a per capita basis,
but in raw total numbers as well. And that number
gets doubled when you count the deaths that were the
result of inaction on the part of the Canadian healthcare system.
But you didn't count suicides. Somebody's going to argue that,
but kind of reject that right out of the gate.

If you're supportive of Canada's medical assistance in dying system,
you don't get to lash out at people taking their
own lives here in the US, regardless of what method
they use. And that's why I'm only counting homicides. Truly
disturbing to say the least. But what we know for
certain from all of this is that guns don't kill people.

Canada kills people just I mean, that's right. It's in
the numbers. It's in the stats. Kids two oh six
fifteen eighty, toll free eight eight four four one fifteen eighty.
Uh oh, we didn't. Did we get to this. We

didn't get to this yesterday. We should have Vinman's wife.
Can you believe that?

Speaker 2 (20:50):

Speaker 4 (20:51):
Hi, tell tell me your your husband committed treason? Without
telling me your husband committed treason? All out there bitchin
and whining because yeah, Old Joe didn't give her a
husband a pardon. The wife of Army Lieutenant Colonel Alexander

Vinman is devastated that her husband didn't receive a pardon
from Old Grover Joe. Vinman, of course, key witness in
Trump's first impeachment trial back in twenty nineteen. However, he
was repeatedly, repeatedly caught lying during his testimony before Congress,

which made him a hero among Democrats. But again he
committed treason. He announced his retirement for public service the
following year. He should be recalled to active duty in
court martialed in my humble opinion, as Trump seeks retribution
for the American people and the numerous crimes that were

committed during the Biden year. Rachel Vinman expressed her betrayal
at her husband not being offered a preemptive pardon to
protect him from future prosecution. Quote.

Speaker 12 (22:10):
Whatever happens to my family, know this. No pardons were
offered or discussed. I cannot begin to describe the level
of betrayal and hurt that I feel.

Speaker 4 (22:26):
Is that pretty good? I thought it was pretty good.
I've never heard her before. I'm taking a shot in
the dark here. I thought I did a good job.
Her comments come hours after grow for Joe announced that
he would be pardoning General Millie alongside Fauci, former Congresswoman

Liz Bubbles Chaney, and members of the January sixth Committee.
In a statement announcing the pardon, Biden described them as
public servants who had served our nation with honor and
do not deserve to be targets of unjustified and politically
motivated prosecutions just because they broke the law, just because
they tried to destroy people's lives, just because they tried

to interfere with an election and pull off a coup.
They should not have to bear the burden of accountability. Okay,
I don't know. I think Well again, I still think.
You know, you put them in the position of being
subpoena to testify under oath in Congress about the corruption

that they were just pardoned from just saying I think
that's what should happen, and I hope it does. That
would be I think the best option for all Americans
who are looking for accountability from their elected officials. I'm
the dude, So that's what you call me.

Speaker 11 (23:57):
You know that?

Speaker 4 (23:59):
Or is dudeness or dudh or you know eldud reno.
If you're not into the whole brevity thing.

Speaker 5 (24:06):
We'll be right back with Charlotte County Speaks News Radio
fifteen eighty WCCF.

Speaker 9 (24:13):
My wife and I we have two wonderful kids and.

Speaker 2 (24:18):
Another kid.

Speaker 9 (24:24):
And the majority of your kids are good man. Now
we have two kids. I'm joking, they're both wonderful. I
love being a parent. You get to say sentences when
you're a parent that people without kids would never get
to say. There's an actual sentence I came out of
my mouth the other day, But I don't try to
balance your fruits between your chest and the table. Actual

sentence I had to put together and aim and another
member of our species. Actually he was trying to push
a plastic cup of fruits along the edge of the table,
pushing it with his chest.

Speaker 2 (25:04):
How can you not admire that kind of effort.

Speaker 4 (25:08):
People without kids would never get to.

