All Episodes

April 17, 2024 82 mins
Stan Norfleet and Chris Gordy of Next Up recap the Houston Astros losing game two against the Atlanta Braves 6-2 Tuesday at Minute Maid Park. Hunter Brown started on the mound and threw for six innings, allowing just two runs on five hits. Brown was able to bounce back after his last start saw him allow an MLB record of 11 hits and nine runs to the Kansas City Royals in less than a full inning. Former top prospect Forrest Whitley was called-up hours before Tuesday's first pitch and made his Major League debut in the ninth inning, becoming the third Astros pitcher to make his debut this season. The Astros will attempt to avoid a sweep by the Braves on Wednesday with J.P. France starting on the mound. Stan and Chris talk with sports media personality and Chalk Talk host Kim Davis about the latest updates from the Rockets and Texans, congratulate Texans head coach DeMeco Ryans being named to the Senior Bowl Hall of Fame, react to Toronto Raptors forward Jontay Porter receiving a ban from the NBA for gambling on games and more.
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Episode Transcript

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Now what's next? Next up?It's the next man up, Next up,
the next step, take the nextstep, next up, stop next,
next up? Next wants to benext? This is next Up with
Tad Northfleeten Chris Gordy. Let's seewhat's next next next live for the Sports

Talk seven ninety studios. The Galleriaarea is the Lowcale. The name of
the show is Next Up. StayingNorthfleet is me, Chris Gordy is him.
That's my man Connor Dy mcgovernor onthe other side of the glass.
They insistent that's what our programming inproduction needs. Good morning to your age
town, seventeenth of April twenty twentyfour. We'll be with you for the
next two hours here on this fineprogram on seven ninety, your home of

Houston Sports. Appreciate my brothers onthe Shawn Salisbury Show, Shawn Salisbury,
Brian Lolima and of course emmanuel EClass Triple Lee. They called it brother
a lot of things on that show. He does great work as well.
Appreciate Dana Brown dropping by right thereat the conclusion of the Sewn Salisbury Show.
We will react to what Dana Brownhad to say. The general manager

of the Houston Astros. Obviously,good morning to wall. We have who's
coming by today, Kim Davis.Yeah, of Talk Talk, She's gonna
come by. She was at bothpress conferences for the Texans and the Rockets
respectively this week. We want toget her reaction to that. I bumped
into Kim at the Texas Southern Universityspring game over the weekend. So we

will talk Texans and Rockets today.As the NBA playing commenced last night and
got me thinking, how do weget the Rockets in there? More of
that to come. I jumped onsomebody's podcast yesterday and it wasn't just for
somebody's my man John Hickman. Hedoes Locked on Texans and some topics arose

that I want to bring to myairwaves as well. Shout out to my
man John Hickman. Make sure y'allfollowing him Locked on Texans. They do
a good job. You're already followingus as Ports Talk seven ninety and we're
gonna look at this roster and thereare some depth concerns that I have in
a particular position that we don't talka lot about. That's to come for
starters. Though Astros played some eveningbaseball Yeah, Astro's currently six and twelve

on the season. That's because theylost sixty two to the Atlanta Braids last
night at minute made part Hunter Brown. We'll get to him in a little
bit. He's now zero and threeon the season and the Astros are gonna
lose the series versus the Braves.Staying, how did the Astros currently stack

up with the rest of the league? Funny you should ask. Let's take
a gander. Astros currently last inthe AL. I got some technical issues,
so y'all bear with me on thatAstros currently last in the AL wes.
I know that I believe that leadto the Rangers, even though the
Rangers are just at five hundred,I believe at nine to nine, Astro's
currently three and a half games back, and my notes from the game yesterday

tell me that this is about whatwe can expect from the twenty twenty four
Houston Astros. Can't necessarily blame thisone on pitching. Got away from my
dubing there a little bit late,but Hunter Brown was significantly better, so

I'm not gonna bag on him today. Be great if some dudes that are
veterans in this league would get backto using the bats, jose L Twove
oh for four, Jordan Alvarez ohfor four, Alex Bregnant oh for four,
and had it not been for alate Kyle Tucker home run, Kyle

Tucker would be oh for four oroh for three, oh three or four,
oh for four. Excuse me?This team has stay? How many
left on base? Seven? Whatwas the production with runners a scoring position?
One for eight? Oh. Here'sthe same conversation every night. So

at what point do you guys hitthe panic button? I heard Dane Brown.
I spoil a little bit just becauseI think it's funny. Dana Brown
on the Sean Salisbury Show this morning. Danny Brown says, Stan, I'll
let you guys know when the panicwe can still hit, we can still
pitch, we can still field.Okay, Now, well, there are

a couple of nuances. Let's queueup this first. When it's home run
right off the rip from the braisfrom Orlando Arcia. Controversial. Sure,
there were two moments that impacted thisgame last night. This was the first
one. Here comes the three totwo to Orlando Arcia, and that's driven
pretty deep to left center. Backon it McCormick. End of the milk

in front of the visitor's bullpen andthat ball all is gone. Just at
sneak into the landry's proffered boxes andbounce back onto the field. It's a
home run for Orlando Arcia and aone nothing lead for the Braves. Obviously,
we had to go to the triState. We had to go up
there to New York see what's goingon with that? And look, I

thought I knew the rule. ThenI got confused by what the hell they
were saying. Then they told methe ruling. Then there was still some
people pissed. Was it a homerun? Was it not? Top of
the second Orlando Arcia one run shot. The simplest way I knowed explain the
rule, and the guys on thenetwork and Robert Ford, the Steve Sparks
with us, your homer Astros Baseballseven ninety explained it the best I understand

it is if it hits and goesover home run hits, the yeld line
comes back and play fair ball,and we're gonna play on That's what I
got. The bottom line is itwas one zero until we get to the
top of the seventh inning. Thiswas she had another opportunity in a tight
ball game that the Astros had everyopportunity to win and they didn't. And

I'm gonna say it. And whenGordon gets in here, I'm gonna ask
him to speak on this. Thisteam just doesn't have confidence. I do
this in football all the time.I know, I'm just a football guy.
To some of you, watch agame and for a moment, call
it for an inning, cut thesound down and just watch. Look at

the body language of the players.This Astros team right now does not believe
that they're going to win every timethey take the diamond. I didn't feel
this way last season. Now Iget it. That's coming off of a
championship in twenty two. Ready toRain? Can we repeat the marketing campaign

all the things that we went throughlast season? Cut the sound down.
You can do it from your desktop. Go to the highlights from last night,
cut the sound down, and justwatch the body language. Joege Spotter
has his work cut out for him. I do not envy his position.

Dana Brown. I don't know whatother buttons you can push at this point.
I won't get into what you couldhave done other than what were doing.
What you're gonna call up Pedro leonefor the outfield. We're not doing
that, Zoe Pa Fido likely onthe way what they've done. The Astros

are leading major League Baseball. Ithink it's twenty three now, Connor,
you'll correct me if I'm wrong.I think it's twenty three pitches used now
the most majors, by the way, Congratulations for us Whitley. That's our
standing achievement. He has now accomplishedwith very very very few people in the
world get an opportunity to do playpro baseball in America. I'll get to

that in the next second. Butfor me, I walk away going without
the controversial calls. You know what, played a second one. Let's get
down here to the ninth inning.I saw Bregman over there on third base.
Some people are saying, shoot,he has shaded closer to the back.
I'm not gonna tell Bregman, noquestion how Bregman plays third base.
I'm beyond he Yeah, I'm notdoing that. He's me on that now.

Was it a tight call? AndI changed my mind on that.
Let's hear this double from the Bravesthat would be in the ninth inning and
delivers that's lifted shallow left field outas Bregmant and is McCormick, and it
is Jess Fair bounces on the lineand then bounces over the wall. That's
going to be a rule book double, and the Braves will pick up two

more runs as Ozuna and Arci hasscored, and it has fort to nothing
Atlanta in a pair. All right, first glance, I thought it was
fair. Replay, thought it wasfoul. After the replay they made the
call wasn't enough to overturn. I'mlike I, and it sucks. It's

one of those nights. Now lastnight, when you guys tell me one
on one sixty two last night becauseof those two controversial calls, I'll buy
that. I will take last nightof one sixty two within context, because
those two controversial calls counted for atleast three Atlanta runs and may have been
five if you include what happened inthe aftermath immediate aftermath of both of those

decisions. I'll take last night asone of one sixty two. But these
other games, these other series.Oh and that's another thing, glad I
got there. Uh it's you know, I said I was gonna pull this
up, and then I didn't.Something else jumped out to me when I'm
watching the game last night and I'mjust thinking about this Brave series. By
the way, there's afternoon baseball forthe Astros and Braves, final game of

a three game set coming up righthere. I believe Gordy has Astros on
deck shortly after twelve pm. Let'sgo to these standards. I just want
to make sure that I'm accurate here, because Lord knows, y'all will let
me have it if I miss speakinganything around this junk. All right,
let's go to here. New YorkYankees currently twelve and six. They are
top the AL East. I'll tellyou what. Let's make this thing fun

and let's go league wide. YayGuardians, actually twelve and five. We
get them at the end of thismonth. Yay by win percentage. Yankees
twelve and six. They currently sittingsecond in the AL. The Braves at
eleven or five, currently sitting firstin the AL. Here's the question I
ask as we go to break,Let's open up the phone lines. Let's
talk to the people. Seven onethree, two one two five, seven

ninety. We've now seen the Yankees, and we've now seen the Braves both
series and Mini May Park, andwe might get swept by both depending on
what happens this afternoon. That's thebenchmark right now that you gauge if this
is indeed a World Series team ornot. I am absolutely miffed at the

difference from the twenty three team andwhat I'm seeing in twenty four. Miffed
they do not look like the same. Butche it is one hundred and eighty
degree turn the other way. Itdoesn't mean there aren't some good things that
have happened, including last night.We'll talk about some on the other side.

