All Episodes

May 21, 2024 • 56 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:27):
M A.

Speaker 2 (01:20):
A good morning.

Speaker 3 (03:56):
Please join me in the codd of worship. Holy Spirit, Come,
renew God's word from the prophet Joel. I will pour
out my spirit on all flesh. Your sons and your
daughters shall prophecy. Your old shall dream dreams, and your
young shall see visions, even on the poor and marginalized.

I will pour out my spirit. Come, Holy Spirit, Come
and fill us with your spirit to do your ministry
in this world.

Speaker 4 (04:30):
Amen, natas.

Speaker 5 (06:03):
Song scen see more a scene scene.

Speaker 6 (06:53):
S s.

Speaker 1 (07:12):
So s.

Speaker 7 (07:19):
S mm hmm.

Speaker 8 (08:48):
Maybe be all in prayer. Heavenly Father, you have taught
us through your word that you know that the plans
you have for us plans to prosper and not to harm.
And you also tell us that when we call upon
you and come and pray to you, you will hear us.

Speaker 9 (09:12):
When we seek you.

Speaker 8 (09:13):
With all our heart, we will be found by you.
And as we seek you through the words you taught
us to pray. Our Father, who are in heaven.

Speaker 7 (09:25):
Hell of it be thy name, thy Kingdom.

Speaker 8 (09:28):
Come, Thy will be done on earth as it is
in Heaven.

Speaker 10 (09:34):
Give us this day of our daily bread, and forgive
us our and for rest passes as we forgive those
who trespass against us, and lead us not use a temptation,
but deliver us from me with Thine as the kingdom
and the power and the glory of forever.

Speaker 6 (09:57):
When the day of Pentecosta come, let us viiples gathered
together in one place, and suddenly, from heaven there came
a sound like the rush of a violent wind, And
the wind filled the entire house where they were sitting,

and something like flames of fire.

Speaker 9 (10:22):
Suddenly appeared among them. And the flame of.

Speaker 6 (10:24):
Fire rested on each disciple, and all of them were
filled with the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 9 (10:35):
The wind and the fire, and the spirit gave each.

Speaker 6 (10:43):
Person the ability to speak in different languages. Now Jerusalem
was full of people visiting from other countries, and.

Speaker 9 (10:51):
The sound of the wind.

Speaker 6 (10:54):
And the sight of the fire, the crowd gathered around
the disciples, and the flames of fire enabled the disciples
to speak the native language of each person in the crowd.
Everyone was bewildered by the wind and the fire, for

they did not know that the spirit had.

Speaker 9 (11:22):
Fallen upon the disciples. All were amazed and perplexed.

Speaker 6 (11:26):
How is it, they said, we hear these Galileans speaking
in each of our native languages, Parthians and Means, and Egyptians,
residents of Mesopotamia and Cappadocia and Panphilia, visitors from Libya
and Rome, telling us.

Speaker 9 (11:42):
The Holy spirits deeds of power. But others sneered and
said they're drunk.

Speaker 6 (11:51):
Then Peter, standing with the disciples, raised his voice and said,
we're not drunk. No one gets drunk in the morning. No,
this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel. In
the last days, it will be, God declares, when I
will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, upon your
sons and your daughters, they shall prophesy, and your young

men shall see visions, and your old shall dream dreams,
even upon servants, both men and women. In those days,
I will pour out my spirit and they shall prophesy.
Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord
shall be saved. Then Peter told them about Jesus, his miracles,
his teachings, his death on the cross, and his Eastern resurrection.

We saw the risen Christ many times. He said, what
you have heard was a gift from God, the gift
of the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 9 (12:48):
It came to us today like the wind.

Speaker 11 (12:52):
And like fire.

Speaker 9 (12:55):
And that day three thousand.

Speaker 6 (12:58):
People decided to follow Jesus Us and that's the story
of Pentecost. It's the day when the Christian Church was born,
as God gave us the Holy Spirit like a wind.

Speaker 9 (13:11):
And the fire.

Speaker 6 (13:13):
And because of God's spirit, jesus disciples are still able
to do amazing things.

