Episode Transcript
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Juantrell Lovette (00:03):
Let's talk
about let's talk about money.
Let's talk about sex. Let's talkabout drugs. Let's talk about
you. Let's talk about me. Andlet's talk about let's talk
about we talk about you, let'stalk about me, let's talk about
us. Let's talk about the let'stalk about wealth. Let's talk
about green let's talk beingbroke living in poverty. Let's
talk about black. Let's talkabout why let's talk about how
we still by far right let's talkof a man sex games and drugs and
let's talk about God. Let's talkabout love. Let's discuss our
felons. Hey, y'all, welcome toblessed to be as I'm your cousin
in Christ, want to live there.
And this is bougie Bible study.
If you are new here, I'd like towelcome you to the number one
Bible study class that you willever come across. And if you are
not new here, you already knowhow we get down as we dive into
the Bible, and read a chapter aweek and get the inside story of
what took place back in theancient times that still vital
and preached around the worldall today in different
languages, different books. Andit just means so much to have a
relationship with God thatsometimes some of us don't know
how that is, or we don't knowhow it goes. So I'm here being
an advocate for the Lord, as heused me to dive into the Bible
just so that I can read thestories and get an insight for
him on my understanding. Now,I'm not a prophet, or I'm not
someone to prophesied over you.
If you are looking for apreacher or a prophecy or
something like that, I adviseyou to go ahead and go to church
lake in which a local pastorspreachers or anything like that,
for this is solely just a Biblestudy class, I am a sinner just
like everybody else. But I loveto walk in relationship with
God. And I love to learn aboutthe exciting things and his word
what he has for me, and I adviseeverybody, all my listeners,
friends, families, and cousinsto also walk in relationship
with God. Now how do you dothat, you simply just pick up
the Bible, and you start askingGod to help you decipher the
words, so that he can go andmove before you so that you can
always revert back to the Biblefor anything that the Lord may
want to speak to you about, orjust walking in relationship
with the Lord. It is very vitaland essential for your life. And
that's what I will advise as acousin in Christ, we are in
Episode 39, which is class 39.
We've been doing this for sometime. And our class today is
Psalms 51. The title for ourclass is a classic confession,
which is the coefficient of KingDavid from where he did with
Bathsheba and all that stuffthat took place from the
previous episodes that we didbefore. Now, if you are new
here, I advise you to go checkout the episodes before this so
that you can get anunderstanding of how this
podcast go for again, this isnot a church sermon, I am not
your preacher, I am a sinner, Iwalk and look to the Lord just
like everybody else, okay, butI'm allowing God to use me so
that I could go into the Bibleto get an understanding for
myself. And I pray and hope thatyou also get an understanding
for yourself because what he'sspeaking to me about, I don't
think he's speaking to you aboutbut how we come together and
unite for the world is somethingthat he has planned for all of
us. So I welcome you my cousinin Christ. So the number one
Bible study class that you willever come across and so period,
okay, now you can read out ofany Version Bible you choose to
that is your business. You canlisten on your phone, or you can
simply just put your headphoneson, listen on your headphones or
anything like that read out ofany Version Bible you choose to.
That's your business. I read outof the NIV version. I have a
Bible plan here a tracker Biblethat's allowing me to jump in
and out of chapters to give methe understanding that I need.
Now we've been 14 weeks in theOld Testament, what a few more
weeks, they'll to go go aheadand check out any episode before
it is so that you can get anunderstanding about how these
classes go. If you are ready, Iam ready. Go ahead and grab your
Bible again class will be inPsalms 51. And our title is a
classic confession for theDirector of Music, a Psalm of
David when a prophet Nathan cameto him after David had committed
adultery with Bathsheba. Now, wedid do that episode. So you
might want to go check that out.
It's called David and Bathsheba.
Let's go Psalm 51 verse one,have mercy on me. Oh God,
according to your unfailinglove, according to your great
compassion blot out Mark TraskRussians wash away all my
iniquity and cleanse me from mysin. For I know my
transgressions and my sin isalways before me against you.
You only have I said and donewhat is evil in your sight. So
you are right in your verdictand justify when you judge
surely I was in sinful at birth,sinful from the time my mother
conceived me yet your desirefaithfulness, even in the womb,
you taught me wisdom in thesecret place. Cleanse me with
high soap, and I will be clean,wash me and I will be whiter
than snow. Let me hear joy andgladness. Let the bones you have
crushed, rejoice, hide your facefrom my sins and blot out all my
inequity created me a pureheart, O God and renew a
steadfast spirit within me. Donot cast me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit fromme, Restore to me the joy of
your salvation and grant me awilling spirit to sustain me,
then I will teach transgressorsyour way so that sinners return
back to you deliver me from theguilt of blushing, oh God, you
who are God, my Savior, and mytongue will sing of your
righteousness, open my lips,Lord, and my mouth would declare
your praise. You do not delightin sacrifice, or I will bring it
you do not take pleasure inburnt offerings, my sacrifice,
oh, God is a broken spirit. Abroken and contrite heart you
God will not despise. May itplease you to prosper Zion, to
build up the walls of Jerusalem,then you will delight in the
sacrifice of the righteous andburnt offerings offered home
then bulls will be offered onyour altar. And that's the end
of our chapter. What a veryshort straight to the point
chapter this confession is fromKing David, you have to check
out the episodes before thiswhich is David and Bathsheba
Second Samuel 11. Second Samuel12 Nathan rebukes of the king,
check out those two episodes tounderstand this episode. In a
whole this is David's confessionto God, when God was not happy
with what David did. God letDavid know that he was going to
experience a hardship on hislife and his family. And that's
because of what David did. Nowhere you have in Psalms 51, a
true confession of David justadmitting that God is still
worthy and righteous in hisdecision. It makes so much sense
to David to accept the guilt andthe punishment that God allowed
on his life that he didn't doanything but confess that his
sins was there and that Godalways want it faithfulness from
his children, even from birth.
