Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to HTM on the
line, the podcast that is for
I'm your host, bryant Hawkins,senior.
This week's episode of HTM onthe line we're going to talk
about how to motivate entrylevel HTM professionals.
As a lead tech supervisor,manager or director, motivating
your team can be a challengingtask, especially when it comes
to entry level employees.
These employees are new to theHTM industry and may lack the
experience and knowledge thatmore senior team members possess
However, with a little effortand the right strategies, you
can help your entry levelemployees reach their full
potential and become valuablemembers of the routine.
In this podcast, we'll share 10simple ways to motivate entry
level HTM professionals.
Let's get into this week'sepisode.
One of the most effective waysto motivate entry level HTM
professionals is to provide themwith opportunities for growth
and development.
This can be achieved throughtraining programs, mentorship
programs and apprenticeships.
By investing in your employeesgrowth and development, you show
them that you value them andare committed to their success.
This not only helps to improvetheir skills and knowledge, but
also boosts their confidence andjob satisfaction.
Employees who feel valued andsupported are more likely to be
motivated and engaged in theirwork, leading to better
performances and outcomes foryour organization.
Setting realistic goals andexpectations is another
important way to motivate entrylevel HTM professionals.
When employees know what isexpected of them and have clear
goals to work towards, they aremore likely to be engaged and
We can't just say I need you toPM the IV pumps before the
month is over or make sure thebans are completed in a timely
If pumps will be their task forthe week, how about make their
goal to complete a certainamount of IV pumps each week,
with an understanding of theimportance of the assignment
that's put before them?
It's also important to setgoals that are challenging, with
Unattainable goals can lead tofrustration and demotivation,
which can ultimately lead toburnout and employee turnover.
By setting realistic goals,employees can see their progress
and feel a sense ofaccomplishment, which can boost
their confidence and motivation.
Additionally, setting goalsthat align with the
organization's mission andvalues can help employees feel a
sense of purpose and connectionto their work and to the
organization as a whole.
Another great way to motivate anentry-level employee provide
regular feedback.
Being regular feedback is notonly essential for motivating
entry-level HTM professionals,but it's also crucial for their
professional development.
Feedback helps employeesunderstand how they are
performing and what they need todo to improve.
It's important to provide bothpositive and negative feedback
to ensure that employees receivea well-rounded evaluation.
Positive feedback reinforcesgood performance and encourages
employees to continue to do well, while negative feedback helps
employees identify areas forimprovement and shows them that
you care about their success.
By providing regular feedback,you can help your employees grow
and develop into successful HTMprofessionals.
Recognizing and rewarding goodperformance is another effective
way to motivate entry-level HTMprofessionals.
When employees know that theirhard work is appreciated and
that their contributions arevalued, they are more likely to
be motivated and engaged.
This can be as simple as averbal thank you, or one thing I
would do is I would put it in athank you card showing how much
I appreciate the hard work thetechnician has done for me.
Do something to showappreciation for the efforts put
forth by the technician.
The key is to make sure thatthe reward is meaningful and
appropriate for the level ofperformance.
It is important to note thatrewards should not be given out
arbitrarily, but rather based onspecific, measurable
This helps to ensure thatemployees feel that their
efforts are being recognizedfairly and that they have a
clear understanding of what isexpected of them.
Additionally, rewards should begiven in a timely manner so
that employees feel that theirefforts are being recognized in
a timely and meaningful way.
Encouraging collaboration andteamwork is another important
way to motivate entry-level HTMprofessionals.
When employees work together,they can share knowledge and
ideas, learn from each other andsupport each other.
This can lead to increasedproductivity and better
problem-solving skills.
Collaboration and teamwork canalso help build a sense of
community and belonging, whichcan be motivating for employees
and lead to higher jobsatisfaction.
By fostering a culture ofcollaboration and teamwork,
healthcare technology managementorganizations can create a
positive work environment thatattracts and retains top talent.
Creating a positive workenvironment is critical for
motivating entry-level healthcare technology management
Employees who work in apositive environment are more
likely to be motivated, engagedand productive.
A positive work environment canbe created by promoting open
communication, respectingemployees and fostering a
culture of trust and respect.
Positive reinforcement can alsohelp create a positive work
environment by providingemployees with regular feedback
and recognition for their hardwork.
They will feel valued andappreciated, which can lead to
increased job satisfaction anddesire to continue to perform at
a higher level.
Additionally, creating apositive work environment can
help reduce turnover rates andimprove overall employee
retention, which can saveorganizations time and money in
the long run.
Providing flexibility is notonly a great way to motivate
entry-level HTM professionals,but it can also lead to
increased productivity and jobsatisfaction.
Also, by offering flexible workhours, work-from-home options
and the ability to take time offwhen needed, you show your
employees that you trust themand are committed to their
This can be a powerfulmotivator for employees, as it
helps them to achieve a betterwork-life balance and allows
them to better manage theirpersonal and professional
Additionally, offeringflexibility can help attract and
retain top talent in thecompetitive job market, as it is
becoming increasingly importantfor employees to have a healthy
work-life balance.
As a manager or team leader,it's crucial to lead by example
and demonstrate what it means tobe a true leader.
Your actions and behaviors setthe tone for your team, and they
look up to you for guidance andinspiration.
When you're motivated andengaged in your work, your
employees are more likely to bemotivated and engaged as well.
Leading by example involvesexhibiting the values and
behaviors that you expect fromyour team members and being a
role model for them to emulate.
By setting a positive example,you can foster a culture of
excellence and inspire your teamto reach their full potential,
ultimately leading to greatersuccess for your organization.
It's important to remember thatyour team is always watching
and learning from you, so it'sessential to be mindful of your
actions and the impact they haveon others.
And finally, celebratingaccomplishments is an important
way to motivate entry-level HTMprofessionals.
When employees achieve a goalor complete a project, take the
time to celebrate youraccomplishments.
This can be as simple as buyinglunch for the team or as
complex as throwing a party.
Celebrating accomplishments notonly shows employees that their
hard work is appreciated andvalued, but it also foster
positive work environment andencourages team collaboration.
By recognizing and celebratingindividuals and team
achievements, you can create aculture of success and inspire
your employees to continuestriving for excellence.
In conclusion, motivatingentry-level HTM professionals is
an important task for managersand team leaders.
By providing opportunities forgrowth and development, setting
realistic goals and expectations, providing regular feedback,
recognizing and rewarding goodperformance and encouraging
collaboration in team work,creating a positive work
environment, providingflexibility, leading by example
and celebrating accomplishments,you can help your entry-level
HTM professional reach theirfull potential and become
valuable members of your team.
Remember, a motivated team is aproductive team.
Investing in your employees'growth and development will pay
off in the long run.
I hope you found these tipshelpful and wish you success in
motivating your team to achievetheir goals and excel in their
Please share this podcast onall your social media outlets.
Until next time, y'all be safe.