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April 4, 2024 83 mins
Stan Norfleet and Chris Gordy of Next Up discuss the Houston Astros defeating the Toronto Blue Jays 8-0 Wednesday at Minute Maid Park to win their first series this season. Brian Bogusevic, former Astros outfielder and Space City Home Network analyst, joins to recap the series and preview the Astros taking on the Texas Rangers in a four-game series starting on Friday. The Rockets are hosting the Golden State Warriors on Thursday as the Rockets currently sit three games behind the Warriors for the final spot in the Play-In Tournament. Ben DuBose, editor of The Rockets Wire, joins to break down one of the biggest games of the season. Stan and Chris recap the Texans trading for wide receiver Stefon Diggs, review the Texans going all-in this offseason and more.
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Now what's next? Next up?It's the next man up, next stop,
the next step, take the nextstep, next up, stop,
next, next up, next.He wants to be next. This is
next s up with Tad Norfleeten ChrisGordy. Let's see what's next, next

next? All right, man,let's clock you in on a Thursday.
It's a special edition of Sports Talkseven nineties Next Up for the next two
hours. As it is April fourof twenty twenty four, there's a three
year old ot Dann Manville somewhere.Happy birthday, baby cousin, and a
special day around here live from thegallerya area mind you staying Northley would be

me Chris Gordy alongside shortly my radiopartner and our fearless program director. That's
Connedy McGovern over there wearing the Orangeand blue or the Houston Astros who emerged
victorious with this going end up beingI had some stuff going on eight to
zero, absolutely smashing the Toronto BlueJays and Bassett struggling with left handers Jodan
Alvarez, Kyle Tucker and others.We will discuss. Also, Houston Rocket's

most important game of the season,Golden State, is in town. Yeah,
Dremonds already running his mouth. He'sgot a punchable face. We'll discuss
why. As we get to theeleven o'clock hour, Ben Dubo's our Rockets
analysts will join us. We willhear from as I digress back to the
Astros coming up at ten thirty BrianBogus seven. You hear him doing and

see him doing analysts work for theAstros. Curtsy of the Space City Home
Network. Thanks to all of youwho get up each and every weekday morning
with the Shawn Salisbury Show six toten am. Our resident quarterback, Sean
Salisbury, our baseball officionado from aplayer, Brian Lalima, and they got
Emmanuel with him as well. Appreciateeasy doing his thing. All right,
taking your calls, it's always sevenone, three, two two five seven

ninety. Make sure you follow theshow at Sports Talk seven ninety. All
right. Twenty four hours ago,we got some news that Nick Cassio and
the Houston Texans had traded for StefanDiggs, two time All Pro, current
four consecutive seasons of making the ProBowl, and in real time as we're

trying to get information, I'm bravoNick Caserio, Bravo, and so anytime
we have something like this, atrade of this magnitude, and listen the
details started to come in yesterday.If you didn't hear the show live at
Gordon, I were like Jesus,I cannot find a single area in this

deal where Nick Casserio was negligent ofhis general manager responsibilities. Caserio absolutely stole
a wide receiver one. Now,as we reflect on what does this mean
for the Texans club moving forward intwenty twenty four, how does this impact

CJ strive? Does this mean forNico Commins? There are a lot of
layers here, and I want topose this to you to people seven one
three, two one two five sevenninety, like, how could you possibly
have an issue a concern about thisdeal about Stefon Diggs joining the Texans.

You gained draft capital, you havethe cap space to pay him. You
know. Aaron Wilson came by ourTexans inside of yesterday and said he'd been
hanging out with CJ at the TravisScott HBCU Cactus Black Cactus Jack classic benefit
of HBCUs. I'm trying to sayblack colleges over min in May Park Coop
video emerges reminding us their CJ Stroudin Orlando at the Pro Bowl, playing

with and throwing the ball to Stefandiggs young son, Stephan Diggs and CJ
talking hanging out. Step Fan wantedto be here, so okay, clearly
they needed another wide receiver. Theywere in on Keenan Allen. They made
a call for Mike Williams, howcan you have an issue with this?

And I've been fighting with some folksand I'll get to some things that I
think you all think that are opposedto this move. By the way,
all the national pundits, and we'llhear from many of them during throughout the
course of the show, because Iknow sometimes I say stuff, but y'all
don't believe me until somebody that's famousor has more followers than me says it.
Then y'all go, oh, oh, yeah, I heard that somewhere

kills me. Okay, So thefirst thing is, and let me pull
this up, because I said Iwas gonna have this up already. Some
of you are going to say Iwould rather have had Keenan Allen. I'm
sorry, what why Keenan Allen's notthe better player? He's just not find

me a football person that says thatStephan is younger, he's been healthier,
he's been more productive. What arewe doing so that? I just don't
get. You're entitled to your opinions. Again, I just tell you what
I think. I don't tell youwhat you should think Stepan did. Let

me pull this up. The otherthing I keep hearing is, oh,
well, last season he got outthe gate. He had what five of
the first six games, And that'swhat I'm trying to pull up. Now.
Five of his first six games hehad over one hundred yards, and
then it tailed off at the endof the season. I'm not gonna lie

to you. It made me doa deeper dive. I said, Okay,
let me go check this out.And I want you all to hear
this, cause you know, wespend so much time, for obvious reasons,
focused on our team, and manyof you play fantasy, so you
get caught up in the fantasy pointsof a dude. I try and watch
the tape. Who is he?What can and can he not do?

Let's get ready for the Baldinger audioif you would, Connor, but just
at a snapshot, here we go. I have it up right here,
one, two, three, four, five six. In five of Stefan
Digg's first six games in Buffalo lastyear, he had one hundred yards or
more outstanding three four five touchdowns inthose six games. Yesdan, But what

he do after that? And Iam focusing primarily on the regular season.
I'll get to the postseason. Second, there's something called catch percentage, and
I like to see how often doyou catch the ball when we throw it
to you, and then what isthe average yardage that you garner from that

exception? The very next game,he had twelve targets. He caught the
ball six times, averaged nine pointsixty seven yards. Okay, that's fine.
The catch percentage was only fifty percent. Did you score? Yeah?
He got an ends on Week sevenversus New England. And I'm not gonna
belabor and go week by week,but I'm just saying, here's week eight.

He caught nine balls for seventy yards. Catch percentage seventy five percent.
The next week catch percentage eighty fivepercent, nearly eighty six. Come on
down here, staying to what isthis? This is December seventeen versus Dallas,
he only had five He had fivetargets. He caught the ball four

times for twelve yards a catch.That's eighty percent. Sometimes we worry about
the wrong things. We played yesterday. Demiko Ran said what he was looking
for at the receiver. Can youseparate? Can you get open third down
yards? After kids? Former NFLoffensive lineman current analysts for the National Football

League Brian Baldinger had this to sayabout step Von Diggs on the field in
twenty twenty three. First of all, he's a robber. He's gonna beat
your number one corner. Oh,he runs out, he's gonna get separation.
Take it easy. There's that wordof separation. Now he's gonna recognize
the blitz. He plays with awareness, anticipation. Clive corner comes, he's
waiting on it. He's gonna getthat type of timing with your quarterback.

And he's dangerous. After the yardsafter the Cats, you get red zone.
Oh, a lot of touchdown passes. Then on third downs, Buffalo
had the best third down offensive football. I wonder why he is a third
down monster. He wants the balland then ultimately your teammates. His new
teammates at Houston are gonna love hisproduction. Welcome Safan to the Houston Texans.

Brian Baldinger, former NFL offensive lineman, current analysts for the league.
Let's not make this harder than itis. Sometimes I get so perturbed.
I love y'all Houston, I do, but I get perturbed sometimes cause it's
like and I get it. Sometimessometimes our vantage points in life are different.

And clearly they needed to upgrade.The room wasn't good enough. And
it's not Stefan. He's not JerryRice. It's not that you drop Stepan
down in the room and all ofa sudden they're gonna go from winning five
games to winning the super Bowl.He's not that, but he's a compliment
to all the other things. He'sbetter than Keenan Allen at this point,

he's better than Mike Williams. He'sbetter than any receiver you were going to
take it twenty three. Nick Caseriowent to work. Now what this is
really about. This is really aboutthe rumors of who he is as a
person, meaning in the facility,how was he as a teammate and Sewn

Salisbury and Brown Alema and I werediscussing this as we were, you know,
trading places here and I'm getting readyfor the show. It bothers me
and I said this to you yesterday. In life, all of you know
somebody that the world said they werethis type of way and this type of
way, but that's not your experiencewith them. All of us have been

in relationships that it didn't work withher, or didn't work with him,
or didn't work with that company.But now I'm over here in a healthier
situation. And let me also,mind you, he's about to be thirty
one. I know about you.I was a different man at thirty than
I was at twenty two. Soit's like some people in life are looking

glasses half full. Let's look forthe trap door any other NFL. Hey,
you just got a former All Proand a current Pro Bowl wide receiver
that's had one thousand yards the lastsix seasons consecutively. He's averaging three more
touchdowns per season than Keenan Allen younger, healthier Stan. What type of teammate

is he? I'll continue that.On the other side, I was I
was feeling all right, but mymorning got kind of miffed. I'll explain
why. On the other side,real Texas talking listen, kbm me touchdown.
Texas coach Stark here. You're nextup with Stan Northfleet from Chris Gordon
on Sports Talks seven to ninety Houston'shome of Longhord Football. Oh my goodness.