Speaker 9 (25:09):
Say anything like that. Charlie, trying not to balance your
fruit juice between your chest and the table. You know,
it does seem rather precarious. You know, when I sat
down on the table, it seemed more solid underneath. That's
what I was thinking. Thanks for pointing out. You're welcome
continue with your.

Speaker 10 (25:25):
Proposals, said farewell.

Speaker 13 (26:05):
Now the black lords has called, and it's time to
lay your gods down. Raise your head to the sun
with all your l rows, brou.

Speaker 4 (26:29):
Your faith sealed with.

Speaker 13 (26:32):
The kids then gathered on the suspense.

Speaker 3 (26:41):
And butt their partact their fast. She held well, Rod
fun had dark de side.

Speaker 10 (27:00):
She br yeah.

Speaker 9 (27:08):
Look bit.

Speaker 4 (27:12):
News Radio fifteen eighty one hundred point nine FM, WCCF
ten forty three Thursday morning at Charlotte County Speaks. Phone
lines open nine four one two zero six fifteen eighty
toll free eight eight eight four four one fifteen eighty
Little Wilted Rose, Black Crows. That's off. They're actually their

latest album Happiness bastards. Gotta love that name, and you
know can Luckily, uh Trudeau has agreed that he's on
his way out and uh hopefully it Here's Canada's got

a bright future ahead if the Canadian Conservative Party leader
Pierre Pollieve is elected as an ex prime minister, he's favored.
The dude's awesome. I mean, just common sense and in
just a very subtle, dead pan, matter of fact way,

he destroys the left. It's it's hilarious to watch, and
he proved it again with Canadian TV reporter who was
interviewing him started his interrogation of Pollieve by bringing up
President Trump's executive order of making it official US policy

that the only two genders are male and female. And
I just love the way that Pollieve just destroys him.

Speaker 11 (28:58):
First day on the job, President Trump sign an executive order. Uh,
you know the US government only recognizing two genders male female,
They're unchangeable. You know, if elected as prime minister, is
that something that you're going to kind of walk in
line with or what are your feelings on that executive order?

Speaker 14 (29:14):
Well, I don't know, do you have any other genders
that you'd like to name?

Speaker 11 (29:20):
Me personally? I'm just asking more so if you're in
line with what he is saying? Do you agree with
what he's saying? Is that something that you would be
lockstep with theyf elected as prime minister.

Speaker 14 (29:32):
Well, I'm not aware of any other genders than men
and women. I mean, if you have any other you
want me to consider, you're welcome to tell.

Speaker 4 (29:41):
Me right now.

Speaker 11 (29:41):
Well there as well, there's personally I am a man.
I am a people who say sis man. There are
there are people there who you know, they say they're
gender neutral.

Speaker 2 (29:51):
You are a man.

Speaker 11 (29:52):
Yes, there are people there who say they're some gender. Yeah,
they say they're gender neutral. Uh, they're you know they're
there are a trans person is asked something that you
would recognize here or as in the States, at least
with their US government. The way they're seeing it, there's
only two.

Speaker 14 (30:10):
I'm only aware of two. But I mean if you have,
if you come up with another list, then you're welcome
to do that. But I'm aware of two. And as
far as I'm concerned, we should have a government that
just minds its own damn business and leaves people alone.

Speaker 4 (30:27):
I love the guy. I hope I really pray that
he wins as Canadian's next prime minister, because look at
the way he just left that that interviewer just stumbling
tripping over his lips. Love it. Two six fifteen eighty

toll free eight eight eight four four one fifteen eighty.
Well today, what tricky dick he came to an agreement
to in the Vietnam War. This from the gateway Hispanic
Communist Vietnam follows libertarian malaise path. In a surprising turn,

Vietnamese Communist Party has decided to embark on a bold
path towards restructuring its state apparatus, following the global trend
recently led by other countries. The new plan is inspired
by the radical reforms implemented in Argentina by President Avier Mile,
which seek to drastically reduce the size of the state

and ease the bureaucratic burden. Under the banner of administrative reform,
the Vietnamese government has announced its intention to reduce approximately
twenty percent of government ministries and agencies, as well as
an number of public employees. This historical measure seeks to
radically transform a system that many consider obsolete and increasingly complicated.