Speaker 11 (13:22):
Amen, St.

Speaker 12 (15:14):
Our most gracious God, we come before you this morning
in celebration of the miracle of Pentecost, a day when
you sent your spirit here on earth to be with
us and to nurture us and comfort us as believers.
We are so grateful that your spirit is with us
and walks with us. And as we prepare to give
help us remember that all things are given and blessed

by you. We are truly thankful for the many blessings
you have given each of us, blessings of purpose, of health,
of talent, of family, of friends, of faith, and financial resources.
As you have filled our cup with blessings that are overflowing.
Help us to tithe and give enlarge measure to what

you have given us. We asked that you use these
gifts to support this church and its ministries, and more specifically,
we asked that these gifts truly help those in need
and to help spread the Gospel, and we asked all
this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ.

Speaker 7 (16:14):
Amen at.

Speaker 1 (18:22):
In Heavenly Father, We gather to celebrate the achievements and

the journeys of the these graduates. As they stand on
the thresholds of new beginnings. We ask your loving hand
to guide them, fill their hearts with your courage, and
their minds with your wisdom as they navigate the paths
that unfold before them. Lord, we pray that they seek
your will and all they do, trusting that you will

lead them to places where they will grow and flourish.
May they be beacons of your love and grace and
every day endeavors, use their talents and knowledge to serve
others and glorify your name. Lord, Bless them with hope
for the future and the peace the knowledge that you

are always with them, leading the way as they face
challenges and opportunities. Remind them that they do not walk alone.
Your strength and guidance are always present. Thank you for
your unfailing presence and the promises you hold for each
of their lives. We commit their futures into your hands,

confident that you will lead them according to your perfect plan. Lord,
we asked that as we bless these graduates, that you
continue to bless us to be a blessing, That you
encourage us to be a light into a dark world.
That you give us the courage and the strength to
go beyond these walls of Fifth Avenue Baptists, to the

streets of Huntington and surrounding communities, to be reflective of
your love, your mercy, and your grace. Lord, we lift
up to you those who are hurting, those who are ill,
those who are addicted and afflicted. We ask that your
Holy Spirit will dwell with them, that you show up
in a miraculous way. We ask immediate healing over those
who are sick. That you continue to be with the

doctors and the nurses as on their case. That you
continue to move in a mighty way in miraculous ways.
And Lord, now we pause and lift up our own
private prayer concerns. Lord, you are faithful and just, merciful

and gracious in everything that you do. Encourage us to
be likewise, Lord, we love you. When we thank you,
it's in Jesus's name that we pray these things. All
God's people said, Amen, too.

Speaker 5 (23:53):
Costcom compute Stuf its statis of the jam as.

Speaker 7 (25:24):
Being in a.

Speaker 5 (25:36):
Saint in anything, anything, see, understanding anything.

Speaker 2 (27:20):
Can not.

Speaker 6 (28:12):
Let me read a tiny piece of the Pentecost story
after we've already paraphrased it.

Speaker 9 (28:19):
From the second chapter of Acts, the seventh verse.

Speaker 6 (28:23):
Amazed and astonished, everyone ask are not all these speaking Galileans?
How is it? Then? We hear each of us in
our own native language, Parthions and Medes and Elamites, and
residents of Mesopotamia and Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia

Pyrah and Panphilia, Egypt and parts of Libya belonging to Syrene,
and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and
Arabs in our own languages. We hear them speaking about
God's deeds of power. All were amazed and perplexed, saying

to one another, what does this mean? Here ends the
reading of God's Holy Word. May God bless it for
our hearing and understanding. At my church in Charlotte, an
older gentleman had become somewhat of a woodworker. In his retirement,

he began rebuilding and refinishing pieces of furniture, and his
prize was a wood paneled radio cabinet from the nineteen twenties.

Speaker 9 (29:39):
It was gorgeous.

