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December 20, 2022 24 mins

Trevor Waring, attorney to the superheroes? He and Anna Kat (Amazing Woman) visit the Liberty Guild. But not all is as it seems inside their hallowed halls. Anna Kat's old flame stirs up new trouble. An apple a day could lead them all astray. And did you know that window opened?

A special thanks to George Ledoux for his cameo in this fabulous funhouse of an episode.

This episode is dedicated to the memory of famed comic book writer Len Wein. Why? Find out in our Facebook group.

My Amazing Associates

My Amazing Woman S02E03


Anna Kat Waring (Amazing Woman) ····· Lena Garcia  |  Trevor Waring ····· A.J. Cruz  |  Angela Nightengale Kemper (Penny the Coin Wonder) ····· Diana Helen Kennedy  |  Steve Black (Millionaire Man) ····· Joshua Nicholson  |  Captain Hermes ····· Connor Bushoven  |  Hank Grant (The Mighty Herakles) ····· Patrick Vierzba  |  Calypso ····· Jodi Michelle Hansen  |  Madison Goforth (Red Light) ····· Sophie Flack  |  Lenny Watkins ····· Frank Guglielmelli  |  Craig Gregory (Dr. Calculus) ····· Ken Hallaron  |  Arch Davis ····· David Robbins  |  Hector Cabrera ····· Olavoe Martinez  |  Narrator ····· James C. Taylor  |  The Angry American ····· George Ledoux  |          Produced by ····· James C. Taylor  |  Script by ····· James C. Taylor  |  Story by ····· Ken Hallaron  |  Voice Direction ····· Mark Alan Bauer  |  Dialog Editing ····· David Robbins  |  Sound Mastering ····· James C. Taylor  |  Music Composition ····· James C. Taylor  |  Sound Effects ·····  | 


This is a production of Hey, Daddyo Audio, in affiliation with Time Well Electronic Recording Productions, copyright © 2022 by James C. Taylor, all rights reserved.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

Available transcripts are automatically generated. Complete accuracy is not guaranteed.
one more in its game Hector.
Too bad.
You'll never make that shot.
Hi lenny.
What is it?
I have the list ready list.
I collect superhero memorabilia.
So why are you giving it to Trevor?
And a cat is more of a superhero than he is hey,

but he's giving it to me because I'm going to meet the liberty guild and he wants me to get him stuff.
Why are you hanging out with superheroes?
Because Trevor is going to be their lawyer.
The firm is trying to represent them for merchandizing rights.
what's on your list?
I'd like one of Alice's headbands.

the one who can shrink and grow ah One of the angry americans bandanas.
Hi Hector Lenny.
Hi anna kat and one of the mighty Heracles wrist bands.
The Mighty Heracles will be there.
Is anna kat going no,

I'm not.
Why From what I hear the Mighty Heracles is quite the ladies man.
I don't know about that.
I mean he looks so good,
I might fall for him and I'm straight looks aren't everything and he's probably vain and insensitive to his girlfriend.

And what makes you think that just a hunch?
I'd also like one of eight balls chalk cubes.
I'd like dr calculus autograph and I would like a picture of snowy owl.
Make it two of these really fine is fine bro.

And tell Penny and steve?
I said hello steve millionaire man.
He's friends with Trevor acquaintances.
You know him well enough to have him for thanksgiving.
I even got to drive the millionaire mobile so nothing else,

There isn't another superhero?
You might want anything from?
You're sure.
a picture of red light too.
If she'll let you take one.
what about Amazing woman?

she's pretty cool.
She's amazing and all.
But honestly,
you'd look better in her costume at Halloween than she does.
Anna kat.
Thank you.
My amazing woman starring Lana Garcia and AJ Cruz.

anna kat isn't worried about you going to the Liberty Guildhall without her?
No arch.
Why would she be?
all those groupies that follow the mighty Heracles for one.
First off,
I love her and second,
I doubt his groupies can follow him all the way to the guildhall.
It's hidden in the mountains designed to be inaccessible by most vehicles.

Well then,
how do you plan on getting there?
Amazing woman.
Are you ready?
Let me get my backpack.
It's a pleasure to meet you in person,
Thank you.
You know you look like someone I know,
is that right?
I am ready.

Let them know that we can use cabrera and Fetterman for the accounting and save them on cost.
I'm sure Hector appreciates the plug.
hold still.
Please couldn't you do this outside the office like in the alley where no one can see.
Do what were several stories up already?
Why go down to the ground now.

