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April 8, 2024 85 mins
Stan Norfleet and Chris Gordy of Next Up review the Houston Astros currently sitting at 1-2 in the Silver Boot Series against the Texas Rangers. Ronel Blanco started on the mound for the Astros during the 3-1 win Sunday. Combined with his no-hitter last Monday against the Toronto Blue Jays, Blanco took another no-hitter into the sixth inning before Adolis García recorded a single. Blanco's 14 2/3-inning hitless streak is the longest in the Expansion Era. The Rockets lost on the road to the Dallas Mavericks on Sunday. The Rockets were up 129-126 when Jabari Smith Jr. missed two free throws giving the Mavericks a chance to tie which they did with a Dante Exum three-pointer as time expired. The Rockets lost 147-136 in overtime and were officially eliminated from the postseason. Stan and Chris recap South Carolina defeating Iowa for the NCAA women's Division I National Championship, preview the men's championship with UConn against Purdue, react to defensive tackle prospect T'Vondre Sweat facing a DWI charge and more.
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Episode Transcript

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Now what's next next stop? It'sthe next man up, next stop,
the next step, take the nextstep, next up stop, next next
stop. This tee wants to benext. This is next st up with
Tad Norfleet ten Chris Gordy. Let'ssee what's next, next next, Live

from the Sports Talk seven ninety studioson a Monday. A little bit of
an overcast, but it's not gonnaput a damp on our parade. Here
Sports Talk seven ninety year home ofHouston Sports. New to the station,
new to the show, staying Northfleetwould be me to my left, Chris
Gordion, our programmed director, myradio partner, I lie younger brother.
That's Conneddy McGovern. He's on theother side of the glass there. He

assists us in our program and theproduction needs. Good morning to you,
Houston. Pretty historic day, theytell me. At the conclusion of this
program, there's gonna be uh whatdo you call it? An act of
God? What are we call anyeclipse? What does it call the heart?
Yeah? I don't know what thetechnical term is. But Clayton here
with you, my whole family.They drove out to Yeah, you get

over to the hot country. Yeah, they're all going in the complete path,
Totalitaranian path of whatever. I sawsome video from here and I'm here
with you. That's what I haveto do. Good place for need to
be hang out, stay out,wid won't you? That includes U City
Houston as we perused the Houston sportslandscape and obviously Astro's in action we've got

Rockets eliminated. We will talk moreabout the disappointment in DFW. What's going
on with Houston Sports and DFW overthe weekend it didn't go well. Also,
we will react to the women's Finalfour has concluded with the championship men
in action tonight, we'll see what'sgoing on. I'll find out what Gordy
thinks about who will win tonight betweenYukon and Purdue. Also, there are

a couple of things locally I wantto get to involved in the University of
Houston. Nonetheless, let's talk ofAstros baseball, as we are your home
of Astros baseball here at seven ninetyall right, Silver Boot series underway.
Rangers lead through three games two toone over the weekend. Friday night,
I had some Rockets coverage and Iwas absolutely going eight bleep at the Rangers

beating the Astros ten to two.The Ranger was going to win, that
would be Saturday evening seven to two, and then then the Rangers get beat
by the Stros, largely because ofJordan Alvarez home runability. Jordanna is in
his groove. Astros win yesterday threeto one, Game four of that series.

Tonight, seven oh five. Firstpitch, stay right here, starting
at six as what you're gonna getyou going with the Astros on deck,
Gordon, some good, some bad. Through three games thus far Astros three
and seven. They are next tolast in the Al West. Where would
you like to start, my friend, Well, let's let's rewind a little
bit. We'll just kind of runthrough the weekend real quick. Friday.

Well, so Friday, remember wetalked about the Astros were going to be
facing this guy, Cody Bradford,and I'd mentioned, you know, they
had some good numbers against him lastyear when they saw him, and that
dude was on his ish. Imean, seven and two third innings,
one run, two hits, ninetyseven pitches. That is that is what

you asked for. H So againthis this theme of the askers had three
hits total on Friday night, justabsolutely abysmal, and then Hunter Brown goes
and you know again living with trafficfour walks and you know, eight hits
that they were teeing off on them, and then you put in Black to
kind of eat it to it's it'sexactly what it's done. The show on

Friday, I said, if oneof these guys get shelled, because you're
playing every day, Black's gonna haveto be that guy. If you get
blown out, a man, goeat it. So he ate it.
Friday night was Friday night, Okay, fine, run Frida night. We
watched that Saturday again. JP Francedid JP France things. He gave you
an opportunity to win five to twothirds innings, three runs. That's again
what I go back to what youask for, mere guy. Now he

gives way in the sixth with arunner on, Brian Obred comes in,
Bray gives up a hit. Suddenlyyou know, was it a I think
it was you were It was tiedto two. Suddenly you're down three to
two because Bryan Obrey gives up thehit. And it's funny because JP France
ends up taking the loss and itsucks because you were. I just hate
that as a pitcher, like thegame was tied to to when I left

the mound, I had a runneron base, yes, but then the
reliever, it's your job to putout that fire, and he doesn't.
He gives up the lead. Andthen Montera to clean inning, and then
Ryan Presley just my god, Idon't know what that was. It was
he got like he got out first, and then it was hit hit hit
hit hit. It was like,my god, like do the Rangers is

he tipping his pitches? Are theytelegraphing what he's doing? And so that
one and that one was close,Like the Friday night game was out of
hand. Okay, we're not gonnawin that one, talking up, but
Saturday you were still in that game. But the problem was Stan the two
runs you score you scored on aground ball that DS had that they threw
the first and went out, youknow, and the ball got away and
they scored two runs. In myopinion, like, you didn't even earn

those two runs you score, Andso that that was frustrating. And then
finally last night was was a nicebounce back. Ronald Blanco is the blessing
of the season so far. Fastthe story right now and I'm glad you
got there, Ronelle. Ronelle Blanco, good lord, Ronelle Blanco. And
what he has done through two startsthis twenty twenty fourth season, is he

the brightest spot right Like I thoughtabout it this way and it's totally different
because obviously he has a no hitter, but he's he has emerged to be
solidified to me as a back endstarter in that rotation. I don't give
a damn JV coming back. Well, not even like he's the best.
He's your number three right now,like Ronelle Blanco has told JP Franz,

I see what you did last year, Hunter Brown, excuse me, bro
Hannah Brown might end up being theman now because doing he's got the great
stuff and all this, but yeah, Hunter Brown, dude, it's not
big good at least, like Isaid, JP's doing what you expect of
like your number five, like justgive us a chance to win. He's
doing that. So like he's finefor me right now. Javier's you know,
Javier has been great, you knowfromber been been much improved, so

you know, and then we'll seewhat happens with Verlander here. But no,
Ronald Blanco is is absolutely he provedlast night. Stand that the that
the no hitter was not a fluke, that this is he is just that
against that change up is working sogood right now that like he's getting everybody
out, and so it's funny.I'm like, Okay, first inning,
no hits, second inning, nohits, third inning, no hits,

fourth inning. Note and you're likeI was laughing because I'm like, is
he gonna do it again? Well, obviously his pitch count got up,
you know, because he was walkingsome guys still, So it's like,
ah, if they're gonna have toif they're gonna do this, it's gonna
have to be combined. And withtwo outs in the sixth, I believe
he got that's when a Dole scarsee a seeing eye single, it just
gets pasted Altuve and and of coursehe believe him his puncherble face. But

then, to me stand, thebigger thing was, Okay, he's out
of the game. Montero, anotherclean inning, one two, three,
Ryan Presley, for as bad ashe was Saturday, to bounce back yesterday
and get the quick inning. Youget a hold from Mataro and a hole
from Presley. Huge from Presley tohave that, and oh dude, I
don't know what it is like.I'll say, first and foremost, he

got the job done, he gothis first savings, an astro, He's
got the monkey off his back.But he gives up a run. It's
three nothing, you got a biglee, it's three to one, and
then I'm another man on. Suddenlyit's the tiger runs. At the point
you're like, heyter, dude,like, what is going on? Ninety
five million? Dude? Yeah,I'm a need hater to get in in
and hold it down. The storyis for me though, it is still
it's Blanco, and he has hada surprising meteoric rise. If you would,

I mean this guy that came intothe season this season with seven previous
thoughts in his life in the bigs. So his last two outings, I
mean, just to put it inhistorical context, going to you've seen some
of these. Ronel Blanco is theonly MLB pitcher in the modern era to
throw fifteen plus innings and allow morethan one hit over his first two starts

of a season. Sarah Lanes doesa good job. She says Ronel Blanco's
forty four outs before his first hitallowed are the most by pitcher to begin
a season, at least in theexpansion era since nineteen sixty one. Blanco's
dealing. He's handling his business.So to me, kudos to him.

He deserves all the praise and theclaim that he's receiving. It's amazing.
I'm going back and looking through hispitch, his pitches yesterday, and from
the no hitter, that chip,the fastball's working, the changeups working.
Where he got built with Garcia wasfirst pitch hit got him. He got
him on a slider, and soI almost wonder, like this runold kind
of okay, take that mental check, all right, you know, Like,

but everything, the rest of hisarsenal, it's just been, it's
been phenomen His era is zero.Well yeah, I mean he's been excellent
on the season. He's even aone hit and right eleven strikeouts to boot
and the historical start too, theysaid he's forty four outs before the first
hit allowed, the most by apicture to begin a season since experience.

