All Episodes

April 27, 2024 • 95 mins

Welcome to the first ever episode of the Final Three Braincells podcast!

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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I don't have an intro for this. Hello and welcome to the final three brain cells podcast. Hi, I'm NanoBunTV

Hi, I'm John no last name given no not even not even the full name. No. Oh, yeah, Coday John Coday
That John Fish the CEO season. God damn it
We already start with this
We can't even two seconds in before the fishing we already have an inside joke. Yeah the
It's an inside joke. It's up there. It's

Up. Oh, yeah
It's all the logo love that I keep forgetting and then you introduction. Oh
Hi guys, I'm Gears. I don't do much. I actually do nano's
Intros and shit like that some like voice acting work for my stream stuff
Yeah, if you've ever heard the "Funding for NanoBunTV is brought to you by" that. That's this guy. This is fucker

Yeah, I'm I'm gay
Hmm neither of these ones get last names GearsMaster there you go
We're getting points within the gay community and we have one just call me Gears
I don't want to be called GearsMaster that that's that's for my fiance
No, I gotta have my back up against the backrest of the couch. I can't just be like oh

He's gone. He's gone
Audio-less baby to death he just
These walls don't exist if they use through the back wall. Yeah, no these walls here these sets walls
I'm no colliders you can clip through everything bookshelf not real. It's a box. I pointed towards
The the pictures and said bookshelf

Towards the shelves. Yeah, this is kind. This is kind of fucking like hard to look at up here
And you try to like those you don't know yeah, I think there's a big camera
I'm gonna big like screen in front of us that shows the camera view that we're also in front of like trying to
Yeah, like I'm gonna take control
There's a big screen in front of us. It's like a massive fucking TV um and yeah, but here's the thing

It's not first well. No it's not inverse if it were inverse the letters on the screen would be backwards you know
This is true, so you're sitting on the right side of the couch
You're on the right side of the TV, but you would think that it would be it's not like a mirror
It's like a screen, so that's what's a bit weird get used to it simply get used to it, but
I've just got markiplier playing on it

Yeah, you just put markiplier up on the TV
And we don't need to see like ourselves on the couch or any visual representation you just need markiplier videos for some reason
Yeah, markiplier videos. I want that actually I just put a markiplier
But it has to be off-screen because I just have to put like all the way up in the corner of the room over there

Um you just and if you ever see anyone just looking up into the right you just know subconsciously
Oh gears are looking up into the right. Oh, yeah, you know we must be watching the markiplier video of course a four by three
Have y'all seen the I'll see in the I'm gonna stop you there for a second

I need to I need to get us back on track for a minute here
What that's a good idea?
Mean what we're supposed to be on track for at least the start of this then we can go on our crazy side tangents, okay?
It's like 10 minute long rails and then after that there's no more rails
We have like five or ten minutes worth of rails on the rails like off-road tires. I could do this shit. I can go

We're driving this train somewhere my god
Podcast I wanted to do one for a long time you two run gears you were not my first choice for podcast person
John you were probably first pick for a while there

I'm the second bitch don't worry
It's just that once you came back from the hiatus of yours. I'm like holy fuck. I love you get on here
You're here now
Get in here. Yeah, yeah
So that's pretty much for that one
Years, and I've known each other for a really long time back say since I'd say mid to late 2020

Probably yeah about then when we're both using nana cheese and stuff like there's still a photo like right there of both of us in
Nara she avatars because you and I have no other photos together other than that one which is from like
Yeah, mid to late 2020 as well, which is kind of funny
I mean hell you could look at the fucking photo date because I randomly joined one of the monopoly worlds while you guys yeah

Like I could actually check the date right now while I'm talking
And then John you and I won't see we're in the future
because you and I met at a time when I started just not caring to remember the dates of
It was sometime 2021 probably I don't think we met 2020
That wouldn't make sense cuz I'm
Time no not definitely not 2020. I think cuz I started I think I started doing like a lot more

Your stuff VR chat stuff like late 2021
2022 so it I think it's like 2022. It's really hard to remember yeah
Remember anymore
For me because it's like I I started doing VR chat stuff and then over time
I very quickly got into like the larger VR chat community

So it's really difficult for me to like remember who I met and well when I met people
It's really difficult to remember yeah, holy mackerel. I feel so bad at some point in there doesn't matter
But you know long time long time
We're doing a thing here together because our personalities match up really really well
You two actually have not I've only met each other very recently because of me

But I kind of introduced you to get stop floating into the couch get back up here. You're part of the conversation
Audio listeners he was floating down into the couch and into the floor and into the abyss into the couch yeah
Yeah, I feel like we need to emphasize. This is right now being done in VR chat
Yeah, if there's anybody who's actually an audio listener we've this is a

This podcast is gonna primarily be episodes of us sitting here on the couch in VR chat
There may be occasional episodes where it is these two with their face cams on and me, but like I don't use my camera
So there might be a point where I do I'd want to fully cosplay for it
I'd want to actually wear a suit and hat and shit if I actually
On camera yeah like how I'm gonna do a twitchcon which twitchcon is gonna be a whole conversation

We probably make a whole episode out of that and of course another episode after the fact it happens another episode before it happens
We'll be there you might be that's why I'm also
I'm gonna at some point take over an entire episode because I'll also be going to the Netherlands for
True yes, so to both yeah after the EU one you can definitely we could talk about that a lot

But yeah, I'm coming for you Dutch people
You two have met each other quite recently
I say within the past month or two because I pulled you both together and was like we should do this and both your
Personalities and my personality all like bounce off each other really well
Um so far. It's been great. I got the date for you that I just pulled that photo
It was um this wasn't the time we met, but there's the time when the photo of us two was taken

Gears was and it was September 27th was the day for the monopoly
September 27th, yes, we met at some point of 2020 of course. I didn't use that avatar starting 2021
I didn't use that avatar then so
Yeah, I remember you completely stop you yeah, I wish of the knees entirely in January

Yeah, it was it was uh yeah
memories memories
That's a bit of backstory. I not much else to talk about oh one thing we should start with is um
Start about talking about just things about the podcast like the idea for the beautiful fucking logo behind us
Absolutely love this thing so yes gears go ahead

raising your hand
Are you like?
I do most of the design
I will
For the visual listeners for the visual watchers, I'll show your sketch, but yeah you made the sketch for the logo
We like shipped in ideas you made the sketch
And the sketch is really close to the final product that we have here of course was in black and white it was actually on paper

But I'm looking at it right now here like not much it changed from the sketch to to this honestly
It's pretty much exactly the same. I think yeah like no no no extra details
Well the person who made the logo also added a bowtie to the eye
I got rid of that because I didn't really ask for it. I kind of liked it. I don't know
Yeah, no, there's no little bowtie
I'm I'm

Something what you realize I?
Don't know if this is just a me thing or and how I write a
What never mind we're good. We're good good
What what was it about?
The lower hand I had to do an act like I had to like like go out and do this
Because I was oriented it correctly
You're actually

Everything fine every letter was flipped to backwards the person would have probably been able to fix it or like I could have had a revision
Done don't worry. You're not gonna make those if it was wrong with you
That would be funny. It's so funny. I'd be so annoyed though like you'd think it's funny, and I'd be like that's funny
But I'm also so annoying it would work well. Yeah

We're stupid as shit
We were thinking like we were thinking last three brain cells
But there's several podcasts named that final three brain cells is not taken
Here's the thing that you two didn't find out though, and I had to find this out
I why remembered this a little bit later
Is that the other thing that I didn't find out though
Is that the abbreviation?

FTB is kind of taken already so the
Yeah, so the so if we refer to this podcast with an abbreviation is gonna have to be f3b like the number three
Because FTB is feed the beast the minecraft mod pack team that makes a bunch of minecraft mod packs
Don't refer to us as FTB. We're f3b

Plus guest cuz we'll have some guest episodes like pretty often. We already have another set design
Don't wall that wav let's get into that
Because when we were brainstorming ideas for the podcast we wanted to
One idea was to have the name of the podcast have no spaces in it and to have dots wav at the end because
It would be like a computer file specifically a wav file is a type of audio file

So final three brain cells dot wav
You want to go ahead and tell them your idea for whenever you were gonna say wav
Wav what were you gonna say it like oh god. No, it's been too long
I was seeing like final three brain cells dot wav
We didn't go for that in the end the group chat still has dot wav

You do when you're high and you're really confused
We still have that at the end of the group chat name though we got we got a hold on to that somehow
But I'm really happy with the logo here if anybody is a bit more aware of me and the things that I do is the

Logo designer is the same person who did it designed the Nakama vibes logo
Which is the twitch team that I'm a part of the the VTuber stream team
I commissioned the same way we did that we should mention who we are
Yeah, well, you know something like that I stream if you found this podcast
You probably found it from like me or John most likely or you if for some reason appeared in your recommended feed

