All Episodes

April 19, 2024 82 mins
Stan Norfleet and Chris Gordy of Next Up preview the Houston Astros traveling to take on the Washington Nationals in a three-game series starting Friday. Ace Justin Verlander is back on the mound after being on the injury list to begin the season. Will the Astros be able to stack up some wins with one of their starting pitchers back in action? Both hosts of The Bradeaux & Will Show join to recap the Rockets season, which ended with a 41-41 record, a 19-game improvement from winning only 22 games the previous season. KPRC reporter Aaron Wilson joins to discuss the Texans as they prepare for the NFL Draft, and Mike Hill of FOX Sports also joins to give an outside perspective on the state of Houston sports.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Now what's next? Next up?It's the next man up, next stop,
the next step, take the nextstep, next up, stop next
next stop? This see wants tobe next? This is next up with
Tad Norfleet ten Chris Gordy. Let'ssee what's next next next? Feeling good?

Feeling great on a Friday, lyingfrom the Sports Talk seven ninety studios.
If you new to the station,new to the show, new to
the city, this is next upfor the next two hours. Got my
guys with me by the way,staying Northfleid here Chris Gordy right there,
Connedy McGovern he's on the other sideover there. Appreciate everybody hanging out with
us. You got up with theShawn Salisbury show as you customarily do six
to ten am each weekday morning righthere on Sports Talk seven ninety. You're

home of Houston sports. Uh Gordongot up this morning, got my step
seeing smoothie breakfast. You know,send some text message out to some people.
We gonna have some guests on theshoulder. They'd like to go to
the empty mall and with your hadbeen on you you do the high steps
since you walk around the mall.So I'm Alex Caruso, like, what
are we doing right now? SoI got some steps here this morning.

I love the city of Houston.I do. I love being in the
Gallery area, both living and working, and it was just a beautiful morning
to bep. I'm extremely grateful forwhat we get to do for these two
hours through the week days, andthanks to you, the city of Houston,
our listeners. March was amazing.Was that March? That was April
Grangeford, that was March. Marchwas amazing. I won't get into it

because go there, get mad,but let me just say this to all
of you that have helped us growthe show. The numbers continue to grow
and I'm super super grateful. Everybodyon our line up here at seven ninety
does a great job, and Iwant to make sure that my brethren understand
it. You're the top rated sportsshow Houston on a Friday. Next up

with the number one show in thecity at Houston by a large March and
huh, but that's because of y'all. And I think today will up.
Today will what's the word I wantto use as I'm being terrible at radio.
I think today will reflect some ofthe reason why we've had some success.
Now let me be humb before thegood Lord has a sense of here

we're gonna fight. No, well, we do that every day. I'm
talking about we got guests coming throughand about twenty five minutes we'll talk some
rockets recap with my young homies Bradand Will from the brad Or on Will's
show. We got to get themthrough. Brothers are killing it on social
media. Some young brothers up andcoming. That's dope. And Wilson was
over at NRG yesterday. Whatever thehell that was the Nick Cassario was talking

about, what's up with this dude? We got on him and we tease
him a little bit. Gordon.I went back and listened to what he
had to say. I had toactually read the transcript. It was like
a damn thesis when I was ingrad school. What the hell is Nick
Caseario talking about? When you readthe transcript, I'm like, did somebody
pee in his cheerios? Yesterday morning? Like he woke up so angry and
it was like, oh, dareyou you guys write all this great stuff

about us. I mean, wedon't know what was gonna be. I
went back and really listen to ittoo, because I was like, let
me see if I missed some He'sliterally talking about Danielle Hauter, and Uh,
these guys, you've added as ifwe don't know what they are,
but we do know what they are. I mean, we don't know if
they can play un if they comein the building. So what do we
do it? All those guys events, all those guys have skins on the

wall. Of these guys. He'sacting like that's Will Anderson Junior CJ.
Strat walking in the building for theI think he just he repeated the wrong
speech, the same speech he hadlast year about I mean, we don't
know c J. Stroud. Wedon't know if these guys could play Unbelieva,
but we do know Daniel Harder.I need Aaron Wilson, our Texans
inside of him on Sports Talk sevenninety. I need him to come by
and help me understand what the hellis going on. And then, lastly,

but certainly not least of Fox Sports. You see him all over Fox
Sports. He's on FS one sometimetoo, formerly of the Four Letter Network.
My brother Mike Hell, he wasin town last weekend playing some golf.
He's nice enough to give us sometime at eleven thirty. Mike Hill
loved the National Fox Sports Group andit's just smooth. You see him on

TV. He's you know, he'sactually experienced. Brother really like him.
Went to the same high school asthe Miko Ryans. He's older than Miko,
but got ties to the state ofAlabama as yours truly does. We'll
talk more about that in eleven thirty. How we start the show. I'm
thinking about the show, and I'mthinking about the Astros tonight. Astros off

last night. They are in thenation's capital. Nobody need an off day,
except more than Astros. Excuse me. We'll get you Astros on deck
at four thirty. We'll get firstpitch five forty five Verlanda on the man,
and that's where we start this morning, or real quick. On the
Rangers. You mentioned loss some groundthat the Rangers played the Detroit Tigers.

I watched a little bit of thatgame yesterday. They were so excited because
they brought up one of their toppitching prospects, Jack Lighter. I watched
him pitch at college at Vanderbilt.They had two really awesome dudes at Vanderbilt.
Of course, the son of youknow he's you're the Lighter family,
your whole tradition of baseball dominant pitchersin his family. But he got roughed

up yesterday and gave up seven runsin three and two thirds innings of work.
But guess what stand was a weirdconcept. The bats picked them up,
and yeah, you're playing the crappyDetroit Tigers. But the Texas Rangers'
bats came alive and they won thatgame nine to seven. So they end
up winning the Detroit series three outof four. But still the Texas Rangers

five and seven in their last twelve. So again, like Astros, they're
leaving the door open for you.Let's go. And that's where we get
to tonight. It's interesting you bringthat up because the Astros. Because the
Rangers win, Astros didn't play,and they get further back into standings.
Astros last in the West, fivegames back from the Rangers right now.

So now we get to tonight.As you mentioned, and justin Verland,
and I heard Chandler Rohn was onwith the A team yesterday. Chandler room
up the athletic y'all know that nowcovers the Astros on a daily basis.
I really respect this work. Nevermet the gentleman, but I respect this
word. Uh No, I gotto get over there and meet room at
one point here a pretty soon.This is the most important game. And

I can't believe I'm saying this.This is the most important game for the
Houston Astros all season because I believejust based on body language, looking at
some of the numbers that that Romand others have put out there, going
back in my mind and like,what have I truly seen to hell with
twenty seventeen, twenty twenty two,twenty twenty three, none of that belief

It matters. All respect Luno andand all Dusty and Click and all,
it doesn't matter. The only thingthat matters is what the twenty twenty four
roster is showing night in and nightout. Gordy, I think Justin Verlander
can be a proverbial IV shot inon for this team if it's right.

But I'm also wondering because Chandler saidsomething that we're gonna play here in just
a second. Chandler said something thatmade me feel like, what is JV
gets shelled? What if he's notready? Like when you see and I
saw, I think about Rocky backball. You remember, Rocky's on top,
Rocky's living good, Rocky goes broke. Now Rocky gotta go back to
the hood and prove he's still theundisputed champion. Da da Da Da da

JV. If JV gets rocked aroundtonight. From a team standpoint over this
three game series, I start wonderingwhere, like, where's the fix going
to come from? Well, that'swhere I said. I think it's somewhere
in the middle. I don't thinkhe gets I don't think he gets shelled
tonight, but I don't think it'sdominant. I think, you know,
like I said yesterday, I thinkfive innings of three run ball would be

acceptable. But again, these batshave to pick him up. You've got
to score runs. If JV goesfive innings, gives up three runs and
they lose four to two tonight,I'm gonna be looking at Alex Bragman,
Kyle Tucker, You're and Alvin's goingthe hell are y'all doing? Wake up?
Let's go. Chandler Rome on theA team yesterday afternoon, in regards
to what he thinks the justin VERLANDAsituation will look like on display late afternoon,

I think from listening to him theother day, I think he was
trying to say without saying it,that he probably does need another tune up,
or his stuff's probably not where hewants it to be right now to
step on a big league mound.But he feels ready, he feels healthy.
You know. I think you lookat the results from the rehabit signment,

obviously they're going to give you apause, just given how many hits
he gave up and everything. ButI think in his first rehabit signment he
threw like twelve or fifteen change ups. He's not going to do that at
the big league level. There's somesequencing stuff, there's some stuff he was
working on that may have contributed tothat. But just listening to him talk
when he talked on Monday, itsounds like, you know, if there
was a perfect world, he wouldhave maybe had a little more time to

refine his stuff. But I wouldnot expect him to go eight or nine
innings. I would not expect himto throw a hundred pitches. You're probably
looking at anywhere from eighty five eightyto eighty five pitches. If he can
get you five or six innings outof that, I bet maybe thrilled chan
the rom of the athletic with theA team, wex larn and Clinton yesterday
afternoon, Gordon and our pair phrasewhat Rome just said. Depending on where

you guys came in on that segment. Health Wise, JV feels fine,
but if he had his way,ideally he wouldn't be going out there this
afternoon. Well I didn't. That'snot necessary. That's literally what he's saying.
No, literally, we just heardit. He's literally just stuff is
there. He's maybe not built upwhere he'd want to be. But here's
what Justin Verlaner is singing in theback of his mind. He's going,