I just read it. Yeah,but most consecutive no hit innings for since
nineteen ninety. The only two guysahead of the ahead of him in that
category, Max Schurzer and Dwight Gooden. I mean two of the best,
and like he's literally in that categorynow, you can't take that away from
him. Chandler Rome rights Six daysafter his no hitter against the Blue Jays,
Ronel Blanco is no hitting the TexasRangers. This was through five innings.

We know he get to the sixthinning. What I think it's five
and two thirds before we get theadultasquar, I see a single. No
Major leaguer has thrown two consecutive nohitters since Johnny Vandermir in nineteen thirty.
No one knew who Vandermire is andso google him. It was all black
and white photos. Nonetheless, allright, astros, and you know what,

let me open it up to ourlisteners and we'll step aside here and
we'll continue talking astros on the otherside, because there's a ton other stuff
to get to. The story onthe weekend for me was Ronie L.
Blanco on from a positive standpoint.There are others that we can keep some
praise on my negative story. Butthere's another side said this other thing,
and specifically one position which could bebringing these astros down. Taking your phone

calls seven one three, two onetwo five seven ninety, can the Astros
even this Silver Boots series tonight upin Arlington. This is next Up Mighty
Sports Talk seven ninety Next Up continues. Now I'm a new listener at already
a huge new listener. I lovethe show with Stanton nor Plie Chris Gordy

on Sports Talk seven ninety sistem one. There's the one zero pitch to your
Don Hammered right field hooky inside thefoul Ball cast, A three run shot
by your Don Alvarez's third home runof the season. It's three nothing.

Welcome back into the show talking toAstros Baseball to get things going here.
Game four, the final game ofthis four game set Silver Boot series versus
the Rangers. Jordan was hero ofthe day yesterday as you heard the three
run shot their courtesy of the AstrosRadio Network. Robert Ford Steve Sparks.
Steve Sparks joined the Shawn Salisbury Showthis morning. I want to hear from

Spark. You're probably coming up anyeleven o'clock hour. Three to one was
the score. We'll see. Canthey even the series? Let's see what
they are in the standings. TheAstros now tied with the Athletics bottom of
the Al West at three and seven. There's only one other team in the
AL. That would be the ChicagoWhite Sox with a worst record in the
Houston Astros right now, And letme throw something out too, because this

I thought, Al two Vey isjust you love Al Tuoa because he's everything
you want a superstar. He's humble, he's and sometimes he just says stuff
standing with you go, you knowwhat, that makes a lot of sense.
And he happened to say this afterthe loss on Saturday. He brought
up, you know those are theseare three really good teams we've played so
far, Like he brought he wasn'tmaking excuses, but he was kind of

saying, like, yeah, whatwas the big storyline coming the season?
We kept talking about and that's abrutal schedule. It's a brutal April.
They were playing a lot of goodteams and not just looking at in hindsight
and just imagine had the Astros openwith the A's the Marlins like they'd be,
they'd be seven and two right now. There'd be no freak out factor.
It's just it was great perspective becauseit was like, you know what,

yes, that you got one hundredand fifty more of these, it's
a lot of time to turn itaround. And again not making excuses.
You should you should beat these teams. You should be competing with these teams.
But it is three good teams.You know, at least ironic you
took to out of three against.But like losing to the Yankees, losing
to the Rangers, I don't know, Like, in other words, my
panic button would be hit a lotharder if you were doing this if you

lost three out of four to theA's. Now, if they go up
to Kansas City and the Royals areabove five hundred, they're not terrible right
now. But like I expect twoout of three against Kansas City, stam
Like I just and I know theygot your number towards the end of that
year. Remember we were here atMint of May Park and they lost of
four to Kansas City. But Ijust look at that one and go,
that's the one. If they ain'tget the Rangers again, they ain't get

the Brays, but then it lightensup after that. You get the Nationals,
you get the Rockies, you getthe Cubs. Like those are ones
you should start. If you're losingthose, then then I'm really like,
all right, this team's really gotsome big issues. But it was just
funny when when al two va saidthat, I just kind of like I
took a deep breath one you knowwhat, all right, look, you
haven't played and he said, first, we have not played grace baseball.

But he did say there are somereally good teams we're losing to and L
two a, Yes, multiple thingscan be true. I have the utmost
respect for jose A L two va, but I'm also not hearing at bs
because that, you know, interms of the base running snaffoods don't have
anything to do with the opposition that'son him. This yadon at the two
hole and let's see what happens there. That ain't got nothing to do with

the opposition that's on Joe's spott.But didn't really like your on the two
hole yesterday's he crushed the through onHomer with two men on base. I
mean, listen, I'm not tellingI understand the idea. I'm just saying
there are things that play that don'thave anything to do with the opposition.
So I hear him also in thatsame vein what I would respectfully say to
our superstar over there at the realyard. It's not like I expect the

Oakland Athletics can say, hey,they're just better than us. This astro's
roster is as talented as anybody elsein Major League Baseball. So I don't
want to hear that somebody that's onthe same level as you Yankees to some
degree to Rangers. I don't wantto hear that these are good teams,
you're on the same level with them. Go play better baseball, Go play

more consistent baseball, Brian and Brayyou and Ryan Presley shouldn't be giving up
what what this is? Six hitsand four runs and all this other This
is madness. Chandler Roon put thisout over the weekend. Houston is off
to its worst start since twenty eleven, a season in which it lost one
hundred and six games. And there'spresenty to Bray you, I think that

was on Saturday, giving up sixhits in four run. It's like,
some of this is just inexcusable.Now I get it, and we're gonna
go to the phones. I seeyou, comrade James seven one three two
point two five seven ninety. Iget it that it's one sixty two,
but it's not we're ten in andthese games matter in the end, because

let's not act like Gordy. Thismight not this is going to be the
only choppy period perhaps oh one hundredand sixty two. It's gonna be ebbs
and flows. So you better stackyour wins while you're healthy, while you're
early in the season, because guys, we know guys are gonna wear down.
Man, I just I go back. There's teams that are at rough
April and won the division. It'sit's that there is a lot of time

to make up for a game.You don't want to What I'll say I
agree with you, is you don'twant to dig yourself too whole behind the
Rangers in the division because then youknow, you get into May and June
and then you're already looking at goingwell crap, or you know, like
you're getting eight nine games behind them. Then you're thinking already, well,
we're playing for a wild card becauseyou know we're not gonna catch them for
they I was, but again,you still have enough head to head matchups
with them that you know you sweepbefore game series later in the year against

them, you can you know youmake a significant dent in catching them.
But you're right, you don't wantto dig yourself too big of a hole.
But I'll reiterate again the Pittsburgh Pirateslast April or twenty and thirteen,
they had They then collapsed and missedthe playoffs. So good, good or
bad baseball in April doesn't mean muchcome September October. But also, don't

don't dig yourself a grave so deepyou can't dig out of under. Say
what the old coach told me ahigh school stay. They keep scoring for
a reason, because the games matter. Let's go to the phone lines here
from you all. I don't wantto do necessarily what is your concern?
But just coming out of the weekend, the good and the bad. We
talked about Jordan, We've talked aboutRondel Blanco. Congratulations Josh Hater just had
what his thirtieth birthday yesterday. Hegets his first save as an astro.

That's a cool moment. Uh.Some Yanny and d as a couple other
people that I want to love onas well. But there's also some bad.
There are some areas for concern.Brian to brave you, Ryan Presley,
what the bleep is going on?Well? I look yeah, I
just I just looked more at thebats. I mean coming around today.
Jordan was the hero last night withthe three run homer, but you got

four hits last night. It's aproblem. What I saw something and I'm
trying to pull him now. Ibelieve in the three Astros wins they've allowed
three hits total or something like that. You're bailing. You be phenomenal for
us to get wins. You know, Conrad James, what did you see
over the weekend with these Astros?Man? Well, yes, oh that's

right, you did. It's it'sis the boys. Uh, the grandkids
love the game so much. They'readdicted. They want to go back.
So that was successful. Now,the stadium is not much to look at
at the outside, but it's theinside, you know, the inside.

It really is a beautiful building.It's easy to get around. Yes,
you have to walk past the bronzestatue of Nolan Ryan outside. That kind
of hurts lot. Yeah. Yeah, So anyway, this is uh,
these are a few things, afew concerns that I have. Okay,
number one, and I didn't mentionthis on the phone because I forgot Okay,

coaching of a spot up. Okay, So I have three things coaching
of a spot up. Okay,what the blip is going on with with
Alvarez in the number two position andyou're putting bragman, James, hurry up
and make your point as quick asyou can. Your phone's kind of cutting
it out, so if you couldjust just make your point really quick.

Okay, Alvarez number two position,I got an issue with that, a
brand new I want to bench himbecause he's swinging out of the strike zone
like he's golfing and trying to hitthe ball. We could have walked in

a run in the fourth inning,he had a full count, there were
two out, bassis loaded, basisloaded, and the pictures crumbling on the
mount. He has seventy seven pitches. He had no business swinging at that
pitch, and he did it againa second time. Okay, I want

that man benched. I'm a niceguy, but I'm going to start benching
people. Okay, finally, whyaren't we playing Duba? I don't get
it. I'm with you on thatone. That that one makes. I
appreciate the call. Comrade James Gordonmentioned connection little tight. You know you're
a friend of the show. Youyou're more than welcome to get in.