But this team does not believe.There's nothing you can tell me definitively
that represents championship level baseball. Comparethem to essentially the two best teams in
the respective leagues, the Yankees andthe Braves. Look at the lineups.
Oh, by the way, bothof those organizations have aces and have starters
that are hurt as well. They'restill producing runs. They still have some

dude yesterday, not last night,night before last. Some dude named Vines
is coming in here, some youngfella. It's frustrating. I'm frustrated.
Let's get on the couch. We'lldo it together. On the other side.
Seven one, three, two twofive, seven ninety. Your confidence
given that these astros have now sizedup against the Yankees and the Braves.

More to come, We hear fromDana Brown in the eleven o'clock hour.
I presume this is next up ona Wednesday Sports Talk seven ninety. Who's
got next? Next, great one? What's coming next? What do we
do next? And who's gotta takeit to the next level? Next up?
Next step back to Stanton Northfleet andChris Gordy. This is next up

by Sports Talk seven ninety. Here'sthe two to Michael Harris. Curve ball
bounced right side to his right atSingleton. He gloves takes it the first
side, retired one two three,inning for a Hunter Brown. My nail
tag knows how to keep it alittle secret. I don't wish for my

success. I speaking, I caughta button on a Brown broad vo to
you, sir. I was concerned, and we all were. That was
huge. You're a damn live Youweren't nervous when Hunter Brown went out there.
But Hunter Brown held his own.Let me get to those numbers unless
you have him up right now,Gordy. I'm trying to get down here
to uh Hunter Brown's numbers what sixinnings, five hits, two runs,

but in actuality it was three k's. It was one run because he left.
He left the game. They triedto squeeze another inning out of him,
and I kind of was like,Eh, don't don't temp fate here.
He was pitching great, don't getme wrong, but he has a
quick sixth inning lineout, ground out, ground out, and I'm like,
six innings of one on ball hunterBrown, take a value, did your

job, but instead they running backout. During the seventh, Austin Riley
doubles, he walks Olsen, hewalks those in and then they go to
the bullpen. Sean Dubin did agood job of limiting respect, gives up
a sackfly that was a basis loadedjam top. Nobody out, so he
gives up the sackflies and strikes outkelling Nick and then gets you or May
to ground out. But Dan Dubenat the end of the night, excuse

me, Dubin in the ninth,Yeah, well, so he pitched a
he he gets out of the seventh, he pitches a clean eighth, and
then again you tempt fate with sendinghim out there in the in the in
the ninth, I would have pulledhim and went to I would have given
if you were gonna give force Whitleythe ball, I would have rather have

given him the ball for for youknow, a clean start of the ninth
in a two nine ball game.Hopefully he gets the ray outs and you
go to the bottom of the ninthyou're all down to nothing. Instead,
uh, Dubin goes in, hegets he gets the ground out first,
and then he single single, singleground world double. Suddenly it's a two
nothing game, goes to four nothing, and then you go to Fort Whitley

and they get a tough spot forWhitley. Hey man, all these inherited
runners. Good luck. So buteven with that, kudos to Forst Whitley.
Right two thirds of an inning,he allowed one hit, he did
walk one. Yeah, eighteen pitches, no more runs added. So I
will give it for as Whitley,you know what, well use it as
he doesn't the run, none ofthe runs. So yes, zero e

r a. Uh. But tome stand, the story of the game
was seven hits. Uh. Threeof those came in the ninth inning when
it was six nothing. I likethe Tucker home run. I liked the
pain, but like, come on, dude, you weren't com you weren't
rallying from a six run deficit inthe nine. I mean, this team
has not rallied barely at all thisyear. I have numbers. Yeah.
I mean again, like we cansay, you know, maybe you do

a few things differently. You goto the bottom of the ninth and it's
two nothing. Okay, this Tuckerstill hit that home run. Maybe,
but I mean it's it's just thisteam that they've not done it all years.
So just to assume, oh,well, they were gonna come back
in the night, or they weregonna score those two runs that tight up
in the ninth, I can't geton board with that. I just to
me the biggest story though it wasthree eight innings, you had four hits

and no runs. The show forit, this offense is just the Braves
pitching staff has just shut them downthe past two nights, and that's the
story of the series. Let mehear this, Kyle Tucker Homer, please,
because there's something significant about what hedid in the ninth what two and
talker belts it deep to right fieldand you can't kiss that one good bye.

Kyle Tucker homers for the fifth timethis year and it is six to
one. Atlanta first home run andAaron Bummer has allowed to a lefty in
nearly five years. Kyle Tucker upright away, appreciate Robert Ford and Steve
Sparks, Astros Radio Network right hereon seven to ninety KBA Media Home Astros
Baseball. Kyle Tucker's three hundred andseventy eight foot job to right field made

it six to one. Braised inthe bottom of the ninth. We know
that Dubon would single also in thebottom of ninth made things interesting. Pin
your scores. You got the whatpotential game time run in the circle on
deck circle and when it was likenobody, nobody believe's gonna happen, and

it was two outs at that point. But let me add this, because
you've been on this for a whileand I heard something on the broadcast that
dove a little deeper. Do youunderstand that that Kyle Tucker homer was the
first run the Astros have scored inthe ninth inning all season? Wow,
I saw and somebody will correct me. I know you guys out there,

your little geeks with your notepad andyou're tablet, you're looking at it,
got your AI device and you're lookingat everything. I say, the Astros
have been severely outscored in the eighthand ninth innings thus far this season,
including last night, the Astros aretwenty seven. They're being outscored twenty seven
to four over both innings. They'rebeing outscored sixteen to two the night and

that's at the last night. Somethingis a miss with the bets late and
I don't know if that's a spotand not putting the right dudes a pinch
that came up into question again.There's a very simple thing here too well.
I mean you can look at itthe other the opposing teams that you're
playing. You know, if they'rein a position to win, they're throwing
their their best arms and they're usingtheir closers and you know you're not able

to do anything. But it's verysimple solutionaire Stan. You know how you
don't have to rally late is scoreearly. Is get a damn lead,
score some runs, put up acrooked number and let's go. And we've
seen this year when this team hasbeginnings, they win those games when they
have the four run inning, whenthey have the you know, the multiple

home run inning. I mean,it's that when these guys it's it's it
seems so very simple, but it'slike when this offense is humming the teams
winning games when they're not, theycan't win. They can't win close to
two to one or three to two, which is what I said, And
you didn't hear me. Open theshit, oh I said. Compare what
we've seen from the Astros through nineteengames. That's eleven percent of the regular

season. So let's not act likeit's trump change. Eleven percent of the
season is pretty It's not a hugesemple size, but it is a sample.
Compare what we've seen now from theseAstros. Compare them to the Braves,
the best team in the NL,and compare them to what we saw
from the Yankees to open up theseason. And both of those organizations are
dealing with injuries in their starting rotationas well. The Astros for the first

time since I've been here, Gordydon't look at perform like a championship caliber
team. Jose twove oh for four, but he's been solid. I'll leave
him alone. Jordan Oh for fourwithout the Kyle Tuck home run in garbage
time, he'd be oh for four, Alex Bregman, oh for four,
Chas McCormick, my gun, Isee, we'll get to him in a

second. Well, what kills metoo is the it's you know, it's
it's funny like like John Singleton's gota couple hits, but the like they
they John Singleton will come up,come up with one out and two men
on and he strikes out. He'llcome up with a runner on second,

no outs and pop out. Butthen the next inning nobody's on and he'll
single and it's like, where isthe timely freaking hitting one for eight last
night with runners to score position,Like why can't we come through and a
get it? The pictures are doingtheir best, they're they're not giving you
anything to hit, but like someof this man the last two nights,
Yord on his approach, dude,you need a night off. You look

like you need a night off.You look these some of these at bats
are like, what are you swingingout? What the hell's going to go
on? Chas McCormick, right now, four for twenty nine, ten strikeouts
over that span. Let's close outthis segment. We'll keep talking to astros
on the other side, Let's goto al Campo. Tom is good morning,
wanting I enjoy your show. Ihave a question to comment about the
astros. Prior to Dana Brown's hiring, Jim Crane was like the acting general

