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December 19, 2023 24 mins

Millionaire Man and Penny need to solve a case that could cost them their fortune! But how can Amazing Woman help when she's been sidelined by radiation? And Anna Kat reveals to Trevor just who is her arch enemy!

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My Amazing Arch Enemy

My Amazing Woman S03E03


Anna Kat Waring (Amazing Woman) ····· Lena Garcia  |  Trevor Waring ····· A.J. Cruz  |  Steve Black (Millionaire Man) ····· Joshua Nicholson  |  "Penny" Kemper (Penny, the Coin Wonder) ·····  Diana Helen Kennedy  |  Madison Goforth (Red Light) ····· Sophie Flack  |  Lenny Watkins ····· Frank Guglielmelli  |  Arch Davis ····· David Robbins  |  Kevin from Accounting ····· Dan Stabb  |  Frank Astin (The Crimson Actuary) ····· J Chris  |  Mary Jane Jablonski ····· Rachel Pulliam  |  Butler ····· Rick Steele  |  Narrator ····· James C. Taylor  |          Produced by ····· James C. Taylor  |  Written by ····· James C. Taylor  |  Script Continuity ····· Ken Hallaron  |  Voice Direction ····· Mark Alan Bauer  |  Dialog Editing ····· James C. Taylor  |  Sound Mastering ····· James C. Taylor  |  Music Composition ····· James C. Taylor  |  Sound Effects ·····  |  Production Assistant ····· Ida Williams  | 


This is a production of Hey, Daddyo Audio, in affiliation with Time Well Electronic Recording Productions, copyright © 2023 by James C. Taylor, all rights reserved.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Years ago.
Um God,
this is high up but I guess everything is that way for you.
Penny a short joke.
Never mind that he's over there.
Try to balance these books.
Millionaire man is going to throw the book at you Crimson Actuary.

that's a good one.
I'm gonna write this off.
Millionaire man.
Right off this list.
He jumped,
he bounced off his rubber check.
He's getting away.
Not for long.
I guess he didn't see that change coming.

So cribs in actuary,
calculate for me.
Your life expectancy out of getting out of prison,
your fun.
You two.
But I swear that I will have my revenge.
Take my entire self and mhm.

I'm home.
I know,
You kind of closed the secret entrance door a bit loudly.
So how is outer space?
Anna Cat?
More like inner space?
Just the high upper atmosphere?
It was fine.
I got the capsule down without a hitch.
I flew through some kind of radiation though.
are you radioactive?

Trevor Diana checked.
then how do you know you flew through radiation?
Can you see it?
without my contacts or my goggles.
I can barely see you.
I could feel it though.
You can feel radiation.
Even light.
You're feeling the heat from the light bulb,
I can actually feel light.

I can tell if the light is on with my eyes closed.
I guess it,
except for my eyesight and speaking of eyesight.
What were you watching when I came in?
Just a spiff spot video called Super Coward.
It's this hero running away from something screaming and talking about running away screaming.
I haven't seen Madison in the last couple of days.
She went on a retreat to think about Craig's proposal.

A retreat.
Like an Ashram in India or a yurt in the mountains.
More like a resort in the Caribbean.
Remember this is Maddie?
We're talking about that.
Let's not.
Why don't you change out of your amazing woman costume and have some biscuits with me.
Assuming I can ever get this jam open.

Let me uh well,
it's open now.
I'm sorry,
I didn't mean to do that,
I'm feeling odd.
All right.
sit down and I'll call Craig.
Are you?
All right?
I think so.
Let me help you up.

I'm afraid I'd pull your arm out of its socket.
I'll just sit here and try not to break the floor.
I'm definitely calling Doctor Calculus.
My amazing woman starring Lena Garcia and AJ Cruz.

I will get you another fork.
My word.
You've bent more silverware this evening than a carnival psychic.
I'm sorry.
It's the effect of the radiation.
It's like my muscles can only operate at full blast.
I had to drive over here today yesterday,
Anna Cat,
put her foot through the floorboard of her car.

I guess you really did put the pedal to the metal.
how long are you going to be like this,
Doesn't know for sure.
but he says the effects should lessen over time.
It's already gotten a little better if you can sit down without breaking chairs.
Can we talk about something a little less?
that leaves out Madison Trevor.

