Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
do is is play some
waiting music until for about
five minutes, until we geteverything squared away.
Okay, guys, that's right.
If you want to have aninterview with me and you just
may not have the funds, welcome,welcome.
Welcome to the Listen Lendersshow.
Today we have a special guest,miss Audrey, dr Audrey Ann Moses
, and we will be speaking aboutmental wellness.
She is this month's hot seatwinner.
That's right.
If you want to have aninterview with me and you just
may not have the funds, or youjust may think you having a
lucky streak and you, like youknow what, forget that I'm going
to get all of what I need for adiscounted rate.
Find me on Facebook underJacqueline Cox and you can also
be the winner of that month'shot seat.
Okay, it's a $25 raffle.
You just send in your cash outto dollar sign.
Make leaders all one word.
I put the, put all the names onthe spin wheel, spin it, and
she was lucky enough, or blessed, and blessed enough, shall I
say, to win the hot seat.
So how are you doing today, drAudrey Ann.
Speaker 2 (01:34):
Good afternoon
I am doing well, and how areyou doing, Miss Linda?
Speaker 1 (01:39):
I'm good girl, you
You've got me Linda Now.
Speaker 3 (01:41):
you got me out of
Jackie mode now right, I was
trying to sound out proper likethis you are Linda or Jackie you
Speaker 1 (01:55):
Linda is me.
Okay, I am doing best.
I am like my mother-in-law say.
I am blessed by the best, justlike you, exactly.
And while we are on that topicof being blessed, I have to have
to, before we move forward,start off with a prayer.
So I want to just thank theHeavenly Father.
We come before you today withgrateful hearts.
Thank you for the opportunityto gather here and share in this
special moment.
We want to express our deepestgratitude for bringing Dr Audrey
Ann Moses to the show as amental wellness specialist and
certified Christian life coach.
Lord, we recognize theimportance of mental wellness
and the impact it has on ourlives.
We thank you for equipping DrAudrey Ann with the knowledge,
the skills and the passion toguide and support those in need.
We appreciate her dedication tohelping people help themselves
and her commitment, lord God, topersonal and professional
Now, as we have this interviewtoday, lord God, we ask for your
guidance and your wisdom.
Help us to ask.
Help me, lord God, to askinsightful questions that would
allow Dr Audrey Ann to share herexpertise and her experiences,
lord Father, with our audience.
May her words inspire andencourage those who are
Dear God, we also ask for yourblessings upon Dr Audrey Ann,
her family and her work.
May you continue to use her,lord God, as an instrument in
the vessel of your love andhealing.
Grant her the strength andresilience, lord Father, to
guide other, to us a life ofpurpose, growth and spiritual
In Jesus' name, we pray.
Lord, god, father, have yourway in your name.
We pray amen, amen, amen, amen.
So how are you doing?
I am doing wonderful.
You ready for this experience,girl?
Speaker 3 (04:01):
know I've been living
all week.
Yes, I'm ready.
Are you ready?
Are you ready, cause I'm readyto ask yes, yes, yes.
Speaker 1 (04:10):
well, let's go ahead
All right.
Well, since we ready, we'regonna sit up here and we, before
we even ask a question, we'regonna have a lovely day, Amen.
Speaker 4 (04:38):
Speaker 5 (04:46):
When I wake up in the
morning, love and the sunlight
hurts my eye and somethingwithout warning love bears heavy
on my mind.
Then I look at you and theworld's all right with me.
Just one look at you and I knowit's gonna be a lovely day
When the day that lies ahead ofme seems impossible to fail,
when someone else instead of mealways seems to know the way.
Then I look at you and theworld's all right with me.
Just one look at you and I knowit's gonna be a lovely day
When the day that lies ahead ofme seems impossible to fail,
when someone else instead of mealways seems to know the way,
then I look at you and theworld's all right with me.
Just one look at you and theworld's all right with me.
Just one look at you and I knowit's gonna be a lovely day.
Music, music, music, music.
Speaker 1 (08:42):
Yes, like Bill
Withers say, we're gonna have a
lovely day.
Amen, amen.
Speaker 6 (08:47):
I love that song.
Speaker 1 (08:51):
Tell me why you love
that song, Dr Audrey.
Because I love it every day.
Speaker 3 (08:59):
You know, my God,
it's so good to me.
You brought me up, so hey, I'mgonna have a lovely day, amen.
Speaker 1 (09:06):
Now let's just jump
right into the questions.
Dr Audrey, what inspired you tobecome a mental wellness
specialist and a certifiedChristian life coach?
Speaker 2 (09:21):
When I was younger,
it always seemed that I was the
one that everybody came to forwhatever, and I was the oldest,
so I guess that was kind ofnatural.
But once I was in the Navy Ireally liked helping people.
I really liked making sureeverybody had what they needed
and was going where they neededto go.
Even when I didn't have what Ineeded, and even when I didn't,
I wasn't going where I wassupposed to go, I was always
making sure everybody else was.
So once I learned about thecounseling program in the Navy,
then I started to pursue thatand it just went from there.
When I was younger, I wanted tobe a teacher, I wanted to be a
writer, I wanted to you knowthese different things, and I've
been able to do those things.
I definitely wanted to join theNavy and I've been able to do
those things, and a bonus wasbecoming a counselor, and I love
Speaker 1 (10:25):
Yes, yes, yes.
So for the people who don'thave a background on you, can
you give people just a littleoverview?
You don't have to tell yourlife story, but just an overview
of who you are, what you do,the title of your books and
where they can reach you.
Speaker 2 (10:44):
I am a Christian life
coach and as a Christian life
coach I, like I said, I enjoyhelping people to get from where
they are to where they want tobe.
You know, a lot of times wetend to get stuck, we are, the
barriers seem to be too big forus to manage.
And that's where I come in tohelp you to knock down those
barriers, help you to learn whatit is you really want to do.
I'm not going to tell you whatto do, but I am going to guide
you and help you to move alongin the direction that you want
to move along.
Again, my business is calledNever Say Cain't Christian Life
Coach and Consulting, and it isCain't C-A-I-N-T.
And the reason I named it thatis because I don't like hearing
people say I can't.
I don't like myself hearing Ican't.
You know, a lot of times it'seasy for us to say that because
it's easier to just not do thanto try.
So and I feel like I can'tmeans you won't and I can means
you are going to try and youwill accomplish whatever you
want to do.
So my business is Never SayCain't.
I'm also Adrienne's books.