I'm just a freaking Verlander. DoI really want to go out there and
make another start in Sugarland or CorpusChristie? You know what, I'm gonna
go out there and we're gonna workon it. We're gonna build back up
fully in the in the big leaguelevel. We got the Nationals this weekend.
It's not the braves of the Yankeeslineup out there, so let me
go work through it. And Ithink that's what they kind of understand.
It's like he's not gonna be perfecttonight. But this is part of the

building back. This is like thatlast start of spring training when you know
the regulars using starts next week.That's kind of what this is for Verlander
based on his timetable of how hegot pushed back. So that's why I
say it. But like, youknow what, if I'm a Joe Spot,
I'm like, I'd rather you godo this for me, because what
if what if you go, you'reable to go tonight and you get a
couple of quick innings, you know, you get you have a nine pitch
inning, You're like, well,I can go on more. Like if

that happens tonight, great, butI'd rather him. Verlander's thing is like,
I'd rather do that than go wasteanother outing in Corpus with terrible defense
behind me. Chandler Roane confirmed exactlywhat I thought. They're moving the timeline
up out of desperation. They're desperate, they're clinching for straws, reaching for
straw excuse me, and I keepgoing cool. I hope JV comes out

into JV, But what is theemotional toll a performance, even if it's
in defeat, even if JV goesfive and the third, even if jv
On. It allows two runs,but the middle relief and his bullpe and
doesn't get back to where they needto be, and so here's another loss
on the road. My question becomes, what else Chandler Rome also spoke to

something else that's alum on the team. We'll hear from Chandler Rome on the
other side tonight, most important,this afternoon, most important Astros game through
the season. I can't believe this. I'm saying, twenty one games into
the season. Here we go.We're from the nation's capital, tom and
downtown Jamal. We'll get to youon the other side. Seven one,
three, two, two five,seven ninety Staton north Fleet had and Chris
Cordy this this next tough on sportssucks seven ninety. I don't call it

pressing. We just got to doa better job of, you know,
putting barrel on the ball and tryingto use the middle of the field,
kind of going back to fundamentals.And then we're just not we're not being
really good at those things right now. That's the skip for this ball club.
Joe Is Spada Gordon, he says, it's mental. Gotta make sure

they get back to the fundamentals.A team that has been the seventh consecutive
ALCS has got to worry about thedamn funder mentals twenty games into a bleeping
season. Well, it's it's funny. What are we doing if you want
to player or not. But therewas a cut in there from Chandler yesterday
where he said, look, it'snot good. There's six and fourteen like
that. However, they're not playingterrible baseball. He's like a lot of

these games have been there's been onemoment where something's happened, and but like,
oh, so twenty games wereth forbad. Then he brings up what
I said, that's what I'll besaying about the Rockets. And then he
brings up what I said. Andby the way, this is pretty damn
good teams they've been playing. I'mnot doing that with you today, is
it not? Is it not afact they're playing the Washington Nationals this weekend.

If they get swept by the Nationals, yes, that is unacceptable.
They lose the series to the Nationalsis unacceptable, I think. So,
yeah, you need to dig deepand find a way to take two out
of three. Like this is wherethe winds start to come. That's what
I'm saying, like, you lookat the Rangers. They just played the
A's and the Detroit Tigers. Likewe're playing the damn Braves and the the
Rangers for seven and think yank Toronto. Let's let's skin a little bit easier

in the schedule here and see howthey think. Shake up. But I
love what he said though, He'slike, it's not like they were playing
Like, no, they've played goodenough. They haven't. They just haven't
been I haven't. I'm not goingto five in one run game. Respect
to Tan the Roman, I wantto play this from what you just reference.
I want to play this for him. But they haven't been playing well.
They haven't well understand that there's adifference that they're not playing terrible.

They are absolutely awful in relief,They've been awful in the middle of release.
The back end of the bullpen hasbeen awful. Awful. Now that
has been awful. There are severalholes in this team that are flat out
awful. But you knows been awful. There have been times I'm watching the
games. Yes, you've watched onemoment where Hater was got awful. You

watched one moment where Ryan Presley wasgot awful. They also had times when
they went out there went one,two, three, boom, boom boom,
and you didn't you don't say jackthe day after that. That's the
problem, Like one bad moment hasbeen awesome the rest of the moments.
But what did we hear the Heyhe was terrible. Oh my god,
b Teraro sucks, but then hegoes up there nine more times and he's
awesome. No, no, no, The very next day on this show,

and Montaro came out, damn beenwell, I said, this season,
Montero's playing better than he played lastyear. Montero has not been a
issue. I'm gonna always be feelingbalanced. The issue you and I have
is you have on orange and blueglasses most of the time, and that
person don't give a damn about theorange blue glasses. I'm going to tell
the game. I watched the games. I'm just being a homer. I'm

telling you what it is. AndChandler Room, you're telling me your truth.
We're also looking at numbers data,we're watching games. I'm reading other
baseball people that are in agreement withme, like Chandler Rong. To your
point, Chandler Ron came out toeighteen yesterday afternoon, and he says this
about how the team is performing thusfar. I mean, they're six and
fourteen. They have dug themselves ahole that's going to be very difficult to

get out of. But when Iwatched this team play, and when I
look at the numbers, and whenI look at kind of how this thing
is constructed, like, I don'tthink that there this is gonna sound odd.
I don't think they're playing that poorly. Like they've they've had a couple
innings where they've kicked the ball around. They've had a couple of innings where
pitchers have imploded. But all inall, I do think also like they've

played some really good teams and they'vejust gotten beat They're zero and five and
one run games. There's some luckinvolved in that, there's some execution involved
in that. I just I'm notI don't watch this team and think,
man, this team is hopeless.This team has done this team can't do
anything right. I think they're playingthey're not playing well, but they're also

not playing just atrocious baseball. Ithink they're just they're playing okay, and
they're running up against teams, reallygood teams. That are playing well.
Chelling Rome again on the A teamyesterday. I'll come back to someone else
that covers the team here in justsecond, Tom and Downtown friend of the
station, a friend of the showhe's been holding for a while. Tom,
get any on this Astros conversation.I'm saying, most critical game of

this young Astro season. Thus farverlanda superman? Can he come save to
day your thoughts? Okay, Man, I'll get to you, and I'm
not question. First of all,congratulations on your numbers. I'm not surprised.
I listened to Sean in the morningand I used to turn the radio
off and taking nap. I can'tdo that anymore. I'm losing sleep over

listening to you guys, So congratulationscontinued success. Forty. Let me start
with SAMs. Sam, you justsaid something about Rockney and man it made
the hair goes on the back ofmind that it's one of my favorite movies.
I showed it to my cakes toget a message for them before the
fight. Rocky sitting on Adrian's couchin the living room and he's worried.

The guys worried. You can seeit, and then he says to Adrian.
All I want to do is gothe distance with Creed. No one's
ever done that. And if Ican do that, I'll know I'm just
not another bomb from the Neighborhood Man. That was the movie right there.
Everything before that is the culmination ofthat one line. Astros, you're playing

like bumps. I know you gotthe players, and I know you can
do it. Enough of this whowe were playing tough teams. You're as
tough as any team that's out therethat you've been playing. This next nine
games. They got to come backseven and two. They cannot come back
five and four. They're in ahole. They got to start getting out

of it now. Forty, Gordy, I'm gonna tell you you're one hundred
percent correct what you said at thebeginning. After Stands talked about Rocky justin
Berlanders is a stabilizing force. He'sa Hall of Famer. He came in
seventeen and put the team over thetop. When he came back last year,
he gave him the same bump.I look for that to be the

same bump tonight. He sat inthat locker room when they won the division
and he reminded them what they've accomplished, and don't take it for granted.
Every player that heard those words isgoing to be thinking about that when they're
on the field watching Jay du tonight. There it is advantage of my man
Tom Downtown Goring. Are you hereexcept on the we're on the Washington Monument,

mister Jefferson. We came in hereto turn the tides on this bleeping
team. I got my hands intheir pup cherry blossom trees and be on
a little bit. They might bealready. Verland is coming to be rocket
good that day. What if itgoes awry, Well, I'm preparing you
for that. I'm telling you he'snot gonna go and brocket the night.
You're you're you're getting ridiculous thinking he'shere to save the day and he have

not telling you he's still in springtraining though told Jillie wasn't ready and he
was rushing back. And I'm tellingyou why he's coming back, I understand
because that doesn't mean gonna say thelakenta end in Corpus Christy with the league
team. So he's still working throughsome ish, but he's gonna like he's
gonna part pitch tonight because it's theNationals. If they're playing the Dodgers tonight,

josepher Later will not be back.No, I'm not pre Jesse Winker.
Think about you just said if theywere playing the Dodgers tonight, Verlander
wouldn't go. I think it shouldreally not. He should go the other
way because it's the damn Dodgers,or he should go if it were to
break, he should. He's notbuilt up yet. I need him well,

