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January 26, 2024 71 mins

Join us in a captivating exploration of the Book of 2 Baruch, also known as the Apocalypse of Baruch. Reflect upon the dispersion of the Jewish people and the blessings they were destined to bring. Dive deep into the themes of Jerusalem’s destruction, restoration, spiritual teleportation, and discover the significance of sacred vessels and angels.

Embark on an enlightening journey through the enigmatic verses of one of the most profound and lesser-known books of our ancient scripture. From lamentations of Baruch to divine judgments, learn about the transient nature of prosperity and matters of righteousness and transgression.

Gain valuable insights into the divine granting prosperity, adversity, the impending divine retribution, the role of Adam and Moses in the interpretation of divine judgement. Moreover, the episode details the profound wisdom these scriptures hold beyond material prosperity.

Delve deep into the often ungraspable concepts of ethics, divine judgement, the purpose of life, and the consequences of righteousness and transgression. Learn about the transformations brought upon by man's transient nature and achieve enlightenment about life and death, corruptible time, and the cessation of the angel of death.

Experience a dramatic revelation of time and eras, the coming of the Messiah, miracles, abundance, and health. Learn the significance of resilience, preparation, obedience and brace yourself for an exceptional journey through an ancient scripture's wisdom and stories.

Lastly, enrich your understanding of spirituality, sin , repentance, and prophetic ministry through the mysteries of the Book of Second Baruch. This captivating episode challenges listeners to deeply consider their spiritual stance and reminds everyone of the importance of compassion and community amidst life struggles.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Shalom, shalom. Welcome, welcome, world changers.
Here we are again for another reading of the scriptures, and tonight is going
to be very, very special.
We're reading from the book of 2 Baruch, which is also known as the Apocalypse
of Baruch, and there's a lot of amazing things that we're going to get into tonight.

Okay, and so this is a copy of the translation of the book of 2 Baruch,
The Apocalypse of Baruch, The Son of Nerea, or Second Baruch.
Now, I noticed that many copies of this book are going around the internet.
And from what I see, most, if not almost all of the copies that you would get

from the internet is actually taken from this particular website.
So might as well go to the source and we'll read it right from the source.
So, 2nd Baruch, the apocalypse of Baruch the son of Nerea, chapter 1,
announcement of the coming destruction of Jerusalem to Baruch.

And it came to pass in the 25th year of yakuni i know by the way i'm sorry guys
for those of you who are watching this or reading this on mobile devices i know
it's kind of small however i cannot,
i cannot zoom in and i cannot blow it
up any more than what it is here without without having
it go completely off screen like you know like this right so

it just it just won't work so i'm going going to have to we're
going to have to make do we're you know as we can here so
it's going to be small for you guys unless you're watching this on a
tv or on a monitor a computer
monitor this will be a little bit of a extra small
font here let me see if i can get it just it's a little bit bigger i don't think

i can but no it goes right off the screen so anyway we'll do it we'll do Do
with what we have here. We'll make do with what we have.
So this is chapter 1, verse 1. And it came to pass in the 25th year of Jeconiah,
king of Judah, that the word of the Lord came to Baruch, the son of Nerea,

and said to him, Have you seen all that these people are doing to me?
That the evils which these two tribes have remained, have done,
are greater than those of the ten tribes which are carried away captive.
For the former tribes were forced by their kings to commit sin.

But these two of themselves have been forcing and compelling their kings to commit sin.
For this reason, behold, I will bring evil upon the city and upon its inhabitants,
and it shall be removed from before me for a time.
And I will scatter this people among the Gentiles, that they may do good to the Gentiles.".

And my people shall be chastened, and the time shall come when they will seek
the prosperity of their times.
Now, let me just stop here for a second.
Let's just talk about this particular concept just for a moment.
God said, I will scatter this people, so the remaining two tribes,

among the Gentiles, that they may do good to the Gentiles.
I just want to say something very quickly here about this, because in the Jewish world today,
one of the understandings and teachings is that the Jewish people have been
scattered into all the nations to actually bring the word of God to them and

to be a blessing to their nations.
And so this particular concept is not just found in 2 Baruch.
It's actually found in much throughout Jewish thought in regards to the dispersion
of the Jewish people amongst the nations of the world.

To bring the gospel, as it were, the word of God to them.
Moving on. And my people shall be chastened, and the time shall come when they
will seek for the prosperity of their times.
For I have said these things to you that you may bid Jeremiah and all those
that are like you to return from this city.

For your works are to the city as a firm pillar, and your prayers as a strong wall.
And I said, O Lord, my Lord, have I come into the world for this purpose,
that I might see the evils of my mother note?
So my Lord, excuse me, my mother, not so.

The way it has a capital N-O-T, I thought it's a name, my mother note. Actually, it's not.
Not so, my Lord. Verse 2, if I have found grace in your sight, first take my spirit.
What does this mean? This actually just means Baruch is praying,

you know, basically praying for his passing away, you know, take my spirit from
me that I may go to my father's.
In other words, be buried with my father's and not behold the destruction of
my mother. For two things vehemently constrain me, for I cannot resist you,
and my soul, moreover, cannot behold the evils of my mother.
But one thing I say in your presence, O Lord, what, therefore,

will there be after these things?
For if you destroy your city and deliver up your land to those that hate us,
how shall the name of Israel be again remembered? Or how shall one speak of your praises?

