All Episodes

April 10, 2024 83 mins
Stan Norfleet and Chris Gordy of Next Up react to the Houston Astros losing 4-3 to the Kansas City Royals in extra innings. Cristian Javier started on the mound, and the Astros got off to an early lead, but an unfortunate fifth inning proved costly as the Royals would eventually win with a 10th-inning single from Salvador Perez. The Astros cycled through five relievers in the loss, increasing concerns over the heavy load for the bullpen who is already working through injuries to starting pitching. Framber Valdez was placed on the 15-day injured list Tuesday with elbow soreness, so the Astros have called up their top pitching prospect in Spencer Arrighetti to make his major league debut Wednesday. Stan and Chris also express their concerns over José Abreu's slow start to the season, speculate if minor leaguer Joey Loperfido will take over at first base, debate Alex Bregman's future in Houston and more.
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Episode Transcript

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Now what's next, next stop?It's the next man up, next stop,
the next step, take the nextstep, next up stop next next
stop. This he wants to benext. This is next st up with
Tad Northfleeten Chris Gordy, Let's seewhat's next next next to day here in

the Galleria area, live from theSports Talk seven ninety studios stand Northfleet would
be me to my left. I'mradio partner, my Brody. I call
him see g Z. That's myman, Chris Gordon Connadie McGovern. He
goes by c MAAC around here.Appreciate his efforts in programming and production there
as we appreciate all of you allowingus to maintain our status as your home
for yous in sports. Here onSports Talk seven nine, they got a

salute the Shawn Salisbury Show Shawn Salisbury, our resident quarterback, Brian Lolima,
baseball official NADO and a manual Eclass triple E whatever you want to call
him, represent Preview and m UniversityPrime. Good morning to everyone, and
uh there's much to get into.I was alerted this morning to Male Kiper's

newest mock draft. It's two rounds, so that includes the Houston Texans who
have picks forty two or fifty nine, respectively. We must discuss what that
means who he sees coming here toHouston. As the draft is two weeks
from tomorrow. More draft conversation comingas well. Houston Rockets the finale of
the twenty twenty four season twenty threetwenty four season. In terms of home

games over at Toyota Center, theywin last night Gordon one eighteen one oh
six. Oh yeah. There wasalso a baseball game in Kansas City yesterday
afternoon and some news pertaining to theRowers. It was nighttime, but it's
okay, okay, does that stopafternoon? Focus on what people about?

You just care trying to be thegame. Well, people are gonna go
lait. It was no one careswhat time the game was because they know
I'm talking about I'm talking about thecan seer orld. Excuse me. And
in over time an extra innings ishow you say it? In the game
of baseball, four to three astroscome up short strolls are now four and
eight on the season, two andthree away from minute May Park and Uh,

Gordy, where you wanna start?Uh? Because we're going let me
say this before you go, I'msorry you and I are likely gonna argue
in the next segment. But forthe sake of this segment, the game
itself, all you gotta know isthis this number stand thirteen thirteen no runners
left on Yeah, thirteen people lefton base. You had fourteen hits in
the game. This team consistently,consistently cannot got knocked guys in. Now

they've got night so they've had justa couple of hits and can't get any
hits. But for the most part, the bats have kind of woken up
there. They're hitting. You know, even in the Yankee series, they
hit well. The game started one, two, three, are two?
Vay you're going on? And whogot on? Yeah? Yonner? Yonner
grounded out to uh, your basesloaded? No, no, I'm talking

to start the game going on andI'll get on right off the rip.
Yeah, bases loaded, nobody outand uh, bregman, I think what
struck out? And then Yonder Diazgrounds out, grounds into what should have
been a double play. But hehustles and is just say if at first
it's our run scores, But yeah, man, it's like this lineup bases

loaded nobody out, and Alex Bregmanis at the plate. That's what you
dream of, that situation. Yeah, you can't continue, And I'm going
back to the previous series. Gameone, uh three left on thirteen?
Excuse me? Three left on ingame one zero for two runners and scoring
position. Game two, previous seriesone to six runners and scoring position.

Game three, previous series one forfive runners in scoring position. This has
now become a theme. The firstweek, the narrative was, my god,
the bullpen's awful. Last night,the bullpen, for a second consecutive
game was outstanding. The bullpen dideverything to keep you in this game.
You kept getting runners on and youcouldn't capitalize. And then even worse than

the tenth I mean they literally they'regiving you a run. You start with
an inherited runner at second base withnobody out, literally, And this is
where I think Joe spotted. Thisis where we start to maybe he starts
to take a little criticism. Now, Hey, you're in the big dog
seat, you're you're the manager,Joe. It's a three to three game,
you're on the road. Go aheadrun is a second base with nobody
out advance that runner. I don'tcare who's up. I don't care.

Maybe Yourn's maybe the only one Isay, don't bunt, But like everybody
else, and I get it,people always gonna say no, if you
got a good hitter up there,you want him swinging. I want that
runner at third with one out,I give. However, you gotta do
it. Ground ball to the rightside to advance him, bun him over,
whatever you gotta do, get thatrunner over the third. And they

don't do it. And so itjust to me the store. The story
of last night and the story ofthe Astro season so far is pitching's been
good enough. But it is.It is the lack of It's not even
lack of offense, it's lack ofbeing able to produce those runs. So
when you look at you know,you go to the proverbial box score.
Obviously, right the Astros get outthere, they score one run in the

first, another in the second,another in the fourth. So now it's
three zip. It's three zip.Come to the bottom of the five of
the fifth and excuse me. AndI'm just like, all right, we
should be able to button this babyup. I don't think Kansas City is
potent enough as a line up tobe able to come back. And then
in the fifth inning alone, kaboom, they score three unanswered runs if you

will, in the bottom of thefifth through to Kansas City Royals. And
now we got a ball game.And when it got to that point,
I was like, I don't knowhow this is gonna go. Let's talk
about Howvier's performance five and the thirdfrom Javier five hits three runs, score
too earned, he would throw ninetythree pitches. El Ray is still a
really good one point one zero.I can't blame Hoba for he ran into

a little bit of trouble. AndAlex Bregman, who was not good at
the plate, you know, hasa has a ball come right at him,
and and you know has a hasan error throwing error, and so
it's like throw and that goes froma three to two lead you have to
suddenly a tie game three three,and uh, you know it's just now
he did make a great play alittle bit later. Yeah, you give

him credit for that, but dude, like Breggs, what's going on?
Man, Like you can't get itdone at the plate and you're having some
mishaps in the fit, like it'sit's just killing him. And again I
don't give. I don't give hobbylook the big like if I'm a if
I'm a manager of Mortal sin standwalking a batter to start an inning is

just how often it feels like everytime you ask us do that, that
runner comes run a score. Iused to see a number, and I
don't know what it is right now. I don't know what it is.
For the twenty four season, butthere was a number of floating around out
there. Seventy percent of the timeif you walk the first batter in the
order, at least one run isgoing to score. They start an inning.
Like you walk the first batter tostart an inning, like I just

to me, okay, you fallbehind a full count to a guy as
a lead off, as leading offan inning, like, go right at
him. If he gets a basehit, he gets a base hit.
But like to me, walking himis just it's deadly because then after that
Renfro singles is bell. You know, bunts sacrifices them both over the second
and third. They got runners asecond third with nobody out, Sackfly scores

a run. You're no not youknow it's three to one. You got
two outs at that point. Andthen Bobby Wood triples, Renfro scores,
it's suddenly three to two, andthen the throwing error makes it three to
three. So you know, it'sjust it's frustrating, man, because they've
had a couple of these now asrough those things have been so far for
the Astros. That was one youshould have had last night that that game

was totally wittable. This one hurts, and so let's come down. You
mentioned we just talked about. JavierMontero comes in for two thirds, he's
all right, seven pitches from him, he gets out of there. Montero,
there's a bray. You a bray, you waltzed one, strikes out
one and he's out of there.So there isn't any other damage for real,

and unfortunately is swear Oh that getsthe loss. He allowed a hit
and a run and that ended upbeing the ball game there in the tenth
him. Yeah, when they didn'tscore the run on the top of the
tenth, you just knew because youyou had all big dogs like you got
your bray you Presley hater seven eightnine, and they all did their job.

The offense didn't come through. Soagain, when we talked about this
dream scenario, of all a bray, you presley hater. They got the
job done, They did their thing. The offense did not come third.
Fourteen hits for the ash was lastnight to just seven from the Royals,
and you still lose a ball game. You mentioned the Bregman era. I

do appreciate, to your point,Bregman throwing out the run at home to
preserve the three to three tie.I also appreciate Yan her Daz running his
ass down first base, hustling topreserve what would be a run eventually,
I believe. But now we gottalook at this lineup. Gordon, no
problem with yourd on. Kyle Tuckergave me something yesterday. You've already mentioned

Alex Bregman. Yan there ds Okay, I'll take an RBI from him.
He was one for five, ChasMcCormick, and even Jeremy Pinyon two for
five. He scores a run.Dubond one for three, he scores a
run. John Singleton. You havean issue with Singleton pitching for him?