I'm talking about and I know we'reup against it here. We have
tall rockets on the side. Wegot guess, but I'm gonna make this
point like what Verlander represents, Ibelieve is the last fixture of hope to
correcting things I want. That's sillyto put that all. Can I get
my point out? Go ahead?What Verland they're they're reaching for straw like

they don't have the reaching for strongOf course they are. Did you hear
Kyle excuse me? Did you hearAlex Bregman after the game when they got
swept by the Braves. Did youhear how distraught he was? Did you
hear alas More? Because his firstbasement's dropping, simple route, they don't
know how to fix it. Orthey would when you got the GM and
the damn skipper talking about back ofa baseball card. They don't know what

to do. There are snappers onthe base pass, they got errors in
the field. You got but brayou can barely reach off the bank.
You got dudes that can't drive inruns. And the dudes Ol two Bays
playing like Al two Bay, Jordaon for the most parts, playing like
Yorda. What can we ask hellRon al Blanco, thank God? Or
what would we be without run?Now? By the way, astro starters

earn a combined own a combined fivepoint zero five e R race, says
Matt Carlaharer of The Chronicle, thefourth largest mark in the majors. They
haven't been redd. Here's the thing, Runolt Blanco pitched on Saturday. You
could You could easily roll with Blancotomorrow night and give Verlander could go another
start in double air triple A.Again, this is Verlander saying, I'm

close enough, let me come backand work through tonight. I think it's
a spring training outing for him.I think it's a four inning maybe five
in eighty pitch. So it's justcool. If the Ash lose another game.
Well, I mean, he's goodto see what he does losing,
but if he gives up dinger dingerand you know you're let you're down three
to nothing, well, I'm lookingat the bats going, you're the guys
you need to pick. I justtalked about it. Jack Lighter made his

MLB debut last night for the TexasRangers and got his ass shelled, but
they won the game nine to sevenbecause Dola's cars. He has said,
I don't give a damn that ourpitching sucks. And I'm looking at you,
yord on Al for us. Pickthis damn team up and score some
runs. When y'all score eight runs, you'll win games. Do that.
How about scoring the eighth or ninthinning, I'll take that as well.
Score eight and the first and wegot it. We're good. I feel

like we won't that game to bethe damn and eight nothing lead. Not
Yes, I feel like they'll begood. They'll whatding My blood press is
gonna come down on the next segment, I think special guests in the studio
Brado and Will on the phone theBrado and Wheels Show. Let's recap the
rockets we heard from roep Phelstone emailUdoka. We'll get back to Astros.
We also got to talk about JohnManager, Nick Casei and what the hell

he was on over there NRG SportsTalk seven ninety stator Chris Cordy just this
next time on Sports Talk seven ninety. Welcome back in the next up here
on Sports Talk seven ninety. Thanksto everybody in the city at htown,
best hitting in America, y'all know. I believe that been here three times,

God Will and I be here alot longer. It's funny you bring
back jump Man. How about Houstonresident Drake keep saying he bought a crib
here, hadn't seen it, hadn'tseen the post up? Did do a
good show? Who is that for? The bun Bet takeover? I saw
him close things out, did agood job there. At some point,
I need my young homies to hitme up. Let unk know what the
hell is going on with this Drake? J Cole? Who else is in
there? Kendrick Lamark? What thehell is going on with this rap b

I gotta get my nephews to getme up on that. And speaking of
my nephew, we have one instudio. We will get Will on the
phone. I forgot to do thatpart. My bad. We are a
professional outfit. I come to that. Just a little bit of the bradorin
will show. You see him onsocial doing this thing. Got my man
Brad in the studio hanging out withme and Gordon. Let's talk some Rockets.
Let's cut on Brad's microphone. ConI'm sorry, I'm about to send
your phone on. We got toget Will on here as well. Welcome

to the studio, bro, howyou feel, my guy? I'm good.
I want to appreciate y'all forgetting meon the show. I was on,
you know a few weeks ago.Heyview will experience. Yeah, man,
appreciate it, appreciate it. Sowe just heard from uh email Doak
and Raphael Stone earlier in the week. But and Connor, let me know
when we get the Jayleen Green.We'll get Will in here in just a
second. But I saw you andWill did a like season ending like what

is it? Awards? Right?You know everybody in the Rockets got an
award and I really respect and appreciatewhat you guys do in the independent space.
I know you got to deal withBleacher Report. Congratulations on that as
well. I love to see likeI call you like young sports media entrepreneurs,
right, your aggregators, and yougot opinions and you're putting them up
there all right, So let's walkthrough the awards fast. Why before we
even get there, your overall observationrocket season. How would you classify it?

Yeah, I mean you can lookat the Vegas over under. It
was thirty one point five wins.They finished with forty one wins, largest
winning prove in the entire NBA.They went up nineteen wins since last season.
So I mean you going through thecourse of this, he's a lot
of frustration. Terrible February twenty fivepercent win percentage of February, terrible January.
But as a whole, I meanthey had that insane march they were
to take off that their best playerOPPR and Shane goun It goes to show

email Redoka is the most important pieceof this puzzle and he's gonna make it
work. So I have faith indou Doka. You have a young core
six twenty three and under. Ilike the season. I think you keep
them together and see see what's upnext year. Okay, going to jump
in whenever you like. If I'mtalking over myself. Let me try and
calm down, because I got eightthings I want to get out. Let
me hear from Jalen Green, becauseJalen Green was asked what I just asked

you about the season and how wemove forward. We'll circle back, Gord
to get in and we want wegrew all around, you know, stick
together, thugged it out. Ohit was tough. You know. We
had our little game stretch where weweren't getting things done. We didn't know
who we were out there. ButI think we found our identity towards the
end of the season. And yeah, like I said, we just stuck

it out and just you know,stay together. And that's the biggest thing
compared to other years. You know, my first two years, we're pretty
rarefull. We wasn't even looking atbeing five hundred at the end of season.
So just to see that is youknow, that was one of my
goals this year. We talked aboutlockerroom myself, forty four wins, but
we got forty one, and Ithink I think it's awesome. You know,

it shows that next year we havea shot to being in the playoffs.
So we were taking the playoffs thisyear and that was that was fun.
It was exciting out there. So, yeah, Jalen Green where he
was drafted number two overall. Canthis guy be the alpha? Can he
can he be the leader of ateam. That's a tough question. I
mean, you look at what youand uncle to him, he said,

do it earlier. You know,we saw what you can do in March.
Do it earlier. He played thefoy eighty two. I give him
possible respect to It's hard to playfor eighty two. And if all the
guys that played the foryighty two,Jalen led the NBA and scoring in that
category of the seventeen guys, hisbody was on the court for eighty two,
if he played NATed, that isn'tthat is a great point. You
know, Oh that's disrespect real talkashack, real talk. But this is also

a good point with that he neverhad a chance to a lot of guys
take off games to reset, yes, work through those on the fly because
he's playing each game. So Iwas at that Warriors game the other night.
He Jalen was in that game,but he wasn't in that game.
That's a lot of the games forhe's going through some emotional things in his
life right now, tell me leaveit off the court. All right,
let's bring in the other half ofthe Bradwin will show you see it on
social they'll promote here in just alittle bit. Will my apologies, I

didn't have you potted up early,bro. Will your overall thoughts on the
Rocket season forty one and forty onein connection with Jalen Green, You heard
the expectations he had coming in.Yeah, I think that I'm not sure
what I was been saying so far, but I think that it was a
massive success on just about every front. I think that Jalen Green did struggle
this year. Uh, and thatwas really disappointing to see that he didn't

take that similar lead that we sawlike our apprent shin gun Make in year
three. But I think, youknow, even in impersating for the fact
that he did struggle this season,I think it was like to go from
twenty two wins to forty one wins, to lay down a culture, you
know, lay down a defensive identity. What em you kind of brought in
with this team. I don't seehow you can walk with any other conclusion,

but this season was a success.Jalen Green Afron Shangoon, gentlemen,
what are we doing here? Canthey coexist? Gordon? Can they play
together? Do you play through Shangoon? Do you allow Shangoon? Like?
Does he have to to continue developa shot Allah a sa bonus type or
a joker type. And then wekeep saying that pull him away from the
basket. It was clear the lanewas much more open and the pace was

better when when Shin Gooon was off. What said though, he said,
with the same issue in people orthe same question marks in Boston. Well,
how you're gonna have Jason Tatum andJayleen and uh, what's jam Brown?
How can they coexist? Different differentpositions? Wing position, know what
I'm saying, wing guys versus awing getna be? Well what I think
he May's first answer was, howdo they both plays? Like? Well,

one's a center, one's a guard, right, So, I mean
it's I get it. We alwaysgo to ball dominant stuff. But dude,
the Warriors, I mean, StephCurry got his shots, Clay got
his shots, but knew his role. You know his role. But they
just they've got to find a wayto make it work. I mean,
having having too many good players whoscore is a good problem now right,

