Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Morning everyone.
Landscape Talk here live inreal.
Today we're going to talk alittle bit about the importance
of getting involved in thecommunity, generating sales
You know you can put quotes togive quotes to people, but if
you want to improve yourconversion rate and you want to
actually get more sales, youhave to meet people and people
buy from people.
So I think that's a great thing.
So we'll talk a little bitabout that.
You know we just came off acouple events that we did
locally in our area so we cantalk a little bit about those
and what we expect to maybe getor why we do them.
Those and what we expect tomaybe get or why we do them.
You know, if you're looking atgrowing, you know sales and
those type of things.
You know this is probably agood episode to kind of tune in
and get connected in thecommunity.
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So check, check them out, youcan scan it, set up a time to
talk about it.
But grow your business, growyour profits.
And so today we have Brandonand Dan in, and why don't we
just share a little bit aboutour you know philosophy with
some of the you know gettinginvolved in the community, why
it's important, um, and and kindof what we've?
You know why we do it and youknow so kind of turn to you
Brandon first.
Uh, by the way, we had, youknow I put, I posted out there a
little bit about some of theyou can't make it up stories and
I got some real funny ones, um,so I'm excited about that a
little bit later in the show.
Speaker 2 (02:06):
So yeah, I'll start.
Yeah, we get.
We got involved in somecommunity events, just trying to
help out in the community,partner up and make a difference
in our current community thatwe like working, live in our
businesses and just we like workin, live in our businesses, in
just try and make a difference.
We joined the chamber which youknow does a lot of different
events fundraising activities toto the community, and then the
the one I'm, the one I'm in,that's what I'm doing, and then
I'm also in another association.
We just had an event yesterdaywhere we did a fun event for
vendors and businesses that weserve and they did a fun charity
event where we raised somemoney for for kids.
Speaker 1 (02:58):
So really good stuff.
So what's like what's in asomebody is looking for an
association stuff.
So what's like what's in asomebody that's looking for an
association like what?
What type of association?
Like what are you looking forby, obviously, doing good in the
But if we're talking about,like sales wise and building
partnerships, like, I thinkpeople would like to know like
where to get plugged in.
So like maybe give the specificof like who, who did you target
to, who did you target thepartner with and why?
Speaker 2 (03:27):
Yeah, so we targeted,
like um, customers that are
important or good for us, likewe deemed.
So everyone's going to have adifferent type of customer, um,
but for us, you know, in thisinstance, um, it was like
business owners for the one, andthen the other one is like
apartment complexes, people thatrun apartment complexes, and
they're going to be like seniorpeople, owners, regionals,
people in corporate and propertymanagers.
So that's who we got involvedin, that's the target audience
we're trying to talk to andbuild relationships with.
Speaker 1 (04:07):
I think one thing
that's key to kind of look at
when you're doing a salesmarketing plan or getting
involved, which is kind of whatwe're selling commercial
maintenance if you're lookingfor, you know, property managers
or HOA, there's not so muchHOAs but maybe apartment
complexes, things like that.
You really have to decide whereyou want to be active and be
strategic, because you can'tjust go to that group and expect
you're going to get somethingelse.
So right there, that's a greatexample, brandon, of a, you know
, trying to get in front ofproperty managers doing good in
the community.
It's a win-win, gets exposureand you know, I think that
that's excellent.
And I think the other thing youknow, challenges.
So when you look at if you'renot getting sales and you're
just quoting a bunch of work, alot of times people have
relationships and relationshipsalways trump, typically, a quote
, right?
So the idea is, you know welook to form relationships with
partners so that we have it'snot a low bid scenario or like a
bid scenario because they wantto work with somebody that is
aligned and around the samething.
So that doesn't mean we workwith everybody, but the idea is
like you want to have somebodythat they're a good company and
you like working with them and Ithink that's important.
So, dan, for you, maybe tell usa little bit about the event
that you were at last night andwhy.
Know why we target that, whothey, who they are, or you know
why we're targeting.
Speaker 3 (05:49):
you know the group
that you went with and some of
the benefits yeah, so one of theone of the groups were involved
in on on my end is justbasically a association of of
realtors in our area, um.
So I went to an event last nightit was.
It was just like a like localminor league baseball game, um,
but the realtors association andkind of like you know, had
their own area.
They had like a meal set up for, you know, all the members and
Everyone who came out, um, andwe just kind of sponsored you
know how to sign out, talk topeople, just basically helped
with the with the meal side ofthings, just kind of sponsored
you know how to sign out, talkto people, just basically helped
with the with the meal side ofthings, like getting everyone
the you know the stuff, thecatering and all that um, so you
know, everyone came through,talked to them a little bit, you
know, and, uh, we target thepeople in the especially
commercial um real estate spacebecause like a lot of good you
know contracts can come fromthat and people have a lot of
connections with both commercialand, like industrial you know
facilities, both real estate andproperty management.