manager. He hired Jeff Bagwell ashis special advisor. Okay, then he
hires Daniel Brown, and Daniel Brownknew that Jeff Bagwell was a special advisor.
Donhount the other day that visio ReggieJackson and those three guys have say
so and player personnel control. Whocan override who when it comes to signing
players like a brad You was JeffBagwell's idea. That's why they gotta Brad

you get p hate him too muchmoney? Contract you long? How much
say so? Can Can Danny Brownoverride those three guys chwice the decision on
who they're gonna sign. No,Tom's well work. We're up against the
brother. I know you listen andI appreciate the comment. The answer is
no. Dana Brown, when he'sin that room with Crane and Video and
Bagwell and Riggie Jackson, what thehell is Dana Brown gonna say? It's

the owner and three dudes that playedprofessionally longer than Dana's been a professional.
No, Dana Brown's in the secondyear being a GM ever in his life.
Dana Brown better shut the hell up. And I say that just being
tongue in cheek because I'm doing aradio show. But I'm being serious.
What is he gonna say? Theonly listening to two of the most recognizable

three faces in the history of Astrosbaseball, oh and Abie Hall of fame
and a Legendgie. I don't wantto separate a little bit. There's different
dynamics here. When they let goof James Click and they were in search
for a GM, Baggie had alreadybeen around as a special advisor, so
at Craig Bigio, so Enis Cabell, a lot of these guys, Bagwall

kind of elevated and went they theywent and had the meeting with jose A.
Brady. He said, Hey,I'll come help you out while we're
looking for a GM. And allthis once Stana Brown was hired. Jeff
is still around. Yes, Jeffwas at at spring training helping out a
volunteer in all this, But like, I don't want it to seem like
daily team meetings. Jeff Bagwell isin the room with Jim Crane and they're

going all these meetings together and allthis, so it's like his role is
still Yes, he still has avoice in that room. But I think
we're I think where listeners have goneto is, oh, well, you
know, Bagwe wherever Jim Crane is, there's Bagwall in his ear, Like
that's not necessarily the case. Idisagree. We pushed back on the other
side. The Sports Talk seven ninetyHome Astros Baseball Next Up continues on your

computer. Listen to Sports Talk sevenninety on any device with our free iHeart
radio apps. I would say,you know, I'd like to see that
the bats are coming alive, butthey've been a little bit inconsistent. You
know, the bullpen is still strugglinga little bit, and we did get

some good starts, uh, youknow from some of our starters, so
you know, ultimately, uh,you know, we're six and thirteen,
just three and a half back withone forty three to go. It's been
a tough ride for us early,you know, because we're playing really good
teams. You know, this isyou're getting the strongest part of your schedule
at the beginning of the year,which is always tough. Brown. What

he said there's true. Oh mygod, he takes a cynical when you
have that out of Dana Brown's gentlemenof Astros, welcome back. In the
next up that's at Chris Gordon.I'm at stand sportsman, of course,
where sports talks have ninety Gordon,we've been doing good. Now me and
you're about to argue because you're aboutto defend this madness that Dana Brown is
talking about and now some other thingsthat he said. That was curtisy of

the Seawan Sofigrid show this morning.It's hey, god it they're a stating
fact. To be a champion,you have to beat championship teams on this
sheet of paper and this is thescalp. October, I'm confused. How
about all season? Well, October'swanted how about all season? I'm just
telling you this schedule tells you truemillions of dollars, you don't have to

be good teams. The Astros havenot played great baseball? Is that a
factory? In fact, the Astroshave a losing records. That a factor
of fact. The Astros have playedtough opponents, is that a factor in
a pension? Fat? Okay,so all these things can be true.
They've also played. The Astros havebeen a more productive and winning organization than

every team they've lost to this season. Fact or no, true or false
what the Ashos have been in thelast seven years. If you're a winning
organization, you can't just be awinning organization when you're beating over achieved the
Dolls. No, no, no, no, I'm saying, like,
compared to other teams and what they'vedone, the Dodgers have underachieved over anybody.
The Braves, I'd argue, theygot the one World Series, but

my god, if they underachieved theyplayed in the one, they should be
in the NLCS every year. Iagree with that, them and the Dogs,
comparing them to the Guests. Soand the Yankees, my god,
haven't sniffed the World Series since twentynine, since two thousand and nine.
So, but we can't do that. We can't elevate the Astros over here
and say this is the Golden era. Look at us. We're in the
Model franchise. And I'm with thatbecause the Astros have earned that. But

now when things ain't going so well, we go over where that has tough
teams and we've got injuries. Everybodyin the league has injuries to their arms.
I'm not buying that BS. Weshould not. And you know what,
I'd say this all the time,and y'all get me heated your five
bestar of y'all being cool with teamsjust lying to you. That's that is.
You know, I'm not gonna saydata line is lying. I can,

I can I modify my position.Dana Brown isn't lying. Dana Brown
is just telling half truth. Whathe should be saying is it is unacceptable
that the Astros are putting that producton the field, giving what's being paid
the third highest paid roll in baseball, given the All Stars that are out
there. Kyle Tucker's still a AllStar. So is your given what jose
L two Bay is, Given whatJeremy piny is being as a former MVP,

given what's going on with yan nd As in his elevation to be
the everyday catcher, given what JoseBrady was making, Given Alex Bregman wants
a contract at this Kyle Tucker,it is unacceptable for the gentle man give
him on their ways, and he'ssupposed to come on the radio and say
that no, no to that grosshacks between Bregman and now two fight all
that we going. You're Dana Brownsaid today this. I'm sorry. Do
we live in a world where agentle manager can't tell his guys out publicly?

I need you, I love whatyou know? Now long let me
do it behind closing. No,no, no, he's email joker said
it the other week. Email Dookacalled his team. He said, we
would cowards in the moment we did. We got pumped. He said,
we were there in the hair lights, we played scalp and he says the
things I'm telling you and the press. I told my team Dana Brown everything

that he tells those players, youknow, the ones that he's around every
day, he could be telling us. Now he's not going to That's not
his style. It doesn't stop.Dana Brown's not in the clubhouse every day.
No, I've never I've never seenDana Brown in the clubs. GM
shouldn't be in the clubhouse, DanaBrown. Just the office where you're Dana
Brown, just on game days.Just not around the courthouse, not in

the clubs. When I saw himin the hallway, so we just don't
believe Dana Brown talks to Al tubonce a week. What are we doing
here? I'm once away, whatare we talking? Look in baseball,
GM's are mostly out of sight,out of mind. Now, Joe Spotted
should be in that clubhouse. Spottedshould be talking to those guys. But
Thomas for Dana. I just ifDana had done that today, it's front

page news and the chronicle. GMcalls out. They don't think they know
that, they know that. Youknow what I would have said, GM
tells the truth about the state ofthe damn team, because maybe that comment
with light a fire on this bleepingteam. Since Joe Spotder doesn't appear to
be able to Every time I talkedto Spoter, all he says is it's
gonna be okay and it may turnaround. That doesn't stop. Through nineteen

games. What we've seen, theyare not playing at a championship level baseball
that this city has come to knowand this city deserves. Given with money
that's being spent in the names thatare on the round stuff, championships are
one in April. That's not thebleeping point. The point is that Dana
Brown is coming on here with somebs and he has something. How does
it bs like what he's Everybody thatbuilding should have a positive attitude on We're

gonna turn this around. No,they should. The players should absolutely believe
that they can. I don't playover there. The astros don't pay me
a damn dime. I'm not ontheir pre a post game cover. So
I'm gonna tell the truth. Evenif I was, I'm not paying by
the team. He gotn't asked youabout your business. I said, I'd
love to take a check from Jimkran I've never made a dime from Jim

Kran. So Thomas and L.Campbell. Then we come into the phone
line seven one three two two fiveninety. I got sidetracked with this Dana
Brown business. Thomas and L.Campbell called in to us at the end
of the previous segment and we're talkingabout the organizational dynamic. I think it
would behoove Jim Crane to listen tothe man that in Dana Brown, that

he has the pulse of the miners, He has the relationship with the agents,
he has a bead on what therest of MLB is thinking and feeling
and saying, and so he hasa better gauge of the day to day
monotony. That is what a gentlemanager in the league is. So if
I'm Jim Crane and there's a conversationin the room to me, Dana Brown

like he should tip the scales.Now, I don't know if he does
or does not. All I knowis it feels like Crane and Visio and
more a bag wheel and Reggie theydo some things over here as far as
free agents and contracts, and thenDana you go handle you know, as
far as Whitney ready to come up, you go deal with that. And
something named Blair Henley. I'm notletting Blair Hanley go by the way.