I have published five novels,three anthologies and several
professional articles and I loveto write.
I've written all my life.
I was a child that sat in thecorner when everybody else was
running around making noise.
I was the one sitting in thecorner reading or writing or
both, and I've always done that,and I just really enjoy putting
my words on paper, getting themout of my head, which is
something that I counsel to myclients.
You know.
Get it out of your head, put iton paper so you can see what it
really looks like and get ridof what you don't need and then
deal with the rest.
My email address is never sayCainty at yahoocom and my
website is transition life coach.
For you is the number fourletter, youcom, and you can find
everything you need to knowabout me there, or my social
media, adrienne Moses, and I'mthere.
Just come and look for me.
Speaker 1 (13:10):
Hey man, hey man, hey
We thank you so much, adrienne,for coming in with us today and
hanging and kicking it withLinda.
Okay, so before we ask any morequestions, I'm going to play a
song by Miss Patricia Cox, justtelling you know, god just to
have his way, so have your way.
By Patricia Cox.
Speaker 4 (13:41):
Yes, good morning.
Speaker 7 (13:57):
Good morning.
Good morning.
Speaker 4 (14:18):
Good morning.
So have your way today, haveyour way.
This is the day that the Lordhas made, so have your way, have
your way today.
Have your way.
Have your way today.
Have your way, have your way.
This is the day that the Lordhas made.
So, indra, have your way today.
Okay, god, open your eyes, haveyour way in me, use me, use me,
use me, oh, that's it.
Cover us of love, like theone-third cup of a sea.
Have your way to me, have yourway in me, make me, make me.
You are the annoying sea.
You look the spirit of all lifeto God.
So, have your way, have yourway, have your way.
Oh, that's it.
Oh, that's sweet.
Have your way, have your way.
You are the same spirit thatraised Jesus from the dead and
you dwell in me.
You should also quicken me,quicken me, quicken me To say
what you want me to say, to dowhat you want me to do, to go
where you want me to go.
Holy Spirit, have your way,have your way, have it, cover me
, cover me Like the watercovered the sea.
Have your way to me.
Speaker 7 (17:28):
Have your way.
Use me to heal the sick and toraise the dead.
Speaker 4 (17:39):
And like the
one-third cup of a sea.
Have your way, have your way,holy Spirit.
You mean.
You mean, yeah, have your way,come on, come on, come on, just
be where you want me to go, dowhat you want me to do, to go
where you want me to go.
Have your way, holy Spirit.
You mean, yeah, have your wayHelp me when the spirit of truth
shall come.
Speaker 1 (18:43):
He will guide you
into all truth and he shall go
find out.
Speaker 4 (18:51):
So lead me, I want
you to guide me To the one I'm
supposed to love.
Supposed to give, supposed topay, cover the water, cover the
Have your way, holy Spirit,holy Spirit, holy Spirit, pray
for me, pray for America.
You praise the perfect will ofGod With mones and bones that
cannot be uttered Down in mybelly, lord.
So pray, pray, pray for me, useme, holy Spirit, have your way,
have your way.
Speaker 1 (20:19):
Yes, have your way by
my mother-in-law, Ms Patricia
How do you think?
What do you think about thatsong, Dr Hodrick?
Speaker 2 (20:30):
You know, I think
that sometimes we don't really
understand what that means,because in my field I see a lot
of people that they have an ideaabout what they want to do, but
they're so busy countingthemselves lost that they don't
even allow the Holy Spirit totell them which road to walk on.
And when they know that theHoly Spirit is telling them to
walk on road A, they are like no, no, I'm afraid of that road.
So maybe I'll go on this road.
Speaker 3 (21:10):
But if we just let
God have His way with us.
Speaker 2 (21:14):
Can you imagine the
things that we could accomplish
in His name?
Can we imagine Did?
Speaker 8 (21:23):
it touch you.
Speaker 2 (21:24):
The whole reason we
are here is to tell people about
Jesus, get people to understandhow he loves them and no matter
what they do, he still lovesthem and that he can help them
to be in a position where heneeds them to be, so that
everybody will know about Himand he can come and we can be
done with this crazy world.
Speaker 1 (21:44):
Amen, I'm ready.
You love it, huh.
Speaker 2 (21:48):
Man, I love it.
It did something to my spirit.
Speaker 1 (21:57):
My mother-in-law
don't play baby.
She can get that mic.
Her microphone is on in myPrince Boy, Her microphone is on
Speaker 2 (22:06):
Well, you tell her.
Thank you, she listening inright now.
Speaker 1 (22:11):
Thank you, thank you,
thank you, yes.
So while we on the subject ofyou know incorporating Christian
principles, how do youincorporate Christian principles
in your coaching and yourcounseling sessions?
I mean and I want to go more indepth, and what I mean by that
is that what if you run acrosssomebody who, because you're not
just a Christian life coach,but you're a wellness expert as
well, when you're speaking tosomebody who may not have faith,
you know, how do you get aroundstill trying to incorporate
that without making them feellike you're trying to reel them
in or convert them over Preach?
Speaker 2 (23:02):
Actually, I have had
that experience because you know
you have, you're in my field.
You're going to always run intopeople who say they don't
believe in God, you know, andwho say, well, I'm not here.
You know, I don't need you toteach me about the Bible, I just
need you to help me to get overmy depression, you know.
So what I do is I use storieseven people that are not
Christian, like the stories thatare in the Bible, you know so.
So a lot of times I'll use thestories of different people in
the Bible that suffered fromdepression and how they got over
You know the trials that theywent through.
I use myself sometimes as anexample, and what I don't do is
I don't preach to people, andwhat I don't do is I don't beat
them beside the head andshoulders with my Bible, because
that's that is not productive.
So I don't do those things.
I present myself in a way wherethey cannot help but know that
I'm a child of God and that Ibelieve in the power of God, and
but I'm not going to preach tothem.
I am going to help them, and ifthey can't, I will tell them in
the beginning, though, if theycannot handle me talking about
how God helped me and everyoneand can help them, then they
might want to find anothercounselor, because because
that's how I do my counseling Ido my counseling based on the
principles that I know that Godis going to help you.
I know that God is going totell me what to do to help you
help yourself.
Speaker 1 (25:06):
Amen, amen.
And before we dive any moredeeper into it, I want to get
into this next song, and thisperson I grew up listening to.
You know I'm an 80s baby, 90sraised me, but you know what the
household that I grew up in wasall 60s and 70s Motown artists
and one in particular who alwaysset so deep into my spirit.
