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October 25, 2023 22 mins

What's the most daring risk you've ever taken in your career? In this episode, we've got Andrea Currie,  telling us all about her brave leap into the startup world. She had more than two decades of geology under her belt, but zero management experience. Yet, she didn't shy away from the new opportunity, and that bold decision eventually led to a thrilling ride that reshaped her life. 

Andrea's wild startup experience didn't just build her courage and resilience, it also honed her compassionate leadership skills. She shares how effective communication and mutual trust played key roles during the company's challenging times. Don't miss out on this invigorating conversation packed with insights on leadership, resilience, and the beauty of taking risks.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 2 (00:08):
Welcome to the Leader Impact podcast.
We are a community of leaderswith a network in over 350
cities around the world,dedicated to optimizing our
personal, professional andspiritual lives to have impact.
This show is where we have achance to listen and engage with
leaders who are living this out.
We love talking with leaders,so if you have any questions,
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The best way to stay connectedin Canada is through our
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I'm your host, lisa Peters, andour guest today is Andrea Curry.
Andrea is a professionalgeologist with over 20 years of
experience and is currently vicepresident of exploration at

White Horse Resources Limited.
Andrea graduated with a BSC abachelor of science in geology,
from the University of Calgaryand spent 12 years working as a
geologist at Devin Energy andanother two years at the
Canadian Natural Resources.
After its purchase of Devin'sassets In 2016, she joined the
executive team at Kicking HorseOil and Gas Limited, a private

equity startup focused on theMonteney formation as vice
president of exploration.
Kicking Horse was acquired byWhite Cap Resources for $300
million in 2021, after which theteam continued on together in
their new entity, white HorseResources.
Andrea and her husband havebeen married for 21 years and
live in Calgary with threeschool-aged children.

She spends most for free timegetting her sports-loving
children to all of theiractivities, but loves to enjoy
the outdoors whenever she findssome spare moments.
Welcome to the show, andrea,thank you.
Thanks for having me.
Do you ever find spare moments?

Speaker 1 (01:51):
Right now not a lot, but you know I try and you know
go for runs while they're atpractice and you know you try
and squeeze it in whenever youcan.

Speaker 2 (01:59):
so yeah, you have to Sure you know.
And when you say you're sureyou know my kids went off to
I'm an empty nester, so it goesreally fast, andrea.

Speaker 1 (02:11):
Yes, I know, enjoy it .
Thank you, I will try.

Speaker 2 (02:17):
Well, thank you for joining us.
What a great resume, and it hasbeen a pleasure to just meet
So far we haven't got a chanceto get to know each other, so
I'm excited to ask you thesequestions.
We've been asking about pivotalpoints along your journey.
We've been talking aboutsuccesses, failures and what

else we've been talking about.
There's lots of questions, butwe're just, we're going to jump
in, okay.

Speaker 1 (02:43):
As I said, we make mistakes.

Speaker 2 (02:44):
We just keep going.
So, yes, all right.
So our first question is youknow we're looking for a little
bit of your professional story,and how did you get to where you
are today?
So can you give us a couple ofsnapshots that were pivotal
during pivotal points duringthat journey?

Speaker 1 (03:02):
Sure, I think probably the biggest turning
point came, you know, in 2016,when I was offered that VP role
in a new start up, and so, youknow, I was looking for a change
but, like it was a huge jumpfor me, like professionally, you
know, I had a one year old, Ihad no management experience.

I had no, not much experiencewith this play.
I didn't know the team, but Iwas also desperate for a change
and, keeping in mind that wewere in this prolonged downturn
in oil and gas, like you know,there had been rounds and rounds
of layoffs.
Many of my friends had been offfor years.
So, you know, making a jump atthat time was scary, but yet I

also was kind of like I reallywanted a change.
I remember hearing this quoteyou know, if I'm, if I'm going
to bet on somebody, I'm gonna.
You know, if I've got a 50-50shot and I have to bet on myself
, I'm gonna do it right.
So I'd been at big companies.
I knew I was really good at myjob, I'd been making them lots
of money, and then, you know, soI went for it and probably at

the time, in some ways, it'sgood that I didn't know the
roller coaster that I was goingto be on, because you know, I
always say the highs are higherand the lows are lower, and I've
come out of this, you know, atotally different person, I
So, yeah, it was.
It was a huge turning point, itwas a huge jump.

