All Episodes

August 22, 2022 9 mins

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As part of our Multifamily Women® Summit, we share time with innovative brands as part of our “Meet the Sponsors” series that showcases those brands that are supporting the platform to advance not only technology and innovation, but the women who are making all of that possible.

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Dwelo is bringing smart device technology to apartment communities. Their software, hardware, and service platform enables the owners and managers of multifamily properties to offer smart homes as an amenity to their residents and simultaneously improves the efficiency of property operations. Dwelo smart apartments are live in thousands of apartments from coast to coast. 

In this episode, we covered:

  • Pam Yoon, the company's Principal Product Manager, gives us a detailed overview of Dwelo, the first smart community system in the sector.

  • According to Pam, Dwelo streamlines processes and increases ROI while saving time for property staff. Residents can use their mobile devices to operate the thermostat, keys, security, pool fencing, gym doors, and more.

  • Dwelo also offers leak detection to help prevent major issues early on and  eliminates the trouble of having to rekey locks. The ability to manage thermostats in vacant apartments allows multifamily investors to make monthly savings of up to $38 per vacant unit, Pam states.

  • Dwelo gives investors the opportunity to market their apartments as smart homes and is regarded as an amenity, which implies that it can boost rent by an additional 2% to 3%.

  • At the Multifamily Women® Summit, Pam is eager to network with owners and developers to get firsthand feedback about the product and to ask and answer any questions about Dwelo.

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Connect with Pam Yoon, Principal Product Manager at Dwelo

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Episode Transcript

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Carrie Antrim (00:24):
Hi there and welcome to the multifamily women
I'm your host, Carrie Antrim.
And today I'm joined by Pam Yoonprincipal product manager for
Dwelo Pam.
Welcome to the show.

Pam Yoon (00:38):
Glad to be here.

Carrie Antrim (00:39):
I'm so glad to have you, so tell us a little
bit about the Dwelo journey.

Pam Yoon (00:44):
So Dwelo started in 2014 and it's a.
Smart community system for themultifamily industry that offers
smart home tech.
And this is for rental owners toimprove ROI it's for property
staff to save time bystreamlining operations, it's

for residents to have connectedsmart homes.
When I say smart community, Imean, smart lights.
Locks where you don't needphysical keys which also
includes access to gateselevators amenities.
And in addition, smartthermostats that residents can
control remotely and leak andmotion sensors.

Carrie Antrim (01:26):
So take me inside this smartcommunity.
What does it look like for aresident

Pam Yoon (01:33):
For a resident it's a really great thing to have
because you can control allthese devices through your
And for example, with locks,those are really useful because
you don't have to actually carrya physical key around.
If you wanna go for a run, youcan just take your phone.

And when you have a thermostat,especially if you're, say in a
hot place, when you're cominghome from a trip, you can
actually adjust the thermostat.
And so I think a lot of peopleare familiar with smart devices.
We actually control the entiresystem in your community that
actually even extends to beyondthe unit.

It can be controlling the.
Gate to open your pool or yourgym through your phone.

Carrie Antrim (02:22):
And what does this mean for theonsite staff?

Pam Yoon (02:27):
Yeah, that's a great question.
This is a really big benefit forthe onsite property stuff
because it really saves themtime.
For example, with locks there-keying process for physical
keys is very different.
If you have a smart lock, youjust need to reset that smart

You don't have to changecylinders.
You don't have to.
Spend the time on that kind ofmaintenance.
There's also a really bigbenefit with vacant units.
When property managers aretrying to control the
temperature in a vacant unit,they can do that with dwell and

they don't actually have to goto every single unit.
Because maybe a work then wantsto go in and they have to turn
the air conditioning on, butthen after they leave, they
haven't turned it off.
A property manager can actuallyturn it off, without having to
go to the unit.

Carrie Antrim (03:22):
And so what's the business case.
Let's say if you're in a meetingwith owner operator, what are
you saying to them?

Pam Yoon (03:29):
for owner operators probably one of the biggest
benefits for them is that thisis consider.
And amenity, it's an additionto, a typical apartment and you
can actually add on a two to 3%rent increase because you can
say you have a smart home thatyou're offering.