I mean they but they just that'sthat's where coaching comes in. They can
they coexist because the offense next year, because I think this team and listen
to what they said that at ToyotaCenter the other day. This offense,
I mean, excuse me, thisroster is gonna essentially look the same in
my eyes. Are they running thisthing through Jalen and giving him the ball
along with Fred van Vliet for ageneral or did Shing Goon come back health

and go Jalen? I appreciate much, but I'm the guy that's the proverbial
all star. It's a good question. They can definitely buff coexist. The
pace increase after the US have ratesaid we gotta take more threes. We
got to move a lot quickly.So it wasn't necessarily just when Shane Gooon
went down. But again, yougot Jalen. When he's scoring that will
you can be double team and themin that high picking role. You put
Jalen in more opportunities like that.He can feed it to Shane Goo and

he's got to uprade in the fouron three. If not, you can
run dead choice with Shane Gun atthe top of the key, or you
can post up with Shanego and he'sgonna get double team there. He can
kick it to somebody else, Butyeah, you can. They can definitely
both co exist. In my personallywell close out this segment. Can Jalen
and shin Gun work on the floorsame time or would you run the offense
through one other? I think theycan both coexist. And I think all

the proof that you need if theycan coexist is in you know, Jamal
Murray, Nicola Jokics, Darren Foxand the minus of Bonus. And you
know those aren't the same players onefor one, but they have a lot
of similarities. The downhill guard,the backs of the basket, big can
who can make plays, and bothof those teams found success with that pairing.
And I think that we have guyswho could be just as good,

if not better than, some variationof that of that duo. So I
think they can absolutely work. AllRight, I did a terrible job with
the clock, so I'm gonna makeup for it if I can ask you
gentlemen to hold over. Let's getto these year in awards and then we'll
wrap up the rockets for the twentythree, twenty four season. I This
is next Up, Homer Rockets basketball, Sports Talk seven ninety. Next Up
continues on your Apple TV. Listento Sports Talk seven ninety on any device

with our free iHeartRadio up. Everythingthat we talked about, and when I
met with Tillman and Patrick, italigned with what I wanted to do.
I think, you know, lookingat a big picture, being able to
build something was more appealing than youknow, jumping into something that as a
two year window or so to speak. And so you know, I knew

about the guys. I didn't whenI dug into the interview process, but
learning more about them, it becamemore appealing for sure. This is Next
Up on a Friday, live fromthe Galleria area Sports Talk seven ninety studios,
kicking around a little bit of Rockets. I understand that the NBA playing
tournament has at least the first phase. It has come and gone. They'll

get an action tonight and tomorrow andthe postseasons. Here Rockets not in the
postseason, but when you nearly doubleyour win total, I'll count that as
a win. Head coach Emou Dookahalongside general manager Rophel's throne. Earlier this
week over at the Toyota Center alongsidein studio one half of the brand and
wheel show. That's my man bradOh on my left over the phone.

Appreciate will taking some time to hangout with us. We'll wrap up this
segment with your awards. I alsowant to get you guys comments real quickly
on the draft and what they're gonnado with this Brooklyn pick right now?
What slated to be the ninth pickoverall? From what I'm saying, all
right, looking back over the Rocketseason, give me the categories. This
is y'all thing. Give me thecategories. Y'all had a first one.

I guess MVP. MVP was thefirst one. Who's the MVP of this
year's team? MVP was? Iknow it means most valuable player, but
we gave it to email Duca.Again. As I explain, Ducka is
the only reason this team took off. He's a former player. Yeah,
former player. I wouldn't say he'sthe only reason, but he's a huge
part of establishing a culture identity.Had this team top ten in defense.

Again, they don't take the leapthis season without you May Dougar. But
if I'm giving it to a player, it's it's by far up for sin
Good. But yeah, all right, will what was the next category?
I believe it was Rookie of theYear, And you know it's it's kind
of funny because it's only there's onlytwo selections. Fade qualified for the award.
So I'll give it to Men Thompson. I think that what he did

this season for us, he's probablya lot of people, including myself,
and I was really high on him. His defense is a whole lot better
than advertised. His rebounding was awhole lot better than advertised. He was
able to score the ball without theball in his hands. He played a
different role for us that he hadn'tplayed any point the time in his career
and was really good at it.And so yeah, I think, just
you know, when you when youfactor everything he did for his this season,

I think that he's easy to Rookythe Year. Pushback, alert,
pushback. I'm Men Thompson. Twothings work on in the off season,
your handles and that shot. Yes, also, can we if we gonna
get it to the advanced true shootingpercentage effective field goal percentage. Cam Whitmore

was a better player this year thana'm in Thompson say word, No,
I don't agree. No, No, i'm in. I'm in has more
upside. But I saw a guyin Cam Whitmore. I was like,
he belongs on the NBA floor.Cam Whitmore will be on the team when
this team is in the Western Conferencefinals, Cam Whitmore be on the team.

I agree. I think am InThompson probably will too. But I'm
saying I think, ooh, howmany games both miss games with injuries?
Who played more? I'm in hadto play more games, right, and
then played sixty? I believe whatdid Cam play? You know what?
On top of your head? No, but I did know that he spent
a longer time in the G League, and even when he was healthy,

he didn't get as many rotation minutes. As I look it up real quickly,
I like guys that play physical.I like guys that can shoot the
rock. I like guys that couldone, two, three and small fours.
I like guys that get on thefloor. I like guys that tell
the rim out the backboard. Hecould go on. He can't shoot like
my man, Yeah, he can'tshoot it up? Was he say?

Well, I was saying the onlything that you described that didn't also describe
a man was the shooting. Themen play. He plays one through five
guards one through five. He playsphysically, plays strong. You know what
I'm saying. He does a lotof the things that you would you would
want from kind of the ancillary piece, which is you know, for Rickie,
that's kind of what you want tosee anyway, So that's real.

Yeah, like yeah, I likeI man. I really appreciate his bounce
to get back off the floor.His second job. Oh that second jump
is nasty. Clearly he belongs inthe NBA. He's fine. I don't
have problem with the man Thomson.I'm just playing a little bit of radio.
I do like me from camp withmore though. All right, defensive
player of the year. Yeah,right back to them, Ben Thompson,
Right back to them, Ben Thompsonagain. No, yes, yes,

no, let me tell you why. Let me tell you why. Amongst
everyone at his position. You know, I'm a numbers guy. Times hundred
percentile defensive rebound ninety fifth percentile isstill percentage, ninety third percentile blocked percentage,
and he was the fifth best defensiveplayer defensively at his position. So
again, I mean Thompson yeah,yeah, it's it's by far. Will
are you about to be disrespectful towe up against a little bit? But

come on, will you agree withthis? I do? Oh you know
y'all trying to go with all theyoung boys and y'all disrespectful to the O
G S. I'll make my pointin a minute, go ahead, will.
I hate to disappoint you, butI'm gonna also and I think you're
going to be mad at the answerto the next category as well for me,
because it's also good to a men. But but yeah, I think

that I was hesitant to give aman the best defensive player on the team
award had of the season because Iknow that Dylan Brooks that's kind of his
calling card, that's what he does. But I do think that the injury
that Dylan Brooks is thing. Ibelieve it was in January February when he
got hurt. Yeah, and whenhe came back, he was not the
same level defender. And I don'twant to give him too much hell for

it because I do believe that hewas playing somewhat through an injury that he
kind of came back from a littlebit maybe a little bit too quickly.
I think that kind of impacted iswhat he could do defensively. But Amn,
Thompson was phenomenal that in he waslike Brian gave it the numbers.
He was able to guard uh likeeffectively through five. Stop this and I'm

interrupted to be funny, all right, So can I get I see how
you guys voted, but let meget mine. In defensive player of the
Year for me, the guy thatset the tone, the guy that's clearly
the personality, it has to goto Dylan Brooks Now. Fred was an
animal too. Fred most blocks wasa player in the league under six foot.
Fred was a bulldog, no problem. And don't forget my lsu brethren

sor. He's health fine. SoI got to move forward. That's Chris
way of telling me, hurry Hillup so he can get his car park
reading all right, So listen,I'm gonna move Tar to six Man of
the Year even with injury. Nowdefault that goes to Jeff Green. We're
all in agreement there, Yeah,all right, most improved. That's that's
the conversation that had a lot ofNo Shingle is the best player. Jalen

is the most improved. We sawmore from just we saw. It was
nine games. We saw more fromJalen this year than we had ever seen
in any span before. It alsosaw as little of Jalen and so not
that's not true. He disappeared.He disappeared in some games time. But
what I'm saying is this is thebest of Jalen we'd ever seen. So
I'm gonna call that improved. Willtell me I'm wrong. I actually one

