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November 16, 2023 24 mins
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Episode Transcript

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From the WA and M Studio onthe campus of Florida A and M University.
This is Mary Forum Radio, aweekly conversation on the education and research
of the medical marijuana being conducted atBAMMUTI. Hi, I'm Heidi Otway,
your host for this conversations on cannabismy virtue venue, brought to you by
the Medical Marijuana Education and Research Initiativeat Florida and M University. In this

conversation, we're talking about cannabis asa treatment for Alzheimer's disease. So let's
talk and learn about this subject withour special guest. Doctor Chiron Tamar is
a retired board certified surgeon who spentnearly thirty nine years in public and private
practice. Since becoming a qualified medicalcannabis physician in Florida, he's seen more

than eight thousand patients. Doctor Tamarworks at Cannoncare Wellness in Claremont and at
Mmcare Florida in Brooksville. In additionto serving his patients, his passion is
to educate the public about medicinal cannabis. Doctor Tomorrow, Welcome to the Forum.
I'm so very happy to be here, Hid and thank you for the

privilege Thank you to everyone joining uson this live program. Please share post
and tag a friend on Facebook tohave them join this conversation. If you're
on YouTube, here the links soothers can join as well. During the
forum, we want you to sendus your questions in the comment box and
we'll do our best to have ourguests answer it. We also want you

to tell us what you think aboutthis forum by completing the survey that will
be posted in the comments on YouTubeand Facebook after the live program, your
name will be entered into a drawingon November thirtieth, twenty twenty three to
win a one hundred dollars gift cardprovided by one of Mary's partners. Now,
let's start this conversation on cannabis doctortomorrow. What prompted you to start

recommending medical cannabis to payations as aqualified organ position. Well, you know,
halfway through my vertical career, Ithought about what I would do after
surgery, provided that I had goodmental and physical health. And I've was
always been interested in naturopathic, holisticand homeopathic medicine, and you know,
knowing about cannabis, College base cannabiswas the perfect choice because it's a naturopathic,

holistic, and metropathic medicine. WhenI was ten years old, I
went to Grenada with my parents forsix weeks inclusion, I saw healthcare at
another level. So I've always beeninterested in cannabis medical care throughout the rest
of the world, as I shouldbe as a doctor. And when I
came across cannabis and took the examinein twenty sixteen when they first became legal

and Mendon two, and then Iwent to a cannabis conference twenty eighteen doctor
Sasha no I learned about the indocannabinoidsystem and I was almost full out on
my chair because it's the indocannabinitary systemthat healed my patients. Yeah, and
homeostatus is a balance keeps us balancedequilibrium, and cannabis helps us maintaining homeostations

because we have chemicals in our bodythat look just like THC and CBD.
There's no plant on the planet closerto our own chemistry, our own physiology.
There's no plan better for us amore natural tourist, than the cannabis
plan. Do the research nih studiessaid that, so talk tomorrow. One
of the things that you reference thatI think you know just to kind of

put a pin on for anyone that'slistening, is that when you do go
to a dispensary or whenever you ordera product that has cannabis in it,
there's a certificate of analysis that kindof tells you what's in it. Right,
So you talk a little bit aboutthat. I think that's important for
folks to know when they're what touse. Absolutely, given that that terrapines

are the most powerful part of theplant. True leaf and Move, as
far as I know, put atrue leaf and Move has a seal wave
certificate of analysis button where you canlook and see what can have minoids and
what turpiece and the percentages of pieceand all the tested they are undergone to
make sure it's pure. Right.However, all your products, every product

that person buys, has a batchnumber on it, and it's several steps
for those that are technically challenged,and I don't go through those steps.
I just asked the person to beon the counter. However, you can
look at what if every product,no matter what dispensary you come from,

that doesn't have a certificate of analysis. You look at the batch number on
your product, and you have togo through several steps and a hyphen in
several numbers to see what's in inyour product or google it. Well,
so DoD tomorrow. We're getting somereally good commentary coming in from the Facebook

page. I mean, folks arejust loving Facebook and YouTube. They're really
loving what you're saying. And Iwant to bring up this question from Peter
Somberg, who was asking about dosing. He said, actually about different formulations.
So are there any better formulations ofmedical cannabis ratios, THC, CBD
or others that are better for treatmentor reductions of the effects of Alzheimer's.