The Dubon thing is interesting, butI also look at like Singleton started yesterday
at first, but then you calljose Abray you to come pinch it for
Singleton, that makes no sense.I spot it was talking about he was
trying to use it from a defensivestandpoint, and and and he was.
He did come up with some nicegrabs. Of course, I don't worry
about defense, and that's part ofthe game too. We also have to

consider like just you know, wealways want to put the best offensive lineup
out there, but somebody asked methat the other day. Let's put little
Dubon at first. The problem ishe then becomes a little bit of a
liability at first, He's not goingto make first he's not going to make
the plays that the brace, Solike, okay, are you willing to
give up defense for more offense?And that's you know, this is always
the problem you where you start talkingabout that. You know, Chaz and

Jake Myers, they were fantastic defensivelythroughout the weekend. But the only thing
I'll say to the ban is heis you know, he's he's played he
started two games so far this year. The rest have been pinch it opportunities
late. He's two for eleven,it's not like this, It's not like
he's eight for eleven. Can heget in? We said the same thing
about Yanna last year, like canhe get some consistent abs and let's see

what he can be saying the samething about the other guys. They're saying,
but those are the guys. Gone. Singleton's not better than Dubon No,
but he's your backup first base.I'm just acknowledging other guys are getting
more burned than him, and that'sa problem for me. We'll keep talking
to Astros. I'll take Gary inspring. On the other side, I
also want to pivot to around herewhat I think is the second biggest story
coming out of the weekend, themen and women's Final four. One is

in the book South Carolina Champions.We'll talk about the men as well.
That'll be coming up here in justa few minutes. Seven one, three,
two, two, five, sevenninety your home of Astros, Baseball,
Sports Talk seven ninety, KB andMe, Statton north Fleet and Chris
Gordy. This is next tough onSports Talk seven ninety. Here's the one

too, and he got him strikethree. The change up underneath the swings
and there's two quick outs, twobig strikeouts, so that three and fourth
place hitters impressive, and Blanco iscooking. Robert Ford and Steve Sparks on
the call right here, your HomerAstros, Baseball k BE and me seven

ninety Thanks to all of you thathave us pre set number one in your
automobile. If you miss the showopen or anybody else in the lineup,
make sure you go to Sports sevenninety dot com where you will soon see
the segment with the Shawn Salisbury showthat Steve Sparks joined them this morning.
That'll be up on seven ninety herepretty soon. You can hear from Sparky
what he thinks about three games intothis silver boot series to kickstart the twenty

four season. You also have thefree iHeartRadio app readily at your disposal.
The good and the bad of theweekend as it pertains to the Astros.
Look, the Astros are not goodat baseball right now. It doesn't mean
the how your operation is in disarray. There are some things to like.
Jannier Das, for example, reallyexcited about that young man Jordan has gotten

in his groove. HELLU l twove doing our two ve things. Josh
Haded gets his first saved. Gota little bumpy there, but there are
some things going to that You andI in agreement, this first base thing
with Jose bray You and then apparentlylow Perfito went crazy in sugar Land again
over the weekend, like at somepoint they're going to call up Lo Pafito.

They cannot continue to put Jose brayYou out there like that. Well,
here's the thing, and let's puffthe Brakes law. Low Braffito is
a rookie, just a handful ofgames into the Triple A season. He
is an outfielder. He started atfirst base yesterday, and that tells you
what they're kind of thinking. Okay, let's well, it's it's just good

to develop those skills and have that. But this ain't happening there in April.
I didn't say a happening you know, maybe June July. The problem
is you and I hate to keepgoing back to your paying to break you
so much. But let's also lookat it as in perspective of he's been
one of the best hitters in baseballin the last decade, so when we

put in that perspective, the guy'sgoing through a funk, and he went
through a fult to start last season. He did, but he was also
injured at certain and in the postseasonhe was one of your best hits.
I agree, I think and andand they've said the right things. Joe
Aspota is like he's got We're gonnagive him a chance to work through.
Its basically what they're saying. He'sgoing to get the next couple of weeks

to do that. Now, ifhe continues on this toward pace stand or
awful pace, he continues to withand be laid on fastballs and and all
that, yes, they will makean adjustment. Is there somebody out there
that get trade for and all this? I just don't think it's a dangerous
territory to go down to say loveBraffito is the answer? No, I

didn't say he was answer fans outthere saying he's another option, Like let's
see what he's got. There areguys all the time that crushing the miners,
killing triple A. They get upto the big leagues and they start,
oh for twelve and go oh,it's different at this level. So
I just what they're gonna they're notgonna ruin low Perffdo's confidence and all that
as a player to to, youknow, expedite a call up because your

first baseman's having issues at the play, But why do we in second It's
not even his natural position, likeyou want him to get some reps there
at first lap. So then samething I would say if it was Demico
or Nick Cassario, Dana Brown,did we not take into consideration if Jose
bra You looks like what we sawmost of last season from him, what

if he doesn't pick up where heleft off? What was the answer to
back up Jose bre You at firstbase? The answer can't be just John
Singleton, and I don't hear anybodygive me a reasonable response to what they're
gonna do at first base. IfJose bray You doesn't snap out of it.
I'm not saying cut him. I'mnot saying he didn't steal a big

leaguer. I'm not still saying hedoesn't have defensive value. What I am
saying is this team currently has thesame record as the Oakland Athletics, and
that's a problem for me. Andwe had some people bring up to yesterday,
Like, okay, I think theMarlins didn't bring back you Lei gurry
else. You know, Trey Manciniwe saw, you know, actually had
some hits against the Estras in springtraining. He got cut after spring training

and we had some people ask youthink they'll give them a look. Well
they didn't. So again something inthem believes John Singleton can be a viable,
you know, platoon first baseman.Now we have also heard Victor Carrottini
and Janner Diaz. They both havethe ability to play some first base.
Which is when do we start maybeworking those guys in to get some shots.

You know, I'm just all I'msaying is and that it's not that
I gotta have low Bafito. Itshowed me a spot that you're willing to
try something else. You cannot continueto send a guy out there that's batting
zero point seven full Yeah, wellpoint zero said with four excuse me,
and I'll just go back to littleBrifiito. The minute you call him up,
the clock starts. They're just notgonna do that. So like they're

gonna wait till mid season. Hemay get a call out. Now,
he was close to making the clubout of spring. But because he didn't,
I think they're just going to bevery diligent with him again. You
don't want to ruin that kid's psyche, bring him up too quick and he
fails. Now you're one of yourbest prospects is in a bad headspace.
So I think a better option standis over these next couple of weeks.
If a bray You continues to failand Singleton's not doing it, they'll make

a trade. I mean, thisguy they just brought from the Marlins,
they qua a Maaya over the weekend. He's an infielder. Maybe they're thinking
they'll give him a look. Let'sgo to spring. Get talk to Gear,
Gary, get in here. Iappreciate your patience. Hey guys,
great show as usual. A coupleof things real quick. First basement,
I mean, first base is anissue. Everybody knows it. Every team,

almost every team has at least oneposition where they got to work it
out. They'll do it. TheAstros did get where they're at all this
winning years. If that didn't workout, kinks and problems and everything,
so they'll work it out somehow.Dubon gonna get in there because there's gonna
be injuries. So he's a utilityplayer, so he'll get his Just just
kind of be patient with him.He'll he'll get out there on somebody's injury.

The main thing to me is theyneed to do something with the batting
line up. The batting line wasa good trial where they did it.
I mean, you know, it'sgonna be better to me if you put
Bregman number two and then put Alvarezand uh and uh what's the right fielder's
name to Kyle Tucker. Yeah,yeah, just put Rudman down the number

two of the other the ones behindhim. Just look at Bregman. They're
throwing pictures away from him, makinghim go for a lot of bad pitches.
Guess what if he's in the numbertwo spot and they throw pitches away
from him, No, because he'sgonna walk and guess who's up next.
So that's gonna make him pitch toBregman and there then that's gonna make them
score one maybe two runs for agame. So put Bragman back at second,

Alvarez and Tucker and they're there inLias, your prop, your solution
on your bat and order, andthe workout the issues on first base.
Just give them time. Appreciate Garianspring. Let's go to up to a
leaf. Let's talk to Rico.You're next up, Rico. What's up?
Bro? Good Moore and good morningout there than going man pe man
just real quick brother, got thinkman. Uh, I'm excited when Joseph

over man. But now I'm talkingto just like the man. Uh he's
coaching almost look like Dusty is manand so rooth quick Gordy jp Brand.
He was pitching good, Yeah,two outs and he takes him out.
Was the reasoning behind that. Imean, he's pitching good. Let the
man fish that in here well becausehe get that third out, because he's
already at the pitch count he's atyou know, and probably the matchup if

it's somebody where it's, oh,this is kind of a dangerous mass up
matchup. That's the whole reason youhave bullpen on it. This whole reason
you go to for for you.You know, you go to Brian and
Bred you to put up that fire. I brave, you give us up
a hit and suddenly you're losing.Well, braid, you didn't do his
job. But that's that's why youdo it. And somebody I had somebody
called last night. They're like,why didn't they keep Presley in the night
because he only threw nine pitches inthe eighth I'm like, the same Ryan

Presley who pitched batting practice on Saturdayand got teed off. Fun. No,
you put you pat him on theback and go, hey man,
good job tonight. You got thejob done. Josh haters our ninety five
million dollar closer. Yeah, Ihave to bring in Josh Hader. I
don't have a problem with that one. I do have a problem with to
the point that Rico is making letJP finish it out, because the relief
has been an issue. When youget a starter that still has some left

in the tank that day, yougotta let him finish it out to avoid
having to put and I don't wantto see it that way, putting Brian
and Brad, you and those SethMartinez and I don't want to see those
guys. Let's get those starters aslong as we possibly can recoin a leaf.
I appreciate that we got. We'reup against the now. The step
aside comeback, Matt Q Jim,you are next up on the other side,

the good and the bad from theAstros over the weekend home Astros Baseball
Sports Talk seven ninety statt or Fleet, Chris Gordy, this is next up
on Sports Talk seven ninety. Welcomeback here next up here at Houston's your
home for Houston sports. If Ican get it out, staying Northfleet would

be me. I'm at stand sportsmanon Sosha to my left, our program
directed my boy. He is atChris Gordy. I called him see Gez
sometime. My man ce Matt ConnorMcGovern on the other side of the glass.
We're talking some Astros baseball coming outof the weekend, some good,
some bad. Let's hit to thepeople. I know you want to make
something quick with the low graffito becauseI think one of the callers said he's

killing it at Triple A Joey Loperfidois batting two fifty currently at Triple A
sugar Land. He does have fivehome runs. He does have eleven Ribby's.
He also has fourteen strikeouts. That'sthe most on the team in sugar
Land. So again that's where youyou know, Look, we put the
cake in the oven, and man, we can't wait till it's ready.
But you gotta let that thing bake. You can't take it out too early.