I don't know why the fuck that would happen, but you'll enjoy it here regardless. It'll be fun. It'll be fun
I stream I do the VR chat like the VRC like nametag 3d prints on Ko-fi
videos sometimes sometimes worlds sometimes like VR chat world sometimes avatars on occasion
The things I'm trying to think what else that not much else go to nano bun TV if you want to find out everything

John and I'm just I'm just over here
Yeah, it doesn't do much you and yours is like yours is like I'm participating
I'm participating you know do I get my new produce of a seat? Yeah?
That's not English, but yeah you get it

But no like you and Tara are pretty similar because you don't do you have much of an online presence like when I needed to
Credit Tara in the end of like the undertale video last year it was kind of difficult because like I credited like everyone's twitch and Twitter's
And then I just for Tara. I wrote he does nothing because he doesn't have an online
He doesn't have any

So you're gonna have some online presence
but I cannot log into any of it because I did that stupid thing where I
And make the account with a new gmail and then forget to link that gmail with another gmail so I can be able to
And then make completely new password and email and then forget it all within the next fucking two weeks

Yeah, didn't set up a recovery email. That's tough. Oh my god
That I actually have an online presence
That I don't use myself anymore because I really can't but I do have my old online presence which
God I was stupid child
Have so I think it might be multi ghost 619 or green ghost 619

You okay with just having those names out there someone wants to go find
Find those if someone wants to go find them. They'll fucking find me
Literally can an old like an old phone no no an old phone literally not even like just
Recording a fucking balloon. That's my highest rating video
By the way is a fucking balloon over an air vent going do do and then go like this and then the fucking music is

Something like that and it is over 280 fucking
Everything else like Ted, it's like what the fuck is wrong
It's so odd when a view a video that doesn't make sense why I should get a bunch of you just gets a bunch
John you need to introduce yourself because he took this spotlight for a moment

I was gonna have you I was gonna go in this order, but then you go now
All right, I am John Cody
I run a small company known as mythos makers where we do multiple different things including like web comics
We do video games as well as a larger scale video production
Things for me personally I have a web comic called seer belt the mattress curse

I have a game out that I released last
About said February that's not correct last January
And then I am also working on
Multiple animation projects right now go buy shenanigans on Steam. It is a fun platformer and there is actually a speedrunning leaderboard for it's in everything which
I'm definitely not the manager of that. I don't know what you're talking about. I'm gonna have a drink of water now

I'm you you got that set up
You got that whole thing set up which is pretty cool. Honestly having an official leaderboard for
for a game
Pretty cool. You know, I'm a fan of the website a lot
Yeah, I plan to do more speedrunning stuff sometime soon
I'm just just a floating camera or putting that flying it around. He's flying around the camera

I hope it doesn't fucking show no, no, no, no, it doesn't show up. No, I have it off it won't do
He's just flying around
Take a flyer like a tiny little drone like one of those tiny shitty ones you get for Christmas that like break after five fucking
Minutes or flies into the fireplace like the one video

Immediately fly it right into the fireplace
Hi hi camera, hi hi there I got I got a I
Gotta like clean it off. I know breathe on I gotta like buff that out
Yeah, clean clean that with my sleeve here. Um

What are we talking about I
Finished my introduction
Yeah, yeah, I'm doing that I do animations
Gears and I both actually like have ADHD
So this podcast is going to be very off the walls a lot of the time
So be very

Yeah, yeah, and two of the three brain cells have the ADU shiny so it's going to be
Very bouncing around a lot which you know is gonna add some charm to it
And then it's just you and I have chaotic energy use chaotic energy, which is a good substitute
It's not the full thing, but it's a good substitute. That's for sure

My little lovely spine I thought the section of talking about how the podcast came to be was gonna take longer
Honestly, is there anything else I'm forgetting?
Maybe it just about this
Maybe it just about this sound here is pretty much like you pulled the two of us together cuz you you pulled me
First it was just like hey, we need to do this and then gears came along. It was just like oh, yeah

Yeah, yeah, so so it was also the fact that it was only gonna be with witchy instead, but you were just like wait a minute
Which he feels like I'm off my fucking hiatus
I don't want to talk about too much about that cuz he felt
Really like left out because of that which I definitely felt a little bad about but it's like it's all I don't want him on
The podcast and I'm definitely gonna have him as a guest regularly on here like of course

But isn't like I've known you longer than I've known him and I really really wanted you on this podcast
It's like not that I didn't want him as I wanted you just so so much more. It's like
You know quit eating the camera
Okay, I'll be in the have an entirely separate set specifically for witchy
He gets his own special chair he gets the special chair yeah

My god
Do we have a folding chair with just like
Witchy doll
Voice like that we have him on here. He actually has to just be off-camera like he has to be the disembodied voice

It's like not okay my god dare you put that idea in my head um
So this here, I'm just chaotic yeah, so the set here
We have the couch for the set where we have another set over there that has all the same objects in it
But also plus a red couch that can fit like one or two people on it
So we can have a most five people on this podcast usually guests

Guests are probably gonna be four people or one very large individual ie voltaku
His avatar like really tall
He big okay. He's not like too tall for he actually has to like look down
I mean he could resize oh no there
There's also like people that like I would love to like see like try and fit onto that couch because I know they're humongous

It'd be pretty funny that the camera is just going to be a Shakil O'Neil moment
Yeah, the camera has a lot of real estate above like you know
We're kind of kind of short my face is in the dead center of the camera for context and my feet are the bottom
So you could fit like a whole nother Nano body like on the top half of the of the screen here
So there's a lot of room available

But yeah, we've got a lot of here. We've got the couch
We got a plant over there because you just need a plant a nice little like I guess spider plant or something
It was what the asset was called over on the shelf. We have my son the ferret plush. We love him
We've got a Nano plushy that's strawberry my sibling made. It's really cool. It's just like leaned over
I don't know why but I thought it was funny. It's just not even sitting upright

We have the Oggamon can which the Oggamon can I might show the gift
That I made for it in question. I might show that on screen
But it's great. It's a can with Oggamon and what's Oggamon from? What is he? He's um
Digimon? Digimon? Yeah, Digimon. Yeah, I wouldn't know. It's Digimon. I wouldn't know I'm too stupid for that

Cause you're so uncultured
Oggamon! Yeah, like honestly
I'm over here just like I have a Coromon plushy
I have a Coromon can
The thing is I know I've watched a lot of movies. I haven't watched a lot of shows. There's a difference there
I'm more of a movies person so it's like
Okay, that's an actual photo scan that you did on your phone so we could get that can in here

It's like I got my fiance's phone because it does have actual light R so it'd actually be able to do better
There's also a bit of like a yellow tints to it because you did it in really warm lighting because the can's supposed to be more white
It's like really orange. That can was 70,000 polygons
I reduced it down to 10k, but it's still quite expensive over there

10k ish this couch definitely has way more than 10k polys
I'm just saying like that one can over there. It's pretty small on the screen has a lot of polys to it
There's a little vase, a little vase however the hell you want to call it. That's just sitting on the shelf
It's a part of the shelf. There's a couple pictures there on the left
On the left is a photo of me and John from New Year's 2024

in the middle is an old photo of me and gears from like 2020 and on the right is a photo of
an actual photo of John holding up a virtual boy because
Virtual boy is incredible wait wait
PTSD you know actually look at these hips these hips don't lie

Yeah, you gotta look at did you not look closely that you actually bought a virtual boy this man owns five
Yes, this man has a lot of stuff. I have an entire video game collection
I have a massive bunch of the Nintendo consoles
I wish you could fucking just grab this photo and shove it in your face and be like
So fucking badly

Yeah, so I have I have a virtual boy. I got it. I got it. I think a little while back
I don't remember exactly when but I had I found it actually it wasn't I found it my dad actually found it on a
Facebook marketplace as well places
He had found it on there one thing on Facebook marketplace

Cuz usually shit what it came with well
It's a it's insane that it came from
Marketplace because it came with the virtual boy in box with all the original packaging including all the manuals and everything with it
That is as well as a deal
Yeah, as well as the original copy of Mario's tennis as well as two copies of Mario's tennis for multiplayer as well as the

Multiplayer cable for the virtual boy like the custom-made one that people made now you and I need to get
So yeah, I need a virtual boy so then we can
Meet up at some point and play the video tennis for the virtual boy to go. It would be so miserable
Ready to see just right?
Play about RGB. I hope you like I can already play it for about 15 minutes

What's your favorite color?
Cuz that's all you're seeing
What else with this set we just got a shelf over here?
That's got a lot more room for other things for right now. It's just got some books on it
Manually placing those books is fucking annoying. Yeah, we've got some memory shell a shelf room over here
There's even more room on the shelf still on the other one

I should have thought about this sooner. Can I put a one-piece manga collection on this?
Yeah, if you could if you have a model for I can put anything there if you have a model for it
Up on the shelf is a blush the shark plush from Ikea because we love him. He's great. You know
blush favorites trans slash femboy

