Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
It's time now to get
the hell out of your life.
A weekly broadcast with realpeople sharing real struggles
and offering real hope.
Today's show will encourage,inspire and empower you to face
life's challenges with a boldconfidence and renewed hope.
Now let's join our host, ronMyers, the Revolter.
Ron Meyers (00:21):
Hello, my friends,
so good to be with you again
Hello, my friends, so good tobe with you again today.
And I have to say right off thebat, I have been going through
the book.
I wrote the Promoter and Idon't know how many times I said
in the early days boy, what anarrogant bonehead I was.
No wonder so many peoplethought I was a goofball and did
not like me.
They said stay away from thatguy.
He is only after what he canget from you and unfortunately
that was true.
And it's only as we get older inlife that we can look back and
reflect over our life and we cansee some of the mistakes that
we made at a younger age.
But I will say this when thelady that was helping me edit
this book, she said well, do youwant to put something in there
that you know you regret makingthose mistakes?
And I said no.
Why would I put that?
Well, you know you should.
I said why?
Because those mistakes werepart of my character.
Those mistakes were part ofdefining who I was and who I
would become.
No, those mistakes, even thoughI made a lot of people mad and
did a lot of wrong things, thoseare the very things that
defined me.
Now, if I go back and say, well, I'm sorry, I regret, I wish I
would have never done them Well,then I'm actually also saying
that I wish my life would havetaken a whole different turn.
I don't want any do-overs.
Friends, if God came to metoday and said, hey, listen,
I'll let you do life over again.
Do you want it?
I would say no, no, even thoughmaybe I would have liked things
to end up in a different way.
I'm okay today.
I'm okay.
I survived the mistakes, thefailures, the bankruptcies, the
rejection, the abandonment.
I am stronger today because ofall the nonsense in my life.
In fact, friends, someone toldme not too long ago they had a
They said Ron, you're really asmart guy.
And I said can I tell you why Iam smart?
Because of all the mistakesthat I have made in my life.
If you make enough mistakes andyou actually want to learn from
those mistakes, you becomepretty darn smart.
What about you?
Can you relate?
Do you understand?
But one of the hard things for alot of people to do maybe
you're one of them is pridecomes in the way and we don't
want to admit when we dosomething wrong.
Now, that was me at a youngerage.
Today, I'm the first one toadmit I was wrong.
I don't know what I wasthinking, because I'm after that
end result.
Aren't you after that endresult?
Don't you want more peace, abetter quality of life?
Don't you want to understandmore of who you are, why you are
here and what you need to do inlife?
It's never how we start, butit's how we finish.
What if we could finish justreally strong, because all those
years that we have mademistakes and setbacks and people
, just they wronged us.
But we put all those in a bigpot like we do gumbo, you know,
throw a little bit of everything, all this crap in our lives.
We put it in this, we turn itover to God and he turns it back
to us with this perfect recipeof knowledge, of wisdom, of
being able to walk down the pathto our destiny wiser and
smarter and with faith and abelief, and a knowing belief
that it is going to be okay.
Today's story you're going tohear a guy.
His name is Rodney.
Rodney really had a rough,rough childhood.
He was molested, he got intodrugs, but the scars in his life
eventually led him to a pointof cooking crystal meth in his
He blew it up and on his way tothe hospital he begged God to
turn his scars into stars.
That was 19 years ago and todayRodney Williams has a worldwide
ministry and has been featuredon national television shows
because he has turned his scarsinto stars.
So here is Rodney Williams.
Rodney Williams (05:18):
I'm from Moss
Point, mississippi, born in
Pasco, mississippi, at theSeaman River Hospital.
I'm just a normal kid, maybemiddle-class family, taken to
church, told about a Jesus thatloved me.
Within this time frame, I wassexually molested by a very sick
It was very hurtful, verypainful and I didn't know who to
turn to.
So I turned to the Jesus theyhad told me.
Back in church I had childlikefaith and turned to the Jesus
they told me about and God hadspoken to me as a child.
He told me that he wouldprotect me and that one day I'd
preach his words.
I had a lot of hurt, a lot ofhang-ups, even though my family,
I believe they were Christians.
They're Christians, but thelife they were living from the
mess they came from, was notwhat I wanted to.
I didn't want what they had putit that way.
And the church I went to therewas some good people, but I
didn't want what they hadneither.
It was not attractive to me.
I had hurts, issues and I beganto turn to the world looking
for my satisfaction.
What they had was not dealingwith my hurts and my pains and
my issues and just growing up,began to turn to the drugs and
the alcohol, which did comfortto start off with it, brought
about pleasure, but it did notsatisfy, it did not completely.
