All Episodes

October 13, 2023 19 mins

Acknowledging the disaster in the Middle East.

"The scripts are smart and the supporting players brilliantly cast. Expect plenty of penises but no smut."  - Sydney Morning Herald

So true. This show is fun and it's accurate. It boldly dives into the word of the late 60s and 70s and the struggle between feminism and eroticism that was so prevelent at the time. 

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Episode Transcript

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.7568571429Green room on air, green room on air, the podcast that takes you beyond the velvet curtains and into the pulsating heart of the entertaining world. 2 00:00:09,176.7568571429 --> 00:00:19,180 Hello everybody, this is Ray Renati and you have reached green room on air, my little space in the internet.

How you doing? I hope you're doing good.
I just wanted to remind you, hey, if you watch this show and you like this show, please follow the show on Apple podcasts or Spotify and give a review.
And tell your friends.
Also, I have a channel on YouTube.
Just look up Green Room on Air with Ray Ranati and you can give me a thumbs up there and subscribe. 8 00:00:40,159.999 --> 00:00:41,260 I'd really appreciate it. 9 00:00:41,719.999 --> 00:00:43,170 It helps a lot.

.999Okay, that's my plug for the day.
.999How y'all doing? Okay, it's been a really depressing week. 12 00:00:51,659.999 --> 00:01:06,439.999 Since I was a little boy, the two main things that I remember were Vietnam and how that affected our society and And the conflicts in the Middle East, and these conflicts in the Middle East are still happening. 13 00:01:09,139.999 --> 00:01:16,899.999 You know, it all started with the, the foundation of Israel as a country, and I am not against that at all. 14 00:01:17,279.999 --> 00:01:18,819.998 Please don't get me wrong. 15 00:01:20,49.999 --> 00:01:29,560 But this thing is so complicated, I am not going to even pretend to understand the ramifications, the reasons, the ins and the outs.

.999I watch Al Jazeera TV, and then I watch.
Israeli TV.
And all I do is get really confused.
I'm not, I am not drawing moral equivalency between the two sides.
I think that Hamas.
is evil.

All they want to do is kill Jews.
They're a jihad organization, like ISIS and Al Qaeda and Hezbollah, and they're killing Jews, just like they think they're supposed to do.
.999It's disgusting.
But then you have Israel bombing the hell out of Gaza, where they have no Iron Dome, like Israel does, to protect them from incoming rockets.

On the other hand, Israel says they need to do that in order to to flush out the terrorists who are hiding amongst the people.
I don't know the answer. 28 00:02:33,909.999 --> 00:02:35,230 I just don't know the answer.
All I know is it's extremely sad. 30 00:02:37,539.999 --> 00:02:39,340 It's making me depressed.
And I need to start to, I need to stop watching the news, but I won't because I'm a political and news junkie.

Anybody out there who has family or friends involved directly with this, if you're listening, I, I, my heart goes out to you. 33 00:02:58,59.999 --> 00:03:05,290 Let me know if you have any ideas about this, send an email to Ray Renati, R A Y R E N A T I at gmail.
Or greenroomonair at gmail.
com and I will be happy to discuss this with anyone.

Alright, you know, what I'd like to do today is talk about a TV show that I have been watching.
.999On Starz television of all places.
If you want to watch some shows, some TV that is not very well known, but is good, go to Starz and do a trial subscription.

You have the TV show Outlander on there, which is a lot of fun.
And one that is a sleeper show that I found, and it's called Minx.
It's a comedy series that follows the story of the main character, Joyce Prigger.
She's a young feminist, she's a writer, and she wants to create the first erotic magazine for women in the 1970s in Los Angeles.

And that's not how it starts off.
She's very reluctant, but eventually that's where she gets.
She teams up with this guy named Doug Renetti.
And when I first saw that name on his business card when he gave it to her, I almost went into shock because it's ALMOST my name. 48 00:04:22,374.999 --> 00:04:25,545 My last name is R E N A T I and his is...
The character's name is R E N E T T I.

That's the closest I've ever seen...
Anyone on TV come to having my name.
So that was kind of cool.
Now he's a, I guess what you would call a low rent publisher of adult entertainment who sees an opportunity to make money and gain respect in the industry when he meets Joyce. 54 00:04:51,229.999 --> 00:05:01,919.999 Together they face various challenges and obstacles such as the conservative politicians, sexist rivals, moral dilemmas.