I'm very glad I did it, but itwas not easy, yeah.

Speaker 2 (04:32):
Yeah, do you remember that feeling, when you made the
decision like that, what didyou, what did you feel, what it
was it like?

Speaker 1 (04:42):
Like I probably didn't sleep for two weeks.
Really, yeah, it was just.
It really was kind of like youknow you're when you're, you're
about to do a really steep, youknow ski run and your, your skis
are sticking over the edge intothe air and it's that you know.
I think once, I find, once youmake the decision, you feel good

, yeah, but it's that time inbetween that you're just like
you know and and really you knowit was like you I was giving up
You know 14 years of experience, severance, what like it was.
It was it was really scary, butyou kind of feel alive once
you've done it right.
And then you also feel likeother changes don't feel so hard

, right, once you've made one ofthose big ones.
You know, then they're theother ones Don't?
They don't actually feel sohard because you've done the big
one right.

Speaker 2 (05:34):
So yeah, that's a great way to put it.
I remember making a very largechange in my life and I remember
the feeling I wanted to vomit.

Speaker 1 (05:41):
Yes, so I wasn't.

Speaker 2 (05:46):
And then my life just changed.

Speaker 1 (05:48):
So good, but it was so hard to jump and yeah, but
then you kind of think like I'drather have given this a shot,
yeah, and have it fail, thenhave, then have to sit later on
and and wish I would have doneit or wonder how it would have
So you know, oh, but it's hard,it's really hard.

Speaker 2 (06:09):
Yeah and you know, I think we need to talk about that
more Because, yeah, we look ateach other like you got it good,
I mean, look, you know, and wedon't think there was a really
rough time, and I didn't sleepfor two weeks and I was yeah, I
was literally sick, you know, weneed to go.

Speaker 1 (06:26):
You're right.
And as leaders, we don't talkabout that right.
Or as people who have donestartups, you generally hear the
success stories.
You don't hear all of the painin between.
You don't hear the times.
You know.
You don't talk about yourfailures enough, you know.
But but we, you know they're abig part of the story.

Speaker 2 (06:44):
For sure they are yeah, and I think we're gonna.
We're gonna talk about failures, and in a big.
So our next question is justgive us your best principle of
success and tell us a story thatillustrates that.

Speaker 1 (06:56):
So I, like I listen, I Listen to Brené Brown a lot.
She she often says like clearis kind, and I that runs through
my head a lot, becausesometimes it can be Scary to be
clear, it can be hard to beclear, but I think we don't do
People favors when we don'tcommunicate clearly.
But then we also have to be anenvironment where it's safe to

do that right.
And so, like you think of SimonSinek's circle of safety, where
you know people are not attheir best when they're not safe
They're not innovating as much,they're not creating as much.
So you know, as a, as a leader,I do always think I got it have
my people have to feel like Ihave their back, they need to
feel like I'm there to keep themsafe.
But then, on the other hand andmy husband has this too, he's a

vice principal, so we talkabout this a lot there needs to
be a place where leaders can goto be safe and to be supported,
and that's where leader impacthas been really great for me,
and I think it's really rare.
You know, being leader can belonely.
You it's hard to be vulnerable,and leader impact for sure was

a place where I could kind of go, you know, just lay it all out
and be with other people who hadbeen through the same thing, so
that I was going through right.
And so, you know, I think I sawit the lack of safety was during
the downturn, right, we had,like companies have rounds and
rounds of layoffs and the peoplewho were remaining I don't

think we were as able to beeffective because we were all
very stressed and skittish,right.
And then I think, two of theprivate equity model that many
of us are in, you know, we'vehad to put often they want you
to put enough money in that it'spainful and like you're going
to lose your house if thisdoesn't work.
And that's the model, that'swhat they want.

