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March 26, 2024 6 mins

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In this episode of Imperfect Marketing, host Kendra Corman delves into the crucial practice of conducting a quarterly check-in. This episode focuses on evaluating the first quarter's successes and shortcomings, highlighting the importance of this process in fostering business growth and improvement.

Key Points Covered in This Episode:

Assessing Key Metrics: Kendra emphasizes the importance of analyzing hard numbers like lead generation conversion rates, email list growth, overall sales, and progress towards annual projections. Celebrating positive metrics and identifying strong performers for the next quarter is crucial.

Identifying Underperformers: The episode guides listeners through auditing underperforming aspects, such as website pages with high bounce rates, email funnels with drop-offs, and low-ROI social ads. Kendra advises on tweaking messaging and relaunching strategies for better results.

Operational Challenges and Solutions: Kendra shares insights on identifying operational bottlenecks that may have slowed down progress. She discusses the importance of correcting systemic issues to transform future execution strategies.

Kendra's approach to quarterly check-ins, inspired by the Full Focus Planner, includes celebrating wins, reviewing goals, and making necessary adjustments. She encourages flexibility and objective, metrics-driven analysis to optimize strategies moving forward. Listeners are invited to share their insights and learnings from their Q1 evaluations.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello and welcome back to the Imperfect in
Marketing podcast.
I'm your host, kendra Corman.
Can you believe we are wrappingup the first quarter?
Time flies when you're havingfun, so today I want to do a
quarterly check-in, assessingwhat worked beautifully these
past 90 days and what eithercompletely flopped or maybe

needed some tweaks.
Evaluating results andsurfacing operational
bottlenecks is how we level upeach quarter.
So let's reflect on wins,misses and everything in between
What cranked your revenuenumbers last quarter and what
requires re-strategizing?
So let's find out.
When reexamining the firstquarter, I first look at the

hard numbers, right.
What were my lead genconversion rates?
What was my email list growth?
What were my overall sales andhow far did we go towards our
annual projections?
I want you to celebrate anymetrics that indicate positive
traction worth doubling down onfor the next quarter.

Celebration is a key part ofeverything that we need to do to
reward ourselves and have apositive outlook to keep
ourselves moving forward.
Maybe some downloadabletemplates saw high conversion,
directing cold traffic into yourfunnel fairly quickly.
Or certain lead magnets mighthave attracted your ideal

customer subscriber consistentlyright.
Replace specific emailsequences or campaigns that are
driving clicks and engagement.
Then I want you to look at theunderperformers.
I audit my website pages withhigh bounce rates.
Unless it's designed to have ahigh bounce rate.

I look at my email funnels tosee where people falling off.
You can look at social ads thathave a low return on investment
Diagnose why that messagingdidn't resonate.
Tweak it and maybe relaunch itnext quarter.
Operationally, were there somemanual things that slowed you

down, that got in your way thatyou need to delegate or create
automation around?
Did you overwhelm yourbandwidth with taking on too
I can tell you.
Been there, done that, have thet-shirt.
But correcting these systemicissues transforms your future
So be on the lookout for whattook a lot of your time.

When I do my quarterly check-ins, I usually follow my full focus
planner and the framework thatthey have.
I start with celebrating mywins, like maybe a launch,
exceeded enrollment goals or anew lead magnet is capturing
contacts at a faster rate thananything else.
Quantify your results.
Then I review my Q1 goals.

If I am for 30% growth on mylist email list, but I only
achieved 15%, why Seemed withmissed sales targets or low
turnout for a big promotionalcampaign, I know.
I know what worked, what I wantto repeat and maybe my

optimized Facebook nurturingsequence or consistent value
focused on Instagram content,right, what failed miserably?
That's going to require alittle bit of a scrub or some
tweaks for quarter to andineffective freebie, maybe an
opt-in offer, wasting adddollars or a webinar with dismal
I've had them all right.

If I set unrealistic, realisticannual projections, given the
traction that I'm picking up inthe first quarter, this is where
I have the opportunity tocourse correct.
You want to be flexible.
My aim of adding a hundredthousand email subscribers might
be adjusted down to 75,000because of current conversion
data, or I might decide okay,this didn't work, now I have to

rev up and make up for it inquarter two.
You don't have to coursecorrect and change your goals,
but again take a look at whereyou're tracking so that you're
not setting yourself up forfailure out the get-go.
But I use my full focus plannerwhich again hashtag, not
sponsored to guide objectivemetrics driven analysis on
positives and pitfalls For theprevious quarter and then

optimize my strategy movingforward with these insights.
I Truly love this tool forproduct productive review.
Checking in quarterly alsoprovides an invaluable
perspective revealing what'sexcelling, what requires
Restrategizing as a car as mycompany evolves right.
Consistent evaluation is keyfor improvement, so tell me what

major ahas or insights surfacedwhen you analyze your Q1
Be sure to share it with me.
I'd love to hear now.
We just covered everything fromcelebrating wins, which is one
of the most important things youcan do in your quarterly review
, to diagnosing any weak spotsin your quarterly results and

your strategy.
Optimize and Organize your ownquarterly review.
You can go ahead and grab myfree principal template over at
Kendra Corman comm slash quarter.
Until next time, have a greatrest of your day.
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