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March 18, 2024 21 mins

Take a breath and let me, Daphne Walter, a seasoned Mompreneur with almost thirty years under my belt, guide you through the digital evolution of time management. This episode is a goldmine for those seeking to transform their frenzied schedules into a harmonious symphony of productivity and calm.

Today I lay out the essentials of discipline, growth, and the smart selection of digital tools that synchronize with your ambitious lifestyle. From the simplicity of collaborative spirit, to  innovative focus enhancements, the insights here are about building that seamless bridge between work demands and personal fulfillment.

I don't just stop at recommendations; I challenge you to embrace a trial of any featured time management tool and experience firsthand the liberation from overwhelming to-do lists. This conversation is not just a rundown of applications; it's a tailored blueprint for Mompreneurs ready to elevate their time management game and harness the true potential of their productivity.

As I mentioned in the episode, here is the the list of the tools I referenced, as well as the ones that I use daily/weekly:


Google Drive

IG: @daphnekaywalter 

Music Credit: Thomas Whitfield

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:07):
Hello, hello and welcome to mompreneur like a
rock star, where each week webring you new tips, inspiration
and strategies to help younavigate through parenting
business and genuinely give youa space to connect with other
women walking similar paths asyou.
Hey there, my name is DaphneWalter and I've been an
entrepreneur for almost 28 years, and in those years I've spent

much time working for a fewlarge corporations and in the
last few years, have owned abrick and mortar and even a
medical staffing firm.
And if there's been one thingthat has been consistent
throughout all these years ofworking and building businesses,
starting up a family, movingacross the state and then across
the country is that you have tolearn to get good at managing

your time.
So plug in your pods, eliminateany distractions and allow me
to share with you some apps andtools that can help
revolutionize how you organizeyour day and achieve your goals.
Now, when I first got startedwith my career and even my
network marketing business, wedidn't have apps and the tools

were, needless to say, minimal.
This was almost 30 years ago.
There were no cell phones, well, not ones that had any type of
calendaring or internet or evena camera built into them Pretty
much the only system that we hadto track and manage our time
was an old school paper planner,which, ironically, this is

still the most preferred choiceof mine, but back then we had no
Managing time was 100% manual.
But why is managing our timeeffectively so important anyway?
Well, let's quickly cover acouple of those reasons.
The first is it maximizesefficiency.

Time management helps us makethe most out of our available
time by prioritizing tasks,allocating resources
appropriately and minimizingdistractions.
Therefore, we're able toaccomplish more in less time,
increasing productivity.
Second, it helps us meetdeadlines, and for many of us in

our professions, meetingdeadlines is essential for
Effective time managementensures that tasks are being
completed on time.
We're reducing the risk ofmis-deadlines and the associated
consequences, such as lostopportunities or damage to our
The third reason that effectivetime management is crucial is

because it helps us reducestress.
Now, when you aren't managingyour time properly, that often
leads to feelings of beingoverwhelmed, stressed or anxious
, and time management helps usfocus our attention on one task
at a time, which helps us thenreduce stress levels and
maintain that better work-lifebalance which, overall, just

leads to improved well-being andmental health.
The fourth reason is that itallows for increased
opportunities, because you arecreating space for personal and
professional development.
By setting aside time forlearning new skills, networking
and pursuing hobbies, you'reexpanding your knowledge, you're

building relationships andyou're seizing opportunities for
growth and advancement.
And lastly, number five, havingeffective time management
skills builds discipline andself-control, which is so
instrumental in setting andachieving both short-term and
long-term goals.

Okay, so now let's fast forwardto today's fast-paced world,
where managing time effectivelyis even more essential for
productivity and success.
Think of all the things that wehave on our plate these days.
I mean, sure, we had thembefore, years ago, but now
there's so much more availableOnline technology, digital

access, distractions and, quitefrankly, time suckers.
But fortunately for us, there'salso now a plethora of tools
and apps available to help youstreamline your workflow,
prioritize tasks and make themost of your time.
So let's just go ahead and jumpright into them.
I'm gonna list out what I wouldconsider, I guess, the top nine

when it comes to the differentapps and tools that are
A couple of these I havepersonally used or am still
using currently, but, just tokeep this content 100%
transparent, I did have to do alittle bit of research into what
other tools are available outthere, because, quite honestly,
technology is rapidly changing.