But I really don't believe inthat.
Like, when I worked at a bigcompany, I gave everything to
make my company successful.
I didn't need to have my houseon the line, right.
So, you know, I really justthink like that model is wrong
and it needs to be worked on.
You know, we don't have to beworried about losing our houses
in order to do the job.

Speaker 2 (09:06):
Yeah, yeah, I love that.
Clear is kind.
Yeah, you know you mentioned afew books, so obviously I mean
with Leader Impact, you know,you do you read these leadership
Yeah, are you in a just youknow sidebar?
Are you in a group right nowand what are you doing?

Speaker 1 (09:23):
We are starting up next week.
I have bought the book.
I don't even remember what it'scalled, but yeah, I've been in
I mean I've probably been insince I don't know at least 10
years with the same group.
Yeah, and we've done so manygood ones, like you know.
I was trying to remember likeEssentialism and, yeah, the
Semi-Synic book.

Right, yeah, we've done so manyI mean not all of them I have
loved, but, man, there are beingsome that I go back to again
and again.

Speaker 2 (09:53):
Yeah, yeah, when you talk about Clear is Kind and
just the book we're doing rightnow is the Advantage by Patrick,
oh, yes, yeah, we did that onetoo.

Speaker 1 (10:01):
Yeah, it is.

Speaker 2 (10:02):
And we're like we're on Chapter 2.
I mean, we're not far into it.

Speaker 1 (10:05):

Speaker 2 (10:05):
And it's a page turner, exactly, you know, and
it's something so easy, but noone's doing it, you know, and
Clear is kind yeah, and thenjust sit with people at the end
of each chapter, your fewchapters you're reading and
discuss like real life examples.

Speaker 1 (10:21):
Yeah, you know it's really really good.
So yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2 (10:27):
And it's funny because when you say Clear is
kind, everyone has a differentand that's why I love showing up
here is everyone has adifferent.
Best principle of success yes,yes, and I love you and how you
How are you telling the story?
And, yeah, how, how it, how itintegrates into your journey of
success yeah, exactly.

All right.
So our third question is youknow we learn more from our
failures and mistakes than oursuccesses.
Talk about this.
Yeah, we do, we do.
So I'm wondering if you couldshare one of your greatest
failures or mistakes and whatyou learned from it.

Speaker 1 (11:04):
Yep, Um, so yeah, I can do this.
Yeah, at the beginning of ourof this company, we had some
major technical failures, likein the tens of the millions of
dollars and investment gone, andit was, it was right at the
very beginning and Like, Ithought we were done.
And then, you know, even to goback to what I was saying before
, you know we'd had to put moneyin when we first started and

then when we got our privateequity funding, we were expected
to match that.
So now I was in for double whatI had intended with the group.
I didn't really know and so Ihad to.
Really I had inherited somemoney from when my grandfather
passed away, so that money kindof went in to fill this gap.
And then, you know, we reallythought we were done and you

think I have lost the money thatmy grandparents, who came as
immigrants with nothing, workedsix days a week, labor jobs for
You know it's.
It's that like I thought I thiscannot be, this can't be right.
So like still talking about it.
It's that you know we weretalking about feeling physically

Still talking about it.
It's like proof that was.
Yeah, you know that was hard.
So it was, it was.
It was Part of the lowest partof the roller coaster, right,
So what did we learn from that?
I think, pretty, we'd put ourtrust in some of the wrong
people on the team and off theteam.

I think a lot of you know yougo get those in the way a lot
where you think you're smarterthan you are or your team thinks
they're smarter than than youare.
And so when we went to makedecisions later, you know we
asked more questions.
We, you know we made sure wehad the right people make it, we
made sure we were talking aboutthe decisions, they weren't

So it was working on thosecommunication skills as a team
and and being humbled, right.
So, yeah, I am a much differentperson.
I think I'm a lot more streetwise than when I went into this
and I think it's another BrunetBrown thing where it's like I
think she says like you know,soft, soft heart, like strong

back, like you know, stillmaintaining that openness but
also, you know, asking the hardquestions and, yeah, being
careful, right.