Yeah, a massive trade for theHouston Texans, who are going all
in now adding another big time weaponladen free agency. We've seen them do
a ton on defense, now onoffense. They have agreed to terms on
a trade for Stefon Diggs, thestar receiver for the Buffalo Bills. He's
somewhat disgrun through receiver who has madea lot of noise about potentially being moved

over the course of the last let'ssay two years. Those rumors are now
over. It is now reality fase. Welcome back in the next up here
on a Thursday. That's Ian Rapaportof NFL Network, the key there and
everybody across the NFL sphere said thesame thing yesterday. Oh Houston, Oh

Rabo Casario. And I shouldn't sayeverybody, because I'm reading something right now
that's getting me back in a badmood. You are entitled to feel how
you want to. I'm just havinga hard time understanding how anybody in the
league, or anybody in Houston hasan issue with the Texans adding a player

that In the last four years sincehe's been in Buffalo, Diggs has led
the NFL with four hundred and fortyfive receptions, finished top four in receiving
and receiving touchdowns. Like what we'renitpicking at whatever the perceptions are about him.

Since two thousand when Diggs got Buffalo, number one in targets, number
one in receptions, third in yards, first in downfield reception. Excuse me,
downfield receiving touchdowns of ten plus yardsminimum, four hundred targets. We're
getting a baller, Oh Stan,I hear Discronald. I get pissed off

when the money ain't right at worktoo, don't you don't you got coworkers
to get on your nerves. Wouldnever say that about our people here seven
ninety and our heart radio McGovern,McGovern, you get on my bleeping nerves
sometimes. Go ahead. We allknow Gord to do. It's my Boddy.
It's okay you have running this withyour people at work. All that

matters on Sunday is production. Andthe last time we saw that team in
NRG it was Colon's hell outside andnobody could get open. Guess what I've
seen Stephan Diggs do in the coldin Buffalo. Now, oh Stan,
what about the drops at Kansas Cityin the playoff game? Fair? I'll
take that. I'll take the goodwith the bad. I haven't seen Tankedelle

in a playoff game, have you. I saw Nico Collins at Baltimore,
and it's not all on Nico.I'm simply saying he's in the white receiver
room and I'm not against Nico.That came up yesterday saying you hate Nico.
I don't hate Nico. I'm cheerinformed to get his money. Seems
like I could be a great dude, and this is going to make life
easier for Nico adding a player ofdisability in Stefan Diggs. But I'm coming

to the phone lines now because Isee you guys are lower than you want
to get in just real quick.When I listen to people talk about oh
well staying he's a problem child,it looked like case Keenan was really happened
to me when he was doing theMinneapolis miracle. I saw Josh Allen throwing
the ball in the stands in aplayoff game because he was so damn nervous
and didn't have any other weapons incomeStepan Diggs, and now Josh Allen is

an MVP candidate. I watched ithappen, just like I saw Dak turn
into an MVP candidate when the MartinCooper showed up, and I saw Jalen
Hurts turn into an MVP candidate whenaj Brown showed up. When Ballers joined
your ball club, things change.I'm willing to deal with some of that
stuff. Lastly, come to thephones. People are acting like his antics

and outbursts and distractions within the buildingare Antonio Brown. I'm telling you,
I think this is more like TeraOwans. I was there in the organization
every day, my fave work.When to was over here, get your
popcorn ready. I watched how theorganization responded to too. Everybody was saying,

and he's a problem child, andhe had a check of past when
he got to Dallas too. Seventyfive percent of the building love TERRYL.
Lowins, but Jason Garrett and TonyRomo and Jason Whitten wanted him gone because
they personally had an issue with him. I'm telling you I was there,

so be careful with oh Stan.You can't date her. I heard I
heard. All I know is shedoes what I needed to do. Come
on, honey, Yeah, man, I don't understand man. Maybe I'm
just I'm getting more onery in myforties. Maybe I don't understand Tom in
Downtown. Man, Let's talk tosome Steffan dz in Texans. Hey,
man, great to be with you, he listen. Let me start by

saying something about Nicki Sario. Hecommitted robbery, assault and battery on the
league with this deal. I'll leaveit at that. Let's talk about the
diva tag. If you've got awide receiver that doesn't have a little diva
in him worth a damn. Theseguys are giving up across the middle against
guys that want to knock their headsoff, You're going to develop a little

bit of an attitude towards look atme that makes them better. How did
Stefan Gaves elevate Josh Allen's performing periodduring his run period period. He's going
to do the same thing for CJ. And he's going to be a mentor
in a lot of ways through hisaction and his professionalism to the other guys

on the team. This is awin, win win, and I am
so psyched for the Texans. Igot Dallas Cowboys fans that have been giving
me the business for years. Ican't wait. I can't wait to give
it back. I love your show. I listened to the guys in the
morning, and I listened to youfor the first hours all the time I
have. You guys are the greatest. You guys got the best radio pro

program that follows one of the bestradio programs I've ever listened to. I'm
gonna get off and listen. Myman, Tom of Downtown, Thank you
so much for the compliment. Brother, God bless you, friend of the
station, friend of the show.Killer Stefan Diggs is gonna have a Texans
uniform on. Hey, what's upman, good morning? Tell you more.
First of all, let me sayApril fourth, nineteen seventy two is

the greatest day God ever made becauseit is my birthday. Bro Jill A
cow Happy birthday to you and babycausing. Yeah, man, what you
got on on Thursday? Another thing? April fourth, nineteen seventy two.
The R and B singer Jill Scott, she was born too. So that's
that's my soul mate. My wifejust don't know it yet. My wife
don't know I don't smoke from wife. All right, let's talk Stephan.

Yeah, Hey man, I justbeen kind of sit back listening because I
just got I got kind of nauseatedwith what is Caserio doing? Why did
he trade out of the first round? Uh to the second round? He
don't know what he's doing. AndI'm like, we just actually some people.
And I didn't want to cater tothe small voices than the crowd,

but I mean, Caseerrio clearly hada plan, and therefore I want to
expedack to my point. I'm happyabout Steph hum because here's the thing.
The Miko said, we want guysin this locker room that you know that
that's going to be a part ofthe team, and you know, so
on and so forth. That funhas been over there on Kurribby several times.

The Miko and Caserio have talked tohis agent, of the players,
coaches, they pretty much done.They did a full on investigation to know
that they can bring this guy intothe building. So my thing is,
I don't talk about that crowd becausethe thing that I want to say to
you, and this is not mecoming at you, but stay quit talking

about the three voices of idiots thatthat say things and then you plaster and
say, hey, Houston, Houston, don't feel that way, bro.
It's these three idiots and the crowdthat keeps saying this d and the third
it is like, no, I'llbe on the spaces man, I'm listening
to doctor Cory Barritt s raw Ad. And ninety five percent of the people

was like, man, this isone of the greatest trades of Texans in
Texans history, no question, ifnot Houston Houston football history, as far
as acquisition acquisitions. We are sohappy the attitude and all that other stuff.
Man, Look, you deal withit. If you win and everybody's
happy. If you're losing, thenyou stop losing and try to win.

But staying quit talking to these idiotsand try to plaster it as all of
used to Houston. We're a littlethis morning in them dummies that you be
listening to. All right, man, I digress, but happy birthday to
me on birthday and mag up andlisten cal and whenever I see you again,
man, we'll have to get somerefreshing. I celebrate your birthday,
all right. I got Brian BogusSavin coming up here. In just a

little bit. So I apologize Michaeland Heights and we will get back to
Texans, probably in the eleven o'clockhours. I got to get out of
here. But I want to saya couple other things about the Stefan deal.
I'm reading an article right now,who is this? And his advanced
metrics took a dive at the secondhalf of the twenty twenty three season.