Apps are advancing.
Apps are falling behind.
Once you begin to test some ofthese out, you'll find which
ones work better for you interms of features, functionality
and flow.
But here's a couple of quicktips or suggestions before we
dive in.
I personally like apps thatalso have a desktop version,

because that's where I do mostof my work.
I really only log in to apps onmy phone if I'm on the go, but
that's totally up to you, andyou might be totally opposite
and your phone is where it's at.
Just again, find what's goingto work for you.
My other tip that I wanted tooffer you is, before committing
to any type of subscription, seeif that app or tool or resource

whatever we're looking atoffers a free trial period,
because you want to know thatit's going to be a good fit for
you before you begin to investany money into it.
And then my last suggestion is,when deciding on a platform,
don't think about where you areright now.
Think about where you want togrow.
So does that platform offeraffiliate links that you can get

paid for by referring it toyour niche?
Does it have the ability to addadmins or assistants when
you're ready to hire or delegate.
You might not be thinking aboutthese things right now, but you
You will only go where yourmind will take you, okay.
So let's do this.
Let's dive into the top nine.

The first one is to-do list,and if you need me to spell
these out, actually I'll justlist links into the show notes
so that you have all of itavailable to you.
So the first one is to-do list,and this is a task management
app that allows users to createexactly what it says A to-do
list right, a to-do list.

So it allows you to createto-do list, set deadlines and
organize tasks into projects.
It has features likereoccurring tasks, priority
levels, productivity tools,things like that.
To-do is tagline is becomefocused, organized and calm with

to-do list.
I love that they had to add inthe calm right, because weren't
we just talking about reducingstress?
So, according to Todoist, theyare the world's number one task
manager and Todoist app.
They do have a desktop version,an app and even additional
resources on their site, likeproductivity quizzes and more.

So, definitely, if you haven'thad a chance to check them out,
I'd highly recommend it.
They do offer a one week freetrial and then the monthly cost.
It's minimal.
There's different membershiplevels depending on the features
that you might require.
Okay, so the second is Trello.
Now, this is my go to forproject management.

It's what I use with mymarketing and our technical team
Trello is a visualcollaboration tool that allows
you to organize projects andtasks into customizable boards.
So you create boards fordifferent projects, you can add
tasks as cards, you can movethem through the various stages

of completion.
I'm going off topic here, but Ilove the features because we
have multiple hands in lots ofprojects.
So we can assign tasks, we canassign security levels.
It's not called security levelson their site, but permissions,
I guess you could say would bethe better word for that.
It has a pretty intuitiveinterface and its collaboration

features make it ideal for bothteam projects and individual
task management.
There's both an app and adesktop version and, as of April
1st, you can add up to 10collaborators, which is awesome.
The best part is it's totallyfree.

Okay, so the third one is Asana.
This is a very popular one.
You might have already heard ofthis one before, and I've used
Asana in the past and it's great.
Asana is a project managementtool that helps teams coordinate
and track their work.
It has features like taskassignments, deadlines, progress

Asana ensures that everyonestays aligned and accountable.
It's awesome because itintegrates with other
productivity apps, making itsuch a powerful tool for
streamlining workflow andincreasing efficiency.
Asana is also offered in boththe app and desktop version.

You can sign up with a freeaccount not just a trial, but an
actual free account and thenyou also have the option to
upgrade to additional levelsdepending on, again, what your
requirements are.
Like I mentioned, I used Asanaa few times in the past and it's
I prefer it for more teamcollaboration, so it's not my

day-to-day go-to for timemanagement.
Okay, number four we're justmoving right along here.
Number four is Evernote.
Evernote is another one that Ilove.
Evernote is a note-taking appand it allows users to capture
ideas, organize thoughts andcollaborate with others.
It has features like notebooks,tabs, search functionalities.