Not every apartment buildingoffers that.
And then when I mentioned thevacant unit settings, that
actually can give you energysavings of up to$38 per unit per
And then the leak sensors.
A really simple, low costeffective way to avoid really
large damage repair costs in thefuture.

Because a sensor that detects aleak can actually send a
notification to the propertymanager.
And so bigger problems could be

Carrie Antrim (04:22):
avoided early.
And how is Dwelo standing?

Pam Yoon (04:31):
I think Dwelo stands out because we were first in the
market for multifamily and we'vebeen doing this the longest.
I mentioned that we started in2014.
And then the otherdifferentiator is that we,
because we have all thisknowledge, we're able to partner
with potential customers onreally simplifying this journey

of smart tech.
There's a lot of confusion.
About devices and standards.
So I think that, it's really.
Being a consultant for thecustomer throughout this whole
journey because it can beconfusing.
We also really emphasize supportand service.
So when you are a customer, youhave a dedicated customer

success manager for youraccount.
So even after it's beeninstalled long after you still
have this customer successmanager and then our support
team is.
Best in class.
Also, we have the them availablefor the residents.
So the residents don't have togo to the property manager.
They can go directly to dwell

Carrie Antrim (05:35):
Oh, that's really interesting.
How do you go about educatingthe marketplace on all of this?

Pam Yoon (05:44):
Yeah, I think that, it's an evolving industry always
and which makes it reallyexciting and challenging.
We have a lot of knowledge inhouse and we, really use that to
educate customers.
When they're thinking aboutgoing with Dwelo we are really
honest about, what would workbest for your community?

We are.
Helping with evaluation.
Cuz not everyone has a one sizefits all solution.
So we're definitely helping toclear the path for what they
would actually work best forthem.
And then in terms ofimplementation, we have our own
implementation managers.

That will work with you and thenhelp you through that entire
process, whether it's a retrofitor new construction.
And then as I said, you wouldhave a dedicated customer
support success manager and thatwhole team is working for you
and educating you along the wayas long as well as your property

staff on site.

Carrie Antrim (06:52):
So if.
If you could boil it down, whatwould you say is the number one
challenge or obstacle you'reovercoming in the industry?

Pam Yoon (07:02):
I think the industry is always changing and that's a
good thing.
But it's also a bad thing inthat it gets really confusing
for people.
There are multiple.
Ecosystems and standards in theindustry and deciding which way
to go can be confusing forpeople.
And so there is a big learningcurve, and I think that dwell

helps by being your consultantand partner through this whole
journey, will give you thehonest truth on what would work
for your specific communitybecause not every community is
gonna have the same devices.

Carrie Antrim (07:39):
So switching gears a little bitI'm wondering why Dwelo is
excited to support themultifamily women's summit and

Pam Yoon (07:48):
We are really excited about it.
I'm not a salesperson, I'mactually a product manager,
which means that I'm decidingwhat should we be building and
how do we meet the needs of ourcustomers and users of our
And so personally, having thechance to connect with owners,
developers, and property staffis really so valuable for me and

my team to get that kind offirsthand feedback.

Carrie Antrim (08:13):
Wanna leave our audience with any final

Pam Yoon (08:18):
I think that, the industry isreally exciting but challenging
and confusing.
So if you have any questions,please come find me at the
conference, I'm really excitedto talk to people.
Just to get your questionsanswered or just to get to know
you better.

Carrie Antrim (08:35):
And what's the best way for people to get in
touch with you in the meantime?

Pam Yoon (08:40):
can find me on LinkedIn.
And if you have questions aboutdwell, you can go to,
but I would love to meet you andtalk to you at the conference,

Carrie Antrim (08:50):
Thank you so much for joining ustoday and sharing the time.
I really appreciate it.
Thanks, Carrie.
All right, listeners.
I appreciate you tuning in todayand I'd ask you to please
subscribe and share thisepisode.
If you know anyone else, that'sbuilding a healthy organization
in multifamily, we will see youin the next show.
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