I know we can talk about how Frank Aston,
the Crimson acu is coming up for parole.
The Crimson Actuary.
Our arch enemy,
we locked him up a few years ago.
Although I fully expected him to have escaped prison by now and plotted revenge sometimes I think Superintendent Lewis should put a revolving door on the place.

You're not going to represent him,
are you?
I don't think so.
You know,
That's something I've never asked you who's like your arch enemy.
I'd have to say Mary Jane Jablonski.
I'm sorry,
she's a new ride share driver and it seems like she gets all of the big fares every time she and I are both working,

that shouldn't happen.
I mean,
you have superspeed.
I know,
but it's like every time a big fair comes up.
She's instantly on it.
Is it possible she's gaming the system somehow.
I suppose I'll have to work for the company to work for it.
I bought it last year.

Your fork,
You'll never guess who I ran into here.
Probably because I'm not going to try.
When did your daddy become so funny?
it's none other than Eve dawn dusk,
the richest woman this side of our mindy Marshall.

she's certainly not.
The reckless snowy owl is not at all.
Eve was talking the year of the rideshare driver even as he was pulling away.
But Anna Banana,
should you be saying people's secret identities out loud?
We're on the Liberty Guild app.
That's right.
And with all the safeguards,
Greg added to it,
someone would have to be inside my head to overhear this call.

Don't give ker any ideas.
So any idea when you can go back to driving again,
Greg says the radiation should lessen every day.
So maybe by the end of the week by then,
Mary Jane Jablonsky should have snatched up all my regular fares.
Kitty Kurt.
If you really think this woman is cheating the system somehow,
why not test it?

Have Lenny call for a large fare at a time you set and if she gets that one,
you know the fix is in,
then you can have penny look into it from there.
That's not a bad idea.
I do occasionally have good ones even if I do say so myself and you do.

that was fast.
I didn't have to wait long for that at all.
I am pleased,
Sweet Cheeks.
The name's Mary Jane,
by the way,
Mary Jane Yablonsky.
it says so in the app,
at least the Mary Jane part did the app tell you I was available?

it didn't.
Don't you mind me?
So its I'm just having some fun.
So what are you heading to the A GN stables for?
I'm going to see a man about a horse.
I just cleaned the car.
I knew an actual man about an actual horse.

You got it.
how long have you been driving for the ride share company?
Just a few months?
But let me tell you,
it's a great way to meet people,
especially handsome ones like yourself.
Um Thank you.

and I'm making some great deal too when high pan there right after the other folks must like the cut of my back seats.
I guess.
I don't even have to pick them.
They just seem to pop right into my app like the company was picking them for me.
It's a great set up.
I can imagine.

I make so much I could even say buy you dinner.
Is that so it is?
what kind of music do you like?
It's gonna be a long ride.
Do you have any big band music?
Did Glenn Miller die in a plane crash.
I'm not sure what's funny about that.

Neither was he,
come play the Millionaire man game with me and a cat.
You can play as penny.
I usually play as myself.
Maybe another time.
I'm still afraid I'd break your controller or something.

Plus I want to hear what penny has to say.
All righty then millionaire man to the rescue from what Lenny said,
Mary Jane is just flat out being given fares without even having to select them.
And that definitely shouldn't work that way.
I'm going to ask Ken in it to look more into it,
but not to spread it around me.

Why is that?
It's hard to say whom I can trust if someone is swiping fairs,
I have a hunch.
There's something else going on besides that.
Do you mind if I give my friend Hector access to Mary Jane's financials.
He studied forensic accounting in college and I know you can trust him.
If something odd is going on,
he'll find it.

I'll get that from Kevin in accounting.
Take that villain,
a scum.
So I just sat there like a goof while Trevor and Penny talked about what could possibly be going on.

I felt like I was about as useful as Steve and why didn't you say anything?
It's not like you're dumb.
I mean,
you were the person whose test answers.
I copied the most and I just feel awkward now that I've lost control of my powers.
It's like going through puberty all over again.
Seems like you came out of that.
Just fine.

Not as fine as me mind you,
but certainly fine enough to land.
I guess I seem to recall.
You were planning to go to law school until you started flying around.
You're certainly as smart as either of them.
since you can't use those muscles of yours,
use your brain.

