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November 16, 2022 32 mins

It was One shot to the head with a stone and a slingshot. David had the confidence of the Lord to help him win the battle that no one stood on the battle line to do. 

Are you facing any great fear or danger? Is God telling you to rely utterly on him?

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Juantrell Lovette (00:02):
Let's talk about let's talk about money.
Let's talk about sex. Let's talkabout drugs. Let's talk about
you. Let's talk about me. Let'stalk about let's talk about we
talk about you let's talk aboutme, let's talk about us. Let's

talk about the let's talk aboutwealth. Let's talk about green
let's talk being broke living inpoverty. Let's talk about black.
Let's talk about why let's talkabout how we still fight for
rights. Let's talk of a missedsix games and drugs and let's
talk about God. Let's talk aboutlove. Let's discuss our
feelings. Hey, welcome toblessed to be as I'm your cousin

in Christ, one trill a bat, andthis is bougie Bible studies. If
you are new here, I'd like towelcome you to the number one
best Bible study class that youwill ever come across. And if
you are not new here, youalready know how we get down
over here and blessed to be asas we dive into the Bible every

week and read a chapter as weget the inside story, the back
end story on what took place inthe ancient times that is
preached around the world today.
Don't be afraid, there is nojudgment here you can be from
any background or any religionthat you choose to that is your
business. I simply just allowGod to use me to read the
stories in the Bible because Iwant to get closer to God. And

this is my way of sharing himwith the world. As I created
this platform, started thisBible study class to share the
stories of the Bible with mypeople, like you and that you
can share with people like me,today's class, we are class 34.
Today's episode is First Samuel17, David and Goliath, you can

read out of any Version Bibleyou choose to that showbusiness,
you can simply listen and chooseto just hear the story and
follow along that way. But Isimply do acts that you just
allow God to use you to resonatewith the Holy Spirit to allow
Jesus to come into your life todo some type of change that can
result in a better livingsituation for tomorrow. And it

doesn't have to be just physicalform. It can be mentally, and it
can be emotionally and it justcould be all that that God does,
because he's just a great guyand he's for all of us, right?
No judgement. Go ahead and grabyour Bibles. Again. You can read
out any version you choose to. Iwant to get this story going.
I'm really excited. I read itonce but I'm ready to dive a bit

to it again and get more insightinto David and Goliath. If you
are ready, I am ready to let'sgo First Samuel 17 verse one.
Now the Philistines gatheredtheir forces for war and
assembled as Ahsoka and Judahthey pitch camp at E FF is damn

in between Soca and Zika saw andIsraelites assemble and camped
in the valley of Isla and drewup their battle lines to meet
the Philistines. The Philistinesoccupied one hill and the
Israelites another with thevalley between them. A champion
named Goliath who was from Gathcame out of the Philistines

camp. His weight was six cubitsin a span. He had a bronze
helmet on his head and wore acoat of scale armor of bronze
weighing 5000 shekels on hislegs. He wore bronze greys and a
bronze. Jacqueline was sluggedon his back. His spare shaft was
like a weaver's rod, and it'siron point weighed 600 shekels

his shield bear went ahead ofhim. Goliath stood and shout it
to the ranks of the Israel. Whydo you come out in line up for
battle? Am I not a Philistine?
And are you not the servants ofSaul, choose a man and have him
come down to me. If he is ableto fight and kill me we will

become your subjects. But if Iovercome him and kill him, you
will become our subjects andserve us. Then the Philistines
said this day I defy the armiesof Israel. Give me a man and let
us fight each other. On hearingthe Philistines words saw in all
the Israelites were dismayed andterrified. Now David was the son

of an fri named Jesse who wasfrom Bethlehem and Judah. Jesse
had a son in a sauce time he wasvery old Jesse's three oldest
son have follow Saul to the war.
The first one was ileap, thesecond Abinadab and the third
Shama David was the youngest,the three oldest bylo saw, but

David went back and forth fromsaw to attend to his father's
sheep at Bethel hair for 40days. The Philistines came or
every morning and evening andtook his stand. Now Jesse said
to his son, David, take this FYIof roasted grain and these 10
loaves of bread for yourbrothers and Harry to their

camp. Take a look on these 10cheeses to the commander of
their unit. See how yourbrothers are in bring back some
assurance from them they arewith saw and all the men of
Israel in the valley of Islafighting against the Philistines
early in the morning and Davidleft the flock in the care of a
shepherd he loaded up and setout is Jesse directed. He

reached the camp as the army wasgoing out to his battle
positions shouting the war cry,Israel and the Philistines were
drawn up their lines facing eachother. David left his things
with the keeper of supplies, ranto the battle lines and asked
his brothers how they were. Ashe was talking with them.