Mascot sure I guess I don't know
And then right next to it is the VR cat plush because we're recording this in VR chat the VR cat makeshift plush is pretty
Cute I have one on my bed right here
Which is uh like I actually have that plushie and the blage I've bought with them so we got both of them up there
hanging out
Sponsor us VR chat sponsor us I dare you

You'll get really good reviews
Podcasts like what but like what I mean that's me on the platform
Good sponsored I don't you're too you're too insane to be any sort of face of this platform
And I don't get on this platform enough to be able to be the face of it

How do you think how do you think the mythos makers crew feels?
It it's um it's pretty cool cuz like being a face of a platform
That's it's saying a bit much. I don't think the final three brain cells be the official podcast of VR chat
That's a bit silly. I'm not going to that stretch, but um I
Was gonna bring up sponsor. We're going to we're coming after you VR chat. We're going to be your official podcast

We're coming for you
We're gonna take it all back. We're gonna take it all back from the from the VR chat people. We're gonna take it back
Something like that yes, just just yes thumbs up. We're gonna invade with our blunder bus and invade VR chat

blunder bus
My god as a founding fathers intended
Bless America
All rise for the national I'm kidding

The VR chat national anthem
Oh, no, no, that's just your feet. No. No it be the you got a knuckles song oh
Yeah, I joined during that time. I literally joined VR chat during that time I
Wasn't there, but I was aware of it
Watched a lot of things their videos James key videos are the thing that got me into this place really um

You know cuz James key videos are great is hmm. I only have 30 minutes left on my fucking full body
We'll come prepared next time your full body trackers will be
Last night, and I was wanting you to come join me, but you had a bad night
I was I was gonna had a really bad night last night
Yeah, but I was gonna I had my beer was literally pulled out and like ready

It was everything was ready for me to get on and then it just she was annoying
So I'm in an audience anarchy hoping you just join. Yeah, I planned to I was gonna
I was gonna but um have you played it yet. I've not played audience anarchy yet
No, I really do want to I any time that any of my friends are playing it
I've just not happened to be on it's really tough

I'm sorry
I'm so glad it's fine so glad
I'm so glad you have enough place basic place
Area to be able to just walk off. Oh
Here's the best part about my playspace

Audio listeners he's laying in my actual couch irl. This is my actual couch irl. Yeah
Do not fit on it. Well. Yeah, we just get
Lay on if John I just got up you could yeah, you know what get on the floor get on the floor
It's my space full couch to you wait the whole thing exactly

The other set with the chair like like me and you could be therapists for him. Yeah
Especially after this shit look I took the spot it's mine. We actually know this actually works
No, no get out of my works. No, no, no get out of my spot. No, I'm going to get my spot
I'm going in the middle my spot in my place. I like my spot

Oh, my cushions gonna be so worn down. That's a funny thing about my house and the couch
This in my house is my spot that I used to sit in
Unbelievable amounts is like the cushions are fucking destroyed there and the rest of the couch is like fine
So I'm right now sitting at the spot that is like in the couch, but here's the best part

What are you doing?
What are you doing? Oh recliner?
Hell yeah, hell yeah
Oh, yeah, this is this is peak awesomeness here
He's so cool
I'm stuck with a bed

The duality of the seats were using you've got an office chair. I've got a bed and you've got a couch
All right. Oh, I was using my office chair earlier. I see
Well, it's cuz so my my fucking uh, so I live with my fiance. She's pretty great. I actually met her on VR chat
That's the cool part. Oh
Yeah chair relationship that didn't involve anything work in front of the camera. Yeah. Thanks. Good job

The rare instance of a VR chair relationship where something doesn't go insanely
Wildly wrong that wouldn't happen in the real world because usually it's like that
Often yeah, but no so we moved into an apartment complex only has one bedroom and
She had her setups in the bedroom and I I work entirely in the living room. Mm-hmm. So that's why I have

Whenever you have your camera on cuz you you'll have your camera on and and she'll have to ask if she can like if the camera's
on or not
It's like sometimes she's not full sometimes
No, because you're in the living room the ad there's moments where the fiance walks in and the camera should not be on

Unless no who said it was
Accidental it's pretty true. That's pretty true. She was talking about that accident
I'm not taking whenever I was driving her home and I was like I'm doing a podcast and I and she's like, you know, honestly
Me just walks in naked

That might accidentally or purposefully happen for like camera episodes
Which I'm still not entirely sure if we're going to do or not
But like we're pretty sure we might do it depends on how lazy we are to get in VR or like
Oh, no, maybe everyone doesn't want the immersion break. No, they don't want it. So they want the immersion break
They don't want to see both of your faces. How's everyone's day going? We talked about our days for a minute

What's going on this day this is this a wet
Well, you said your week wasn't so like we have talking points or anything
Well, yeah week Mike wasn't exactly too eventful though. I did get myself a laptop recently which
I just drew my money
Yeah, money

Hope you have a nice day your bank
Just make sure you repaste that laptop eventually cuz like I repasted a gaming laptop that I had because it was running really hot and
Also, one of the fans was busted on it and now it runs good as new which is surprising cuz literally gaming
I've got it
No, I'm saying like eventually like if it starts to run hot because people always give gaming laptops some including myself

I've given gaming laptops a lot of shit for
I don't even know if yours is a gaming laptop or is it just a regular laptop? No, okay
It's it knows the two-in-one. It's a I can I can just snap it in half and I use as a tablet
I see does it have like a graphics card in it though or integrated graphics? It's iris. It's an IRC. Hmm. I wouldn't know

But that's an Intel IRC. So okay then
Probably integrated graphics because like people give shit for gaming laptops like getting really hot and just being combustible pretty much
But like if you take good care of it as in like do maintenance to it in a couple of years
Then they can usually work really well
Like I'm using one as a server that I'm running some like discord bots off of I want to know something and it runs pretty well

my first ever
Gaming my first ever laptop that I ever got was a gaming laptop and you want to know what they used
You want to know what I used it for what you use it for VR chat
I used a 1050 Ti graphics card to get on to VR chat through an HTC Vive from 2016
I'm I started similarly I started VR on a gaming laptop that had a

1060 in it and I also use an HTC 5 it was shit really shit experience
Additionally because the laptop at the time had been used quite a bit by then so it was having thermal throttling issues
Like it was getting too hot to the point where it had to clock down
Like turn down its clock speed so it was like if I played beat saber on it
Every 10 seconds for example with even a game as simple as beat saber every 10 seconds

I would get like 5 seconds of severe lag and then back to 10 seconds of normal and then 5 seconds of severe lag
Back and forth it was abysmal. You could not even play anything past like an easy difficulty song on it
Would you like to play a game?
It's a lag switch except with frames

God but yeah
No, I've repasted it and I put new fans in it and it runs like silent now also cuz I'm not running games on it
It's just like running a couple like discord things and like also my home assistance software
It's a Linux machine now
Is that where Nano music comes from?
Yeah, that's where the music bot is run off of both of them are run off of that laptop as well as the Logger bot and
And my home assistant software is run off of there too.

Because I self-host home assistant software, so I can control a couple light switches and stuff in my bedroom
from just not having to walk around. It's kind of nice.
That's hosted on there.
So cool.
Yeah. It's nice to be able to repurpose.
The laptop at the time was a thousand bucks, and being able to repurpose it into something like that is pretty cool.
So if I went on a trip, I could take a pretty capable Windows 10 gaming laptop with me

and just do work or whatever on it. Or I could just get a Steam Deck.
Or an Asus ROG Ally, because the ROG Ally is insane.
I've heard a lot about those. Have you seen the Legion ones though? Those ones are really good too.
They're far more powerful than a Steam Deck, which makes me want to wait for a Steam Deck 2 to come out,

but we don't know when that would be. We know what's going to happen, we just don't know when.
And it's like, I love the Steam Deck, I love Steam OS, I love Valve, I love all that kind of stuff.
The ROG Ally is just such a better product right now though.
But I want to do the Steam one, so do I wait for a Steam Deck 2 then?
But Lord Gaben!
Gaben! Gaben!
So I think I'll just wait for a Steam Deck 2.

Sponsor us, Gaben!
Gaben, sponsor us!
Gabe Newell sponsor.
Maybe we'll get to leak when Half-Life 3 comes out, maybe.
If ever. The Heat Death of the Universe, potentially.
But I canceled a stream this week because I've been canceling a couple streams here and there,
which I'm not super happy about, just sometimes my mood isn't...
How dare you, by the way.

Sometimes my mood just isn't all there. It's really annoying.
It's a thing where with streaming you should be streaming all the days you say you're going to,
even if you're not in a good mood.
But there's literally points where I am feeling so shit that I cannot even put on a show.
And if it's to that point, I just need to cancel.

Because at that point, it's like if people tune in and I'm just not there,
I'm just not to the capacity that I usually am,
they might tune out and never tune back in again.
Because this isn't what they signed up for.
But I wanted to play Secret Lab!
I did want to play Secret Lab!
And I wanted to see Yoshi's Island!
I know, I know.
Next week should be a lot better.