Speaker 6 (29:42):
In addition to also refining his woodworking skills, Fulton had
found a kit that he could put together and started
making kaleidoscopes that he gave to all the children of
the church and children in the neighborhood around him. If
you ever look at Colidus, yeah, kaleidoscopes, Fultons. You had

to turn it yourself. Some of them you can twist,
you know, but you had to turn it set yourself.
Kaleidoscopes are tubes in which the light passes through the
tube and in there are colored pieces of glass, and
as you turn it or twist it, the glass spins around,

and with mirrors at sixty degree angles, you have continuous
different combinations of colors.

Speaker 9 (30:34):
As you twist the kaleidoscope the tube which you use
the scope is to see what's inside.

Speaker 6 (30:41):
It's not to see things on the other side, like
a telescope seeing the stars or a microscope seeing things
at a microscopic level.

Speaker 9 (30:50):
But it's what's in the tube and those changes. My
children love them. We have theirs. And I also asked
full if he would make one for me as well.

Speaker 6 (31:00):
Well, so this is the one I keep and afterwards,
if you want to look at the kalidoscope, you're welcome
to do so, but keep it here. It's the only
one I have at It is funeral like ten years ago,
so he's not making it anymore, at least not here.

Speaker 9 (31:10):
In this plane.

Speaker 6 (31:15):
These artistic displays in Pentecost and I think are also
a symbol in spinning kaleidoscopes. Pentecost is full of images.
Both wind and fire are symbols of the Holy Spirit.
The word spirit in ancient Hebrew also means wind. Earlier

in the service, when we read our paraphrase of the story,
we talked about those symbols of wind and of fire.

Speaker 9 (31:44):
You got to use your streamer. All of these images
remind us of the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 6 (31:53):
I don't want to replace any of the Bible's images
for the Holy Spirit, but I'd like to think that
a kaleidoscope could be a good symbol of the day
of Pentecost for us. Did you notice as you read
the Pentecost story amidst the Spirit and the wind and

the fire, that the passage mentioned all of the languages
that disciples began speaking as the Holy Spirit fell upon them. Now,
did you notice when I was reading all those names,
both earlier in the service and just a moment ago,
that nobody was speaking English or Spanish. Well, those didn't

exist yet, you might say, good point. But the disciples
weren't speaking Chinese either, in Chinese dialects of Chinese has
been spoken for thousands of years. They didn't speak Cherokee,
or Choctaw or Dakota natives language of Native Americans who

have been on this continent for over ten thousand years.

Speaker 9 (33:05):
The miracle of Pentecost.

Speaker 6 (33:07):
Wasn't that disciples began randomly speaking languages that existed in
the world or existed at that moment.

Speaker 9 (33:16):
The Pentecost miracle was very specific.

Speaker 6 (33:21):
These uneducated Galileans were able to speak the languages of
the Jewish diaspora, people who had spread out and who
had returned to Jerusalem for the Jewish holiday we call Pentecost,
but in their day they called the Festival of Weeks,

which was also the time that they celebrated Moses.

Speaker 9 (33:46):
Receiving the law from God.

Speaker 6 (33:49):
Now the people receiving a different expression of God's revelation. Note,
though the disciples and the residents and the Jerusalem did
not speak one language that day. I mean, if you're
going to be in the miracle business, why didn't God

just make everybody speak the same language. I mean, that
would have been simpler. And in fact, God had a
ready application, the language of Latin, which was the official
language of the Roman Empire.

Speaker 9 (34:26):
The people who gathered in Jerusalem that day had two
things in common.

Speaker 6 (34:29):
One, they were all Jewish persons who were part of
the diaspora that came back to Jerusalem for the Festival
of Weeks. And two, all of their nations had been
conquered by the Roman Empire and they were forced to
live under that rule. God could have chosen for everyone

to speak Latin, it was easily available, but that was
not the miracle. The miracle was that they did not
lose their ethnic heritage or their native tongue. There remained
Means and Persians and Arabs and so on. The miracle
of the Holy Spirit communicated cross culturally. They didn't have

to lose any part of their identity to be one people.

Speaker 9 (35:23):
Maybe the real gift.

Speaker 6 (35:24):
Of Pentecost is the cross cultural communication in which each
of those particular contexts are now crossed and become one.

Speaker 9 (35:36):
What if that's the miracle God.