Yeah, that doesn't make any sensewhen I saw they were doing it.
Look, there's I'm all for analytics, I'm all for all that stuff,
but there's got to be a certainpoint where common sense prevails. Just ask
anyone, Go ask an Astros fan, who would you rather hitting in a
clutch situation? Late Mauricio Dubon orJohn Singleton. Don't care about lefty righty

matchup, don't care about any ofthat. John can't hit right now,
So unless you're asking him to sacrifice, but which okay, I'd ask him
to do that. Maybe he cando that. But like I give me
du bond like it just it didn'tmake any sense. Did you have an
issue with debonn and center to kindof trying to track them ball? I
thought it was just a wheel hitbaseball. Yeah, I don't know that
there are many center fielders that aregoing to be able to go track that

down that aren't at an all MLBlevel. But let me give you the
biggest problem last night was basses loaded, nobody out, Alex Bregman pops up
runners at the corners with one out, Alex Bregman up, he strikes out,
allows a run to score on anERA error. Like that, we
got a bregmant problem right now.We got a first base problem, thank

you. I was gonna come tothat in the next seven problem right now,
and Breggie here. It's a contractyear, bro. We gotta wake
up the holes in the Astros lineupright now? What say you, Houston
seven one three two one two five, seven ninety We're getting warmed up on
a Wednesday here inside of the SportsTalk seven ninety studios, the legendary KB
and me home Astros baseball to theneck to the dirt road. This is

next up. You kind of hiton everything I wanted to say with Stan
Norfleet and Chris Gordy on Sports Talkseven ninety. What two and that's hit
on the ground sharply past the diveof Fraser and in the right center racing
around third. Paynya, he'll scoreeasily. I'll two eight ghost to third.
You're don Alvarez an RVII single,his tenth run back at the end

of the year and the Astros leadtwo to nothing. Well, his second
Av's continue to be on point.He waited him out, took a really
close bitch with two strikes and gota better one. Good lord. Jordan
continues to rake, and that's agood thing for Jordan, and it puts
this team at least gives them anopportunity is going in and I open the

show with hitting. The baseball isnot the issue for this team, who
is now four and eight on theseason. After losing an extra innings in
Kansas City last night, the HoustonAstros are now tied with the Seattle Mariners,
bottom of the AL West, twoand a half games out of the
Rangers first place. Seat four andeight, Astros four and six in their

last ten. Astros have a zerorun differential. Cordon, A couple of
things concerned me about this ball club. You mentioned Bregman. I think Bregman
on this team, in this organization, has earned the right to work himself

out of especially what he does defensivelythe era last night. Notwithstanding, that's
not typically where Brego does. I'mwilling to give Breakman a pass for now,
you Gordon, No, he doesn'tget a pass. He's one of
the best, he's one of thehe's an MVP candidate. Past means go
ahead. I'm just saying past meaningI'm not pulling Bregman out of the lineup,

right, That's what I mean.There's no there's not gonna be changes
man, but like it, justthe change needs to be. He gets
his head out of his ass andstarts to hit. Is the pressure that
they will be hitting Elite defense isstill required. I agree last night wasn't
the case. Now he made upfor the game to play, to play,
so on and so forth. Doyou think the pressure of the contract
is getting to him. Yes?Do you really believe that? Absolutely?

He knows he understands the situation.Wait, sorry, Brekman plays like dog
crap this season. Somebody's not stillgiving him legitimate starter top of the money,
third base money in the league.Somewhere he's getting money regardless because of
the body of work. Well,I'll say this like, I think had
he been able to come to acontract extension with the Astros this offseason,

maybe he's playing a little bit morefree. Maybe he's not in his head
as much right now he's thinking,I've got to go out there and impress
and do my thing because I'm playingfor a contract. Tucker's playing for a
deal. He isn't playing as badas bregmant In, but he's he's not.
He's still got another year. Soit's an interesting notion. It's just

something I wanted to broach. Nowwe got to flip on the other corner.
This first base situation. Gord isdriving me crazy. They have to
do something about this, and theanswer is not John Singleton, and it
can't be Karan Teeny and and andJan and Diez every other day. They've

got to do something. Now.I did see a report the other day
and it may I know, youmay not like this. It's not a
report. It's that they straight upset. And I said this on Sunday when
and I guess I just hadn't reallylike. Joey lo Perfito is an outfielder
in Triple A. He got astart at first base on Sunday and every
subsequent since he has been playing firstbase. So, in other words,

astros A, it's not even asecret. They're telling you what they're doing.
They're grooming him. Now, Hey, go go get comfortable at first
because you might be you might bethe option down the road. Joey Lopaffido
has now played first base in threestraight games for sugar Land. He entered
yesterday with a one point zero fourseven OPS. That's really good. Astro's

first baseman have hit point zero nineto three. Yeah, slash in point
one seven zero point zero nine three. They are minus eighteen w HRC plus
well That's what I'm telling you isis it's it's it's not even a secret,
it's it's they're telling you right therewhat they're doing, and Dana's not

gonna They're not gonna come right outand say it, but you know,
he's getting the start at they're startingto give reps at first base and going,
hey, bro, like, wehave to have a backup plan here
somewhere again, they're gonna in frontof a microphone, Dana and a spot
are going to tell you everything aboutWe're going to continue to give jose a
Brew his reps and hopefully he getsgoing because he was slow started last year

and eventually, you know, wasone of your better hitters in the postseason
last year. So the hope isthis isn't a Bray who has hit a
wall in his career and this isit and this is just who he is
now and he can't hit. Thehope is he starts to get going,
of course, but maybe he doesn't. But it's it's just stand The problem
is this thing is expounded because JohnSingleton, who was out of the league

the middle of last year, andgive him credit, he goes to sugar
Land and starts crushing, and thenthey brought him up to give him a
second opportunity, and he hits ahome run in the first game back,
but he just really hasn't done muchsince. And then you went through all
of spring training and you didn't lookat any other options, anybody else out
there. He just kind of said, no, this is the guy as
our backup first baseman. And nowyou're kind of screwed because they both stink

and you're every time the first basebat comes up. It's just it's a
black hole. You just can't haveliterally nothing. Jose air Bray you last
night he was one for four,struck out once he's batting point zero eight
eight Like you, yeah, it'sexpounded. And here's the thing, Like

you can live with a you canlive with somebody in your lineup that's not
great, and most most lineups it'sthe catcher, right, So like the
past four or five years, wedid that with Maldonado. We're like,
yeah, he's gonna beat nine,but one de eight will be fine.
Well, now you have a goodhitting catcher and yan Ar Diez, so
you're like, okay, well that'staken care of, so you can probably
live with a first baseman who's notproducing and still be okay the rest of

that first and third. But it'shere's the problem. And I just did
the math. In your three winstand, you've scored ten runs, eight runs,
three runs, ten runs. There'sone anomaly in there. There was
one game that you didn't score doubledigits that you were able to win.
In all their losses, saying atall eight, you're averaging two runs of

offense. Averaging two runs. That'snot gonna get it done. Forget Javier,
forget Probber, forget forget all thestarting pitchers. You're not gonna win
in this league averaging two runs ofoffense. Like, it's just not gonna
It's not gonna happen. And whycan't we put back to back games together
of seven, eight, nine,ten runs? Why is it ten?
Then it's two games and it's anotherten? Just give every night you get

five rings? Spot right their gamesif they score five, it's ridiculous.
I just don't get what's going on. I don't know if it's a lineup
deal. Now I will say this, I'm coming to the phone last time
in downtown. You'll be dootna leagueBaseball And left the men left on base
like not even looking at the statI bet they have got to be top

three and left men left on mapstoo. All right, Tom in Downtown,
let's get to that. And I'mactually getting more comfortable. I'm not
all the way cool with it,but I'm more comfortable with this Jordan and
the two spot. But let's seeit play out. Oh. Also remind
me, gord I got to talkto the way too. It's too early.
Crowd is way too early. Igot to come back to that as
well. Let's go to the phoneline seven one three two point two five

seven ninety. Get in here andtalk with me and Gordy. Tom of
Downtown Floor George, hey man,thanks for letting me in. Hey listen,
I know it's tough right now,and we got to look at brass
tacks. We got to say whatit is. We're going to have to
live with the corners the way theyare until maybe this guy and the miners
will put it together. But that'stoo much pressure for a young man and

too much pressure for a major leagueclub to bring him up. So let's
put him on the side. Let'slook at what's happening, and the corners
are hurting us. Alex Pregman hasalways produced and he can be. He
can be a pain in the neckwhen you wonder why he's reading he's popping
up, but that's every player.But he's always come through and I know
eventually he will. But the realthing I want us to look at is

we're four and eight now. Ifyou, if I was to ask you
right now, as an Astro fanout there, do you think this team
there's going to be four games underfive hundred in a month from now.
And on the other side, doyou think they're gonna be four games over
five hundred a month from now?I say they're not going to be under

and they're gonna be over. Sowe got one hundred and fifty games left.
I really do believe this team will. You're right, hitting's not the
problem, Okay, it's clutch hittingin the right spot. And the pitching
is really really going to hurt us. It's too bad about you know,
y'all are going on the DL.But hey man, they're a championship club

still and they'll put it together,all right, That's all. I got
appreciation Tom in downtown for sure,Man, we appreciate you hanging out with
us. Let's grab one more ifwe could real quick, Mike and Victoria.
I'll tell you what I'm going toask Mike the whole because I want
to make sure that we hear everythingMike has to say. On the other
side, we have buried the leadsomewhere, Gordy before we get to that
though, and this pitching rotation.People moving around the city today. The

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more of Next Up continues now onSports Talk seven ninety home of your World
champion Houston Astros. Everything like that. Just you know a guy that I
talked earlier about how well of thespring he had. You know, I
played very well in the spring.He's carrying it right into the season.

