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December 22, 2022 28 mins

To be exposed or not to be told was the problem here. Many fakes amongst us, but who will reveal the accurate word of our Lord as written in scripture?

Have you ever been confronted and put to shame because you were living a lie?

 I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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Juantrell Lovette (00:03):
Let's talk about let's talk about money.
Let's talk about sex. Let's talkabout drugs. Let's talk about
you. Let's talk about me. Let'stalk about us. Let's talk about
we talk about you. Let's talkabout me. Let's talk about us.

Let's talk about the let's talkabout wealth. Let's talk about
green let's talk being brokeliving in poverty. Let's talk
about black. Let's talk aboutwhy let's talk about how we
still fight for our rights.
Let's talk of a man sex gamesand drugs. And let's talk about
God. Let's talk about love.
Let's discuss our felon. Hey,y'all. Welcome to blessed to be

asked, I'm your cousin andChrist won trial event. And this
is bougie Bible studies. If youare new here, I'd like to
welcome you to the number oneBible study that you will ever
come across. And if you are notnew here, you already know how
we get down as we dive into theBible and read a chapter a week
to get the inside story of whattook place back in the ancient

times that makes the Bible supervital for our lives that people
preach it today. It is in manydifferent languages. It is the
most powerful book on Earth,that guides and directs our life
as well as help us understandthe relationship between us and
our Father, our Creator, ourLord, who created all things in

between us like so this is veryimportant. So I come on here and
I read a chapter a week and Ijust try to get the inside
story. You know, I'm trying tosee what God is talking to me
about. And if you are here, thenthat means you also want a
relationship with God. Andthat's what this podcast is
about. It's about relationship.
It is far from religion, eventhough we dive into the Bible,
but the Bible speaks to manydifferent religions. It speaks

to many different peoples andhowever the Holy Spirit speak to
you look now showbusiness. Okay,I'm not here to judge you.
That's God's job. So you canread out of any Bible you choose
to read out of I choose to readout an NIV version as my
business. I have a Bible hereplaced in front of me it is
paperback, but you can read outof your phone, you can simply

follow along, or you can justlisten, it's, it's up to you.
It's your business. Today'sclass, we will be in first king,
chapter 18. And the title isElijah and the prophets of bale.
We haven't done anything onFirst Kings yet. So this is very
new to us. If you have not beenrocking with us, then you got to

check out the other episodes tosee how this Bible study class
goes down. I literally jumpedthrough the Bible. And I have a
guide here that guides methrough the Bible. We are in the
Old Testament. So the first 14Weeks was two weeks of life and
teaching of Jesus Christ thefollowing 14 weeks after that
was the life and teachings ofPaul. And now we have went 14

weeks diving into the OldTestament, and we are on
episode, I want to say 37 If I'mnot mistaken, we're so we're on
class 37. So we've been doingthis 37 weeks, it's been going
down. And it's pretty exciting,especially as we get the inside
story of the Bible, like notjust scripture being thrown at
you like I really dislike whenpeople throw scripture at you

because they use scripture andthe wrong content. And they
tried to speak to you throughscripture, when in reality, you
need to understand the storiesbehind the scriptures. That's
what make it make sense to me.
Now, I don't know how you getdown and how your church get
down. But again, this is justthe Bible study class. So if you
are looking for a preacher orsomebody who prophesied over

you, that a me, okay, you gottago to church for that, that
won't be here. So if you areready, I am ready. Go ahead and
grab your Bibles. Grab yourstuff, grab your notes, and
let's go first king chapter 18,Elijah and Obadiah. After a long
time, in the third year, theword of the Lord came to Elijah,
go and present yourself to Ahaband I was sitting rain on the

land. So Elijah went to presenthimself to Ahab. Now, the famine
was severe in San Moriah. AndAhab has Saman Obadiah. His
palace administrator. Obadiahwas a devout believer in the
Lord. While Jezebel was killingoff the Lord's prophets. Obadiah
had taken 100 prophets andhidden them into cakes 50 in

