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January 18, 2023 23 mins

Not feeling worthy of God's comfort when he's already wrapped his around you makes you think, whos the crazy one for not knowing it's available to you at all times?

Verse 31: Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. Do you believe this scripture?

 I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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Unknown (00:04):
Let's talk about let's talk about money. Let's talk
about sex. Let's talk aboutdrugs. Let's talk about you.
Let's talk about me. As talkingabout us. Let's talk about we
talk about you let's talk aboutme, let's talk about us. Let's

talk about the let's talk aboutwealth let's talk about green
let's talk being broke living inpoverty. Let's

Juantrell Lovette (00:34):
talk about black. Let's talk about white.
Let's talk about how we stillfight for rights. Let's talk of
a man sex games and drugs andlet's talk about God. Let's talk
about love. Let's discuss ourfeelings. Hey, y'all, welcome to
bless the BS. I'm your cousin inChrist one troll Yvette. And
this is bougie Bible studies. Ifyou are new here, I like to

welcome you to the number oneBible study class that you will
ever come across. If you are notnew here. You already know how
we get down as we dive into theBible and read a chapter a week
to get the inside story of theancient times of the Bible and
how it took place back then, andwhat makes the Bible so vital

for our lives today, it is veryessential for all of us to dive
into the Bible, but not so manyof us do. And if we do, we
really can't even understandscriptures because we are not
dissecting the full story of theBible. I'm your cousin. And I'm
here to break down the storiesof the Bible to get an
understanding for myself, andhope that God can deliver a

message and send you anunderstanding for yourself
because the Bible beaks livesand operates each individually
for us for our lives to know howto maneuver through life,
connect with God connect withpeople also by connecting with
the world. So I'm very honoredto be here to go into our class

today, you guys we are in class40. And our episode today will
be in Isaiah chapter 40. And ourtitle for today is words of
comfort from God, it's reallyexcited to go into chapter 40. I
have wrote scriptures aboutchapter 40. Before that really
spoke to me that really gave melife and lifted me up. I also

posted a scripture from Isaiah40 on my tech talk about two
years ago that kind of wentviral, which was very excited
for me because this was a timewhen I was just writing
scripture down and not reallydive into the full stories of
the Bible. But now that I'm ableto dive into the full stories of
the Bible, these verses andthese chapters, they actually
tie in together. And I mean somuch to me. So it is very

important for me, it's not forme to just go into Scripture and
read just a scripture, but kindof just get the back end of the
entire story of the words of theBible. And even though sometimes
the stories are repeated, it'sso great to see how the stories
tie in together all for God'sconnection and how it relates to
us individually. So you can readout of any Version Bible you

choose to that is your business.
I read out an NIV Bible, I havea Bible tracker book here that's
keeping me on track of theBible. And you guys, we have
been 14 weeks and the OldTestament, which soon we will be
going into another 14th week ofbecoming a Christian. And at
that time, we will go visual andbe back on YouTube. So you guys
stick with us. This is gonna beso exciting for us to actually

be stripped by Christ andallowing us to be revealed to
who we are and make known thatGod's words is so sufficient in
our lives today as they will betomorrow. And when we're not
even here on this earth, howGod's words will still matter,
and people live. So go ahead andgrab your Bible. You can read
out of any version you can geton your phone Bible app, you can

pop in your earphones, you canlisten however you choose to
that's your business again,class will be in Isaiah 40 We
are in week 40. Guys, we're inclass 40 This is exciting. So
Isaiah chapter 40. comfort forGod's people. I'm ready. Let's
go. Comfort, comfort my people,says your God. Speak tenderly to

Jerusalem and proclaim to herthat her heart service has been
completed that her sin has beenpaid for that she has received
from the Lord's hand double forall her sin, a voice of one
calling in the wilderness,Prepare the way for the Lord,
make straight in the desert, ahighway for our God, every

valley should be raised up everymountain and hill made love the
rough ground should becomelevel, the rugged place a plane
and the glory of the Lord willbe revealed and all people will
see it together for the mouth ofthe Lord has spoken of voices
cry out and I said What shall Icry? All people are like grass

and all their faithfulness. islike the flowers of the field.
The grass withers and theflowers fall because the breath
of the Lord blows on them.
Surely the people are grass, thegrass withers and the flowers
fall, but the word of our Godendures forever. You who bring

good news to Zion, go up on ahigh mountain, you who bring
good news to Jerusalem, Lift upyour voice with a shout, lift it
up. Do not be afraid, say to thetowns of Judah. Here is your
God. See, the Sovereign LORDcomes with power, and he rules
with the mighty arm. See, hisreward is with him and his