Goliath the Philistine championfrom GAF stepped out from his
lines and shouted his usualdefiance and ever heard it.
Whenever the Israelites saw theman they all fled from him in
great fear. Now, the Israeliteshad been saying, Do you see how
this man keep coming out, hecomes out to defy Israel. The

King will give great wealth tothe man who kills him. He will
also give him his daughter inmarriage and will exempt his
family from taxes in Israel.
David asks the man standing nearhim what will be done for the
man who kills the Philistinesand removes this disgrace from

Who is this uncircumcisedPhilistine? The he should defy
the armies of the living God?
They repeated to him what theyhaven't said and told him this
is what will be done for the manwho kills him. When ileap
David's oldest brother heard himspeaking with the man he burned
with anger at him and eggs. Whyhave you come down here? And

with whom did you leave thesefew sheep in the wilderness? I
know how conceited you are, andhow wicked your heart is, you
came down only to watch thebattle. Now what have I done,
said David, can I even speak Hethen turned away to someone else
and brought up the same matter?

And the man answered him asbefore, what David said was
overheard and reported to sawand saw set for him. David said
to saw, let no one lose heart onaccount of this Philistine, your
servant will go and fight him.
Saw replied, You are not able togo against this Philistine and
fight him. You are only a youngman, and he has been a worrier

from his youth. But David saidto Saul, your servant has been
keeping his father's sheep whena lion or a bear came and
carried off a sheep from theflock. I went after it, struck
it and rescued the sheep fromhis mouth. And when it turned on
me, I seized it by its hairstruck it and killed it. Your
servant has killed both the lionand the bear. this uncircumcised

Philistine will be like one ofthem because he has the fight
the armies of the living God,the Lord who rescued me from the
part of the lion and the part ofthe bear will rescue me from the
hand of this Philistine saw saidtoday that a go and the Lord be
with you. There saw dress Davidin his own tunic. He put a coat
of armor on him and a bronzehelmet on his head, David fasten

on his sword over the tunic andtry walking around because he
was not used to them. I cannotgo in ease. He said to Saul,
because I am not used to them.
So he took them off. Then hetook his staff and his hand
chose five smooth stones fromthe stream, put them in the
pouch of his shepherd's bag, andwith his sling in his hand,

approach the Philistine.
Meanwhile, the Philistine withhis shield bearer in front of
him, kept coming closer toDavid. He looked David over and
saw that he was little more thana boy glowing with health and
handsome and he despised him. Hesaid to David, am I a dog that
you come at me with sticks, anda Philistine curse David with
his gods. Come here, he said,and I'll give your flesh to the

birds and the wild animals.
David said to the Philistine,you come against me with sward
and spear and javelin, but Icome against you and the name of
the Lord Almighty, the God ofthe armies of Israel whom you
have defied this day, the Lordwill deliver you into my hands,
and I'll strike you down and cutoff your head. This very day, I

will give the carcasses of thePhilistine army to the birds and
the wild animals and the wholeworld would know that there is a
God in Israel. All thosegathered here would know that it
is not by sward or spear thatthe Lord save for the battle is
the Lord's and he will give allof you into our hands as the

Philistine moves closer toattack him David Rancic piglets
hurt the battle line to me himreaching into his bag and taken
out of stone he sluggy back andstruck the Philistine on a
forehead. The stones sank intohis forehead and he fell
facedown on the ground. So Davidtriumph over the Philistine with
the sling in the stone. Withouta sward in his hand, he struck

down a Philistine and killedhim. David ran and stood
overhand he took hold of thePhilistines swore and joy from
the show. After he killed him hecut off his head with the sward
when a Philistine saw that theirhero was dead, they turned and
ran. Then the man of Israel andJudah search Ford with a shout

and persuaded the Philistines tothe interest of get into the
gates of Akron. They're dead.
We're scrolling along theShahram road to get an accurate
when the Israelites returnedfrom chasing the Philistines.
They plundered their camp, Davidtook the Philistines head and
brought it to Jerusalem. He putthe Philistines weapon in his
own tent, as saw watch Davidgoing out to meet the