As I mentioned before, it's anice left hand bat. He's a utility
player who could play multiple positions.So you know, at some point we
may Steve Opefito. Don't know howsoon, but at some point we'll see
him. I think if he continuesto swing the bat, and the key
is having quality at bats with theseyoung men when you call him up.
You know, this is a toughgame. It's the toughest thing to do

in sports. Hit a round objectwith a round object square, And so
if he continues to have quality atbats, you know we could see him
here soon. But we're excited aboutthe start he's off to, no doubt
about it. That was general managerDana Brown joining the Shawn Salisbury Show for
his weekly hit at nine thirty thismorning. So just over and now we'll

go appreciate you hanging out with ushere on Sports Talk seven ninety and the
name of this show was next Up, We'll be with you to noon.
Hand things over to Matt Thomas andRossville Reality at Stand, Sportsman here at
Chris Gordy there station at Sports Talkseven ninety. Excuse me, Astros in
extras in Kansas City to a teamthat had been quietly what they on a

four game win streak coming in lastnight something like that. Kansas City and
Extras gets it done. And theAstros don't have a problem hitting well,
they have thirteen fourteen hits. Yesterdaypulled this thing back up. Astros had,
Yeah, it was thirteen fourteen hits. I don't the mon fourteen hits.

So they had twice as many asKansas City. The Astros have a
left on base and in scoring positionproblem. Five of eighteen were the Astros
thirteen left on base. It's justnot good enough. And we're talking about
the corners. Bregman, slow startyet again, Jose Abrallo, slow start

yet in. And so that wasjoe manger Dana Brown speaking to Joey Lopofido,
who for the last three games inSugarland has been playing excellent ball.
We know he's an outfielder by trade, but he's been getting hill of reps
at first base and Gordie who steppedout for a moment, he says,

saying the writing is on the wall. Are we concerned? Four and eight
on the season? Are the Astrosthus far? And I say this all
the time, so some of youare it's way too early. Well,
if it's way too early to talkabout what's wrong, and it must be
way too early to talk about thepull pin. It must be way too

early to brag on the front linestarters. It must be way too early
to brag on Roniel Blanco, Itmust be way too early to brag on
Yiannia Diaz. So too early worksboth ways for the positive and the negative.
And just because there is a reactiondoes not necessarily the gate that or
promote that it is an overreaction.What say you? Astro's Nation seven one

three two one two five seven ninety. There are some glaring holes with the
performance of this team. It's okayto discuss all. There's some things to
celebrate. Absolutely. Joranon Alvarez,appreciate you. Yeah, near Ds appreciate
you. Come on, Kyle Tuck, you didn't here the little big man,
Jose, I two, Bay,do what you do? I'm seeing,

by the way, it's if thesenumbers are correct, the Asters are
eighth in UH baseball in men lefton base so far this year. I
guess because that that stupid Toronto seriesjacked everything up. Well, you had
two games they scored ten runs andthey was like hit hit, hit hit.
Keep in mind Toronto. One ofthose games put a position player in
late in the game. They do, so like that's gonna jack up the

stats. I look more at theseven or is it eight losses? Now?
What are the eight? There?Four and eight? Yeah, the
eight losses you're averaging You've averaged tworuns. That's that's the story of the
season to me. Let's go tothe phone lines here from the people.
Gordon, Mike, and Victoria getin. Bro, hey man, thanks
for taking my call. I justwant to talk specifically about the first base

question. All right. You know, we never not perform, and he
hasn't performed now for the second yearin a row. And my question is,
and it's something I don't hear anybodytalking about, and it blows my
mind. How is Jordn not beingtransitioned into first base? Did he not
play first base in the minors.He's an outfit. He wants to be
an outfielder, and he's a prettydamn good outfielders. We saw last time.
I no, nobody wants to No. No, oh, Jorda.

I'll go ask going on right nowto go over to Kansas City standing go
say you're not you want to playfirst base. He's gonna say, Stan,
take your ooz and shove him upyour bee hot, I ain't playing
first base. Mike and Victoria,kudos kudos to mine. I'm gonna gonna
say I'm leaving your team for meif I'm danying. M made an amazing

catch night. Guess what, Jordan, all, all of us we got
to this point in the Golden eraof Astros baseball because there were people willing
to sacrifice. He ain't sacrifice.Many have done it. He didn't go
shove it up first as is doingit. We've seen Guy's sacrifice. Julie
has done it, Marty has doneit. Michael Bradley did it. We've

seen Guy's sacrifice. Yrdon, I'mnot telling you it's going to happen.
I understand it's unlikely. It willnever happen. I'm from Mike and Victoria.
I don't hate that if they wouldn'tgive it a try. Jr.
On can you give me a gameor two per week over there? I
don't answer no, he was hewill not do it. That's just it's

not why does everybody else have togive but you and I doesn't give.
He gives her best damn head.Of course, I'm talking about in the
field. If it were up toJordan Hughton, he doesn't want to d
H. He wants to be youreveryday left Okay, we're gonnadh you a
good bit. I don't need youingon every day in left field. We
have wanted to play that though.It's not always about what he wants your

best player. You give them whatmust understand, my guy, you are
part of a team and if weneed you in this space. And he
might be a liability at first,see y'all do Bond there last year and
Dubond hadn't played the damn position andhe said high school. But but my
point is that's utility in fielder anything. They're willing to try DuPont, but

they wouldn't try correct from du bonis already a utility infielder. He could
play multiple positions. Yours never playedan in field spot. You put him
at Victoria's telling me the man wasin the miners on first base. Well,
I need a whole spring training ofhim taking grounders at first and all
that. But he's not. Hedon't want to do it, So you're
not gonna tell you. You justknow he's again. I know he wants

to. Didn't say it was Ileft field. I didn't say it was
idea. We all know he prefersto be out there. The question I
raised is are we certain that ifasked going on, wouldn't do it.
I'm certain that Jose air Bray,you're making nineteen and a half million this
year and nineteen a half million nextyear, needs to get his head out
of his ass and go play firstbase. Somebody's gonna do it. I
have I have lost confidence, andMike, you correct me. You tell

me how you feel. I havelost confidence that Jose Bray you right now,
deserves to try it out there everynight. You want to cut it
down to half the time. I'mwith that, but putting him out there
every single night is doing this teama disservice. You know what I am
for. I'm for trying low Pafido. I'm for trying Yann and Diz over

there. I'm for trying Carrottini overthere. And I'm also for trying y'all
on over there. Let me seewhat it looks like. Why is that
just an abomination? Why is thatjust an impossibility? Mike, I appreciate
you doing that. Let me getready for talk radio. So, by
the way, Mike, you're donewith the bray you you want to see
this every day? Oh, letme talk. I've got something to say,
go ahead, all right to me? It's I mean, I know

that your Don wants to play outfield, but yo, he's a big guy.
He is prone to injury. Justhaving a big guy like that out
there run fly balls down, somethingbad is gonna happen. And if i'm
your Don's agent, and if I'mthe manager, I'm gonna say, look,
I know you like the outfield,but if you want to have a
long career, you need to considerfirst base, just because you're gonna urguer

yourself or you're gonna did you watchthe game last night though? Did he
not make a left field like I'mnot saying he's not. I'm not saying
he's not a capable outfielder. Hemade some good catches, and he does
make good catches. He's athletic,but he's also a big guy. Big
guys, when you run him arounda lot, are a lot more prone
to serious injury than you know,smaller guys. Well, I appreciated he

was not a problem in left field. I need the nineteen a half million
dollar guy to play like it iftime of the essen so I can't get
to what I really want to getto. Let's do this, let's step
aside. We'll come back. Head real quick. He made. He
made a handful of starts in fourminor league seasons at first base, thirty
something times across four minor league seasons. He did three years ago. A

couple of times during before games hetook grounders at first just to see how
he did. But I just it'sit's not gonna happen anytime soon, maybe
maybe five years from now. Youalso told me we wouldn't see a certain
somebody that we're gonna see tonight.We just as they're up against it,
they have no other options. Onthe other side, we'll talk about the
lineup and I told you souls,Oh they're coming. Sports Talk seven ninety

next stop and back up now downdoor pleets and Chris Gordy on next stoup
on Sports Talk seven ninety with lowarm slots delivers and O two and that's
the head of the center. Myers, to his laugh, makes the catch
side retired one, two, three, ninth for Josh Hater and for the

first time this year, the Astroswill play extra innings. We appreciate Robert
fore And and Steve Spots the AstrosRadio network right here on Sports Talk seven
ninety, your home of Astros Baseball, standing on fleet as me. Chris
gordions him, we are wrapping upour one here on next up our two
kick off. We we still gotto talk about We buried the leaf for
hour and I can't believe we have. But the conversations about all the nuances

of last night's game and what itmeans for the current state of the Astros
has been rather intriguing. Four andeight are the Astros currently losing in extras
last night four to three in KansasCity, Astros two and three away from
Minute May Park. Astros get goingthis evening. I believe that first pitch
to be around six forty. I'llget your exact time on that here in

just a second. The conversation thatwas had right before we went to break
And by the way, thank y'allto have us pre set number one in
your automobiles. We certainly appreciate thatif you missed our one of the show,
Sports seven ninety dot com is yourfriend, as well as the free
iHeartRadio app. First base major concernjose air Bray. You, I understand
he's making nineteen many of you.I understand what he was in Chicago.