I have my stream schedule.
This is actually...
And this episode might come out in a few weeks from now,
but at the point that this episode comes out, I might actually reveal it to the rest of my community.
But I got a job, and I haven't been talking about it much,
but the job is going to severely change my streaming schedule for the first two weeks of it,
which is at the end of the month.
My first day is like April 29th.
And from April 29th to May 10th, the schedule is going to be abysmal for like training.

And then everything beyond that will get a little bit better.
It's still going to be a different schedule.
I'm streaming like... my normal stream schedule would be like 6 to 10 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
And now it's going to be after the training week,
because those ones are going to be so weird,
and I still have to figure out the stream schedules for those.
But regular schedule is going to become a Sunday and Monday,

which are both 6 to 10.
And then a Thursday stream, but it's going to be late night.
The Thursday stream is going to start at like 8.40 p.m., 8.45,
and it's going to end at like midnight.
So still three streams a week.
Two streams will be the regular times and regular amounts.
The third one is going to be like late night, which is not super happy about it.
But realistically, it's a good paying job,

and I definitely need to take this so I can do things such as September TwitchCon, all that.
And just also having money generally is nice.
To support yourself.
To support myself.
Meanwhile, I have the most inconsistent stream schedule of all time,
and that one over there is not going to be a stream.
Your stream schedule is just whenever the hell I'm streaming Secret Lab,

and also whenever you want to do card openings,
one-piece card openings, or art, or game dev,
or art or game dev.
Pretty much.
You just exist.
But that's okay, because sometimes you're on my stream.
Well, I mean, your work schedule makes it difficult.
We're going to put your participation award on the shelf over here.

Yeah, we're going to participate.
You pointed towards the wrong shelf. It's that way.
Get used to it.
It's that way.
I'm already used to it.
What did you do this week?
Not much pointing.

What the fuck did you do this week?
Because it's only fair that I talked about it and he talked about it,
so now you've got to talk about it.
What happened?
Oh, boy.
I wrote 500 sheets of animation paper.
Explain to me what exactly animation paper is, necessarily,
because I don't actually know exactly.
If you want to... Did I not send you the picture?
You showed me. You sent me the picture, and I said,

wow, cool, I didn't really know what it was.
Like, exactly.
So if you want to do physical animation,
what you're going to want is paper tourists, like, it's got hole punches
or something in it so that then you can be able to put them onto a pegboard
type of thing.
So then if you've got, say, for example, just like a standard three hole punch

animation paper, you can just have a set of a board and three pegs on it
to put the paper in.
So then you can put multiple sheets on it so that then you can be able to flip
through the pages really easily to look at your animation work.
Since I've been doing a lot of animation...
Oh, just a little bit.
Just a little bit.
Just a little bit.

I'm currently reanimating an entire anime opening right now.
Yeah, I've been casually.
Which I've been working on today a lot.
I think today I did like seven or eight drawings.
Very nice.
I think this week in terms of work, I kind of worked on like, I think I made
three or four of the little V.I.C. 3D printable name pegs, which took a lot

of time to get like three of those done.
So, oh yeah, of course, this world, I was also, the set, of course,
I was working on the set.
I'm really happy with how it turned out.
Yeah, I worked on that can.
Yeah, it took you like two or three hours to get the photo scan of the can
working exactly the way we wanted it to.
I'm happy with how optimized...
I did nothing.
I'm happy with how optimized this place turned out because I really strive to

make sure the FPS was high enough to where, like right now I'm getting like
70, which is good because 70 with my camera and then this main camera,
which is like 1440p, and then the VR camera, which is 1080p, and then my eyes,
which is also, you know, two cameras because that's how rendering a VR game
works, you know, still getting 70 is pretty nice.

And record at 60, so, you know, getting more than enough FPS,
so everything runs really smoothly.
Everything around here still looks great.
Doesn't look like there's any liberties taken in terms of quality.
Yeah, there's still another set over there.
Like there's two sets to this world and it's running pretty well.
Yeah, honestly.

I don't think the other set renders in exactly.
No, it doesn't render in unless we go over there and then it would show up.
But you guys will get to see it if we have a guest.
If we have a guest, you'll be able to see the other set.
Because this couch, we're not as fit as four people on this couch.
Ladies and gentlemen, here's the thing for me.
I show up, I come in, I be funny, I leave and do my other things.

That's why I agreed.
Yeah, I'm the one like pretty much producing this whole thing,
like actually getting everything edited and uploaded,
and that's going to take a chunk of time out of my day.
But I'm okay with it because I think this is going to be a really fun,
just long-term thing to look forward to every week because I like to have those.
I hope you're okay with it.
I have a busy schedule.

I still have a lot of animation to do.
You have a lot of animation to do.
You should do everything because you have nothing to do in life.
Excuse me, I have a physical job that actually pays me.
I know.
Not anymore.
Not anymore.
You're paying me?

Whoa, I didn't say anything like that.
I didn't say anything about me paying you.
But you told me you don't have an actual job.
Yeah, because I said so.
I can always just continue on animation.
You already talked quite a bit about that.
Most of what I'm doing is also public, so I can literally just be like,
hey, these are things I'm doing.
And remember, these episodes are like two or three weeks delayed.

Yeah, so currently right now what I'm working on is I just take the opening
for Muscle and Magic, specifically the one that's like bling, bong, bong, bong,
bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong, bong,
taking that opening and reanimating the entire thing with several,

another group of mine, VRChat group, in particular with the individual
characters, Katzie as the main character in it.
And then different people here and there and all that kind of stuff.
So it's mostly the friend group around her and stuff like that.
And then, of course, I'm self-indulging a little bit and taking some
creative liberties.

On your list of things you want to talk about,
but eventually we need to get off talking about you for a minute.
We need a balance.
We can continue talking about me.
This is fine.
Of course you would like it.
Yeah, but I don't do much streaming things.
Self-proclaimed to slight narcissists.
Yeah, I don't stream much, but I do a lot of other things.

I also have a webcomic that I'm probably going to be working on tonight as well.
You mentioned something about pausing game development in the group chat.
I didn't hear about that.
That's more of a recent thing just because it's not like I thought about it a lot.
It just happened.
Yeah, game development's tough.

Newsflash, whenever I program, I get frustrated.
So I think I talked publicly about local multiplayer mode for Shenanigans,
and I paused that because I just kept getting frustrated with it.
And eventually I just had to stop because it was really making me angry.
And then I started doing 2D animation and enjoying that, and then really enjoying that.

Because I've been doing a lot of Udon.
I've been doing a lot of Udon stuff, and I know how fucking easy it is to get frustrated at programming.
And you've been doing some programming stuff too, but not like C Sharp or anything.
You've been doing...
No, I've been doing Python.
Yeah, which is far easier to learn and less frustrating than C Sharp.
C Sharp is a complicated language.

A lot of it is mainly just trying because a lot of developers really like the challenge of figuring out...
It's like a puzzle for them and figuring it out.
I don't want it to be a puzzle. I have an end goal that I'm trying to get to.
And you like doing more of the aspects of...
As if I don't get to that end goal, I'm going to choke someone.

And it's not just the end goal, but you also like to do more of the art stuff for a game,
or the sound stuff, all those things are more fun for you.
I am a more artistic person. I like to draw things.
I like to draw a lot of things. I like to be able to sketch things out.
I like story writing and script writing and all that kind of stuff.

Especially story-based stuff, because that's basically one of the things I'm all about,
is writing stories and all that.
So then whenever there's some form of obstacle, like programming C Sharp,
and I had also been learning Unreal Engine,
whenever even something like the blueprints, whenever I can't figure something out,

I just get really frustrated and eventually it got to a point where Marcy just told me to stop.
And so I stopped for a while, started doing 2D animation, and just kept doing it.
Programming stuff, I bet you would probably, given the opportunity,
to have a partner that you could work with, where they do the programming stuff and you do the art stuff.

However, I've heard a lot that people have made memes about the difficulty of having an artist and a programmer,
or just a two-person duo working on something.
I guess it can cause a lot of butting heads sometimes, depending on who exactly you're teamed up with.
So there also has to be a lot of other things that go smoothly there as well,

because sometimes the artist might coin something and then the programmer is like,
that's not going to work, let's do it this way instead.
And you're like, well, then you'd be like, well, that wouldn't look that good.
It can be a little tricky.
That's one upside of doing it all yourself, but the problem is then you're doing it all yourself,
which has its own downsides.
Yeah, yeah.

I understand that man loves fixing shit.
Well, for me, I have a specific vision for different things.
With Shenanigans, I have specific visions for things.
For the most part, some of the other artists and some of the other people were aligned with that vision.
Garden Wolf, she was aligned with that vision.
Vanessa Wolf for the music, she was aligned with some of the visions that I haven't had and everything like that.