The strategy involves elimination of five ministries and the merger
of critical areas such as finance and planning and investment.
This merger aims to create a more efficient administration capable
of responding to the economic needs of a developing country.
Four state agencies are also expected to be abolished, including
the State Capital Management Committee. State media outlets have also

been announced to close, including five public television channels. Speaking
of that, we need to get rid of our public TV.
It sucks. Publicly funded propaganda for the left is not
in the taxpayer's best interest. Just saying they want to
keep it going. Let them operate like a real radio

and TV station. Go out there and make some money.
Ah yeah, So theyre have all been in attempt. Newspapers too.
They have ten newspapers all the state media total state media,
five public television stations, ten newspapers, nineteen magazines, all abolished

in an attempt to cut costs. Vietnam's effort is part
of a broader trend that includes simultaneous initiatives in other countries.
In Argentina 'avier Malay, of course, has already launched the
largest public spending cut in history with the intention of
eliminating the fiscal deficit affecting the country, and he's on
his way to doing it too. Here. Trump has promised

significant adjustments through the douge. See how that works. Cutting
the bureaucracy. Quote, this is the boldest administrative reform in
Vietnam since the Doi MOI reforms, said Back Gang, a
senior researcher with the ISAs use off Eshak Institute in Singapore.

That's pretty good.

Speaker 2 (34:11):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (34:12):
We'll see started happening in November, culminating in December with
a formal draft requiring the submission of restructuring reports by
all bureaucrats. These proposals will be evaluated at extraordinary sessions
of the Central Committee and the National Assembly scheduled for February.

Although the extent of the labor impact is uncertain, tension
is palpable among public employees. Yeah, about to get their
jobs axed. The Deputy Prime Minister is estimated that nearly
one hundred thousand jobs could be at risk, creating uncertainty
and concert well less bureaucracy versioning private sector. You do

all the malays stuff. The private sector is going to
grow and these one hundred thousands are going to get
probable hopefully better gigs. Anyway, just thought that was weird
to see Vietnam of all places. Right, Yeah they're going,

but here back home, you've still got freak shows. You know,
even though a lot of sorrows back DA's got the acts,
you still got a sorrow's back DA. In Philly Larry Kresne,
who's trying to explore state charges against the January six

ers pardoned by Trump. First of all, don't you have
double jeopardy? Secondly, how do you twist the law that
happened in DC to a state law? I feel sorry
for all the j Sixers that live in pennsyl Tucky.

Per CNN report reporter Marshall Cohen, Philadelphia, DA. Larry Krasner,
Progressive democrap Soorros backed Progressive Democrat, is exploring state charges
against pardoned US capital rioters from Pennsyltucky. This would face
significant legal hurdles like, of course double jeopardy. But he

told me, quote, you're going to have a state prosecution
for conduct that was not fully encompassed in the federal prosecution,
that did not happen in the state of Pennsyltancki Krasner, Baby,
you got to go. You've got to go, Baby, You've

got to go.

Speaker 8 (36:49):
And now it's time for.

Speaker 4 (36:52):
Five random random facts. Number one we got here. Oh
this is cool. The oldest known living land animal is Jonathan.
He's a seguly. He's how you say whatever, giant tortoise

living in Saint Helena, a British island in the South Atlantic.
Jonathan is thought to be one hundred and ninety two
years old at least, with a hatching date of no
later than eighteen thirty two. He's pretty big too. I
got a little YouTube thing of him here. It's kind

of cute. You can see him on YouTube. Number two
people in Costa Rica are only allowed to drive six
days a week to cut down on traffic and pollution.
The last digit of your license plate number dictates what
day you're not allowed on the road. Number three it's
illegal to own a pet hamster in Hawaii. The climate

is too good for hamsters, so if a few ever escaped,
they could start wild colonies that would devastate Hawaii's native crops.
But you also have snake food. Number four. Not a
single NBA player has ever had the jersey number sixty nine.