Or to whom shall that which is in your law be explained?
Or shall the world return to its nature of aforetime?
And the age revert to primeval silence, and shall the multitude of souls be

taken away, and the nature of man not again be named?
And where is all that which you did say regarding us?
And the Lord said to me, this city shall be delivered up for a time,
and people shall be chastened during a time, and the world shall not be given over to oblivion.

Chapter 4, the heavenly Jerusalem.
Do you think that this city of which I said on the palms of my hands, have I graven you? No.
This building now built in your midst is not that which is revealed with me,
that which prepared beforehand here from the time when I took counsel to make

paradise and showed Adam before he sinned.
But when he transgressed the commandment, it was removed from him as also paradise.
And after these things, I showed it to my servant Abraham by night.
Among the portions of the victims. And again, also I showed it to Moses on Mount

Sinai, when I showed to the likeness of the tabernacle in all its vessels.
And now, behold, it is preserved with me as paradise.
Go, therefore, and do as I command you.
Chapter 5, Baruch's complaint and God's reassurance.

And I answered and said, so then am I destined to grieve for Zion?
For your enemies will come to this place and pollute your sanctuary and lead
your inheritance into captivity and make themselves masters of those whom you have loved.
And they will depart heart again to the place of their idols,

and will boast before them.
And what will you do for your great name?
And the Lord said unto me, My name and my glory are unto all eternity,
and my judgment shall remain, excuse me, and my judgment shall maintain its right in its own time.

And you shall You shall see with your eyes that the enemy will not overthrow
Zion, nor shall they burn Jerusalem, but be ministers of the judge for a time.
But do you go and do whatever I said unto you?

And I went and took Jeremiah, and Adu, and Sariah, and Yabish,
and Gedalim, and all the honorable men of the people.
And I led them to the valley of Kidron, and narrated to them all that had been said to me.
And they lifted up their voice, and they all wept. and we sat there and fasted until evening.

Invasion of the Chaldeans and their entrance into the city after the sacred
vessels were hidden and the city walls overthrown by angels.
And it came to pass on the morrow, tomorrow, the next day, that lo,
the army of the Chaldeans surrounded the city.
And at that time of the evening, I, Baruch, left the people and went forth and stood by the oak.

And I was grieving over Zion and lamenting over the captivity which had come upon the people.
And lo, suddenly a strong spirit raised me and bore me aloft over over the wall of Jerusalem.
By the way, I'm not sure if you guys are aware of this, but there has been times

in recent history, so to speak, there has been times that people have claimed
to actually have experienced something like this themselves,
like the Vax, when the Spirit took somebody and actually teleported them to a different place.
I've heard of this happening happening many times, actually.

Yeah, more than just a few times, for sure. I've heard of this happening with
people, the Spirit of God actually literally taking them and to,
you know, almost like putting them into a teleportation machine and taking them to other places.
And I beheld and lo, four angels standing at the four corners of the city,

each of them holding a torch of fire And another angel began to descend from
heaven and said unto them, hold your lamps and do not light them till I tell you.
For I am first sent to speak a word to the earth and to place it,
excuse me, to place in it what the Lord, the most high, has commanded me.

And I saw him descend into the Holy of Holies and take there the veil,
the holy ark, and the holy and holy ark and the mercy seat and the two tables
or the two tablets and the holy raiment of the priests and the altar of incense.
And the 48 precious stones wherewith the priest was adorned in all the holy

vessels of the tabernacle.
And he spoke to the earth with a loud voice.
Earth, Earth, Earth, hear the word of the mighty God and receive what I commit
to you and guard them until the last times so that when you are ordered,

you may restore them so that strangers may not get possession of them.
For the time comes when Jerusalem also will be delivered for a time until it
is said that it is again restored forever.
And the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them up.
And after these things I heard that angel saying to those angels who held the

lamps, Destroy, therefore, and overthrow its wall to its foundations.
Lest the enemy should boast and say, We have overthrown the wall of Zion,
and we have burnt the place of the mighty God.
And they have seized the place where I have been standing before.

Now the angels did as he commanded. And when they had broken up the corners of the walls,
A voice was heard from the interior of the temple after the wall had fallen, saying.
Enter, you enemies, and come, you adversaries, for he who kept the house has forsaken it.

And I, Baruch, departed. And it came to pass after these things that the army
of the Chaldeans entered and seized the house and all that was around it.
And they led the people away captive and slew some of them and bound Zedekiah
the king and sent him to the king of Babylon.
First fast of seven days. In this case, Baruch to remain amid the ruins of Jerusalem

and Jeremiah to accompany the exiles to Babylon.
Baruch's dirge over Jerusalem.
Chapter 9.
And I, Baruch, came, and Jeremiah, whose heart was found pure from sins,
who had not been captured in the seizure of the city, and we rent our garments,

we wept and mourned and fasted seven days.
Chapter 10. And it came to pass after seven days that the word of God came to
me and said to me, Tell Jeremiah to go and support the captivity of the people unto Babylon. on.
But do you remain here amid the desolation of Zion?