each and supplied them with foodand water, Ahab has said to
Obadiah go through the lands allthe spring and valleys maybe we
can find some grass to keep thehorses and mules alive, so we
would not have to kill any ofour animals. So they divided the
land they were to cover Ahabgoing in one direction and
Obadiah and another, as Obadiahwas walking along. Elijah met

him Obadiah recognized him,bowed down to the ground and
said, Is it really you, my LordElijah? Yes, he replied. Oh,
God, tell your master Elijah ishere. What have I done wrong as
Obadiah that you are handingyour servant over to Ahab to put
to death, as surely as the Lordyour God lives there is not a

nation or Kingdom where mymaster has not sent someone to
look for you. And whenever anation or Kingdom claimed you
were not there, he made themswear they could not find you.
But now you tell me to go to mymaster and say Elijah is here. I
don't know where the Spirit ofthe Lord may carry you when I
leave you. If I go until Ahaband he doesn't find you, he will

kill me. Yet I your servant haveworshipped the Lord since my
youth. Haven't you heard my lordwhat I did why Jezebel was
killing the prophets of theLord, I hit 100 of the Lord's
prophets and to Kate 50, andeach and supply them with food
and water. And now you tell meto go to my master and say
Elijah is here he will kill me.
Elijah said, as the Lord ourmighty lives whom I serve, I

will surely present myself toAhab today, Elijah on Mount
Carmel, verse 16. So Obadiahwent to me, Ahab, and tell him
and Ahab went to me, Elijah,when he saw Elijah, he said to
him, is that you, you travellerof Israel? I have not made
trouble for Israel, Elijahreplied, but you and your

father's family have you haveabandoned the Lord's commands
and have followed the bells.
Now, some of the people from allover Israel to me me on Mount
Carmel, and brain of 450,prophets of Bale, and the 400
prophets of Ashra, who eat edgeIsabel's table, so they have
sent word throughout all Israeland assembled the prophets on

Mount Carmel, Elijah went beforethe people and said, How long
will you waver between twoopinions? If the Lord is God,
follow him. But if Baal is God,follow him. But the people said
nothing. Then Elijah said tothem, I am the only one of the
Lord's prophets last, but Balehas 450 prophets, get two bulls

for us let bales prophets chooseone for themselves and let them
cut it into pieces and put it onwood, but do not set fire to it.
I will prepare the other bookand put it on the wood but not
set fire to it that you call onthe name of your God and I will
call on the name of the Lord theGod who answers by fire. He is
God then all the people saidwhat you say is good. Sounds

like a good idea. Elijah said tothe prophets of Bale, choose one
of the bulls and prepare itfirst. Since there are so many
of you call on the name of yourGod but do not like the fire. So
they took the bull given themand prepared it then they call
it on the name of bale frommorning to no bell answer us
they shouted. There was noresponse. No one answered, and

they danced around the altarthey had made at noon, Elijah
began to talk them shout louder.
He said, Surely He is God,perhaps he is deep in thought
are busy are traveling. Maybe heis sleeping and must be
awakened. So they shouted louderand slashed themselves with
Swartz and spears, as was theircustom until their blood flowed
midday pass and they continuedtheir frantic prophesying until

the time for the eveningsacrifice. But there was no
response. No one answered, noone paid attention. Then Elijah
said to all the people come hereto me, they came to him and he
repaired the altar of the Lordwhich had been torn down. Elijah
took 12 stones, one for each ofthe tribes to send it from Jacob
to whom the word of the Lord hadcome saying your name should be