And then conflicts between each other, which are the most fun as they try to get this thing off the ground.
.999This magazine called makes the main characters are Joyce Prigger, played by the wonderful Ophelia love a bond, who is, to me, an unknown young British actress.

I guess she's probably in her 30s.
Now I went and watched 1 of her 1st films that was from, I don't know, 10, 15 years ago.
And it was on what's that island between in the Mediterranean, between Africa and Europe.
I forgot.
It's a tiny little island.
It was placed there.

.9995And the acting is good. 64 00:05:45,529.9995 --> 00:05:46,540.0005 I didn't get through the whole film. 65 00:05:47,45.0005 --> 00:05:52,945.0005 It's an independent film, and it's kind of self aware and weird, but she's, she's cute. 66 00:05:53,5.0005 --> 00:05:54,815.0005 And when she was young, she was gorgeous. 67 00:05:54,815.0005 --> 00:05:56,584.9995 But she's still very attractive. 68 00:05:56,584.9995 --> 00:06:00,95.0005 And, but she, she, she does a fantastic job. 69 00:06:00,95.0005 --> 00:06:01,235.0005 Ophelia love a bond. 70 00:06:01,475.0005 --> 00:06:02,964.9995 She's smart as the character. 71 00:06:02,965.0005 --> 00:06:08,925.0005 She's ambitious, passionate about feminism and feminist writing to the point where it's very funny. 72 00:06:09,235.0005 --> 00:06:09,305.0005 Yeah. 73 00:06:09,745.0005 --> 00:06:15,285.0005 She wants to change the world, basically with her magazine, but she struggles with her own insecurities and doubts. 74 00:06:15,285.0005 --> 00:06:23,304.9995 And so that conflict really adds a lot to the show and Doug Renetti played by the very funny actor, Jake Johnson. 75 00:06:23,304.9995 --> 00:06:26,175.0015 He's the co founder of publisher of minks. 76 00:06:26,750.0005 --> 00:06:29,220.0005 He's really savvy as a businessman. 77 00:06:29,510.0005 --> 00:06:30,850.0005 He knows how to sell sex. 78 00:06:30,860.0005 --> 00:06:31,460.0005 That's for sure. 79 00:06:31,460.0005 --> 00:06:34,390.0005 Because he has a ton of porn magazines already. 80 00:06:34,390.0005 --> 00:06:43,390.0005 It is bottom dollar entertainment publishing company, but he also has a soft spot for Joyce and her vision. 81 00:06:44,240.0005 --> 00:06:50,960.0005 And he's often conflicted between his professional and his personal interests because. 82 00:06:51,345.0005 --> 00:06:52,105.0005 He likes her. 83 00:06:53,445.0005 --> 00:06:57,625.0005 Then there's a character, Bambi, played by Jessica Lowe. 84 00:06:58,865.0005 --> 00:07:05,15.0005 She's the stereotypical sort of blonde, airhead, but not stupid character. 85 00:07:05,765.0005 --> 00:07:06,615.0005 And she does it well. 86 00:07:06,615.0005 --> 00:07:09,205.0005 The only problem I have with her is her diction. 87 00:07:09,305.0005 --> 00:07:14,535.0005 As she tries to do this character, sometimes she just talks too fast, too high, and doesn't enunciate. 88 00:07:14,975.0015 --> 00:07:16,615.0015 We keep on missing what she says. 89 00:07:17,825.0015 --> 00:07:26,785.0015 I, she's also, she also had a part on The Righteous Gemstones on HBO, where she played a very aggressive Southern preacher woman. 90 00:07:26,905.0005 --> 00:07:28,685.0005 And I understood every word she said. 91 00:07:28,685.0015 --> 00:07:30,965.0015 So it's the character that's causing the problem. 92 00:07:30,975.0015 --> 00:07:34,85.0005 Maybe I just can't hear high pitches anymore, so it might be me. 93 00:07:34,855.0015 --> 00:07:40,295.0015 But Bambi is Joyce's best friend and co editor of Minx. 94 00:07:41,515.0015 --> 00:07:43,835.0015 She's a former noon model for Doug. 95 00:07:45,500.0025 --> 00:07:49,190.0025 For all of his magazines, and then she becomes the centerfold coordinator. 