It's Mr Stevie Wonder, and hehas a song called loves in need
of love today.
So we're going to go ahead andplay that.
You guys Kick your feet up,relax and let's just breathe
some love, because loves in needof love today.
Speaker 4 (26:09):
I'm not a woman, or
even friends.
Speaker 6 (26:14):
Here's your friend
your announcer.
Speaker 5 (26:19):
I have serious news
to pass on to everybody.
Speaker 4 (26:28):
Speaker 5 (26:29):
I'm about to say
couldn't mean the world's
disaster Could change your joyand laughter to tears and pain.
It's that love in need of lovetoday.
Speaker 6 (26:57):
Don't delay, send
yours in right away.
Hey born man waking many far.
Stop be pleased before it'sgone too far.
Speaker 5 (27:41):
The force of evil
plans to make you its possession
, and it will, if we let it,destroy everybody.
We all will stay proportionarymeasures.
If love and peace you treasure,then you'll hear me when I say,
oh, that love is in need oflove today.
Speaker 4 (28:29):
Don't delay, send
yours in right away.
Hey, born man waking many far.
Stop be pleased before it'sgone too far, before you know
that love in need of love today,don't delay, send yours in
right away.
You know that hate is goingaround, breaking many far.
Stop be pleased before it'sgone too far.
Stop be pleased before it'sgone too far.
Up to you, cause love in me, oh, love of me, long day, and
yours and right away.
You know that, hey, it's goinground, breaking, it's trying to
break my heart and I try.
Long day.
You've got to start to thinkBefore before, before.
Long day, oh, love of me, longday, and yours and right away.
You know that, hey, it's goinground, it's going round, it's
going round and it's right.
Breaking up, breaking up.
You've got to.
I've got to say You've got to.
We've got to say You've got to.
We've got to stop and thinkBefore it's going too far.
Love of love, love of me, oh,love.
Did you ever think that loveWas being needed?
Love today, don't give a damn.
And yours and right away.
Ooh, hey, hey, bring it down tolook.
Love is very peaceful.
Bring it down a little.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no, no, no.
Love is nice, love is nice.
Love is nice.
Love is nice, love is nice,love is nice.
Just give the world love.
Speaker 1 (33:21):
Dr Audrey Ann.
Now can you share a successstory or a memorable experience
as a mental wellness specialist?
Speaker 2 (33:34):
I can.
You know I was thinking about ayoung teenage boy that I worked
It was this was when I wasteaching In Virginia at Hampton
I was working with this youngboy and I he was having a lot of
self worth things going on.
You know, he was getting in alittle bit of trouble not a lot,
but he was still beginning toget in a little bit of trouble
and mainly it was because he didnot know who he was.
You know, everything was about,you know what his parents
wanted, what his parents did,what his parents allowed, which
all of that has its place but itdid not give him room to
discover who he actually was.
So I had him stand in front ofa mirror and I asked him to tell
me what did he see?
And what he told me was hishaircut, his, the name brand of
the shirt he had on.
You know those type of things,but he could not tell me who he
You know, that young man thatwas standing in that mirror, he
had no clue and he and I workedfor a long time for him to
really discover that he hadworth in this world and that he
was and he was important in thisworld and it was a very, you
know, I really enjoyed workingwith him Because he helped me to
learn some things you knowabout how important it is to
recognize, you know, the purposethat God has put you on this
earth for.
And I mean, I don't know whathappened to him, you know I
haven't seen him since.
You know, once we finished oursessions I don't know what
happened, but I do know when wewere finished with our sessions
he had a better understanding ofwhat his self-worth was and how
he could present himself to theworld, you know, in a better
light, as opposed to justrebelling because of what his
parents wanted for him.
And I enjoy doing that.
I love seeing the light open inpeople's eyes when they realize
that they can do it.
You know that they are notgoing to die.
You know, transition my thing istransition, personal growth,
and a lot of times people justdon't see it.
And once I'm able to help themto see it, then that makes me
happy and makes my soul feelgood about itself, you know.
And it makes the person feelgood about themselves that, wow,
this is really possible.
Cool, you know.
And then they go on in theworld and light up the world
with their presence and you knowI just enjoy it.
I love what I do.
Speaker 1 (36:51):
And we love you so
much and that's how you feel I
love you.
You know I love you girl.
I love you more, not loveChipotle and Wing.
Stop me anybody who know me.
No, that's a lie, I'm on it.
I'm on it.
Yes, you should be, you shouldbe.
And, with that being said, youknow people.
You know it's one thing youknow.
When you pray, you know God hasthat presence in, but when he's
working through people to bevessels, just to show you how
much he loves you through otherpeople, that is the message,
that is the goal that we want toset for ourselves.
You know we want to be ofservice to other people, like
Christ was of service to us.
And you know, with that beingsaid, people make the world go
Come on stylistics.
Speaker 4 (38:09):
They walk away.
Buses on strike wanna raise itback so they could help the LPL.
But then when we are walkingaround, the arts and girls are
carelessly changing people'sheads around.
Don't underreal, your man.
People make the world go round.
People make the world go round.
People make the world go round.
Everybody sing along with us.
People make the world go round.
People make the world go round.
I'm ready for you.
No rain.
Speaker 1 (39:49):
Yes, people make the
world go round.
Did I hit it on the nail withthat one?
You know you did.
No, you didn't.
Now Dr Adrienne, as a writer,you know how do you use your
novels Because people know thatyou're a mental wellness
specialist and they know thatyou're a Christian life coach.
But for the people who aretuned in, she is also a
published author over eightbooks and a list of magazine and
How do you use your writing andyour articles to promote
personal growth and transition?
Speaker 2 (40:45):
My no-transcript.
My books are all a fiction.
They're all about families,they're all about dysfunction.
And when I say dysfunction Idon't mean everybody, you know
You know doing bad things or oror or getting in trouble or
beating up each other.
That's not what I mean.
I mean just normal, every day,your house, the next door,
neighbor's house, dysfunction.
And it deals with relationshipissues, personal and family and
romantic relationships.
Is deals with emotional issues.
You know, a lot of times we, youknow there there are the
percentage of undocumentedmental health issues that walk
the street far surpass thenumber of undocumented.
Because, you know, we havedepression, we have stress, we
have anxiety, and we don't, wedon't report it, we don't go to
a doctor, we just try to handleit.
You know, grandma said, youknow, take a nap.