That's correct, And again all thisis on my Facebook paper. And let
me say that CBD, CBD protectsthe brain. It's no real protectors.
It's either more nor a protected whenTAC and CBG and CBN and TACV and
the rest of the t because there'sno imt CB. It's on my Facebook.
C CBG is the only cannabinoid that'sbeen a study that stimulates bone group

A, new brain cells and fightscancer. CBG, which fights black cooma,
fights inflammatory bowel disease, edible bowelsyndrome. There are a number because
CDG is the mother of all canhappen no age and it's on my Facebook
page. So CBG from Mental Health. The same thing with th A c

V helps with mental and health.Th A c V, tr T A
c A t A c P Band t A c V also helped with
mental health and it's whole on myFacebook page. And of course the terpedge
there are there are over two hundredterpages. There are several data from mental
health two. It's just overwhelming.It's overwhelming. They amount of informating that's

out there, and that's why Ihave spent three in ahead posting links from
mail Clinic, Harvard, Massachusetts,General other poetries. And I've reviewed these
things before I post that if it'shas to be recent, and I know
how to research. I'm a physician, right and I can tell you that

everything every question that anybody has,they can see the information on my Facebook
page because I've been posting for threeand a half years and everything I know,
everything I've studied, everything I needto read, and everything I don't
know, which I'm learning every day. How much I don't know I post.

So we also got questions from folkswho register for today's show, and
Ellen sent in a question saying ifa family so if a person with dementia
had previously used cannabis and their familymember is against it, how does consent

work in that dynamic. Okay,it's not going to effect consent in terms
of getting a card. Well,let me just say this. When people
use cannabis too much THAC which iswhat you get on the street. That
was one of the questions earlier thatyou mentioned. The people that uh develop
memory issues, they are probably usingmore just THAC which is what you get

on the street. It doesn't haveCBD, it doesn't have CBG, it
doesn't have th A C A TA c P that have all the things
that help with the brain. Sopeople that use a lot of THC in
flower a lot at younger ages,it can cause later memory losses and early
dementia, some type of prefrontal dilempadementia which starts earlier than normal people because

cameras I mean, dementia starts inthe fifties sixties, and then it gets
worse, you know, as youget because it can last up to twenty
years. And when people use justTHC, yes, it can cause a
problem. That's why we don't advisethat young people don't use so much th
ac use more CBD during the dayto protect your brain because CBD is neuro

protective. That's according to the NIHNational Institute of Health in nineteen eighty eight.
So doctor Tomorrow, are there anyis there any kind of research that
is out there when it comes tohow cannabis could be used to treat people
with Alzheimer's or dimension any research outthere? Well, on the page that

this wonderful event was being advertised,I've listed sixteen references and all you have
to do is get on their faithbook. Babe Bibell mentioned two of them from
the NIH, ones from Nature dotcom, once from Apple News, once
from CNN, once from the Alzheimer'sAssociation, and al Samers dot Org,

which needed that African Americans is asilent epidemic because we're dinosed and doctors think,
uh, just aging. African Americansdied from the highest rate of Alzheimer's
in any of the race, justlike all of the Jesus that cause death.
Mayopolic Harvard, the Sault Institution PubMedweb MD, Texas Governor, Psychiatric

Times, AAARP, CNN of thestudy for their Mind Intervention knowlogical delay on
the mind diet and the Mediterranean dietwhich are high and antioxidants to slow down,
to slow firm the casasolomia. WhenI was your age height, I
was five ten now one five tonine. Canada slows down all these things.

And you have to do your ownresearch. And all those websites,
sixteen of them are on my paperpay But I've been posting for three and
af years on this issue. Cannabisis anti Cannabis is AAAARP anti aging,
anti inflammatory, antioxidant and restorative andprotective. And the Chinese documented that twelve

thousand years ago when they call cannabisthe Yin and Yang medicine, how logical,
analytical, and descriptive the Yin andYang medicine. Yeah, so we've
covered a lot of ground in thisconversation. We've talked about, you know,
what is Alzheimer's. We've talked abouthow does cannabis help UH for patients

who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. We've talked about, you know,
the rewards of using it and howit impacts the body, and we talked
a little bit about the risks aswell, and you know, the risk
comes with dosing, would you say, would be the absolutely like any other
medicine. This is not a drug, this is a medicine. They're all
risk and benef just for every medicine. And as I mentioned earlier, when

you take a certain amount of CBD, it causes vat abilitation opening up of
their arteries. That's why the heartrate because of blocker shave down. Patient
gets dizzy, paranoid or anxious andthen or don't feel anything. And my
first question to that patient is whatwas the ratio of CBD to THC that
made you feel that way? Andmy patients say, I don't know,