And I will show to you after these days what will befall at the end of days.
And I said to Jeremiah, as the Lord commanded me.
And he indeed departed with the
people. But I, Baruch, returned and sat before the gates of the temple.
And I lamented with the following lamentation over Zion and said,

Blessed is he he who was not born, or he who having been born has died.
But as for us who live, woe unto us, because we see the afflictions of Zion
and what has befallen Jerusalem.
I will call the sirens from the sea, and you, Lilin, come you from the desert.

And you, Shaddim, and dragons from the forest,
Verse 2.

Made from there in Zion, nor will firstfruits again be offered.
And do ye, O heavens, withhold your dew, and open not the treasuries of rain?
And do you, O sun, withhold the light of your rays?
Do you, O moon, extinguish the multitude of your light?

For why should light rise again, where the light of Zion is darkened?
And you, you bridegrooms, enter not in, and let not the brides adorn themselves with garlands.
And you, women, pray not that you may bear, for the barren shall above all rejoice,

and those who have no son shall be glad, and those who have sons shall have anguish.
For why should they bear in pain, only to bury in grief?
Or why, again, should mankind have sons?
Or why should the seed of their kind again be named?

Where this mother is desolate and her sons are led into captivity,
from this time forward speak not of beauty and disclose not of gracefulness.
Moreover, you priests, take you the keys of the sanctuary and cast them into the height of heaven.

And give them to the Lord and say, guard your house yourself,
for lo, we are found false stewards.
And you, you virgins who weave fine linen and silk with gold of Ophir,
take with haste all these things and cast them into the fire,
that it may bear to him who made them,

and the flame Let's read it.
Yet the grief to us had been great, that you should be equal to Zion.

But now, lo, the grief is infinite, and the lamentation measureless.
For lo, you are prospered and Zion desolate.
Who will be judge regarding these things?
Or to whom shall we complain regarding that which has befallen us?

O Lord, how have you borne it?
Our fathers went to rest without grief, and lo, the righteous sleep in the earth in tranquility.
For they knew not anguish, they knew not this anguish, nor yet had they heard

of that which had befallen us.
Would that you had ears, O earth, and that you had a heart, O dust,
that you might go and announce in Sheol and say to the dead,
Blessed are you more than we who live.
Okay, this is chapter 12. You'll see here there's two columns.

On the left-hand side is the typical manuscript.
On the right-hand side, we have the Greek fragment. Okay, so just comparing the two. Chapter 12.

It says here in the alternative, the Greek fragment, and speak against you,
the land that is prospering.
Verse 2, Two, the noonday does not always burn.
Not always does the noonday burn, nor do the rays of the sun constantly give light.

Do not expect land, hope that you will always be prosperous and rejoicing.
And the fragment says, do not you expect to rejoice. It's kind of hard to read, as you can see.
And be not greatly uplifted and boastful, for assuredly it is in its own season

shall the divine wrath awaken against you.
Which now in long-suffering is held as if as it were by rains.
The second fast, revelation as to the coming judgment on the heathen.
And when I said these things, I fasted seven days.

And it came to pass after these things that I, Baruch,
was standing upon Mount Zion, and lo, a voice came from the height and said
to me, stand upon your feet, Baruch, and hear the word of the mighty God.
Because you have been astonished at what has befallen Zion,

you shall therefore be assuredly preserved to the consummation of the times,
that you may be for a testimony,
so that, if ever those prosperous cities say, Why has the mighty God brought
upon us this retribution?

Say to them, you and those like you who shall have seen this evil,
this is the evil and retribution which is coming upon you and upon the people
in its destined time that the nations may be thoroughly smitten.

And when they shall be in anguish, excuse me, and then they shall be in anguish.
And if they say at that time, for how long you will say to them,
you who have drunk the strained wine, drink you also of its dregs,
the judgment of the lofty one who has no respect of persons.

In other words, he doesn't play favorites. On this account, he had aforetime
no mercy on his own sons, but afflicted them as his enemies because they sinned.
Then, therefore, they were chastened and that they might be sanctified.
But now, you peoples and nations,

you are guilty because you have always trodden down the earth and used the creation
unrighteously or misused the created things. Oh, boy.
Don't we see a lot of that with recreational drug use? Misuse the created things.
For I have always benefited you, and you have always been ungrateful for the beneficence.

In the Greek fragment, it says, for you were always being benefited,
but you were always ungrateful.
Chapters 14 through 19, the righteousness of the righteous. Okay,
so I'll just skip over to chapter 14.
And I answered and said, Lo, you have shown me the method of the times,

and that which shall be after these things.
And you have said unto me that the retribution which has been spoken of by.
And now I know that those who have sinned are many, and they have lived in prosperity
and departed from the world.

But the few nations which be left in those times, to whom those words shall
he said, which you did say.
For what advantage is there in this, or what evil, worse than what we have seen

befall us, are we to expect to see?
But again, I will speak in your presence what they have profited who had knowledge
before you and have not walked in vanity as the rest of the nations and have not said to the dead,
give us life, but always feared you and have not left your ways.

And if others did evil, it was due to Zion that on account of the works of those
who wrought good works, she should be forgiven.
Should not be overwhelmed on account of the works of those who wrought unrighteousness.
But who, O Lord, my Lord, will comprehend your judgment?