Well again, I think it's alittle let me. Let me just fill
people in. Like Jim Crane's atthe ballpark a lot. Jim Crane runs
businesses. A lot of his focuson a day to day basis is on
his other businesses and all this baseballis a part of his day every day.
I'm sure he gets an update onwhat's going on with the Astros and
all this. But like Jim Craneis not sitting in an office right now,

I really fix this team. Likehe's doing his things being an owner,
but he's doing his thing. Thereare people that are that have been
hired to do jobs. Dana Brownwas hired to be the GM. A
big portion of of Dana's background wasn'tscouting, and so his big his big
task was to come in and helprebuild this farm system. But Dana is
also yes on day to day He'sthe one talking to gms about a potential

trade. He's the one doing thisand that. I'm just saying we're over
put. Like f Bagwall is notsitting in a border room every day talking
about what moves the astrois getting.It doesn't matter. He's he's an advisor,
but he's not what It doesn't matterif it comes down to a decision
what to do with Jose or Bray, you to get Blake Snail or to

not get Blake Snail. I respectthe careers of baggieo Visio Bagwell and Reggie
Jackson. How could you not?It's not personal. The GM is working
with the manager every day. Heshould be the deciding voice other than the
owner in the room. Now.I don't know if that's happening or not,
but all I know is Danny Browncan't peel on my leg and tell

me is raining that's absurd? NowI get it. He's gonna have to
What did you specifically say he liedabout? I said, he's not telling
the whole truth. Okay about what? Oh it's a tough schedule. Yeah,
but we're also one of the bestrosters in baseball. That's what he
should be saying. Yeah, Imean, but he didn't say the other
part. It's my part. Sohe's got he's got to remind people where
one of the best teams. Yes, and he should be reminding that team.

Maybe they're all is there one ofthe best teams. Your record is
what says what you are. Righton the other Sidequard, we gotta take
these calls. Lines are loaded sevenone, three, two and two five
seven ninety Dwayne Trevor, Kevin tomin downtown. We'll grab you on the
other side. We finish up thereout with talking Astros baseball. We have
afternoon baseball over at min in MayPark. Let's wrap up this three game
set versus the Braves and try notget swept. My god, the legendary

KB and me with yourn next stuppitchers tremble with fear. You right o.
The rest hop Off Comfree right overwith north Fleet and Gordyon. Next
up, Bellies, Tremble with Hunger, lunchtime is so close until then show
Down on More, Next time alone, Suicide College. It's one of my

tracks right there. All right,let's wrap up out one here on a
hopday, Wednesday, seventeenth of April. Stan Fleet and Gordon hanging out with
my brother Comedy mcgovernor on the otherside as well, Gord, I know
you have some things you want toget to. Let's hear from the people,
though, because you and I couldyell at each other and debate and
pontificate and do all the things Astrostake a ail and a lot of the

same things plagued them last night thathas plagued them this series versus the Braves
that has plagued them this season.Then Dana Brown dropped by to Sean Salisbury
show. We'll get back to thatin eleven o'clock out because I'm still not
through with that Tom in Downtown.You're next up, Hey, guys,
thanks for taking my call. Man, Hey, listen, I love the

banter you guys got. I agreewith Doerty sometimes and I agree with you
stand most of the time winning sports. It sets the tone down the road.
I know we got a long wayto go, but I don't want
to see the Braves sweeping up today. Yankee Gordy seats us. We're going
to see them in the playoffs.They shouldn't be sweeping us. I agree,
that's one thing. Second thing Iwant to say listening to Dallas radio

was up there three days last week. They're killing the Rangers up there.
They're saying that the Astros are notgoing to keep playing as bad as they're
playing, and they're not taking advantageof it. So they're not having a
good time up there in Dallas overwhat's going on. The division is not
getting away from us. So wegot that on our side. But nonetheless,

they got to snap at it this. I got two things left to
go. I want you to thinkabout this, talk about it with Sewn.
Well, the Astros win ten gamesbefore they lose twenty. That's the
first thing. And the second thingis I think they're gonna move that other
Relieverer they got. I think they'relooking to do a deal to get a

picture. Why would he not bepitching? Got that on you? Oh
no, I'm talking. I'm talkingI'm talking about their other reliever, not
Hater. Yes, I'm talking aboutPresley. Man. They don't need him,
they're rich in that position. Theyneed another starter. Guys, I
know we got that coming back.We can't rely on it. Tom in
Downtown, I appreciate it. Brotherly. You're not trade. They're not trading.

One, they're not training for becausethey got starters coming back getting healthy
right now. Two they're not Ryan. Presley is your setup man. Right
now we're adding spot closer when Hateris not available. So why would you
trade that? That's an asset.Why would you get rid of that?
And for I know Sean and themwe're talking about this morning. They literally
sat on the radio broadcast last nightthat if if, if the game,
if they had taken the lead orthe tie, we were seen Pressley.

You're not throwing Pressley enough to nothingfor now. I mean Sean Dubin did
a good job, and then youknow, Forced Whitley did his thing.
So it's like, I don't knowwhy. Like we did the same crap
with Stanek a couple years ago.When we don't see a guy for three
days, we go, where ishe? Oh my god? Like,
well, they're all. They're alltext. The bottom line is the bullpen
is taxed. Yes, and whenthe starters have given us what they've given

us the last two and a halfweeks, everybody's text. It's pressure all
over the place. The every playeron that Fordy Man roster is tense.
That alsphinter is tight. They arenot playing loose, confident Haampi hip level
astros baseball. I'll tell you thisright now, you're facing Max Free today.

Well do you think that's listen hereon seven ninety Well, I'm just
gonna say Max Free is not beinggood Franz versus Max Free. Has jp
been excellent this eas No, he'sbeen afful No, he's not been awful.
The last time we saw last timewas not good. That last time
was awful. The two times beforethat we were were fine. They were
they were exactly what you would takeout of your number five rotation piece.
But Max Freed has an area ofeight seventy four. If they come out

today staying they have three four hits, like, there needs to be a
come to Jesus meeting with the hittingcoach with all the guys and going what
the hell is wrong with you?Find a way to hit, like,
why are you getting ship? What? You guys hit the ball at crazy
on over the weekend. You werehitting Nathan Evaldi on Sunday? What's what?
What's up with these braves? Pictureswere suddenly y'all go like a turtle

into a shell. Ronaldo Lopez hada gym. Yes today, I'm a
cy Young Award. Kid's fantastic.He has like a point zero five are
now he's done against everybody this year? Fair? Yeah, he's been awesome.
Uh, Dwayne and l Passo gettinghere, Dwayne? You still with
us? Going once, going twice, three times? Dwayne? Oh shoot,

we got him right there at theend, Dwayne, if you can
make it back in, I'll askConnor put you off. Kevin and Conroe.
Let's talk about Hey, how's itgoing there? Man? How you
guys? What up? How youfeel? Hey? Man? Look I
am I'm looking at the astros andnow they're gonna come upon in time.

Uh you you you went down alist of you know of uh you know,
we we have these players. Youknow, we've got all star players,
We've got championship players and and thisis just my feeling. I'm just
they've got the coach, the newcoach, the new manager. Yeah,

eventually he's gonna have to be broughtinto the equation and something, because hey,
that's that's why they're there, youknow. Uh, you bring in
different managers to get guys to play, to get through different different struggles.

You know, Astros brought in Dustinwhen they're gone through the crap. You
know what they went through is isthat some at some point in time,
a manager, if he's the rightmanager to get the most out of these
guys. Now, I know theteam has played a lot of baseball,
man over the last six seven years, those guys have played a lot of

beat They played a lot. TheAstros have lost some people in the process
of these years that they didn't replace. So you know, uh, at
some point, you know, didwe bring in enough people or they got
have to make a move to bringin some more energy, uh into the
locker room. But you know,he's gonna have to come in. He's

kind of coming to play. We'regiving him a buy right now. But
that's his responsibility and that's why he'sthere. Appreciate Kevin and comrade. Gotta
cut you a little short right there, Kevin, because we're up against it.
Yes, you know we're gonna haveto discuss you know, Joe's spotting
and and as this thing progresses,Gordy, he's being called into question here

and there. I'm fine with criticismfor but quantify it, like when people
just go must be managing lineup?What's wrong with the lineup? We We've
had all these conversations. Every timeI bring it up. We say,
you agree with everything Joe spot hasdone. No, no, no,
But I'm saying I'm asking have youbrought you I'm asking a questions. He's
had some some difference from any otherman. Join. There have been moments

he's had some rooky mistakes and that'sfine. I said the same thing about
the Miko what was the rookie mistakes? Though, man, listen, there
have been times in the lineup stickingwith God. So we just got through
talking about it. He should havepulled dubin an ending earlier like we we
can go up every game or everyother game, whatever we can do that.
I don't want to get calling thatbecause work against I really want to
make this point for people, andthis is really my way to early crowd.