I understand what he wound up beinglast season where we got by the regular
season by the hair of our twentyten chin Jos Potter. There is an
issue over there, Dana Brown,there's an issue over there. I don't
understand why we are comfortable allowing thisteam to be reactionary instead of being proactive.

That's gonna come up when we starttalking about this from about their situation
as well, but keeping it onfirst base. Dana Brown dropped by DeShawn
Salisbury show this morning. He wasasked directly, what the hell is going
on with joseir Bray. You yeah, I would say that. You know,
we have a first basement right now, and the brave who, as
we talked about before you slip overthe back of his baseball card, he's

going to show up at some point. And so he's notorious for having slow
starts, you know, So youknow, let's let that play out and
and and see if he could turnon and get hot. I believe he's
gonna get hot, you know,Uh, if something happens to a break,
if he gets if he gets hurt, or if he goes down.
You know, we'll kind of entertainsome of those things. But you know,

right now, you know we youknow he's thirty four at bats,
then we don't you know, wedon't want to prejudge. I mean,
he's off to a slow start.He's been here before, and you know,
we'll get him some extra hitting.We'll figure out what timing of device
and his stride. You know,so we're looking at things like that to

get him back on track. Youknow, in the in the course of
this, if he needs the dayoff, we'll give him a day off.
But ultimately, you know, wewe believe in a brave you know,
he did the heck of a jobfor us. Dur the second part
of the season last year, andso we'll give him some time to work
some things out. And as Isaid, if we have to give him
a break, we'll give him abreak. Gentleman's of the Astros, Dana

Brown, joined the Shawn Salisburg Showthis morning. If we need to give
him a break, he's going toget on a hot streak. He might,
yeah, but at what he getson the hot streak. But this
team is damn seven games under fivehundred at the time. That doesn't help
me. But see here the problemis the Astros losses. You cannot pin

all just on Jose a Brainy's lackof production. It's everyone. So it's
again like we're worried about it.But in baseball is the one sport that
you can you can fail for amonth and then be Offensive Player of the
Month the next month. It's justit's it's one of those things. Got
its streaky and Stan in October washow many months ago we were in April?

I mean it was less than itwas six months ago, right,
Jose Brady know eleven postseason games lastyear, a bat at two ninety five
with four home runs that drove inthirteen. I said on this microphone at
that time, Dusty, you toldus relaxed or bray, you was gonna
break out of it once he gothealthy. I said, Dusty, what
I call him? I said,Papa, papau, Dusty, you were
absolutely right, tip my cap toyou. But I think they blant,

Like I think he was fine thestart of last year and he was slow.
I think they tend to sometimes likehe got when you get to a
certain point where you're sucking nigga.Ah, yes, something's wrong with you.
Yeah, he's hurt, could havebeen, you know. So I
don't even know how much how muchthat was true. But again, like
this is a guy who everybody keepssaying he was terrible last year, and
yes, from much the last regularseason he was. But that guy just

six months ago batted three hundred andfour home runs and droven thirteen in the
postseason. That guy's still somewhere inthere. We think Father time gets us
all I get it, and thecliff can come even in baseball. He's
thirty seven. He was thirty sixand three quarters last postseason. It was
productive. So I don't live canhappen to We said this last April agreed

and here on. But I'm sayingwe weren't doing this. We weren't four
and eight last night. He well, but a Brave was bad last year.
We weren't four and eight. Correct, The light ali going better.
Everybody else was better. They weren'tscoring two runs a game. Anthony Houston,
let's talk for his base. You'renext up, all right, man?
Uh? Yeah, I mean I'mlistening to your conversation. I agree

with you a little bit. Imean, you're not gonna be able to
do much with the bray you've giventhe contract. He's gonna have to kind
of work it out a little bit. But I think you've got a glaring
hole over there, not only withyour starter, but with your backup.
Singleton is not a major league baseballplayer. Uh. I think what they
need to do is Caratini can playsome first base. We need to kind
of slide him over, let himbe that backup guy over there, catch

a couple of starts, and youcan bring up Salazar to back up catcher
and get rid of Singleton and justlet those guys kind of work it out.
And in that position. Uh,something's got to happen at first base.
And you know it's not just thefirst base, the spot that's a
hole right now. You got alack of production up and down the lineup.
You got some issues in the bullpen, but you got to you gotta
work on something over there because thatthat is your biggest glaring hole in the

lineup. And that's all I got, man with chew it over and I'll
listen to it. Thanks, guys, appreciate Anthony and town. Let's go
to Martin in Missouri City. Let'stalk some strolls. Martin. What's on
your mind? Brother? Hello,guys, you let to join your man
first time called. Appreciate. Yeah, I appreciate Gordo's passion, even though
I don't agree with him all thetime, but he brings it. Uh.

I think for my part, DanaBrown, along with Jeff Bagwall and
James and not James Klick, butthe owner when they were out of when
they were out of general manager wentout and signed Jose Brave for nineteen million
dollars, and Raphael Montero got somebread, and ruphaever Montaro got some bread.

And then this year with all theinjuries, they let the middle field,
Mayton and and the other pitch.I can't nearest Mayton and Stantic.
Yeah, they let the reliable millrelief go to Bridge to the starters and

and then you got all these injuries. But they also signed the don't don't
leave out. They got the bestcloser on the market as well. That
was a big move. Yeah,but you can't get to him. Yeah,
gotta get done, especially when youknew Garcia and and uh Huma Erkety
and Lace mccullis, you knew atleast three starters. Well, bus not

been money the last couple of nights. Bullpen's fine, you're losing games because
you can't score runs. So let'slet's talk about it first. The Yankees,
okay, a four games series.They suck. They gotta figure it
out. They did. They're doingtheir job. You went a braid,
you Presley hater. Last night theydid their job. Stand The offense scored
a zero runs zero Martin finished nowby the Royals Bullpen. I'm Martin finished

a comment, brother. Okay,night before last, I was really sick.
I watched Jose braid you have itat bat where the guys struck out
swinging at two pictures that was inthe left hand battles boutance. He looked
like he showed no interest in tryingto engage and try to concentrate. You

know, I'm I'm a major leagueplayer. I can't tell the spin on
the ball, but to strike outlike he did, like I said,
with the balls in the other sideof the battle box. I mean,
I just don't understand how a majorleague picture a batter who put up the
empty numbers in Chicago once he gotdown here and he's he was kind of

on to drive and run the buckchicks grew up. So I appreciate it.
I understand. We share your sentiment, Martin. In most city,
I'm up against it. Just threeor four hitters last year in Chicago,
Cargo he was all right now.He started slow. In Chicago, he
cut it on at the end.He may cut it on at the end
here. I'm not trying to releasehosea bray you. I'm just simply saying,

y'all, can we get somebody tostop the bleeding for now and allow
him to work back into it.How do you work out of funk playing
every day or sitting on a benchsometimes both QW In Houston's historically you got
to play through. No people getbenched all the time. What are you
talking about? Kew and Houston Rappers? Up? Brother? I need you
in like thirty seconds or less.All right, man, I won't need

much more going to You are absolutelycorrect. We need to score more runs
than to stand. You are absolutelycorrect. We need to get some production
out this two hundred sixty town slaphitter. I'm sick of him. I'd
rather put a proven hitter. Maybehe's an our natural athlete. He can
play any position. I would workand just put my man Mauricio Dubon.