Hold still.
What are you going to do?
Pick me up.
She's carrying you like a baby.
If you'll stand clear of the window.

did you know this window opened?
You enjoyed that way too much.
That was fun.
And I'm sure it wasn't a coincidence that you flew in right when you did.

it wasn't.
I was listening to you and arch from outside.
Super hearing strikes again.
Hang on.
I'm going to kick it into second gear.
This place is breathtaking for as much as millionaire man and snowy owl paid for it.

It ought to be snowy owls.
Rich too.
Just a little bit.
She considered calling herself a billionaire woman just to annoy steve.
Maybe later.
I'll give you a tour.
Trevor amazing woman.
Penny hugs.
Try not to break anything.
Trevor old man.

Good to see you.
Millionaire man.
Lenny sends his regards.
How is many?
he's fine.
Some of these folks I've seen on the news.
But who's that?
That's a 19 like the scene imps she has water powers.
Be careful when you pick up a glass of water,

It might be her.
If everyone would please go into the main meeting room.
The sooner we get started,
the sooner we can get this over with.
And that Ray of sunshine is Captain Hermes.
He makes dr calculus seem friendly.
I heard that.
I think he meant for you to red light.

Didn't want to miss your presentation briefcase,
We just need have no fear.
The mighty Heracles is here.
What we have is a delayed start.
Waiting for you here have an apple because an apple a day will shut your pie hole.
Why do you have apples?

Ask him after the presentation.
Let's go.
And so I hope you two can see how Davis and associates can use their network of worldwide affiliates to leverage your names.
Images and likenesses to make merchandizing a revenue stream strong enough to make funding from whales entirely unnecessary.

Thank you.
And thank you.
Waring for that presentation.
We ask now that you leave us to discuss your proposal,
Would you take him on a tour of the hall?
Me because you are an associate member after all.
And this is for voting members.
I've been meaning to have a talk with you all about that later.

All right.
Come on.
So when do we vote on kicking amazing woman out?
Say what now?
They didn't tell you know?
Of course they didn't Didn't tell me what?
Didn't tell you that they wanted to expel you sweet cheeks for marrying him.

Don't call me sweet cheeks.
You used to like it.
I used to like you too.
And obviously that has changed.
I don't think amazing woman's civilian life is the purview of this body.
He already knows the civilian identities of several members.
I think it is.
Why do I associate with you people ambushing her?

Was the height of unfairness and I demand the right to be heard.
I will make the case for expulsion.
Then Any other member may speak.
And then we'll conclude with a statement from Amazing woman,
then we will take a vote elsewhere.
You're an associate member.

Take him for a walk.
You're mumbling to yourself.
It's just that I run a multinational corporation and I'm a mistress of multiple martial arts.
And they treat me like a secretary in the sixties.
I'm sorry and I'm sorry.
Trevor for grousing.
Your presentation was really good.
I think you made some great points too bad.

It was a ruse.
What do you mean?
A ruse?
You're here because some of them want to kick and a cat out from marrying you and they wanted to get the measure of you first.
Wait what?
That's that's ridiculous.
I better go back and do What about the only person there you might survive a fight with is steve.

Just take the tour and don't worry about it.
Let's go to the Monument Wing.
Besides Anna Cats too good for these crumbs.
speaking of Good.
These two are great back in the day.
Mr and Miss Wonderful.

They were heroes when we were kids.
What happened to them?
It's sad.
Heiress And the discords ended up killing this wonderful with their strife.
Oh Castor.
Castor a guitar that affects your emotions.
Mr Wonderful.
Was so distraught that he quit crime fighting entirely.

I think you became a teacher not to change the subject.
But I have a question for you yesterday.
Anna kat seemed very down on the mighty Heracles.
Do you have any idea?
Why aren't you down on your exes?
She hasn't told you they used to date.
She didn't mention she dated the Mighty Heracles.

She said she got serious about some guy named Hank for a while.
That is Hank.
Hank is his real name?
You didn't think he was actually?
The Hercules or Hercules,
did you?
With this crowd?
It's hard to know for sure.