Or who will search out the profoundness of your way?
Or who will think out the weight of your path?
Or who will be able to think out your incomprehensible countenance,
or who of those who are born has ever found the beginning or the end of your wisdom.

For we have all been made like a breath, for as the breath ascends involuntarily and again dies,
so it is with the nature of men who depart not according to their own will,
and know not what will befall them in the end.
For the righteous justly hope for the end, and without fear depart from this

habitation, because they have with you a store of works preserved in treasuries.
On this account also, these without fear leave this world, and trusting.
But as for us, woe to us who also are now shamefully entreated and at that time

look forward only to evils.
But you know accurately what you have done by means of your servants,
for we are not able to understand which is good as you are our creator.
But again, I will speak in your presence, O Lord, my Lord.

When of old, when of old there was no world with its inhabitants,
you did devise and speak with a word, and forthwith the works of creation stood before you.
And you did say that you would make for your world man as an administrator,
as the administrator of your works, that it might be known that he was by no

means made on account of the world, but the world.
And now I see that as for the world which has been made on account of us,
lo, it abides, but we, on account of whom it was made, depart.
And the Lord answered and said unto me, You are rightly astonished regarding

the departure of man, but you have not judged well regarding the evils which befall those who sin.
In, and as regards what you have said,
that the righteous are carried off and the impious are prospered,
and as regards what you have said, man knows not your judgment,

on this account hear, and I will speak to you, and hearken,
and I will cause you to hear my words.
Man would not rightly have understood my judgment unless they had accepted the
law, and I had instructed them And I had instructed him in understanding.
But now, because he transgressed wittingly, yes, just on this ground that he

knows about it, he shall be tormented.
As regards what you did say, touching the righteous, that on account of them
has this world come, so also again shall that which is to come come on their account.
For this world is to them a strife and a labor with much trouble,

and that accordingly which is to come a crown with great glory.
And I answered and said, O Lord, my Lord, lo! Lo, the years of this time are few and evil.
And who is able in his little time to acquire that which is measureless?

And the Lord answered and said unto me, With the Most High a count is not taken
of time, nor of a few years.
Very good point there.
A lot of people say in the spiritual realm there is really no concept of time.
For what did it profit Adam that he lived nine hundred and thirty years and

transgressed that which he was commanded?
Therefore the multitude of that time that he lived did not profit him,
but brought death and cut off the years of those who were born from him. him.
Wherein did Moses suffer loss, in that he lived only a hundred and twenty years?

And inasmuch he was subject to him who formed him, brought the law to the seed
of Jacob, and lighted a lamp for the nation of Israel.
And I answered and said, He that lighted has taken from the light,
and there There are but few that have imitated him, but those many whom he has

lighted have taken from the darkness of Adam and have not rejoiced in the light of the lamp.
And he answered and said unto me, Wherefore, at that time he appointed for them
a covenant and said, Behold, I have placed before for you life and death.
And he called heaven and earth to witness against them.

For he knew that his time was but short, but that heaven and earth endure always.
But after his death, they sinned and transgressed.
They knew that they had the law reproving them, and the light.

Now, regarding everything that is, it is I that judge.
Do not you take counsel in your soul regarding these things,
nor afflict yourself because of those which have been.
For now it is the consummation of time that should be considered,

whether of business or of prosperity or of shame, and not the beginning thereof.
Because if a man be prospered in his beginnings and shamefully entreated in
his old age, he forgets all the prosperity that he had.
And again, if a man is shamefully entreated in his beginnings,

and at his end is prospered, he remembers not again his evil treatment.
And again, hearken, though each one were prospered at that time,
all the time from the day on which death was decreed against those who transgress,
and in his end was destroyed,

in vain would have have been everything.
Chapter 20, Zion is taken away to hasten the advent of the judgment.
Therefore, behold, the days come, and the times shall hasten more than the former,
and the seasons shall speed on more than those that are past,

and the years shall pass more quickly than the present years.
Therefore, have I now taken away Zion, that I may the more speedily visit the world in its season.
Now, therefore, hold fast in your heart everything that I command you,
and seal it in the recesses of your mind.

And then I will show you the judgment of my might, and my ways which are unsearchable.
Go therefore and sanctify yourself seven days and eat no bread nor drink water
nor speak to anyone and afterwards come to that place and I will reveal myself
to you and speak true things with you and will give you commandment regarding the method of the times.

Chapter 21, Fast of Seven Days, Baruch's Prayer and God's Answer.
The Prayer of Baruch, the son of Nerea.
And I went and sat in the valley of Kidron in a cave of the earth,
and I sanctified my soul there and ate no bread.
Yet I was not hungry, and I drank no water, yet I thirsted not.

And I was there till the seventh day, as he commanded me.
And afterwards I came to that place where he had spoken with me,
and it came to pass at sunset that my soul took much thought,
and I began to speak in the presence of the the Mighty One, and said,
O you that have made the earth, hear me, that have fixed the firmament by the Word,

and have made firm the height of the heaven by the Spirit, that have called
from the beginning of the world that which did not yet exist, and they obey you.
You that have commanded And have seen those things which are to be as things which you are doing.