I don't let the officers of Davidson Associates.
I was just on my way out to lunch.
Did I forget to sign something?
I'm here to see Trevor.
So I'm not paying for your visit.
You can,
if you'd like,
I'll pass anyway.
I'm meeting Liz for lunch so I'd better get going.
Where are you going to heaven?

Uh He,
he's the boss.
He can say stuff like that.
Let's go to my office.
Have a seat.
So what did you find?
Black enterprises is paying that Mary Jane every cent of her fares.
Plus giving her a tip.
They aren't bringing in any money at all.

If even just a quarter of their drivers get set up like this,
the right share division of black enterprises will be bankrupt within a month.
Holy crap.
It also looks like the fees that go to their credit card processor are being sent somewhere else,
but I can't tell to where I don't think any outside person could have hacked in and done this either.

There's someone inside helping.
I'll let Penny know and bro,
if they don't fix this soon,
millionaire man is going to be broke.

I do like what you've done to your office.
It's been this way for six years.
Steve and a cat.
Please sit down.
That's Hector's full report.
But the gist of it is that Mary Jane and anyone else set up like her is taking every dime of the ride fees and your credit card processing charges aren't going where they're supposed to.

You could probably have Ken and it cut everything off now.
But I want to catch you as doing this.
Doesn't this seem like the kind of thing the Crimson actuary would do.
but he's behind bars.
Criminals have conducted business from behind bars before.
Trust me.
I know.
You say you want to catch who's doing this?

how about we schedule a ride to get hijacked and run a robotic trace on the transaction.
But it would have to be a fair.
They couldn't pass up hijacking too bad eve dusk isn't around.
She uses ride shares all the time.
Maybe she could be.
She's about my height.
I'll pretend to be her.

You can pretend to be my assistant while Anna Cat and I follow in the millionaire mobile running the signal trays only.
You'd better drive it,
I'm still not past the radiation problem or I can have the guys in R and D reinforce the steering wheel and the floorboards.
You don't know how to drive it?
Do you?

Here are the papers?
what are you doing here,
It's me.
You look like Eve dawn,
Do you mind telling me why you look like eve dawn dusk.
Official millionaire man in Penny business.
if you'll excuse me,
I have a right to get good luck.

I think we have trouble.
Can you have the program direct any big fairs in the next hour?
To me?
I just saw a penny and now I think I need to pick her up and bring her to you.
I'll meet you there after you.

Miss dusk.
Thank you,
buckle up.
you are not supposed to be our driver.
I know you,
you're super coward.
Don't call me that and you can stop with the boys,
I know it's you captain.

You're right on this.
Why are you really asking me why?
I'm pretty sure she is.
It's you and Steve and that video.
Do you know how many times a day I get called?
Super coward.
What video are you talking about that night?
I was with Steve because you and he had broken up.

I saw this ferocious beast come out of nowhere and attack me.
It was a rat and it wasn't even a big one.
It was big enough.
Thanks to you and Steve.
I have had to live that night down 1000 times.
Even my own mother calls me super coward.
soon they'll be laughing at the two of you.

Penny and Trevor have slumped over in the back seat and their car is picking up speed on an amazing woman but try not to break the floorboard.

and I have no idea who this guy is.
It doesn't matter.
Millionaire man will be along soon and we must be ready.
I don't know,
Steve seems pretty lost without her and yet somehow he consistently defies the odds and comes out on top.
Do you know how infuriating it is to lose to the guy whose coin always lands on heads?

I don't.
but I don't.
but I don't.
I'll tell you or better yet,
I'll tell her.
What did you do that for?
She's coming too.
Exactly the point.
Where am I?
why are my hands tied?

your hands are tied because you're my captive and you're in a minor supplied shack just outside the prison.
Why am I just outside a prison?
This shack is about as far as I can get off the prison grounds before the system says I have escaped.
So this is a prison break.

I could have broken out of here anytime in the last few years.
this is about revenge.
Pure sweet revenge after you stopped my crime spree.
I thought long and hard about how I would get back at you.
And Millionaire man.

And then right around Christmas,
I saw the movie Trading Places and I knew what I had to do.
Corner of the orange juice Futures Market,
the orange juice Future Market.
Kevin as the astute,
Billy Ray Valentine said the best way to hurt rich people is by turning them into poor people.