96 00:07:49,260.0025 --> 00:07:50,830.0025 She's fun loving, adventurous. 97 00:07:51,400.0025 --> 00:07:51,860.0025 It's fun. 98 00:07:52,420.0025 --> 00:07:52,910.0025 Very fun. 99 00:07:53,340.0025 --> 00:08:20,75.0025 One of the most interesting things I find about this show, and it doesn't surprise me at all, but it, it marks the incredible prudeness, is that a word? Prudeness of our society and the incredible religiosity of Of American society, because if this were in England, it wouldn't happen. 100 00:08:20,135.0025 --> 00:08:22,275.0025 So let me tell you what I'm talking about. 101 00:08:23,695.0025 --> 00:08:30,615.0015 1 of the things I like to do is go into rotten tomatoes, the website rotten tomatoes. 102 00:08:31,45.0025 --> 00:08:43,55.0025 And look at the tomato meter is a tomato meter for reviewers, professional reviewers and there's also 1 once for a tomato rating for audience scores. 103 00:08:44,580.0025 --> 00:08:49,910.0025 And the tomato meter for the reviewers is 98 percent fresh. 104 00:08:49,940.0025 --> 00:08:55,100.0025 That means 98 percent of all professional television reviewers on. 105 00:08:56,80.0025 --> 00:08:59,830.0025 Television in newspapers and blogs love the show. 106 00:09:01,290.0025 --> 00:09:11,440.0025 However, on Rotten Tomatoes, the people who've gone in and rated the show only 45 percent like the show. 107 00:09:12,350.0025 --> 00:09:17,750.0015 So it, it's an absolute failure with audience members on Rotten Tomatoes. 108 00:09:18,460.0015 --> 00:09:53,365.0025 Now, that doesn't mean it's an absolute failure at large because I think what happens is the very moralistic sort of people will go in On mass and purposely rank this show poorly, and this just again to me shows the ridiculous amount of religiosity that we have in this country and and how many prudes we have, and, you know, in England and France, there's so much more nudity on movie and TVs that no one cares here. 109 00:09:53,405.0025 --> 00:09:54,715.0025 The problem is. 110 00:09:55,100.0025 --> 00:10:00,510.0025 And I'll read some of the reviews to you and I'll tell you what it is exactly is. 111 00:10:00,510.0025 --> 00:10:03,740.0025 There's a lot of full frontal male nudity in this show. 112 00:10:05,80.0025 --> 00:10:08,530.0015 Now, nobody has a problem with full frontal female nudity. 113 00:10:08,550.0025 --> 00:10:12,30.0025 Well, not nobody, but there's much less of a problem in our society. 114 00:10:12,70.0015 --> 00:10:17,710.0015 But if you have full frontal male nudity, people see that is extremely offensive. 115 00:10:19,530.0025 --> 00:10:25,990.0025 Now, if you look at some of the reviews from the top critics, let's say, I agree with all these things. 116 00:10:25,990.0025 --> 00:10:32,290.0025 I mean Candace Frederick from Huffington Post, showrunner Ellen Rapoport keeps Minx oddly breezy. 117 00:10:32,600.0025 --> 00:10:34,720.0025 Raw, raw, and incredibly safe. 118 00:10:35,220.0025 --> 00:10:36,950.0025 Now, see, she goes the other way with it. 119 00:10:37,660.0025 --> 00:10:42,870.0025 And that is enough to keep viewers entertained, but the subtext is white fantasy and innovation. 120 00:10:43,190.0025 --> 00:10:43,630.0025 True. 121 00:10:44,150.0015 --> 00:10:47,750.0025 Minx, the publication, now this is from Katie Waldman from the New Yorker. 122 00:10:48,20.0015 --> 00:10:53,374.9025 Minx, the publication, is politics, is politics just dressed up as fun. 123 00:10:53,845.0025 --> 00:10:58,35.0025 Minx the show is fun that barely bothers to dress up as politics. 124 00:10:59,505.0025 --> 00:11:00,475.0025 Wait, let me say that again. 