And I'm not saying this guy isfalling for what my man just said.
The previous collar was that Tom ofDowntown two dollars ago. The Rangers
are not separating the Astros. Asbad as it's been, the Astros are
still just three and a half gamesback from the Division League. I still
believe this is a postseason baseball clubchampionship level. I don't see that right

now. Postseason. Yes. Thepace that Astros are on right now they
haven't seen since twenty sixteen. Andin that twenty sixteen season, I remind
you, they won eighty four games, and under the current playoff format,
Gordy, they still wouldn't have madethe postseason. Now, I'm not saying
this has to equate to that.I'm just saying the hell what Dana Brown

is talking about, and that's ahalf truth. The schedule has been daunting,
but it doesn't get easier in probaseball. You're going to have to
be competitive. The al wab thisis not as weak as it was,
so you gonna have to go playand you don't have as many games.
It used to be nineteen. Nowit's thirteen in the Division. So they
better get their head out of theirbleak or this thing is gonna take a
whole different tone now. I knowgoing to some people hit it over the

minute Maten this afternoon. The lineupis out. Don't know what they're driving,
but I know some friends that wantto help them. You know,
somebody helps somebody. Well on theworld. It's a new season, it's
a new year. It should bea new u and you should get out
to Fred Has to the World.The red tags are out at fred Haster
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Get it out there, Fred hastotal world. Now what's next? Next
stop? It's the next man up, next stop, the next step,

Take the next step, next stop, next stop, next next stop.
This team wants to be next.This is next up with stad Norfleeten,
Chris Gordy. Let's see what's nextnext next final hour of the show here
at Sports Talk seven ninety, yourhome of Houston. Sports appreciate everybody that

has US pre set number one onyour audio dial. You missed out with
one, Shame on you. Let'snot let that happen again. Go to
Sports seven ninety dot com you canhear me and go to argue about the
state of the astros. Has everybodyin it Izzy Also the pre iHeartRadio app
readily available at your disposal. Gotmy homegirl Kim David. She's gonna pull
up on us sign about thirteen minutesor so. You know her show Chalk

Talk. She's been in this citycovering these teams for a long time.
She was over the pressers at NRGand Toyota Center this week. I want
to hear from her. Not sureif she made it over the minute made
yesterday Monday or yesterday. Lineup isout for this third game of this three
game series. Brian McTaggart tells methat al two, Vey's at one spun

lead. No, there's Jordan stillat two, Bregman at three, splitting
up the lefties. So there's Bregmanin between Jordan and Tuck. Yeh in
DS. So who's in CeNAT today? Mauricio Dubon, Jose Bray you returns
and his point zero eight two averageover the first base Karantini he catches for

the Strows this afternoon, Max Friedon the bump for the Atlanta Braids.
JP Franz Hunter Brown was better lastnight than the previous out and we saw
from him JP Franz, Yeah,talk to Hunter whatever he had for lunch
yesterday. Yeah, you do that. Make that your pregame meal. Astros
currently three and a half games backof the Rangers in the AL West.

Astros six and thirteen on the season. Things have not looked this bad around
here this early since twenty sixteen.Astro's currently on a two game losing streak.
There's a lot of ground to cover. We can go wherever you want
to go. I gotta get tothis day in a brown audio. But
I also want to hear last nightJoe spotted. I need you to explain

what the hell is going on overthere because the people want to know.
I appreciate you guys calling in sevenone three, two one two five seven
ninety. Let's go to uh.Let me dip up to the woodlands.
Trevor has been holding for a while. Trevor, I appreciate you. Good
morning, Good morning. So Itried to call right after your ramp from
last segment. I was gonna belike, preach, preach everything I wanted

to say you did say. Ihaven't always agreed to what you said.
I know, but I've come tolove you and I always love Fordy.
But no, so call me spoiled, but here's me as an astress fan.
I'm not panicked. Call me spoiledlike I can't see us by July,
not just being a well oiled machinewith what we have and it's all
just clicking. And if in Julywe're a couple of games back, five,

ten, whatever you want to say, they don't start worrying, panicking.
But we'll be up three games bythen. In my eyes, all
right. Trevor new Woodland said he'snot panicking yet. He wants to get
to July. I think I'm gonnaknow who this team is before we get
to July. Now again, Iunderstand, Dana Brown says, Hey,

look at who we've played. Yeah, but look at who you are.
I don't worry about radio hosts inChattanooga and Birmingham and Columbia, South Carolina.
I'm in Houston. What do theysound like at DFW, What they
sound like in Chicago? What's goingon New York, La, Atlanta,
Philly, even I'm not worried aboutwhat the hell is going on? All

due respect in love itck on somesports talk radio. This is a different
league, the Astros. I compareyou to the best, because that's what
you've been. The Yankees and theBraves and the Guardians, who I haven't
seen. We'll see them at theend of this month. How do they
look compared to them? Comparing ourselves? Oh, Dani Brown, Oh,

stand the schedule. We got ofinjuries. So do the Braves, so
do the Yankees. I don't care. Be better, be better. If
this was the best version of theAstros, I wouldn't have anything to say,
I'd be like, you know what, it's Baseball's competitive sports. You're

gonna win some, you lose some. I get it. Were there some
controversial calls last night, Yep,we'll hear Joe spotting just a matter of
fact, let me have spott itright now, Connor, what the hell
you doing standing up? Let mestanding up in there. Uh, let
me have Joe spot on these controversialcalls last night, which I agree with
him. They accounted for three runsand it could have been as many as
five. I will for the firsttime here last night was one of one

sixty two. Joe spot on thecontroversial calls in the second and ninth innings.
Yeah, you know, I thoughtthe first one hit the yellow lion
ever left the ballpark, so Ithought they missed that call. The other
one down the third baseline, youknow, he could have gone either way.
It was really really close. ButI thought the other one was pretty

clear. The ball never hit theyellow line and just came back on the
field. So yeah, I saidit to open the show. I thought
the first one, by definition wasa home run, the solo shot by
Orlando I Sea and I went backand forth on that up the third baseline

there in the ninth I thought itwas the right call initially, then I
questioned it when they went to NewYork or Jersey, wherever the hell it
is, this is right there togetherhills, the river separating, and then
uh, at the end of theday, I was like, m they
went with what they called shouldn't havecome to that al two vah for four,

jord On oh for four, Tuckgot one hit and happened to be
a home run. Brego oph meansthat they're just not playing, not playing
goobon, and they're not playing goodball. Keyword consistently. That's just not what
we've come to know from the HoustonAstros. It's a little bit maddening,

all right, Johnny Neville, let'stalk some strokes there. It is got
that consistency word, the consistency wordthat don't mess with, don't don't fix
something that ain't broke. Man.I did not like this Jordan deal going
to number two hole. What ishe done? Nothing? He's in a
homer here or a homer there,or the ball to the deep center field,

but leave his butt in the fourhole. It don't it don't it's
not working. You played with it? Did Dusty do it? No?
Did Dusty winning World Series? Yes, that's a fair point, Dana Brown.
I don't want to hear this crapabout all our picture staff's coming back
up. Man. Justin Verlander gothis butt whooped in double A the other

day, Double A. That's notnecessarily fair that the defense behind them can
come into question. So there aresome other variables. Oh, let's look
on the back of this morning backof a damn baseball pacifying the damn fans
of Houston. Man, this ain'tsomething I ain't right. I've said it

on Shawn Show, and I'll sayit here. If I'm wrong, I'll
call back at the end of theyear say I'm wrong. But something ain't
right in that locker room. Dude, main't driving. John. I don't
care what they say, but Idon't want to hear back. But they
love a spider Man. The Spottymight be out of his league, Johnny
ne Field. I thank you foryour call. Brother A. Spotder says

he has confidence in the in thecrew. Connor, Uh could talking to
you girfriend on the phone. Getput up? Bring up George Spotter from
last night. Let me come alone. Yeah, they you know, they
pitch well, and our guys aregrinding about you even going to ninth in
in there, grinding, fighting tillthe end. You know, we almost
brought alt to it the time runto the plate. We we forced him
to use your closer, which wealmost stop it. Stop it right there,

stop me, I'll stop it.I'm sorry. Right there, we
almost got the tying run to theplate. We made them use their closer
for two bitches, two outs orwhatever. It was like, Is this
what Asta's baseball is in twenty four? Stop this? Okay, running back
because I interrupted, Joe, I'msorry. Run that thing back so the
people can hear. How shut up, Houston, I'm sorry. Brought Altua

the time run to the plate.We we forced him to use your closer,
which that's always a good thing.You know. We come back from
wrong. We what he's going on. Manage it as ball club in this
first season, Dwayne and l Passo. I thank you for your patience.
Brother, Get in here, you'renext up. Yes, sir, I

just wanted to say, to bea winning Major League baseball team, you
gotta win more games than you losein a month. And at the rate
they're going now. Oh man,they're gonna see twenty before they see ten
wins. And the other thing wasabout Dana Brown. That man's hiding something.
I'm not calling him a liar,but I'm telling you all he's hiding

something because this Franburgh issue, thishas been going on. Just two dogs
gone long for anybody. When willhe be able to pitch? Is the
question? And all we're getting backis answer is that, well, he'll
be here next week. He'll behere next week, He'll be here next
week. So hey, God,bless the peace be with y'all. Thank