So for the most part, in terms of other people collaborating,
I've been pretty lucky with some of the people that I've collaborated with on projects to know,
hey, John's leading this and he's got a clear vision in mind for a lot of this type of stuff.
And there's always input for other different ideas and stuff.
That's something that is always an opening.

And Garden actually helped a lot with the character designs and stuff for Shenanigans.
In fact, one of her characters is an old wisdom.
That was just an entire character that she made completely on her own.
I'll give credit where credit is due there.
I kind of have a goal in mind because there's multiple things going on at once.

And so I don't know how tensions and stuff would go for that.
But I mean, currently right now, I don't someone actually asked me today,
like what the next game project is going to be.
And I'm like, it's going to be a while because there's some animation projects I'm wanting to work on.
So I know what the next game is going to be.

I know what it's going to be.
But like it's going to be a little while because for like a lot of my projects, stuff like I've talked to people,
I've got like projects and ideas and stuff spanning on for eons.
But it's all about like timing for everything in this partly with in particular the Cerebel comics.
So it's about like timing different projects and stuff correctly so that then everything kind of lines up in the way that I need to story wise.

There's a lot of pieces that I'm having to finagle into all of this stuff.
I was briefly mentioning my welcome to my brain.
His brain is a lot.
There's a lot going on there.
I was briefly mentioning my job a minute ago and I kind of wanted to delve into something.
Something that's I'm not going to talk about the job itself much because it's not fucking interesting.

Who cares?
But there is a joke involved with it that I keep giving shit to the person who is making the joke regularly.
But at the same time, we all give shit to them because they're a punching bag because it's just the way.
And you're the way that the friend dynamic goes with this one person.
So I'm not like actually super annoyed that they make the joke over and over and over again.
Recycled to recycled jokes happens a lot.

It's not even someone that either you probably know all that well.
It's just someone who's like in OSHA just hanging out there sometimes is Kylie keeps making the joke of like, oh, don't you already work for Amazon?
Because, you know, I stream.
But no, I report to Dan Clancy, the CEO of Twitch, not Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon.
Jeffrey Bezos.

But that's a funny story about.
Hold on.
That's that's a it's an icebreaker for.
The place I'll be working is Amazon, which, you know, pay is good.
But Jeffrey.
Oh, my God.
Shut up.
What what happened between you and Jeffrey, Mr.
OK, so over and over again.
I'll finish in a minute.
Let's go.

I used to work.
I used to work at a I used to work at a I think it's I don't exactly how to say it.
It's more like a sortation facility over at Amazon.
And I can't exactly say this specific building.
I obviously think is that actually gives off my location way too.
No, no, no, no, I wouldn't say anything about this.

The address.
This is the address.
If you want to find me, go ahead.
No, good luck.
So we were we were we were randomly kind of like having just just going through our day.
And then one of us typed in a letter while trying to log in on our zebras.
You know, like the little device that you usually just like scan your shit and you scan your barcode, log into it and so you can do all your job and work stuff.

We he typed in a letter and just was sorry, a number and hit enter on accident.
And then was about to do something on it and then looked at the name of the top and went, oh shit, it was Jeffrey Bezos's number that he typed in and hit enter in logged in as him.

And then we proceeded to spend the next hour finding out what number it was.
Turns out, do you have it?
Six, six, six is number.
Is that is that like OK for you to say?
Is that like going to be a problem?
I have no fucking clue.
I mean, I won't promise.

It's probably either changed by now or maybe if this actually became a problem, it would get them to maybe fix that.
They should probably fix that as long as long as one can as Jeffy Boy log in as Jeffy Boy.
If you want to know who the number one spot is, I believe his name is David Adams or some shit.

What generic sounding name?
That's like that's like that's like second place to John Doe in terms of placeholder names.
No, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
After we did that.
So after we did that, we were like, who's the first one types in one hits enter just sees like David Adams or something like that, something with the DNA and just like, what the fuck?

Who is this person?
One of us looked it up on the phone or some shit like that.
And I don't remember what the answer was.
I bet you like that's probably like the person that like made the system or something like that.
Yeah, probably the person made the system.
No happens.
I I I I when it came down to working at Amazon, I did not have that many good experiences.

Yeah, I'm not expecting to have I've worked at three.
Yeah, I've worked at three different Amazon facilities and all of my like there was only one of them.
One of them that I actually liked quite a bit.
And that one was the one where I kind of joined in and then it was straight after my job with FedEx and I was working extremely hard and everyone kind of knew me and I was just like, hi, how's it going?

How do you know my name?
And I don't know you.
They say literally like, yeah, they would like, they would be like, hey, are you?
Aren't you gears?
And I'm just like, well, you know, not gears.
But yeah, yeah.
And I'm just like, yeah, how do you know me?
And they're just like, yeah, like almost everyone knows you.

And I'm just like, well, that's to the point.
That's like something you'd hear out of like a horror movie.
I don't like that.
I don't like that.
No, it was to the point where the building manager, it was the point where the building manager for that specific building actually knew me and everything.
It was just like, holy shit.
What the fuck?
Well, that's legit.
Just the same thing as like being in a small town of just like everyone just knows everyone and everyone knows you because I mean it was like the population was like, yeah, the population was about like 50 people for my specific like shift pattern.

And then one of my other pattern, my other places I worked at.
So I worked for my third job, I think, probably more likely.
You are watching the video.
You also saw the gears turning in there.
The gears turning.
And the power.

Because of the gear.
Good night everybody.
No, so my third job, I worked at an Amazon facility, and this one specifically had you.
You had an order picker, and you had to drive around in it.
And I never crashed the fucker.
I was actually pretty good driving that thing.

But I, I can't stand heights.
And I had to go like 40 feet up in the air.
Yeah, no, that's quite like, it's like 40 feet up in the air.
I have like a 10, I have like a, no, it's like a 4,000 pound weight at the very bottom, slightly offset, so that it, you know, gives me some good leverage.
But the, the, how, what they say you cannot do is that if it ever tips while you're up in the air, you are not allowed to jump off of it because you're also in a harness.

You're supposed to basically ride the ride as it continues down.
Oh my god.
That's, that's funny.
It was, and the funny part is that the V, so we had, they were called VNA lines, but they are, are basically, they have copper wires stuck in the, stuck in the fucking cement, and the order picker drives up, sees it, and then just locks onto it.

And then your top speed goes from being barely even 10 miles per hour to 25.
Oh my god.
And so that's how we usually drive around the facility.
Yeah, basically how we got around these things.
Hell yeah.
The lanes could only, they're, they're only unidirectional, so you can't, you can't go down the same way, like this way, like, toward, like, down one lane.

So you had to go, fum, fum, fum, fum.
But whenever we wanted to get to like, let's say we wanted to go to break really fucking fast, we would line ourselves up to a VNA aisle, fucking boom, zoom down the lane, and then get on to the other side as easy as like cake.
It's so much yum.
That was fun.
I quit my job after three months, because I, I, I kept them, I kept them throwing up every single day.

Yeah, yeah.
So I'm, I'm what?
Deathly afraid of heights.
Hey look, my leg's gone.
What you're saying is, for our first special of this podcast, we need to go skydiving.
Is that what I'm hearing here?
Please Jesus, please no.
That would be fun.
Okay, no.
So the thing is, I'm okay with heights, very dependent, however, on the circumstances, if it's something that doesn't seem very safe.

No, if I'm strapped into like a ride of some sort, like a Ferris wheel or a rollercoaster, I'm okay with those.
Skydiving, if I'm doing, if like a professional is strapped to me and they are in control of the controls, okay?
If I'm in charge of the controls, if it's my job to pull the string, no.
If someone else's job to pull the string, okay, I would do that.
I'm not, it's not something that I absolutely want to do in my lifetime, but I think it would be fun.

It's not something I'm going to strive to do.
You're going to let your to find this funny.
I would like to try skydiving.
Ask me like four years ago, I would have said fuck no.
So about, here's me in heights.
I hate being in human constructed items at all.
Like I've been in the St. Louis Arch before.

The St. Louis Arch before.
I was okay with it.
It swayed.
I did not like that.
I wanted to get down from there as fast as I could.
And there was also the, I went to Washington, no, not Washington.
Yeah, I did go to Washington though.
No, it was Ohio.
And I went to Ohio for their space museum that they have there.

And I got to see a Saturn, yeah, I got to see a Saturn five rocket, a redstone, and several other things.
But the fucking first floor to second floor was almost like a 10 to 12 foot difference.
My God.
And I was, I did not like being at the edge of it.
I immediately went to the wall and just grabbed onto the railing.

A balcony that I would not lean off of.
Yeah, this is back whenever I was like deathly, deathly afraid of heights.
Like I could not stand it whatsoever.
This just reminded me of this meme of like Alex, the first time you meet Alex in Half Life 2.
And she like hops over this railing to get over to Dr. Kleiner's lab.

