From being a multiple Six-Figure Income Earner as a Savvy Business Woman, to suffering a stroke, to reinventing herself as a mindset/meditation coach and success strategist, Wendy Gerhardt, will share with the Living Fearlessly with Lisa McDonald international audience, how pain and desperation transformed the trajectory of her life’s purpose! A NOT-TO-BE-MISSED SHOW on my C-Suite Radio / C-Suite Network Host Page! Wendy Gerhardt has always been creative at heart. After following the traditional route, getting a degree and all her ducks in a row, she was left wanting more. Wendy started her own business, and quickly grew it to multiple 6-figures, but was still miserable trading in one job for an even harder job. At her all time low, her health came crashing down as she suffered from a stroke. Wendy left her business and went on a journey to stop doing, and start being. Through that journey she found spirituality, meditation and so much more and she realized a business is only hard if you make it hard. Now, Wendy is a mindset/meditation coach and success strategist, for high vibe, spiritually curious digital entrepreneurs!
Uplifting you to fear less and to live more!
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