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February 19, 2021 6 mins

FirstPathway Partners continues to solidify its presence in Latin America by welcoming Bruna Canto as Managing Director. Born in Brazil, Bruna is fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. Bruna holds dual citizenship in both the United States and Brazil, as she is an immigrant herself, and therefore shares paramount similitude to the objectives of her clients. 

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Unknown (00:00):
On this episode of investing in the American Dream
podcast, our featured guest isEb five immigration expert Bruna
canto will be sharing herpersonal story, the first
pathway partners team, let's getinto it.
Bruna, it's so nice to have youon the podcast with us today.

Thank you so much. Thank you forhaving me. I'm super excited to
be here,Bruna, we're extremely excited
to introduce you not only as ourguest on today's podcast, but
also as the newest addition toour team as a managing director
for the Latin America territory.
And Bruna, we understand youbring to the table, not only
extensive professionalexperience within this industry,

but also personal experiencethat allows you to really
connect and empathize with yourclients on a much deeper level.
Would you mind sharing with us alittle bit about your personal
story where you went through thesame motions that your patients
are going through to achievetheir American dream?
Yes, definitely. So this is oneof the reasons why I'm so
passionate about the EB fiveindustry is because I have

already gone through the sameexperiences that a lot of the EB
five investors are currentlygoing through. So I'm originally
from Brazil, I lived in Braziluntil I was 13 years old. And my
mother moved to the UnitedStates with the three kids on an
f1 visa. And I was a dependenton an F two visa. So we moved to

Houston, Texas. And I later gotmy own f1 visa when I went to
university, got the OP T andthen was hired by JP Morgan
private bank in Miami. That'swhen I moved from Houston to
Miami. They later applied forthe h1 b visa from for me, I was

on that visa for almost sixyears. And they then applied for
the EB three visa. That's how Igot my residency. So after 18
years in the United States, Ifinally got the green card. So I
understand what most investorsmost immigrants in the United

States are wanting to live inthe United States have to go
through, I had to go, you know,through the same experience, it
took me a long time. And todayI'm very proud to be an American
citizen. After 23 years, it tookme to get the US passport. But
I'm very proud of proud ofhaving that today. So for those

looking for another way, aquicker way to to get the
residency. The Eb five visa is amuch faster process. I
understand that sometimes it canseem like it is not very quick.
But as you can see, myexperience took 18 years. And I
know that that is the realityfor most other types of visas,

right. So those 23 years that Ispent in the United States, my
professional career was inprivate banking. I worked with
HSBC and JP Morgan, private bankin Miami for over 12 years. And
then in 2016, for personalreasons, I ended up moving back
to Brazil, where I'm stillliving today. And that's where I

discovered the beef industry. Soin 2017, I began working for a
regional center. And I have beenworking with that since then I
have been able to help bring inabout 100 investors from Latin
America, mostly from Brazil. AndI'm really looking forward to
doing the same with Porschepathways. Wonderful. Thanks

for sharing that with us. Andyou touched on a little bit like
about your career and Eb five.
And, you know, speaking ofjoining our team, what made you
want to continue your Eb fivecareer journey with first
pathway partners?
Yes, so you know, first pathwayis one of the biggest and most
established regional centers inthe country. I had always heard

about the company, and I'm veryproud to join a company that has
so many years of experience hasworked, worked with so many
projects, about 15 projectsalready. And not only that, but
it's one of the very few thatcan claim going full cycle. So
first pathway have returned theinvestment to many investors.

And not only that, but thepresident of the company has
been nominated four times thepresident of USA. So you know,
those are many accomplishmentsthat not many firms, not many
regional centers out there areable to claim.
Thank you so much Bruna and weare so looking forward to this
partnership and theaccomplishments that are yet to

come for us. Going forward as amember of fpps team, did you
want to discuss your vision forthe company?
Yes, so I'm really lookingforward to expanding fpps
presence globally and enteringthe Latin American market, where

currently we do not have so muchexposure. So Brazil is one of
the biggest regions for the EBfive industry. There are many
investors looking to apply forthat visa. And the numbers show
that in the last five years, ithas always been top five in
number of investors. So I'mreally looking forward to bring

in investors from not only fromBrazil, but other countries in
Latin America. That's great.
We'll burn out. We thank you somuch for sharing your story with
us and with our listeners.
Thank you so much for your timeBruna. We are so excited and
fortunate to be able to continueour mission with you on our
Thank you. Thank you so much forthe time today and I look

forward to beginning workingtogether.
If you would like to know moreabout first pathway partners,
and how they can help you with adirect Eb five investment or if
you're looking for other visaopportunities such as an E two

visa, please contact themdirectly online at www dot first
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