And so you know the other one, Trey Cabbage, and he's been,
you know, he's been playing alot of first base down there.
And that was the guy that kindof took a flyer on the off season
that Dana Brown really likes. Buthe just didn't have a great spring and
he's not playing great at Triple A. But I almost look at him and
David Hensley as maybe you give oneof those guys a shot before you start
the clock on low Perfito. Andagain, you want low Perfito to get

plenty more Triple A at bats beforeyou you bring him up. But David
Hensley's also batting two fifty eight,same batting average as Joey Lo Brafito.
So again it's we're small sample sized. We're ten games in, like they're
going to continue to give a brewin Singleton Summit bats here and maybe twenty
thirty games in. If a changeneeds to be made, don't make them
change. So we also had acall in a previous segment that questioned Joe

a spot in terms of the lineup. I have some drugs about seeing you
and on at the two. Nowyou andon is gonna hit no matter where
he is in the lineup. Butstructurally, I'm like, what makes the
most sense here? The thought wasby that caller, maybe you put Bregman
in the two spot. Uh.Bregman's baton one's seventy one right now,

he's slugging two twenty nine. Bregmanhas not given this team much anything.
He's got seven strikeouts through ten games. I don't know that Bregman at the
two is the answer I'm looking for. Well, and his his take was
maybe they'll pitch him differently. He'llsee some different pitches because you know,
you've got Kyle stuck or your oddsbehind him again where he's batting's got yan

Erdeas behind him, and and Diazis great patter off weekend, but still
been one of your best hitters allyear. So it's not like you're they're
looking all Ardas on deck. Wecan just you know, it doesn't matter
what we throw to Bregman. Let'sgo to the phone lines and hear from
you up on. Uh. Let'sgo up looking north a little bit,
Jim and new Woodlands, good morning, you're next up, Tay, Good
morning, gentlemen. Has always enjoyedthe show. A couple of things on

the local pedo. When you guysmade comment a few minutes ago that the
first paid first base is not inthat position. Yeah, I'm not making
the comparison, but Bagwell's first positionwas a first pace either. They made
that twitch in the minor league.So and I'm not saying that he's a
badge, because I don't think heis, but yeah, he can be
trained at first piece, and hegot to start there yesterday. Obviously they're

wanting to get him a lot there, you know exactly. And the other
thing is on on the pitch hitting. They easily could have pitch hit Dubon
for uh uh yesterday right. Theystill could pingch hit Dubon and then put

it bringing in as a defensive replacementand maybe rotate one of the one of
the fielders out to keep Duban inthe game late so he still get his
defense in the outfield and you don'tlose him defensively uh in the field.
So there's other ways they could doit. The gentleman that caught an early
by moving breakmant up to the lineup. I don't think it's a bad idea,
simply because he'll get better pitches.Breakman swinging at pitch. I was

watching the game. The first pitchedhim laid the or in the third inning.
I guess it was after Alvarez's homerun. First pitch was six inches
off the plate and they called ita strike. So the next big just
three inches of the plate. Hehas to swing at it because they've already
established they're calling that as a strike. So he's swinging the pitches that have
already been called strike. I can'tblame me for doing that, but they

are pitching him differently than they dowhen uh, he's batting other other airge
in the lineup. That's all Igot to say. Thanks guys, Jim
and the Wilds holding on. I'llsay to Bregmant has made some of his
swings, he's just missed, likelike he's he's had a couple of swings
here in the first week where he'scrushed the ball and it's just kind of

right out an outfield, so likeit's not like he's making And then there's
somewhere he's just and he's, oh, he's a half tick late and it
ends up being a pop up.You know, little things like that so
it's not like he's striking out analarming rate, like he's still pregnant.
It's just, you know, Ithink he But to your point, yeah,
some of these guys, they getsqueezed. Man. You get a
pitch that's off the Playton called tostrike, well, now you gotta hey,

Now I gotta protect and it changesthe whole of bat Matt up and
Spring getting here on his astros Conbonext up? Are you hey? Guys?
So for me, a bray youis done as an everyday guy you
can count on in the middle ofthe lineup. And there's a guy who
is still a free agent that I'mhonestly shocked has not been signed yet.

And that guy is Brandon Belt.You're talking about a two time World Series
champion, a veteran, a guywho would instantly be an upgrade defensively as
well as offensively, a power lefthanded bat, and last season with Toronto,
this is a guy that had athree seventy on base percentage, nineteen

homers and just over three hundred atbats for me and on average. You
got to tell that story too.Yeah, sure, eight fifty ops.
Put that guy in the sixth spotand get a bray you out of there.
As far as I'm concern, Idon't think very much. Quite honestly,
a guy that hasn't been signed yet, I think you're gonna get him

fairly cheap, maybe five million liars. He played for nine point three million.
List you're in Toronto, keep inmind with the hater sign for anybody
right now is he? But keepin mind with the hater signing, you're
right up against that. You knowyou're over that luxury tax so any you
know, well, I don't.I don't give it to him like I
need somebody Chandler Rome, who else, Mick Tagger, Kyra Harra. I

need somebody to tell me how manymillion additional can the astro spind without hitting
the next threshold? Because I'm tiredof having this money conversation. They're already
over it. What's the next threshold, what's the difference, and then we'll
know what we had to spind.I appreciate the call modum when a guy's
still available. It's the reason he'sstill available when every other MLB teams looking

at him and saying no thanks asa reason Q and H town with it
going on, fellas say man y'allboth are correct. I feel like our
problem is right in front of us. We have a Swiss forman knife on
the bench. That's a great player. He could play any other position.

I have no doubt that if Dubonnwould get a little work at first,
he would be the answer. Andas far as Bregman going to number two,
when he did that number two withthe you know, our two V
in front of him and he wassecond, and then we had Tucker third
and you're on fourth, I thinkhe's pressing because he's in the fourth spot

to make numbers. And so ifhe was in the second spot with the
protection of Tucker and you're down behindhim, make us think about that.
You have a two V, thenBregman, then Tucker and then you know
you're done, and then put dsfield and you know we got McCormick six,
and then in the about nine we'dhave uh, Dubonn, Kenya and

mys oh man. That's the problemis right in our face. But I
don't know why he won't do it. But that's somebody that's already on the
team. He's cool that he canhit consistently. He's cool that he's probably
the most verst le athlete on theteam, So why not give him those
advents and sees. I'm fully confidenthe could have it at first basis,

they just give him. The teamsappreciate you man. That's my man,
Q and as Town. Let's grabone more here and we'll make this one
quick and where you're ready to getout? Who is it Tom Downtown?
He's taking my call? Great showthis morning. Hey listen, I got
two questions for astro fans, especiallythe astro fans that are standing dangling at

the edge of the roof. Wellmaybe they got themselves in kerosene. Don't
like that match? Don't jump?I want to ask you a question,
and number one question I face thatright now. Looking at this team,
I don't think they're going to bea team that continues to be seven games
under five hundred. Side of thecoin, I think they're going to be
a team that's going to get upget seven games over five hundred. I

know we got some issues. Iknow it's mean three and seven and it
ain't looking good, but you knowwhat a bet is, A break is
playing. He's always found his levelthe last three years. He's always found
a way. He comes at aquick start. That's right, Alex Prigmant.
Same thing. He's going to hitbecause he's always hit. This team
has always won. Yes, it'snot looking good right now, but keep

the faith. There's one hundred andfifty two games last My man Tom and
Downtown said, don't light the firefor the Kerosene Astros in action tonight.
You can hear that coverage beginning righthere on Sports Talk seven ninety at six
pm at the conclusion of the eightteam with Adam Wexland Adam Clinton. Astro
is currently three and seven, tiedwith a game a game tick ahead of

the Old Athletics in the bottom ofthe Al West. Can they even the
series in this sealver booth these firstfour games going in. When we watch
Astros baseball tonight, it should putme in the mood to have a refreshment.
Well, I talked to a buddymine who was up in Dallas,
and so the best thing being upthere is that they serve Carbock Brewing at
the ballpark there at Mimic Made Park. It's the one redeeming quality of that

ballpark up there that looks like ahome deep on the outside, but the
best part of Astro's baseball season isjoined the ice cold Crawford Bock from Carbock
Burrowing. We do it every daywhen we're at the ballpark for the home
games. We'll be back in actionthis Friday. They'll be back home.
We'll be able to spend the wholeweekend. It joined some ice cold Crawford
box from Carbock Burwing. Of course, you know when you see it,
the tequila sunrise stripes. It justpairs perfectly with Astros baseball and pairs perfectly

too with whatever you eating, peanuts, hot dogs, cracker, whatever it
is, nachos. It all tastesgood. It goes down smooth, and
you know it is the Crawford Park. It's a home run every time.
Now, what's next? Next steps? It's next step, the next step,
Take the next step, next step, next stop, next, next

up. This scene wants to benext. This is Next Up with Tad
Norfleet ten Chris Gordy. Let's seewhat's next next Next hour two. Find
an hour up today's show here onNext Up Live from the Sports Talk seven
ninety studios nestled in between Uptown Parkand River Oaks. We open in the

Gallerria area. You know what I'mtalking about. Yeah, it's kind of
gray and gloomy over here, andwe're gonna get a phenomenon was the word
I was looking at, remembering theeclipse is gonna pass through, so a
lot of people's passing out about theeclipse. Many people are headed over to
the high country, going over towardsAustin and San Anton and so forth to

get some elevation so they can seethis deal. I saw something in the
chronicles saying somewhere between like twelve thirty, you start seeing some stuff at one
thirty local time, and I thinkit's all done by three, give or
take. I could be off.I'll find that. So I got an
alert about that. So we Houstonsports around here is we are your home
of Houston sports here on Sports Talkseven ninety staying Northfleet would be me.