So I studied your operations.
I followed your every move in the financial papers.
I knew black enterprises as well as anyone.
Your systems were well defended.
And then you went and bought a rideshare company.

Their software was already compromised.
But I needed someone to introduce my code into their system.
And that's when I saw super coward.
Would people please stop calling it that I figured that Kevin was mortified by his turn as millionaire man's partner and would be the perfect foil like aluminum.

So I befriended him and slowly methodically turn them against the two of you.
Then I sprung my plan.
The pilot program was doing so well.
I was just about to turn it on full blast and wipe the two of you out when Kevin calls and tells me we've been found out.

So why are you telling me this?
I like to brag and I like to make a dramatic entrance.
Millionaire man.
And sometimes so do I go radiation?
Amazing woman.
Don't worry about him.

Amazing woman.
Free penny on it.
I'll free myself.
Have a nice trip.
How does that coin keep landing on heads?
You stopped him by yourself there.
I'm gonna go catch that accountant guy.
Wake up,

what happened?
Not much.
You were just captured by a bad guy,
sed oh man.
Not again.
You may have me millionaire man.
But good luck proving anything in court.
Anybody looking for an accountant?
Too bad.
Nobody got a video of amazing woman holding him up by his jacket.
It would have been a great sequel.

we don't have a recording of Kevin being captured,
but we do have an audio recording of the Crimson Aary confessing to fraud and conspiracy to fraud.
I had my phone recording running the whole time backing it up to the cloud.
It looks like a lot more prison time for you.
Crimson Actuary.
You can count on it.

get it.
Count boy doing that is fun.
It's why I do it.
I talked with superintendent Lewis and the tunnel.
The Crimson Actuary used to get to the shack will be filled in tomorrow.

Great with as much work as it takes to catch these people.
I hate for them to get right back out again.
Do you need a ride back to the office?
I can fly us back.
You're going to pick me up again.
I promise I'll be careful.
I'm worried about looking like a goof and you crushing me.
Penny and I will be on our way.

by the way,
I had something installed beyond reinforcements.
For amazing woman.
Check this out.
Really a singer though.
Could I have my own song?
How about a dog?

I knew if you used that brain of yours,
you'd be all right.
Everything is back to normal with rideshare.
But Steve was so spooked by the whole thing.
He had penny sold the company anyway.
to whom did he sell it?
Mindy Marshall.
Get out.
He does know that Snowy owl,

He does.
I think he thinks it'll bring snowy bad luck enough of them.
How are you?
I've stopped sending forks and breaking off doorknobs.
Good thing I was getting tired of replacing them.
I was just talking to Madison.
So I see of all the things you broke this week.
None of them would be the phone,

you know it.
And a hello from paradise right back out to you.
You know,
if you feel like you need more time to clear your head,
take it lots of it.
despite his negative commentary,
I am due for a meditation session is the meditation leader.
That cute guy whose picture you sent me.
But I really hadn't noticed he was cute.
I must be slipping tata for now.

So you think you have back your fine muscle control?
I do and I can prove it to you.
Follow me.
Where are we going upstairs upstairs?
you've been listening to season three episode three of My Amazing Woman titled My Amazing Arch Enemy starring AJ Cruise's Trevor and Lena Garcia as Anna Can,

guest starring Joshua Nicholson as Millionaire Man and Diana Helen Kennedy as Penny The Coin Wonder,
featuring Sophie Flank as Madison Frank Guli Meli as Lenny and David Robbins Arch with Dan Stab as Kevin from Account J Chris as the Crimson Actuary,
Rachel Pulliam as Mary Jane Jansky,
Oliver Martinez as Hector Cabrera,
Rick Steele as the butler and James C Taylor as your narrator.

This episode was produced and written by James with script continuity from Ken Halleran.
It was voice directed by Mark Ellen Bauer and dialogue edited by James with Soundmaster and original music also by James Sound of are from Free
This is a production of Hey Daddy,
I want you in affiliation with time with electronic recording productions,
copyright 2023 by James C Taylor.
All rights reserved.

This is a work of fiction names,
events and incidents of the products of the author's peculiar imagination.
Any resemblance to actual persons living a dead or actual events is purely coincidental.
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