Israel. With the stones he builtan altar in the name of the
Lord, He dug a trench around itlarge enough to hold two sets of
seeds. He arranged the wood cutthe ball into pieces and laid it
on the wood. Then he said tothem, fill for large jars with
water and pour it on theoffering and on the wood. Elijah
rubs it in 1833, Elijah designedthe contest to expose Bale, the

alleged Godfather, who was oftendepicted carrying a tender boat,
Elijah douse his own author with12 large jars of water, a
precious commodity, after threeyears of drought before calling
on God, fire from heaven burnedat the sacrifice the wood, the
stone that does and even lookedup the water in the trench.
Verse 34, do it again, he said,and they did it again. Do it a

third time he ordered and theydid it again. Third time the
water ran down around the otterand even filled up the trench at
the time of sacrifice. Theprophet Elijah stepped forward
and prayed Lord, the God ofAbraham, Isaac and Israel, let
it be known today that you areGod and Israel and that I am
your servant and have done allthese things at your command

answer me Lord answer me sothese people would know that you
Lord our God and that you areturning their heart back again.
Then the fire of the Lord failand burn up the sacrifice the
wood, the stone and the soil andalso licked up the water in a
trench When all the people sawthis, they fail prostrate and
cry the Lord He is God the Lord,He is God. Then Elijah commanded

them sees the prophet of Bale,don't let anyone get away. They
seize them. And Elijah had thembrought down to kishin Valley
and slaughtered there. AndElijah said to Ahab, go eat and
drink for there is the sound ofa heavy rain. So they have went
off to eat and drink. But Elijahclimbed to the top of Carmel

bent down to the ground and puthis face between his knees go
and look toward the sea. He toldhis servant and he went up. And
look, there is nothing there. Hesaid seven times, Elijah said,
Go back, the seventh time toseven reported a cloud as small
as a man's hand is rising fromthe sea. So Elijah said, go
until Ahab hitch up your chariotand go down before the rain

stops you. Meanwhile, the skygrew black with clouds, the wind
rose, and heavy rain startedfalling and a half wrote off to
jazz real, the power of the Lordcame on Elijah and tucking his
cloak into his belt, he ranahead of Ahab all the way to
jazz real. And that is the endof our chapter, you guys. Okay,
let's break it down. So boom, weget introduced to Elijah and

kings. And it's reallyinteresting to see because
Elijah was the only prophet butit looks like it was a lot of
prophesying going on in bale. SoElijah came to set the mark
straight. So boom, let's breakit down. After a long time, and
a third year, the word of the ofthe Lord came to Elijah go and
present yourself to Ahab,because Ahab and his people have

been tripping. Okay, God is likeI was sin, rain to the land. And
so Elijah went, went to Ahab.
But instead of going to Ahab,first, he went to Obadiah. So
Obadiah was a true believer ofthe Lord and all that good
stuff, and why Jezebel waskilling off the Lord's Prophet

Obadiah basically help some ofthe prophets and set to case not
set up to case but he put theminto caves like 50 in each saw,
he helped 100 people, he gavethem food, he gave him water,
and it was being protected fromJezebel. I guess Jessica was
just cutting loose. Okay. Now,when Obadiah was walking, he

ended up seeing Elijah, he like,Oh, I know, my eyes is not
deceiving me. Is this you?
Elijah, my lord, Elijah, likeyou got it right, buddy. This is
me. So go tell your master, I'mhere. Obadiah like, hold up.
Wait a minute. Now my master hasbeen sending people to look for
you and have nobody found youyet. So if I go to my master,
and you disappear, he will killme. So I can't do that, you

know, and Elijah is like, I'm,I'm gonna be right here. I'm
gonna see your master. I'm gonnago face your master. Don't worry
about it. When he met him orwhatever, let's not take that
Obadiah did bow down to Elijah.
Because he knew Elijah was areal prophet. He when he met him
and told him I like this theElijah like, yeah, I gotta tell

you a Master, I'm here got like,I have no, I'm here. Obadiah
like, you better not disappear,because we've been looking for
you. And every time thatsomebody came back and couldn't
find you, I have basically madethem for like, you wasn't not
available. Like he wasn't there.
Obadiah is telling ElijahHaven't you heard when I did,
like, I basically helped some ofthe profit, why just the bill

was killing the profits. Ibasically took 100 profits, and
I put them into different cages.
15 Each gave them food, water.
And you know, I was protectingthe profits. And so Elijah is
like, go get your masterbasically Obadiah went to me,
Ahab and told him, you know,Elijah here and so Ahab went to
me, Elijah, when he saw Elijah,he said to him, is that you, you