Speaker 2 (13:24):
So, yeah, it is humbling to Step back and admit
and, and then to talk about it,yeah, yeah, yeah.
We don't want to, we just wantto think it all is great.

Speaker 1 (13:36):
Exactly, it was easy, you know anyone can do it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah a million, youknow exactly yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2 (13:46):
We all need to move forward, learn from our mistakes

Speaker 1 (13:48):
Exactly and ultimately, we did end up
We sold for 300 million.
We've just now sold our secondone, so it worked.
But there were times when itfelt like it wasn't going to.
So, yeah, I'm very grateful,but yeah, it was not a guarantee

Speaker 2 (14:08):
Nope, life isn't a guarantee, exactly so.
I mean you're involved withleader impact and we want to
grow professionally, personallyand spiritually for increasing
Would you be willing to sharean example of how the spiritual
makes a practical difference inyour life as a leader?

Speaker 1 (14:24):
Yeah, like I think I always think of like Jesus was
the ultimate example of leadingwith.
You know, leading withcompassion, vulnerability and
kindness, empathy, courage, andthen I think a lot of people
like to make it supercomplicated, so like I think
it's just comes down to lovepeople and it's actually that
So, you know, my husband likesto say to is like if you haven't

paused long enough to findgratitude, you haven't paused
long enough, and so so all ofthose things, like I think it
comes down.
You know, sometimes you arehard decisions, you have hard
interactions and when you, youknow we talk about the Salah at
leader impact, when you cancenter down to your core values
and go, okay, how does thisalign?

It makes those decisions easierbecause you go ahead with the
core value.
You know there's lots ofdistracting things and I think
you go back to your core valueagain and again, right, yeah.

Speaker 2 (15:19):
Yeah, oh, love people .
That was a.
If you haven't paused longenough, repeat that again.
That was really good.

Speaker 1 (15:27):
Yeah, what was it If you haven't paused long enough
to find gratitude?
You haven't paused long enough,Right.

Speaker 2 (15:32):
Yeah, yeah, so true, yeah, I used to have the
gratitude journal and I wouldwrite in the morning, right yeah
And sometimes I am just mad andI'm like there's gotta be
something good and it's likecoffee, coffee's good.

Speaker 1 (15:46):
Exactly Some days.
You're gonna have to pause alot longer than other days,
right, but just pause.

Speaker 2 (15:52):
Yeah, yeah, all right , there's two final questions we
love to chat about at LeaderImpact.
It's about making a lastingimpact.
Yeah, so I can continue to movethrough your own journey on
this world.
Have you considered what youwant your faith legacy to be
when you leave this world?

Speaker 1 (16:13):
Yeah, I think, I think like I'm a Jesus follower,
but I and I think I work hardto love my neighbors as myself,
as sort of the core principle,but like open-hearted,
open-minded people, lovingBridge Builder, that's it.
You know, I think that's it.
So, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2 (16:34):
That's really good.
I love doing this podcast forthat reason of just asking these
questions and listening toeverybody.
Yeah, it's funny because Ithink I have my answer and then
I'm like, oh, that was a goodone, oh, that's a good one.

Speaker 1 (16:48):
And I was thinking to , like you know, my grandparents
, the ones who did labor foryears, like I had people, years
after they passed away, who Ididn't even know and I didn't
even know they knew them verywell saying, like your
grandparents changed my life,they helped me when I needed it.
They, you know, and it happenedmultiple times and it's like my
parents do.
So I've had lots of goodexamples.
Like you don't have to be aC-suite, you don't want to be at

the C-suite table.
We're all.
We're all leaders in our we canall be leaders in our own
community and we can all bebridge builders, and I think we
need it now more than ever.
Right now.