you so much. Appreciate you,Dwayne all the way and m pass so
courtesy of the iHeartRadio app. Ipresume let me see here if Justin Verlander
will make his debut likely on Friday, hadn't seen anything on Framburrh. Gordy
was saying he saw Erkety doing sometossing around over there. Okay, Jesse

in the galleria, let's talk tosome strokes. What's going on? Stan?
Thanks having me on. Thanks man. I just had a question because
someone showed me an article the otherday and it was a quote about from
Justin Verlander and they asked him ifhe was ready to go, and I
think I read it along the linesof yes, I'll be ready to go,

whether it's here or somewhere else.And I was wondering if maybe you
or Gordy saw that, and ifmaybe I'm looking at it from out of
context. But that really raised myeyebrows a little bit. And I'll hang
up and listen, appreciate it.My understanding is that JV again, Yeah,
the plan is for him to beto start Friday in DC. So

everybody on that damn roster needs theoff day tomorrow. They can't wait to
leave men in May. They wantto get the hell out of there.
They want a day and a halfto get it together, get on the
airplane and get to DC and tryand get this thing turned around. So
there's now if there was something thatwas going to instill a fire and confidence

reinvigorate this team, it would beone of those, you know, outings
from a three time Style Young Winner. JV comes back off the il he's
dealing up in Washington one, two, three, shutting him down, guns
blazing, all right. I thinkeverybody goes, okay, maybe that's our
groove. My question to those likemy partner Chris Gordy, who believes everything's

gonna be okay the moment we getthese arms back. My question is,
what if it isn't. Do wereally believe these five pitchers on the il
these are the only injuries we gonnasee all season, and we're sure all
of these guys are gonna pitch atthe top of their performance. They're gonna
be at peak performance for their wholeseason. All right, I'm gonna leave

Dana Brown along. Let's talk tosome other gentlemenagers. One gotta raised yesterday
in the city. We'll talk aboutthat. Kim Davis, Chalk Talk joints
us on the other side. Thisis next up on the Mighty KB and
me. When Fleets speaks, Houstonlistens. Yes, I have a great
shot at already a future brand.I'm liking your stuff. Stanton or Fleet
ten Chris Gordy are next up onSports Talk seven ninety. All right,

let's keep things pushing here on nextup your home of Astros baseball as well
as Rockets basketball. The media wasassembled over there at Toyota Center yesterday afternoon.
Once this show comes included as generalmanager Raphaelstone as well as head coach
Emydoka did their end of the seasondeal, and we also heard from Demico
Ryans. We get Nicko Sario speakingtomorrow. We make care of that here

Joe manager of the Texans. Obviously, Dimico spoke on Monday. He c
J Stroud and Will Anderson Jr.Anytime I'm talking sports in the city,
I got to make sure that Ibring in somebody that is well versed,
heavily connected in the city in termsof what people are feeling, the pulse,
the bs that's going on politically behindthe scenes. Kim Davis of chalk

Talk dropping by. Next up StanFleet Gordy. Gordie had to step out
a minute. Kim, good morning, how are you. Yeah? I
appreciate you because you have such apolite and a very experienced and you know,
a woman's touch and a true professional. You add something to this and
you calm the guys down. Meand Gordy barking at each other all day.
So I appreciate you coming by toease the tention. I don't know

if you heard us about the Astros. I know you watch the games.
I see you over there posting stufffrom men and made all the time breaking
news of a few minutes ago,both Chandler Roam and Brian McTaggert. Verlander
will indeed come off the IL andstart on Friday, based on what we've
seen though thus far, kim thisseries against the Atlanta Braids. Simple question,
what's wrong with the Astro? Wow? You call that a simple question.

The answer may not be easy,but the question is simple. The
answer is not easy. I think, you know, we keep trying to
temper it right when we when wehave any criticism about the Astros and say,
hey, guys, it's still early. It's April. But there are
a few reasons to be concerned.Right. The pitching, the middle relief
pitching has been a problem, noquestion, or even just the relief pitching

has been a problem. There's beensometimes with the starting pitching wasn't great,
but the pitching has fallen apart.So, yes, we found out the
other day that the thought was itVerlander would come off the IL sometime this
weekend and maybe play as early asFriday. So that is going to be
good news. But that's just oneguy. They've got more than a one
spot problem over there, so I'mnot sure what the answer is. I

don't know. We've had them talkabout the lineup, you know, them
not being able to produce runs whenthey need to. But I guess if
I had to pick a thing,you'd have to look at pitchings. That's
where my head is, and Iget the run scored has definitely been an
issue. But Gordon and I goback and forth. The answer to me

is both both are an issue.Let me ask you this, because I
don't get over the minute made asregularly as I should. I'd certainly go
to NRG and Toyota Centemore. Igot to make an effort to get back
over the minute made more regularly.But you're there. Do you think this
team has the same swag that theyhad in previous teams twenty three, twenty

two, obviously seventeen eighteen? Doesit feel the same or is there a
noticeable difference? You know, untilyou mentioned that, I hadn't really thought
about it like that. It feelsperhaps a little different, which is expected
because the leadership is different. Andthat's not a knock on a spot er,
right. We like him. Ithink he's still you know, in

his first season full season as manager, as much as he knows about baseball
and as much as he's been there. It's his first time in this seat,
and I think it makes a difference. And so as he's finding his
way, the guys know him,so you know. Naturally you would think,
why is there any change in thatregard, But perhaps there is,
because it does matter when you've notset in the seat where the buck stops

with you. I'm still thinking he'sgoing to be okay, but it's early
and we just have to We'll haveto wait and see. But it feels
a little bit different now that youmentioned it, when you're in the park,
a little bit, all right,So give that some thought next time
we talk. I'm curious what youfeel, and I'll let you know.
You know, they may not welcomeme behind the bowels of MMP because they
know I'm gonna tell how it is. Kim Davis joining us here on next
up stan Fleet and Gordon. Youknow her work Chalk Talk. You see

her on the YouTube page there youcan follow at Kim y Davis. All
right, let's pivot yesterday Roefel Stoneemai Udoka. Roefael Stone got him some
money. I don't guess anybody hasan issue. He and his lieutenant,
his first lieutenant, signed extensions.What did you hear from roechel Stone,
anything stamp out stand out to you? I guess the only thing and I

don't know if it stood out,but you know, your streets started talking
about a KSD off season, anythingin the roster, you know, what
do you think? And what hesaid was, I like my team.
He says, we're going to alwaysbe open, right because that's my job
if something is out there. Buthe feels they clearly feel good about the
roster they have when you think abouta healthy Tarrie Easton coming back, bring

in a healthy Stephen Adams, thegrowth of what you saw from in the
areas of Alfred Dragoon and even Jalen. So what I took away was and
he was asked this, do youthink this is a team that can take
you further and you can win withAnd the response was yeah, so don't
expect any blockbuster thing happening this summer. I think is the biggest takeaway and

I don't know that we should haveexpected that. But he he talked about
you know you've heard Raphael so heyeah, you gotta really did find it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, he'lltalk and say a lot of nothing
it's fine. I can say it. That's fine. Yeah, all right.
What about Udoka? You know,I know he's got that that stone
cold, stern, chiseled face.Look what was your feeling being in a

building? You've been in that buildingover there at Toyota Center. I bump
into you over there all the time. What is the sense you get of
Udo? Along with his comments yesterdayabout how this twenty three twenty four season
went in his first season here inHouston. So he is that guy,
right, stone cold, that's whathe does. But here's the other thing.
There's no BSk Mudoka right if he'sgonna be straight with you. And

a few things he said. Hesaid he understands why there are some who
talk about how much better this teamdid finish in forty one and forty one,
But he made it very clear thatwas never just a goal, right,
he said. He told the teamwhen they ended the season, let's
make this the last time that weredone in April. He not used to
being done in April, so hemade that very clear. He did talk

about the growth of the team,how they became a and I asked him
where did he see the most growth, and he talked about them being a
more high raising their basketball IQ ifyou will. He said he never had
a problem with their level of beingcompetitive. They bought into what he was.
He and his staff were coaching andteaching and so that was really good.