You that rule with great thought the hosts that stand before you,
also the countless holy beings which you did make from the beginning of flame
and fire, which stand around your throne,
you rule with indignation.

You only does this belong, that you should do forthwith whatever you do wish.
Who causes the drops of rain to rain by number upon the earth,
and alone knows the consummation of the times before they come?
Have respect unto my prayer, for you alone are able to sustain all who are,

and those who have passed away,
and those who are to be, those who sin, and those who are.
To righteous as living and being past finding out.
For you alone do live immortal and past finding out, and know the number of mankind.

And if in time many have sinned, yet others not not a few have been righteous.
You know where you preserve the end of those who have sinned,
or the consummation of those who have been righteous.
For if there were this life only, which belongs to all men, nothing could be more bitter than this.

For of what profit is strength that turns to sickness, or fullness of food that
turns to famine, or beauty that turns to ugliness.
For the nature of man is always changeable. For what we were formerly,
now we no longer are, and what we now are, we shall not afterwards remain.

For if a consummation had been prepared for all in vain would have been their beginning.
Regarding everything that comes from you, do you inform me?
And regarding everything about which I ask you, do enlighten me.
How long will that which is corruptible remain?

And how long will the time of mortals be prospered?
Until what time will those who transgress in the world be polluted with much
wickedness, command therefore in mercy and accomplish all that you said you would bring,

that your might may be made known to those who think that your long-suffering is weakness,
and shown to those who know not that everything that has befallen us and our
city until now has been according to the long-suffering of your power,
because on of your name you have called us a beloved people.

Bring to an end, therefore, henceforth, mortality, and remove accordingly the
angel of death, and let your glory appear, and let the might of your beauty be known.
And let Sheol be sealed, so that from this time forward it may not receive the dead.

And let the treasuries of souls restore those which are enclosed in them.
For there have been many years like those that are desolate from the days of
Abraham and Isaac and Jacob,
and of all those who are like them, who sleep in the earth, on whose account

you did say that you had created the world.
And now quickly show your glory and do not defer what has been promised by you.
And when I had completed the words of this prayer, I was greatly weakened.
Chapter 22. It came to pass after these things that lo, the heavens were opened,

and I saw, And power was given to me, and a voice was heard from on high,
and it said to me, Baruch, Baruch, why are you troubled?
He who travels by a road, but does not complete it, or who...

Who departs by sea but does not arrive at the port?
Can he be comforted? Or he who promises to give a present to another but does
not fulfill it, is it not robbery?
Or he who sows the earth but does not reap its fruit in its season,
does he not lose everything? thing?

He who plants a plant unless it grows till the time suitable to it,
does he who planted it expect to receive fruit from it?
Or a woman who has conceived, if she bring forth untimely, does she not assuredly slay her infant?

Or he who builds a house, if he does not roof it and and complete it, can it be called a house?
Tell me that first. And I answered and said, Not so, Lord, not so, O Lord, my Lord.
And he answered and said to me, Why, therefore, are you troubled about that which you know not?

And why are you ill at ease about things in which you are ignorant.
For as such, you have not forgotten the people who now are and those who have passed away.
So I remember those who are appointed to come.
But because when Adam sinned and death was decreed against those who should

be born, then the multitude of those who should should be born, was numbered.
And for that number, a place was prepared where the living might dwell and the dead might be guarded.
Before, therefore, the number aforesaid is fulfilled, the creature will not
live again, for my spirit is the creator of life, and Sheol will receive the dead.

And again, it is given to you to hear what things are to come after these times.
For truly my redemption has drawn nigh, and is not far distant as aforetime.
Chapter 24 the coming judgment for behold
the days come and the books shall be opened in

which are written the sins of all who have sinned and again also the treasuries
in which the righteousness of all those who have been righteous in creation
is gathered there are righteous people for the you know some people believe
that there is no such thing as righteous people.

And I answered and said.
Nor yet of those things which are to come.
For I know indeed that which has befallen us, but what will happen to our enemies
I know not, and when you will visit your works.

Chapter 25, the sign of coming judgment.
And he answered and said unto me, you too
shall be served till that time till
that sign which the most high
will work for the inhabitants of the earth in the end of days this therefore
shall be the sign when a stupor shall see inhabitants of the earth and they

shall fall into many tribulations and again when they shall shall fall into great torments.
And it shall come to pass when they say in their thoughts, by reason of their
much tribulation, the Mighty One does no longer remember the earth.
Yes, it will come to pass when they abandon hope that the time will then awake.

And I answered and said, will that tribulation which is to be continue a long
time, and will that necessity embrace many years?
And he answered and said unto me, into twelve parts is the time divided,
and each one of them is reserved for that part which is appointed for it.

In the first part, there shall be the beginning of commotions.
In the second part, there shall be slayings of the great ones.
In the third part, the fall of many by death. In the fourth part,
the sending of the sword.
In the fifth part, famine and the withholding of rain.

And in the sixth part, earthquakes and terrors, wanting.
And in the eighth part.
And in the ninth part, And in the tenth part, And in the eleventh part,

And in the twelfth part, confusion from the mingling together of all those things aforesaid.
For these parts of that time are reserved, and shall be mingled one with another,
and minister one to another.
For some shall leave out some of their own, and receive in its stead from others.