agree with everything that you just said, and that's something that was real controversial
when I said it. I thinkthat Shinghun is the best player, no
question, off rips. I thinkhe's the best player in the team.
I think that no player has provenmore as to why we should build around
them than what Alfram Shinghun did youknow to end last season and this season,
including right, But when I thinkof the the NPS, I'm thinking

of someone who showed the most improvementfrom point A to point B. I
think it was general. I agree, and I get it he was.
He was bad for a lot ofthe season, right he was. But
when you look at like we talkedabout it yesterday, if you give him
when I know it's a big ass, give him league average shooting from deep
that was the biggest question mark withhim. Give him league average shooting from

deep. You can then appreciate theimprovements he made from a playmaking perspective,
from a rebounding perspective, from adefensive perspective. I thot all that kind
of got overshadowed by the fact thathe wasn't as consistent offensively as he wanted
them to be. But he improvedquite tremendously in those areas. All right,
fellas, I gotta rush out hereon neils when I do appreciate this,
Just real quick to wrap it up, and you can go to their

page Brado NBA will what's your socialbias? Houston, Twitter, Instagram?
There it is most underrated. Theywent with Tari. I'm gonna add another
category, most overrated. Javar SmithJunior pissed me off this year. I'm
sorry. I thought Jabari regressed.Now I don't have the advanced numbers to

prove it right now, but Iwatched this team night in and night out,
just I gotta do with the astros, and it was so many times
I looked at Bari like, comeon, brun we agreement. Now,
if there was an overrated I don'tknow, I know you guys don't want
to say it that way, butif that was the category most disappointing,
let's call it that. Javar SmithJr. Most disappointing over the course of
the seasons, it's gotta be JackLanda. He came money, I gotta

go, I gotta I can't dothis. We got sponsored to the police
real quick. Again. I appreciateyou guys, Brad o Will the brad
On Will Show Brothers locked. Thenon Bleacher Report they're doing a whole bunch
of stuff on social. Appreciate youpulling up in studio, Brad Will.
I'll be on y'all Social. Wegotta continue this conversation and y'all got to
talk me off the ledge on JabarsmithJunr. We got you, We got

you, all right, there isGordy. When you're watching ball this weekend.
Some refreshments for those that have agednot caming with more not I'm in
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Crawford Bock. Now, what's next? Next stop? It's the man up,
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next stop, next next up?This team? What this is?

Next up? With step Northfleeten ChrisGordy, Let's see what's next next?
Hard to believe? One hour down, one hour to go. Here on
the Friday edition, final hour ofthe week. Next up staying Northfleet.
He is Chris Gordon. That isConnady McGovern. We call him c MAAC
around here. Appreciate all of you. With Houston holding us down pre set

number one. Are we at sevenninety at least we should be on your
audio down you can go back andlisten to. We've had one interview thus
far, another one coming up herein just a moment. We'll hear from
Aaron Wilson, our Texans insider.That'll be up on seven ninety dot com
Sports seven ninety dot com. Thatis, we just heard from bradle On
and Will of the brad On willshow talks some Rockets Year in Review gave

some grades as well, and ofcourse the free iHeartRadio app is readily available.
Astros off yesterday, back in actionthis afternoon. We'll have astros on
deck for you right here on sevenninety. At four thirty, we'll get
first pitched somewhere around What did Isee five forty five local time? Is
what I believe they are promoting.I him correct, justin Verlander on the

bump tonight we'll see can he berocky? Can he be an IV for
this team? And go out thereand get a reasonably good start and let
us hope the Bats have traveled tothe nation's capital. We heard from Nick
Casario Gordy about this time yesterday,and we were trying to touch on it

as it was happening in real time. I've gone back and read through the
transcript of what the hell Nick Casariowas talking about, and I'm going to
stand on what I said. ThenI thought Nick Cassio, who echoed many
of the things, albeit it landeddifferently because of the two men they have

different personalities and delivery process. Butthe message was a saying they are trying
to downplay everything about last season,and they are also saying it's almost like
that, not that they're running fromthe expectations, stop talking good about us.
Yeah, like they're deflecting. That'sthe word. They're deflecting from what

the fan base wants to hear.We're ready to love on him, which
ties to the uniform scenario. We'regonna get to here just a little bit.
Upon looking at listening to Cassario's comments, quotes, the audio, all
of that we'll hear from somebody ina little bit. What did you walk
away with from yesterday's presser? Secondtime around, it it doesn't make any

sense, And I think that's justwho Nick Cassario is. Unless and I
talk about Adam Wexler about this,and he seemed to agree with it.
Nick Cassio, I think no lookas great of a job as he's done
here in the last year. Wealso a year or two. We can't
ignore what he did the first yearor two, and some of it is

still very incomplete. Did Derek Stingleyjunior signing or drafting didn't look great as
rookie year. It looked a lotbetter this past year. But how about
to pick a few picks later whenyou took Kenyan Green. That's not looking
very good right now. There's beensome hits, there's been some misses,
and let's be real. When youhire a head coach like Damiko Ryans,
who was a rising superstar once hebrought in Stan a lot of guys from

San France he was familiar with.There were rumblings that he might bring along
you know, that he might prefera front office guy, a GM that
he would be on the same page. Ran Carthon and Adam Peters what are
two names, And there was anotherguy in San France, there was another
guy in Minnesota. So there weresome names that were brought up. And

so I think Nickosario in the backof his mind's going, yes, we're
getting a lot of praise for thec J. Stroud and while Anderson moves.
But as Adam Wesley said, youknow how many people like it wasn't
it wasn't like this epiphany he hadto come up with those moves. You
drafted two of the best players inthe draft, and most people agreed on
draft night they were two of thebest players in the draft. So like,
it wasn't that hard. Bryce Youngwent one, Okay, we'll go

see J. Stroud too, andyou know Demiko Rivers going, well,
well, Anderson too. Okay,let's get up. Next year's first to
move up and get it. Sothey did that. But in other words,
I think that was almost Casario tryingto deflect to calm them, saying,
look, we've been great, butwe haven't maybe quote unquote arrived yet.
This is still a five, six, seven year plan. Don't point

the fingers at me if we takea slide back this year, because this
is a seven year plan. Stillinteresting. Let's go over there to someone
that was there NRG dropping by theshow. Appreciate my brother Aaron Wilson,
our Texans inside of NFL big timeconnections around the league. Aaron Wilson joining
us here on Next Up Sports Talkseven ninety Aaron Wilson, Casario, my

words, not yours. They overthere deflecting. It's like they want to
take all the damn air out theroom. Why does it appear to some
that they aren't fully embracing the momentumcoming out of last season and signing these
Pro Bowl and All Pro free agents, right the mentality of avoiding the complacency,

and it reminds me of Nick Sabansort of maybe a little less combative,
but yeah, you know, youcould see an intensity and seriousness.
Yes, from Dimico Ryans. Therewas a bit of an edge right at
the start of the off season programwhen he did his media interview talking about

you know, you know, we'realways hunting, and I think that was
the mentality that also came from Nick. And yeah, you did see some
intensity from him. And it wasintended its sort of a combo free draft
press conference and to discuss free agencybecause you know, this is his first
time speaking. We didn't really getinto a lot of the actually any of

the players, other than mixing anddiscussing what they did with Stefan Diggs.
But you know, you just lookfor the nuggets within. I thought,
yeah, you know, I gota smile out of him actually with about
asking him about the Maryland. Hedid, he did, uh, he

laughed. But he was out therethrowing to Dick, so he had the
background with stuff on from very longago and he threw the ball. Well,
I thought, I told him so, but yeah, he just Uh.
It's essentially they're not looking for thefanfare. They're not looking for the
press conference with the guy holding upthe jersey, that kind of thing,
and they're more about we'll just beabout the work and if that translates into

wins in the fall, the excitementdoesn't dim at all. And I don't
think it, you know, ultimatelyaffects anything how the executive top executive and
the coach uh decide to go about, you know, tamping down anything.
The expectations will remain high and yeahthey know that. And if this season

doesn't go the way that people hope, yes, people will be disappointed and
expectations wouldn't have been reached and peoplewill you know, that's I mean,
that's kind of the underlying reality.Right if you lose, what's going to
happen. People are gonna say it, man, you didn't get it done.
You had this great offseason of whathappened to the team in the fall.
I don't anticipate that. I thinkthey'll be very successful, but uh

yeah, I think also you're gotto think about the time of year.
Why is he so intense that he'sabout to do the drafts. He's a
serious guy, but I mean,really that's his personality. So you mean
he's being true to who he is, which is he's intense and he's serious.
He's more about the work he andhe you know, it's kind of

funny. He's like, I hatethe draft grades and all that type of
stuff. Yeah, nobody in theNFL likes that. But yeah, ultimately
is it important? Does it matter? Does it stop fans from having fun
about the helmet league and things likethat? No? No, I mean
that's all that stuff is for us. And but yeah, you just I
think in understanding him and where he'scoming from, he's just he's a serious