And obviously the thing he talked aboutall season, he said, they
got to build the consistency. That'swhat got them right, because they had
runs that were high and then theyhad, you know, valleys that also
were low. That were runs inthe valleys, and that's why they are
at home in April. But hesaid, I want them to know this
is not what we played for.And somebody asked him a question about,

hey, last year, this time, you were highly thought after and you
had a lot of options. I'mparaphrasing, you came here. When you
look back now, was that theright mood? Did you feel? Do
you feel good about it? Andso he started by jokingly saying, well,
if I was with it, hementioned a few of the teams,
you know, Arizona, Milwaukee forblah blah, I'd be in the playoffs.
Ha ha ha. Right, asmuch as you a smile out of

him, But he went on tosay, how about all the things that
are good about this rocket opportunity inthis team, and he feels like he's
where he's supposed to be. Iwas worried for a moment. I'm like,
well, where's he going? Where'she going? Well, when I
hear you say that, it makesme think him saying like, yeah,
just so y'all know, I'm notplaying like I can go through this somewhere

else and we would be successful.So don't In other word, he was
just doing the heat check, buthe was doing it on the slide,
like, don't don't come for me, y'all, chill life. We'll be
all right. We're moving along,all right, giving that time is of
the essence. Kim Davis, bythe way of her chalk talk, you
know her work there, so shedoes good job. I'm gonna link you
promote that here at your second NRGon Monday. A little different tone from

what we get at minute May partright now, what we got at Toyota
Center this year, the Texans,they have garnered a lot of attention this
season. eMate Dimiko was asked aboutall of the love and praise that have
been heaped on him. What didyou see feel here? What do you
think about these Texans coming out oftwenty three heading in twenty four. So

I think this is going to beit's gonna be a test. And one
of the things I wanted to knowwas what do you do, especially with
the young players. And I'm goingto say it's specifically like a CJ.
Frown, right, who got somuch of what you just said, the
praise, the accolades. He hada great everything was right for the most
part. How do you help navigatethat so that you build on that success?
And he said, you have tomake sure that you don't let people

get caught up and what was goodlast year, right, it's not enough,
he said, we have to continueto to work and to build.
And so from year to year,he said, you have to watch the
guys that had a lot of successbecause they can they can fall into a
trap. But that's his job tomake sure they don't. So I was

glad because that's that's been a concernfor me. And I think you and
I talked about that. How doyou build on what you did and your
want They're gonna have a first playschedule now, people have takes, they've
seen you, they're comfort you theirexpectations and I think so you know,
I feel pretty confident about his leadershipbecause if that's what is beyond the XES
and o's, it's the leadership thathe can help this team continue to move

in that direction. And so hetalked about that, he talked about some
of the pieces. Obviously Kane Dell, He's looked good, he's healthy.
He talked about that, they're excitedabout adding Stefan Diggs to the myth and
they're excited about the rosters that they'regoing to be moving forward with. And
for the first time in a minute, then there's no drama. He didn't

say this, I'm saying that aboutwho is going to be the quarterback.
Oh yeah, it's like it's almostlike, what's that word normal? Yeah,
it's normal around here. It's healthyand functional. This is what the
NFL franchise should feel like. Kim, I'm up against it. But thank
you so much for dropping by lettingpeople know where they can find you.
Yeah, where yet, let thepeople know what you got going on.

So follow me on Twitter at KimWhite Davis. If you follow me there,
you can find out all the otherthings. I'm doing, my weekly
show, my TV hits, andI'm going to be launching real soon.
Another project. I'll let say andknow when it's ready and I'll tell you
all about it. But I appreciateyou, my friends. Please do always
Kim Dave has been in the cityfor a minute doing big things. Knows
everybody. Her name stays coming upwhen I'm out moving around. Appreciate you,

enjoy your day. I'll see youaround somewhere. All right, you
too, all right, all right, let's step aside. Let's come back.
Astros Baseball this afternoon. As previouslymentioned, the lineup is out.
Speaking of Demko, he's been recognizedby a certain group. We got to
show him some love and let's digdeeper. Shout wing into this Dana Brown
audio from this morning. He wassewn Salisbury's show. Let's talk some more

Astros Johoma Astros Baseball, kbm me. This is next up stuff with stad
Norfleet Jan Chris Gordy during this nextstage on Sports Talk seven ninety's pretty crazy.
You know your dream right, everythingyou ever dreamed of as a kid.

Get the note and everybody's staring atyou. And she had Bregman,
Pina and all those guys looking atyou. So yeah, it was.
It was pretty cool experience for sure, got dope like boblo. Congratulations to
Forrest Whitley making his first start into make not first start, excuse me,
his first major league experience. Ashe was called up and he went

out there yesterday, Gordon, hewas he was all right, two thirds
of inn and pitch to allow onehit. It was a two rbi double.
But again they were inherited runners,so he doesn't get digging for him.
He did walk one, but Ithought he was all right. I
hit he hit a yeah, hedid hit a conyan. He was a
breaking ball that never broke. Theyjust hung out there, and uh,

there's that. So the legend thatis Forrest Whitley, we have finally seen
it. It's a real thing.And uh it was a decent outing by
him. Now what we have notdiscussed what I what kind of quietly went
under the radar far for far asWhitley to get called up, somebody had
to get sent down. They sentSpencer Arraghetty down right handed for right handed

So I thought that just was likehuh, I thought, because we all
said, once irrigated comes up,let's see his second outing. The second
outing was noticeably better than the firstI thought Irrigetty would stay up. Yeah,
I think a few things you're getting. They knew Verlander was coming back,
so you know, somebody was gonnahave to be the out man out.
But they also they were in abond where they needed an arm look

Force. Whitley in any other situationwould not have gotten a call up.
They were just there. The situationwas they've used so many arms here that
the bullpen was taxed, and andyou didn't know. Luckily Hunter Brown was
able to give you six plus yesterday, but you didn't know if you were
gonna get there or not, soyou had to have some some more arms
available. You know, Sean Dubinends up eating two and a third's inning

innings yesterday. It's just that they'rethey're playing all these consecutive games in consecutive
days. They just had to havesome options. So yeah, I expect
Raghetty will probably he'll go to TripleA, probably make another start or two.
If all goes well. You know, we'll see what happens with Fromberg,
you know, if he's back ina week or two, and then
you know, we'll pay attention toRakaty and what he's doing. He threw

off a slope yesterday through ten pitches, So yeah, it's it's just gonna
be addressing to see what happens.But yeah, I mean I didn't.
I didn't read too much into itbecause you know, they need another bullpen
arm kind of an emergency, andthis this allows Ragedty to go back down
and and slot back into rotation andSugar while Verlander comes back and slots in
and this rotation. All right,if you missed the news earlier, By

the way, appreciate kim Davis droppingby her chalk Talk is excellent her weekly
show. Please follow kim Y Davison social so you can stay in tune
with her. She goes to gamesall over the city all the time,
so she's got peeps. Before shecame on the previous segment, Gordy,
it was announced officially. Now,when I say officially, let me be
careful. The team has not announcedit. It is being reported by both

Chandler Rom of The Athletic and BrianMcTaggart of MLB dot Com that indeed,
Justin Verlander will come off the ILon Friday. Oh, Joe Spotter said
it. Joe Spotder has said asmuch that's that's where they got. He
said it before every game, andhe just said it a few minutes ago,
So I didn't I'm doing the show. I can't hear spotted, but
I did see it reported. Sothat is official shop on our Twitter,

it's Sports Talk seven nine. Ifyou want to see the video, yeah,
make sure people do that. SoVerlander will go on Friday. It
was kind of I mean, likethis, this is the date they've kind
of had circled here for about aweek or two. We kind of expected
it. I just didn't understand whythey And I asked somebody yesterday because even
Joe was like, I'm gonna talkto JV tomorrow. We're gonna find out
what makes more sense to start onFriday or Saturday. That had less to

do with Verlander, from what Ifound out, more than more so than
setting up the pictures behind him.Like that's more they were worried about.
They were like, Okay, ifif JV goes Friday, then who's Saturday?
Like they're trying to line the rideso that they got Blanco in the
best matchup. You know, they'reso again that that was the reason for
it. But yes, JV willbe back on the mount Friday, and

I'm excited. Let's get him backout there. If there's anybody that can
stabilize this thing, that will reinvigorate, rejuvenate this lineup and this this roster
is JV. JV has a wayof all right, let's just settle down.
It's baseball. We know how todo this in an orange and blue

uniform. It's not that hard,guys. Now, the game is challenging,
obviously, but like come down.They do have a couple of little
just looking ahead of a little advancedscout report, the Nuts do have some
guys hitting well. Jesse Winker isbatting three seventy three. He's got a
couple of home runs. CJ.Abram's batting around three hundred. He's got
four home runs. So they gotsome guys, but they got a whole
lot of duds in that line uptoo. Let's go to the phone lines.

A grand up in Cyprus. Whatup, Andy, it's really easy.
You scored four or less runs thanthirteen of your nineteen games. Your
er A is the second worst inbaseball, which five thirty nine. That's
why they're losing games. And now, Stan, I know you're a football

guy. I'm gonna give you ananalogy guy that you're gonna be able to
understand right now that the Astros arelike or like the Texans would be one
in three and Stroud would have missedtwo games, and then Hunter and Anderson
both had missed a couple of gameseach. That's that's that's the analogy you

can go on or what they askshows right now, Okay, I'll play
along. It's kind of like CJmiss games last year. It actually happened.
Will Anderson Junior missed the game ortwo with an ankle and Jonathan Gernaud
missed the game of two of theankle, And I mean the injuries.