And some complete their own and that of others, so that those may not understand
who are upon the earth in those days that this is the consummation of the times.
Nevertheless, whoever understands shall then be wise, for the measure and the

reckoning of that time are two parts a week of seven weeks.
And I answered and said.

Lord, those things shall assuredly come to pass, which you have foretold to me.
So do you show this also unto me, if indeed I have found grace in your sight?
Is it in one place or in one of the parts of the earth that those things are

to come to pass, or will the whole earth experience them?
And he answered and said to me, Whatever will then befall will befall the whole earth.
Therefore, all who live will experience them. For at that time,
I will protect only those who are found in those selfsame days in this land.

And it shall come to pass when all is accomplished,
that was to come to pass in those parts, that the Messiah shall then begin to be revealed,
and Behemoth shall be revealed from his place, and Leviathan shall ascend from the sea,

those two great monsters which I created on the fifth day of creation,
and shall have kept until that time.
And then they shall be for food for all that are left.
The earth also shall yield its fruit ten thousandfold, and on each vine there

shall be a thousand branches,
and each branch shall produce a thousand clusters, and each cluster produce
a thousand grapes, and each grape produce a core of wine, and those who have
hungered shall shall rejoice.
Moreover, also they shall behold marvels every day.

For winds shall go forth from before me to bring every morning the fragments
of aromatic fruits, and at those of the day, clouds distilling the dew of health.
It shall come to pass at that selfsame time that the treasury.

And they will eat of it in those years, because these are they who have come
to the consummation of time.
And it shall come to pass after these things, when the time of the advent of
the Messiah is filled, that he shall return in glory.
Then all who have fallen asleep in hope of him shall rise again.

And it shall come to pass at that time that the treasuries will be opened in
which is preserved the number of the souls of the righteous,
and they shall come forth, and the multitude of the souls shall be seen together
in one assemblage of one thought, and the first shall rejoice and the last shall not be grieved.

For they know that the time has come of which it is said that it is the consummation of the times.
But the souls of the wicked, when they behold all these things,
they shall then waste away the more.

For they shall know that their torment has come and their perdition has arrived.
Notice the souls of the righteous and the souls of the wicked exist.
Continue to exist. Verse 31. And it came to pass after these things that I went

to the people and said unto them, Assemble unto me all your elders,
and I will speak words unto them.
And they assembled in the valley of the Kidron, and I assembled and said to
them, Hear, O Israel, and I will speak to you.
Give ear, O seed of Jacob, and instruct you.
Forget not Zion, but hold in remembrance the anguish of Jerusalem.

For lo, the days come when everything that is shall become the prey of corruption,
and be as though it had not been.
But as for you, if you prepare your hearts so as to sow in them the fruits of the law,
it shall protect you in that time in which the Mighty One is to shake the whole creation.

Because after a little time, the building of Zion will be shaken in order that it may be built again.
But that building will not remain, but will again after a time be rooted out
and will remain desolate until the time.
And afterwards it must be renewed in glory and perfected forevermore.

Therefore, we should not be distressed so much over the evil which has now come
as over that which is still to be.
For there will be a greater trial than these tribulations, when the Mighty One

will renew His creation.
And now, do not draw near to me for a few days, nor seek me till I come to you.
And it came to pass, when I had spoken to them all these words,
that I, Baruch, went my way.
And when the people saw me setting out, they lifted up their voice and lamented

and said, To where are you departing from us, Baruch?
And are you forsaking us as a father who forsakes his orphaned children and departs from them?
Are these the commands which your companion, Jeremiah the prophet,
commanded you and said unto you, You look to this people until I go and make

ready the rest of the brethren in Babylon against whom has gone forth a sentence
that they should be led into captivity.
And now, if you also forsake us, it were good for us all to die before you.
And then you should withdraw from us.

Chapter 34, excuse me. And I answered and said unto the people,
Far be it from me to forsake you or to withdraw from you, but I only go unto
the Holy of Holies to inquire of the Mighty One concerning you and concerning Zion,
if in some respect I should receive more illumination.

And after these things, I will return to you.
Chapter 35. And I, Baruch, went to the holy place and sat upon the ruins and
wept and said, Oh, that my eyes were springs and my eyelids a fount of tears.
For how shall I lament for Zion and how shall I mourn for Jerusalem?

Because in that place where I am now prostrate of old, The high priest offered
holy sacrifices and placed thereon an incense of fragrant odors.
But now our glorying has been made into dust, and the desire of our soul into sand.

Chapter 36.
And when I had said these things, I fell asleep there.
And I saw a vine in the night, and lo, a forest of the trees planted on the
plain, And lofty and rugged mountains surrounded it, and that forest occupied much space,
and low over it against it arose a vine, and from under it there went forth a fountain peacefully.