recompensate accompanies him. Hetends his flock like a shepherd,
he gathers the Lamb and His armsand carry them close to his
heart. He gently leaves thosethat have Young, who has
measured the waters in thehollow of his hand, or with a
breaded of his hand marked offthe heavens, who has held the
dust of the earth in the basket,our way the mountains on the

scales on the hills in a ballotWho can fathom the Spirit of the
Lord or instruct the Lord on Hiscounsel, whom did the Lord
consult to enlighten him? Whohas taught him the right way?
Who was it that taught himknowledge or showed him the path
of understanding? Surely thenations are like a drop in a
bucket? They are regarded asdust on the scales. He weighs

the islands as though they werefine dust Lebanon is not
sufficient for altar spires, noris animals enough for burnt
offerings before him all thenations are as nothing they are
regarded by him as worthless andless than nothing with whom then
will you compare God to whatimage will you like it him ask

for an idol, a metal workercasts it and a goldsmith
overlays it with gold andfashion silver chains for it. A
person too poor to present suchan offering selects wood that
will not rot they look for askilled worker to set up an idol
that will not topple. Do you notknow Have you not heard? Has it

not been told you from thebeginning? Have you not
understood since the earth wasfounded? He sits enthroned above
the circle of the earth and hispeople are like grasshoppers, he
stretches out the heavens like acanopy and spreads them out like
a tent to live in. He bringPrincess tonight and reduces the

ruler of this world to nothing.
No sooner are they planted? Nosooner are they sown? No sooner
do they take root in the ground?
Then he blows on them and theywither and a whirlwind sweeps
them away like chaff. To whomwill you compare me? Or who is
my equal, says the Holy One,lift up your eyes and look to

the heavens, who created all ofthe who will bring out the steri
house one by one and cause foreach of them by name. Because of
his great power and mightystrength? Not one of them is
missing. Why do you complainJacob? Why do you say Israel? My
way is hidden from the Lord. Mycause is just regarded by my

god. Do you not know Have younot heard the Lord is the
everlasting God, the Creator ofthe ends of the earth. He will
not grow tired or weary and hisunderstanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the wearyand increases the power of the
week. Even youth grows tired andweary, and young men stumble and

fall. But those who hope in theLord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings likeeagles and they will run and not
grow weary. They will walk andnot be faint. And that is the
end of our chapter you guys. Oh,I love Isaiah 40 What a such a

Unknown (08:58):
word deliverance from the Creator

Juantrell Lovette (09:01):
who created all of us who created this
earth, who sits in throne at thecenter of our galaxy. Isn't that
amazing that we have a God whoseunderstanding we cannot fathom,
but is so worthy to be praised.
Glorified, worship, unitingtogether as one his children
coming together. It is soexciting to go into 40s to hear

the comfort word from God to seehow he came in comfort, not just
Jerusalem, not just Lebanon, notjust Judea, but everyone that
looked to the heavens. So let'sbreak it down, shall we? Let's
break it. Who's in charge aGod's eye view of history as

they are 4031 with a chapterended on those who hope in the
Lord will renew their strengththey will soar on wings. like
eagles, they will run and notgrow weary. They will walk and
not be faint. This particularverse, chapter 40, verse 31, I
actually posted posted this onTik Tok, and it went viral this

scripture, it is a very familiarscripture for the young people
who tend to try to run theirrace. It is not a race to be one
because it's a marathon. Youhave to kind of pass the baton
down generation aftergeneration. And what happens is
if you try to run the race andyou try to pass the finish line,
you forget that it's a marathonand you forget to pass the baton

back to your next generation.
Those who hope in the Lord willrenew their strength. They will
soar on wings like eagles. Theywill run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
At the end of the Old Testamentera, most Jews are scattered
across the Middle East dispersedby Assyrian and Babylonian
armies. The minority of thepeople that have returned to

Jerusalem to Jerusalem liveunder the total domination of a
foreign government and PersiaThe same question joke acts
while scratching himself withshards of pottery, the Jews now
Acts about their entire race.
Has God abandoned us? Will wehave a future of all the
prophets? Isaiah gives perhapsthe clearest picture of what the