I'm at stand sportsman on social media, Chris Gordy would be him. He
is at Chris Gordy in production andprogramming over there, sitting in the big
chair doing some outstanding work with acomputer. That's why man Connady McGovern appreciate
him. All right, Houston,We talked about the astros, A large
part of really in totality the firsthour of the program. I would be

remiss if I didn't pivot and talkabout some other teams and things in town,
including the Houston Rockets, were inaction yesterday, also up in DFW
where the Rangers are and Rangers andAstro series is. Nonetheless, and so
the Rockets yesterday they would lose avery crippling blow to the Dallas Mavericks in

overtime one seven, one thirty six. This one hurts because the astro astro
excuse me, Rockets also lost onFriday night vers versus the Miami Heat,
that game the second night of aback to back over at Toyota Center.
But the game yesterday, Gordy,I don't want to say it represents this

season, because I don't think that'sfair, but the actuality of what it
does. The Rockets have now beeneliminated from postseason contention because they didn't take
care of business. We'll get tohow they got there. Let me hear
how what took this thing? ThisDante xem how the hell? So the
scene, it's one six seconds lefton the clock, Jabari Smith, all

you gotta do is knock down oneor two free throws instead of Gordy.
This happens. Here comes Exum acrossthe timeline, hands it off to Luca
outright side. Xum open three,got it. As the buzzer goes off,
It's a three punter. It's goodand we're going over time. Appreciate
that what's wide open on the rightside and nails a twenty six pointer.

Appreciate Matt Thomas, radio voice ofthe Houston Rockets, here on your home
of basketball Sports Talk seven ninety.All right, Gordy Jabbarsmith Jr. Free
throws in the overtime period. TheRockets would get blasted by Luca and Kyrie.
They would lose overtime eighteen to seven. And I remind you that the
Rockets at one point in this game, right off the rip, had a

twenty two point lead. Yeah,It's happened a couple other games this year
too, And there was one particularlywhere Jabari missed free throws late when you
absolutely have to have them. ShanGuns had a couple of those moments.
Dude, this is the bigs,I mean, this is the NBA.
I get some of these guys arenineteen twenty twenty one years old and we

call them. Oh they're kids,but you're a professional, paid athlete.
You're open to criticism and you're opento expectations. Dude, stand in high
school ball. We you know,watch kids in high school stay after practice
and shoot a hundred straight free throws, like you gotta make your free throws.
And if i'm if I'm Email,I'm looking at it and going,

all right, we're out of theplayoff. When we kind of knew with
the lost of Golden State they werebasically eliminated. They were actually eliminated with
the loss of Dallas. Yes,but dude, you're up three shooting free
throws, you make any one ofthose. They can't. They can't go
hit a four pointer. So ifI'm Email, I go, look,
we got four games left. We'retrying to finish strong. We're two games

ball five hundred. It'd be greatif we can win some of these and
finish above five hundred. I guesswhat, you'd have to go three and
one at this point to finish atfive hundred. Yeah, But if I'm
Email, I'm gonna say, Jabbari, Hey, I didn't get ready to
get on that plane of Cabo.You know, seasons about the end,
you're gonna go hit a beach somewhereand decompress and all this bring up basketball
with you. I want you shootingfive hundred free throws a day every day
of your Like, that's unacceptable.It's unacceptable. Game online, and I

know they do the things where they'rehitting the thundersticks behind it. At this
point, make one, dude,Make one. It's not like you're a
it's like your shock. It's notlike you're a big setter where your hands
are massive and you can't grip thebasketball. Make a free throw, dude.
And so those are just the moments. I think Ben Debo's point out.
He goes, look, we knowthey're eliminate all this, but these
are the moments that next year usethese as learning experiences so these don't happen

again. Next year. You're upon a team like Dallas in their house
and about to close out, that'dbe a great win. Finish. Finish.
I like that word. That's abeautiful word in terms of competitive team
sports. When teams give you anopportunity, you have to take it,
especially when you don't have the talentthat they do. Now, I remind

you in this game yesterday, Rocketsfans let me see this final box.
You had one, two, threeRockets with twenty points of more. Four
of the five starters in double figures. Dylan Brooks actually led the team in
scoring with twenty nine. The problemon the other side, they've got Kyrie

Irving and they've got Luka, don'tyou Kyrie would lead all scores with forty
eight points in forty four minutes,nearly forty five, and there's Luca with
thirty seven. I mean, likewhen you're out man, And that's really
the difference with this Rockets team forme, Gordon emo Udoka has done an
excellent job. Now he should bea bit perturbed and he should be embarrassed

that the execution late yesterday was notat a level that's commensurate with a team
that's trying to play in the postseason. I'll hear from emy Udoki here in
just a little bit. Dante Xhamfourteen points off the bench. In a
nutshell, Dante Xham makes a shot. All right? What else? I
didn't even know he was so leagueto be a really good player. He

should have gotten filed. He's washed. This is now the second time in
the last five games that the Rocketsbecause it happened at Oklahoma City when they
allowed one of the Jalens that theygot to knock down a three, pushing
that game overtime. Dante Pierson wasplaying Serbia last year, like why if
you missed the free pros foul?Immediately was asked specifically about the strategy.

I'm not gonna yell in front theteam if he misses both foul. So,
I mean, we know what wedo and I related to a few
individuals and we got to take thatfoul. Do it all year from my
internity as a coach, I'm goingto foul up three that point right there.
Obviously we did a few games agoas well and won and overtime when
we should have taken a foul theokayc game. So you like to see

that, especially from some veterans,no doubt. You know. We got
to know that and understand that,and just late in the season. Yes,
it's you can go through them,but like I said, after seventy
eighty plus games, almost I knowwhat we're doing there. Hey, coach,
he may dka in the post game, and I appreciate coaches sentiment.

The coach should be pissed. Youheard what he said Gordon, I'm not
going to tell my basketball team something that is clearly obvious. We are
professionals. We get paid to understandtime and score and situation. This is
basic basketball here, And he says, we've already covered this. I'm not

gonna spend valuable minutes, you know, repeating myself. Y'all know what to
do. And he said, waita minute, Dylan Brooks, Wait a
minute, Fred van Vliet, Waita minute, Jeff Green that's on the
bench and in the huddle as ImyDoka is giving his marching orders. There's
too much experience to for that tonot be executed. Why didn't they file

Dante exam? You do not leta team get a three ball lost?
And I like, look right there, like it's one thing to have the
kids and the and the young guyswho are learning. But he's kind of
calling out his vetsa. He's callingout for van Vlk Dillon Brooks going,
this is what we pay you're supposedto be. Yeah, teach is very
highly paid players highly compensated, knowthe game, know the situation. Go
do that. But I look atthis too. Stand this almost speaks to

the upcoming off season, like someof these young guys. You know what,
none of y'all are safe. We'reold with guys who can ball,
Guys know how to ball. Likenext year we'll trade your eyes like if
I mean, man, I'm gettingfrustrated going you know, look, the
use movement's over. It's something manup coming into this hold? Yeah,
man, I assume it. ReggieBullock Jr. You're in that huddle.

You've seen a lot of basketball.Like, what are we doing here?
All right? Let me go tothe phone lines. Man Al on the
south side, Let's talk some rockets. You're next up? What's up?
Man? Hey? Let me saythis this stand and I want you to
look at this from this morning YouTube. According Stan, I kind of want
I heard him on the poland butis that really what he mean? Because
one minute he said he got ayoung team. Sometimes you got to instill

what you're saying. You don't wantto howe of that. It's a defensive
play obviously, because dad has gotthe ball. Where is the defensive coach?
You got? You playing organized babble. You got to make sure they
head the game. Now, hesays, yes, we've been practicing night,
he's been teaching this the whole okaywith staying this one. I may
shoot I said that in the begainnI heard him say that. But really,

if that's the case or his dohe have a hold of this team,
because if you practice this and youknow beause they just so basically you
telling me they not listening at whathe says or they just had a lapse
in the moment. And I'm like, yeah, it's an important game.
But either way, you know mymantra, you either coach it or you
allow with either one is on Udoka. So I'm agreeing regarded I think we

may see a change in this lineup. I was on the Bridle and Will
podcast yesterday immediately after the game,shout out to my homeboys, Brad and
Will, and they think we're gonnathe Rockets team is going to look pretty
much the same next season. I'mnot so sure. What say you?
Well, I don't know stand becausethis is the thing and I want to

you look it through another glass.He may have dope. A couple of
games ago he called this team sawthe did a lot of people. I
heard a lot of people saying thathe should have did that. Behind closed.
I'm I'm just you know. I'mjust saying a lot of people took
offense to that. Some people didn'tcare if he said it or not.