dues and he's about to work.It is. It is funny eeron though
It's like some coaches and gms wouldalmost it's almost they prefer not to have
any cameras anywhere, and no,it's like, well, if we're not
talking about your team, you guysaren't making the money you're making because it's
not as popular. So you gottakind of take it, take it as
it comes. But I wanted toask you this, Aaron, because you
you got here in twenty you gothere in twenty fifteen. I remember being

at the press conference in twenty sixteenwhen they when they signed Brack Osweiler and
they signed Lamar Miller and they hada press conference for him and they both
sat at the table and they hadthe Texans jerseys and hands and all this.
Why does this why does this groupfeel opposed? Like you made some
big splashes in free agency, butyou know, they announced a press conference
a few weeks ago and they go, oh, it's gonna be player availability,

and then there's Joe Mixon a dialon Hunter. I'm like, wait,
where's the fanfare, where's the holdup the jersey? We just signed
two awesome players? And then samething for Stefan Diggs, no introductory press
conference. Forums Like yeah, it'slike a weird and maybe this is the
path they want to go, butman, like, sometimes you do have
to celebrate. These are big additions, right, It's sort of a substance

over style approach, and you thinkabout why, Well, I antimately it
doesn't change anything. It's just thatthat won't stop people from wanting a Stefan
Diggs press conference. From a schedulingstandpoint, sure it could have happened when
he flew into sign he got atwenty point money signing bonus and he did

all the pictures. Yeah. Froma local standpoint, you know, we
just want to I'm a I don'tlike lou Sin's. I'm more of like,
let's get that done and then wemove on to the next story.
You know, the introduction he talks, we get to know him. Uh,
you know, I know him justa little bit from us, both
being from the DMB area. Actuallyhe went to my rival high school council.

I went to Saint John's. Uh, but I like him anyway.
He's a good councilor falcon. Butyeah, I would say it's just that
you want to get over with.But he's been out of town. He's
not at the off season program.He went to u C l A,
which was great to throw with CJ. Bomb with CJ some more for knowing
him getting known with the Pro Bowl. But then right now he's at Bamburritos

in South Florida. He's working reallyhard. I have no question that he'll
be ready and that when he'll haveplenty of throwing time with CJ. This
is just wait listing and conditionings andnot that those things aren't important, but
he can do that on his own. And I'm sorry, and I mean

it's with all due respect. Iwould say this to Casarrio and Demico personally,
and if you don't mind, ifyou got time, let's hold you
over to the next segment if wecould. But I'm gonna I'm gonna know,
Okay, cool, I'm gonna makethis thought. Diggs is a professional.
No one questions his work ethic.However, this is a new locker
room, new city, new environment, new quarterback. If I were diggs

agent, I would say to him, pick and choose what days you're gonna
be there. You don't have tobe there for the volunteer workouts the whole
time, but it would probably helpingratiate yourself with the marketplace, because you
do come with some perceived baggage froma PR staff word tossed around and and

God bless Josh Allen. Josh Allentook the high road and what he said
yesterday in Buffalo about Diggs not beingthere and so on and so forth.
I just think it would have beenbetter for the organization and for Stefan optically
had he chosen to at least startthe program here and then dip in and
out of town as he sees fitmore from here. Wilson on the other

side. Next up, Sports Talkseven ninety. We're real textans talking.
Listen, standing Northfleet. It isjust a five Chris Cardytu the next tough
Mentality on your radio Overbouar that youand prepares you for the next one.
Welcome back to next Tough Buns WorksTalk seven ninety. Worried about what a

player does when he walks in ourbuilding. So we do our research,
We talk to our players, wetalk to other players all the time,
and we do our research, andthen ultimately Demiko and I sit and talk
and if we feel comfortable with decision, then we go ahead and make the
decision. I could candidate. Ithink it's unfair to label anybody until they
have actually have an opportunity to walkin the building. Nick Casario live from
NRG that was live yesterday. Yeah, don't label Daniel Harder or Pro Bowl

or we don't know what he's gonnabe until he walks in our bi I
mean you do. We have noidea Joe Mixon can actually carry the football
in this little scene because he hasn'tdone it in this building. Welcome back
in the next up. Gordy Fleet, Connedy McGovern join right now by Aaron
Wilson, our Texans inside of hereat seven ninety. He's always locked in
what's going on over the NRG.He was there yesterday. Let's move off

Diggs because I'm just done with Cassarioand Diggs. Cassario was also as directly
and indirectly about draft philosophy, andyou know how this works, Aaron.
People are gonna say need versus bestplayer available based on what you're hearing,
you're sourcing. Where do you thinkthe Texans are leaning when we get new

guys in the buildings since Caceario,the college text is gonna say one thing,
but since they haven't been in theTexas uniform, you have no idea
what you're gonna get. I saythat tongue in cheek. Draft wise,
what do you think they are thinkingin that second and third round. Yeah,
they're thinking about these defensive backs gettingsome good ones corner and safety.

I think they will address both.I think there'll be a new linebacker at
some point in the draft. Atight end. I think the House stay
tight end is of interest to them. Sober there is. They're doing a
lot of homework on late rounders.That includes Jamal Hills, a fast linebacker,

slash safety four four to one atabout two hundred twenty six downs,
more of a special teams guy,so they've been doing some homeworks and zooms
with him. They've also, youknow, been doing some homework on the
TCU state Steve Mark Perry has somegood trades around a four three seven at

the Big twelve Pro Day and probablyshouldn't have been invited to the combine.
So yeah, they've been. Healso went to CJ's High School and the
Springs with DJ from Rancho Cucamanga.But I believe that they will try to
hit those spots de tackle give ussome interest to them. Uh, They've
had a lot of trips with defensiveback stop time out stop Gordy. I

gotta get to this, has DevandreSweat been pulled off their board. I
don't know. I don't know that. I've heard. I've heard some things
like he won't get drafted for someNFL people I spoke with last night.
I've had other people tell me no, they someone's going to take the chance.
Uh, there's a lot of concernabout him beyond the dy It's not

only the DUI, multiple sources thatthere's a lot of concern about his behavior
and choices. And the weight isnot a Semear campaign, it's his behavior.
And you know, there are otherprospects that have stuff that no one
knows about in terms of personality intoasyncrasies. The scouts tell me and they

say, you know, this isgonna hurt this guy. And so they
always have more information than we do. That that's part of it, and
that's because that's their job, right, That's all they do is look for
these things and have that information,that access to the players and knowing the
people in those cities and those collegetowns. But in Crimson of Tovandre,
yeah, that's yeah, I wouldbe surprised. I don't think he'd be

a good idea for them to draftDevandre. I think hopefully things change for
Demandre and you know there's some kindof wake up call and some maturities coming
for him. But right now,it's a tough situation for that young man.
It's a situation he created, notjust with the DUI, but there
was already concerns. This was moreconfirmation that behaviorally, he's got to get

some things together. Right now,he doesn't have that together. Uh,
He's got to prove it to people, and I think someone will draft him.
I don't agree with that scout's opinion. I think he's going to get
drafted. I just don't know howlong is the slide gonna be. But
I think round two and round threethat's over. Yeah. When you when

you interview the kid, though,it's uh, and I got the interview
at the Sugar Bowl. I mean, it's just hard not to love the
kid. He's got personality, Imean, very likable. But but you're
right, it's yeah. I likethe way he has a wib butt and
he makes men back up and goesthat. Well, there's that there's that
part too. Uh Ever, soundgood? Back to the Cassia for a
second. I just wanted to getyour feel for this because you know,
there was some things made when whenthey brought in you know, Demiko,

it was kind of that thought of, Okay, him and Nick are gonna,
you know, if they're gonna worktogether, Let's see how this goes.
Because we know sometimes if there's ahead coach that you know that the
owner is in with and that wastheir pick, but he's not jelling with
the GM, well, you know, there could always be a time where
they turned into me, go andgo, who do you want to be
going? You know, bring insomebody that he can work better with.
But it seems like he's working wellwith Nick so far, and so you

know, so far, so good. But how much I mean listening to
Nick yesterday and getting defensive, howmuch maybe behind the scenes he's still selling
to Cal and everybody, Like,look, last year we were ahead of
schedule. Yes, but this isstill a multi year rebuild. And I'm
just thinking of from an aspect ofif they take a step back in all
this year, if they go sevento ten and they missed the playoffs,

and they could because the schedule's muchtougher, is this the way and Nick
going? Guys? I told youthis is a multi year thing. This
isn't going to be an overnight youknow, we're playing for super Bowls like
this is still part of the rebuild. No, I don't anticipate that happening
or I think that's his messaging orhis agenda at all. I think he

has, you know, if youlook at his actions. That's how I
usually try to stick with the mostas I can in terms of you listen
to what people say and how theysay it, But what have they been
doing? He's loading them up,He's everything he's doing. It's spinning spree.
It's all authorized by the cash spendingand they leave the NFL the last

few years in that category authorized bycal McNair. So he every GM has
a cap budget and cash budget.Their cash budget's almost unlimited. They you
know, he's oh my god,they get twenty point eight million dollars and
a bonus to stuff on. Imean it, it's great money. So

all these guys are getting big checks, big bonuses, the structures of the
contracts and they're signing. I mean, he tried to get Sakum Barkley that
a couple of years ago, someonewould have probably been like the last side
of character. I know, thathe said, Well, wasn't Devin Singleton
a big enough name? Is muchdifferent the players are going after now.