Speaker 2 (17:19):
You know those bridge builders, so yeah, that's a
great example of just.
I mean, you have seen it inyour own family.
Your grandparents and peopleare saying it to your.
Your grandparents changed mylife.
Yeah, and you know, I I havestopped and paused and asked the
how, why versus that is.
That's very nice to hear youknow, but tell me what did they

do for you?
Because everyone has a storyand it's it's.
We need to stop and listen asleaders, you know, because
everyone has a story and wherethey're coming from, you know,
if you're having a bad day atwork, maybe something set them
It's not for happy people allthe time you know.
Listen to the stories.

Speaker 1 (18:05):
And then that's about the wisdom of the pause too
right To just kind of like don'tmake assumptions.
Yeah, ask more questions,listen more, follow that Right.

Speaker 2 (18:15):
So yeah, Well, how many people are are with you at
White Horse Resources?

Speaker 1 (18:22):
We are sort of down to like our six executive and
then, yeah, probably about eightto 10 right now, but we're sort
of in our serve and officialssort of wrap up phase.
So you know, that's funny too.
Like I've never had a big teamhere, I've actually done most of
the technical work at the sametime as everything else.

So in some ways that's been achallenge.
In some ways, you think, am I,you know, am I?
Should I be on a leadershippodcast?
I've had a, you know, team ofvery small team.
But yes, you know, we are all,we are all leading, no matter
what size our team is, and we'reall building right.

Speaker 2 (19:03):
So and didn't you just say about leaders just two
minutes ago?
We know, we are Exactly,exactly.
Even about the size of ourteams, you know, because some
people are leading two and 200or 2000,.
You know Exactly we.
Some are leading their homesand I think we forget about
those too.

It's huge, right, that's a bigjob.
You know family schedules?
Yeah, it's, we don't.
We shouldn't underestimate thatTotally.
So my last question and I, youknow, ask everybody this is just
what brings you the greatestjoy?

Speaker 1 (19:38):
Yeah, and I, everybody, well, most people say
to their family, it's true inmy case, my husband is, you know
he's, he's such a thoughtfulleader in his own job and so you
know I get so much wisdom andadvice like from him.
And you know, lately, seeing mykids be bridge builders and,
you know, approach their stuff,their hard stuff at school with

kindness and empathy, like thatbrings me great joy and you know
, what more could you ask for?
Really right?
So yeah, and then I do a lot ofwork with refugees through my
church and building thoseconnections.
You know, while it is difficultto hear those stories, it is
hard work on both ends.
There's a real magic to thattoo.

Yeah, and again ties in withthe gratefulness and yeah, those
relationships have been a realblessing to me too.

Speaker 2 (20:29):
Yeah, I think volunteerism can bring great joy
Yes, you know, if it's for sure.
Whatever you choose tovolunteer with.
As you said, I am sure that ishard.
Yes, the refugee stories.
And do you make a difference?
Someone one day will say AndreaCurry made a difference in my


Speaker 1 (20:52):
you know, yes, yeah, no, you know our and our church
has a has a decades long historywith sponsoring refugees.
So there is already.
Then, you know there's so manytimes where there's generations
of families who you know they'relike family to us and, yeah, it
definitely goes both ways right.
They've changed our lives,we've changed theirs.

Bridges are built.
It's beautiful.

Speaker 2 (21:15):
Yeah, I think we forget that they can change our
lives as well.
Yeah, exactly, yeah.
Well, andrea, I want to thankyou for joining us.
It has been a pleasurable 21minutes.
It has been nice to meet you.
I one day hope to meet you inperson.
I think I'm just going to driveup to Calgary.
Do that, do that.
I think we would have fun.

If anybody wants to get aholdof you or find you, what is the
best way to engage with you?

Speaker 1 (21:41):
Yeah, you can find me on LinkedIn.
I would love to connect.
So, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2 (21:47):
You never know.
Well, thank you again.
I have enjoyed this time.

Speaker 1 (21:51):
Me too.
Thanks, Lisa.

Speaker 2 (21:53):
All right.
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Speaker 1 (22:54):
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