traveller of Israel? So hecaught it. Elijah, a traveler,
Elijah, like, look, I didn'tbring no trouble to Israel. I
have made no trouble for Israel,but you and your father families
have you have abandoned the Lordcommands and you have followed
the bales. Now some of thepeople from all over Israel to
meet me on Mount Carmel andbring 450 prophets of bale and

the 400 prophets of Ashra, whoeat edges of bills table so
that's 150 profit all togetherthat he had to gather up to
bring to Elijah. So I have sentword throughout Israel and he
assemble all the profits onMount Carmel, Elijah when before
the people have said How longwill you waver between two

opinions? If the Lord is God,follow him. But if Baal is God,
follow him. It's like you guysare confused. Which one are you
guys going to choose? It kind ofmakes sense like if you guys are
profits in your profit for theLord the How are you guys
worship in Bill says a lotright? Elijah said to them, I am

the only one of Lords prophets.
Are you 150 Counterfeit proudSince you guys are fraught you
guys are fake. You guys are fludaisies. You guys are not the
real deal. I'm the only prophetleft Elijah letting them know
like look bruh I don't knowwhich I got going on, but it's a
whole bunch of fake stuffhappening around here. So he
like I'm gonna set up a contest.

Basically, we're gonna get twobulls, you're gonna cut up the
bull, we're gonna cut up thepool your bull, you're gonna set
up your altar, I'm gonna set upmy altar and whichever whenever
you call out to the guy you callout to your guy I'm gonna call
out to my Lord and whateverbuyer set to the book is The God
like the real God like the realdeal, right? So what I thought

like, Okay, this is a good idea.
They basically start cutting upthe table and chopping a deal.
And in a setup, they love otterand do all this stuff. So they
start calling on the name ofbail. Their god was bail. So
then I start calling on the nameof Bell from morning to noon.
They basically like bale estrusso they shout it but there was

no response like no response toadd no fire he in no rain, no
nothing come in, and they shoutit and they shout it and it was
no response. And they dancedaround the altar. And they did
all the and it was stillnothing. So Elijah began to talk
them like joke of them, like youguys are not loud enough, like
shout louder. Like he can't hearyou. He's probably busy, or he's

probably on vacation, or he'sprobably sleeping, you know,
maybe he needs to be awakened.
So he basically clowning him,like, Oh, my God is not
available. They get to dance,and now they pull it out. They
scores they slashed in a scan,because they used to sacrificing
blood. And they did this allnight and to the next day like

and nothing happened. They stillkept prophesizing until the time
I even enough sacrifice, butthere was no response. No one
answered, no one paid attention.
So then Elijah said to all thepeople, man, come here, come to
me, let me show you how it'sdone. You fill me they came, he
repaired, he repaired the Lord'saltar. He fixed it up because it
was torn down. He took 12stones, one for each of the

tribes descended from Jacob towhom the word of the Lord had
come saying your name should beIsrael, and what the stones he
built an altar in the name ofthe Lord. He dug a trench around
it large enough to hold twocentral seeds. He arranged a
word he cut the ball intopieces, and he laid it on the
woods, he fell for large jars ofwater, and he poured it on
offering and on the woods. Sobasically, Elijah set up this

contest to expose their God andto show them that whoever they
was worshiping was not legit. Sohe poured the water on the otter
and he did it again. He did itbegan, and he did it a third
time. So the water ran down allaround the otter and it filled
the trench. And at the time ofsacrifice, the prophet Elijah

stepped forward. And he prayedto the Lord. He said, Lord, the
God of Abraham, Isaac, Israel,let it be known today that you
are God and Israel and I am yourservant and I have done all
these things at your commandanswer me Lord asked me so these
people could know like you, ourLord our God, and that you are
turning their hearts back againbecause they all been turned to