His receiver tracking metrics overall score wentfrom a was between seventy two and ninety
one, it dropped to a fiftytwo Da Da Da da da. And
there are whole bunch of advanced stuffin here. Hey look, man,
y'all can chop and screw this anyway you want to. Stefan Die's one
of the best wide receives in theNFL, and now he plays in Houston.
And I understand Killer Cow's point.Now, for the essence of radio

Killer Cow, it would be disingenuousif I just ignored the people that disagreed
with me. So, whether it'sAstros, rockets, you of age,
whatever it is, I'm gonna atleast acknowledge what we believe to be the
minority. Because they buy tickets,they watch the games. They go to
the stadium and I see him inthe arena. Sometime they cuss me out
when I'm outside when he realizes meall the things. So that's why I

do it. I gotta be fairhere on the radio. I'm not gonna
just put people on that agree withme and talk about things that agree with
me. All Right, we gottaput a pause on that. I got
Brian bogas Sevi Astros weren't action lastnight. They get their first series win
eight eight. Excuse me over theToronto Blue Jays. We now get a
rest day and we go up toArlington. Bog He's gonna tell us about
it, your Homer Astros Baseball SportsTalk seven ninety Houston Astro, Astro Astro.

This exclusive Astros segment on Sports Talkseven ninety is brought to you by
Moral Mechanical. Yes, let's go, Hey, let's go, guys.
Broke bog gonna run if he angingno money. Fourth appearance of the year
for Mason and Alvarez punishes what deepto right center field. Fact goes care
buyer at the wall looking up seeat leta two over came for your Don

Alvarez and the Astros lead is fiveto nothing. Hestriven that three could make
a move. Appreciate Robert Ford,Steve Sparks, Astros Radio Network. Here
you're home a Astros Baseball Sports Talkseven ninety Good morning till you stay in
north Fleet. Here Gordy alongside hereshortly Connedy McGovern over there in uh continuing

the conversation about the Houston Astros.Let's do our weekly with Space City Home
Networks on Astros analysts former MLBA thathe is brother, doing doing well,
looking good on the television screen there, Brian Bogus sev bo get good morning
to you on a Thursday. Ican't complain brother, Astros winn a series.
I can relax a little bit.I got Jordan Avarez looking like Jordan.

I was. I wasn't concerned,but I was like, I was
getting a little antsy. I wantedJordan to come around. What'd you see
last night? I'm Jordan looking likeJordan. Uh. You know, It's
it's funny how magnifying thing can becomein the first week of a season.

You know, if a guy goesthrough a four to five game stretch where
he doesn't look like himself in Julyor August, we don't even really notice.
But when it's you know, thefirst five games of the season,
it can be a little bit concerning. But you know, Jordan goes through
these progressions throughout the course of theseason where he's trying to get out of
a funk and he's hitting the ballthe other way, seeing pitches, and

then it slowly turns into the middleof the field. It slowly turns into
him getting a little more elevation,and you could tell it was close.
There are a couple of balls thelast few games that he just missed the
center field, just missed the rightfield. So it's like, all right,
as soon as he gets just alittle bit more dialed in, it's
on. And it was nasty yesterday, no question about it. In that
same vein the little big man,he got all to I wouldn't say a

slow start, but he wasn't.It wasn't as noticeable that that top of
the order as that bottom of theor what I'm talking about, you know,
Yanner and Opinion, some of thoseother guys. But here goes Jose
al two by. Someone asked methis day and they we're talking about in
reference to the extension that he signedthe lifetime deal. How much long did

you think two is going to playat this level? It's hard to say,
right, of course, because eventually, eventually age is going to catch
up with anybody. But when youlook at the style play that al two
A has, it should age verywell. You know, as he's gotten
older, he's the style of hitterthat he's become where he's become a little

bit more of a power hitter.When he first came up, it was
two hundred hits, spraying all overthe field, running like crazy, beating
out in field hits. But nowit's almost true power hitter style. He's
looking to pull the ball, he'slooking to hit for power, and that
typically ages pretty well. And fora guy who's you know, been relatively
healthy throughout the course of his career, I mean, there's no reason to

think that he shouldn't be a highlyproductive hitter for the majority of that contract.
And I think also in the shortterm, something that we didn't really
consider a whole lot in the newline of construction that Joe A. Spotta
has had. You know, wewanted to get Jordan higher in the order,

get him more at bass, gethim more productive, but he now
hits right behind Jose al Tuove altwove. The only way you can kind
of get to him a little bitas a pitcher is if you entice him
to chase out of the zone.Well, when you got Jordan hitting behind
JOSEL two bay, you're not goingto be throwing pictures out of the zone
because you don't want to walk nowtwo half the track. So now all

of a sudden, you've got you'vegot Jose al Tuove in a position where
pitchers are playing right into his hand. So I think we're going to see,
you know, almost the best versionof him this season in a couple
of years moving forward, where he'sstill in his prime, and now you've
got Jordan in his prime hit behindhim. Somebody brought up while we're on
that real quick, the al twoA the couple base running staff who's a

couple of nights ago. Some peopleare saying, oh, is that the
first sign? I was like,I don't know. I think that's more
decision making than it is age.So I said, I was gonna ask
you about that unless you have somethingenough to add on the base running Staffood
that that that is that is notthat is not a sign of age,
unless unless he's losing his mind.That's not a physical thing, though those
are mental mistakes. You know,Altuve to be as successful as he's been

for a guy who's been underestimated forthe majority of his life, you have
to push the envelope a little bit. He's he's always teetered on the edge
of recklessness with his base running.And I mean for twelve years now,
we've seen it. And first,yeah, it's sure, for sure,

and and but the thing is,he's made a lot of amazing plays on
the basis because he's pushed it.Uh So, every once in a while
it gets to be too much.He knows, he recognizes, he'll dial
it back for a while. Buttrust me, it's not going to be
the last time we see it.You just you take the good at the
bat, all right. I wassurprised to see this morning to what you
were talking about two vs. ThePower right, changing his game, evolving

his game, currently leading this teamand slugging that point seventy five to nine,
well number two behind him previously numberone, Yani Das. Now we've
got what a seven game sample sizeoff day for the Astros. Obviously,
before they make their way up tothe DFW area in Arlington. Yani Daz
continues to absolutely rake, do youhave some revisions history? Do you understand

why some of us go where wecould have used this in spot last season?
Or do you think it'll arrived righton time? Your thoughts on Yan
the dz Medioric rise. The talentis undeniable. His ability to just naturally

hit, to be able to getthe barrel on the baseball, whether it's
harder saw up down in the zone, out of his zone, it's pretty
rare. And yeah, you probablywould have liked to force that into the
lineup as much as possible last year. But you know, what we know
that we have now is an elitebat that plays a position where there aren't

a whole lot of elite backs.So it's a really valuable thing to have
that kind of production from the catcherposition. And his maturity has really showed
up early this season. You know, when a hitter is a natural free
swinger like Jiner is, you're alwayswaiting for him to really hone in the
approach. When can you kind ofshrink the strikes one a little bit,

get a little bit more selective aboutwhich pictures you want to attack, especially
early in the count things that youcan do damage on. Sometimes that takes
a couple of years for hitters toreally understand, and Jiner has been really
disciplined in his approach early this season. The power has shown up when he's
turned it loose a little bit,but he's not chased out of his zone.
He's not gotten themselves behind him counts. He's really been selective in situations

with runners in scoring position. Sothe maturity is almost as impressive as the
physical skills. But the physical skillthat it really does remind me a bit
of Al Tuove when he first gothere. Just a guy who can go
up there and feel like whatever pitchyou throw, in whatever location, he
can hit it hard somewhere fairpoint byyou. What did I just see?

A note courtesy of MLB Stats,You've probably seen this bogey. As of
Wednesday night, the Astros now leadthe American League with twelve home runs.
Who leads this team at home runs? Jose L two ve. Yanni Diez
is obviously up there. I'm sorry, Yan, and oh I'm sorry I
was hit so I was looking atit. Home runs correct? Jose L
two ve Yanner is tied with likefour other players, so clearly the ball

is leaving the yard, which isa good sign. This the front end
of this rotation, these starters,I saw a number that I mean,
this era is crazy. Blanco,Valdez and Javier Combine for twenty ones and
two thirds scoreless innings in the BlueJays series. Rotation posted one point two
to nine eer RA through its firstseven games, obviously renew Blanco's no hit

the other night with drastically impact thoughnonetheless, mart I'm trying to ask you
is your comfortability with this middle reliefand or are you concerned about this presley
of bray you Hayter middle relief inbullpen in general. So going into the
season, the biggest question would havebeen middle innings, right, how do

we get from starting rotation to theback end. And those guys for the
most part have been pretty good.There have been hiccups as the first couple
of games, but the last probablythree or four, they've been pretty solid
when they've been put into those situations. Seth Martinez was great last night.
Taylor Scott was great last night,with the biggest issue being the seven,

eight nine. I think those threeguys combined a brave hater Presley, the
era is over eight. That's notgoing to last. That will not last.
Those guys will even out and begreat. So the fact that the
biggest concern coming in has kind ofbeen okay, I'm comfortable with the fact
saying that those three guys at theback end will be fine. So you're

kind of having questions answered about thebullpen. But the starting pitching has been
phenomenal and the biggest predictor in myopinion, of success long term over the
course of the season for this teamis going to be how good is the
starting rotation, and especially with Fromberand Christian Javier, it's there as good
as they've looked this early this season. This can potentially be a great rotation

when you get Justin Burlander back,have those guys throwing the ball the way
they are back into the rotation hasbeen very good. So with the offense
doing what they're doing and starting rotationdoing what they're doing, starting pitching and
offense will drive you predominantly through thecourse of the regular season. So those
two things combined are are really encouraging. If they have been really good so

far. The words of a formerbig Leagua and is alright currently doing great
work on Space City Home network asan analyst for our astros. His name
Brian boga Sevic dropping by for aweekly You want more intel, do follow
him on social at Brian bogas Sevicb O, g U, S E

v I C. Bogy. Wegot a slide, brother, Get you
some rest today up in Arlington.We'll talk about it next week. Take
it all right, man. Appreciatedbogus Sevic joining us here on your home
Astros Baseball Sports Talk seven ninety.That's comeback. That's close out our one
top of eleven o'clock hour, mostimportant game of the Rocket season. Ben
Dubo's our analyst drops by. That'scoming up at eleven KB and me Sports