So we go taking that because wethink if we take a nap, when we
wake up the anxiety is going tobe gone.
Well, we know that's not true,but you know the nap does help.
So in my books I write aboutthat.
I write about every day, thingsthat happen.
My first book saved by Grace,the, the, the Patriot of that
book, and his girlfriend gotpregnant their first year in
college and they were bothraised from Christian families.
They were both good people.
He, you know, he, was in theband.
She did all her you knowdifferent things in school.
They weren't running the streetor laying out all times of the
day and night, but still therecame a baby and and so it talks
about the things that occurredbecause of that baby and because
of the, the reactions of theparents and five, six
generations of family that wereaffected because of that one.
You know that one pregnancyGood, bad, and there are a lot
of good things, a lot of not sogood things occurred, but how
each person handle, how theyhandle themselves personally,
how they handle themselves andthe relationships that they had
to deal with.
Every book that I have writtengoes through that.
The last book I wrote was one ofthe characteristics, is one of
the characters is narcissisticbecause he just felt like he was
the, the gem of the world.
You know, everybody needed him,everybody loved him, everybody
wanted him.
The world couldn't functionwithout him.
Well, we know there is no suchperson like that but Jesus.
So so you know the book.
The book was about how he, youknow his, the things his actions
cause good, bad or indifferent.
There's another young man inthe book who suffers from
borderline personality disorder,which means that he felt that
nobody cared about him, nobodyloved him, nobody cared if he
was, if he died in the street,nobody would care.
And every single action good,you know, people could be trying
to be nice to him.
He would find a reason why theyreally weren't being nice to
They just wanted something oryou know, they were trying to
accuse him of something.
And you know people like that.
You may be like that, you know.
You know people like that.
You know people who are havingromantic relationship issues.
You know people who are afraidto be in a relationship because
of something that happenedbefore.
You know people that arebattling with themselves, trying
to decide if they are worthy.
So, and I enjoy writing mybooks.
I enjoy writing them.
I have written professionalscientific articles before and
you know I mean they.
They are to the point, theytell the facts.
They are boring.
They're boring for me to write,so I know why they are not
Speaker 1 (45:18):
Look, they are not
boring to scientists or to
people who are looking at thefacts and to people who have
meetings on the fact checkers.
You know they are not boring.
Speaker 2 (45:29):
Exactly, they are not
to people like me.
But what I like doing iswriting all that same
information in a way thateverybody can read it and
understand it and say, oh yeahyeah.
I got that, you know, I, Iunderstand that you know, and
and then, and in the back of mylatest books, I put facts in
there about who to call for what, because I think that's
important, you know, for peopleto be able to know who to call.
Speaker 1 (46:03):
I definitely agree.
And, with that being said,we're going to move on to the
next song, and and we, you knowI got it.
Y'all know I love Motownartists.
If anybody knows, back in theday you know my grandma had the
most serious crush on this man.
Okay, but you know I'mwondering who it is.
I know you're wondering who itis because I ain't give you a
list of the songs.
I'm going to go ahead and justplay this gal.
Okay, I'm going to play thisguy.
Like my, like my, my, my AuntieBunny.
Rest in peace, auntie Bunny.
Like she said, I'm going toplay the box.
Okay, I'm going to play my box.
Speaker 4 (47:18):
Let me get it.
But I'm afraid to die.
My home knows us up thereBeyond the sky.
It's been a long, long timecoming, but I know, a change
won't come.
Speaker 6 (48:09):
Oh yes, it will.
Speaker 4 (48:13):
I go to the movie and
I go downtown.
Somebody keep telling me don't,hang around.
It's been a long, long timecoming.
Speaker 6 (48:36):
But I know, a change
won't come.
Oh yes, it will.
Speaker 4 (48:48):
Then I go to my
Speaker 6 (48:57):
And I say, brother,
help me please.
Speaker 4 (49:05):
But he winds up
knocking me Back down on my
Oh, there's been time that Ithought I could last for long.
But now I think I'm able tocarry on.
It's been a long, long timecoming, but I know a change
won't come.
Oh, yes, it will.
Speaker 1 (50:21):
Cook with the knee.
Speaker 2 (50:24):
You said what you
trying to hurt me.
Speaker 1 (50:36):
I got a story about
that song, why you say I'm
trying to hurt you Dot.
Speaker 2 (50:44):
I love that song
since I was a little girl.
But I got a story about thatsong when I was in boot camp.
This was in the 70s.
When I was in boot camp I hadsome serious personal issues
going on One day.
I was so overwhelmed I justwent behind the lockers.
I was between the lockers andthe wall.
I was just sitting there and Iwas just crying and crying and I
was singing this song and Icould hear them looking for me.
But I was just like Lord, Ijust can't today.
So one of my friends heard meback then she came back and sat
with me and me and her are backthere singing this song and I am
just crying my heart out.
So this song will take yousomeplace.
Speaker 1 (51:43):
It will do.
It will do and that's why Ithought it was like you know
what this song, what peopledon't realize is that Sam Cook
dealt with a lot of mentalissues as well, and you could
tell by the way that he sangthis song how it's set in his
He sung this song from the gut,okay, and he took everybody to
a place.
He took you there, a lot of myfamily members there.
Every time I hear it it takesme to a place, and especially my
family who battles substanceabuse and grief.
So you know, because you'vebeen through it and thinking
about everything that we justtalked about concerning this
song, what advice would you givethe listeners?
Anybody who's tuning in rightnow or catching the replay, who
is struggling with substanceabuse or grief or addiction what
advice would you give tosomeone who's going through
those things right now?
Speaker 2 (52:59):
I think the first
thing is to not believe that
this is the best you're evergoing to be.
You know that.
You know your life is sohorrible that the only thing you
can do is to drown it.
You know, with substances and alot of times, you know, we find
ourselves in a situation wherewe feel like there's just not
going to get any better.
You know.
So you know what does it matter?
But it matters a lot.
Not only does it matter to you,even though you can't hear that
right now.
It matters to God, even thoughyou might not be able to hear
him, Because most people, youknow and I have personal
experience again, just likeeverybody else in the world I
have personal experience withsubstance abuse, you know, in my
family, and the one thing thatI always noticed was that people
were hurting, there was somesort of hurt that caused that,
and if they would allowthemselves and allow someone
else to help them to resolvethat hurt, then the abuse would
no longer exist.