125 00:11:01,675.0025 --> 00:11:05,565.0025 Minx the publication is politics dressed up as fun. 126 00:11:06,135.0025 --> 00:11:06,735.0025 Minx. 127 00:11:07,235.0025 --> 00:11:14,605.0025 The show, as opposed to the magazine, is fun that barely bothers to dress up as politics. 128 00:11:14,715.0025 --> 00:11:15,265.0025 True. 129 00:11:15,745.0025 --> 00:11:16,835.0015 At least at first. 130 00:11:17,275.0025 --> 00:11:20,485.0025 But what it really cares about are its characters. 131 00:11:22,375.0015 --> 00:11:22,965.0015 Very true. 132 00:11:23,635.0015 --> 00:11:31,535.0015 When she says at least at first, later on, and I think I started to get into that in season 2, and maybe they knew season 3 wasn't going to happen. 133 00:11:31,745.0015 --> 00:11:32,625.0015 I don't think it is. 134 00:11:33,115.0015 --> 00:11:33,695.0015 I'm not sure. 135 00:11:34,10.0015 --> 00:11:38,150.0015 But they got a little preachy and the show was still good, but it got a little bit too preachy. 136 00:11:38,150.0015 --> 00:11:38,970.0015 But it's okay. 137 00:11:38,970.0015 --> 00:11:40,20.0015 It is still a good show. 138 00:11:40,150.0015 --> 00:11:43,710.0015 Episode four, I think in season two for all the shows. 139 00:11:43,710.0015 --> 00:11:49,810.0015 This is from Scroll in, from Tita Juila for all the shows. 140 00:11:49,810.0015 --> 00:11:55,490.0015 Bold imagery of men and women in the nude, the fun and Witt and love of Bond's, bouncy performance. 141 00:11:55,670.0015 --> 00:11:58,760.0015 Joyce is the one character who doesn't shed her skin. 142 00:11:58,820.0015 --> 00:11:59,270.0015 That's true. 143 00:11:59,270.0015 --> 00:12:01,980.0015 She doesn't ever, anyway, the critics love it. 144 00:12:02,385.0015 --> 00:12:12,655.0015 Now, if you go to the audience members, okay, and there are a number of people who gave it 4 or 5 stars, but the majority, it's 1, 2, 3 stars. 145 00:12:14,665.0015 --> 00:12:19,65.0005 For fairness, let me read a 5 star from an audience member. 146 00:12:19,605.0005 --> 00:12:22,745.0005 Minx is great fun and quite the entertaining experience. 147 00:12:22,795.0005 --> 00:12:29,125.0005 A nice blend of comedy and serious social commentary that is still relevant in many aspects for today's society. 148 00:12:29,710.0005 --> 00:12:34,640.0005 It appears many reviewers here may have been offended at these observations of those times. 149 00:12:35,260.0005 --> 00:12:35,880.0005 True. 150 00:12:36,380.0005 --> 00:12:40,440.0005 But I suggest you decide for yourself instead of trusting review bombers. 151 00:12:41,150.0005 --> 00:12:42,910.0005 I'm with the critics in this one. 152 00:12:44,250.0005 --> 00:12:45,330.0005 I think that's part of it. 153 00:12:45,359.9995 --> 00:12:51,280.0005 I think that a lot of people may have not lived through this time in the 70s. 154 00:12:51,300.0005 --> 00:12:54,890.0005 It's, it's, it's it's placed in the 60s and 70s. 155 00:12:54,990.0005 --> 00:12:55,820.0005 And. 156 00:12:57,110.0005 --> 00:13:14,369.9995 Perfectly captures the attitude around sex and sexual issues at the time, and either these people were offended at the time if they're old enough, which you'd have to be pretty old, like me, or they're from the politically correct. 157 00:13:14,660.0005 --> 00:13:19,109.9995 Young generation that we have now here, let me just read you the. 158 00:13:19,539.9995 --> 00:13:24,620.0005 Some of the hundreds of 1 star and 2 star reviews and half star reviews. 159 00:13:25,90.0005 --> 00:13:27,760.0005 Here for Betty, why? Very bad taste. 160 00:13:27,770.0005 --> 00:13:30,330.0005 Surprised this got made in 2022. 161 00:13:31,70.0005 --> 00:13:35,660.0005 CCG, what the hell is wrong with these people? Sophie D, crude and vulgar. 162 00:13:35,660.0005 --> 00:13:38,70.0005 Male nudity does not equal comedy. 