If he can play second, hecan play first with a little one.
We tried that last year. Itwasn't good. They tried it last year.
I know it wasn't good. Buthe worked at it. He can
do it. He can pay itsecond, third and short. Why can't
he play first? He just didn't. Yeah, he looked uncomfortable. He
never had a chance to work.I appreciate it. I don't believe it.
Don't you think he was Swiss nightSwiss army knighte he is, But

I think he can be better servedin the outfield and at that second and
short spot. And you move somebodyin the outfield the first or maybe this
joey little feto thing may work.Bringing them up for sugar Land may work.
I'm not sure. I wouldn't mindseeing Janner Dz over there, and
I also don't hate the idea oftrying you on on over there for a
game or two, and let's seewhat that looks like. I'm throwing any

and everything at it is my pointto it. And I just know that
my mayor do Bond, he tootedhisself last year to be a very blasted
and I think we shouldn't really usethem some kind of way keep them in
the lineup. Appreciate you and Houston. When you're watching the Astros tonight six
poin forty, they get going inKansas City, you can begin listening to
Astros covers throughout the course of theday. For sure, Astros on beginning

at five thirty, Gordon, Imight have some cool in my hand,
refreshing with some stripes on it.What's that going? Well, I'm gonna
hand you my car keys because I'mmight be sitting at home just dousing myself
in Crawford Bock tonight if they Ijust can't score some runs. But hopefully
you guys play tonight. I'm gettingeverybody I'll play. You guys are drinking
responsibly, and when you're doing so, you're doing so with some Crawford Box

for our friends at Carbox Browing.It is the taste of Astros baseball when
you drink it. It's got thetequila sunrise stripes on the can. You
know what it is. And we'rehere a minute, make park. We'll
be back to this Friday, anduh, you know the big toll boys,
I'd like to have one when I'mout there watching the baseball rall you
will make you do that again.It's uh, hopefully they're gonna get some
more production going here from this offense. And again, hopefully you're getting some

production out of enjoying an ice coldCrawford Box from Carbox Brewing. When it
touches the lips, you know whatit is. It's a home run every
time. Now, what's next?Next stop? It's the nick man up,
Next up, the next step,Take the next step, next up,
next stop, next next up.This team wants to be next.

This is next up with Tad NorfleetenChris Gordy. Let's see what's next next
next man. We're locked in liarfrom the Galleria area, nestled in between
Uptown Park and River Oakes Sports Talkseven ninety studios. We are next up.
That means staying Northfleet Me Chris,Gordy, him Connordy McGovern on the
other side of the glass. There. We'll be with you for another fifty

seven minutes and we've talking a lotof astros. We will pivot into the
rockets in the next segment. There'snews on the Texans front, Gordy that
need be discussed as well hanging outwith you taking your call seven one,
three, two, one two five, seven ninety. You can hit us
at Sports Talk seven ninety as well, you know. And I said,
I was gonna say this to myit's their early crew. Tell me what

y'all want. Then should we wait, Gordy till game one sixty and then
we can start talking about the nuancesof a baseball team or are we gonna
engage and have a good time livingevery night? The wins and losses,
the swings and pitches, by whatthis team does. The whole point in
doing this Sports Talk thing is toride the roller coast of emotions. Right

now at four and eight, it'snot a great baseball team. They have
a literal there. Even it's agoose egg in terms of run differential.
But to answer your question, whendo we start about thirty days sentence?
When you is that's that's a goodenough sample size to go because again,
like you could always look at aguy's batting average in seven games. So

that's the end of the month.Yeah, they played the Cubs on the
thirtieth. Is that the Cubs?I'm sorry, that's Cleveland Guardians on the
thirtieth. So we shouldn't talk baseballat all today. If you talk baseball,
I'm just only positive the overreaction.But what a reaction is not an
overreaction. A reaction is just thatI'm reacting to the game I saw last
night. I guess what we're sayingis baseball is the one sport that it's

It's one hundred and sixty two ofthem. And we've seen teams get hot
in August and September, and we'vealso seen teams be out of it by
Memorial Day. And we've seen it, we see it. Ever seen teams
like Pittsburgh last year we started twentyand thirteen and looked awesome. Have we
total the rest of the year outof it by Memorial Day. We've seen
this hell, we've seen teams Sincode Mayo not good team. Good teams

don't get good teams aren't. Likeput it this way, Dasters need to
be around at least close to aroundfive hundred after the first month. If
they come out of this month andthey are five, six, seven games
of all five hundred, then absolutelyit is panic time. And but again,
what are we doing here when wesaid we looked at the schedule and

said it's a tough schedule out ofthe gates and they and they have all
these pitching injuries THEMB I'm glad youbrought that up. The good news is
justin er Larren's gonna make another rehabstart this weekend. He's gonna be back
most likely in the next week.Hose their kidis on track to be back
here in a couple of weeks.The Fromber news will get to it.
It doesn't seem overly concerning. Theyfeel pretty positive about it. So again,

right now in the moment, yeah, it looks like sky is falling
Chicken little but like, I can'twait till July when all the arms are
back and guys are hitting. Bragman'sgot his head out of his ass.
He's hitting. Maybe Joseo Brady doesif he doesn't. The Joey Lo Parfito
project is in the works, SoI mean, it's gonna get better,
but right now. Yeah, Andit's okay to feel down on them right

now, but it's it is onehundred it is one hundred and sixty two.
The playoffs don't start in June,all right, So Chris going in
others doesn't think we should talk aboutbaseball around here until did you all these
games again? There's no need todiscuss. So I'm gonna start talking Rockets
draft, the NFL draft out there, the damn Masters is starting. I'm

watching Tiger Wagons draft. Talk tocoach Steve saw Keshan every day because there's
no need to talk about Astro's baseballwhether they win or lose. Because it's
too bleeping early. No, it'stoo early to bench guys, is what
we're saying. Like to start tellingthis allful right now, yes, right
now. Through A had no businessputting on an Astro's uniform period. That's

not an overreaction. Everybody that watchesthis team, we all watched the games.
He said, have a damn uniformon. And now let's get to
the lead. You told me twentyfour hours ago staying, don't overreact.
Fromber's gonna be okay, I said, Gordon. Until I see a medical
report, I'm presuming I didn't sayhe's gonna be okay. I just said,

oh, run to tape what Isaid on the IL yet And I
told you what was coming, Isaid, Gordon. Anytime Dana Brown and
Joe A. Spotder have to bothaddress us about what's going on with the
guy that's healthy enough to be theace. Right now, we knew Fromber
was going on the I L soyou started seeing the dominoes fall yesterday and

then we get the news. SpencerAaron Getty, Yeah, the phenom.
I understand he's the number one process. I say phenom. He ain't.
No, he's not a phenom.No o god, he Spencer, as
happens to be the top the bestprospects. He hopes that he happens to
be the top pitching prospect in theAstros system. Put him in another system
and he might be third or four. Where does Keith All have him ranked?
Where's baseball America having ranked somebody findout Keith twenty five years somebody.

Oh, don't try to make melaugh, because this is the segment where
I get mad at you. Allright, So here comes Spencer Air and
Gaddy. Who you told us,Chris Gordy, No way, no,
how we would not see Spencer Airand Gaddy because they don't want to start
the clock. Said that yesterday andout of necessity now because fromber Well,
because yesterday fromber wasn't on the IL. If you had told me yesterday Farmer's

definitely going on IL, I wouldhave said, you know what, it's
probably one of the one of theironly options, having no Fromber, no
Verlander, no Urkity, no LuisGarcia, no Adlands with colors. Yeah,
you're kinda your only option is he'syour best pitching prospect. See Blair
Henley out there again. No,I'm not putting Henley out there and so

here was my thing. But inthe perfect world they're holding him and calling
him up in May June somewhere.I totally agree, and I argue we're
ross. He and I exchanged textmessages about this. Ros Villeale, one
half of the Matt Thomas Shill comingup at noon. So I made this
and I put this out on socialmedia yesterday. This was in the immediacy
of fromber being designated to the fifteenday I l with what they're calling,

uh, your elbow soreness. Isaid this, and then I want to
hear from Dana Brown, who joinedthe Shawn Salisbury Show this morning, general
manager of our astros. He wasasked directly about from you know what,
let me hear from Dana. First. I react out to that. Let
me get both of these Dana Browns. They are a little bit lengthdy.
We appreciate your patience. But thisgem of the astros about from who's an
ace cantiber picture for this team?Yeah. I talked to Frambergh, and

you know, we had a niceGOTL sit down and all was just put
him on the i L for fifteendays. We feel like he's going to
be fine. He's going to missa couple of starts, you know,
and I don't want I don't wantthe group to panic. So I think
he's gonna be okay. Just youjust need some time off, you know,
Framburgh on the show. Frambert isone of those guys who posts every

year all throughout the year into thepostseason, and as I mentioned before on
the show, guys get you know, uh, they go through the game
downtimes with you know, with theirarms sometimes and you know, when you
throw as hard as he throws,you know you're gonna go through these periods.
You know they got It's just atip fifteen day d L And you

know, we think he was gonnabe all right, Okay, Dana Brown
will continue when asked directly BYuT SeawnSalisbury. What are we doing here?
We're from them. Yeah, it'smore precautionary. Uh. You know,
as you remember last year, youknow he ran to something similar, you
know, Uh, he needed sometime off. I think it was the

ankle. Sometimes, you guys,these guys, they get things up and
you need some you need some restand and sometimes what is he talking about?
You know what I'm done? Cutit cut it off. I'm doing.
I'm done. What's wrong with whathe's because he's not telling the complete
truth? What are you hearing?Guys? Get tired? It's the twelve

damn game. What are we talkingabout? I mean? Is ankle?
Ankle and throwing the ball with yourarm now two different things? The hell
is daspective. He's clearly, butlike, elbow soreness can happen any time
of the year with throwing. Imean, yeah, we're a couple starts

in so it should feel like,oh, why are you fatigued? Why
are you sore? Again? LikeI go run five miles one day,
my ankles starts to get soren tmillion dollars a year and you're not a
professional athlete that you are paid.I'm not telling you guys don't get hurt,
but pitchers and a pitcher once aweek and you're fatigued. With two
thoughts, what are we doing?It's not fatigue, it's soreness. Elbow