this fake god bale so near thefire of the Lord fail and burn
up the sacrifice the wood, thestones, the schools, and also
lift up the water in a trench. Imean, soaked up all the water
and fire just burnt it out. Andso when the people saw this,
they like, oh, the Lord, He isGod, like, oh, we have been
doing sound real wrong, y'allbecause here's the proof right

here. He is God, Lord is God sothat Elijah commanded them to
seize all the prophets, theprophets of Baal, don't let
anyone get away. And so theyseize them. A Elijah had them
brought down to the kitchenValley, and they all die. He
slaughtered them. Well, hedidn't slaughter them, but he
had them killed. And the Bibleis real gruesome. Like it's a

whole lot of sacrifice andkilling and blood shedding like
it's a whole lot of interestingthings go down, and the Bible
and what I like so much is howeven though the stories are a
little gruesome there, if theseare real stories, like it was
going down in ancient times,like then people was not planned

back there. And to see the storyunfolding in my eyes. It's like
contests were done like this.
People were really trying todivide people like even in
today's world, you have allthese different beliefs. Believe
in the universe, Believe in theLord. Believe in merchandise,
believe in your celebrity. Likehow long would you waver? How

long would you waver between allof these different guys when we
really have one Creator, andit's so hard for people to come
together and worship oneCreator? For some reason, we
have all these different thingsthat peel us apart and tear us
apart and separate From the onetrue creator that we have, we
have science, people believe inscience more than they believe

in the Creator. We have allthese different religions, we
have all these different names,all these different gods, all
these different prophets. Butour true creator is the one who
created all of us, even theprophets. And it's so scary
today because a lot of peopleshy away from church because
they don't know who to trust,who to believe who to come to,
who to talk to, who to take wordfrom. But in reality, all you

have to do is open up your Bibleand read the stories and allow
God to speak to you through thestories he do it to me, He
speaks to me through the storiesevery time I read a story, I get
an understanding an insight onhow God works. God was sick and
tired of the people of Baalbecause they act like they was
Prophet and they wasn't inreality to see him work like

that is like you know, God isalmighty he is the one that
saved us He is the one that'sbring us to understanding he is
the one that brings us to loveand all of that and we even gain
from God when we do right by himhe provide for us He heal us he
take care of us in the mostprecious way that sometimes you
know, I can barely explain theauthenticity of God is because

I'm still learning god I'm stilllearning and walking in
relationship with God and Iwould never fully understand His
grace and His mercy but the knowthat I have it is like yeah,
that's though I don't want to belike the people of Valle fake
prophesy over people people allall over the world now fake
manifesting Akon like you know,they're manifesting what's going

on for them. People are losingtheir lives every day to suicide
for people are rich in money andstill are not happy people are
in relationships and are not inlove. I come up people wake up
you guys. We need the Creator,to speak with us to talk to us
to walk with us and move to usto all our life situations, all

of our lives, our story beingtold and unfold. And I would
hate to tell my story withouthaving the Creator involved
without having got involved whenyou see me you gotta know as
God, you gotta be like, Oh, shewalked with the Lord because the
Lord is upon me. It's like on meshining on me. I'm in this dark
world, but that light you seethat light is God. So let's get

back to the story. So when allthe people saw this, they fail,
prostrating they cried the Lord,he has got the Lord He is God.
So then Elijah sees all theprophets and he took them to
Keshawn Valley and they wereslaughtered there. And Elijah
says to Ahab, go eat drink forthere's a sound of a heavy rain.
So Ahab went off to eat drink.
But Elijah climb to the top ofmountain Carmel a bit down to

the ground and put his facebetween his knees, go and look
toward the sea. He told hisservant and he went up. And so
there was nothing there atfirst. And Elijah told his
servant to go look about seventimes. And on a seven time there
were seven reported a cloud assmall as a man's hand is rising
from the sea. So Elijah said, gountil Ahab hitch up your chariot