But then there's this edit that someone made where the fucking railing just breaks and she falls face first on the fucking concrete and the credits just roll.
That's hilarious.
This is like two minutes after you meet her.
Like she just tries to hop this one little railing that you could walk around, it would take you like three seconds to walk around, but instead she hops it,

fails because the railing just snaps and just fucking dead roll credits.
Something like that.
In your case it would be like 10 or 12 feet.
Instead of like a one or two, it was like a one or two foot drop.
But because of my time in Boy Scouts, I used to go hiking a lot in some weird ass areas.
You can probably find it exactly where I live if I just say the next state which is Kentucky.

I went down to Kentucky, literally Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky.
I went to Kentucky.
And so what happened is that we call this trip the Via Furata.
It happens at the place, I think it's called the Via Furata.
It's a climbing place.
I went climbing there for a couple of times.

Yes, I say I'm deathly afraid of heights, but I went climbing.
Yeah, no, I was straight up stuck to that wall.
It's going...
Looks down...
And having to continue through my shit and I'm just like, I am so fucking scared.
But I loved it every single fucking time.

When you screamed there, I actually envisioned you like climbing and you looking down.
I imagined it as like a shot where I see you screaming like that and it zooms out.
Like as you're screaming, it shows how high up you are.
That like my imagination just went to that.
Can I say the height of the highest point I've ever climbed?

120 feet. Those things are 140 foot vertical cliffs.
I've been up to 120 feet on it.
And the Black Diamond, which is the specific course, it's the level 5 course at the very end, has an overhang where it goes like that under.
And one of our scouts was going through it and he fell.

His heart has caught him and he almost shit himself.
He's like, I never want to go here again.
I would imagine he almost shit himself in that situation.
No, his bowels turned watery. Sorry. I've got to quote another.
I've got a book.
OK, I see.
A court of roses and thorns or something like that.

I would imagine reading.
I don't read it because it's basically porno.
Where did we get here in the first place?
We got here from heights, which we got here from job.
That's how we got here.
Yeah, I think I think the highest I have been was Rockefeller Center in New York City.

I think that's probably the highest I've been.
You went to New York City, but why?
But why would you go to New York City?
Like, why would you do that to yourself?
I'm just going to smell like piss.
This was quite a while before COVID.
I see.
If you ever go again, you should actually meet.

I assume you have probably a couple of VR chair friends now who you know now.
If you go again, you've got to see people.
Whenever I go anywhere, I've got to start seeing if I can see people.
I don't know.
I think the only other person closest to there would have been Senko VR.
Senko just recently moved to Texas.
The one we've been talking about who we were going to have a chair for lives there.

Still, my condolences.
The cuck chair.
The reason I say that is because in a hotel room, there will just be a chair next to the bed.
There will just be a regular table or shelf.
Yes, yes, yes!
There will always be that chair. That's what I mean.

Every time, there's just always that chair.
There's that chair.
Every night, every night, as long as it's Vegas last year, every night, I sat in that chair and fattened myself up with McDonald's every fucking night.
Just because I had nothing else.
I am terrible.

I am terrible with eating in general.
Every single one of those days I was at Vegas, I barely ate anything.
I ate like a king that night before I went to bed at Vegas.
You call McDonald's a king.
Uber eats so much stuff.
You call McDonald's a king.

Okay, as a bachelor, the bar is really low.
As a bachelor that's living alone, the bar is really, really low.
Where are you going?
I don't know.
So long.
I ate so much.
Oh boy. Back to Via Ferrata, yes.

There was a portion of it that's a hiking adventure, basically.
And it has this overhead, there's a mountain or something like that.
I don't know exactly what to call it.
A really big, steep hill.
And it fell over across two points.

And so there's this natural bridge that formed.
And we went up it, it's almost like if I jump, I die.
Yeah, it's hard to find a spot where you jump and die.
But there was no railings or anything like that.
And here's how it was, whenever it comes into natural formations and shit like that,

I can just sit on the edge and be like, yeah.
That's crazy to me.
That's insane to me.
I could not sit on the edge of something like that or anything even slightly similar.
I'm just trying to figure out the logic.
One gust of wind and I'm gone.
I don't know what the fuck my brain is like.
A really strong gust of wind and you're gone.
That's it.

When my brain is thinking, whenever I'm in a man-made structure,
this thing could fail at any moment.
But nature never fails.
But nature fails over tens of thousands of years.
You could sit on a dead tree that's about to collapse.

That's fine.
My brain does some weird shit.
I don't think about it.
According to him.
Yeah, it's fine.
You can sit on it.
You, viewer, sit on a dead tree.
I believe in you.
Cut his mic.
No, no, no.

Don't, don't, don't cut my mic.
Cut his mic.
No, don't.
Let me cut it there.
His mic is cut.
I can't hear him anymore.
Editor, edit that part out.
Later, Nano, whenever you stop procrastinating, edit that out.
Luxian, cut that out.
We need to get an editor, an actual editor, and just have the same little thing.

We just got another name for me.
Yeah, no, I have like a little chibi version of me.
I think I have like one or two.
Actually, I have like two different little chibi versions for me that I could just have
pop up in the corner for editing.
No, no, no, no.
Give me eyes.
Googly eyes, got it.
What else are you supposed to put on this robot thing?

Googly eyes.
I really need you.
Very realistic eyes.
Editor, Nano, I really need you to like just zoom in on gears and then just fade in the
googly eyes.
I'm down in that corner now?
I'm just in the bottom left corner.
Nano, I need you.
Small Nano, I need you to do this for me.

Now you're in this corner.
No, I'm in that corner.
You start looking in different corners.
No, you're in this corner.
No, I'm in the, I'm by the plan.
Plant corner.
Nano, please.
Nano, please.
Nano, please.
Nano, please.
Points to.
Why am I, why are you in my ball?

Oh my God.
Point it to your balls.
Last night, I forgot, I was going to talk about this.
Last night was so much fun with audience anarchy.
I am not kidding you.
For context, for those of you who are not super into VRChat, it is a improv, like you're up
on a stage, you do improv stuff in VRChat and there's usually a script, there's an unscripted
version too, but it's just a bunch of improv stuff.

I usually love doing the scripted stuff and then just going whack off the script.
Completely off of it.
I love that too.
One of the moments, one of the moments was, I think it was the, oh yeah, it was the, he
goes on a date and basically has milk, milk wrong, so he's like time travel time and then

all of a sudden his future self comes there and goes, bitch stop.
I was the bitch stop.
And I'm just like, no, stop, you do this.
And then I pop it into another space and I'm like, no, because of your corrections to this
action, it made it even fucking worse.
And then all of a sudden he says the name of the person and then they disappear and he

got really flabbergasted because he didn't know it was going to happen.
And he goes, wait, where are they?
Where did they go?
And I'm like, they're in my balls.
You make the in your balls joke so regularly, but it's still funny.
Here's the best part.
That same person goes and comes back on stage and goes, I'm in what?

And I just go.
You're like, you're like, shoo, shoo, shoo, get out of here, get out of here.
Minus one RP.
You're supposed to be in my balls.
Get out, go, go, go, go, go, go, shoot, shoot.
You're not supposed to be in my test.
Come on, get back in there.
Get out, go, go.
I loved it.
And then there was another one where I'm the love doctor.

Oh, no.
And I'm like, I'm up at the fuck.
I'm at the desk typing and everything and I accidentally press my trigger.
And for everyone doesn't know anything about OVR advanced.
I have two buttons on my controllers and when I touch them, I all of a sudden have gravity.
Oh, and he's floated off in the space.

Where do you for some reason, my avatar went funky.
You faintly in the distance.
Let me just say, is he OK?
Let me change some things.
Now I'm the only one on the couch.
Hi, everyone.
How's it going?
I'm the only one sitting here on the couch.
The other two are back.
Now we're all back.
Don't worry, we're all here.

He flung himself again.
He just flew.
He just disappeared.
That one was an accident.
So I'm sitting there typing and everything and all of a sudden hit my trigger and just fly off backwards.
And the crowd goes wild.

All three of us have to fucking play because I fucking don't know.
Yeah, I do.
I just or just improv in general.
Like we can probably even like get like skits and bits and stuff on that.
Oh, we could.
We could.
But no audience anarchy with random as people.
Yeah, I really do need to do something.
And then sometimes sometimes I do.

I get female characters and actually do the female voice for there.
And they're like, are we going to get episode one?
Are we going to get episode one gears introducing the viewers to that voice or no?
Or are you going to save that?
Maybe, maybe one day, maybe one day.
Keep on the edge of your seat.
It's really good.
You're missing out, but you don't get to know because you do a lot of voices.

You're actually really nice.
Who the hell is watching?
You're a kind person.
You're cool.
Shut the fuck up.
You have a nice forearm.
You know, you should do fuck up.
That's not the voice.
That's just something else.
I don't know what the hell that was.
Yeah, I so I do.
I do very deep voices.
I do very high pitched voices.