Speaker 6 (35:38):
Is still pushing us towards today. I mean, that's where
the breakthroughs are right and cross cultural communications, that's where
the AHA moments come to us, that's where innovation happens.

Speaker 9 (35:54):
That's where the future is.

Speaker 6 (35:57):
Some of the latest breakthroughs in cancer research is happening
because oncologists are now talking to each other, and oncologists
in one specialization are talking to oncologists of another specialization,
and they're finding ways in which they can help each other.

Speaker 9 (36:14):
To defeat cancer.

Speaker 6 (36:17):
Some of the best IT breakthroughs today are happening because
of open sourcing and because of IT workers collaborating with
IT workers of other corporations. This is where AI is
probably heading. Some of the smartest things that are happening
in business and in churches and in agencies are because
networks are created and people begin sharing their best practices

across their different contexts with one another. Some of the
best educational moments happen when we cross discipline and we
learn from different educational disciplines. And some of the best
encounters with God happen when we open ourselves to conversations

with persons who have different ideas about our faith, or
different persuasions of our faith, or persons of another faith,
or persons even of no faith but of goodwill. And
in those conversations we nonetheless find ourselves on holy ground
with new aha moments.

Speaker 9 (37:27):
We see more.

Speaker 6 (37:30):
With contrast than we do with similarity, Like looking through
a kaleidoscope.

Speaker 9 (37:42):
What are the ways in which.

Speaker 6 (37:44):
Your faith has been enriched through the intersections with persons
who did not share your faith or at least your
persuasion of your faith. Where have your inserts about life,
how you parent your children, how you operate in business,
how you study for exams, how you play a sport

have been born out of collaborative conversations with people whose
experiences are different from yours, as pentecost people, as Christians
who worship the Living God of Jesus Christ.

Speaker 9 (38:22):
This is where the Holy.

Speaker 13 (38:24):
Spirit is working miracles in us today, not by staying
with the same people all the time, or with the
same ideas, replaying them over and over and over again,
but by intersecting with folks who are different from us,
who think different from us, who look different from us,

who act.

Speaker 6 (38:46):
Different from us. The story of Pentecost is like a kaleidoscope.
All these different people become one when the light of
God God landed upon them. And yet it was their
uniqueness captured in community that creates the miracle of Pentecost.

Speaker 9 (39:10):
May we too become Pentecost people?

Speaker 7 (39:18):

Speaker 9 (39:32):
Let us pray together.

Speaker 6 (39:36):
Or Gracious God, as we have bits of bread still
tuck stuck in our teeth and the tarkness of the
food of the vine in our mouth and tongue. We
asked that your presence and your spirit would be around
us and stick with us.

Speaker 9 (39:55):
For this day and for the week and the days.

Speaker 6 (39:59):
Beyond, and as we continue to chew on dis sermon
the words of your scripture, the experience with our children,
and reading the Pentecost story as we true in all
of this, Dear God, we ask that you would move
in us and help us to know what we need
to keep for us. What is your guidance for how
we are to live with thanks for You who became

like us, that we might become like you. We pray
in Christ's name.

Speaker 9 (40:31):

Speaker 6 (40:35):
It is at the end of our worship service in
our Baptists tradition that we end with a hymn of
commitment of invitation, and we invite you if you have
never made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ, but
you would like to follow Jesus and be baptized in
Christ Church. Or maybe you're already a Christian but you've
looking for a church home. We would hope this would
be the place you would want to belong. Whatever decision

you may have. I'll bey by the communion table as
we stand together in sing Him four oh one, the
Church's one foundation.

Speaker 5 (42:12):
Stand fool.

Speaker 9 (43:57):
I'm gonna ask you all to be seated for a moment.

Speaker 6 (43:59):
We have one matter of business take care of, and
Brett Hensley is going to be coming to the lectern.
Brett is already there to put us in the business
meeting for one motion that we need to take care of.

Speaker 14 (44:12):
Let us call into a business meeting please. I'm here
representing Church Council. Our moderator, mice moderator or not available
this morning, but I'm here as a representative of council today.
We are here to recognize the report that was brought
to us by our nominating committee. This was available on
Wednesday night at the business meeting on May first, and

then it's been available in the columns online and other places.
And we also had at the front door and at
the back door, and I see Debbie probably has some
extra copies back there if.