Talk seven ninety. Who's gotten next? That's great? What's coming next?
What do we do next? Andwho's gotta take it to the next level?
Gordy, this is next up bySports Talk seven ninety. You don't

know you listen with the will playa pros like they want to party.
The team for me, a reallybig time win for us, especially with
the Rockets coming out to play.They have lost a couple in a row,
and you know, three games behindwith seven games left and you're losing

the Tiebrecord, So four games behindin a sense with seven to go,
my math serves me correctly, tomorrowwill be an opportunity to end their season.
They're playoff hops. If my mathserves me correctly, maybe there will
be one more game. I haven'tlooked that up. That's just some rough
math for you. Math genius isout there. That's gonna be like,

no, they're not mathematically eliminated,and like great, almost good than not
hit them. Welcome back to SportsTalk seven ninety thanks our brother Brian bogus
Sevic. The Space City home network, home of the Astros, also home
of the Rockets, and as DraymondGreen and his punchable face just elocuted there.
Yeah, the biggest game of theyear is going down at Toyota Center

tonight as the Golden State Warriors arein town. We will have that for
you here on Sports Talk seven ninetystarting with Rockets launch pat at six pm
tip off shortly around seven uh standingNorthfleet here, Chris Gordy alongside will wrap
up our one and Draymont isn't wrongnecessarily in what he's saying. The Rockets

find themselves coming into tonight's matchup threegames behind Golden State. They are zero
to two versus Golden State, soGolden State does hold the tiebreaker. Yeah.
What sucks is they got them.They got them so early in the
season that first home game they shouldhave won. Yeah, it was like
the Rockets were still trying to figureout who that were and all that kind
of suff and they weren't playing likethis. This is a completely different post

All Star Break, different Rockets team. All right. So Golden State comes
in on a five game win streak. They took care of Dallas the other
day. I needed Luka and themto help us. The game was tied
at halftime, like forty an,forty one, come in here playing their
asses off. I'll drop it fortyseven. Then you don't have nothing to
tank to finish out. Come on, man, it is what it is.

Bro So, Lakers currently on athree game win streak, sitting at
the ninth spot in the Western Conferencestandings. Golden State on the five game
win streak. Rockets, conversely ona two game losing streak. Now Rockets
steal one game above five hundred thirtyeight and thirty seven, but tonight would
be a significant blow not officially eliminatedfrom the play in if they were to

lose tonight, however, we willsee what that does and the impacts around
the rest of the league's on andso forth. All Right, So I'll
be I won't be able to getover there to Toyota Center the night.
I'll be at a three year OL'sbirthday gathering. But Gordon I suspect,
and I love what emi Udoka hassaid. By the way, congratulations to

him. He was Western Conference Coachof the Month of the month of March,
and he took an opportunity to putthe focus saying that he thought Jalen
Green should have been Player of theMonth, that distinction with to Luka Doncic
of the maver excuse me, andhe also thought Rookie of the Month should
have gone to Amen and Thompson.I actually forget who it actually end up

going to. What do you envisionwe will see? And I'm curious about
we haven't seen these rockets in thismoment. This is a pseudo winner.
Go home. I want to seewell Jalen Green and veterans that I expect
him to Dylan Brooks, who I'mtold is gonna be miked up tonight.

Fred Van Vliet his twenty points inwhat was a valiant effort in the fourth
quarter in Minnesota a couple of nightsago. But Jalen green And and Jabbari
Smith Jillian like, will they elevatetheir play? I'm in Thompson, this
would be the biggest game of hisbasketball life thus far. How do you
anticipate those guys will respond going upagainst Golden State and all that experience.

Well, it's gotta, it's gotta. It's gotta be a uh, it's
got to be a playoff game.I mean, it's got that should be
the intensity. Yeah, I meanthat's what it's got to feel like there
tonight. So if you're going,you have tickets and I think I'm actually
gonna be there, you going throughyou gotta, I think as a fan
tonight. By the way, acertain Frenchman one Rookie of the Month last

month, Oh Victor got it?Yeah, I mean you played. Well,
that's fine. That's like one ofthose things where like, uh,
you can give Lebron m v Pin the year, you give Victor and
Joker went at it the other night. That's pretty inane. But no,
I mean it's you gotta bring yougotta you gotta treat this. You know
you're hoping to get to the playinggame. Treat this like the playing game.

This is a must win. Youmust do everything in your power.
Jal and Jabari have never played ina game. It's important, Nor has
i Man, nor has Cam Whitmore so tonight, I need veterans to
rise see the occasion. My FloydGeneral, Fred van Vliet, Dylan Brooks
off the bench, Jeff Green,Jacques Landale has been playing well. Now
I know he's you know, hisminutes depending on games and matchups. He's

going back and forth with Jabari.Jabari has gotten into some fire truck.
I just want to see and thisis what we'll do it for me.
I just need the Rockets to playup to their ability, That's all.
Emi Udoka can Ads these silly turnoversin the fourth quarter in the last couple
of minutes versus Minnesota. Even thoughthe two minute report said that Jalen Green

should have been called for uh,Jalen Green got filed on one of those.
They can call it. So it'sstill resulted in a turnover. Nonetheless,
just play your best ball and letthe chips fall what they may.
Let me look at the scores atthese other two games. So that first
game that I referenced against Golden State, the Rockets were winning the game for
like three quarters and Golden State cutit on at the end. One oh

six ninety five was that score?So what is that five? That's eleven
point defeat there. They would playGolden State in San Francisco in November.
They would lose by five on theroad versus Golden State. So we know
that the Rockets have been better athome than they have been on the road.

So that's encouraging. Twenty six andtwelve all the Rockets at home,
and I think for me, it'sjust that simple. I'm not necessarily gonna
gauge them on the winning loss.How does it look? And I believe
Emi Udoka has implemented enough that thisgame shouldn't get away from them. Don't

know, now, Steph Curry goeson a heater, We've all seen what
that can be. But God knows, Draymond ain't beating us. Got to
find a way to keep Draymond incheck. Even though I do respect this
game. He still has a punchableface. For more Rockets, Let's get
joined by our Rockets analysts here SportsTalks have ninety. Ben Dubos kicks off
the hour, What second hour,Hour two here on Sports Talk seven ninety.

Now, what's next? Next Up? It's the next man up,
Next s up, the next step, Take the next step, next up,
stop, next, next up.This team wants to be next.
This is Next Up with Tad Norfleetten Chris Gordy. Let's see what's next
next Next our two final hour ofthe program here on a Thursday edition the