So if I'm I don't get to work alot with substance abuse,
because that's a little bitoutside of what a coach does,
but when I was practicing as acounselor, as a psychologist,
and I worked with someone thatwas a licensed substance abuse
counselor and I really enjoyedit, because I really enjoyed
again seeing that light come on,Seeing somebody realize that
they can only take it day by day.
You can't, you know, that's theonly thing you can do Today.
I live through today without adrink.
I live through the day withouta joint.
I live through the day without,you know, snorting some cocaine
or whatever.
I live through the day withouteating the whole cake at one
time, you know.
Or I live through the daywithout eating at all, because
abuse, you know, abuses to yourbody, come in all different
shapes and forms and fashions,and so we have to think about
all of that.
And so, again, you know, theonly thing I can turn to is
prayer for them and to ask Godto help me, to help them, and I
follow his guidance, because ifI don't, then you know, you're
either following the guidance ofGod or you're following the
guidance of Satan, and Satandon't have nothing to teach me,
you know.
And so, and I try to instillthat in my clients as well and
in my friends and in my familyas well- Amen.
Speaker 1 (56:09):
And with that being
said, just like Dr Audrey and
stated you know, you have toknow that everything is going to
be okay.
It's like at the end of atunnel.
That's why they call it arainbow, because it's a gift
after the rain.
And with that being said, youjust got to let people know.
You know, don't worry about you.
Speaker 7 (56:58):
See what's the center
to the change.
Don't worry about me, I'm gonnabe alright.
Taste my patience.
No matter what, I'm notbreaking.
I'm not basic, though you're sonew, I won't prevail.
I got up.
Every time I fail, I fail.
The gods got me to the end.
Replace heavy loss with a win.
Oh, my life's great.
Get your tray All this hate.
Tense your face.
My life's great.
Get your tray All this hate.
Tense your face.
You've got this for me.
Oh, get me against me.
It's all I need.
All I need.
Don't worry about me, I'm gonnabe alright.
Got your deal All over my life.
Don't worry where I've been,what I did, what came up.
Every scene was a thing.
I tell you change.
Don't worry about me, I'm gonnabe alright.
I got a GOD.
I got a GOD.
Don't worry about me.
I got a GOD.
I got a GOD.
I got a GOD.
Speaker 1 (58:13):
Don't worry about me.
Yes, don't worry about me, I'mgonna be alright.
I got GOD all over my life.
Yes, ms Chloe, she's a newbie,she's battling with her
spirituality and she got onefoot in and one foot out, but
we're gonna continue to pray forMs Chloe.
So how do you approach DrAudrey?
I'm sorry?
How do you approach the topicof spirituality in your coaching
and your counseling sessions?
How do you approach that?
Speaker 2 (59:07):
Well, I think, like
I've been saying, like you and I
have been talking about, isthat we just have to let people
know that Jesus loves them.
It's really interesting.
I was listening to a post onTikTok earlier today and the
lady asked the question abouthow she can maintain a
relationship, create andmaintain a relationship with God
, and the gentleman told herthere's no way to do that.
God loves us regardless of whatwe do, and a lot of times we're
so busy trying to createsomething with God that we don't
even realize that he's rightthere.
We don't need to createsomething, we just need to
accept that he is there and thatthe Holy Spirit is there and
that, no matter what we do, nomatter how horrible we think
we've been, the Holy Spirit isthere and it's going to revive
us if we allow it.
We have to allow ourselves tohear the Holy Spirit and hear
what they are saying to us.
So when I'm working withclients, again, I don't preach
to them, I don't beat them upwith the Bible, but I do try to
get them to understand that ifthey would just allow themselves
that one privilege of beingable to know that, no matter how
hurt they are, that God isthere to heal them and you know
they're moving forward.
Speaker 1 (01:00:46):
Amen, amen.
And with that being said, it'salmost like you want to give
yourself redemption, right, youwant to give yourself redemption
and redemption.
Every time I think aboutredemption, I think of two
I think about the Shawshankredemption it goes into my
favorite movies.
But I also think about abrother, about a name, a Bob
Come on with it, child withredemption.
Oh, y'all weren't ready, y'allweren't ready.
There was a redemption song.
Speaker 6 (01:01:49):
It's a little bit
From the bottomless pit, but my
hand was made strong by the endof the almighty.
We forward in this generation.
Try and, frankly, won't youhave to sing these songs of
Because all I ever haveredemption songs, redemption
Emancipate yourselves from endto slave.
None but the woods outside skinfree of humbuns.
I've no fear for atomic energy,because none of them can stop
the time.
How long shall they kill ourprophets?
While we stand aside and look,some say it's just a part of it.
We've got to fulfill the book.
Won't you have to sing thesesongs of freedom?
Because all I ever haveredemption songs, redemption
songs, redemption songs.
Emancipate yourselves from endto slave.
None but the woods outside skinfree of humbuns.
I've no fear for atomic energy,because none of them can stop
the time.
How long shall they kill ourprophets?
While we stand aside and look?
Some say it's just a part of it.
We've got to fulfill the book.
Won't you have to sing thesesongs of freedom?
Because all I ever haveredemption songs, all I ever
have redemption songs, thesesongs of freedom, songs of
Speaker 1 (01:05:11):
Yes, redemption song.
I got you with that one, didn'tI, Dr Audrey?
I got you with that one, DrAudrey.
I know you was over there,jamming girl.
I know you was over there.
Yeah, I love Bob Marley.
I know you do.
I know you do.
I had to throw that up in thehouse.
I didn't even go tell her.
I got some Bob for I'm justgoing to let her see.
So this is my last question,and then we're going to play
another song, Then we're goingto get into Q&A.
Do you have a few more minutes?
Oh, yes, ma'am.
So can you tell us more aboutyour book Daily Dose of Victory
for Veterans and how it aims toencourage and inspire other
service members and veterans?
Speaker 2 (01:06:11):
Daily Dose of Victory
for Veterans was an anthology
that I participated in last yeara year before, and the young
lady that orchestrated that wasa veteran.
What she did was she solicitedveterans to write the devotions.
It's sort of on the basis ofthe daily devotions that you get
My husband and I bothparticipated in it and we each
wrote a page of devotion in it.
Basically, what it's for is tohelp others, to just give them
more encouragement.
Military people are very strongpeople.
However, we still have timewhen we need to be boosted.
We need encouragement.
That's what that book was forjust to help veterans, first of
all to know that they are lovedand to know that their
contribution is appreciated inAmerica.
Speaker 1 (01:07:31):
My husband is also a
military veteran, an army
I know he will want me to saythank you and your husband for
your service.