Giggity Number five. Of your five random facts for this Thursday.
If you need a new nightmare fodder, here you go.
There are twenty five million tons worth of spiders on
Earth right now and based on the amount they eat.

In theory, they could eat every single human on the
planet in one year. Added up, all the spiders in
the world consume somewhere between four hundred million and eight
hundred million tons of prey every year, while all the
humans on Earth way around three hundred million tons. Sweet dreams,

there's five ran in facts two oh six fifteen eighty
toll free eight eight eight four four one fifteen eighty.
Uh told you what is this?

Speaker 5 (39:26):
What is this? No?

Speaker 4 (39:27):
This is stupid. I just saw iPhones with TikTok installed
are being listed on eBay for twenty five thousand dollars.
Apparently Apple and Google still don't have TikTok back on
their app stores because the legal stuff around the order

that Trump gave is kind of murky. So people are
trying to sell their old phones with TikTok installed for
insane amounts of money. Of course they are, well, good luck,
there's a sucker out there, there's a shot you might get.
You know, it could happen. It could happen.

Speaker 12 (40:12):

Speaker 4 (40:12):
Apparently the gen zers are you an open book at work? No,
I mean, I guess for the most part, I kind
of am, but I mean no, or do you hide
the fact that you have a room in your house
dedicated to your beanie baby collection?

Speaker 9 (40:32):
Do you?

Speaker 4 (40:34):
According to a new report and Fortune magazine, around sixty
two percent of workers worldwide say they hide aspects of
themselves at work, which I totally understand. But well, because
depending on how many people you work with, you're not
gonna like everybody. Of course you're gonna hide certain aspects.

But apparently that's up from fifty five percent last year
two percent now fifty five percent last year. And things
are more hidden in North America, where seventy percent of
workers say they are secretive about themselves on the job.
When broken down by generation, gen Z is the most
likely to be secretive about their lives. Some companies may

gen zs all over the internet, how can they be
secretive at work anyway? Some companies may prefer employees to
be authentic at the office and want them to feel
comfortable being themselves, but only forty nine percent of workers
trust their employer to build a working culture where everyone
can thrive. Yeah, I mean you might say that. Also,

political and social views can be lightning rods for unwanted conflict,
and being less open can avoid tension. Okay, whatever. Hey, hey,

gotta move the button. Here we go. Hey, hey, post Malone,
I know, just listen. Hear me out. Post Malone teamed
up with Oreo. Now hear me out, created his own
cookie and it features the first ever twisted cream center.

Hear me out. I know it's post Malone. Hear me out.
The cream is salted caramel and shortbread and it's sandwiched
between the typical chocolate cookie on one side and a
golden cookie on the other. Oh, come on, say what
you will about the old post Dusty there. It's worth

a try, is it not. The answer is a resounding yes.

Speaker 3 (43:00):
It is.

Speaker 9 (43:05):

Speaker 4 (43:05):
Pre sale at oreo dot com on Monday, hitting the
shelves on February third. With that on my calendar. Okay, Hey,
Bob Marley at Vesani this weekend. Good luck getting tickets.
Almost every show is sold out. So there. I'll be
at the five o'clock show on Saturday. Hopefully we'll see

you there. If not, have a great weekend. We'll talk
to you Monday. Coming up next after a fake news
radio update, Michael P. Hayman's gonna build you all a zoo.
Have a good weekend.

Speaker 2 (43:35):
Kids, anybody got any more jokes, any funny, Nope, nope.

Speaker 5 (43:48):
All right, so you folks, we're in news Radio fifteen
eighty am w CCF Punda Gordon and FM one hundred
point nine W two six five EA punder Gordon h
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