I understand your point, but theywere able to overcome them because the other
parts carried their weight. They're notenough dudes carrying their weight on this Astros
team right now, and they don'tdo it at the same time. So
I understand your analogy. I do. I'm just kind of pushing back for
the hell of doing the radio show. I don't understand, for the life

of me, how come and theteam with this much experience is having this
much trouble consistently doing something like whatare they doing well every night, none
of us can point to one singlething. Yeah, it's check out these
two number share you Andy, Cyprus. They are one in two twelve this
season. When they score four runsor less, they have only won.

They have that one three to onevictory, which was a great one,
but five of their six wins.In five of their six wins, they've
scored eight runs or more. So, but that's simply they're five to one.
Where they score eight runs or more, they're one and twelve when they
score four runs or loss. Now, we don't know what happens when they
score five or six runs because wehaven't seen that yet. It's boom or
boss. It's either everybody's hitting themwith scoring runs and we're getting to win,

yeh, or we're scratching across two, three, sometimes four runs and
it's not enough. So as alarmingto me as that is, I will
end this segment on this stat thatI got from the broadcast last night.
In the eighth and ninth innings,the Astros, including last night, have
been outscored twenty seven to four.They aren't winning and scoring late. It's

like they're out of this thing early. That is equally a problem as what
you just highlighted in general and intotality. Let's come back close out today's
show before we get you over toastros on deck, Juan and aggieland you'll
be the first one up on theother side. Fleet, Gordon, next
up, KBM me to the neckto the dirt road. This is next

up. You kind of hit oneverything I wanted to say with stan Or
Fleet and Chris Gordy on Sports Talkseven ninety. All right, we got
stros coming your way. Gordy hasAstros on deck coming up at noon first
pitch shortly after one o'clock. Manyof you making your way over the Mini

May Park. We appreciate you choosingus for the last two hours, and
of course you do that each andevery day from six A to six p
unless we have some astros baseball earlyin the day as we do today Sports
Talk seven ninety to make sure yougo listen to Sports seven ninety dot com
for all the updates, blogs,interviews and the light the free iHeartRadio app
at your disposal as we are yourhome in Houston. Sports all right,

let's go to the phone lines,Gordon and to take care of that business
talking to astros here and there area couple of things. I want to
get a couple of house cleaning thingsbefore we tap out of here. One
in Aguiland. Get in here.Let's talk some Houston sports. What you
say, mister Stan, how youdoing? Like listening to you than you
getting a little hot man? Takeit easy, I'm about to eat you

up. When's the last time theAstros and the Texans had good seasons at
the same time? Long time?I'm looking forward to the Texans season the
way the Astros are going, Ohdamn mediocre seasons. But let the Texans
go. So that's interesting. One. I appreciate the the call because that's

man's a thought. Twenty nineteen,the Texans went ten and six, Astros
won the World he went to theWorld Series. You remember you and I
had this conversation when I got here. It's one of the first shows we
did. Now. It was duringthe Astro season over a year ago,
and I said, hey, whenI lived in Houston previously, The last
time I lived in Houston was circatwenty seventeen, twenty eighteen it was,

and then before that it was theI got here in three This used to
be a Texans town. And thenthe Strolls hit their stride. If,
and let's just say if, becauseI gave you the stat earlier, this
is the worst start the Astros haveseen since twenty sixteen, a season where
they went eighty four and seventy eight. Even by today's expanded playoff, the

Astros would have needed eighty six winsto get in, so they still wouldn't
have qualified even if it were today. Let's just play with what one had
to say right there, Gordon Strosstruggled this year, whether they get bounced
into play in or they don't makethe postseason and the Texans mess around and
win another playoff game. Let's saythey win two playoff games this year.

Can the Texans flip it in oneyear and make this town Texans crazed?
Yet again? I never liked aconversation because there's room for there's room for
everybody agree, and there's room forall three. So I agree, But
which there. I get what you'resaying. But like there's been times when
the when the Texans have been inthe playoffs in January and JJ Watts picking
off Andy Dalton and running back fortouchdowns. Yeah, this city, the

city gets on fire for the Texans. When this when the Astros make their
every year postseason run this year,could you know in October, Yeah,
this city is on fire for forthe Astros when James Harden was doing his
thing with Dwight Howard and then ChrisPaul and they're making deep playoff runs in
uh in April into May, Yeah, this city gets on fire for the

Rockets. So it's look, Iwant all three to get there. You
know, at the I think theAsterers still aren't going away. I think
this is you know, when it'sal said done, there's still gonna be
a playoff team this year. Butyeah, look, I'll say, like
right now, where is the mostoptimism. The most optimism is with the
Texans people. You can't find somebodyto say a bad thing about the Texans

around town right now. Everybody's likeit's all sunshine, the rainbows. But
again, you come out to theGage to start one and three, Yeah,
there's gonna be a lot of people. Oh I knew at all.
Caserio isn over said, Dimiko,you're a fraud. You know it's gonna
be all that stuff. Glad youbrought up those two gentlemen. We will
hear Nick Casseroo at least impartial.Perhaps tomorrow he's gonna address the media from
NRG as volunteer workouts will continue,and then some news on the Demico Ryans

front. Demiko, this is Isee an opposed from Narese's Senior Bowl two
thousand and six Senior Bowl alum,current head coach of the Texans, Demiko
Ryans has been added to the SeniorBowl Hall of Fame class of twenty twenty
four. Demiko Ryans, that's that'smy guy, Jim Nagy doing this thing.

And get Tomiko out there, becauseI go to Senior Bowl every year.
Last year I didn't see Tomico outthere. I saw Nick Caserio.
So this gets Demiko out there.He's he's royalty in the state of Alabama.
Alabama fans love him, they're all. You know, that's an Alabama
fans last year telling me they becameTexans fans because of Will Anderson Jr.
And Henry Totoa and Christian Harris,all these Alabamas, John Metchi and now

and now Demiko. Yeah, there'sa there's a lot of Alabama fans that
are that are on board there.So now you put him in the offense.
Now he's got come Now, he'sgot to come over to Mobile that
week. He's probably gonna be therewatching some watching some some guys out there
in the field, and then he'llstay, you know, be there for
the game part of like pregame ceremonyand stuff. So I love it and
well deserved. You know, Demikois is what I love right now.

Stands he's building Demiko the coaching resume, Demiko the player, fly collars,
great, great, great career.But now Demiko the coach coming uh,
you know, coming on. Ijust you know, I'm excited to see
what he can do. But yeah, it's just it's funny right now.
The dynamic like, okay, Astrois off to a rough start, so
it's everybody oh jumping sh like Isaw somebody, uh we we tweeted out

a story. So listen to theAstros game today and so and one guy
tweeted, I'd rather not. Andit's this the weird thing with f where
it's like are you a fan oryou're not. You gotta be a fan
of the good times and the bad. There are different ways to fame.
You can complain, that's fine,that's part of being a fan, but
the option of turning them off andI'm not watching or I'm not listening,
Like that's where it's like, ohso you're a bandwagoner, because that's what

you know. I don't think it'sblack or white. I think fandom has
a lot of gray. And sowhat I try and do with this microphone,
and everybody has their way that theyapproach the microphone. I try and
give people the space and the graceat times to fan out how they want
to fan out. I say itall the time. I don't tell you
what to think. I just sharewith you what I think. So we'll
see if my gut right now,my gut is I don't think Nashtruws going

win today. I would like forthem too. They just not. I
don't see the confidence. I don'tsee the swag. I just don't see
a team that when you have beenfighting to stay at top of the hill
as long as they have. Itis human nature. It's hot, baseball
is hard. They're tired. Theylook tired. Joe, he might need
a day off. Okay, letme recalibrate what's going on to Yeah,

exactly a couple of things on theNBA front, as previously mentioned. Emao
Udoka and Joe manager Rafael Stone addressedthe media yesterday, and I see this
quote from Raphael who, by theway, congratulations to him and his new
contract extension, him and his firstlieutenant. I forget the gentleman's name his

first lieutenant over there. Nonetheless,this quote stood out to me. Quote,
I like my thing, I likemy team. I think potentially we're
just bringing back everyone that we have. I don't anticipate right now that the
Rockets are going to make a wholebunch of moves in the off season.
I wish they were in the playingtournament, which began last night. How
about this Lebron James, Yeah,him three to zero in the play in

he bounced. Zion had forty points, eleven rebounds. Pelicans get bounced,
Lakers get in as the seventh seed. The Warriors run. Is it over?
The Kings embarrassed them in Sacramento oneeighteen ainety four. The last piece
of breaking news in the NBA,John Tate Porter, formerly of the Rappers
of the Toronto Raptors, excuse me, has been banned from the NBA for

violating league gaming rules. So wesee it in the NFL. Now we
see it in the NBA. Allright. That'll do it for us,
Colin McGovern Chris, Gordy stan Fleet, everybody, including you, Houston,
that allowed us to do this thingcalled Next Up each and every weekday from
ten am to noon. We appreciateyou. Enjoy your lunch and joyce and
Mashtros baseball. God willing, willdo it again tomorrow. Y'all be well,
Peace to you,
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