163 00:13:38,220.0005 --> 00:13:46,140.0005 See? Now, I believe that almost all these people, that's what's in their mind, although they may not type it in here. 164 00:13:46,520.0005 --> 00:13:50,910.0005 One star from Linda, problematic and problematic and tone deaf. 165 00:13:51,150.0005 --> 00:14:00,159.9025 Okay, tone deaf is one of those code words now that we have in our country that means you're not progressive enough and you don't. 166 00:14:00,960.0025 --> 00:14:10,900.002 Understand the, the, what you're supposed to say and not say because of the word police that exists in our left wing society. 167 00:14:10,900.002 --> 00:14:12,100.0025 I'm left wing. 168 00:14:12,100.0025 --> 00:14:30,550.0025 I guess I'm a Democrat, but I'm certainly not on to agreeing with progressive and lefties who want to squelch people's 1st amendment rights and people who want to, you know, police pronouns and get angry when you don't use the right ones and all that kind of crap. 169 00:14:31,195.0025 --> 00:14:32,525.0025 And that's what we got a lot of. 170 00:14:32,555.0025 --> 00:14:35,555.0025 And then also you also have here the religious right. 171 00:14:35,655.0025 --> 00:14:37,885.0025 Diane D just came across this. 172 00:14:37,895.0025 --> 00:14:41,165.0015 It's just porn you can get free on the internet. 173 00:14:41,175.0015 --> 00:14:45,5.0025 Surprised that streaming service is lowering themselves to this. 174 00:14:45,45.0015 --> 00:14:46,765.0015 That is absolutely wrong. 175 00:14:47,365.0015 --> 00:14:48,725.0015 This show is not porn. 176 00:14:49,495.0015 --> 00:14:51,695.0025 This show is satire and it's funny. 177 00:14:52,410.0025 --> 00:15:02,320.0025 And it actually is extremely accurate in terms of the attitudes of those times. 178 00:15:03,40.0015 --> 00:15:03,680.0025 I was there. 179 00:15:04,560.0025 --> 00:15:05,480.0025 Ruth R. 180 00:15:05,500.0025 --> 00:15:09,570.0025 This show makes you wonder what type of people they are hiring at HBO Max. 181 00:15:09,600.0035 --> 00:15:10,260.0035 No, thank you. 182 00:15:10,270.0015 --> 00:15:12,730.0025 First of all, it's not even on HBO Max. 183 00:15:13,220.0025 --> 00:15:17,240.0025 It's on Starz, okay? Peta P. 184 00:15:17,250.0025 --> 00:15:17,810.0025 Yuck. 185 00:15:18,40.0025 --> 00:15:20,260.0025 Kind of vile and creepy and perverted. 186 00:15:20,300.0025 --> 00:15:21,940.0025 Alright, you get the picture. 187 00:15:22,495.0025 --> 00:15:27,125.0025 And I could go on, there are literally hundreds of these here, hundreds. 188 00:15:28,875.0025 --> 00:15:34,885.0025 This is indicative of our society, and this is, as I see it, one of the huge problems of our society, because people... 189 00:15:35,530.0025 --> 00:15:37,120.0025 are super judgmental. 190 00:15:37,850.0025 --> 00:15:40,200.0025 People are very, very pent up. 191 00:15:40,310.0025 --> 00:15:48,180.0025 I bet you almost all of these one stars, except for the extreme lefties who hated for other reasons. 192 00:15:48,210.0025 --> 00:15:51,930.0025 I bet a lot of these people are MAGA Trump supporter people. 193 00:15:51,940.0015 --> 00:15:53,370.0015 I bet you anything. 194 00:15:54,430.0025 --> 00:15:56,680.0035 Of course I'll know, I won't have no way of proving that. 195 00:15:56,680.0035 --> 00:15:58,580.0035 It's just my intuition. 196 00:16:00,380.0035 --> 00:16:07,660.0035 Yeah, so if you want to get involved in this controversy, get a trial subscription to S. 197 00:16:07,660.0035 --> 00:16:07,740.0035 T. 198 00:16:07,740.0035 --> 00:16:07,750.0035 A. 199 00:16:07,750.0035 --> 00:16:07,940.0035 R. 200 00:16:07,940.0035 --> 00:16:08,90.0035 S. 201 00:16:08,90.0035 --> 00:16:11,30.0035 because I'm guessing probably most of you don't subscribe. 