I can go everywhere in between.
Basically, I love I love me voices.
I have my deep voice whenever I actually try and do a deep voice and then I fuck it up a little.
It sounds like fucking plankton and it's goddamn hilarious.
John, have you heard it?
The plankton voice?
Probably not.
I've not heard this.
I don't think he's heard like most your voices.
Probably if any.

Excuse me a second.
Let me just go out to the corner.
Yes, yes, yes.
Crabs, I've got AIDS.
That's your opening line.
Crabs, I've got AIDS.
Don't worry, Mr. Crabs, I've got AIDS.
Those are both pretty good.
Holy shit.

I can't do those.
I'm not allowed.
I don't have the vocal cords for lines.
Plankton is just a little ways away from oh what's his name?
Oh, Linkara.
Just a slight little bit away from Linkara.
Oh, for everyone's info, I'd usually be asleep right now.

Don't care.
It's a Saturday anyways.
Fuck off.
I'm supposed to be.
You can readjust it.
You know what?
You know what?
You know what?
You know what?
Great, now he's laying in bed.
Okay, he's on the floor.
He's partially also like in the floor.
Get him off the floor.
He can't be on the floor.
We don't have visual bits.

I don't want to.
Wakey wakey, time for school.
Time for school.
Wake the fuck up.
I hope everybody likes those high pitched voices because too bad.
If you don't like it, L.
Yeah, it's a big L for you, not for me.
I listen to it for every day of my life because my voice is never naturally this deep.
It's more like, hi there, how's it going?

Yeah, like that.
I'm not kidding you.
Most of my coworkers fucking hate me because of my voice.
Or I think they do.
ADHD brain, you know.
Yeah, you think they do, but you never know.
Oh, the funny part is I did the female voice for my coworkers.
I was just going to ask if you had before.
And they fucking looked at me and went, stop it.

You're making me feel weird.
I remember you telling me that exactly.
I remember you saying that you're making me feel weird.
I remember that.
One of my favorite things that I did was one of my favorite things was this was when I was in art school.
There was a girl that knew who I was.
And I don't remember what we were doing.

I think we had just gotten done with doing some form of talk or something about whatever a project was.
And we're walking somewhere.
She looks at me and she's like, John, you seem like the kind of person who could do Goofy's voice.
And I was just like, oh, Gorg, you don't say.
And she's like, I never want to talk to you again.

I say, I say, it was fucking so funny.
An ironic.
Yeah, I actually say it in my day to day life.
Like I have said it in front of my boss.
I have said it in front of the guy who owns the company as well.
And I do a Gorsh.

Imagine being like really redneck and then going to France.
Like, let's just put that into perspective.
Yeah, he's done that.
Yeah, that's a thing.
That's a thing.
Well, goddamn there.
That's pretty funny.
You kind of stand out amongst the we we back at like we we.

So there's another thing I want to bring up because this is actually like, you know, a bit more time sensitive as in like if we bring this up on a different episode, it won't make sense because it's April 6th.
Recently it was April 1st.
It makes sense if anything relating to April Fool's Day to talk about, you know, never now you fucking did on April Fool's Day.
I will do it again.
I'll do it again.
It can use the living shit out of me.

I got to get to that.
I've got a lot to talk about for April Fool's.
What did you two have going for April Fool's though?
First, nothing, nothing, nothing.
Let's talk about my morning.
Did you see anything happen?
Well, hold on. Did you at least see anything funny online for April Fool's Day?
OK, yes.
I saw a few things that had like happened, but like not really like anything like major.

Just I feel like small like just just small funny things.
I, of course, saw when Linus Tech Tips did their stuff.
Yeah, Linus Tech Tips video was pretty fun.
Someone. Yeah, someone did like a did like a fake like preview trailer of like the one piece remake that WIT Studios is doing.

And they just did like a really like crude one.
It was just like we like partway through the trailer or like or not partway like towards the beginning, which is like we ran out of budget.
And then it was just crude.
Emma's paint drawings from for the rest of it.
I see.
And then other than that, like not I didn't really see a whole lot of anything else.
I couldn't come up with anything or well, no, I did come up with something.

But but I never like was able to get around to it.
I was just really busy the week before.
So it was just like there was one thing that I saw that was really funny was the I haven't played cyberpunk, but I saw that they tweeted for April Fool's.
Like you can now install the game with floppy disk and requires like three thousand or so floppy disks.

That was a pretty good one.
Yeah, I know it wasn't actually it's not actually real, but that's how many floppy disks I guess it would take to install the game.
Probably that probably more honestly, I think would be more because floppy disks are in terms of like double digit megabytes, I think is all it can contain.
You could build a throne for with cyberpunk on floppy disk.

I think there's ones that are higher.
I remember I think it's probably ones that are higher than I think they might be like 112 or something like that.
I don't know if they go any higher.
Don't quote me on that.
I haven't looked in the floppy disk a long time as yours.
Yeah, go ahead.
My fucking morning when you did that.
What did you do?
Was there anything else first before we get into my stuff?

Anything else?
No, it was literally just only your fucking thing you did.
I want to make a main channel video about this just because it was really funny because I did even more than what you what you think I did.
I went even a step further.
OK, and fooled a lot of people.
So for April Fool's Day, I did a thing that is not like it's not all that uncommon.

A lot of servers will typically do this.
So I'm surprised that it fooled so many people is setting the server icons setting the server icons for all the servers that you own to have a fake ping indicator on it.
And this year I got one that's extremely, extremely similar to the real thing.
It is so similar to the point where normally server icons on Discord are rounded.

So if you put a ping icon on there, a little bit of it's going to get cut off a tiny bit.
But even though a little bit of it gets cut off simply because it's a circle shape, if you hover over or clicked on a server, it becomes a square.
And once it's a square, that little bit of the ping is no longer cut off and you cannot tell whatsoever it's a fake ping.
So it's enough.

It's convincing enough at first for someone to just click on it out of habit.
And once they're clicked on it, it will be full size and it's impossible to tell it's fake, which is even worse.
And it has fooled so many people. I did it in a friend group server called OSHA.
I did it for my server. I did it for the Team Nakama Vibe server.
And I did it for... well, I'll start with those three and I'll get to the fourth one.

But it fooled quite a few people in my server, including a friend that I hadn't seen or spoken to in a while because college and stuff gets in the way.
He said to me, I hope both sides of your pillow are eternally warm. The server PFP was pissing me off for a good 10 minutes.
My experience with that, because I had just remembered that I had actually seen that.

I clicked on it and then just scrolled through all of the text channels.
I was just like, where's the ping? And then I looked back and I was like, oh, it's just the image.
And then continued on. I didn't do anything else. I just acknowledged it and then continued on.
I see. Yeah.
I got gone for a minute, but then figured it out.
And then for all of these servers, including the fourth one that I'll mention in a minute, I then a few hours later set it to a ping indicator of two, which fooled even more people.

That's what I saw. I saw the two.
Because I've never seen a single server that's ever had the ping higher than one.
So it got people because they thought, oh, now there's actually a ping here.
Fuck. Yeah. Also corrupted in my server said, just so you know, this is the second server to fucking fool me.
And then he sent a gift that says hi, but then it changes to shit yourself.
I also actually pinged people that day. So after I set it to two, then I actually pinged once in the server, which then also threw off some more people.

That wasn't meant to throw off people actually to make a ping.
So the fourth server that I did this for, let me go ahead and check the channels here because I'm on the media team for Project Community,
even though I haven't really had a. Did you chase a project community?
Hold on. Let me get to this. I haven't had a good opportunity to do much for Project Community, simply just due to scheduling issues and me not being in VR when they need people and stuff like that.

But the first mark that I was able to leave was, let me see this message.
April Fool's Day, 9.55 AM from Emma. I, or no, that's that's the wrong one. Sorry.
Emma says at 8 AM, we got anything for April Fool's Day? Question mark.
An hour later, I just send the smug emote.
Consider the following and I just send the image of the server icon with the ping attached to it.

And I say, just an idea, though. And five minutes later, five minutes later,
we'll be someone who has permission to change server icons. Media lead.
Yeah. High enough up there to they can change the server icon and stuff.
Said it's done. Thank you. And I was so happy.

I also said, please direct all complaints my way. Please and thank you.
And the funny thing is the team actually directed all complaints my way, which makes me even happier because I said direct all complaints my way.
And several people on the team actually blamed me for it when other people in the community were asking who did this.
And I said, no, I said, yes, I did that because it's funny because usually if you tell someone to blame you,

even as a joke or not, they're not going to actually do it. But they did it. It's great.
I have to know. I have to know. Did it. Did it get Vanessa? Did it get Vanessa?
Maybe. OK, so let me see. Also, later on, I had them change it to like four or five hours later.
I had them also change it to two ping, which I think will even more people.

When you got a say you got a discord like project community. Yeah, that's hilarious.
Because this is a general trend. This server has that point.
This server has just reached one thousand six hundred members. Big server, big server.
So like I have I saved a link to this somewhere.
It even fooled several staff. I hate you guys. Smile. I was tricked. X.D.