soreness is what it is. It'sagain like he used the word tired.
I don't know if that's the rightword. But again like so, so
here's the thing again, like Ithink they could probably this feels like something
fromber could have kept working through.Being overly precautious with it is what I
would say. Don't have an issuewith the precaution aspect. I've never heard

a GM say yeah, we're gonnaput them on fifteen day. I l
because I am bleeping concerns and bythe way, they'red it to the day
six. So again, according tothem, he's gonna miss one or two
starts and he's gonna be back.So I gotta take them on that.
If it was more serious, they'dbe telling us he's going to get the

second opinion. Yeah, we're fearingTommy John. We hope it's not that
you don't say that. They saythat sometimes. I've never heard a team
say that. They all say optimism. Do the second opinion? Though,
the man left down was to comesee team doctors in Houston. That told
me the severity of it, whichis why last week, last week,

yesterday, I said, I'm concerned. We gotta break. Let's take phone
calls on this. Spence Raghatty ismaking his major league debut tonight from burd
for Now is on the fifteen day, I l Houston. This team has
a starting pitching conundrum. Now toadd to the list of things that have
them at four and eight. Overreaction, proper reaction, hunderreaction on the other

side. Sember three, two,two five seven ninety. Next up continues
on your phone. Listen to SportsTalk seven ninety on any device with our
free iHeart Radio. Ass Yeah,I think he's got an explosive fastball.
You know, ball takes off atthe top of the zone. Got a
really nice uh sweeper that he's gonnayou know feature. You know, he

can backdoor to the left beef youcan get right. He's to chase it,
you know, you know, we'llsee you about the pitch coown.
We'll see you know when you whenyou call up a young starter, the
one thing you want is for himto have you know, easy nons,
not stressful innings. And so ifhe's coasting along, we'll let him go
a little bit. But if youget into some high, you know,

high pressure innings where he's gonna throwthirty pitches or twenty five pitches, then
we may have to think about pullingthem soon. But if he could,
if he could get through those inningswithout stress, you know, you know,
we'll see may hopefully he can giveus six today, that would be
outstanding. Yeah, we're exciting aboutthe young man. General manager Dana Brown
acknowledging on the Sean Salisbury Show thathe has optimism and hope that a young

Spencer Aungetty Gordon this team's least sugarLands number one prospect. He's gonna get
his first career start Kansas City Ross. Tonight coverage will begin right here at
five thirty, first pitch somewhere aroundsix forty. Yeah. I just,
you know, the the bun inthe oven comparison I made yesterday, it's

it's ahead of schedule. It's soonerthan you would have liked. And this
isn't evenna start the clock thing.This is more I wanted. I wanted
to get him more reps at TripleA, and now you're throwing him,
you know, into the big leaguesand it's the Royals is a. This
is an improved Royals team. They'rebut they're not the lowly cellar dweller like

that like they've been in recent years. Right. I just I think we
need to go into tonight and berealistic about what we're gonna see from Arraghetty.
I think if he goes six inningswill be because he's the GM,
he's got to say that. I'msaying as a fan, Look, he's
gonna give a run to night.I'm just being real with you, Like,
he's gonna go if he can giveyou four and two thirds. So

you're telling me this is not StrasburgI'm telling you he's not. You're You're
it's it's a break glass in caseof emergency. Well it's emergency, you're
breaking the glass. But he's Ijust don't think he's ready for this scene
yet. I think he's gonna getand and But the big thing is throw
strikes, because again, the walksis what kill you. We saw what
Blair has a propensity to walk back. Yes, his walk total is high

this year. He does have whatten strikeouts? Uh three eight innings pitch
this year, two sixteen e rA and two starts in sugar Land.
But I'm just telling you he's notgonna be Yeah, Like, don't expect
to Stevens. This isn't Steven Strasburg, who was the number one pick in
the draft. Like, this isn'ta guy that's gonna go out there and
pitch seven no hit innings. Ineed a jam to night. I need

him to get to keep you ina game. You know, reason,
what did JP Franz do last coupleof games? Five and two thirds?
Three runs? Give me that.But I don't even think he's gonna get
into the sixth. I think he'sgonna get you. They gonna hook him
at four. I think his pitchcoun's gonna got I think he's gonna give
you four or five. I mean, get you to fifth grade. I'll
take it. But I just I'mtrying to temper expectations here because again we

got issues. But to me,the bigger issue with even with all the
pitching injuries, the biggest issue isthis team can't score runs, uh consistently.
Like Buddy text me last night,when they got the three spot,
he goes, hope, that's notit for the bats, and then later
in the game he goes, well, I guess that was it for the
bats. That's their biggest problem,right, fansa airgate. He started two
games in Sugarland, as you mentionedOwen. One is his record with a

seven point two zero e er Ain five innings. I can win games
eight to five. I can't wingames two to nothing with this staff that's
currently constructed. All right, SoI'll tell you what, Let's take a
call. I'll hold my point,and I'll come back because I think this
is where you and I are goingto intensify our healthy, constructive conversation about

the team we love that wears orangeand blue. Tony and Angleton, get
in here. Hey guys, listen, Arrigaddy tonight. It's about you know,
hey, Ross think I mean Gordydidn't think it's time. I think
it's time. Uh, this isbig League's big it's big league baseball.
He's ready, he's whether he's readyor not. We don't have anybody else,
man, And there's a reason Idon't have anybody else, but I'll

get to that in a second.Go ahead, you're you're exactly right,
stand and you can talk about thatlater. Listen. What I would do
is I would bring up lot Fraffito, release Tanleton, bring up lot Frafido,
put him on the forty man roster, which means he's sticking here.
He's staying here, he ain't goingback to sugar Land, and platoon him
at first base with a Brady playplaying against the righty's play Bray against the

lefties. I'm not worried about steppingon a Brady's feelings. Listen to Tony.
Let me just throw this into youthough hypothetical. Do you do that
with low perffdo and he goes threefor his first thirty four, then what
do you do? You keep playinghim at first because by scenario, you're
not sending him back down already.He's gotta keep going out the every day.

So what do you do if heif he's going to go three?
You know that? How do youknow that, Tony've never seen him in
the big league know that you don'tknow that. That's the problem is,
you don't know how a guy's gonnareact when he gets to the Biggs.
They thought Blair Henley could give thema cur You don't know how guys are
going to react. And so that'swhat I just say, Like, your
your your pro Your answer sounds greatin theory, but again, what happens

if what happens, if low Perfidodoesn't hit, You're screwed at that point.
There are no other options. Yougotta right with him because in this
scenario, you've already booted jose AhBray you and kept him to the curve
and eating his salary, and youhave nobody else in the miners who could
play first base. You're screwed atthat point. So they have a plan.
They are putting a plant is inplace. They're playing little Brafito at

first base to get him some reps. And and again the bun is in
the oven there. But this samehappening today, the same happened on April
ninth, April tenth. Like they'regonna give bring you a little bit more
time to see what he if hecould turn around, Let's talk about Verlander.
He needs one hundred and forty inningspitched, Yeah, to trigger the
money. Yeah, for the forthat money to kick in. Yeah,

Okay, one hundred and forty inningspitched. We'll see, We'll see how
that goes. But I give Spencerrighetty. I think he's gonna go five
innings tonight and give up two runs, be great, and strike out about
six. I take that, andI hope he's and I hope he's facing
the rotation as long as he can. Listen, we used Hunter Brown in
the twenty twenty two World Series RunOut of the Bullpen, and he pitched

some big innings in that play postseason. You don't have to be you don't
have to be twenty seven to twentyeight years old. If you have the
talent, you have the talent.As far as as far as Dubon is
concerned, Dubon is perfect. We'redoing what he does. You know.
Backing up at second, backing upat short playing center field. Latafido can
also play centerfield. I'm not worriedabout that. The Pitcheon's gonna come around,

The pitchon's gonna be there. Wegot some people coming. I'm not
worried about that. We got weneed to drive me in runs with two
outs and two strikes, Tony,and I appreciate you listening, Tony,
because this is where Gordon and Idon't want to leave a little bit of
time here. They're in different situations. One is the best prospect we have,
the other is just a dude.Blair Henley had one start in Sugarland
before he had to go face thedefending world champions. Two different guys in

the same situation. They both theyboth are being forced to be called up
out of necessity. Why are theybeing forced to be called up out of
necessity? Because Dana Brown and JoeSpotta and Jim Crane ultimately didn't do what
was necessary to provide this team withthe proper insurance here in a championship caliber

team in a championship window. Theydid not from a starting pitching standpoint,
which would have pushed some of thoseborderline starters like a Blanco like a Hunter
Brown like a France to the bullpen, which would have continued the domino effect
there, so you wouldn't have tocall up ereng Getty. Yes. Ross
was pointing to me yesterday, wasAaron Getty was gonna get called up in

twenty twenty four anyway? He was, Gordy. I agree with you in
no way. Dana Brown thought thatSpencer arng Getty was gonna be needed in
game thirteen to start the season,or he would have made the team coming
out of the spring. He didn't. Blanco did. They thought that would
be enough was staying. We didn'tthink Fromba would have some elbow sore oness

and need to go on to fifteendays. You knew Verlander was hurt,
You knew Lance wasn't ready, Youknew Urkeiity wasn't ready, and you knew
Luis Garcia wasn't ready, So youknew far weren't ready. Froba makes the
fifth starter. So imagine if okay, you didn't get Blake's now you wasn't
willing to pay the difference in theadditional six million dollars he got to stay
in San Franz. Fine, therewere other guys on the market. Here

go the names again, Lorenza Montgomery. Okay, I don't love them,
staying are they better than than thanBlair Henley? Are they better than areng
Getty? Yes? I know youdon't want to hear this, but again,
Verlander and her Keaty are coming backhere next and there's no guarantee just
because they come back. A Verlanderis forty one and the game's last season.