Philistines he said to Abner,commander of the army, Abner,
whose son is that young man,Abner replied, As surely as you
live, your Majesty. I don'tknow. The King said find out
whose son this young man is. Assoon as David returned from
killing a Philistine. Abner tookhim and brought him before saw

with David still holding thePhilistines head Whose son are
you young man saw axe him. Davidsaid I am the son of Your
servant, Jesse of Bethlehem. Andthat is the end of March have.
Why goodness, okay, so boom,like, let's bring it down. Okay,
what an interest the story nowI've heard a story about David

and Goliath. A lot of times Inever heard it in debt like I
did right now as I read throughit. And this was my second time
reading through it. The firsttime I read through it was just
before I actually read this, andI got a little teary eyed
because I'm going to break itdown and tell you why. So boom,
David and Goliath. Now thePhilistines gathered their

forces for war, the Philistinesgathered their forces, and
Israelite gathered their forces.
And the Philistines was on oneside of the camp. And the
Israelites was one another sideof the camp with the valley in
between them. I'm gonna justsummarizing now a champion
Goliath from the Philistines. Hewas obviously very huge, and he

was big. And he was somewhatlike the Philistines protector,
and he will come out and he wasshouting at them, and he would
yell at them. Like, why do youcome out in line up for battle?
Don't you guys serve us? Likewhat makes you guys think that
you guys can line up to battleus? Basically, he's like, choose
a man, any man. If he come out,and he fight me, and he killed

me, we as the Philistines, wewill serve you. But on another
hand, if y'all choose a man tocome out here and fight me and
kill me, and I kill him, youguys will always serve us. So
upon hearing these words, hungGoliath. Of course, the
Israelites didn't have anybodyas big as him, and they didn't
have no bodies to really fightGoliath to take on this

proposition that he had forthem. They didn't want to go for
it. So he jumps into the storyof knowing who David is. Now,
David was the son of Jesse, whowas a servant of saw saw was the
leader of the Israelites who wasgoing into battle. And Jesse was
the servant of Saul. And Davidwas the son of Jesse. So Jesse

had his sons he had about eightsons, but his three eldest sons
follow Saul into the war. Thatwas ileap Abinadab. And Shama.
Now, I could be butchering thesenames. I'm sure I am no
judgment, because I don't knowthese folks named like that, but
I'm trying my best. So he hadthese three sons go off into

battle with Saul. And David wasthe youngest and he will go back
and forth attended to sheep andalso you know, working what he
doing on his back end because hewas young, he didn't go into war
with his brothers. So one dayJesse loaded up a bunch of
stuff, and he had David go todeliver this stuff to his other

sons who was off and war was sawnow in the midst of this David
key goes over and he sees thebattle battle line happening. He
sees that the Israelites islining up on one side and the
Philistines lining up on onanother side like the war is
soon to begin. So loaded up andset out as he asked his daddy

directed Jesse directly so whenhe reached a camp army, he was
going to his battles positionshouting the war cry, Israel in
the Philistines were true. onall their lines facing each
other David notices. So Davidleft his things with the keeper
of the supplies and ran to thebattle lines and asked his
brothers how they were. As hewas talking with them. Goliath

came out and Goliath decided togive his daily speech whoo ha ha
Johnny to get one young man tocome fight me because I'm ready
to slay. And if any of y'allman, anybody one person, come
find me and kill me. We'll beservants to you guys.
If I defeat your man, obviously,you guys will be servants to us.