They don't. You have to keepa journal to see what works and what
doesn't work. More CDD during theday, more THC at night. If
it's not working work for you duringthe CBD, go more up on the
CDD. If not, then goup on a little more THAC. If

at nighttime more THAC is not workingfor you, take more THC. If
that's not working, a little moreCBD because we can always give you more.
Because the goal is to start atthe lowest possible dose for the maximum
medical benefit. Because one to onestart low and go slow. One see
five on the Grand Finally gram timberGrand timberlo grams because we can always give

you more CBD during the day,more THAC at nights, more CBD days
so you can concentrate to daily activities, drive, operate, heavy machinery,
and then more t A C torest, repair, review, regenerate.
And let's not forget about c BE, c cbg zbn t A c
B delta A, t A Cdelta nine and c B d A because

because it's the entourage effect, thereis no I in team. You take
too much t A C. Ourparents told us, our instances told us
too much of one thing is notgood for you because you will develop a
tolerance, and too much T AC is bad for you. But you
cannot overdose on CBD. And ifyou can't handle the high from THC,

you give more CBD or more tA c V, which lowers the psychoactive
of t H. But you don'twant to lower your T A C level
because cbdvs. T A C becausethere is no I in team. Yeah,
answers just told us, use thewhole plant, not just belief.
Right door tomorrow. I want tolike add another level of balance to the

conversation because this is you know,such rich, good conversation here. So
we talked a lot about people couldget go to the you know, they
could get it legally, go toyou know, go to their qualified physician,
get the you know, we'll getthe medical marijuana card. Go to
the qualified position, go to thedispensary, get a product, figure out
what works for them from a dosing. But then you're going to have another

audience that says, hey, I'mgoing to just go get it off the
street because I you know, Solet's talk about the difference between what you
get in the dispensary and what youget on the street to treat anything,
including Alzheimer's. I will admit thatwhile in college, I didn't know what
I was getting, but it helped. However, you had no clue as

to what you're getting in your pon the streets. How much CDG is
in there, how many terpenes arein there, what's the problems to CDD
to THAC, it's mostly THAC,it's mostly in the dispensary. You can
get on your certificate certificate of analysis. You can type in the match number.
You can ask the person behind thecounter and what I advise all my

patients and when you go to thedispensary, ask them what product has the
highest amount of therapies. Because thereare over two hundred turrapies in the plant.
That's the most powerful part of theplant. Because there are over two
hundred that we know about, weonly know about twelve to twenty. We
don't know squat about the other onehundred and thirty plus cannabinoids. And I

advise my patients please go into theconsultation rooms, which in my three and
a half years of experience, Idon't think I've seen someone in the consultation
plot once in my career. Andthat's it. And I want to mention
please, when you treat with alzheimerpatches left seventy two hours to treat Alzheimer's
doesn't matter where you put it,stays on in the bedroom, in the

shower, you put brandis in searchto take around the ages, keep it
on the patch for three days.Gel caps last twice as long as gimmis.
Yeah. The use of the houseflower is one to four teachers,
one to six edit blows on fourto six jail caps of four to twelve
patches off seventy two hours. Ifit lasts longer, it's more effectively efficient
and economical. Yeah yeah, andproducts out there, I mean different ways

of modalities, ways you can takecannabis. And that's the first post after
post, right after your posts onyour own about the levy patches seventy two
hour patries or move four to sixhour patries from Suterra. Move has easier
for anything between premium paulsal and postminipolstal and everything in between. And not

even cent on. My patients don'tknow about it. It's on my Facebook
page because I use my Facebook pageto educate, to educate, to educate,
because when patients come to see me, I'm trying to teach in the
history the benefits in the science forfifteen minutes. Yeah. Yeah, it's
information overload. And people over sixtyfive are the oldest of the plans of

going demographic sogeant group that did ascene and special August eighth, sojeant group
that has a seenor moment the plansof going sem and people using cannabis weed
are people of sixty five. Yeah, Well, for our anxiety, the
precious lead, pain and appetite andPTSD and cancers and Alzheimer's and all I

want to say, cannada slows downthe slow burn. It gets us all
in the end. It's called it'scalled oxidative stress. Yeah, so that's
go ahead, no, keep no, keep going, keep going no after
native stress is the cause for alldiseases. Everything that goes wrong with us,