But staying, we can't forget emailDoka. You made a big mistake in
your coaching core as well. Youhave a young team. Yeah, you
might need to beat them over theirhead over and over again. You feel
it because I get it already aboutthey posted No. Actually they not getting
it in van Fleet and dealing bookssay okay, let's let's say it follow

on them. Actually they not listeningto you. So I'm just trying to
figure out staying, is that theelephant in the room. We don't know
about it? Email Doka came andplayers, you know nowadays they go by
what you do. You ain't deadnothing. You barely hear you know you
did, and you're gonna tell ussomething, and I listen, he takes
you gotta look at all that.It's a fair point by you. I
just don't know that. I agree. Let's let's finish up. I'll take

looks like Christian Sugarlane wants to getin Rocket back in action. Final home
game of the year tomorrow over atToyota Center shortly after seven pm. Will
tip it off Fan Appreciation Night OrlandoMagic in Town. All right, we
keep this rolling in about what's that? Gord? A forty seven minutes from
now, you'll get Matt Thomas andRoss Viriel on The Matt Thomas Show.
For now, this is next upon the legendary KB and Me. Next

up continues on your Apple TV.Listen to Sports Talk seven ninety on any
device with our free iHeartRadio. Appappreciate you, Houston, hanging out with
Gordon and myself along with Connor yMcGovern Houston, my favorite hit in the
country, Gordon. Everybody's on it, headed west, trying to see what's

going on with this eclipse. Ipersonally don't give it. Damn We saw
one what seven years ago, soI don't. Okay. The other thing
is, what is it? Wewon't see another one for another forty years,
so you catch it now, andthat's what the astrologers are saying.
I don't know. I'm not intoit. I spend my time watching ball
and uh, speaking of ball,well, we just finished talking rockets.
I will take calls on that aswell before we get into some NCAA tournament

action for both the men and women. Seven one three, two, two
five seven ninety Yesterday in overtime,the Rockets are defeated at the hands of
the Dallas Mavericks in overtime one fortyseven, one thirty six. Luka,
Doncic and Kyrie went crazy. Nonetheless, at one point in the game.
Early in the game, Rockets wereup by twenty two. Hell late in

the game, Rockets up three.Jabari Smith at the fire line with a
chance to knock down one up tofree throws, he misses them both.
Dante xem takes it the overtime andI don't know how you felt go with
it, but once it got theovertime, I was like, the Rockets
ain't winning this. Oh yeah,yeah, it was like that to franch
Yeah. Air out the sales,the whole thing. All right, couple
calls want people want to get inand talk some Rockets, Chris and Sugarlane

get in here. Bro. Allright, I'm gonna be real quick on
the on the Astros stand first.I got a question for you, man,
are you gonna force us on thisroller coaster for the next one hundred
I've been the games we got leftone hundred and seventy two games. Are
you gonna put us on this rollercoaster for the next I mean saying,

yeah, man, no, Chris, don't come in here with that.
You know what, Chris. Everyonce in a while I'll get some guys
that pissed me off, and youseem to like this role. It used
to be Tone in sugar Land.Now it's Chris and Sugarland. You know
what. Yes, I understand there'sone hundred and fifty some odd games left,
and yes, I'm gonna take y'allon this emotion of roller coaster because
that's my bleeping job. When theyplay well, I'm gonna praise them.

When they play like dog bleep,I'm gonna say they play like dog bleep
like we get in this world,Gordon, where it's gotta be. If
you have a reaction, everybody wantsto make it an overreaction. It's an
appropriate ass reaction. They are threeand seven, and in the three wins,
they've allowed three runs Theirs. Itis you over there at first base,

Chris trying to come in that goahead, Chriss, the Chiefs fan.
Maybe he's just getting a little nervouswith Stefan Dix coming over to the
taxing er. Probably some of thattoo, Chris, you're still there.
I just wanted him to get thatoff the chip. But with I mean
with the Rockets, man, Listen, first ball, he couldn't have followed
him because they were if you watchthe game, well I know you watch

the game. They double Luca Lukamade a good pass, so nobody they
was out of position, so nobodywas coaching hup to ball him. If
they would have foll Hi while wewas shooting, that would have been four
point player. If he makes thisball game anyway, I'm not letting him
get the shot off, right.No, I'm just saying that because I
saying, oh you know why hedidn't get falled. Do you understand my

lodger, Like, Chris, lookat my logic. If you're going to
found him if he makes it,who cares if if you know what I
mean honestly, and you're saying,stam where they could have lost in regulation,
I'm going to take my chances losingthe regulation versus allowing him to knock
down a three Like that's me.Fine winning in regulation, but I can't
let you get the ball. No, no, okay, okay. So

my second thing is this is whyI don't want us to do I don't
want us go back to that Darylmorey erro Well, we just trading off
players and trading off players that goingnowhere, that's going around the service.
Hey, man, this is ayoung talent of the team. If we
had and I'm not saying I knowthere's there's a we, we you know,
there's things that happen with we whatever. But if we had Afrey,

if we had Tory on his teamright now, I think we'll be at
least a seven game difference in whatwe got right now. So the injury
did hurt us. Now we gotsome depth with behind Afrey, with Adam
next year. Man, please don'tmess up the team. And I all
this talk about trading Jalen Green,say, man, listen, Jalen Green

was under a coach that didn't teachhim. Now he's under the coach that's
actually got him going in the rightdirection. So let that man develop because
he's he definitely. I know you'llhear you all times staying talking about over
the trader for Murray out of Atlanta. Man, I'm telling you right now,
Jalen Green is gonna be better thanhim. All he needed now is
what he has now, which isa good coach that's gonna hold him responsible,

that's gonna lead him right, that'sgonna talk to him and show him
how to be a better player.He got all the skills in the world,
he just needed the right coach.So we've been watching him being underdeveloped
for the last two years. Sowhen I look at this team, I
really look at this team as beingreally are all rookies because if you even
heard Jabari talk about why he's playingsome one better, because he said himself

last year, in the year whenhe was drafted, he never knew whether
to be He said. They neverran out office and play for me.
Our deep business said for me,I didn't never know. I was just
freelancing the whole team freelance. SoI don't hold this team responsible for a
coach that underdeveloped him, had donefreelancing the whole two years he was there,

and now they got a coach withsome strug All we need is time.
Man, we're on the right track. We need to keep that weight.
We don't need to bust up thisteam. Some vetterans, what veterans
out dere you be been available?That's gonna give I'm gonna give up my
tent the players, but it makesno sense. I don't know my man
christ and Schigland. I appreciate you. Gotta let you go for a while
there, Gordon and so yes,I threw out the names the Johntay Murray

in Atlanta, somebody i'd heard.Zach Levine is another name who came up
yesterday on the brad The brad OwinWheels Show. Donovan Mitchell is unhappy.
It sounds like he's on his wayout of Cleveland again. So I'm just
like bro the bottom line. Lookwho the Rockets have lost to here recently,
Luca and Kyrie yesterday afternoon on Fridaynight when I was doing Rockets rap

coming off the Miami Heat game.They've got Van made Bayou and Jimmy Butler.
Who do they lose to the gamebefore that? Golden State has a
few guys over there. Oh bythe way, Klay Thompson is a free
agent, and what does this teamneed? What do the Rockets need shooting?
Now? I don't think them thirtyeight he's making thirty eight million a
year. I'm sorry, And Simonfor Tea hurting for money because last time

I went to Lambs. Is Iknow he got my money? Well,
I mean you're paying Fred Van fortymillion a year. I'm willing to pay
twenty two a year. But KlayThompson is willing to come to this team.
I'm willing to pay him the market. What is it worth? What
does it cost? Clay? Whatdoes this team mean? Sence? Yes,
you never have enough shooting Klay Thompsonaway from being a contender. So

what are we doing? You know, because I'm saying if you sign him,
you have no money for anybody else. So I'm you've already got ready
to have him. I've already gotI got Fred, I got Y Dylan,
and I still got my young guysand the young guys. Is that
enough to get me into play in? Possibly the sixth seed in the West?
I mean probably, you spend fortymillion a year on a player to
make the play in. Like no, I said, I'm definitely in the

I'm in the postseason. The goalis getting the postseason. Klay Thompson,
for example, Donovan Mitchell most certainlyhelps me get there. I'm just throwing
out there like a Doug McDermott makingthirteen million. Taylor Horton. Dudes,
damn thing you could add like twothree of those not doing. Did you

just hear the names? I said, I said Luca, don't you Yeah,
I said Kyrie Irvy, I saidJimmy Butler, labam that about you.
I'm talking about the guys in GoldenState, the guys us about to
turn thirty five. Anthony Towns didn'teven play the other night, and you
saw Anthony Edwards and Rudy Gober andguy's getting busy. I'll take Clay if
I can get him on one yeardeal, one year, thirty five million,

let's do it. But he's gonnawant four five years. This man
fifth man Gordon is in here tryingto argue with one half of the greatest
you you can get for almost halfthe price of I didn't Clay over buddy
here. What are we doing here? G Yo getting it man, so
we can wrap up this segment.Gordon is me all right, man,
as you want to make it realquick, as far as that cool by

yourself with the astros, everything's gonnabe all right. Is one eighty two
blah blah blah, man loove y'allhell to our higher standard. After what
you accomplished over the past couple ofyears, So get it together. So
as far as his rockets games,what I really caught about. I mean,
I hear everybody you know putting theblame on Jabari Smith. Yet he
missed the two free throws. He'ssupposed to make those. But if you

look a little bit ahead of badsituation, who had the ball before they
passed it to Jabari? It wasFred van Vliek. Why would you pass
it to Jabari and that crunch timeright there, knowing that they're going to
have to file somebody. Why notjust hold onto the ball when you were
a more experienced player, You're abetter free throw shooter, why not just
hold onto the ball? Let themfile you nine times out of ten.