Now, David, here's this is sothe Israelites, they start
talking amongst each other. Andthey say, for now, the airlines
has been said, Do you see howthis man keep coming out? Do you
see how Goliath keep coming out,he comes out to defy Israel,
like he comes out to make uslook really, really bad. Now the
king will give great wealth tothe man who kills him, he will

also give him his daughter inmarriage, and he will exempt his
family from taxes in Israel. SoDavid, he starts to ask me like,
you know, what would happen forthe man who kills this
Philistine who keeps acting likehe being in bulk because he
defined Israel, what will bedone so the man starts to tail,
David? Well, the king willbasically give great wealth to

the man who kills him and hewill also give him his daughter
marriage. And he was in hisfamily from the Texas and stuff.
So as David is talking to this,talking to the man, he's one of
his older brothers ileap. Hehears David he see David and now
he gets so upset with Davidbecause he like what are you
doing over here? So it says wheniLab Davis Oh, his brother heard

him speaking with the man heburned. We're angry at him and
acts. Why have you come downhere? And with whom did you
leave those few sheep in thewilderness? I know how conceited
you are, David, and how wickedyour heart is. David,

Unknown (16:57):
you came down only to watch the battle. David is like,
well, I

Juantrell Lovette (17:00):
calm down, calm down. I actually came down
to check up on y'all becausePapa said to come bring you guys
see supplies. And I came tocheck up on you guys to see how
you guys were doing. But in themidst of all it is, who is this
Goliath guy keep the fight inIsrael. He liked now what have I
done? Can I speak He then turnedaway from his brother, he lived

boy girl by showbusiness and heturned to someone else about the
same manner about Goliath. Andin a man answered him as before,
like yes, if you if somebodywill kill this man, the king
will give great well, he willgive his merit his daughter in
marriage, and he will exempt hisfamily from the Texas So David,
so what David said was overheardand reported to Saul and then

saw set for David. So David saidto saw let no one loose heart on
account of this Philistine Yourservant me will go and fight
him. So I looked at him andsaid, You gotta be joking,
right? I mean, you're not ableto go against this Philistine
and fight him. You are only ayoung man. And he has been a

worrier since your age,basically. But David said to
Saul, listen, I've been keepingmy father sheet and now when a
lion or a bear came and carriedoff my sheet, guess what? I went
after that bear or that lion,and I got my sheet back from
them. That's right, exactly. Sowhen the bear in Atlanta came

and attacked me I gave greatforce and I laid the lion and a
bear to rest to get my sheetback. I might be little, I might
be young, but I got what ittakes to go out here and fight
this man good life. So So I waslike, You seem pretty confident
go ahead and do what you do. Maythe good Lord be with you? So I
saw he started to dress David upin his Tunick and all his stores

and all his shackles and allthose things so that he could go
into battle but David is like,I'm just saying how I get down
you know, I'm saying I don'twear all this stuff. Like I
fight crazy, but I don't needall this battle here. I don't
need this. I don't need that.
I'm gonna take all this offbecause it's not working for me.
I'm not used to having all theseshackles on me to fight I'm
good. You know, I like alightweight. So he grabbed his

sling. He took them off and thenhe took his staff in his hand.
He chose five smooth stones fromthe street and he put them in
his pouch and his shepherd'sback and we hit sling as his and
his hand as he approached thePhilistine. Meanwhile, the
Philistine with his shoe andFred have kept coming closest to
David. He looked at David overit saw that he was just a little

boy now They probably broughthim great laughs probably like
you guys send his little bittykid to come fight me, huh? So he
started despising David startedcussing them out, like Yeah,
right. Get him out of here. Andhe said to David, and my dog
that you come at me with sticks.
Like boy Come here. I'll giveyou a flesh to the birds in a

wild animals. David looked athim and said, Oh yeah, you come
against me with so sword andspear and javelin, but I come
against you in the name of theLord Almighty, the God of the
armies of Israel whom you havedefied. David basically was
like, you may look at me as ifI'm not competitive, or I'm not

worthy to go against you.
Because I may look younger thanyou, I don't have all the
fighting gear, you have one, nordo I possess the skills that you
may carry, because you have beenin battle, since you were
probably my age, but you comeagainst me with scores and
spears, I come against you withthe Lord Almighty. Now, if that
ain't D, I don't know what itis. Because I don't know life.