everything that happens to us as weget older, is due to oxidative
stress from inflammatory side of carse.The inflammation that you see when you cut
yourself, the information you see whenyou get pain, swelling, tenatus and
dema. That's what goes on inour bodies. And cannabis is anti aging,

anti inflammatory, antioxidant, restorative,and protective. Yeah. So for
those who are listening and say,well I'm not sure I want to do
cannabis. You earlier talked about yourdiet, right, the mind diet.
It's diet antioxidants, leafing, vegetablesof all the things that our ancestors told

us to eat, which was fruitsand vegetables. That's what we are.
That's what the mind diet is.That's what the Terranian diet is. It's
fruits and vegetables and almib oil andtumeric and socialization, women empowerment. Look
at the blue zones, the bluezones on the planet, or the places
where people live to be over onehundred and one lady that was one hundred
and two years old, she wasasked what was the best tea? She

said red wine, and she wascorrect because thiss vera troll like cannabis is
an anti occident. That's why theone hundred and two year old lady said
that red wine was the best tea. Someone asked me, how often as
often as possible, reveal that,okay, antioccidents. Google it. It's

the call for diseases, the inflammatoryside of times, the interlook at one
through six and two hunder prosess factor, the slow at that to these produced
waste right smoke and chemicals into thewater. Our body does the same thing.
And the inflammatory cydal kinds is whatgets us all in the inn.
And cannabis slows down the slow burn, then none of us escapes. Yeah,

talk tomorrow. This was in afascinating conversation and I wanted to give
you a few minutes just to shareany closing thoughts with our listeners and viewers
of today's Life form. Closing thought, I want us to remember and I'm
sorry everybody sees us in the dispensaries. Over forty thousand people are still in
jail for cannabis possession. For overforty thousand people in this country are still

in jail. And the MORE Actnow on an organization, the Investment Act,
is coming up again in January oftwenty twenty four where they plan to
put cannabis on Schedule three. That'sgoing to be the debate. It's going
to be the fourth time. Andthe MORE Act would have let people out
of jail, provided mentorships, mentorshiptraining, training in the cannabis industry where

there are millions of jobs, becausethis business is going to be worth twenty
twenty thirty billion by twenty twenty thirty. Say this, to forty seven million
people worldwide have Alzheimer's, it's goingto triple by twenty fifty. In this
country, five to six million havecannabis Alzheimer's. That's going to double to

ten to eleven twelve million by twentyfifty. More people will be over sixty
five then under sixteen because we areliving longer, So dementia can be prevented
by eating right, exercising, gettingcounseling. You know, it's not just
cannabis, it's what you eat.Socialization. The worst thing is to leave

up patient with Alzheimer's alone. That'sthe worst thing. They need socialization,
They need to eat right. Becausecannabis and the over two hundred conditions that
it treats, it's not going tocure anything. It's going to slow down,
to slow burn, the oxidative stressthat gets us only in. That's

why I'm five to nine now,but I used to be five ten.
Before you wrap up, can youjust share what your Facebook handle is.
We've been posting it in the post, but can you share your Facebook handle?
Okay, I'm going to say veryslowly so everybody gives it as an
x S as in c K asin knock t h E t r t

A m A R ask the doctortomorrow. A s K t h E
d r t A m A ras the doctor tomorrow. Because when I
lived in Texas, they used tosay, hey, doctor tomorrow is coming
to see you. I thought thepatient was coming today. Well, thank

you so much for being a gueston our Conversations on Cannabis Virtual form brought
to you by the Medical Marijuana Educationand Research Initiative at Florida and M University.
Thank you to everyone watching this program. Tell us what you think about
this form by completing the survey thatwill be posted in the comment boxes on
YouTube and Facebook after this live program. If you complete the survey, your

name will be entered into a drawingon November thirtieth, twenty twenty three,
to win a one hundred dollars giftcar provided by one of Mary's partners.
We also want to encourage you togo to the Florida Department of Health Office
of Medical Marijuana Use website to learnhow to obtain a legal medical marijuana cart
in the state of Florida. Wealso encourage you to go to the Florida

and M University merrywebsite to learn moreabout this initiative, it's educational programs and
additional information about cannabis use in Florida. Thanks everyone. The views and opinions
of our invited guest are not necessarilythe views and opinions of Florida Agricultural and
Mechanical University or the Medical Marijuana Educationand Research Initiative.
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