and go down before the rainstops you meanwhile, the sky
grew black clouds, the wind roseand heavy rain started falling
Ahab Road, oxygen, Israel, thepower of the Lord came on Elijah
and tucking his cloak into hisbelt, he ran ahead of Ahab, and
all the way to just, Elijah wasa true prophet of Israel, and
the Lord and the Lord said,Elijah, to bale to wherever this

bill was. And he said, he senthim near to clean up what they
were doing over there. And whenElijah came, he had the nerve to
call Elijah, a traveler, andElijah like, Nah, buddy, I'm not
the traveler, but you're yourfather, you're over here
traveling up these things,because I don't fell from God.
And now you're over here andlike prophets, like stopping

this thing. This thing was goingdown. So he set up the contest
real easy, real smooth, didn'tcause too much trouble. By the
end, he exposed them. Have youever been exposed in a situation
where there was no denying it,you couldn't do anything about
being exposed, you had toconfess or you had to face the
fact that you could be lying,you could be telling our acting

or doing something that is nottrue. That is not of your
character. That is not what Godput into you. I know for me,
being exposed to my lies, beingconvicted of being wrong in the
flesh. It happens to me, ithappens to me not so much now
because I try to stay away frompretending and faking and being

something that I'm not andthat's why I don't try to follow
the trends that I see on socialmedia. I'm not jumping on every
trend that's available for us isbecause I'm constantly trying to
be the authenticity of what Godhas created me to be and he's
constantly molded me and heconstantly grilling me and
showing me how to live life so Itry not to look outside of me

and do something that willexpose me being fit Fake
fraudulent, phony and I see alot of that going on like in
society you could look insociety you can see like dang,
people were really spent 1000sof dollars on name brands that
they can't even afford toimpress people who don't even
like them who they like that'sfake. Like all that is fake is

fake love is fake people. It'sfake prophets, fake church
people, fake Christians, fakeCatholics, fake religions, fake
everything, like it's a lot offake stuff going on in the
world. And when God exposes you,you can't hide from that. It's
like stepping on the steps tothe Lord. You cannot hide from
being exposed one day one way oranother God will send somebody

to expose you if he don't do ithimself. He will send somebody
to expose how fraudulent howfake how bogus you are, and
that's just what happened that'swhat I took from First Kings
chapter 18 I took that God wassick and tired of the fake stuff
that was going on and bail Idon't even know if Bill is the

city state country I don't knowI haven't gotten that deep yet
so don't come judging me okay,but all I do know is that a God
sent Elijah to bill to exposethe people there to expose the
profits there it was 150 profit.
How is it 150 profits and youguys are worshiping fail? Excuse

me, I don't know if his name isBill or ball or what it is but
it's B double A L and how areyou guys worshipping bill when
the Lord your God has broughtyou out of Egypt like make it
make sense. But then again, theywere exposed and that's what
happens. So you guys that wasour chapter for this week. Oh my

goodness, what an interestingchapter. Go ahead and check out
any other episode that hasplayed before this. Also check
us out on social media. There isa change happening okay, I
really feel a shift comingalong. God has asked me to
expose more of me I'm trying tobe behind this mic but God is
like says I need you to beexposed and so you guys just

work with me as the New YearCome on, we will be going into
something deeper and somethingbetter and something more
exposure of just getting deeperinto the Bible and allowing the
Holy Spirit Jesus God to workwith you individually like he
did with me, okay, because whatdo you got for you? It may not
be for me and what do you gotfor me may not be for you. But
if we come together, we worshipin my words together. So you

guys send this message tosomebody who you feel may
benefit from it. It could beanybody, family, friends,
whomever. Go ahead and sharethis message to your social
media. also continue to check usout on social media. Follow us
on Instagram blessed to be sFacebook bougie Bible studies.
You can simply like message,comment, or yeah, just check us

out next week. Don't forget tosign up for our newsletters
because you do not want to missthe great things that's going to
be happening over here. Iblessed to be asked again. You
guys. I'm your cousin and Christwatch for a little bit. And you
have been rocking with me onbougie Bible studies. Talk to
you guys next week. Hi.
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