Next Up, Live from the SportsTalk seven ninety studios nestled in between Uptown
Park and River Oaks. Here inthe gallery area stand Northfleet Chris Gordy alongside
Connedy mcgovernor on the other side ofthe glass. There the Astros get busy
last night eight to zero to winthe series versus the Blue Jays. As
we are your home of Astros baseball, we are also the home of Rockets

basketball and for that for the biggestgame of the season, a preview if
you will, let's go to Rocketsanalysts. Bendu Bows also editor of the
USA Today's Rockets wire. You canhear him on our log Line podcast as
well on Sports seven nine a dotcom. Ben, good morning to you,
sir. Most important game of theseason, biggest game around here from

a Rockets standpoint, since filling theblank, I would say Oklahoma City lots
Wednesday. I know I'm being alittle lame with that answer, but that
was you're supposed to say, Ben. I mean, gosh, you gotta
go back to James Harden in theWestern Conference finalist and something like that.
There you go, sell it.We gotta sell it. We're in this

audio medium. Uh So, withthat seriousness, all right, let Rockets
currently on a two game skid,they had one eleven in a row.
What formula do they need to getback to? What is reasonable to expect
for them to get back to?Giving the opponent tonight is a multi time
champion in the Golden State Warriors.Yeah, and let's be clear, this

is a must win game for theRockets because if they lose it, they
would be effectively down five games.You enter down three and you're also without
the tiebreaker. If you win thegame, you're down two, which is
effectively down three with six to play. That's manageable. If you lose,
you're down five with six to play. That's not going to happen. So
it's still unlikely if you win,but a three game gap with six to

play, Crazier things have happened.So if you win, you at least
keep a plausible pass and a reasonfrom a postseason perspective to stay interested going
into the final week of the season. As far as execution, to be,
the big thing it's going to comedown to for the Rockets is three
point shooting. We know a bigpart of their surge since the All Star
Break, imay Udoka has wanted thisteam to get the math advantage. They're

shooting over forty three per game,that's their goal, which is near the
top of the league. However,if you look at the last five games,
they're tied for the lead in theNBA in three point attempts per game
at forty two, but they're inthe bottom five, number twenty six in
three point act or see I believe, below thirty two percent. And I
think what's happened is that over thatthirteen and two march, over that eleven

game winning streak, some of theveterans that had to go pedal to the
medal that you had to lean onreally hard, especially after losing all Pride
and Good and Cam Whitmore to injuries. They're a little worn down. And
I think especially someone like Dylan Brooks, who's one of eleven is last two
games from three bread than Fleets beenvery hit or miss as well. So
what I think you have to hopefor if you're the Rockets is that the

spotlight game playing at home. Youknow, everybody gets some extra juice when
they see the Warriors. They knowthat people around the league are going to
be watching that. That helps thoseguys get, you know, a second
win, so to speak, toget some legs back because they're taking the
threes, they're still getting good looks. I mean, if you watched that
Minnesota game the other night, itwas so frustrating. That's a team that
historically has given the Rockets a lotof fits. With Gobert inside, they

got good threes, they just didn'tmake them until the last three minutes of
the game, and by that pointhe was too little, too late.
So I think with the Rockets,it starts with hoping you get something of
a second win and you're veteran startto make three at the rate they did
before the last week or so.Yeah, and there's so many encouraging things
with this team too. You know, we say, yes, this is
a big game, they're playing.Hopes are still alive, and almost said,

you know, treat this like aplay in game. I mean,
the atmosphere Tota Center needs to beplayoff like. But you know your podcast,
you got up there the logger line, Ben, you talk about,
look if the playoffs hopes hopes fadehere or play in hopes rather, the
future remains bright. I mean,this is a team with a lot of
young guys that took a huge leapforward this year. You have an excellent
coach in Emea A Dooka. You'regonna have the Brooklyn Nets loss the other

night, so you're gonna have probablyanother top ten pick. You're gonna have
more money to spend a free agency. So like, the future does look
bright. But man, a wintonight would be huge. And this is
it. I mean, it's verydifferent. You face Golden State back in
October and November. How do yousee them matching up tonight? Because it
just I can't get a good readbecause the same Golden Saine team that's on

a five game win streak. Iwatch them get obliterated by Boston a few
weeks ago and lose to the Spursand lose to the ball. So what
is this going to look like tonight. Yeah, it's interesting because the Warriors
are a team that when you thinkof them, it's about the shooting splash
brothers Steph Curry, Klay Thompson.But what's really at the heart of what
they do it is ball movement.And so it's really Draymond Green out of

the high post finding guys who movedwithout the ball, and so it's really
going to challenge those young guys.The advantage for the Rockets on paper,
these top shelf athletes, they haveguys like Jalen Green, Amen Thompson,
Cam Whitmore. The Warriors can't matchthat. Now they can try a little
bit harder. And I think that'swhat's really happened as the Warriors have gone
on this five game winning streak,to create a little bit of separation the

Warriors. You know, Steve kurbrwould run those veterans into the ground if
they went all out over eighty twogames. But now that it's down in
the home stretch and they're really feelingsome pressure. What limited juice they still
have. He's trying to squeeze thatout now in a way that he didn't
for much of the season. Buteven so, even if they're trying at
one hundred percent, the Rockets havesome top shelf athletes and leans that the

Warriors don't, and so that's theadvantage the Rockets can get out in transition.
They can make plays and a halfcourt over the top with the lob
game, they can just do somethings athletically that the Warriors can't. However,
the downside of that youth and athleticismis that they're a bit raw in
terms of their processing, and that'swhere the Warriors can burn you. If
you aren't in synct defensively, whenyou're switching. You need to talk,

you need to communicate, you needto be aware off the ball. That's
where the Rockets are really going tobe challenged by the Warriors in this game.
The shooting is part of it,but it's more the ball movement and
the passing. But I'll just sayin general, just being out there in
a game like this, as youwere saying, is beneficial. The thing
to keep in mind with the playand race. Even if the Rockets did
make the play in, you're notgoing to put a banner and the treaterson

a Raptors saying we made the playin, the hell, I won't I
create one. It might look likethat BS the Rangers have hanging over there,
but I'm putting something in here thatsays yeah, but no. I
mean, it's more about the highintensity games that a play in push represents.
That's why I said last Wednesday inOklahoma City that was a big one

because you were on the winning streak. That was your first time going up
against a top shelf opponent seeing howthey fear Tonight's another test and so regardless
of whether you actually get in theplayoff or not, it's not like a
championship or bus season where if youdon't accomplish that end thing, well what
was it all for? No,the play in is a means to an
end, and the end is gettingthese young guys ready, and the process

is putting them in big time,spotlight games. I like the way you
put it earlier. Treat this likeyour play in game. What you're wanting
to do is see how your youngguys perform on your high pressure situations,
and for better or for worse,you want them to learn from those situations
so that in the future they canhandle them better when the Rockets a couple
of years from now actually are tryingto compete for a title. So that's

the way I'm looking at it.I do think you need to see some
win like last widnsday Oklahoma City,it was a great time to see them
come through under prussure. Tonight woulddefinitely be another one. But I think
that's really the way the Rockets arelooking at this, and whether they actually
make the play in or not.I don't want to say it's beside the
point, but it's certainly not theonly point. All right, A couple
more for you, And I'm justthinking philosophically, what we know about Steve

Kerr and what he has done therein the Bay Area and what Udoka has
implemented here in Houston. We celebratehim winning Coach of the Year for the
month of March, he doesn't reallygive a bleep about that. He'd rather
wins some games and get guys recognitionand get guys playing at the next level
in their development. What for youbeing constitutes win or lost Tonight Obviously the

plan would be a success for everybody, But outside of that, what would
constitute a win versus a disappointment?This season in Emai Udokah's first year here,
for me, it's five hundred betterbecause you were thirty eight and thirty
six. That was your high watermark after the eleven game. Or actually,

no, you were thirty eight andthirty five, so that was your
high water mark. Now you've lostthese last two and you're thirty eight and
thirty seven, So you've got sevengames to play. If you are even
close to as good as you lookedin March, you should be able to
win at least three of the finalseven, hopefully four, because if you

win four, you're gonna finish witha winning record that's forty two and forty
If you win three, that's fortyone and forty one. I think for
the Rockets in particular, if theycan come out of this year play in
or not, with a five hundredrecord or better after three straight years of
about twenty wins and being in lastplace in the West, that's really symbolic.
Because we know the NBA at theperception leagus Man all these big transactions

that happen every offseason. A lotof it comes down to the narrative of
each franchise, where they are intheir development. And I just think for
the Rocket, if they can gointo this offseason saying this is a five
hundred team or hopefully a winning team, and it's not a high bar to
clear at this point. You justgot to win three or four out of
your last seven. That should bereasonable. I think it's bike for the
prestige. I think it's big forhow the franchise looks. And I also

think it validates to a degree thatthirteen and two March of eleven game winning
streak, because you know, ifthey go to and five, one and
six down the stretch and finish witha losing record, right, I want
to say, the winning streak getstaken away, but it makes it look
like it's you know, maybe alittle fraudulent or a little fortuitous with the
schedule, as opposed to if youfinish strong, have a winning record,
playing or not. It validates thesuccess you had in March and makes it

look all the more legitimate and sustainable. Love it. That is the voice
of Ben Dubo's He is our Rocketsanalysts here are Sports Talk seven ninety also
editor of USA Today's The Rocket.Why we appreciate his contribution on our logger
Line podcast as well. Do followbrother Ben Dubos as I imagine he'll be
over at Toyota cent and tonight atthe n d U b SE. That's

Dubos du Bosc being We got aslot, brother, We do appreciate it
on the Thursday. Thanks for havingme. I mean, have a good
time tonight. I'm looking at apost from space City Home Networks of Vanessa
Richardson, and it looks like there'sa nice red dunkster not T shirt awaiting

some Rocket fans. They're in theseats right now. By the time you
guys get over there this evening,I really wish I could get over there.
If a little bitty person was alittle bit older, if this was
I don't know, nine ten alittle older, then I would be taking
birthday gift over with the Rockets.But we got to hold for that just

a little bit, all right,Rockets in action tonight. Let's see Golden
State is favored by four and ahalf for our degenerates Golden State riding of
five game win streak. Rockets currentlyboasts a two game loup streak. I
remind you that Golden State has thetiebreaker. They've won two of three games,

so that could come back to biteas well. All right, let
me slide. I know you guyswant to get back into Texans winners and
losers of the Stefan Diggs trade.I got more meat on that bone left
that I need to get at.Some people are gonna be uncomfortable taking your
calls always seven one, three,two point two five, seven ninety.
I already know my man all onthe south side agrees with me. He'll
be next up. Sports Talk sevenninety. Next Up continues on your computer.