Fred Lavlite is going to knock downthose free throws way more than Jabari will.
So I'm not really putting the blameon Jabari to me, as Fred
cost us that game by making thedecision to give it to Jabari lay in
that game and he got filed,And I just don't hear nobody talking about
that. It's a good point byug Will up against the brother, But
I do appreciate that. What Icould say is I'm willing to go down
with the decision making of Fred vanVliet, the champion that he is.

No, he's not an all buthe is a good floor general, and
so I trust his decision making.Fred was making great decisions yesterday. Ain't
taken care of basketball. Twelve assiststo just one turnover for Fred, along
with twenty four points, second higheston the team. I agree with you
if that's Fred on the file line, it's probably two, maybe even one.
And we're not having this conversation theother thing. And I can't speak

for Fred, but what I thinkhe thinks is what we talk about all
the time. You got to showyou guys, the young guys especially,
that you have confidence in them.Fred gave Jabari a chance. Jabari didn't
get it done as a team.They didn't execute the filing on the inbound
play x him knock it down.They losing overtime. And that's that all
right, Let's come back, Let'sget into the college game. Several things

I want to do here. Let'sbrag on our people at U of H.
And it's Caitlyn Clark. Coverage ispissing some people off. And I
think I'm one of them. I'lltell you why. On the other side,
Sports Talk seven ninety stand Northfleet.It's just a five Chris Cordy,
the next Up mentality on your radio. Every dollar that you go through prepares
you for the next one. Welcomeback to Next Up on Sports Talk seven

ninety And I want to personally thankKaitlyn Clark for lifting up our sport.
She carried a heavy load for oursport and it just is not gonna stop
hearing on the collegiate tour. Butwhen she is the number one picking of

WNBA draft, she's gonna lift thatleague up as well. So, Kaylyn
Clark, if you're out there,you are one of the gults of our
games that we appreciate you. GoodSo the black Fail menu, Welcome in
the next Up for another twenty sixminutes before we get you over to Matt
Thomas and Ross Virrial courtesy of theFour Letter Network. However, that was

a University of Virginia alumnus, asyours truly is. That's Don Staley,
head coach of the undefeated champion SouthCarolina Game Cox eighty seven seventy five.
Her game Cocks defeat IOWA women's teamin the national championship yesterday. I imagine
I haven't seen the number gordon,but I imagine the ratings were absolutely stupid.

I'm sure probably the most watched women'sgame of all time if you include
the streaming in all of the waysthat we measured up. I'll see what
at ranks Cardoza for the South Carolinagame Cock. She led fifteen points,
seventeen rebounds, three blocks from her, and there's Caitlyn Clark thirty points and
eight rebounds in defeat. So sheheads off played a final game as Kaitlyn

Clark for the Iowa Hawk Eyes.I couldncur with what head coach Don Staley
had to say. Caitlyn Clark's celebrity, along with social media, which is
obviously a huge conduit to that successand popularity. She is one of the
reasons that the women's game has grownexponentially over the last you know, two

four seasons, and she should becommended. My issue the story here yesterday
afternoon. The story is an undefeatedgame Cox program led by Dawn Staley,
who is an Olympic champion, whohas played in the final for herself,

who has been a pioneer of WNBAin mini regards. Don Staley is an
excellent multi time champion now three times, three titles in the last what since
twenty seventeen, give or take.That's the story. Oh, by the
way, and she did it withouthaving an Asia Wilson. She did it
with an entire new starting five fromthe previous year thirty eight. No undefeated.

I have no idea how many undefeatedteams the women game has offered.
I can look for that, butthat should be the story. However,
when I'm watching social media, CNN'slead story is congratulations undefeated team game Cox
in South Carolina with a picture ofCaitlyn klarnk Gordy. As a media outlet,

we are failing the people and we'rebeing disrespectful. Well, if we're
making the story about what Caitlyn didn'tdo by not winning a national champions go
to ESPN dot com slash women's collegebasketball right now the top story in the
middle of the page. Caitlyn Clarkhas grown women's game like no other college
player before before. Clark's legacy stretchesfor this is a problem. This is

this is a problem. On theright side top headline, it's an unbeatable
Stalley game. Cox win Crown.But it's just it's not and this is
the thing, it's it's ESPN pushesfaces, pushes people. It's the reason
why every day on First Take,it's it's Lebron, It's the Yankees,
Aaron Judge, the Cowboys always becowboys. It's just it's like they always

go because what is it said?Well, the ratings, the controversy,
it's the controversy. The conversation isand look, don't don't get me you
know y'all swear i'd be race baitingup here and do all that. Don't
get me started on that. It'sit's wrong. As an industry, we
have a responsibility to tell. Now, there are multiple stories that play in.

Kaitlyn Clark's a big piece of that. I respect the class that down
Staley distributed by recognizing in that momentin front of her team, Caitlyn Clark
is a hell of a competitor.She's clearly a baller. She is going
to be the first overall pick,and she's likely going to make her imprint
in the WNBA. I think that'sthe part of it. She became the
Steph Curry people were tuning in.She's not Steph Curry Women's College. She's

not Steph Curry. The women's game. She is. She did not revolutionize
anything about women's But that's what Stephis. Little kids who never watched the
NBA started watching because they like Steph. People who never watched the women's game
started watching because Gordon she's a baller. But let's also be clear. Anytime,
let me be careful. I saidKayln Carr was black, I think

she'd be getting the same amount oflife. I think because she's just a
great shooter. No, if shewere black, we'd be saying. We've
seen Shamikah Hol's claw. We've said, are you like, what are you
talking about? Who's my girl?We've seen Kandas Parker. We've seen the
swoops and the Sheryl Miller like.We've seen ladies of color that get busy.
Part of Caitlyn Clark's the lure isshe's got the girl next door.

Who's this white girl in the middleof somewhere that's getting buckets? And I
think it's not her game. She'snot the first one to do this.
She's not better than SUPERB, she'snot better than Rebecca, She's not better
than a lot of the she's notbetter than she's my girl. She just
broke all these records that they didn'tbreak Leanna Stewart. She's not better than

another bone passed all them. WhatI'm saying is she's not better than those
people. She's matten. She's takingfull advantage and she's being elevated not just
because of her play, but whatshe represents. And to your point,
she's doing it in the social mediaera. I just think she became popular

because she was this great shooter.She had threes from anywhere on the court.
She had some like almost from midcourt, and that's what God people
interested. And on the flip side, South Carolina didn't have that star player
DoD had done on the previous twochampionship teams. She's had Asia Boston,
Asa Wilson. They didn't have thatstar player here. So like if she

had that star player, that personwould be getting all the in any sport
period, the undefeated champion should bethe lead story period. They were last
night on Sports Center. They letDown's whole speed postgame speech. All that
led Sports Center last night. Howmuch time did they spend on so the
story? We know who Caitlin' Clarkis you know what the story should be.

Let's chronicle Don Staley. Let's chroniclethese five new starters, these young
women. By the way, she'sgot three five stars that on the way.
South Carolina's gonna be back that year. Their damn good program. And
if one of them shoots like KaitlynClark, they will lead. You know,
they'll be the best. This drivesme crazy. This is you.
Caitlin Clark is not doing anything wehaven't seen before. She did stay,

she broke on these college records.I'm talking you did everything those women didn't.
Even talking about the style of play, She's not a champion, she's
not she's not worthy to be mentionedin the same breath with the Rebecca logos
Lobos. In that sense, we'retalking about championship performers in championship moments.
It's not about her ability. Clearlyshe's a maller. But that's what I'm

upset. It's not I don't givea damn why you watch. There are
some people that watch because they werecurious, And then ESPN knows if we
put the white girl from ALU onthe screen versus this, whether it's LSU's
women or South Carolina women who majorityhappen to be African American people. They
know people going to wait a minute, and I'm not making it a race

thing. I'm saying that we havean obligation as the media to cover all
of the stories and put them intheir appropriate spaces. Dennis perhaps agrees,
perhaps he disagrees. Let's go tothe Woodlands and talk with Dennis. Get
ahead, Dennis, Hey, goodmorning, real quick. Yeah, I
agree with you one hundred percent.But it's not a race thing. It's
an ESPN thing. This is thesame company that last year when the Denver

Nuggets beat the Los Angeles Lakers,the lead story was Lebron's line. They
do that all the time, whetherit's the Dallas Cowboys, the Los Angeles
teams, the New York teams,they will always be ahead of the their
story. I like Cayitland Clark,but I agree South Carolina should have been
the lead story. That's my opinions. ESPN is the problem, not anyone

else. Yeah, my man,Dennis in the Woodlands. Luckily we work
for a better organization, Gordon.We worked for our heart, the Big
Boy Boss Hong, best radio networkin the country, I tell you,
all right, let's get back.I've got a couple of things we need
to talk about the men's game.We have not done that as well.
The men's championship tonight U khon goingup against Perdue. That's gonna happen tonight,