There's no one he's forty one,and there's no guarantee. You signed
Blakes Now he's gonna be any good? He sucked the other night. He's
getting through that situation. He's sittinghere going, why do we waste all
this money on Blake's Now? No, we sucks. So Blake's now in
one is he is? So hewent from what money he cost you and
Cana did a year ago. Youdon't go from being sign to now up.

Let's Joseh Brea was an MVP candidatethree years ago, three years not
a kid one of m VB threeyears ago. Okay, I'm just telling
you, like, we can dothis as anybody. No, this is
my point. They have access startingpitching when everyone's help. But they're going
to get healthy. They don't haveaccess starting pitching because they're not a single
one of these dudes. So noneof them are gonna have. One of

these five, you can guarantee me, Jesus and he raised from one of
these guys, that you can guaranteeme will not have injuries for the remainder
of the season. There's not asingle one of these guys. You three
or at least three of them areback pitching. I bet you will.
You cannot guarantee me that three ofthese five are going to be solid starting

frontline production consistently for the remaining whatevergame. I don't give it that.
Just because I pay you don't meanyou're good. But your answer scapal,
ain't me going in every day onthis microphone ain't my best day. I
don't pay you. The bosses theyfocused, but the real it is,
like your answer is is the oldSteinbreer model. I spend money, but
I gotta spend more money. No, it's not about money at It's not

about just throwing it at names.It's it's throwing it about ensuring yourself.
My god, Louis Garcia has hadTommy Johnny miss last year because of a
shoulder and he's he's out again witha farm, he's ahead of schedule,
he's doing okay. Let me throwthis room. Seeing a fan base in
my life for expectation and what getsgoing to always be okay no matter what.

There's no need to go spend money, there's no last weeason, there's
no need to play. All wedo is show up at Mini May Park
and buy a carbox and everything's gonnabe okay. Damn it. The last
time I checked, it wasn't okay. Last year. What happened in Game
seven of the a c ES,it wasn't okay. Well, my problems
due. I don't want to bein that situation again. My problems do
tend to go away, my god. But I'm not yelling at at the

situation. Last year, Spencer Arraghettywas your eleventh best prospect and Joey li
Praffiti was low. Perffito was eighteenth. Coming into this year, Arrogetty is
your third best prospect, Braffito issix. Neither of them are considered top
one hundred prospects in Major League Baseball. I'm just telling you that that's where
we are. So expectations for themneed to be a little bit when I

got the call telling me that hethinks low Brafido's are stunning to make and
he's just gonna come up and beahead again. Like temper the expectations a
little Jim Crane, Dana Brown.The fan base deserves to know why in
two of the last three games we'rewatching Blair Henley and a Spencer Erengetty that

is not ready to come up whenyou had all off season to go get
names that are better. I'm nottalking about Blasneill. Other than him,
you could have gotten other pitchers.And now look around the league. We
talked about it yesterday ad nauseam.Pitchers are going down all over the league.
So by the time you get tothe bleeping trade deadline, now there's
more demand and supply. Now youend up paying double than what you could

have paid the first time in draftcapitol and conpensation to these guys. It
didn't make since when you did it, And now the chickens coming home the
roofs now. I do hope arrigGetty goes to play well. The bosses
are mad at me on way over. They're gonna see me in an email
we'll take phone calls on it.Seven one, three, two, two,
five, seven ninety. It'll beokay. We don't need to talk
about baseball to July to the nextepisode. You can't even stop yourself bing

Jon and Dory, Next Us,Next Up continues on seven ninety. He's
been feeling good. He's been upto ninety five in his outings. He
was up to ninety five even beforeyou know, the rehab starts. So
uh, and he's never stopped throwing. That's the one thing I want to

keep emphasizing with JV. You know, he's just got sidelined a little bit
there, but he's never stopped throwing. He's always you know, been at
least playing cats flack round noun,uh, you know, throwing lives.
You know, we feel good abouthim coming back, and once we get
him back, we'll be on allcylinders. We've got some good things that
are happening, Like guys are throwingwell, that's stepping up in their place,

like Blanco, you know these youknow JP France are still throwing.
Well, we're getting good starts,so uh, you know, we're in
the ballgame, hanging there. Look, the team is good. We're gonna
be good. I'm not panicking.Dana Brown giving us a Justin Verlander update
as he joined the Sean Salisbury Show. Make sure you go to Sports seven

ninety dot com to not only catchthat interview in its entirety, you can
also go back and listen to thefirst hour and a half of this show.
Next up, staying Northfley to ChrisGordy yelling at each other. Also
on the free iHeartRadio app, ConnedyMcGovern alongside for the ride as well.
Gordion. We got a call fromMs. Teresa Uh, Teresa saying she
doesn't like us yelling at each other. Uh. To be fair, Teresa,

and Gordy knows this. I've beendoing, Gordion, damn that decade.
My comments are not in any wayto disrespect Gordie or to yell at
Gordy. My passion and my commentis about the folks that agree with Gordon.
I don't understand the logic. Ireally don't. Spencer Arrigada is gonna

get his major league debut tonight.We're gonna have it right here on Sports
Talk seven ninety Get Home and AstrosBaseball. I'm happy for the young man,
as I was for Blair Henley.It's not about personal it's not about
the individual dudes, even when theydon't play well. You all deserve to
have the best roster that the organizationcan field at any given moment, especially

in this window. And I said, coming out of spring training, when
we already had four dudes on,I l hey, you might want to
strengthen a strength because none of usknow. Ay, how many of these
dudes are gonna come back and beas good as they were. B when

they're gonna come back, c Arethey gonna go down again? D We'll
somebody else from Bavaldaz go down.And it just so happens when you look
around the MLB and you got startersgoing down all over the place. By
the time you get to the tradedeadline, there's going to be more demand

than supply. So the negotiating leveragethat you had coming out of spring training
you no longer have because now you'recompeting with the rest of the teams that
are also chasing the pennant. Thiscan't be about cash flows. I repeat.
The Houston Astros are making money.They can if they had the money

to offer Blakes Noail fifty four millionwill all take twenty million ago, Hell,
Lorenzen went for four and a halfmillion. He's better than Aaron Getty
and Blake Henley, and he givesyou insurance in case Garcia and Lynce mccullors
and the rest of these guys aren'tready to God, that's the thing.
It's it's it's gives you insurance.They were looking they were looking at it

from a standpoint of Luis Garcia andLance mccullors are coming back mid season,
so we know, I know youcan do that all you want, and
I hope people get tired of hearingit. This is the thing you have
to go in with, remove allby society and logical thinking. Logical thinking
says Luis Garcia is rehabbing great fromTommy John. He's on track to come

back, and the expectation is heis going to come back in July or
August and be and be ready togo. And what if he has a
set back or he's not as readyto go as where people want him to
be, then what the reality is? This is how you've set up your
organization though, I mean, likeyou got a roll with I'm paying Justin

Verlander thirty nine million a year.He's not ready for the start of the
season. He appears he's going tobe ready by next week or the week
after. I okay, I'm gonnaget JV back. That's gonna help.
I'm gonna get hose air Kiye back. He had a little bit of a
setback at spring training. Again,you can't bank on it, but like
this, these are the guys we'repaying. Like the seventeen point seven million
you're paying Lance mccullors this year,next year, in the year after is

real money. I can't get outof they I can't just I'm not asking
him to. I'm asking him togo find another seventeen and go pay for
somebody. What they paid for.The decision they made with all their payroll
is they went they went over theluxury tax with signing Josh Hader. They
didn't have to sign Josh Hater.They said, we're gonna get by with
a decent and okay rotation, butbe money on the back end. Have

an elite bullpen with with Brian Abray, you, Ryan Presley and Josh Hater
going seven eight nine who pitched yesterdayand they were outstanding. So again,
the thought though, is mccullor's inTerkeny back very soon. I'm sorry,
Verlander in herkety back very soon.Mccullor's and Garcia back by mid season.
Can JP, Franks and Hudder Brownkeep doing everything? That's another thing.