Listen to Sports Talk seven ninety onany device with our free iHeartRadio apps.
Welcome back in the next up.We're about forty three minutes from now.
We'll hand you over to Matt Thomasand Rossville Real. Appreciate everybody hanging
out with us. If you missedus. The first hour of the show
started at ten am each weekday.You can go on Sports seven ninety dot

com, where you can hear fromRockets analyst Ben Dubo's and any commentary he
would have on our rockets, aswell as our Texans Analysts, our Texans
Insider. Rather that would be oneAaron Wilson. His work is on Sports
seven ninety as well as the restof our lineup here most day six A
two six p. You can alsouse the free iHeartRadio app and here what

Gordy and I have to say fromten to noon along with our cohorts Gordon.
Let's go to the phone lines now, but before we do seven one,
three, two on two five sevenninety, there's something I think we
should hear. I started to showGordy I was in a mood. Now
I have something. I got somestuff going on in my building that piss
me off a little bit, andI got a lot going on with a
birthday party for three year old herea little bit. So I'm a little

distracted, but still got a jobdue. What pisces me off, though,
is when there are people that chooseto look at this, at this
draft, at this trade from aI think pessimistic standpoint, And for me,

I said, look, they're gettinga baller. They got a baller
for damn near nothing. Now it'ssomething, but in the grand scheme of
things, it's really nothing. Thenumber one pushback I'm seeing, and I
went into some numbers about his playand last season and all of that.
The number one pushback I've heard Gordon, and maybe you've heard the same is

what type of teammate is he gonnabe? What type of guy? Before
we go to the sound your immediatereaction now that you've had twenty four hours
the process the trade? Yeah,I think we can't be naive and say
this isn't like Stefan Diggs just hitfree agency and he was available and he
just signed with whoever he wanted.He's an asset, but he's available for
a reason. And this happens alot in sports. You know a guy

who is you know, maybe problematicis too strong of a word. Just
disharmony, I guess is a goodword. There was disharmony between the player
and the team, the organization,a player, some some sort of piece
in that in that involvement. Sothat's always go back to when you get
a go back to Ida. TheRockets got an awesome coach, But why

was he available? Well, somethingkind of went side was in Boston.
Now, thankfully that's in his past. He's he's talked about that upfront with
the Texans or with the rockets andall that, and we you know,
there's been no real mention of thatat all this whole year of him coaching.
It's been great. That's what Ijust hope with Stefan Diggs is Buffalo
is moving on for a reason,you know. And I've seen some people

kind of try to downplay it,saying, ah, it wasn't you know,
Okay said some things on Twitter whocares? But no, I watched
the Buffalo games where he's having aheated argument on the sideline with some people
and him sitting there on the benchpouting like there were moments where he got
to you know, and again maybehe's right in doing that. Maybe you
know, not saying he's right wrongor in different, but just note that
is there is a concern on thatend. Now again, had they talked

to him. We saw Joe Mixand some of the players saying for weeks
they were trying to make this happen. I'm sure running up the flagpole telling
Demiko and could say, hey man, this new wants to come here,
Let's get him. I'm gonna assumethey did their homework on their side saying
you know, hey, you areyou know, are you gonna be a
headache? Here? Are you?Are? All those issues in the past

in that same vein who's played withhim before. That's a current texting the
Neil Hunter and Case Keenum. It'snot a third time him and Case are
gonna be on the team together.So you got guys in the building that
have actually played with him, andit's a very small fraternity of players,
coaches, scouts, agents, soyou can get the intail on the guy.

Hey, guys, see CJ andsay, I want to play for
that guy. Now. In weektwo where Nico Collins, it's halftime and
Nico Collins has four catches and TankDallas three catches and Stefan Dicks has won.
What's the what's Stefan's attitude? Is? He? Is? He team
player? Hey, look man,there are gonna be weeks where I'm the
best. There's gonna be weeks whereNico's But I just want to win a
Super Bowl. I saw him,I saw him win a championship. I

saw Stefan Diggs co exist with AdamThealan and that's back when Theland was Thelan,
So I know he can't share theball. Let me hear this let's
go to the sound. Now.This is Dan Graziano. He's on the
NFL beat. He actually goes upto Buffalo pretty frequently. From what I
understand. This is his commentary givenyesterday's breaking new Stefan Diggs becoming a Texan.

Well, I think it's important forpeople to know, and I think
people in Buffalo would back me upon this that Stefan Diggs was not any
sort of disruptive like locker room orsideline presence. Obviously we've seen. We
saw the outburst against Cincinnati after theplayoff game during the playoff lost a couple
of years ago. But he wasn'tcausing problems or fighting with teammates or anything
like that. He was behind thescenes sort of letting it be known to

coaches that he would like a littlebit more of a role in the offense,
especially after they changed coordinators midseason andnow the same coordinator coming back for
next year. I think there wassome concern that maybe the role would be
the same and that might frustrate hima little bit more. But you know,
between that and the social media everybodysees from time to time, I

think the Bills felt like it wasbest for everybody to sort of make a
break at this point, especially gettinga second round pick in return. Dan
Graziano, ESPN, Gordon, MichaelJordan punch teammates. Tom Brady yelled at
coaches, no him, I'm justhitting the greatest of all time. Okay,
so that gives you like to me, I don't care, h Michael

Irvint. If Justin Verlander shoved theteammate tonight, I wouldn't care because he's
Justin Barana Blanco. You have problem, well, yeah, but Stefan Diggs
has earned it. That's why I'mtelling you he's closer to Erland than he
is Blanco. This is a guythat's a two timesf Michael Jordan, Tom
Brady. I'm just in other words, the best of the best don't always

implement and uh personafy what it meansto be an ideal team. No,
look, Philly was willing to lookpast. You know there was stuff with
t O. I was in thebuilding, DLAs. You know that these
teams were kind of willing to lookpas those things because he's that great of
a player. But what I'm sayingis sometime, and that's what Graziano is
saying, there are sometimes the reputationcan be boasted by the small minority.

And I use the example of beingin too, being in Dallas with Tyo
on seven O eight, and Iwas there on nine. I think he
was going on on nine at thatpoint. But TiO was beloved in the
building by seventy five percent of thebuilding, but there was a loud minority
Jason Witt and Tony Romo and JasonGarrett, along with a couple others in
management and Da da da that too. And listen and I come back to

this, Al, I know you'vebeen holding I'm coming to you, Gordon.
I don't have a problem with aproductive player that wants to win.
I want passion. When I'm payinga guy eighteen million dollars, I want
you to be in CJ z itbroke. Let's go like I'm ready,
like let's ball. That's different thansaying look at me. There's a difference
between Antonio Brown and Terry Lawrence.I think we're getting more to That's just

my thought on it right now.But the productivity, to me, the
productivity far out waighs uh. Somebodysomehow he was pounding on the bench.
You know why he was pounding.He was pounding because they got their hands
beat. And he's like, bro, we are too good. I saw
Jos as somebody's who's had Stefan Diggsin fantasy football the last few years.

There have been games where it's like, you know, it's halftime. He
has one catch for negative three yardsand he's upset. Now why, you
know, it's a tough thing there. He's a great player who wants the
ball. Why are they not gettingthe ball? Is it a Josh Allen
thing? Are they double teaming him? Is it the OC gun? Now
we have a different game plan thisweek. You know, I don't know
what all the reasons are. Andagain, like I'd have to hear all

those reasons out. All I knowis what was showed on the TV Stefan
Diggs pouting and unhappy. But butgive me the reasons why. And hey
man, I'm such a competitor.I don't I didn't want to be that
way, but look, it wasjust frustrating because I want my team to
win and I'm a big part ofthat. Fair Enough, let's go to
the phone last. Let's hear fromal getting here on this Stefan Diggs.
Now that we are twenty four hoursa little bit more sensitive an announcement.