Jews can expect. His earliermessage has blasted his nation
sin and unfaithfulness. Butbeginning with chapter 40,
Isaiah shifts into a new key ofcomfort and tenderness drop in a
bucket. The Book of Isaiahexplains why the future holds
hope not just for the Jews, butfor the whole world. Chapter 40

introduces this last section ofIsaiah with the sweeping
declaration that God reigns overall. Surely the nations are like
a drop in a bucket. He sits inthrone above the circle of the
earth, and his people are likegrasshoppers. Verse 15, and 22.
God shows himself master ofnature of history, indeed, of

the entire universe. For thedispirited Jewish survivors of
Babylon invasion, this exaltedview of God is a reminder that
God has neither vanished norrejected the remnant of His
chosen people. The question is,what do Isaias words mean to you

today? Those who hope in theLord will renew their strength.
I can tell you what Isaiah iswords mean to me today.
Especially verse 31. Those wholook to the Lord will renew
their strength. I don't know howmany times I have felt, I've
also disqualify I have felt weakin my faith, where I felt like I

cannot deal with this situationanymore. And it could be any
type of situation of just comingat me from a negative point of
view. It could be my mom, it canbe my family, it can be my
money. It could be me, my kids,it could be anything. And I know
I've come to a point where Isay, You know what, I can't do
this anymore. I'm so tired. Idon't know what to do. Whenever

I get to that point, going intoprayer, going into the Bible,
going into Scripture going intoanything of the of the Lord's,
it brings me back to beingrenewed my faith will renew once
I pray, once I cry once I talkto the Lord once I go into my my
abandonment space of feelinglike I just can't do this no

more God is you giving up on me.
I mean, what's going on? Youknow, when I get to that place,
and I go into the Bible, and Iget scripture, I get word I'm
bringing, I'm bringing back tomy comfort zone, I'm, I'm being
comforted by God, I'm beingwrapped in God's arms, His love,
His peace, all everything thathe has for me when I go into the

Bible. So what does Isaias wordsmean? To me today, those who
hope in the Lord will renewtheir strip. I don't know how
true this is for you. But thisis 1,000% true for me. I don't
know how much struggle I've beenthrough in my life. But I can
tell you that I do not look likewhat I've been through. My mom

has been on drugs. Most of mylife. I have declared a hate
relationship for her. When I wasin my teens. I did not like my
mom whatsoever. Because I fellshe just abandoned her kids not
knowing her life history. I gotto a point in my life where God
was the main focal point in mylife and there was nothing more

than I wanted. But my mom arelationship with my mom and the
enemy wanted to try to take thataway from me. He kept reminding
me your mom on drugs. She didn'tlove you. She left you you guys
went to foster system. She nevergot her life right? How could
she do her baby grow like thather only daughter and those was
the thoughts that kept goingthrough my mind and going

through my mind. But as I got inrelationship with God, let me
tell you something about hiscomfort. Let me tell you
something about God's comfort.
It is such a reward that youdon't realize that you need. You
don't really need the comfort ofpeople in society, even though

it feels good to hear peoplecall for you, or come call for
you or put their arms around youand hug you. But it ain't
nothing like the comfort ofGod's love God's scripture,
God's Word, His comfort, oh myGod, it is out of this world. It
is the universe. It doessomething to me that my emotions

are like a joy when I feel God'scoffered like there is no
badness, there's no achinessthere's no disgustingness and
God's comfort, oh my goodness,it brings me such to a peaceful
place to know that God comfortsthose who look to Him, those who

hope in the Lord strength willbe renewed. It's so hard to deal
with my mother, I don't know ifyou have anybody in your family,
or if your parent or aunt oruncle sister or brother ever
battle with a drug addiction, mymom has been battling with a
drug addiction. For all herlife, she'd been on a hardcore
drug called PCP all her lifethat I remember, I wouldn't say

all her life, because I'm sureat a point of time, when I was
about five, anytime between thatyounger, five and younger, my
mom was probably straight. Butfor as long as I can remember,
from the age seven and up, mymom has been on this hardcore
drug, and people will deal withher. But they wouldn't deal with
her with the capacity of thelove that's needed to endure

whatever it is that she's goingthrough. And I can tell you so
much that if I did not look tothe Lord, to renew my strength,
there is no way that I can dealwith my mom, there is no way
that I could deal with somebodyin her capacity, because I
wouldn't have the strength, thefaith or the endurance to be
able to deal with somebody inthat capacity. But because I

look to the Lord with all myheart, I mean, all fall
completely on the floor. And ithas been something so rewarding
for me every time I'm able tolook to God and know that he's
working on my behalf. Becausethere's a lot of things that I
can do for myself. There's a lotof things that I came prey out
of people, there's a lot ofthings that I can say to people.