It seems to attack you in many,many ways. And as long as you
fight back life with the LordAlmighty, you're going to come
out a winner for sure, like100%, I see that and I see that
this transpired in the story.
This day, the Lord would deliveryou into my hands and I'll

strike you down and cut off yourhead this very day, I will give
the carcasses of the Philistinearmy to the birds and the wild
animals. He took a deep and thewhole world would know that
there is a God in Israel. NowDavid didn't show up to the
fight. He didn't even probablyshow up to fight. At the end of
the day he was sent to go checkup on his brothers him taken on

this battle. He felt realconfident he knew that he could
take on this person. Confidenceis a thin line between
confidence and conceded. And ifyou notice in the story when his
brother was gotten out with him,he said I know you I know how
conceited you are. I know howwicked you are. You came down
here to watch the battle today.
That wasn't conceded. He didn'tcome to be in the battle. He

just so happened so find anopportunity to say well, since
none of you guys are steppingup, I guess I'll step up because
I have the confidence to do so.
Now that spoke value to me hereyou have a group of armies, the
whole group, the people there,there's a big group and when
Goliath is calling out theirbest man or any man to come and

fight him and nobody stood itsaid, Okay, let me be the one
they all got scared of Goliathand they all bowed down. They
all basically ran David, noteven a person of the army. He
come and he say none of yourstuff enough. So I guess I'll
take on a job because who isthis person to defy the armies

of Israel, even the littlestperson in the room you should
not judge them. They hold thebiggest package data here held
the biggest package so he waslike all those gathered here
will know that it is not bysward or spared at the Lord's
saves for the battle is theLord's and he will give all of
you into our hands as aPhilistine. Goliath started

moving closer to its head DavidDavid quickly ran because he was
smaller and quicker and littlerand plus he didn't have all
those shackles on him. Hequickly ran ran past him reached
into his bed, taken out a stoneslugging on his slingshot and
swung in and hit Goliath rightup in the forehead. Now that
stone sunk right up in Goliathforehead into his brain, killing

him making him fall flat on hisface. I mean, took him out one
smooth pebble rock and yeah, hewas laid out flat. Now when the
Philistines seen that, yeah,they got spooked and they got
scared as David went over toGoliath triumph over his body,
grabbed his spear his or killedhim and then took off his hair

like he stated, now what abattle because it wasn't even a
battle between the entirearmies. At that point, nobody
was fighting but Goliath andDavid, nobody stood in the
middle to fight but David andGoliath as soon as David was
able to pass Goliath out Goliathand meet him at the battle line

past him right on up juke themchip chip chip, took out his
stone, took out his slingshotand copy them right up in the
forehead thing that sunk rightup into the Goliath head and he
fell flat on the ground killedthis man that didn't even have
to fight. This was a one on onebattle David using the Lord and
Goliath wanting to use his warthat man didn't even get a
chance to use this word now. Soboom, David triumphed over

Goliath. Now everybody happy toIsrael's happy they get the run
the Philistines back out thegates back out the gaff gates
and when the Philistines sawthat their hero was dead, they
turned and ran than a man of theIsrael in a Judas search for
with a shout and persuaded thePhilistines to the entrance of
the gas into the gates ofecrime. And so David took the

Philistines head and brought itto Jerusalem. He put the
Philistines weapon in his own 10NF saw watch David going out to
meet the Philistines, he said tothe commander Abner hope son is
that Abner? Like, I don't know.
Have Your Majesty, I don't havea clue whose son that is. And so
saw obviously was like, bringthe kids to me. I want to know

whose son this is. So when Davidcame back, still holding Goliath
head, this man was walkingaround with Goliath head. That's
victory, because he actuallytold him what he was gonna do he
say he probably laughing he'slike, Look, you got the scores
and stuff and all of this andall this good stuff. And you go
and you fight against scores andspirits, but I fight against you

know you with the Lord, but I'mgoing to cut your head off, I'm
going to, I'm going to kill you.
I'm gonna cut your head off,fella. When David came back into
the camp, or whatever sawbasically approached him was
like, you know, Whose son areyou? And at that point, David,
let him know, I'm the son ofYour servant, Jesse. And the

story cuts off. Now what anexciting story. Have you ever
been in battle where the Lordhas defeated your enemy for you?
It could be anything. It couldbe your finances, it can be your
health, it can be your familytrauma, it can be childhood
trauma, it can be relationshipproblems, it can be your

marriage, it can be anything,have you ever been in battle,
and God actually came throughand won for you. We have so many
people today who are afraid totalk to God and reach out to God
because they scared that theyare not worthy enough. There's a
lot of people who lack theconfidence to have a one on one

with God, you are not conceded.
When you walk in relationshipwith God, you are no better than
anybody else to have arelationship with God, but you
are a child of God, and youbegin to win in life when you
establish that relationship withGod. And there's nobody who can
tell you how to grasp thatrelationship.