202 00:16:11,700.0035 --> 00:16:12,400.0035 And check it out. 203 00:16:12,400.0035 --> 00:16:13,530.0035 It's really worth it. 204 00:16:14,280.0035 --> 00:16:16,700.0035 Or subscribe for a month or two and watch the show. 205 00:16:16,750.0025 --> 00:16:17,890.0035 There are two seasons. 206 00:16:18,980.0025 --> 00:16:21,190.0035 I don't know if there's going to be a season three. 207 00:16:21,310.0035 --> 00:16:22,159.9035 Let's find out. 208 00:16:22,540.0035 --> 00:16:25,640.0035 See season three. 209 00:16:26,450.0035 --> 00:16:28,550.0035 Oh God, I almost dropped my microphone. 210 00:16:28,670.0035 --> 00:16:29,930.0035 Season three minks. 211 00:16:30,50.0035 --> 00:16:31,100.0035 I have it on the stand here. 212 00:16:31,100.0035 --> 00:16:32,60.0035 I almost knocked it over. 213 00:16:32,870.0035 --> 00:16:38,630.0035 MX hasn't yet been renewed by stars, but the good news is that season two just finished airing last week. 214 00:16:39,780.0035 --> 00:16:40,650.0035 So a renewal could. 215 00:16:40,650.0035 --> 00:16:41,730.0035 A renewal could happen. 216 00:16:42,365.0035 --> 00:16:45,355.0035 Entertainment Weekly said she absolutely wants a third season. 217 00:16:46,805.0035 --> 00:16:48,525.0035 Well, okay, so there's a possibility. 218 00:16:48,535.0035 --> 00:16:50,765.0035 Yay, I hope it happens because I love the show. 219 00:16:51,585.0035 --> 00:16:54,745.0035 M I N X, Minx, on Starz. 220 00:16:55,575.0025 --> 00:16:57,675.003 All right, everybody, that's that's it for today's show. 221 00:16:57,725.002 --> 00:17:01,975.003 I hope that these wars come to an end. 222 00:17:02,285.003 --> 00:17:06,735.003 Ukraine, Israel, Gaza. 223 00:17:07,490.003 --> 00:17:08,520.003 All these places. 224 00:17:09,510.003 --> 00:17:10,740.003 I don't want World War 3. 225 00:17:11,620.003 --> 00:17:16,510.003 I don't want that for my kids and my grandkids, if I have them ever, and for anybody. 226 00:17:21,800.003 --> 00:17:25,940.003 And I need to get some exercise and work on an audition I'm doing. 227 00:17:27,160.002 --> 00:17:30,220.003 And I need to get out of this funk, because it's not fun. 228 00:17:31,580.002 --> 00:17:32,730.003 The news affects me. 229 00:17:32,780.002 --> 00:17:33,750.002 The world affects me. 230 00:17:34,610.002 --> 00:17:37,500.003 And I suspect it affects many of you, too. 231 00:17:38,560.003 --> 00:17:39,300.003 Alright, folks. 232 00:17:40,260.003 --> 00:17:41,730.003 Much love and peace. 233 00:17:42,470.003 --> 00:17:45,480.003 And until next time, I will see you on the boards. 234 00:17:46,420.003 --> 00:17:47,440.003 Take care of yourselves. 235 00:17:55,990.003 --> 00:17:57,820.003 We all just try to be heard. 236 00:17:59,510.002 --> 00:18:01,480.003 Try to make our nests worked. 237 00:18:02,230.003 --> 00:18:05,140.002 So stand up straight and speak loud. 238 00:18:06,900.002 --> 00:18:09,110.003 And in the end, I'm sure you'll do them proud. 239 00:18:11,395.003 --> 00:18:13,135.003 Everything will come through. 240 00:18:14,685.003 --> 00:18:16,945.003 It depends on all that you choose. 241 00:18:18,665.003 --> 00:18:20,565.003 Now raise your spirit to the sky. 242 00:18:22,235.002 --> 00:18:25,115.003 Cause it's time for us to realize. 243 00:18:26,0.003 --> 00:19:25,80.003 There's no time for choosing sides We need to pick who's in our lives Hold your heart and keep it strong And I know we'll carry on Before you hinder someone new Remember who you are Remember that's a choice you can't undo. 244 00:19:26,730.003 --> 00:19:28,490.003 Embrace, accept, don't stop the fight. 245 00:19:29,960.003 --> 00:19:32,330.003 Let music help you reach your highest heights.
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