So it's a great, it's a greatcircle to be a part of.
Speaker 1 (07:02):
So I think when you look atthat, you know you have, you
know you're looking at.
I mean we covered two things.
We looked at some commercial.
You know industrial, likethere's a specific place for
We also looked at, you know,getting aligned with some, you
know, apartment complexes, ifthat's your thing.
I also want to just look atmaybe some residential.
So when you think aboutresidential, so for somebody
that's looking for design, buildor residential services, I know
you know, Dan, you're a part ofanother group.
You know brand new are as well.
So maybe just talk about thatgroup, because really what we're
trying to paint the picture ofis like okay, if you're
listening to this and you havethese different services just
helping give some guidance oflike maybe where to look, where
So if you're looking forresidential services, I think,
dan, you're in a group that iskind of good, good for that.
So maybe talk a little bitabout that.
Speaker 3 (07:59):
Yeah, so I'm also a
member of a local chapter of
LaTip, which is basically likecommunity business owners and
representatives of businesses,so like from a pretty wide
variety of different categories,from a pretty wide variety of
different categories, and it'sit's very like it's specifically
tip and referral based.
So obviously like you're makinga lot of connections, you're
going to know people, buildingrelationships with the people in
the group, but it's also a very, a very specific like targeted,
like there's benchmarks forlike the tips that are being
passed and the quality of thosetips.
So definitely more like likeproject services and like
residential projects comethrough that group for sure.
Speaker 1 (08:52):
Yeah, that's, that's
So, yeah, again, reallyimportant to kind of target
specific areas and you can see,just with those three examples,
and I think it's the more thatyou, I think one of the but it's
just showing up, it's beingthere Like they want to use
people that they know trust.
Yes, there is a percentage thatthere is, like advertising, that
comes in.
But I like to think about it aslike different buckets.
Like you have an advertisingbucket, you have a networking
and connecting bucket and youhave these different.
You know things like maybe areferral bucket, so the idea, or
you know things like maybe areferral bucket, so the idea, or
you know reviews, things likethat, but that bucket of meeting
people, if you're only doingone of them, you know maybe you
are doing, you're great at goingto the networking events, but
you haven't advertised.
You know and we advertise, youknow, so you gotta, you gotta
have a balanced approach to someof these things, so you're not
just getting one of them.
Brandon, you want to talk alittle bit about the other group
you're in and what you maybethink it's good for.
Speaker 2 (10:04):
Yeah, I'm part of the
That's the group you'respecifying.
So the chamber is really goodbecause it's mostly like small
business owners Kind of like youknow, like Dan said, with Latip
it's a little bit more relaxedof a setting, really focuses on
building relationships, and Ithink the reason that's good is
because you really bringtogether a bunch of people from
different walks of life.
So, like you know, anyone frominsurance to staffing to banking
, you know we're a landscaper init, there's builders that are
in it, really just all kinds ofdifferent walks of life, a bunch
of insurance companies, like Isaid, just a bunch of stuff.
Like that you really just getto build relationships.
Matter of fact, there's a coupleof people in it, ironically,
which we didn't know beforejoining, but one of our
customers, and then we actuallyare a customer of people in it,
ironically, which we didn't knowbefore joining, but one of our
customers, and then we actuallyare a customer of them as well,
some people that we've dealtwith in the past for different
So it's really good just to getto see people talk to them a
little bit, build thoserelationships, and then you
always have that kind of in yourback pocket like hey, I may not
need something from that personright now.
They may not need anything fromme right now, but it's always
good, because in when you'redealing with small businesses,
we we all run into people thatneed stuff, and it might not be
stuff that we can help them with, but it's always nice to have
someone like hey, I know a guy,um, or a girl or a person that
can help you out, right.
So I think that's the.
The nice thing is like we don'thave to be able to provide
every service under the sun, um,it's always good to be like hey
, I know a person that can helpyou out there.
They're good, they're goodpeople and, um, here's their
So I think that's a really goodthing from it and you
organically get work from it.
And it could be directly fromthat person, but it also could
be they could be bringing workto you from someone they know or
a family friend or a customerthat's looking for something.
So I think that's where thatstuff comes into play, cause,
like, they know they're aroundyou enough, they know you, you
talk to them, you know it's amonthly meeting and they know
you're like, you're a goodperson, and I think that's where
everything in life kind ofstreams from Like, if someone's
a good person, they're going totry to do right by it.
Right, you know you trust themand you give them the time of
day and you give them a chanceuntil they give you a reason not
to give you a chance, right.
So I give them a chance untilthey give you a reason not to
give you a chance, right.
So, um, I think that's.
I think that's what's big andjust being involved and and
knowing people.