Yeah, Houston, we have aproblem. All mytive me, over all
my fans tuning in. I'm talkingabout it all the way back to the
office. Let me say this whenI say, well, let me say
the FC have a problem. Letme make that better. Let me say
this here say I don't want tohear about Buffalo Stephan dig I don't want

to hear about mental All I knowis here Houston texts. And what people
have to realize I think is oneyear and they can move on if they
choose to. I'm right, Okay, all we got is this year,
twenty twenty four. And guess whatI know. Not only is a man
all pro, he's a veteran.Even if you choose not to have him

next year, that's cool. Butwhat people have to realize this is not
the same Texas organizations to me kRyan. We could say Nick Caseo all
day, but I think Demiko Ryanis building a courtier and he letting the
front office know this is what Ineed. Okay, they can be mad
at was the past of Stefan Diggsand Nick Cassero hadn't done a good job

in the past, but right nowtoday it's Demiko building a court. And
when you got Stephan Diggs kudos onehundred percent. I'm with that because guess
what I know, this is thelifestyle of the social media saying you can
go back and look at some cliffsof random moss on the sideline tending the
coach, give me the ball.I say, oh, it's just that
people can see it. Now.This ain't nothing new. Now. If

he was crying about he didn't cometo practice, he got fined and all
that, I don't mind him talkingabout he want to win and want the
ball, because guess what, youdon't make them kind of noise as you
are all pro in a in afull time pro, all pro pro bowler.
He he did that, So guesswhat we on fire If you don't
like it. They a lot ofthese fans is into that old Texas get

the perfect the church guy with thesuper guy. We gonna get some dogs,
and I think it's gonna take awhile some fans that adjust to that.
Guess what I know. De Littifiedwith the torch, step On Diggs,
Tank Dell, and Nico Collins withCJ. Strappy predicted right now,
the highest offense going team in theleague. I said, if that and

I stand on that, barring injuriesunderstood, understood, I'm gonna hang up
with this all the thing I'm gonnalisten to you take. Let me tell
youself, you know the only problemon offense that I'm looking at. I
watched my team close stand all thisworks only one reason it works and go
over the top, pass average aselite Super Bowl contendants. My old line

stay healthy as the trenches go theoffense go. That's my man on the
south side. Don't disagree with hiscomment. We continue talking. Stefon Diggs
west side, Joe Michael in theheights seven one three, two point two
five seven ninety wins and loses.So the Stefan Diggs trade to the Texans.
Real Texans talking. Listen to KBand me with yourn Next stup.

Pitchers tremble with fear, not therest hold on the three run over with
Northfleet and Gordion. Next up,Bellies tremble with hunger. Lunchtime is so
close until then, show down onmore next up. A couple of weeks

back, the Houston Texans went tothe Minnesota Vikings and initiated a trade in
which they got out of the firstround, got an extra second round pick,
and they got an extra two inthat deal as well in twenty twenty
five will Low and Behold. Everybodyassumed that that trade was the Vikings initiating

it so that they could go upand get a quarterback. But the truth
of the matter was it was theTexans who initiated that to get out of
the first round, to get addeddraft capital in the second round the next
two years so that they could gobe in position to make a trade like
the one that they did on Wednesday, acquiring Stefon Diggs at what many people

are surprised by the price in theend, welcome back in the next step
twenty six minutes Matt Thomas Ross Virialstill talking Stefan Diggs, taking your phone
calls at seven one three two onetwo five seven ninety and not just Diggs.
What are the ripples from a dealof this Magnetude. They're going to

be some winners and losers. Now, there are times that both can be
winners. I don't believe that's thecase here. I highlight to you that
the Texans are adding a weapon regardlessof how enre misjudged it. Take.
Regardless of all that too demonstrative onthe sideline, I personally, in this

case, don't think that's a bigdeal. What I do think is a
big deal is since he's been inBuffalo over the last four years, according
to next Gen Stats, he's beenfirst in the league in targets, first
in the league in receptions, thirdin the league in receiving yards, and
first in the league in receiving touchdownsof ten or plus yards, first minimum

four hundred targets. He's a baller, two time All Pro, currently on
a streak of four consecutive Pro Bowls. Oh and he's had over one thousand
yards six consecutive seasons. Oh andhe's had what five consecutive years of catching
a hundred balls? And so somepeople that are nitpicking the deal locally and
nationally, oh, stand go Lookin twenty twenty three, after Week five

or after the first five games,what did he do? Now? Yes,
I understand he had what five ofthe first six games he had at
over one hundred yards or more,and the yardage did tell off. That's
one part of the story. Isaw he scored a touchdown in week what
week is this week nine? Touchdownweek seventeen catch percentage, seven receptions,

eighty seven yards. That's eighty sevenand a half percent catch reception catch percentage.
Excuse me? Week nine eighty fivepoint seven catch percentage. Week fifteen,
eighty percent catch percentage. Do youcatch of the ball? Demiko told
us what he's looking for. Canyou run the routes? Can you create

separation? Do you get yards afterthe catch? These are things that matter
to them. He does all ofthat. I'm not telling you he's the
best receiver in the league. WhatI'm telling you is this is what a
number one in the league looks like. And now there's possibility that the Texans

have two who ones if Nico canreplicate that year. I, for the
life of me can't understand why thereare those all being in the minority that
aren't on board with this trade.His personality, Are you kidding me?
Stuff is overblown? Man, Wesside, Joe getting here, Man,
let's talk some Diggs. Hey,what's upstand? What's upstanding? Man?

I'm calling in this morning because youknow, man, it gets frustrating to
hear a teammate or a person getconfused with being a baller as opposed to
a person that is selfish. Andthe ones that create the narrative to this

is the most traded, first stratingpart to me, because they don't know
this man personally. All they dois highlight, they look, they show
in on some type of action andnever know what the conversation is about.
About the sideline, the man couldbe first say it because he know,
hey, I could take to thehospital. Whatever it is. You see
it in the man. We allwatch step On, but every time you

see him, he's putting this bottleshort of man. So the narrative that's
attached to a person and that's justnot next step On. It's pretty much
any great receiver that comes around that'snot finding the quote unquote typical way of
doing things and whatever. But whocraze that narrative? Then just think about
it. Man who writes about thesetype of things and attaches that not never

knowing these people. And that's themost frank to you said, I would
like to tell you guys, wegot a competitive team. Out of all
legion we've had competitive, but thisis the one I can say, like
the other college said, I canstand up. This morning I went in
talking to him. Dallas fans allone, You'll better be with you know
what I'm saying. I just wantto Colleen and be like, man,

let this man. Let everything playout, because, like you said,
we got two number ones now.And he initially he moves on if he
sort of looked the younger guy,how would go? Bow Dog Houston has
always lived and I'll hang up theloose. My Man west Side Joe good
media over there, Big City Wingslast week as well, my Man west

Side Joe keeping the calls coming,friend of the station, Friend of the
show, Michael and the Heights.What up my dude? Hey man,
look, this is all I gotto say. You know how, there's
that medicine and it says like ifsomething doesn't change within four hours, call
a doctor. You know what I'msaying, That's how I feel. I'm
still feeling like that, So Ineed to call a doctor. That's all
I'm saying. But dude, Ithink I forgot who said this, but

it was I think it was MichaelIrvin or somebody. But he's like,
you have to have a bunch ofyou have to have at least a few
knuckleheads on your team to win thechampionship. I mean, and I think
that was always the downfall to Texansthat we never got anybody with a little
quote unquote edge, you know,and that's why we were you know,
all our players were always so straightlaced and you know, whatever pillars in
the community. You know, nobad boys, you know what I mean,

Like, we never had like badboys on the team. But do
you I don't care what Stefan saidor did in the past. It doesn't
matter. It all matters now he'son the team, you know. So
yeah, period, bottom line.So I can't wait. Man, the
future is bright and guys, let'swe didn't win the Super Bowl just yet.
So you know, I want totame expectations, right, I want

to tame expectation, but I'm excited, you know, just a step in
the right direction. And I alsowanted to get your comment on this.
I think now so C J.Stroud, his gravity is so strong.
He pulls players and fans in doyou think you know, I think our
team, especially we start, aswe continue to win, we'll have fans

like not only in the state ofTexas, but and you know, fans
in Ohio state, fans in Californiabecause c J. Stroud. You know,
like I just feel like, yeah, our fan, our fandom will
grow, you know, like DallasCowboys fans. Man, There's there's fans
all over the world. There's fansin Maryland. When I was a kid,
I lived in Maryland. Uh.It takes generations to pull that off.