This is our gallery of villains.
You helped add that statue at least according to dr calculus Brucia looks just like her.
What's this empty pedestal?
That's for care.
It's amazing considering how many times we've all thwarted her,
that none of us have ever seen her true face.
Last time I saw her,

she looked like a game show prize person.
And wait a second.
I was gonna show you eris her statue should be right here next to calypso.
I don't see a statue of calypso either heiress.
Don't forget me calypso.

Tell me how many of them ate the apples.
How did you get in there?
And how did you know about the apples?
The apples?
My bright,
shiny little Penny.
How we got in here?
We followed them and Heracles right through your front door.
And now it's time to wipe out the Liberty guild entirely.

Penny get help.
Trevor You moron.
Why did you push me through the door?
Trevor open your eyes and open your ears!

Look out here!
Come your worst fears that should keep him busy for a while.
that's right.
Today is your rest,
Your voice day.
That's okay.
I can do the talking for both of us.
And since the Liberty guild will soon be at each other's throats.

There's not much to say other than in the guild hall meeting room.
I would just like to say that if it wasn't for Trevor,
I would have lost Penny as a crime fighting partner.
He went out of his way to get us back together.

The man even invited me to his home for thanksgiving dinner.
And amazing woman is so such a good friend to Penny.
I really think you'd be making a mistake to get rid of her.
And she's a really good cook too.
So is he?
You need to ask him about his turkey brian.
It's really good stuff.

And so are these apples and ext?
I don't know the guy from Adam,
but I do know that pretty lady over there and I can tell you that I trust her judgment.
Even if she picked him over me.
How many times has she pulled your bacon out of the fire Alice or yours Sundeen!
She even cleaned up your mass american while she was on her honeymoon?

Trevor could be a lousy,
no good son of a motherless goat.
And it still wouldn't matter.
This guild needs her way more than she needs it.
that would be me.
Heaven knows.
I find Trevor an absolute pill in the fun department.
But I also know that amazing woman loved him and he literally saved her life.

He took on care at great risk to himself and brought her back from death's door.
And if that wasn't enough,
the Laos had to go and save me too.
Or did you all forget about the Green Witch?
I know your identities are your precious little secret,
but Trevor would no more betray you,
then I would be caught dead in sensible shoes.

And to not even give her the courtesy of letting her know what this was really all about.
I don't think it's her judgment.
That's the one we need to worry about next.
I don't know wearing well myself,
but I do know him some and this is what I can tell you.
He's as brave and good hearted as any of you here,
as red light told you he saved her life and not just her life.

It was mine too.
And possibly the entire world.
I don't think some of you realize what that broach and that pendant can do in the wrong hands.
I saw it in the wrong hands and Trevor figured out how to get it back into the right ones.
Instead of trying to kick amazing woman out.
You should be offering him an associate membership,
But y'all have a track record of not listening to me anyway.

Amazing woman.
I want to thank those of you who said kind things about me and about Trevor.
I really do appreciate your supporting.
He and I and I'm sure he would to the next.
The only other thing I want to say is that I quit.
You don't have to have a vote and you don't have to expel me.

My father always said it makes no sense to stay where you're not wanted.
Trevor wants me.
And so that's where I'm going to get my husband and go.
So if she quits,
do we still have to vote?
I think so.

do we?
who threw that apple core?
It was the angry american.
What was that for?
For freedom in this Shields outside the meeting room?

thank goodness Trevor is in trouble.
And so is the guild.
What are you talking about?
Calypso and heiress are here.
They're the ones who gave Hercules the apples.
The apples.
They're heiresses,
apples of discord.
They'll turn the guilt against one another.
That's not exactly hard to do.

Trevor sent me to get help and the dope locked himself in with them.
We need to get him out of there.
We could use help too,
Did anyone in the meeting room skip the apples?
I don't think.
Maddie and Greg ate them?
Trevor's in trouble coming.

Me too.
I want to help too.
Did you eat any of the apples?
I know better than to eat anything.
A group he gave me.
But you offered them to us later,
I know why you don't like it when we do it to you back in the gallery of villains?

Get away.
Give away.
I am so loving this.
Ever since we found your strife.
castor amplified my powers of illusion and mental coercion.
That night when we sang telephone at karaoke,
I have been waiting to try our duo.
Act on that muscle bound man,

That's my cue.
Trevor take him somewhere safe.
We've got this see upright penny all the day.
I'll have good luck.
What am I doing?
You're picking me up off the ground.