Do you have that book with youright now?
Speaker 2 (01:07:51):
I'm looking to pull
it up.
Give me one second.
Speaker 1 (01:08:02):
So, while you are
pulling it up, I'm going to go
ahead and play a song, if youdon't mind.
This one is from our brother,who we opened up with.
We're going to go ahead andhave another one by him.
His name is Mr Bill Weathers.
While she's pulling up thisbook that helps service members
and veterans, I think this ismore than befitting to play this
Speaker 4 (01:08:55):
Speaker 5 (01:08:58):
Sometimes in our
lives, we all have pain, we all
have sorrow, but if we are wise,we know that there's always
Lean on me when you're notstrong, and I'll be your friend.
I'll help you carry on, for itwon't be long till I'm gonna
need somebody to lean on.
Speaker 4 (01:09:51):
Please swallow your
If I have pain you need tofollow, for no one can feel
those of your needs that youwon't let show.
Speaker 5 (01:10:16):
You just call on me,
brother, when you need a hand.
We all need somebody to lean on.
I just might have a problemthat you'll understand.
We all need somebody to lean on.
Lean on me when you're notstrong, and I'll be your friend.
I'll help you carry on, for itwon't be long till I'm gonna
need somebody to lean on.
You just call on me, brother,when you need a hand.
We all need somebody to lean on.
I just might have a problemthat you'll understand.
We all need somebody to lean onIf there is a load you have to
bear that you can't carry.
Speaker 4 (01:11:47):
I'm right under load.
I'll share your load If youjust call me.
Speaker 5 (01:12:01):
If you need a friend,
if you ever need a friend, call
me If you need a friend.
Speaker 1 (01:12:38):
Call me.
Yes, yes, yes, and that was MrBill Wethers, with Lean On Me.
And before we get to go excerpt, I just want to shout out Ms
Queenie Clem, who I will bededicating my three o'clock show
, for she was supposed tointerview with me today.
You guys, the Queen of Reads,okay.
She's a literary ambassador andextraordinaire and really just a
really all around wonderfulperson with a beautiful spirit
in her heart and her weight inher heart is a heart of go.
Her heart is her weight and goand I just love her so much.
So tune in.
Today I'm going to be readingexcerpts from her favorite books
I'm going to be talking moreabout what it is that she does
and how you can connect with her, and just more, and giving her
some of encouraging words.
So we love you, ms Queenie.
We really hope you feel betterand we are keeping you covered
in Jesus' name.
Now go ahead, ms Audrey, withyour words from this book, with
my words.
Speaker 2 (01:14:02):
Yes, girl, yes, With
your words.
And I want to say hey to MsQueenie I love you.
And Bill Withers I got to seehim in concert.
I was, you know.
It was an awesome concert.
This was, of course, years andyears and years ago, but I want
to read.
If I have time, I'd like toread my husband's as well.
Mine says Are you sure it's?
your time, your time, it's allyour time.
Oh, thank you, it's a mustardseed.
Faith is the substance ofthings hoped for, the evidence
of things not seen.
That's Hebrews 11.
Once we encounter opportunitiesthat make or break us.
I'm sorry, let me start over.
Often we encounter opportunitiesthat make or break us Through
Some are resilient enough tobounce back, while others
struggle to believe in thefuture God has planned for them.
I joined the Navy at 19.
I was terrified and excitedabout my future.
I used my mustard seed of faithto believe God knew what he was
doing and 22 and a half yearslater I retired.
Be encouraged that yoursubstance of things hoped for is
where God does his best work.
Have faith, be encouraged,believe God's plan is perfect
for you.
Walk into it with boldness, andmy husband's was read.
Obstacles and opportunities.
Then says he unto his disciplesthe harvest truly is plentiful,
but the laborers are few.
Matthew 937.
Remember obstacles in childhoodyou thought were impossible to
conquer and how that fear becameopportunities for success.
We still have obstacles in ourpath.
However, we don't fear themanymore because we have learned
to turn obstacles intoopportunities.
Covid-19 is an obstacle turnedinto an opportunity.
In many ways.
One is teaching others aboutJesus love in ways we could not
have known existed before COVID.
Despite COVID-19, there aremany opportunities to spread the
good news of Jesus andsalvation.
Be a laborer, help others turntheir obstacles and fears into
opportunities of praise forJesus, and this book was written
during COVID and that's why hewanted to use COVID as his topic
And there are about 80 moredevotionals in this book and
they are all phenomenal.
Speaker 1 (01:17:03):
And what's the name
of the book and where they can
find it.
Speaker 2 (01:17:06):
It's called Daily
Dose of Victory for Veterans, a
90 day journal for to inspireand encourage service members
and veterans, and they cancontact me to get a copy of it.
Just email me or contact me onmy link tree, I can get them a
Speaker 1 (01:17:29):
Yes, okay, and
because we cannot technically
put websites and link trees inthe chat, it will come up just
as a sis.
Can you tell everyone, spell itout where they can find it?
Speaker 2 (01:17:45):
Well, if you go on
link tree and put in never say
can't N-E-V-E-R-S-A-Y-C-A-I-N-T,and that's me, or you can go to
my website and again it'stransition life coach.
The number four letter you dotcom and send me a note through
the contacts and I'll be happyto make sure you get a copy.
Speaker 1 (01:18:16):
Well, you guys heard
it, and they can find all the
rest of your books on your linktree as well, right, yes, and on
my website.
Okay, great, and now it is timefor Q&A.
So I saw Ms Carolyn Colemancall in.
So if you would like to call inMs Carolyn Coleman, if you had
a question, or anybody else hasa question and they would like
to call in, you can do that now.
Okay, I think this is MsCarolyn.
I invited you in.
Ms Carolyn, go ahead and speak.
Speaker 8 (01:19:00):
Hello Jackie, hey,
slash this and then the hello.
Mrs Moses, how are you?
I'm fine.
Ms Carolyn, how are you?
I'm fine, I'm fine.
Speaker 2 (01:19:12):
I'm sorry, I need to
read a lot Still me.
Speaker 8 (01:19:19):
No, I know.
First of all, thank you foryour service, you and your
Speaker 2 (01:19:25):
Thank you, ma'am.
Speaker 8 (01:19:26):
I heard you a couple
of questions.
I'm trying to combine themcorrectly.
I may just have to do themseparately.