Speaker 2 (44:42):
Someone wants went.

Speaker 9 (44:43):
It's appropriate today on day of Pentecost.

Speaker 14 (44:47):
Where the Holy Spirit came down and went out amongst
the believers and empowered everybody to be the church and
go forth and minister.

Speaker 7 (44:54):
It's also appropriate today that we're having.

Speaker 14 (44:57):
Home communion where and I'm want to thank all volunteers
and the people made calls and everything to arrange us
that we're taking that fellowship to our part of our
church family that's not able to be here on a
regular basis, So anyhow.

Speaker 2 (45:13):
Thank you.

Speaker 14 (45:14):
If you're not on a committee or a commission, there's
plenty of ways to serve, but today we're recognizing the
leadership that's been recommended and nominated for our church. If
you want to get involved, please talk to Vaughn, Please
talk to any of our commission leaders. There's plenty of
ways for you to serve and be a part of
our bigger fellowship. But first let's move forward with our

report for today. So with the approval and the recommendation
of Church Council, we have recommended the approval of the
slate of chairs, the members for the commissions and for
our church council, and if you would so vote in
affirmative say.

Speaker 9 (46:01):
I agree.

Speaker 7 (46:04):
Those are posed.

Speaker 9 (46:07):
The report has passed.

Speaker 2 (46:08):
Thank you.

Speaker 6 (46:13):
A couple quick words about today's service. So many people
helped make today's service happen. John and the screen quartet.
That was just fantastic. Thank you all, Yes, thank you
so much for being with us today and with our
amazing choir.

Speaker 9 (46:26):
Thank you all for leading us in worship today. Also
Steve and Jim.

Speaker 6 (46:31):
Thank you for leading us in worship. And I got
I got a good a shout up for Bev up there.
So a couple of weeks ago, Bev is the is
the vice chair on worship in Vangelism, and with the
motion you just passed in a couple of weeks, she's
gonna be the chair. So anyways, I mentioned Bev at
the end of one of our services this idea and
I said, I think I want to tie some streamers.

Speaker 9 (46:49):
To some dow rods.

Speaker 6 (46:50):
About two hours later, I get this, I get this
text and she had already found these streamers available on Amazon.

Speaker 9 (46:58):
So thank you Bed for those A.

Speaker 6 (47:00):
Lot less work and even prettier, and they had bells
on them. One final word about the streamers, if you
would please leave those in your pews. The children will
be using them during vacation Bible school in a couple
of weeks, so if you'll please leave them in your pews,
we'll be collecting them afterwards and be able to re
use those again, so it's not just a one time purchase,

So thank you for that. I know they're special and
that some of you may want to try to sneak
them out, but if you can just leave them.

Speaker 9 (47:25):
On the pews, that'd be great.

Speaker 6 (47:27):
Also, I want to do recognize John Mant Senior is
with us today. John, it's good to have you from
Florida with us. When I was a teenager here, John
was the president of American Baptist Church as USA as
a member here at Fifth Avenue, so that we're glad
you're back with us. I also was also worked at
Stewart so we have another collection there. So John, we're

so glad you're here and we look forward to seeing
you some more. So this is a good time of
the year to leave out Florida and be in West Virginia, right,
so you come back more often. I also want to
mention to you those who Brett mentioned the Home Communion.
If you're a home Communion volunteer, please remember we have
lunch for you and the Fellowship pul So please go
there have your lunch. We'll have some instructions before you
head out for home Communion. I think that's it, and

I believe we got all that in in a regular time, right,
Let's stand together and receive our benediction. Friends, as you
go back out into the world, do justice and love, kindness,
and walk humbly with God. And God, the creator of

the universe, has already gone ahead of you, already knows
what you're gonna face. And Jesus the Christ is walking
beside of you through whatever you pass through. And God's love,
God's Holy Spirit is swirling around you to protect you
and to guide you through all that you have to
go through this week. So friends, go in God's peace.
Amen Septimus

Speaker 5 (54:17):
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