It took me deeper in infection,began to put band-aids on the
infection, but the infectioncontinues to grow and it takes
more band-aids to cover thisinfection.
Now that I am a born-again childof God and I go out across the
country to schools and differentstuff, me being molested, me
sharing my testimony of beingmolested as a kid, I couldn't
tell how many kids have come upto me in the schools and
different places where I speak,opening up, saying I thought I
was the only one.
I'm being molested too and ableto open up.
So what God was a hurt backthen as a childhood, god has
turned around and turned it intogood that now I'm able to help
others, be able to open them upto their hurts and their pains
and their issues and able toshare Jesus with them and use it
in my pain as my past to beable to help others.
You know what I'm saying andit's you know.
And hey, even though it was aterrible thing as a kid and I
mean it was bad and we know thatall things work together for
good to them that love the Lord,to them who are called
according to His goodness.
In other words, the pain.
God took that and turned itinto good.
You know, to go out there andsee these kids open up to me and
begin to tell me their hurtsand pains and I know they're
hurting and they feel likethey're the only ones.
That's hurting, like justfeeling like that and for me to
open up and tell them that I'vebeen molested and the different
things, and it gives themfreedom to come and talk to me
and open up to me and it bringsthem you else.
But I was cooking themethamphetamines.
I was in a small trailercooking methamphetamines and the
fumes built up In my mind.
There was police in the trees,police under the trailer just
all geeked out.
When the fumes built up, aspark went off the heat lamp,
the whole trailer ignites and Ibegan to run in the flames and
try and get the door unlocked.
The doors were bolted down andand by the grace of God, the
door comes open.
I run outside with second,third-degree burns.
I'd lost my family.
I was homeless.
My family couldn't stand me.
The police were looking for me.
I'm behind on child support.
I mean, my whole life was awreck.
They supposed to be goodfriends have stolen from me.
They, they've taken advantageof me and here I am, I hear a
second, third degree burns, youknow.
And my life was just a wreck.
And I walked down to thesepeople's house at two o'clock in
the morning and knock on thedoor and you know the shock.
I'm standing there all burnedup.
You know, this guy standing atthe door, all burned up, and
they throw a blanket on me,begin blanket on me, began
rushing me to the hospital, youknow, and this was the breaking
point, the turning point in mylife.
I mean, death felt like avictory.
At that point I hated.
I hated my life.
I hated the people that I'dheld on to what I call friends,
which are not friends.
I hated my life and I felt likedeath would be a victory.
At that time I wanted to dieand that's exactly what I did
that night.
I died to myself.
I tell people I'd been in andout of jail Every time I went to
I didn't believe in God.
I believe there's one Godthat'll do us well.
The devil's also believed intremble.
I believed in God the wholetime, because God had spoken to
me as a child.
I just didn't want to trust himwith my life.
I want to go to heaven, but Iwant to live like hell.
That was my problem.
Every time I cry out to God inthe jail.
As soon as I got out, I'd runback to the same old thing.
I always tell people a dogreturns to his vomit because
he's still a dog, you know.
Anyway, that night things wasdifferent.
I hated my life, I hatedeverything about it and I just
cried out to God God, you takemy eye, my ears, whatever you
Because they were all burned up.
And I said God, you take eye,ear, whatever you want,
whatever's left, I'm going toserve you.
I made an unconditionalsurrender to the Lord Jesus
That was in 2002.
That's almost 17 years ago andthe Bible says for with the
heart, man believe untorighteousness.
That night, with the heart, Isurrendered my life to the Lord
Jesus Christ, put my faith andtrust in him, and the reason it
was a real salvation is becausehere, 17 years later, I'm still
living this thing, walking thisthing out.
Anyway, that night I becomeborn again.
All my sin, past, present,future, is placed upon the cross
of Jesus Christ washed by Hisblood and then God clothed me in
His righteousness.
But my burnt body and anybodylooking in at me and me looking
at myself.
I was defiled, burned up, mylife was a wreck, but God had
supernaturally clothed me in Hisrighteousness.
God began at that point beingaccomplished the very thing that
he, which has begun a good work, you perform it to the day of
Jesus Christ.
God began to work with me atthat point.
You know, in the last 17 yearshe's been transforming me,
changing me, making me what he'salready declared me to be you
know what I'm saying declaringme his child and an heir-joined
heir with Christ, the righteousof Jesus Christ.
I had a new destination and Ihad also a new identification at
that point, and for the last 17years I've been finding out
what took place at that point inmy life.