When you say that you arecounseling an individual and you
just basically tell them, youknow that put one foot in front
of the other, take it one day ata time and one step at a time
to get things done.
Speaker 2 (01:19:54):
Yes, ma'am.
Speaker 8 (01:19:55):
Have you ever?
And I know you have.
But how did you handle asituation where a person is just
more of a complainer Not to saythat their issue is not valid,
because all our issues are valid, whether it's valid to me, to
you, or non-valid to me, orwhomever is valid to them?
How do you handle an individualwho just won't follow
Speaker 2 (01:20:28):
It's funny you asked
that because I had a client
exactly like that, and so westay on page one for about three
or four weeks until she quitbecause she did not want to make
the necessary step that she hadto make in order to do what she
wanted to do.
And this was years ago.
I remember her and I thinkabout her often because I wonder
, you know, whatever became ofher, because she, you know no
matter, you know no matter whather goal was, she never really
would step out and handle it,and a lot of the things that she
had to do were based on oneparticular issue that she did
not want to change.
And eventually I didn't have todo anything because eventually
she called me up and she saidwell, this is just not working
for me, so I'm just not going tocome back anymore.
And I said okay, call me, youknow how to find me.
And that was before COVID, andI haven't talked to her again
since then.
She hasn't contacted me.
So a lot of times, when peoplejust don't want to move forward,
they usually pull themselvesout and I don't have to do it
for them.
Speaker 8 (01:22:02):
Okay, thank you for
that, because I am a nurse and
have been for over 30 years andI don't, by no stretch of the
imagination, do I considermyself a counselor.
So we have to do a lot ofteaching, we have to do a lot of
reinforcing, and I'm nottherapeutic.
When you keep telling me thesame thing day after day after
day, visit after visit aftervisit, I'm like well, we've
already discussed this, have youput this into play?
Well, no, I was waiting on youknow.
So it's bad thing for me.
Speaker 3 (01:22:41):
I'm like okay, yeah,
they don't want to do the work.
Speaker 8 (01:22:45):
What can you do?
You can't do anything.
You can't do anything.
How you handle that?
Speaker 2 (01:22:54):
You can't make
grownups, you can't make
children, and you certainlycan't make grownups do anything
they don't want to do.
Speaker 8 (01:23:01):
And that is exactly
what I tell my fellow co-workers
I've got three or four grown.
You know you can't make them doit, because they're frustrated
as well.
But anyway, my next questiondid I hear you say your work,
your books are fiction?
Yes, ma'am, Okay.
Speaker 2 (01:23:23):
I have written
nonfiction, but it's mainly like
I was saying earlier.
You know professional articles,you know in magazine and things
Speaker 8 (01:23:33):
I did write one
professional book, that about
mentoring, but my novels are allfiction and that's fine, that's
quite okay, because to me thatjust shows your reach, your
stretch, your diversity in yourwriting and you know how you can
go from professionalism to, youknow, just writing the fiction
as well.
The nonfiction, you know, is alittle bit more of a struggle,
and I heard you say that itbores me and I was like that's
so funny.
But it is true, you know,sometimes you just want to get
away from your profession, so tospeak, and write something else
But is your fiction looselybased on your experiences?
Speaker 2 (01:24:29):
It is yes, ma'am, yes
, ma'am, yeah, it is Especially
my book, one of my booksespecially, um, I have a series
called Earl Grey Chronicles andthat series is completely well I
wouldn't say completely, butit's about a Navy girl, which is
me, and it is based on, youknow, my experiences while I was
in the Navy, sure.
Speaker 8 (01:25:03):
Okay, that's great.
That's great.
Thank you so much for takingthe time to take my questions
and to answer them.
I have appreciated listening toyour interview today and thank
you ma'am, I had a lot with thisSam cook song.
I was like what I had jobsgoing in there.
Speaker 2 (01:25:25):
She always trying to
make, she always trying to make
a sister cry.
Speaker 8 (01:25:28):
That's what it is,
and I want you.
Not that it just brings me totears, but it evokes so many
memories and that it is a memorylane and all those emotions are
A change is going to come.
And then you think about ourheritage and our history and you
think about the people who were, who were and still are in the
struggle and how many of themtake the struggle now and how
hard they took the struggle then.
And then you'd be like thechange is coming, but it might
not be changing in a way that Iappreciate the change to be, but
people who are in the thick ofit at that time and I was like
man, that was just so profound,yeah.
I love that song.
I hope I'm not the cry.
I'm like, oh, but it justmelted my heart.
I was like there you go youwant for that.
But I love that, I love it wasright on time.
But I was so right, I was likeI don't say you were right on
time, man, I didn't stop, Ididn't, I didn't cut you off.
I said, but God, I was like I'mgoing to listen to this all the
way Because I do love his voiceand I love his message and the
music and you know I just likethat about him.
But but again, thank you, msJackie.
Thank you, I do appreciate you.
I appreciate your testimony, Iappreciate what you have done
and again, thank you and yourhusband for your service.
Speaker 2 (01:27:00):
Thank you, Ms Carol.
Thank you very much.
Speaker 8 (01:27:03):
More than welcome.
Speaker 1 (01:27:06):
So as we come to the end oftoday's episode of listen, linda
, I want to take a moment toexpress, you know, my gratitude
to our remarkable guest, drAudrey, and Moses your insights
and your expertise as a mentalwellness specialist and
certified Christian life coach.
It's truly been a blessing andit's been enlightening.
Thank you for sharing yourknowledge and wisdom with us.
Your passion yes, ma'am youroverall dedication to mental
wellness and helping others hasmade a significant impact on the
listeners lives today.
Your guidance and yourencouragement has provided
valuable tools for personalgrowth and spiritual well being.
We are all so truly grateful,just like Dr Carolyn Coleman and
, I'm sure, the other listenersthat have tuned in and will be
tuning in on all podcastplatforms.
Now, as we go through the show,I'd like to once again share
with you guys.
At 3pm central standard timetoday, I have an incredible
treat for you guys.
It will feature, you know, theQueen of Reads, ms Queenie Clem.
We're doing a show dedicated toher.
She's a renowned book reviewerand literary literary ambassador
and enthuses, so we will bediscovering I mean discussing
the power of books, the joy ofreading and the impact that
literature can have one ourlives today.
We get so caught up in socialmedia and and and and and a
reality TV that we forget thebase of where it all started
I love books since I was threeyears old.
My favorite books I used tolove to read these books.