I know people that are in, uh,other people that are in the
service industry of business andI mean I'd say, 95% of the time
they get something done, it'salways by someone they know some
way, somehow somewhere Build ahouse, need tree work done,
concrete plumbing, electricaldaycare, you name it.
It's because they made somekind of connection with it.
It's very rarely a thing whereit's like yeah, I don't know,
I'm just going to find somerandom person.
Speaker 1 (13:13):
Yeah, I think that's
really important to make note.
And when you think about salesand you know, when you do do I
mean we do a percentage?
That's like cold calling orcold reach out.
But when you look at thepercentage of some of that stuff
, that just has to be one avenueof the whole plan Because, like
you said, if you have thereferrals and you have those
things, it really drives and youknow people, you're going to
get work.
So it's really about having abalanced way, you know.
The other thing that I wouldthink about is you know we have,
you know, hydro seatingcapabilities.
So you know, just as anotheryou know avenue, you know one of
the things that we focus on istrying to.
We've been focusing on istrying to make sure we're active
in areas that are.
You know things that we do.
So you know hydro seedingcapabilities.
Where would you go for that?
You know what's a good group tobe a part of Builders
So people that are buildinghomes, tearing up the ground A
lot of times builders can.
You know they have skid loadersand different equipment where
they like smooth it out and itcould be all prep, but they
don't want to deal with theseeding or planting.
So you know, if you're aroundthese groups, you build the
relationships in those.
You're not going to see thesales immediately, right, but
you know, even within a 12 monthperiod a one year period, like
if you plant these seeds, you'regoing to be amazed at what
It's just initially it's like,why am I going to these events?
Why am I meeting these people?
But it definitely grows intosomething big and you got to
spend the time.
Time's a tough thing.
We're all juggling like I can'tgo to that, but then it robs
the revenue that you're lookingfor later, or the growth.
So I think that's really good.
Thanks for sharing today.
I think it's really importantto look and stay balanced with
your sales activity or be ableto grow it Anything that you
have for you just can't make itup.
As just a reminder, the youcan't make it up segment is all
about the things that we see inthe industry, whether it's our
crews doing it or it's thingsthat you see out and about.
I've actually made a coupleposts and just and people are
sending some things in for theirstories.
I want to highlight one today.
This was a great one and it wasthis guy from somebody named
matt said he saw another companytaking a stick edger with the
metal blade and bumping it toget more metal blade out.
You can't make it up, are youkidding me?
Like a string trimmer you bumpto get more string out.
He's out there pounding it onthe ground because it's wearing
He thought it might I don'tknow grow a little bit more
metal or something on the groundbecause it's wearing down and
you thought it might I don'tknow grow a little bit more
metal or something on the metalblade.
I don't know, you can't make itup.
Speaker 2 (16:00):
You have anything uh,
I have a thing I I have two
One I I'll I'll come back tothe um.
My second thought I just had athought on the more on the, the,
what you said earlier, but I'llcome back to that when we're
done with this.
But the one thing that kind ofthrew me off a little bit.
If it can't make you make it up, I never thought I would see it
, um, but I just sometimes watchyou know, some other
landscapers on the internet andstuff, and the one guy that does
does some um content.
Uh, because I watched some ofhis videos.
Uh, one of his videos came upthe other day and it was, uh, it
was a rap video aboutlandscaping and it really just
threw me for a loop, Cause I'dnever thought I'd see a rap
video about landscaping.
So for me I mean, maybe, maybethat's what guys are into, hey,
fine, whatever, Um, but it justkind of threw me off because I
never thought I would see a rapvideo about landscaping.
It made me laugh.
That's my, you can't make it upfor today.
Speaker 1 (17:02):
I don't know what
you're going to see.
Dan, you got anything.
Speaker 3 (17:09):
The only thing that's
coming to mind as far as stuff
That's coming to mind as far aslike stuff recently.
I mean we were just talkingabout like one of our, one of
our crews, like how you know,having a little trouble like
keeping up with.
I mean some new properties havebeen added in, so it's like
it's a tight schedule, um, butlike we're looking at it in
terms of like the, the order,like they're going in and it's
like it's it's like a littledifferent every week, like it's
not for some reason.
They're like swapping thingsout and doing things different
days and it's like well, okaythere, that's probably the
reason, right there.
Speaker 1 (17:45):
Yeah, you put
together a schedule and it's.
It's tested by the systemlogical order, by by systems
that are smarter than us at justplan it all out and somebody's
like you know what.
I just think I want to drivethe far way and I wonder why I'm
not getting done.
You can't make it up, so thanksfor tuning in.
Um, you know, like share andsubscribe the episode if you
like it.
Share it with some of yourother landscape people.
If you have a can't make it upstory, please send it in.
We enjoy seeing it.
I love hearing some of thefunny things that that come in
and again, like share andsubscribe and, if you need
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Thanks, talk soon.