Evernote makes it so easy tostore and retrieve information
across multiple devices, sowhether you're jotting down
meeting notes or saving webclippings, it's organized and
accessible right at the tip ofyour fingers.
It helps you tame your work,organize your life.

It has both a desktop and appversion.
It also has a free version andthen a couple of different
levels of subscriptions,depending on how much
integration that you need andwho all you need to collaborate
with using that tool.
Number five is Focus at Will,and I'm just gonna admit this is

one that I recently heard aboutand I had no idea what it was,
so I had to look it up, and itis so cool.
Focus at Will is a musicstreaming service that provides
curated playlists that arescientifically designed to boost
productivity and focus.
It leverages principles ofneuroscience and psychology to

help users enter a state of flowand maintain concentration
during work sessions.
How awesome is this?
To sum it up, it's basicallymusic for your brain.
Super cool.
You get a 28-day free trial andthen you have a couple of
options in terms of pricing, andthis one also is available via
app or a desktop view.

Moving on to number six is onecalled Forest, and again number
This one is unique, another oneI had not heard of, and, quite
frankly, it is so interesting tome how this one made the top
Not that I'm downgrading it byany means, but it's 2024 and
nothing really surprises meanymore.

So number six is called Forest,and it's called Forest for a
reason, because when they sayit's a unique productivity app
that encourages users to stayfocused and minimize
distractions, they aren'tkidding, because how forest
Users will plant virtual treesand set a timer for focused work

Now, if they succumb totemptation to leave the app,
their trees wither and theirwhole forest dies.
But over time, users can grow avirtual forest and track their
productivity habits.
So interesting.
Now, this one currently is onlyavailable via an app.
It's 3.99 to download, with theoption of some in-app purchases

Number seven is Rescue Time.
Rescue Time is a time trackingand productivity tool that
provides insights into how usersspend their time online.
By analyzing activity patternsand identifying time wasters,
rescue Times helps users makeinformed decisions about how to

optimize their schedules andfocus on what matters most.
And one of the coolest thingsabout Rescue Time, there's no
data entry involved.
It is available at desktop andapp version, there's a 14-day
free trial, and then they haveplans that start at 6.99 a month
So our last two.

Number eight, is called Pomodone.
Pomodone is a time managementapp based on the Pomodoro
technique, and the Pomodorotechnique it's a productivity
method that involves working inshort, focused burst with
regular breaks.
So with this app, users can setcustomizable timers, they can

track their work sessions andthey analyze their productivity
over time.
It's an effective way to beatprocrastination and maintain
momentum on task.
It integrates right into someof the tools that I mentioned
earlier, like Todoist, trello,asana and even Evernote.
Currently it's just an app, butit is free.

And lastly, number nineMondaycom, your go-to work
With Mondaycom, you can manageall projects, tasks, define and
track your goals.
It has an integrated CRM foryou to track sales contact, your
leads and so much more.
They do have what's called aforever free trial, where you

can use it for free as long asyou'd like.
Obviously, that comes withlimited functionality, though,
but they do have pricing plansfor individuals all the way up
to the enterprise level.
So definitely, if you haven'thad a chance yet, check out
Mondaycom as well.
So there's my top nine.
Those are the top nine timemanagement tools.

Now, like I mentioned earlier,there are so many tools out
there, and they're always comingout with new ones all the time.
You almost have to with, asfast as this world is speeding
up, but, just like with anythingelse, try and see what works
best for you.
Now you might be wondering,aside from Trello and a couple

others that I mentioned, whattools or apps that I currently
use to manage my life, mypersonal, business life,
parenting, everything and maybe,even if you're not wondering,
I'm going to share it with youanyway.
So let me quickly just gothrough a complete list of just
the ones off the top of my headthat I'm even trying to think
So, first and foremost, googleDrive.