It was two books Ramonda Quimby, age eight, and the baby says
The series and those books,along with Moparo's beautiful
daughters, along with a bookcalled the mother, a book called
the monster, a book calledsister soldiers, book of the
coldest winter ever.
Just some of my favorite peopletold me be Morrison, langston
Just so many different people.
You guys forgive me, but my listjust go on and on.
I don't want to forget nobody,so I'm gonna stop there.
So once again, I want toexpress my deepest, deepest
gratitude to Dr Audrey and forgracing me in our listeners with
your presence and yourexpertise.
Thank you all for being a partof today's episode of listen.
Linda Remember, join me atthree central standard time for
my tribute to Miss Queenie.
I call her the Queen of Reeds.
Honey, and you guys stayblessed.
Is there anything before we go?
I'm just wondering if peopleare just tuning in or didn't
catch the beginning.
Can you please tell people yoursocial media handles where they
can find you and where they canfind your books, and if you
could spell out your website sopeople can know, or say your
website so people can know whereto reach you.
Speaker 2 (01:30:32):
Yes, ma'am, my
website is
The number four letter you calmand or you can find me on link
tree at never say came.
It's in the VRS a, y, c, a, I,nt, and you can find everything
I am, as she said, I'm, aChristian life coaching and I
just love doing that work and Idid want to put in real quick.
I have two really projects thatI'm that I'm working with, that
I'm really excited about.
One of them is the she said yesto herself anthology, which
will be coming out really soon.
Speaker 1 (01:31:24):
No, yes, ma'am, I'm a
part of the world.
Yes, and Carolyn Coleman.
Speaker 2 (01:31:32):
Yes, and we are
really excited about this.
I mean, just even the womenthat we have met have been
phenomenal because of thisproject and I'm really excited
about it.
And and you can purchase your,your hardback copy through Well,
you know your print copythrough any of the authors you
know, including myself, and Iknow that the the book is going
to be coming be advertised very,very soon, so be looking for it
And also, I'm going to beinvolved with the Christian book
lovers retreat that's going tobe in Charlotte, north Carolina,
in October, the last weekend inOctober, and I am really
excited about that as well.
I'm looking out for thosethings because you know we are,
we are women on the move and andwe are trying to promote
reading and Jesus at the sametime.
So, thank you very much, missJackie.
Linda, I love you and and I'mlooking forward to the next time
Speaker 1 (01:32:39):
Yes, and before we
end the show, well, you guys
know I always have to end theshow with a song.
I could not do this unless Iended this show with a song.
Okay, and so you know, we,we've played everybody.
We've played Bill Withers, weplayed Chloe, we've played by
Marley the stylistic, patriciaCox, stevie Wonder, sam cook,
but I have to End this song withmy girl now and she's going to
take us to the king.
You guys have a great day andI'll see you guys again at three
God bless All right.
Speaker 2 (01:33:17):
God bless you.
Speaker 1 (01:33:25):
And shout out to my
brother Tristan.
Yesterday was his birthday.
He turned 39 years old.
He requested this songspecifically and he tuned in as
well, so I want to make surethat I let you guys know.
He requested this song, broughta song that's dedicated to you.
Take me to the king.
Speaker 4 (01:33:55):
That won't help me
sing it.
I'm trying to pray, but whereare you?
I'm on church, her, and I can't.
What's left to you?
Is we?
No strength to fight, no tearsto cry, even if I try, but still
my soul Refuses to die In him.
One time we'll change my life.
Take me to the king.
I don't have a spring.
My heart is holding pieces.
It's my offering.
Lay me at the throne.
Leave me there alone To gazeupon your glory and sing to you
this song.
Please take me to the king.
Truth is it's time To stopplaying these games.
We need a word For the people'sfaith.
So long to be right now.
Let it fall and rain.
Oh yeah, we're desperate.
We're chasing after you.
Oh, I've no room, no religion.
I've made my decision To run toyou, the healer that I need.
Take me to the king.
I don't have much to bring.
My heart is torn to pieces.
It's my offering.
Lay me at the throne.
Leave me there alone To gazeupon your glory and sing to you
this song.
Take me to the king.
Lord, we're in the wake.
We keep making mistakes, themore.
It's enough for us.
It's all for you.
Take me to the king.
I don't have much to bring.
My heart is torn to pieces.
It's my offering.
Lay me at the throne, leave methere alone.
I want to gaze upon your gloryand sing to you this song.
Take me to the king.
Speaker 7 (01:38:21):
Take me to the king,
take me to the king King.
Speaker 4 (01:38:50):
Truth is untied.
It's time to make a change.
I surrender.
I surrender, oh, to be my lifesaviour, I surrender.
Take me to the king.
I don't have much to bring.
My heart is torn to pieces.
It's my offering.
Lay me at the throne, leave methere.
You can just leave me there.
Leave me there alone To gazeupon your glory.
Sing to you this song.
I can only imagine.
Can you only imagine we get toheaven.
Can you stand and laugh?
Can you only imagine?
Can you imagine just standingbefore the king?
Oh, I can only imagine what itwould be like when I walk by
your side.
I can only imagine what my eyeswill see when your face is
before me.
I can only imagine.
I can only imagine To besurrounded by your glory.
What will my heart feel?
Will I dance for you, jesus, or, in all of you, be still?
Will I stand in presence To myknees?
Will I fall?
Will I sing hallelujah?
Will I be able to speak?
It all?
I can only imagine.
Yeah, I can only imagine.
I can only imagine when thatday comes and I find myself
Standing in the sun.
I can only imagine when all Iwill do Is forever, forever.
Worship you.
I can only imagine, I can onlyimagine, to be surrounded by
your glory.
What will my heart feel?
Will I dance for you, jesus, orin all of you be still?
Will I stand in presence To myknees?
Will I fall?
Will I sing hallelujah?
Will I be able to speak it all?
I can only imagine, yeah, I canonly imagine, to be surrounded
by your glory.
What will my heart feel?
Will I dance for you, jesus, orin all of you be still?
Will I stand in presence To myknees?
Will I fall?
Will I sing hallelujah?
Will I be able to speak it all?
Can you only imagine?
Can you only imagine, if wedon't have anywhere else to stay
, take it crowned, this tear,that warmth breath Shots to
behold your face.
Take it for your amazing grace.
Every TV, sunday seven willhave new in Just to be in your
presence, jesus, to hear yousing well done, well done, to
bow at your feet.
I can only imagine.
I can only imagine.
I can only imagine.
I can only imagine.
I can only imagine.