You know what I'm saying.
Well, if there's someone outthere who can relate to what I'm
talking about tonight, if I wasin such despair, I had no hope.
But today I can look back andsay there was hope.
There was hope in Jesus Christ,the God that loves you.
The God that created you lovesyou, and when we turn to Jesus
Christ, he will forgive you.
He will transform your life,change you and set you free.
The moment you turn from yoursins, turn from the way you're
living, when you come to a pointlike I did I hated my life and
that's why you die to yourselfand you turn to Jesus Christ for
salvation, for forgiveness ofsins Immediately God steps in
and he transforms, begins totransform you, change you, gives
you new life in him and Godgives you a new destination, a
new identification.
Immediately you're set free andday by day, you're becoming.
You know, for the last 17 years, I've been becoming who God
declared me to be that day,which was June 19th 2002.
I've been becoming who Godalready declared me to be.
I always tell people you'rebecoming who you already are.
You know, after you've beenborn again, born again in Christ
, you know.
Ron Meyers (12:16):
So you discovered
your destiny.
Rodney Williams (12:18):
Yes, and God
gives me a new identification,
he gives me a new destinationand you shall know the truth,
and the truth shall set you free.
I said, well, I've preached toa lot of people the truth and
they're not set free.
And God told me to go up averse and he says if you
continue my word, you shall knowthe truth and truth shall set
you free.
It's a process.
You're immediately set freethrough the blood of Jesus
Christ and through the new birthand the process of
transformation, the washing ofthe water, the word God
transforming you, changing youday by day.
God is making you who youalready are in Christ.
He's giving you the light andthe truth to show you who you
are, your new, like I said, yournew destination, your new
identification in him On thejourney.
You know what I'm saying.
I always use the illustration isthis is the mind of an addict.
You're going down the road andyou hit a bump in the road of
You get a flat tire.
The addict gets out and looksat his tires, sees he's got a
flat tire, pulls out a knife andhe slashes the other three
You know, that's the mind of anaddict.
No-transcript in the past.
Uh, get a mentor, get a pastor,get someone to come and help
you if you need help, and getthis tire back on.
You know, fix the issue.
You know, deal with the issuethere.
Get back on the road and keeppressing toward the life of
We all are going to get knockeddown, but hey, it's nothing
It's bad to get knocked down,but it's worse if you don't get
back up.
Get up and keep pressing toward.
Then you're going to have abreakthrough and cross and
you're going to begin to walk inthe Spirit and not in the flesh
Then things are going to belike in cruise control.
It's battle after battle, butit's victory after victory if we
trust God daily and walk in theSpirit.
What I was thinking for thewhole time the drugs, the
alcohol I was looking forcomfort, I was looking for joy,
I was looking for something.
But in reality, what we're alllooking for is to be back in the
presence of God.
And the hurts, the pains, theissues, god is the answer.
And if we just fully surrenderto Christ, god, and give him
full control, just throw up ourhands and surrender to him, I'm
telling you, god will come inand take control.
He'll transform you, change you.
Through his presence, godbrings joy to your life, peace
in your life.
He brings you contentment inyour life.
I'm satisfied now in him.
I'm not attracted to the thingsof the world anymore, I'm
attracted to him.
Of course God has blessed mewith material things to use
according to and in him.
But you know what I'm saying.
I'm content and satisfied inhim.
I got the joy of the Lord.
I've got peace.
I'm enjoying life like I neverthought I could and nobody could
have ever told me this.
I thought if I quit drinkingand drugging, going to the clubs
and doing the things I did, I'dnever have a good time again.
That's the biggest lie from theSatan.
When I fully surrendered to Godand got on his plan and began
to walk in the spirit and not inthe flesh man, and began to
walk in the joy of the Lord, Irealized man, this is the
greatest life I could everimagine.
Man, I'm enjoying life like Inever could.
God's blessed me with abeautiful wife and family.
I I never could.
God's blessed me with abeautiful wife and family.
I enjoy them.
I don't have to run down to theroad to the bar and go get high
and do all these differentthings.
I'm satisfied in them, man.
I'm satisfied in them becauseI'm satisfied in him and you
know just fully.
Give God a chance.
You know, through Jesus Christ,god is the answer and he will
satisfy you.
He'll give you a joy that younever imagined.
Joy unthinkable is what Godoffers you.
God does not want you to bemiserable.
God wants you to turn back tohim and receive what he's got
for you, what he designed youfor.
Well, the Bible says Romans 10,9, that if thou shalt confess
with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,shalt believe in thine heart
that God has raised him from thedead, thou shalt be saved.