So in summary, as we break itdown, the part that sticks out
is created me a pure heart, OGod and renew a steadfast spirit
in me. We all fall short to oursinful nature. No one is
disqualified from falling shortof your sin, we end up doing it
right. So it's more so of usjust confessing our sins to the
Lord. He knows what we did. Butconfessing them letting the Lord
know that his decision, hisdiscipline acts on us His
blessings on us His steadfastspirit on us everything that he
provided for us is right is goodfor us whether we like it or
not, and to hear David in thisspeech is more of so like all of
us, we all have fans so 5110this poem of remembrance
survives as the most impressiveoutcome of David's sordid affair
with Bathsheba. It is one thingfor a king to confess a moral
lapse and private for profit, itis quite a different matter for
him to compose a detailedaccount of that confession to be
sung throughout the land andultimately, around the world.
All nations have heroes perhapsuniquely, however, Israel recall
its greatest heroes failing inepic literature. The greatest
king in Israel's history actedlike the worst and this eloquent
Psalm possibly used and worshipservice as a guide for
confession shows that Israelultimately remember David more
for his humble response to hisfailure than for his military or
political achievements. Step bystep. The Psalms takes the
reader or singer through thestages of repentance. It
describes have the constantmental replays, Oh, if only I
had a chance to do it over theknowledge, guilt, the shame and
finally the hope for a newbeginning that springs from true
repentance. David's greatlegacy. David lives under Old
Testament law which prescribed aharsh punishment for his crimes
death by Stoney. Yet in aremarkable way, this Psalms
transcends the rigid formulas oflaw and reveals the true nature
of sin as a broken relationshipwith God against you. You only
have I sinned, David cried out,no ritual sacrifice or religious
ceremonies will cause his guiltto vanish. God wants a broken
spirit, a broken and contriteheart. Those David has, he knew
his place before God. And thishumility made him a sterling
example for his people, the bestking of Israel fail the
farthest, but he couldn't fallnor can anyone fall beyond the
reach of God's love andforgiveness. Just like what a
chapter say, we all get in thosefeelings of the unknown of
feeling like man, do God forgiveme, Will I ever be forgiven for
this, I was wrong for committingthis doing whatever crime or
causing whatever problem or actin a certain way, and a lot of
times, a lot of us get so caughtup in those feelings or actions
that we forget that God is aforgiving guy. And even though
he's going to punish uspunishment is just by allowing
him to still forgive us andcarry on. I think, for me,
reading the story of David andseeing everything that took
place, how it all had to unfold.
Sometimes we take our positionfor granted. Sometimes we take
God's love for granted, hisforgiveness, his peace, his
healing, his given, we take allof that for granted. And we
forget the position he has asnone of us are disqualified from
being used by God. None of usare disqualified for being used
by God. It doesn't matter whatyou have done in your life. It
doesn't matter where you comefrom in your life, you are not
disqualified to be used by Godto hear David confess, and to
hear that God just wantedDavid's broken spirit. It made
sense to me because when you seethe story of pho of what he did,
he never lied about it. He neverdenied it. He never tried to act
like what he did wasn't wrong.
He actually went through theemotions and feelings and
everything that took placebecause he took his position for
granted. He used his position ofpower and an authority that he
shouldn't have done. He sleptwith Bathsheba when Bathsheba
belonged to Uriah. He got Uriahkilled by putting him on the
front line in a battle and DanBathsheba got pregnant, which
would have would have beenDavid's child. And when they
came to confront David, for God,David did not deny his actions,
and he went into fullrepentance. And this is a poem
and a song from David that waslater on scene in the old times.
So I'm not in the old time. Thisis stories from the Old time.
And if you can take the storiesfrom the old times and apply
them for today, you can see howthe Bible is just so vital and
essential for your life, how youcan use the stories of the Bible
and compare them to the storiesof your life or maybe to
somebody that you might know,and you can see how God works in
our life. Now, it's amazing tome to see that David's what he
really did like the guilt theproblem that he caused, wasn't
really the thing that the peoplelook to the people more was so
intrigued by his confession, hishumiliation to God and how he
was able to prepare and sangthis song and confess his
wrongdoings to let God know thatwhat God was doing was right and
where he was at in life whereDavid was acting like was wrong.