Astros in action tonight. Now,a couple U of ase things I
need to get to wrap up theshow. This is next up the legendar
KB and me next self continues.It was not having next O pay here's
chat north Fleet and Chris Gordy he'snot having next okay on sports Talk.
Well, let's get in here andclose it out on a Monday staying north

Fleet at stand Sportsman. He isat Chris Gordon. Of course we are
at sports Talk seven ninety. Wejust spoke at length about the women's game.
National champion has been crowned. DonStaley UV a alum go who's she
and her ladies down there at theLady Game cocks down there in Columbia,
South Carolina. They emerge as championsthe men at least on Saturday, Gordon,

we had the men get busy anduh it was pretty much chalk well,
it was chalk Yukon. Listen,I gotta pull up I forget the
actual matchup. Yukon destroyed State rightand near Purdue beat up On, can't
beat Alabama, Okay, I knewit was one of the two. They
even play bad. They just Yukonjust played lights out better. I mean,

their top five offense, top fivedefense, So there's nothing. I
mean, you can't beat them dueover n C State sixty three to fifty.
So the stories in it's either gonnabe Edie's gonna get all the calls
and he's going to go to thefree throw line and he's gonna score his
points that way, or they're gonnaswallow the whistle and let him play and
Yukon's gonna run away. That's tome the story tonight. Let me see

what the old point spread is.Tonight they are saying, I didn't think
Yukon by six and a half.Yeah, I didn't think. Earlier this
year, I didn't think this Ucut team was as good as last year.
But throughout this tournament run, theway they've been just dominating everybody,
they're probably just as good. Souh so the storyline here is no confusion.

Can Ukon repeat in the me insideas a national champion for Purdue.
Can they pull what my Virginia teamdid losing to a sixteen and you come
back the very next year and youwin the national championship. And this is
also a game of the bigs.If you remember traditional basketball for you youngins,
the game used to go through thebig man. And when you look

at how these two teams are built, I'm not going to attempt to do
some deep analysis, but I'm gonnawatch tonight. Got no dog in the
fight. I think it's a coolstory having being a repeat champion. Oh
and there's another layer to the SaintGordon, who you got tonight? Who
thinks gonna win? Why I findthis other story? You come, they
run away? And by the way, it's so funny. The big story

that in the college basketball world that'ssuperseding the title game being tonight is Jock
cal Perry leaving Kentucky for Arkansas.I want to get there, but I
want to before we leave and getto that. It was something I saw
in my notes about about Edie.It's not fun to watch. I don't
enjoy watching Zach Edie play. Didyou put this in the something? You're

taller than everybody else, and youget every foul call. That's I don't
enjoy watching it. So Zach Edy, who's going to be a lottery pick?
He's Canadian, he says, I'mI'm attending Purdue on an F one
visa from Canada. Do you knowhe isn't legally allowed to capitalize on any
nil money while on American soil?Oh? Yeah, they ran into uh.

That was that was a headline lastyear Kentucky. Oscar Shebway was the
same way he was. He wasKentucky. He was the reigning player of
the Year two years ago and decidedto come back to Kentucky and they had
to rework some things for him becausethey were saying telling him he couldn't earn
an io money. Was it justupsur because he was from the Congo that
that was his residence in Africa?Yeah, and that's just crazy. Yeah.

Also on the college landscape here inTexas, a couple of things I
want to get to uh. Andthis really impacts the Texans potentially in a
good way. Although this is anunfortunate incident. Defensive tackle NFL prospect to
Andandre Sweat was arrested early Sunday morning, charged with DWI per k X a

n news I believe that to bean Austin outlet, Sweat is viewed as
a round two or three draft selection. Do you think Sweat's stock will fall
Gordy because of this dus iwl.I saw that people were posting that that
it's going to but I always thinkthat suffs so stupid. Look is he
is he a knucklehead for making abad decision of a man that has a

reputation for liking to be outside,if you know what I mean, he's
had to tell NFL gms and evaluators. I know I have a reputation a
point in a lot, but that'snot going to be the case when I
come to you an NFL city.I saw somebody, one of the national
guys said, having fans ask aboutto Andandre Sweat, I would be surprised
if he's still on the Texans board. Never say never, but I'm not

sure the Texans want to disrupt roupmomentum with the player they not may not
be able to trust. This isa fan one of the national oh,
one of the national guys. Ijust like the whole thing about like can
I trust you? Okay? Likewhen we call I'll call up to Fandre
sweat today or this week. IfI'm the Texans. Didn't even have to
be Casario. It could be anybody. It could be Demko and go,
hey man, tell me what happened. Real talk, just you and me,

real talk. What happened? Hey, give me, hey man,
I'm an error in judgment. Iwent all with some friends and celebrating whatever.
We're ready for the draft. I'vebeen working out six days a week.
I needed just a night to relax, and this happened. Got our
knucklehead. Whatever. You know what, I like you as the player.
You know, if you're there,we're going to take you. In fact,
one of the mock drafts I justsaw has the Texan him falling to

fifty nine and the Texans taking himso, which I would totally be cool
with. I think now his weightis a concern for me. I mean,
he's a large man. He's playingin the two sixties. I would
like him to get excuse me,three sixties. I'd like for him to
get down in the three forties.I would feel more comfortable about being a
three down player there. But hey, we all know that the interior of

this defensive line has been one ofthe biggest complaints this offseason and what has
happened in the jettison of Elie Collinsto San fran and Sheldon Rankins decided that
he's going to Cincinnati. But ofall the off season incidents that's a player
can have, isn't that one kindof the most? Like, Okay,

look, he made a terrible errorin judgment. But let's like again,
if he if he had a domesticviolence charge, this is different if he
had like all that kind of stuffI look at, I look at differently.
Yeah, so let me ask Iput marijuana in this category. Two,
he gets busted for pop I don'tcare who cares. So I would
just say this for those that arenot interested in the Texans, adding to

and Andre Swett because of this,d w I, I would ask you
we had questions, did some ofyou about Jalen Carter and everything he went
through with you know, and thensomebody lost their lives, A couple of
people lost their lives and the autothinging, the automobile accident racing and all
that going back to his days inAthens at the University of Georgia. But

Jalen Carla played excellent football this season. So at some point when you're ready
to get down to football matters,Jayalen Carter, if if you start looking
at to Vondre Swett, not sayinghe's going to be that player, but
if he's a guy that can helpyou outfit, I trust to Miko and
Nick Cassaria to go do their due. And I'm a little biased too.
I got to interview him at theSugar Bowl and I like the kid.

I mean, he's personality plus,Like, this is the guy that if
he's whatever, whatever team he endsup on, he will hold court with
the media like he's gonna have funwith them. Personality plus all that.
So again, the timing sucks.And look a lot of teams look at
it too and go the timing ofit. Why would you do this now,
Like a lot of teams look atus. You training for the doing
the combine, your proday, allthis stuff from January until draft night.

You should keep your head down andbe It's easy to see these people are
still human. You're still human.You have to be wise, be pragmatic,
but you also still human. Isince that this was a night out
with the guys, trying to relax. It's stressful preparing to be drafted.
I've been around it most of myadult life. It's stressful. So I

leave that where it is. Whatyou what is Dimico Colson? He goes,
well, man, look, Ido this all the time. Then
and then you'd probably got to gored flag. Well, there'll be a
paper trail if that's the case.Let me get over here to U of
H for a couple of things,one pleasant, one not so much.
How about this over the weekend,you of H best player Jamal Shed captain

Nate Smith Trophy National Defensive Player ofthe Year. Awesome, deserves that.
And I had something else on thatthat I wanted to share. It was
like racking up the awards. Whatyou of H has done here it is
so this is our courtesy of JosephDuarte, Big Towel Player of the Year

for Shed, Big twelve Defensive Playerof the Year Shed because since its first
team All American, Nate Smith DefensivePlayer of the Year, finalist for the
Natesmith Player of the Year and theJohn R. Wooden Award Player of the
Year. So I think Jamalshed isgonna get one or both of those.
I think that's actually announced tonight ona not so good note that we end.

I was informed about this over theweekend, and I believe Gordon,
as you know, and we'll signoff. I try and use this platform
for entertainment and information, but Ialso believe sport can be a seguey and
it taps into other aspects of life. Over the weekend, I learned that

a second U of H track athletehas lost his life committed suicide. Gord.
This is Caleb Hall. He ranthe four hundred, six hundred,
eight hundred meters and the four hundredmeter hurdles. A former teammate of his
and a fraternity brother died in twentytwenty two. They both were on the

twenty eighteen national championship team for theone hundred meters. Over there at U
of H. I'm gonna just saythis and get out the way. I
understand more than many of you know, the pressures of life, the rigors
of day to day. God hasafforded me to see a lot of different
situations and to come out of thosesituations because of my faith in Him.

Suicide is not the way to go. There are people out there that are
willing to help you. Let megive the hotline here locally Gordon eight three,
two, four, one, six, eleven seventy seven is the suicide
and the crisis intervention hotline here inHouston. Please use that call up here
to the station, ask for me. Somebody will get me on the phone
if need be. I'll do everythingI can. Let's not do that.

Let's not do that. So mycondolence is over there to U of h
uh and to a particular fraternity thatI will allow to be remain nameless at
this moment, all right. Didn'twant to end on that, but I
needed to get that out, allright. I see Rosberry out outside the
studio. He and that I'm justcoming your wife, Chris Gordion, Connedy
McGovern, stan Fleet, all ofus, including you Houston, that allow
us to do this thing called NextUp. God bless you, enjoy the

and clips astros in action tonight.Let's tie this silver boot series up.
Y'all be well. Peace to you,
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