If you're sitting out there andyou want a new beginning, a new
life, see, we're living in thisold, endemic or carnal nature
which is in hostility againstGod.
We're sick of it.
We hate this life because it'smade us miserable.
Jesus Christ has paid for allof our sin.
You know, past, present, futureis upon the cross.
If we'll just turn to him andask him to forgive us, our sins
and trust what he did on thecross, his payment in full and
asking to come and be Lord ofour lives, savior of our lives,
he'll save you right now.
He'll give you his nature.
He'll give you his nature andyou become a child of God.
You'll have a new destination.
You were on your way to a fieryhell.
Now you're on the way to bewith Jesus.
When you die, he'll give younew identification.
You were drunk, you were anaddict, you were all these
different things that the worldcalls you, but now God calls you
an heir, drawing heir withChrist.
He calls you a son.
He calls you special.
You're his son, you know.
Anyway, you have a newidentification.
Now Begin to walk in it.
You know you're therighteousness of Jesus Christ
and begin to follow after Christ.
Get in a spirit-filled,Bible-believing church and allow
God to grow you and you shallknow the truth, and the truth
shall set you free.
God's truth will set you freeday by day, and you'll become
who God's already declared youthat you are.
For the last 17 years I've beenwalking in freedom with Jesus
God told me to write the bookClub Meth to Christ, and we send
thousands of these across thenation to people who are addicts
or in jail or in prison, andalso my new book Once an Addict,
now Free.
If you would like one of thesebooks.
We send them out to people freeacross the nation.
We just want to see you setfree.
I'm free, my wife's free.
I see so many people who are setfree, who are ministers now,
who are going out, walking inthe joy of the Lord, and these
books here shares a real life,my testimony, and I've got other
prison letters who have beenpeople who have been set free in
these books and I'm telling you, if you just want one, all you
got to do is contact me.
Let's request a free book andwe'll send it to you.
We'll send it out to you no,free of charge, we'll cost you
nothing and anybody's in atticor in jail.
We'll send them wherever theyneed to be sent to and if you'll
read them and listen to what'ssaid in here, it'll set you free
Speaker 1 (17:59):
You're listening to
Get the Hell Out of your Life
with your host, ron Myers.
Real stories, real strugglesand real hope.
Speaker 5 (18:08):
Today's refreshing
word is from John, chapter 15,
verse 7.
Jesus said If you abide in meand my words abide in you, you
will ask what you desire and itshall be done for you.
Ron Meyers (18:21):
If you need
something more out of life than
what you've already experienced.
Speaker 5 (18:24):
If you need a new
start, a clean slate, If you
want to live life forever, youneed God in your life.
Ad (18:29):
If getting old has you
Speaker 6 (18:31):
Growing up sometimes
scares the daylights out of you.
If you want to know what thefuture holds, get in touch with
the one who holds the future.
Ad (18:37):
Stop wasting time and get a
hold of God.
Speaker 6 (18:39):
It's not about
earning points by being good.
It ain't about some boringchurch, it's not about working
your way to heaven.
Finding God is not aboutfollowing some group who claims
to be the only way to God.
It's not about being religious.
It's not about religion.
It's all about God's only son.
It's all about Jesus.
Speaker 5 (18:54):
It's all about Jesus.
It's about Jesus Christ and it'sall about you.
It's all about you, Jesus.
Ad (19:04):
Jesus said I am the way, the
truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father, butby me.
Speaker 5 (19:09):
Well, someday, when I
stand before God and he asks me
why should I let you intoheaven?
All that's going to matter isif I knew Jesus or not.
Ad (19:19):
And that's what it's all
What's your story?
We're looking for stories ofhope and overcoming life's
struggles with God's grace.
Your story validates God's love, mercy, restoration and
We want to help you share yourstory with the world.
Visit our website,thepromoterorg, and click on the
Share your Story link andsubmit your story.
Your testimony of God's amazinggrace will change a person's
destiny for eternity, so I'mthankful for the scars Cause.
Speaker 7 (19:54):
Without them I
wouldn't know your heart and I
know they'll always tell of whoyou are Welcome back listeners.
Ron Meyers (20:11):
I love that song.
The group is called I Am they.
The song is called Scars.
It talks about being thankfulfor the scars because without
the scars I wouldn't know yourheart, god.
And now, because of God, I canstand in confidence, I can stand
in faith, I have strength, Idon't have to fear anymore.
Wow, it is a powerful song.