It is says to me a lot about meabout people because I sometimes
don't feel like I'm qualifiedfor God's forgiveness. If I may
do something wrong. I'm notperfect. I'm a sinner just like
everybody else. What people maynot know about me is maybe my
work life. You know where I comefrom. And some people will say
like, how could you be readingthe Bible? How could you worship
God and your stripper, but inreality, God is stripping me
because that's not my finaldestination. That's not going to
be the place that I end And upat but use that against me or
even allow the enemy to use thatagainst me. It's like no God can
use you at any position you areany place that you are in like,
no matter what God will use you.
And if he say you qualify, youqualify. Now, the confession
that David did for God is simplya song that Israel was able to
utilize and see that everybodyfall short, nobody will fall far
where God can use you, likenobody, do not cast me from your
presence, or take your HolySpirit from me, Restore to me
the joy of your salvation, andgrant me a willing spirit to
stay me. God is beautiful. He'samazing about winning, but I
think a sacrifice, I think aboutsacrificing ourselves everything
that's not like God, you know,giving that up for God to us to
break to strip, always say, youknow, for me, I'm being stripped
by Christ, no matter myoccupations, because amongst
many things, even though I'm astripper, I'm many more things
than that. I'm a real estateagent. I'm a life insurance
agent, I'm licensed esthetician,I am a student getting my
business degree, like there's somany things about me that I'm
very honored and blessed to bebeing used by God, no matter
what position our decisions Imake, I know that God is just
and he's just sort of unjust.
And he is like, the ultimateeverything. So when I get in
trouble by God, I know that isworth it. I know that I can't
fall too hard, I can't fallwhere God can't catch me. I
can't miss love, or it's notavailable for God, if I'm
looking for peace in a worldthat's wrong, because I know I
can find that in God's word. Idon't know about you. But every
time I get like a message fromGod, or I end up coming across
the scripture from God or a knowfrom God, it does something to
my spirit, it brings a differentlight, he changes my mood, it
changes my whole atmosphere. Andso for me, I take honor next. So
the question is, would you loserespect for a leader, if he or
she admitted failures as openlyas David did, when it comes to
the leaders of our world, Iguess you can say, I mean, for
me, if respect when it comes torespect, I don't really respect
that many people, I respectpeople as much as I need to be,
like, I'll give you the respectthat needs to be but outside of
that, you know, respect has tobe earned respect people enough
that you can respect theirwishes in day life and stuff.
And when it comes to the leadersfor I'm gonna just talk about
the leaders of the of thechurch. Now when it comes to
these church leaders. Now, it'sa lot of bullcrap point, oh,
it's a lot of false preachinggoing on, it's a lot of taking
God's words and using it fortheir own benefits, it's a lot
of that going on. So when I seea preacher in a higher position,
or see people leaders in ahigher position, I see them make
mistakes, or whatever the casemay be, it's not so more for
when you confess, when you admityour failures, that people will
lose respect for you, I thinkpeople automatically lose
respect for you if you're in ahigher position, because you
should know better. Now, respectcan be also earned back, but
it's always gonna be a littlerespect removed when somebody is
in a higher position, and theymess up even if you admit to it.
Now admitting to it gives youpoints because it shows that you
take accountability for youractions. Now, if you admit to
you, or you repeat it again,then get you don't deserve
respect. But who am I to say,I don't know, I was just this is
just a question, would you loserespect for a leader if he or
she admitted failures as openlyas David D. But it's always
gonna be a little sign that thisperson is capable of doing
something that they shouldn't bedoing? And that's just how I
look at it. I'm asking God towork on me in certain areas in
my life. So yeah, I'm just asinner just like everybody else.
So don't quote me, because Godis still working on me. The
question is for all of us, allright, and you have been rockin
which cousin that was the end oftoday's episode. It was very
short. It was cute. Go ahead andsend this message to anybody you
feel may benefit from it. We allfall short and we all should be
able to confess our failures tothe Lord because you know what
forgiveness matters, the Lordforgiveness matters and he
forgives all of us. You justhave to feel it in your heart.
You have to feel thatforgiveness. God is pouring it
out on all of us every day. Soyes, you guys you've been
rocking with your cousin wanttrue love it on bougie Bible
studies. Go ahead and check usout on social media blessed to
be as Facebook bougie Biblestudy the links is somewhere
down below. Check us out onsocial media go ahead and
support this podcast and thechange is coming you guys. I
forgot to say happy new year butHappy New Year, the changes come
in 2023 action is being put intoplace. Don't hold me short. We
got a few more episodes 123 Wegot three more episodes to be in
the Old Testament. And thenwe're going to go into 14 weeks.
So becoming a Christian again,you can join you could send as
much money but the surprise iscoming. The show is going up
y'all Wait, I can't really saymuch. But the change is
happening you guys and I justwant you guys here. So stay
tuned. We're gonna be going backvisual. I gotta get in front of
the screen. I gotta get in frontof the camera. I'm getting
myself pumped up and prepare forit. So just rock with your
cousin gave me a little time andwe will be storming in action.
But until next time, you guys,I'm your cousin cries and this
is blessed to be as bougie Biblestudies. I will talk to you next
week. Bye