This is my main platform.
This is where I organize all myfolders, my files, my photos,
anything personal and businessrelated lives on Google Drive,
because obviously I access itfrom my desktop and if I'm ever
somewhere out on the go, I haveeverything available right on my
phone, which means I also useGmail.
And then there is an integratedtool called Streak that

integrates with Gmail.
That helps me track my businessas far as like my customers, my
leads, and I can move peoplekind of along the sales process,
if you want to call it that.
And then, also on the same topic, at Google I have a Google
So my Google Calendar it'sonline.
I sync it to my phone, so ifany changes I make on one

platform, it automatically syncsto the other.
I also have a daily plannercalled the Everyday Entrepreneur
, which I'll actually bereviewing this very, very soon.
I just ordered it for 2024 andI'm so in love with this planner
, so more more will be comingout about the Everyday Planner.
But I also use a large deskcalendar.

For my larger monthly viewing,I use an app called Metricool.
It's actually saved in mybrowser bar, so I shouldn't say
an app, but it's calledMetricool and that's what I use
to schedule all my social media.
My email platform is ConvertKit, so I use this for emailing,
scheduling, newsletters, emailcampaigns, funnels.

You can also create landingpages here.
Pretty robust, very, very, verycommon tool.
I also use Canva to creategraphics, thumbnails, logos,
ebooks, courses, guides you nameit.
Canva is amazing.
And then my website, myplatform for where I bring
people in, where I host my blogs, my podcast, all my courses.

Everything is via Kajabi.
That's kind of like myall-in-one.
I use Riverside to record mypodcast, I use WavePad to edit
my podcast, I use Buzzsprout toedit and schedule podcast, and
then I use an app regularly toedit my photos and my videos for

social media and it's calledSplice.
So, like I said, just to kindof give you a quick rundown
because people are always askingwell, what tools do you use
every day or, at minimum, weeklyright?
So these are the main thingsthat I use that help me manage
my time, keep me on track, keepme productive and, quite frankly

, keep me sane.
Now I know that it takes time totrial and error and learn a
bunch of tools, especially ifyou don't feel like you're the
techie type of person.
But trust me when I say blocktime out of your busy schedule
to figure it out.
Remember in the beginning,where I talked about the
benefits of effectively managingour time.

Number four was it allows forincreased opportunities, because
you are creating space forpersonal and professional
By setting aside time forlearning new skills, you are
seizing new opportunities forgrowth and advancement.
Time management tools and appsare valuable resources that can

help you to maximize yourproductivity and make the most
of your time.
But you can't just have themdownloaded to your phone or
saved to your browser bar.
You have to use them, you haveto learn them, you have to find
ways for them to work for you.
Start incorporating tools intoyour daily routines and you'll

see how much that will help youstreamline your workflows, your
tasks and ultimately help youachieve your goals and create
greater efficiency andeffectiveness in your life, not
just your business.
So here's a quick, shameless,sorry not sorry plug to wrap
things up.
If you haven't tuned intoepisode number 11 yet, where I

talk about the slay yourschedule template, listen to
that episode next, because thisis a template that I recently
That's also a time managementtool.
I created it based on thethings that I look for in a
planner to help me manage mytime, my meals, my goals.
I created or I actually Icreate a new customized template

I send it out every single weekto my newsletter.
So if you aren't already signedup for the newsletter, be sure
to jump over to my website,daphnewaltercom, and sign up
with just your first name andemail and I will get you added
to that weekly communication sothat you begin receiving every
Thursday a brand new customizedslay your schedule template.

I hope you found this episodehelpful and I'm going to leave
you with just a small challengefor this week.
If you do not already have anytype of system or any tools or
have any type of calendaringprocess in place, I challenge
you to find, and at least signup for a free trial, for one

just one and see how it can'thelp you either save time,
eliminate some overwhelm ormaybe even create a stronger
collaboration with a team member.
That is all I have for today,friends.
I just want to thank you foryour time and we will see you
next week.
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