But your point is still valid.Like there are people on the West
Coast cheering for the Chiefs because ofmy homes. Yep, yeah, because
yeah, yeah, the point isvalid. Michael, I appreciate it,
my man, Michael and the Heightsgetting in here on a Thursday, Chris
and sugar Land. Brother, gottakeep it tight for me. What you
got, I'm gonna keep a realtight stand stand. I want you take

off your Texas rose colored glasses justfor a moment. I'm here. I'm
here because I believe. I believethat every time somebody say anything negativebody text
and they think everybody's a hat.I'm a Titan fan. I know you
guys got a baller. I don'tdeny that stuff. Step On Diggs is
a true boller, right, Butwhat I think is gonna end up hurting

CJ is that he's gonna focus onStephan because what we'll mixed. CJ and
I watch him closely because you know, he's an opponent. So I got
it. I'm you know, Itry to keep my mental uh you know,
stock on developing, right. Sowhat made him who he is is
the fact that he utilized everybody,which keeps the defense off kilt. You

know, they can't focus on anybody, which allows players to get open the
way they do. If CJ,for a moment starts to focus just a
little bit more on Stefan, thatone second is gonna be a different between
him getting sacked and not sacked.That one second is going to be a
different than him seeing a guy likeTank wide open and not being wide open.
So at first I was afraid aboutit, but now I'm thinking,

like this might work to the advantageof the opponents versus the working to the
advantage of you guys, because youknow, no, no, no,
it's no hate standing, it's nohate. No, I'm tzy. I
understand your point. I'm up againstit. I understand your point, Chris.
I hope you're still listening. Iunderstand the point. I'm not worried
about that, and I'll tell youwhy. On the other side, CJ's

trying a winner or loser into Stefandive trade, which is where christ and
sugar Lane was driving. We'll continueto do that. Wrap up this get
you over to Matt Thomas and Rossville. Rea. This is Next Up ten
to noon every day on Sports Talkseven ninety when Fleet streets Houston listens.
Yes, I have a great shotat already a huge brand. I'm liking
your stuff. Stanton or Fleet tenChris Gordy are next up on Sports Talk

seven ninety. Welcome back into thelast segment of today's Next Up Special day
in the show. Today Baby Carsonour Damn Manville turning three years old today.
Rockets in action tonight over at theToyota Center. Biggest game of the
season for the Rockets, biggest gameI believe around here in a long time.

We will start that coverage for youright here on seven ninety at six
pm, tip off around seven.For now we talk the digs trade.
You know, we are twenty fourhours later, day later, and how
are we feeling the numbers around?Everybody around the league singing the praises,
But then you have some like Chris, Chris and Sugarland just gave us a
shout now he is a Titans fan. He accused me of having Texans colored

glasses. I had to chuckle atthat, because I'm probably the one that's
the most vocal when they bleep somethingup over there, CJ. You targeting
tank deal too much? Chill out, Nick Cassario. When it comes to
Kenyon Green's shoulder, it wouldn't amatter of if. But when the shoulder
went out, huh Demiko Rance,Hey man, I know it, iss
Al Shah, he is your boy, but Patrick Queen's a better player.

Two million dollars a million and ahalf per year keeping us from getting Patrick
Queens. Stop it. Okay,So I believe that I'm fair, But
when it comes and I just say, and when it comes to the Digs,
deal there are There was a pointthat Chris White raised, is CJ.
Stroud going to be too sensitive tothe wants and desires of Stefan Diggs.

If Stefan Diggs comes here with thatattitude, he may not. He
may leave that in those other previousstumps. He may come here and be
a model citizen. This is anopportunity for me. Chris said he's worried
about CJ. Perhaps focusing too muchon Diggs. See, I think this
is an opportunity for CJ to growup because from day one, jokes and

jokes in the locker room and hehe ha ha at dinner, our families
can vacation together all of that.Diggs, when you joined this huddle,
this is my huddle, is whathe should tell him. Respect you,
bro, You had a phenomenal careermy huddle. And you know who's gonna
back up CJ. Dalton Schultz isgonna tell Diggs a chill out, young

boy led us to the Promised Landlast year. Laramer Tunsel is gonna tell
Diggs, hey, bro, notin this offensive mean room. We don't
do that. Shaq Mason tightus Howard. If you want Nord Brown, who
is playing in playoff games, NordBrown's gonna be like, yo, I'm
gonna protect my young Ohio State guy. We're not doing that. We're gonna

get on the same page and we'regonna ball out and we're gonna rock.
And then ultimately Domiko and bobbis Lloydif need be step in, I imagine
what I know about Demiko. You'regonna let the locker room handle locker room
things. The locker room must policeitself. This ain't about nobody in the
media. This ain't about Texans employeesand Texans radio, This ain't about the

fan base. The fifty three dudesmust police themselves. That will never change
about this game. So I'm notworried about Stefan Diggs. Again, this
isn't Antonio Brown. This might beif I had to do one or the
other, it's probably more to you. This is a healthy competitive I'm just

trying to win and ball out,and it's okay to have some of that.
All right, some other things aboutthis trade, and I take this
final call from John and we'll wrapup. This was courtesy of Pro Football
Talk Mike Florio. Brandon Bean theGM in Buffalo was asked, Hey,
is this y'all tapping out a tradingStefan Diggs and allowing Gave Davis to get

out of the building. He says, by no means is that the case?
He said, everything this team,everything we do with this team is
designed winning in mind. Da dada Now, he negated to voice publicly
if Stefon Diggs had privately requested atrade, and said that there was not
a singular particular moment that led tothe decision to move on from Stefon Diggs.

Mike Florio continues, he said,it's possible. This is really a
bode to Nick Caserio. It's possible, if not likely, that the Texans
wanted to get the deal done nowso that Diggs will be in the building
for the off season program, whichbegins on April fifteen. If the Bills
had no better offers, and ifthe Texans were going to walk away from

the deal if it didn't happen now, Cassio put the Bills and Brandon Bean
in a position that they had nochoice. Casario played chess right here.
First movie made was with Minnesota.The second movie he made was his willingness.
Yo, I'll take them or nottake them. Here's my deal.
Either we do it now or tohell with it. Other suitors may have

surface as we got closer to thedraft, which ironically is three weeks from
today. Cassio played this one beautifully. This is some old Godfather part two
veto or corleone ish beautiful Cassio.And the only downside I'm hearing from y'all
is there a couple of playoff gamesthat he dropped some balls and y'all are

up in arms, and oh hedidn't have one hundred, y'all. I
didn't say the man was all timeJared Rice. I said, the man's
the best wide receiver in that room. And the last time I checked,
they can use another receiver. AREOagreed? They went and did a good
deal, And you know what,I want to go back to the CJ
point. I hope there is apoint where there's contentiousness. See people sometimes

shy away from confrontation. Every greatteam I've ever been around, and every
great company that I've worked for orread about, you have to have somebody
in the room that's not willing tojust go with the flow. I get
labeled as that guy a lot,staying you, just being you, just
being contrite, not contrite. I'msorry. What's the word where you're going
against the grain? You know theword I'm trying to say, contrarian?

Thank you. I get accused ofit all the time, I assure you,
majority of the time I'm in anenvironment. I was like this when
my limited playing days, I waslike this. Corporately, I'm like this,
as a member of the media,how can you possibly get better with
everybody being robotic. No, whenwhen Lambon Tunsel's ass was off side and

Titus Hide was off side and theyhad all them bleeping penalties on offense in
that playoff game in Baltimore. Iguarantee you a dude like Stefon Diggs.
Now it may be more demonstrative thanwe like, but a dude likes Stefan
dis gonna say, hey, comeon, man, tighten up. It's
a bleeping playoffs. We need thatover there. And I think Demico and
Caserio know that. All right,John, let's be super quick. You'd

be the last one. I gota rap brother. Yeah, man,
all these weapons now that's gonna slowdown that ball to more pass. Russell,
little bit, Chris, Chris,you know I gotta p ch at
you a little bit. Man.You still want the mastermind to go back
to New England. Now, Gordis not in the studio right now,
but I know that he heard whatyou said, because I'm gonna remind him.
I like making fun of him.Yeah, everybody, Casario, what

is he doing? What did?I kept telling y'all trust Demico and Caserio
until they give us reason not tothe winners in this deal. C J.
Strout winner, Bobby Sloyd winner,Nick Cassario winner, Stephan Diggs's winner,
Joe Mixon winner, Nico Collins winnerloser, Buffalo Bill's I don't know

what to hell you doing, like, I don't know. They got to
figure that out on their own,oh real quick. On the way out,
AI did somebody's AI program did aprojection for Stefan Diggs numbers in Houston
next season, ninety five receptions overtwelve hundred yards, eleven receiving touchdowns.
Then nay Sayers will go away.He starts doing that, all right,

that'll do it for us. MattThomas, Ross Verry y coming your way.
Appreciate our guests, Brian Bogusavic BenDubo's for Connor McGovern, Chris Gordon
stan Fleet, all of us,including you Houston, that allows us to
do this thing called next Up eachand every day. We are fever grateful.
We appreciate it. Enjoy your lunch. God will and will do it
again tomorrow. Y'all be well
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