You wolf.
Put me down.
You know,
you way more than I expected,
jerk put me down.
Maybe I can pull the plug on that guitar.
Giant catch,
isn't it?
Are you all right?
Just a bruised ego.
Hercules do something.
I am doing something something besides holding me over your head.

I'll take care of those two apples are red avocados are green Harris and I now can't be seen.
I don't know.
But I bet it's the same trick they used to get in here.
That's why we couldn't see their statues and put me down.

I can't the optics in my suit.
Don't see them either.
I'll get them.
Tell you later.
Drop the guitar heiress.
Now the two of you are going to release Trevor and the liberty guilt or so help me.
You'll wish I had just thrown you in prison.

The motion to expel amazing woman from the guild is withdrawn and let me just say that I personally am sorry for doubting your judgment meeting adjourned.
You couldn't see them either.
How did you find them?
It was easy.
And you could have done it too.
Could I used my super hearing to hear their breathing and heartbeats and if I just thought about it,

I could have had my blocking on the,
that's what I said.
You know,
for a guy with no powers and not a great physique.
You're all right.
I'm sorry.
I got you in the guild into this mess.
If there was a way to repay you for the trouble?
you know now that you mention it,
you know,
I got a smallest.

So can you part with one of those wrist bands?
I've been trying to catch you for a while now Greg,
but I never thought it would be with a minute.
It should have been a first baseman.
I think you'll get further than first base.
We're leaving now guys.
So Penny,
I talked it over with captain,

stick in the mud and while there will be a formal vote at the next meeting.
He said,
I could give you these now.
Go on.
Open them up is my own membership lanyard and badge in a coup to install the Liberty gilda.

Does this mean?
That's right,
Penny dear,
you're a full member now,
I'm a member.
I'm a member.
Check it out.
guess what?

Give her a gigantic emerald ring.
Give her a lanyard.
This women am I right?
I don't know.
I'm not sure what you mean.
You know,
Honey Penny never did finish giving me a tour of this place and a cat.
Guess what?

I'm a member.
I look at my badge.
Just look at it.
I have something to show you and I think she's a little preoccupied right now.
I'll take you on a tour.
And this is the Women's lounge.

You have a men's lounge?
thank you for rescuing me.
Some of the visions calypso gave me were downright scary.
Was it bugs or snakes?
Maybe worse maddie and lenny lived in our basement.
Your silly.

I know.
I'm kind of bummed that the Liberty guild really didn't care about her presentation.
Arch really wanted the work and I am.
You know,
I'm kind of bummed that the Liberty guild really didn't care about our presentation arts really wanted the work.
Penny said steve Lobbied Captain Hermes.
Hard to actually look at the proposal.

It helps out.
Snowy owl.
Said it to Hermes first.
What is it with snowy owl and millionaire men.
they're competitive because they do pretty much the same stick.
He's a multimillionaire crime fighter with a theme,
a sidekick,
a powerful car in a trunk full of gimmicks and she's a billionaire crime fighter with a theme,

a sidekick,
a powerful car and a trunk full of gimmicks.
So what is her car called?
you won't laugh,
I promise.
It's called the Snowmobile.
You promised is going to be that funny.

what's this picture about with you and Maddie and it looks like Penny and maybe some of the other women.
Oh no,
I can't believe they put that up here.
I'm so mortified.
What are you guys doing?
And what was this taken that is spread my Bachelorette party And it's a long story,

a very long story.
You've been listening to season two,
episode three of my amazing Woman titled My Amazing Associates starring AJ Cruz Trevor at Lana Garcia.
As amazing woman gets starring Diana Helen,
Kennedy is Penny Joshua.
Nicholson is millionaire man Bush.
Open is Captain Herbie's Patrick A as the mighty Heracles and Jody Michelle Hanson as calypso featuring Sophie Flaccus,

red light frank gilliam.
Ellie is lenny ken,
Doctor calculus and David Robinson's arch with Olivo Martinez as Hector,
James c taylor as your narrator and special guest George Ledoux as the angry american.
This episode was produced and scripted by James from a story by ken,
it was voice directed by Mark Allen Bauer and dialogue edited by David,

with sound mastering and original music by James.
Sound effects are from free sound dot org.
This is a production of Hey Daddio Audio in affiliation with Time Well,
Electronic Recording Productions,
copyright 2022 by James C taylor.
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction names,
events and incidents are the products of the author's peculiar imagination.

Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead or actual events is purely coincidental.
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