Now that fountain came from the forest and was stirred into great waves,
and those waves submerged that forest,
and suddenly they rooted out the greater part of that forest and overthrew all
the mountains which were round about it.
And the height of the forest began to be made low, and the top of the mountains

was made low, that the fountain prevailed greatly, so that it left nothing of
that great forest save one cedar only.
Also, when it had...
It had cast it down and had destroyed and rooted out the greater part of that
forest so that nothing was left of it, nor could its place be recognized,

then that vine began to come with the fountain in peace and great tranquility,
and it came to a place which was not far from that cedar, and they brought the
cedar which had been cast down to it.
And I beheld, and lo, that vine opened its mouth, and spoke and said to that cedar,

Are you not that cedar which was left of the forest of wickedness,
and by whose means wickedness persisted, and was wrought all those years, and goodness never?
And you kept conquering that which was not yours.
And to that which was yours,

you did never show compassion, and you did keep extending your power over those
who were far from you, and those who drew near you.
Hold fast in the toils of your wickedness, and you did uplift yourself as one

that could not be rooted out.
But now your time has spent, and your hour is come.
Do you also therefore depart, O cedar,
after the forest which departed before you, and become dust with it,
and let your ashes be mingled together, and now recline in anguish and rest

in torment till your last time come,
in which you will come again and be tormented still more.
And after these things I saw that cedar burning, and the vine growing,
itself and all around it, the plain full of unfading flowers,
And I indeed awoke and arose.

Your wisdom. Answered and said unto me, Baruch, this is the interpretation of
the vision which you have seen.
As you have seen the great forest which lofty and rugged mountains surrounded, this is the word.
Behold, the days come, and this kingdom will be destroyed, which once destroyed

And it will be subjected to that which comes after it.
Moreover, that also again after a time will be destroyed and another, a third will arise.
That also will have dominion for its time and will be destroyed.
After these things, a fourth kingdom will arise,

whose power will be harsh and evil far beyond those which were before it,
and it will rule many times as the force on plane,
and it will hold fast for times and will exalt itself more than the cedars of Lebanon. on.
And by the truth will be hidden.
Excuse me. And by it, the truth will be hidden. And all those who are polluted

with iniquity will flee to it as evil beasts flee and creep into the forest.
And it will come to pass when the time of its consummation, excuse me,
and it shall come to pass And it
will come to pass, when the time of its consummation, that it should fall,

has approached,
then the principate of my Messiah will be revealed, which is like the fountain
and the vine, and when it is revealed, it will root out the multitude of its host.
And as touching that which you have seen,
the lofty cedar which was left of that forest, and the fact that the vine spoke

words with it, which you did hear, this is the word.
The last leader of that time will
be left alive when the multitude of his
hosts will be put to the sword and he will be
bound and they will take him up to mount zion and my messiah will convict him
of all of all his impieties and will gather and set before him all the works

of his hosts and afterward he will put him to death and protect the rest of
my people which has been found in the.

so I think what I'm going to do here is,
We are hardly even halfway through here, so I'm going to have to break this up into parts.
So I am going to break this up into parts because of its length.

And so tomorrow we will continue with chapter 41.
So chapter 41, tomorrow, the destiny of the apostates and the proselytes.
Okay so we read 40 chapters today 40 chapters of second baruch and so if you guys have any questions,

feel free to put some questions in the live chat just put christopher in there,
okay see what we have okay so
i'm just taking questions here in the live chat for those
of you who are just joining us we are
live on multiple platforms here many platforms actually let's see what we got

here tyler asked a question how does one repent and how does one be forgiven
of their sins so according to according to the scriptures.
Everything basically from genesis to revelation with perhaps the exception of
paul's letters okay perhaps i say perhaps the exception depending on how you

interpret it to to obtain forgiveness you have to repent.
It is impossible to be forgiven of your sins when you don't repent.
Some people say, well, yeah, the sacrifice covers your sins. That's not true.
Even in the so-called Old Testament, you'll see time and time again where God

did not accept their sacrifice because they did not repent.
So you must repent in order to be forgiven of your sins. And again, you know,
We know that because God rebuked people for their sins in spite of their sacrifices,
you know, in the Tanakh, in the Torah, in the prophets.

Actually, he rebuked them for their sacrifices because they sacrifice,
you know, in their sin, basically.
Proverbs, there's twice in the book of Proverbs, it says the sacrifice of the
wicked is an abomination to the Lord.
The sacrifice of the wicked. it as an abomination to the Lord. How does one repent?
Stop sinning. Okay. That could mean stop doing what you shouldn't do,

or that could also mean start doing what you should do. It's two different ways of looking at it.
Two different ways of looking at it. There are the negative commands,
thou shalt not, and then there are the positive commands, thou shalt.
Thou shalt honor your father and your mother. That's a positive command.
That's something you should do.
Thou shalt not steal. That's something that is a negative command. man.
So how does one repent is basically to align yourself with God's instructions,

with his Torah to the best of your ability. That's how you repent.
Very good question, Tyler. Thank you for asking.
Going nowhere. Do you think sleep paralysis is a type of attack from the enemy?
Not saying it is, just wanted to hear your opinion.
Well, yeah, anything that's a weakness or sickness is. We don't get weakness

or sickness directly from God.
It's a spirit of weakness or spirit of sickness.
Now, I'm not saying it's like a direct attack of an evil spirit.
It could be an indirect attack. Okay. What I mean by that is it could be something
that has been brought on through circumstances,

you know, diet or, you know, perhaps being overweight or, you know,
not getting enough sleep. Maybe, I don't know.
I mean, there's lots of different, you have to talk to a doctor,
a sleep doctor for that. So what I'm saying is there are natural causes that can cause this thing.
It's still from the enemy, okay, but it could be natural causes that bring this,

you know, brings this about.
So, yeah, it's important to understand that God works very practically and also
the enemy works very practically as well.
Thanks for your question going nowhere. where tyler what does it mean to be
a prophet of god well by definition a prophet is is a mouthpiece for god basically

a prophet is god spokes you know.
Like if you if god uses you to to speak his word a prophet is someone who speaks
for god basically speaks speaks in the name of god and speaks on god's behalf
that's what that's what a prophet is,