He tried to get Keenan Allen,He got close on getting Keenan Allen and
then he pivoted to Diggs. SoI look at it, and I think
it's so aggressive. It's so let'stake advantage of the windows. They can
say whatever they want. We don'tbelieve windows. Look what they're doing.

Look look what Hannah McNair is saying. Hannah had an interview with Cal McNair
with my colleague Grandy michael Boy,our sports director, and she said,
we want to win now. Thatis the emphasis. And she talks about
the excitement of from her children andher sons of getting stuff on Diggs running

was running around the house. Ithink that's more, you know. I
follow the kind of what are theowners saying, you know, because they're
the ones that right the checks,and what they're saying is we're all about
taking that next step, not justlike she said at the owners meetings.
I thought it was a great answerfrom her. We're not satisfied with just
a winning season quote, and whywould you be happy just to have a

winning record? Or we made theplayoffs. No, I mean they want
to take the next step. They'rethe only team in the division has never
even won a divisional round game.They're the only team that's never been to
the AFC Championship Game, and theyfeel like it's time for them to do
that. So Okay, that's whatthe season is about. I don't think
they're saying that to create the extrapressure, but they're not running from those

expectations. I just think it's notin knick nature or the Miko to hype
things up or you know, tosay things like that. But that doesn't
mean internally the bar is super high. But yeah, I think they are.
You know, I don't know ifthere is a Super Bowl world a
whole lot you will. But that'swhat that's what I mean, that's that's

the goal. I mean, Andwhy do it if you're not trying to
trying to win? I mean,their roster is good. I still think
the Chiefs and the Bills and theRavens or He's very challenging to get past
with all their experiences and the quarterbacksthat they have. But this is why
you do this, I mean,but this means the relevant the relevance is
so far up. This is good. That means that the Texans are legitimate.

Why everyone, I mean, lookat the resources that all of us
put into it, you know,like, why are why are you know
some of us at every game,you know, home road? This is
the say we take it seriously.Why go to the owners means why be
at the compound? Why you know, have all these conversations, Why I
talk to people in the league.Why do all that? Well, I

think that they're a team that's onthe cusp. That's my opinion, and
I'd be surprised if they are not. You know, a team that's right
in the mix. I don't knowif they're going to make it, and
then they could lose to those teamsin the playoffs again, and then the
years considered it wasn't quite good enough. But I appreciate it. I'm no,

we don't agree that you and Icould do this thing along with Gordon.
Everybody listening it loves our Texans.We can keep rolling them. But
I got another guest that I haveto get to it from the West coast.
I promise I would do that.Always appreciate the great Anon Wilson coming
by following him on Social. Ifyou aren't already, then you are not
turning for Texans and pro football inthis city. He is at Aaron Wilson
underscore NFL God it when the newrookies get here, we're gonna send them

somewhere to get a wit. Wellshould we send them too, Well,
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if you can't get out there today, mark some time off on Sunday.
Go get yourself on a new ride. Go getting a new Tundra today.
Over Fred hastro in the world nextself continues he was not having text Okay,

here's Chad north Fleet and Chris Gordy. It's not having text. Okay,
what sports tuck. Welcome back inthe next step here on Sports Talk
seven ninety Houston's home for or yourhome for Houston sports. If you want
to say that, well real Texastalking listen, stay in Northfleet. That's
Chris Gordy. Appreciate Connedy McGovern thanksto Aaron Wilson, who was our Texans

inside to just drop by to givehis thoughts on the Nick Cassario presser from
yesterday speaking of the best city inthe country, Houston, Texas, bulking
to a gentleman that I revere.He's one of the very best professionals in
our business. Brothers uper talented,also happens to be a veteran of this
country. Appreciate his service and thatcapacity as well. He was in town
playing some golf last weekend. Isaid, may you gotta come through.

Let the good people in Houston knowwhat you think about us. Love to
get an outside perspective for people toknow what the hell they talking about.
A courtesy of Fox. You've seenhim on some other networks. You see
him on social going hard as well. My man, Mike Hill, It's
Mike Hill on Social Mike, goodmorning to you from Houston. Was good,
was good? They lab me onfellows. Appreciate that, Appreciate your

time. All right, let's startthere. You swinging some clubs around.
Let the people know where were youplaying? More importantly, how did you
shoot? Uh well, I torefrom Houston golf courses while I was there,
I'm just gonna say it. AndI didn't see them up in a
good way. It's just mentioned.I probably had to fix a lot of
dvids, a lot of courts,and it's probably not even invited back,

probably got fanned my pictures up.I went to one course what was that
course? The course, golf courseof Houston, Golf course of Houston,
and yeah, it was the worstround of my life. Almost quit the
game. And then we went tothis one course. We played three days
there. We went to this onecourse, whereas all these replicable courses I
think it was what's the name ofthat court for eighteen to eighteen man,

And uh yeah, I see whythe professionals out professionals and I'm an amateur.
It was horrible, right, terrible. I'm right there with you.
My brother. Listen, I needto work on my short air, my
log game. But nonetheless, weappreciate you having the city and we'll talk
some food before we wrap up thissubject. Wrap up this segment. Real,
excuse me, all right, wejust heard from one of our insiders
over there at the Texans. Iknow you love the NFL. You're watching

NFL and unbeknownst to the people listening, you and head coach the Miko Ryans
went to the same high school daysin Bama and jess La nil is the
high school going to have to tellyou when I was giving them the business
down there in Birmingham and Jeff runthrough the hand of my usiness. Nonetheless,
to Meko, you're one I loveto get the national perspective. What
are you hearing people say? Whatare you seeing yourself in? What these

Texans were in twenty three and whatyou think they can do in twenty four?
Outstanding? I think they would havetalked of football, man, what
the Texas did c J. Stroud, especially a quarterback, and them being
able to get into the playoffs andthat first year with the Miko line.
Then that's a rookie quarterback that wasan outstanding job. Man, this guy's
limits with the additions that they're makingthere. I expected this out of the

Miko. I saw this when hewas a coordinator. I saw this when
he was a player. Just acerebral mind. Man. And now I'm
not just saying that because he cameout of just living there high school and
investing in Alabama represented well, camethrough a couple of years after me.
But nonetheless, man, this guy'sremarkable, and this guy's the limit for
these Texas there. Man. Soyou guys down there should be really excited

about this, as long as theystay healthy, obviously, and now they
know they got a target on theirback. So now they went from having
a surprising season to now having expectations, and of course we see how players
adapt to that and how they canevolve when it comes to the expectations because
now once again they had that targeton their back. But I think they'll
be the standards at the time.Talking with Mike Hill, it's funny,

you know, Stan Setti right inhe I was like, oh, yeah,
Mike Keel all those years on SportsCenter and you know, of course
doing this thing of sports I mentionedyour name to my wife. She's like,
oh, yeah, from the Housewifeshows. I'm like, it's just
people associate people in different realms indifferent world trans I get that on it.
Let me tell you. So whenthat when people come up to me
and say why I know you're from, I'm like, I don't know what,

honey man, if I would saythis, if it's a woman,
I say, you don't know me, you know my egg wife. I
have to say it that way forthe most bar. Yeah, it's so
funny though, Mike. I waslooking at you when he mentioned you went
to the same high schools to Miko, and I started looking at the people
I went to the high school,man, like as accomplice as you are.
If they're bringing back famous alums,man, you you might be knocked
down a few pegs. When wetalk about Gucci Man, bo Jackson,

Like Gucci Man, Jameis Winston,Amika, I mean y'all got y'all got
some dudes out of THERECI is themost famous on that list other than my
ear. That's Alabama. Man.You think about bo Jackson, Gucci Man,
you're talking about Gary Rose came outof that, Miko Wryance came out
of there. Little no fact.Diana Waals grew up in Alabama. Never
claims it, but she grew upin Best, Alabama. Man. So

this little small city of thirteen thousandpeople south to Birmingham. Man, you
know he's got a bad rap becausea lot of crime that's there. Is
one of the top ten per capitoin crime when he comes to the nation.
But the people that have come outof there have been outstanding. Yeah,
I'll probably be one of those peoplethat came out of there. And
I don't mind being fifty six onthat list. Man, with those great
names there. So talk with MikeHeil, Fox Sports, hanging out with

Fleet and Gordon Hill next up,and I want to bounce around a little
bit. I don't know how frequentlyyou get to a town. We got
to get you, eh, excuseme, We got to get you back
over here to Toyota Center. Soyou can see a man that is has
some fame in his own right.He's also a damn good basketball coach.
Don't know how many a Rockets gameyou called. We got some young guys
on the floor over here. Theadditions of Fred Van Vliet and Dylan Brooks.

