Do you as a believer sometimes find your self not sure, if God is holding your slip ups and mess ups against you as a believer in his son Christ Jesus ?
Well i use to be one of those believers who though for many years that he dose hold it against you , because i was going by what people said instead of what God's word said .
For many many years i stayed constantly defeated and unhappy about this subject until i had a wake up call from the Holy Spirit, who told me that according to Romans 8:1 that there is no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus, because the Spirit of life in Christ has sent me from from the Law of Sin and death.
Friends the Law of Sin and death is what Israel was under when they were under the Law of Moses and the ten commandments .
Look at verse 2 of Romans 8:1-2 it says who walk or live not according to the flesh but according to the spirit .
Do you know what that scripture means friends ? it means according to those who live according to their born again human spirits - which was made alive when they excepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior .
You see the people under the Law of Moses and the ten commandments were not saved , because Jesus had not came and died on the cross for the sins of the world back then, so those people were unsaved people trying to do saved things back then.
This is why that scripture in Romans 8:2 said for those who live according to the spirit and not according to the flesh ( according to the flesh ) means trying to please God accord to what you do and do not do - instead of what Jesus Christ has done on your behalf in his fathers sight .
This is why we find scriptures in the bible like Ephesians 2:6 which states that we as believers are seated with Christ in heavenly places .