I have I can put some of these on screen as well.
I have a link over here. I saved the position of when people started complaining about it.
Nice April Fool's joke. My half asleep self was legit trying to get that to go away.
Son of a bitch. I blame Nano. That's what happened to me every time I see it.
I'm getting one of the mods said in me every time I see it and getting scared.

Like, you know, maybe a little scary for a moderator specifically that position.
I take full responsibility for the fake ping. Tbh out of all servers I'm in,
you guys win best April Fool's prank on my book. Nice and subtle. I'm surprised.
I thought more servers did this. Maybe it just a lot didn't do it this year. I don't know.
Like what? I win the best April Fool's prank. What? For this person's book?

Yep. High five. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Very small book. Exactly. You did it.
It's not a real. You fucking did it. You took one person saying that it's a fake ping for another person to say that's not a fake ping question mark.
Oh my God. Are you jerks with that icon? I've been bamboozled. It's trigger my OCD.
I keep checking it to to see if I've missed a message. And then this person here contradicts the other person.
Literally every server owner thinks it's funny to put a fake ping icon on their server profile during April Fool's.

It's kind of tradition at this point. The duality. Some have every server does it. Some have no servers do it.
It's pretty funny so far. This is the only server I'm in that's done it this year. For me it's like the fifth one.
Emma says it's funny if you fall for once, but I keep falling for it. It just calls for me.
And then I said I actually fell for one that I set in another server.
Yeah, I guess I guess I fell for one that I set personally in like in one of the servers I was in where I set it.

Good job. Good job. So that was great. And that's by the way, this is only like 3 p.m.
Like it keeps going. And then April Fool's fake ping is now over. Set at eleven forty five.
Except for staff, you will also have the ping until you read their messages and they go ahead and ping all of the staff teams.
It doesn't mess with us even more. So just use to finish it off.

Wow. My fucking god. Cruelty at its finest.
It was still amazing. I'm really happy with that. I'm glad that I've left my mark already on just stuff I've done for that community
because I've been meaning to help them more with a lot of things. It's just been really difficult too.
And that made my April Fool's day. That was pretty cool. Even if it results in frustration.
That was pretty cool.
For future Nano. Look guys something new on the shelf. A ping. God damn it. A fake ping.

OK. So because of your fucking ping. Because of your fucking ping I woke up the morning and I don't wake up too well.
My brain don't function too well when I wake up. So I look at it.
And I'm frantically looking through your fucking servers going like where's the fucking thing.
Frantically. I then have to go to work so that means I can't look at it for another fucking hour.

There's no way it was so hard.
Finally get at work. You will see me sitting there just at my workplace.
And then finally realize it's not an actual ping.
I'm gonna kill Nano. I'm gonna fucking kill Nano.
Dude's going through his joker art. Holy mackerel.

I'm gonna fucking kill Nano. Let's go. I'm gonna go kill Nano.
And the thing is I kind of deserve it.
So that was my April Fool's. It was great. That's kind of all I did.
That's so funny.
Yeah. The day before that was Easter because Easter fell on March 31st. Interestingly enough this year.
I slept through the entirety of Easter so much so that the first time I interacted with anyone or anything that day was...

And I was still awake earlier than this but by the time I actually got around to interacting with anyone that day it was 11 56.
I had four minutes left of Easter.
Despite you know hi bunny me bunny. You didn't get to appreciate the bunny day.
Yeah you know being one of those and all.
Yeah you didn't get to lay any eggs.

Okay. I can't as much as I want to keep like dead air for the sake of a joke.
Having just silence in a podcast like legitimately confuses people.
I have to cut that shit.
Are they okay?
I totally would have just stared at you for like 15 seconds.

I would have done that.
It's the thought that counts.
And the action is the complete opposite but that is actually sound like a child.
Balls? You can't cut dead air by saying balls. You can't do that.
Excuse me. Balls are perfectly applicable for cutting air.

I'm going to cut your balls.
Please don't. I need those.
Yeah I guess you do have a bitch. You're not gay anymore.
Damn it. It happens like that. You used to be too and then you're not anymore.
He actually has a use for those now.
You know Bussy's pretty nice. It's pretty you know.

Bussy on the other hand.
This went from funny to demonetized.
We would never be.
Can we just put in the fucking meme.
Just like Sullivan just going.

Do we want to go off one more tangent before we're done here?
Actually probably not. It's been like an hour 40.
Hour 40 episode to start with. I think that's pretty good. We can save some things for next episode.
I wanted to record next episode tonight because you know just having a few stockpiled but you know.
I could still record at my parents house. It would just have to be.

Yeah but still.
Call like web cams.
I'm okay with.
I'll probably just bring my webcam down.
Yeah you could do that.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
So cardboard cutouts of all of us just standing like this.

And when that person is in discord it's just them.
Leaning up against the couch.
That's great. It's great. It's fantastic. It's amazing.
So like let's say that we don't want to use faces. We don't have to use faces. We could just cardboard cutout.
Should I do the voice?
You could do it. You said you were going to save it for another episode though.
Okay let's go with that.

I mean you said so.
You don't want to pop their voice cherry yet.
Sure yeah that.
Yeah something like that.
It does the voice.
This has been great though. I'm pretty excited for this. Let's get to a hundred episodes at least.
What is that like three years?
At least to 69.

What is that like two or three years or something?
69 that's going to be my favorite episode.
And then episode 420.
420 episodes.
For 69 can we just inverse everything? Can we just invert everything? Like it's just upside down.
Just for like if in April Fool's episode that we do next year we could just like flip the screen or invert the screen or something.
I don't know. We could figure it out.
Can I also bring attention to this?
No we trade avatars.

Oh I have an idea.
Yeah we each like one cycle to the left.
You want this?
Like you're wearing his arm.
You want this?
The freaking weight painting issues.
Yeah the weight painting issues on the thumb.
The best part is because the person who made this avatar weight painted it well is like this.

A pose? Well there's nothing wrong with an A pose.
Yeah A pose.
A pose is okay.
There's nothing wrong with an A pose but it causes problems.
Until you move the hand.
It's really funny.
Audio listeners. Gears has like a stick coming out of his thumb because the avatar wasn't made correctly.
My thumb is sketchy.
Sketchy. Spaghetti. Close enough. Something like that.

He's got a really bad splinter.
Yeah sketchy thumb.
But you know it's fine. It's fine.
Do you plan to use this avatar like for the foreseeable future?
I need to change my avatar every single episode.
Next episode you'll see me in um...
You'll be in the ruin of next episode.
No no no. We'll just go with this.
We'll be in this one.

Oh my god that is a call back and a half.
It's so small though.
What the hell.
Way too small.
You at least have to get bigger.
It's maybe not matching my height but at least like maybe you're headed like my...
Is it better?
That's too much.
No what do you mean?
A little shorter.
Like a foot shorter.
What are you talking about?

Like one foot shorter.
No. He sits on the shelf.
Elf on the shelf. Gears on the shelf.
As in Gears on the shelf.
Oh no. He's actually sitting on the shelf over there.
Audio listeners. Gears is a small nanachi.
A small femboy hooters nanachi. He's climbing up to the top of the shelf.
He's getting in the shelf. He messed it up.

He fucked it up.
And he's dead.
He fucked it up.
Do it again.
You're the wrong size now so you gotta get smaller again so you can fit in.
And then you go up again.
It's taken quite a little while.
Wait wait. No no no.
He didn't hold himself in place.
He just faced through the back.

He faced through the back of the bookshelf.
He slowly faced through the back of the bookshelf.
Cause he didn't hold himself in place.
Okay now you're locked in place. Now you're up on the shelf.
That took way too long for such a simple bit.
Way way way too long.
Yo. I'm just small but at least I don't fit in a jar.
You do though. At that size you definitely would.
Definitely jar size. Definitely like standard jar pickle size.

I suppose we should wrap things up here cause that's an hour forty five minute episode.
Which is pretty cool for the first one.
Next time I do want to take these down to like an hour.
We could record two in a day if we want to.
That's always possible.
He gets in front of the camera.
His man is ADHD. He can't stand fucking still.
Now he's standing on John's hat.

Just on the hat there.
Oh hi.
I don't know how to end these. I guess we don't really have a proper outro for these yet.
But we'll figure it out. One will come up and we're not going to make it artificially or anything.
A joke will come up for the end of these episodes.
Um, hope you all enjoyed. This is a pretty fun episode.

I'm NanoBunTV. I do stuff on Twitch mainly. I sell 3D printed stuff.
You can go find more about me in the link below or just
I am John Coday. I have where we do webcomics, video games, and larger scale video projects.
I also have a personal YouTube channel by my name John Coday as well as a Twitch channel that I occasionally stream on.

And Gears. You do nothing. I'm...
That's a wrap. That's a wrap. We're done.
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