The prophet is not necessarily a teacher, right? Not necessarily a teacher.
Or I should say a teacher is not necessarily a prophet. Another very good question,
Tyler. Thank you for asking.
Going nowhere asks the question, what is sin? 1 John 3, verse 4 makes it very clear.
Sin is transgression of the law.

In other words, you do something against God's law, that's sin.
Sin. You break God's law, that's sin.
I understand there are some people who redefine sin.
They say, well, sin is, the only sin there is, is rejecting Jesus. Not true. Not true.
What they're saying is all of the horrific crimes that is committed in the world

today is not sin. It's righteousness.
It's horrific to say something like that. Okay. Yes, sin is sin.
Sin is something that, you know, It is breaking God's law.
Again, it's either doing what you should not be doing, or it is not doing what
you should be doing. That's what sin is.

Thank you once again, Going Nor, for asking.
Says my new favorite verse for
the anti-christian trolls baruch 23 verse 2
and he answered and said to me why then are you disturbed about that which you
do not know and why are you restless about that which you do not possess any

knowledge that's a good one that's a good one billy that's a good good one. Absolutely.
Okay. Okay. So as far as I can see here, I got all the questions that were specifically addressed to me.
So we are going to wrap this up for tonight.
Tomorrow we'll see how far we get. Okay. If we have the time and depends,

we'll finish off second Baruch.
If not, we'll break it into three parts, but it's very interesting, isn't it?
Talking about the end 10 times talking about life after death,
all this kind of stuff. It's amazing, isn't it?
So really looking forward to it. So tomorrow we're going to begin with 2nd Baruch chapter 41.
We're going to go as far as we can without exhausting ourself too much here.

And as always, taking your questions and your comments as time goes along.
So that'll be it for tonight.
Thanks again for watching. Thanks again for tuning in and thanks for your questions
and your comments. You guys are awesome.
As always, you guys are world changers.
For those of you who are new here, again, we do this every single day by the

grace of God, seven days a week.
Six of those seven days, we go live 7 p.m. Eastern.
That is from Sunday through Friday, it's 7 p.m. Eastern time. It's New York time.
Every Saturday, we go live 2 p.m. Eastern.
That's 2 p.m. Eastern time. okay so make sure you're subscribed make sure you're

following if you're not already.
Lacy says thank you so much shalom everyone have a good evening thank you very
much lacy and blank says thanks everyone for the prayers means a lot means a lot to me okay,
all right so all right.

Okay, just looking back here in the live chat, just looking at what's happening here.
Just saw this here. Blake said, I have got to step away. My mom has been in
the ER all day. I need to call her, be back if I can.
Okay, yeah, let's pray. We'll pray here for Blake and his mother before we go.
So let's all join in prayer, and we'll join in agreement.

So Father, we thank you, Father, for this evening. Thank you,
Father, for providing for us.
Thank you, Father, for blessing us. Thank you, Father, for another time of reading
scriptures and learning and fellowshipping and all that good stuff.
Thank you, Father, for your blessings upon us.
Thank you, Father, for bringing us through another day.
So, Father, we ask you, you would have mercy upon Blake's mother there in the ER.

Father, your health and your angels would be there with them.
Father, we ask you that you would give Blake wisdom and comfort and knowledge
through whatever situation that his mother's in right now.
So, Father, we just ask that you would have mercy, send your angels,
and let your will be done, Father, as it is in heaven, Father.

We bless you, Father. We bless you.
We bless you, Father. Father, let there be peace and health in the name of Yeshua of Nazareth.
And everyone said, thank, everyone said, amen, amen.
Okay. Yeah, Lacey says, Christopher Blake's mother's in the hospital.
All right. Thank you. Thank you, Lacey.

Alan says, thank you, brother. Much love and blessings to you all. Thank you again, Alan.
Love and blessings multiplied back to you as well. all.
Lake says, thank you. I appreciate it. You're welcome, Blake.
And the Lord be with you. The Lord be with you and with your mother in this time. Yes.

Blessings, blessings, blessings. And Lacey says, amen. Thank you.
Okay. Thank you. Thank you.
Okay. So I'll see you guys tomorrow evening. Same time, same place.
We're going to be reading from the same book starting at chapter chapter 41.
So thanks again, everyone. Tammy says, have a great night all.

Thank you, Tammy. You too.
Thank you very much. See some amazing things going on in there in the live chat.
Awesome. Some awesome things. Wonderful.
Okay. See you guys tomorrow evening. As always,
I pray for each one of you and for your families and for your loved ones,

for you and yours, is that the Lord bless you and keep you, make his face to shine upon you,
lift up his countenance upon you, and give you wonderful, wonderful shalom.
Amen, amen. See you tomorrow.
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