So what do I do, I turn and Ilook to God, when I'm weak, I
look to God, when I'm strong, Ilook to God, when I need help.
I look to God, when I needguidance. I like to go
everything about my life, I lookto God, and I'm such in a great
place that I don't ever want toget outside of looking to our
Creator. He sits in throw in themiddle of the universe, why

would I not look to someone whocreated all things we are like
grasshoppers to the Lord. Idon't know if you ever wrote on
a plane. And if you ever lookout the window, and you can just
see the layout and dynamics ofthe world and how it's how it's
all section out. And you havethese diaphragms and diagrams of

how the planets of the world isall layered. But I look up when
I'm in the sky and I look up. Ialso look up every time I'm in
an airplane, I look up I admirewhere I'm at in the atmosphere.
I'm up so high, I'm in thisspace and I'm in a vulnerable
place. I do not rely on thepilot. To get me down to ground

I rely on the Lord I pray overthe pilot I asked the Lord to
carry the entire plane, I askedthe Lord to be the pilots hands
to be his mind to be the stewardon the plains thoughts when
they're serving the people to bethe people to keep us calm. Like
I pray to the Lord for all thatwhen I'm up in the air, also
just like when I'm wanderingaround, but when I'm in the air

and I look out the window, I canadmire the beauty of just being
very vulnerable, that I knowthat it's only up to God that
God will get us that phonogrambut then I looked down and I see
how small the world like it'ssuper big, right? But I see how
small these plaques are. AndI'll see how it's so many of us

and I'd be thinking to myselflike man, I'm nearly a speck of
dust on this earth. We're allcomplaining and comparing and
trying to figure out somethingthat we don't have a clue when
we're learning merely just agrain of sand a grain of dust.
I'm gonna say that like we'rewe're a grain of dust. That's
how many people it is. It's somany of us. I look at God's

creation like I'm so amazed tosee the world light up at night
to see how it's all connected,how it's all created. I'll see
the vast water of the land howit separates certain land. I see
the mountains and how high theygo and and some of the mountains
can touch the clouds and Some ofthe clouds live in the
mountains. And I see how howwide and big and vast this

entire world is. And then Ithink to myself, just a little
bitty speck here, but that'scrazy, because God has a purpose
for me. And I'm merely justmethane. So I know that if I
look to him, I can conquer allof this. I can conquer this
entire world. If I have God bymy side, I mean, that's just

such a rewarding feeling for me.
I don't know about you guys. Buthere in the comfort words from
God, it puts things intoperspective. For me, it lets me
know that I'm not here battling,I'm not out here battling by
myself. I have a mighty mightyLord on my side. I mean, he will
allow me to rest when I getfaint and weary, he gives me the

strength that I need to keep upthe pace to keep going. How
rewarding is that? You know, weall fall short. But none of us
can fall short enough where Godcan catch us. It is such a
beautiful thing and amazing theto see that God conference his
people, even when a time whenthey feel abandoned. This is a

story from the ancient times.
This is a story from nationsthat we are not even in this is
Jerusalem. This is Judea. Thisis Israel. This is I'm over here
in California, and I'm readingabout people that I have no no
clue about. But yet I feelconnected to this Bible. I feel

that God is talking to me. Hesaid, all of us, this is
something that I need. This issomething I want to carry with
me, my children, we need to knowhow we're all connected all the
way from Jerusalem, all the wayto Egypt, Syria, Japan, China,
East Asia, California, New York,all in the States, all over the

coast. All over this entireworld. We are connected. And it
is such an honor to be here todive into this Bible to know
that God is not done with me.
He's not done with you. He hasplans for you. He has plans for
me. But yeah, he's understandingwe can't fathom, I can't I know
I'm stumped. I'll be trippin.

Like I just know God didn't putthrough like I've just asked him
to pull through for me. And hedid because he do. I pray over
everything. Every connection,every person that I come
encounter with and our eggs gotto order my steps because I know
he gonna see it through beforeme. And if it's not meant for
me, he's gonna make sure that Icurve that pass so I can miss

whatever is most to be missed onme. Like, it's such a reward to
have God's comfort. If you don'tknow what God comfort is go
ahead and dive into thischapter. God comforts his
people. And if you are Hispeople, He comforts you, you can
look to Him. And if you needyour strength, we know that you
know exactly what to do. Look tothe Lord, pray to the Lord. Talk

to the Lord, confess to theLord, give yourself to the Lord.
And you will be alrightsurviving in this world today as
the little bitty speck ofGrasshopper that you are,
because that's exactly what weare. We belong to the mighty one
of this world. You guys, nomatter what name you want to
call them, you can call themwhatever name you want to Yahweh

is our Lord. And He belongs toall of us. So yes, you guys,
that was the end of our chapter.
Go ahead and check out anyepisode before this. Go ahead
and send this message tosomebody you feel might benefit
from it. Go ahead and check usout on social media. The links
are below but you guys we willbe going visual in the next
couple of weeks. So stay tuned,stay connected. I'm your cousin
and Christ. You've been rockingwith me on bougie Bible study

and I will talk to you nextweek.

Unknown (23:50):
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