And without the scars in my lifeand it took me 40 years, franz,
40 years of hiding those scarswith everything you could
possibly think of, until I wasbroken into pieces but without
those scars and me running tothe scarred hands of Jesus, I
would have never known what it'slike to have this incredible
platform of radio podcasting andinterviewing people from all
over the world with stories ofGod's love and mercy.
I would have never had theability to be involved with
altar calls where thousands ofpeople would come forward.
I would never have had a book.
I would have never had arestored relationship with my
The scars brought me to becomea star in the eyes of Jesus and
I have confidence now, a holyconfidence.
The Bible says the Lord is nearto the brokenhearted and he
saves those who are crushed inspirit.
So, friends, turn your scars,your pain, your brokenness over
to God, because God's desire isfor you and I to love him.
He wants us to follow Jesus why?
Because we become who we follow.
My prayer is that you willchoose to follow Jesus, because
only with God's help do we havethe power to turn our scars into
stars and friends.
I'm really excited to sharesomething with you my book the
It's how I turned my scars intostars.
It is absolutely free toanybody that would like one.
The book the Promoter.
It's about my journey forpurpose and meaning in life.
Like a lot of other people, Igrew up in a dysfunctional
family where I was told I wouldnever amount to much.
Now, these negative voices inmy childhood led me to want to
end my life at the age of 11,but God stepped in and saved my
life that day, both physicallyand spiritually.
Yet the question remained whatis my purpose in life?
The rest of the book is abouthow God directed and guided me
toward that purpose.
Yes, there were many mistakesyou're going to read about and
setbacks along the way.
I share that in the book.
But today I'm doing things nowthat I never knew I could do.
I wrote the book for the personwho is also searching for their
purpose in life, to encouragethat person who may think that
their past mistakes disqualifythem from a purposeful and
meaningful life.
I want every person who readsthis book to know that God loves
them unconditionally,regardless of their past, and
that they, too, can live outtheir God-given destiny.
Live out their God-givendestiny Now.
All you need to do is just goto the promoterorg and the
contact us tab at the top.
Just go to that, just fill outyour name and your address and
in the message box just say, hey, ron, send me a book.
And after you read the book, ifyou feel like you want to share
your story with the world, Iwould love to hear from you.
I'll be back in just a minuteto close out today's show.
Speaker 1 (24:08):
You're listening to
Get the Hell Out of your Life
with your host, ron Myers.
Real stories, real strugglesand real hope.
Speaker 5 (24:18):
We would like to
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Speaker 1 (24:53):
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Speaker 5 (25:22):
Ron will be back in a
minute to close out today's
We want to remind you today ofthe last words of Jesus it is
What is finished, the finishedwork of Jesus, refers to the
complete and finalaccomplishment of salvation
through his death andresurrection.
It means that Jesus has doneeverything necessary for our
forgiveness, redemption andreconciliation with God.
Through his sacrifice on thecross, jesus paid the price for
our sins once and for all,providing total forgiveness and
This finished work of Jesusmeans that we no longer need to
strive or work to earn God'sfavor or forgiveness.
We can rest in the assurancethat our salvation is secure and
that we are fully accepted byGod because of what Jesus has
done for us.
Now back to Ron.
Ron Meyers (26:16):
Well, friends, my
time is up.
I'm going to go have some funoutside.
I don't know what I'm going todo, but I'm not going to focus
on all the nonsense in the world.
I'm going to thank Jesus that Ihave another day to visit with
you and that next week is goingto be a great week, because I
will remind myself daily thatthe center of my life is Jesus.
You do the same, and I'mtelling you, friends, this is a
great time to be alive, as theworld is getting darker and
darker, the light of the worldis getting brighter and brighter
, and God does things throughhis people, you and I.
So let's keep our faith, keepour heads held high and remember
that God is in control Untilnext week.
This is Ron Myers, remindingyou that I love you, jesus loves
you, and when you give yourheart to Jesus, he will turn
your scars into stars.
I'll see you next week, yourscars in the stars, I'll see you
next week.
Speaker 1 (27:22):
Get the Hell Out of
your Life is underwritten by the
Christmas City Gift Show.
We invite you to come shop withover 255 vendors from all over
the United States from November8th through the 10th inside the
Coast Convention Center locatedon the beach in Biloxi,
You can find more informationat ChristmasCityGiftShowcom.
Thanks for listening, and ifyou would like to share your
story of what God has done inyour life or listen to previous
episodes, please visit ourwebsite, ThePromoterorg.
Join us next week for anotherepisode of Get the Hell Out of
your Life Real stories, realstruggles and real hope.