The relationship comes from atrue authenticity of you wanting
to connect with your Creator,David was connected to his
creator, the Lord Almighty. Andeven though he was the youngest
one out of his brothers, he wasthe one who slayed the lion. No,
nobody stepped up into battle togive this man his opportunity to

find somebody who was in Israel,who was already a part of the
war. How did David come? Who wasonly supposed to go check up on
his brothers, he literallyplaced himself in the middle of
this war and say, You know what,I'll do it. I'll put this man to
rest, I'll kill him. I don'teven think it was so much about

what he could receive as a gift.
I think it was the fact thatGoliath was trying to defy
Israel and tried to condemn themand try to make them less of and
David was just not that he wasconfident because he felt like
he was more of even though hewas the son of a servant, David,
he was the boldest out of them.

Like the whole thing. I'm prettyanxious to see how I touch him
more stories about David andthings like that, because I
didn't get an beginningunderstanding of Samuel. And
again, as the Bible is taking mein and out of chapters, but just
reading certain stories, it kindof gives me insights on my life
on where it's at today, how alot of people will look at me

before talking to me or anythinglike that. And it would think
that I'm conceited, but inoverall, I'm just confident, I'm
confident in my walk with God,I'm confident that I'm nothing
without God, I'm confident thatI know that I need God. And
there's nothing more sufficientthat I will need more than God
and the relationship with God.
So if that makes me conceited tosomebody else, all I do is I

just pray that they receivedthis same confidence to walk in
relationship with God to visit achurch and not just visit a
church because it's culturist.
They are because it's a thing todo. But visit a church to get
that connection with ourCreator, to hear the words of

the Bible to allow these storiesto actually resonate to where
they give you some type ofunderstanding. Now, David was
the youngest of his brothers iskind of different for me. I'm
the oldest of my siblings, andI'm the only girl my mom had
five kids and wrestling pays toone of my little brothers. He
passed away last year in 2021over gun violence and to have to

bury my brother the way that Ihad to bury him very
unexpectedly. Being the onlygirl not really having somebody
to lean with and talk to nothaving that sister bond with no
body and things like that. Ifeel like life it really puts us
in situations to bring out theconfidence in us. I didn't think

I had the confidence to plan mybrother's funeral and lay him to
rest properly. But when I leanedin relied on God wholeheartedly,
he allowed me to walk thatprocess very smoothly to lay my
brother to rest As he returnedto the creator, the reason why I
say that is because I'm speakingon a confidence that David had
David had a confidence that hisbrothers didn't have the people

in war didn't have. And I'm sureDavid didn't go there to have
this confidence are to take onthis battle. But the fact that
he had so much confidence in theLord and his relationship with
the Lord gave him thatconfidence needed to take on
this Goliath that says a lot tome. It lets me look at my life

and my situations and say, youknow, the reason why I'm able to
go another day or wake upanother day to receive the Daily
Bread is the confidence that Ilook into walking with God and
just having that relationshipwith God. I mean, it's just
super important. And I speak onthat, because that's just what
I'm here for. Like, seriously,I'm here to be in relationship

with the Creator so that I canjust do his work and whatever
work that is, we never know,just like David, he didn't know
that he will be doing and theLord's work and helping Israel
fight off the Philistines theway that he that he did, but it
all worked out for the greaterand I'm blessed. I'm blessed to
be here and be having thispodcast with you guys. So yes,

you guys, go ahead and check outany episode before this, send
this message to somebody thatyou feel can benefit from it. Go
ahead and check us out on socialmedia and just stay connected.
You just never know where we'regoing with this. Because I'm not
going to give it up. I maydisappear every now and then.
But this is my baby. And this issomething that God gives me the

confidence to do when I'm ableto talk to him and read the
stories and they just get betterand better every time. So until
next time, you guys, I'm yourcousin and Christ. Huanchaco
Lovett and this is bougie Biblestudies blessed to be s also
known as blessed to be strictbecause we allow God to strip
everything of us. That's notlike him. Until next time, you

guys i'll talk to you bye
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