Hudder Brown is not pulling his workloadright now. It's a problem. But
you can again like you don't addressthat problem. Hunter Brown's not pitching well,
so let me throw millions more atanother player like it just they're gonna
They're gonna ride with what they have. And what I'm telling you is I
fundamentally this season that's a mistake.Now, Framber just happened, but we're

not surprised that it just happened toFramberg given how many innings he has pitched
over the last X amount of seasons. Dudes all over the league are going
down starting pitchers. We spent anhour yesterday talking about it. So everybody
just signed another guy who could gethurt. Like it's so it's fundamentally So
let's go back to the wide receiverconversation we have with Casio Casarrio knew now

he meant when I say miss hedidn't get Keenan Allen, but he offered.
He recognized that the room is notgood enough. Regardless of what Dana
Brown says on Seawn Salisbury Show,the fact that they were him and Jim
Crane were willing to offer a contractto Blake. Snell tells me that they
know, hey, we might.Now they made the decision. If we

don't get Snall, it's either snailor nobody. I think that's a mistake.
Now, I may prove by thetime we get to September, it
may prove to be at work aboutnothing. Aaron Gatty maybe this year's JP
Franz. He may come in,light it up and we rocking and rolling
cool. Vernlanda and Luis Garcia andErkeida may come in and be nails in

July and August. What if theyaren't. We're stuck looking at Blair Henley.
We're stuck with Ara Gatty. No, I mean it's gonna be your
your guys like again, like LuisGarcia is. I don't know what nobody
has, like a setback from Tommy. He had Tommy John setbacks all the

time. Not no, not withtom Tommy John. Guy's come back stronger.
Now I understand it. But theyare also guys that have set backs
too, but like again the expectationthat they've set he was jacked up for
three seas. That guy had millionsof issues. But all I'm saying is
the reports are Luis Garcia is aheadof schedule. He's doing fine. Like

he's gonna come back and he's gonnapitch for you. I don't know if
he's gonna be any good, butlike that's what you've invested in and and
that organization. Same thing with lastmccullors. You passed and made a decision.
They're gambling. Let's be clear.I know we up against some connor.
I'll take the al on this one. Boss is gonna yell at me
today. This organization gambled in thiswinter and they chose to go spend money.

They just chose to go spend iton Hater. I'm like, oh,
okay, cool, welcome Josh.Don't have an issue with Hayter.
But like, now that we're overthe first threshold, okay, let's find
some other dollars to go do somethingelse. Because you started this season with

Urkidy mccullus and Garcia already on theIL and Berlanda, you have force starts
on the off the rip. Ijust don't. I disagree with the logic.
They're gambling, and I get y'allcan say that. I get pissed
because they're gambling with the people thatgo over there and pay the money.
The fans of this city, thefans of that team, deserve the best

possible rotation that this organiz can afford, and I'm pissed that I don't think
they're putting that out. When theyget healthy, it's gonna be the same
rotation. I won a World Seriestwo years ago. Okay, it just
is so. I mean again,I know that maybe maybe you're right.
What if you're wrong, If they'rewrong, then World Series and what would
be saying in October? I wishthose guys would have been healthy. Jeez,

let me say you know what,let me get out of here.
Let's come back and wrap. Hopea show here on a Wednesday Sports Talk
seven night, Next Up continues.Now. I'm a new listener, at
already a huge new listener. Ilove the show with Stan north Fleet and
Chris Gordy on Sports Talk seven night. Rockets. After that scrum on the
sideline half possession vam ble, it'sgonna try a thirty two footer as the

shot clock goes off. And guesswhat, friends, it's about that deep
ball with a shot clock going on. Man, let's get ready to close
out as the Rockets did last nightover at the Toyota Center. Rockets win
in the home finale one eighteen toone oh six, season high thirty seven

points by Fred van Vliet. Lookbig man got busy thirty seven points,
eight rebound, six assists to justtwo turnovers. Fred was plus twenty one
to lead both teams from a plusminus net rating standpoint stand offleet. Chris
Gordon, we getting ready sign offnine minutes from now We'll get you over
to Matt Thomas and rossvie Real.I wanted to see Gordon coming off of

Sunday's elimination game for the Rockets atthe Dallas Mavericks in overtime. I wanted
to see what type of fight wouldthey take the floor with last night.
Now, I suspected under Emi Udokah'sleadership. I suspected under the veteran presence
the floor general, the champion thathe is Fred van Vliet, along with

Dylan Brooks and guys off the benchlike a Jeff Green, for example,
a Reggie Bullock Jr. They weren'tgonna let these young boys just pack it
in. We're not one, two, three can come. We're gonna fight.
We're gonna give the paying people atToyota Center what they deserved. His
fan appreciation night crowd look pretty goodfor what I could see. Rockets will
win quarters one, two and three. Magic would make a push, winning

the third quarter twenty four to twentyone. Too little, too late.
The three point line big part ofthis thing. The Rockets would shoot forty
three percent, give or take tothe twenty nine percent. They would also
get up Gordy eleven more attempts fromdeep than the Orlando Magic or something else

here. Oh, Cam Whitmore getstossed a minute forty six remaining in the
third quarter. Out of all people, Joe Ingles was out there talking bleak
and Cam Whitmore, Joe Ingles isold enough to be Cam Whitmore's dad.
Get your old ass out the way, young man out there flexing, So
Whitmore gets a little agitating on theother end of the floor. He gets
teed up his second tea. Hegets tossed, But I love it.

I love the fact, and Fredvan Vliet said as much. This is
not yesterday's Rockets email. Doka inone season has implemented a culture and I
respect the hell out of it.Rockets now thirty nine and forty. Fred
van Vliet spoke to the difference inlast year this year. Yeah, I
mean, I think the proof isin the putting you guys, you know
what over here covering the team lastyear versus covering team this year. I

think you can see the difference.It's not too large and is visible first
and foremost. And then you know, behind closed doors on a day of
their basis the atmosphere, coming towork every day, being account will getting
better and really just being no nonsenseand being about business. I think you
know that. SE's the blue prayerfor a lot of young Aspetter grow all

right. Fred van Vliet post gameyesterday, Gordy, I'm proud of the
scene. Three games remaining, allon the road. I'm mixed on it.
I'm I'm happy that improved absolutely.But and there are fifteen teams in
the West, ten of them makethe postseason. Now there's only five who
don't. This team should have beenThey should have been a playing team,

and when they got eliminated the othernight, I'm kind of whatever. I
mean, no, no, that'sgreat, But like, what did it
mattered if they lost last night?No? It did. These last few
games don't matter at all to me. Like, you're eliminated from the postseason.
That's it. You're building a culturenext year. You're building a culture
here, not in these last four. Of course you are. You are.

What's what's the barrier the coach is, We're gonna fight, Like,
hell, I don't give a damnwho the opponent is when they when they
cut, we're fighting because the jerseysays Rockets, it says Houston. I
mean, that's why we fight.We were in a poem about that,
but like what are you talking?I just like it doesn't matter. Where
was that saying where is that passion? When they lost? You know it
was eight, nine, ten ina row? Like, where was that
passion then? Where was the Wherewas the culture then? But it was

the same passion that they had whenthey won eleven in a row. Yeah,
I just like they ran into bettercompetition, and that's a competition Like
they ran into Ky and Luca,they ran into Lebron and a d I
understand. I'm excited for the futureI make. I think he makes the
guy. I like the guys theyhave. I'm excited to see what they
do this offseason. Who else thinkingat in free agency and the draft and

all that. I'm excited. Butright now, with three games the left
left from your eliminad, I don'tcare like play play all the young guys
play am in forty minutes like hedid. I'm just saying, like my
man played thirty eight minutes. Damn. Then winning like, okay, great,
you want to go to win games. We're trying to wing games.
Okay. The goal here, thegoal here goes to win to make the

postseeds. The goal is, onceyou've been eliminated, you still fight.
I can't understand why you don't wantto saying that. It just doesn't make
any sense. Ques it does.Anybody that has played and been in part
of competitive organizations situations, you fight. And I respect that. And speaking
of fighting, and I thought aboutyou last night. They had three games
left, thirty nine and forty Yes, does it make a hill of beans

difference since they finished thirty nine andforty three or forty one and forty one
yes, it does. Why becauseyou go to the off season like we
didn't pack it in. It's easyto pack for can't come. Hey guys,
those last few games that didn't evenmatter. We're happy we put an
effort. We want you donbelieve Sometimeswhat does it matter when you get a
limited from postings. You're belding awinning mentality. It's habitual. Winning is

habitual. Winning is not just we'regonna show up ten teams in the West,
ten make the postseason. Five.Don't guess what if this team were
in the East, they'd be inthe playing Let me also shout out Jabari
Smith Jr. Who was a thirdover our pick in the twenty two NBA
draft, going up against the numberone player in the NBA draft, pollowup

Ban Caro. Yeah, he wasminus twenty net rating. He did have
twenty one points, seven rebound,six assists. Jabbari bested him with twenty
three, seven and five. Jabariwas plus eight, So I was glad
Jabbari didn't back down as well,just like I don't back down from your
bleep, Gordon. We gotta getout of here for Connady McGovern Chris Gordy
standing Northfleet in all of you,yes you Houston, that allows us to

do this thing all next up fromtoday and the noon each day we get
fired because we love our teams,we love Houston, and you are the
reason that we do this. Enjoyyour lunch. God bless you. We
will see you again, and Godwilling, we'll see you again tomorrow.
Spencer Arroghetty go deal my man.Peace to you,
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