Just from an outside of perspective,do you view the Rockets still as
dysfunctional or in la in the circlesyou travel a lot of Rockets view kind
of like what we thought, ohcase was a couple of seasons ago.
For example, I think, man, because first of all, let me
start over with made a doka.Man, I'm happy that that brother was
able to turn things around. Andthe horror perspective because of the whole scandal

that happened in Boston whatever as somebodythat's actually you know that reality show world
I've been in, and the typeof drama that he had to go through
when he was in Boston and allthis personal business being put out in the
open right there, and him ableto overcome that and come to Houston and
show the world what kind of coachI mean showed it in Boston when he
was there, But he also showedthe world what he can do with a
young team with some nice veterans,like you said, with Fred van Fliet

coming over there and helping out thatyoung group. Man. The perspective on
the Rockets, man, is thattheir team that's going to be vulnerable in
the future if they can stick together. It's a young team, right,
But I also think that mayor Dokabeing that coach will be able to gather
these guys and get the most outof them. But when you have that
young team and then when you havethat expectations and you have all that attention

on you, how do you handlethe attention? And that is gonna be
a big test for guys like JalenGreen, Jabari Smith and all those guys
over there. Man. But onceagain, they got the leadership in place
right now, and I think ifthey just buy into what he's selling,
uh, the Rockets, man,they'll be one of those teams in the
Western Conference that's gonna be formidable fora lot of years. Man. They

were there, They were right there, right on the edge of making the
playing game. They had a greatstart to the season, hit a little
bit of a dip, came backup a little bit more so they had
this up and down season. Nowthey just got to do what they got
to do in the off season,uh, to to get rolling the next
year. Going into next year.Well, of course, we carry the
Rockets right here at seven nine,and we also carry the Astros. And
if I were call Mike, Ibelieve I remember you being a Yankee fan.

I gotta say finally, you guysgot one on the Astros because we've
kind of own on that ass thelast time, so we're not we're not
gonna start talking about it. Solike I know, this is the Houston
radio station, and yes we didfrom the beginning of the season, but
that does not make up for bangingup the drums and bussing excuse my little
one us curse up. You're gonnaI hope y'all beat that. I hope

y'all don't. I hope you don't. But but y'all know we're not gonna
go We're not gonna bring that oldstuff back up, man, from the
things that happened in the past.But yes, the Ashros had had the
Yankees number for a long period oftime, man, and I'm glad the
Yankees got into a good start.Now the Ashtros man gotta turn things around
with us he not being there anymore. Uh, the new manager spotted man,

he got to think. I knowthey got a lot of injuries up
to the fishing staff right now,but they got to get guys going.
But it's still a long season.I think the Astros with you, you
still got the jose Al Tuvey who'salways been a Yankee killing place. He's
been a killer for everybody, uhin the American League around baseball. I
know he's off to a good start. I know they'll be able to turn
things around. But yeah, man, it did feel good to get that
that sweet to start the season.Uh, this baseball season by the Yankees

over there show we heard you answerthe first time, say sweet, we
got it, Mike, But yeah, it's in October with a different tone.
All right, all right, soyeah, okay, y'all gotta get
to October. Yeah, we lastedlonger than y'all did that. Damn dining
back who was at that beat?Y'all want to Arizona any make the post?
They didn't make the damn We'll dealwith that. Speaking Oh wow,

Okay, well, let's let's nottalk about history, because history we got
twenty seven dogs. I got sevenin my lifetime. We can go back
and forth all day. I'm notdoing this with you, Mike. I'm'm
not doing We're gonna end on stuff. Speaking of the tournament. Speaking of
a tournament, I know you alsowatching college hoops. Man used to be
covering the Big East there. Ireally believe this and I'm thankful for God
to put me in a situation inthe city as diverse as Houston is.

You know, when I got here, you know Udokah's hired. There's Dusty
Baker leading them again to another ALCS. You talk about Domico getting hired.
Brother over there at NRG obviously we'vespoken about, but let's also not leave
out Kelvin Samson at what the Universityof Houston Cougars has done. Just real
quickly, your observation on the Cooksand I don't know if you had them
in your final four over the lasttwo years or not, and the work

of Kevin Samson, what do youthink about the Cougars and the bracket this
year? Outstanding? Man, I'mjust I'm sad for the Coopies this year,
to be honest with you. Theyhad such an outstanding season and that
one if Jamal she doesn't get injured, bro that that right there, that
that killed him, You know whatI mean? That right there? If
that doesn't happen, I think I'mnot saying they're gonna be Yukon, but

I really feel like they would havegiven them a test man. They are
such a tough minded team. Ifyou like good quality basketball, good defensive,
good tough basketball. Man you lovewith Kevin Sampson has been able to
develop into Houston man. And I'mglad my man is coming back to transfer
that came over from Baylor. I'mglad he's coming back for a senior season

and whatnot. And I think they'regonna continue to build over there. Man.
So yeah, like you did mentionman Ash with the Ash, with
the Cougars, with the Texans andwith you Doke over there, y'all got
some brothers over there. Man,it's doing some big things. And uh,
I as far as me coming backHouston after I enjoyed the night light
and and you, Jesson, forgetthe golf. The reason I'm smiling today,

the reason I'm smiling is talking abouthere. You had nothing to do
with what I did the daytime.And Man, I'm about to sell my
house in LA and move to Houston. I don't want to move to DC
or Atlantic. No, Man,Houston has become number two on my lists,
right behind La. Bro. I'mtelling you losing y'all, Jotty,
that's been the best secret. It'sthe world. Nobody tell me. I've

been coming twenty years this is thethird time I'm living in Houston. I'm
begging for a new contract. Ain'tnobody tell me, But if y'all hiring
down there, let me know,brother. Now you're trying to take my
damn job, brother job, andI'm just saying that y'all hiring down there,
let me know. Man, Man, I'm making at Mike Hill's ass
off to hear him and the seventysix thousand followers follow them social want you

one of the most talented brothers,telling the people in our industry appreciate his
work on sports consummate professional he isat It's Mike Hill on social media,
specifically the X platform. Mike,I appreciate it. Brother. Next time
you come to Houston, let's goto din on me. Let's make it
happen now I remember that. Now, Yeah, we get to meet go
to put something too alight, mybrother, Mike Hill, Curtisy and Fox

boys dropping by. Next up tohang out with Fleet and Gordon. I'm
way over. Let's come back.Let's close it out. That made me
laugh. Verlandon, I got expectations. We'll talk about what they are.
Hand j over to Matt Thomas andRoss Vivery o Sports Talk seven ninety touchdown
Texas coach Stark. Here you're nextup with Stan Northfleet. From Chris Gordon
on Sports Talk seven ninety, Houston'shome of Longhorn Football. Oh my goodness,

I'm in my zone. And themost logical path forward right now is
top a timeshare of sorts between JohnSingleton and Josea Brad. You it's clear
Joseah Brady is not an everyday playeranymore. Just look at how Joe's has
used him. I think Joe A. Spotta is doing everything he can with
a really difficult situation. He's he'spinch hitting for a bray you in big

spots, He's hitting him eighth inthe batting order. There's really not much
more he can do. He's onthe active roster that they can't just not
play. So it's a tough situationand there's really not a ton of,
you know, great options looking outthere, and you just have to hope
that, you know, Josea Bradyfinds something to contribute some value to this

team. I'm not saying he hasto go out there and have him the
one hundred ops. Let's wrap upon a Friday, Here's sports Sox seven
ninety thanks to the great Mike Heillof Fox Sports. Who else did we
have? We had Aaron Wilson,our Texans insider. He was at the
top of the eleven o'clock eye.When then we had brad O and Will

of the brad Ow and Wheel Showduring their rockets. End of season.
Grades has been a really good Fridaylot conversations back to back to back.
I know we didn't take as manycalls as we normally do, but we
will end with the Astros because thatis the most important thing taking place in
the city over the weekend. Froma sports standpoint, as we near the
NFL Draft Round two a week fromtonight, Gordy Chandler rome by joining the

eighteen yesterday afternoon. He said,first rate, like he's not going anywherese
They're gonna have to find a workaround or work with with jose A Brayu,
I do not have confidence that heright now is going to break out
of the slump. Catch me inJune July. I might feel different.
Right now, Gordy, He's noteven close. He's getting struck out on

pitches that are eighty nine ninety ninetyone miles An hour. Right, Well,
it's but Chandler said, what I'vebeen saying about low Perfito is it's
like, yes, he's a goodprospect, he's not a great prospect.
He's not what Tucker was, whatBregmant was, where it's like, oh
my god, get this kit,Like I cannot wait till he gets up
here, and they wait until forthe time was right with those guys.

But like even when the time isright for low Perfito to come up,
it's still is gonna be like,let's have temper your expectations. This isn't
the second coming of Babe Ruth.He's gonna be He's gonna go through trials
and tribulations. He may, youknow, hit a home run in his
second game, but then he nextnight he goes over four with three strikeouts.
He can't be worse than a bray. You So, if Blair Henley

can get called up, if SpencerArraghatty can get called up, can I
expect lo Pafito he can called takenfrom the side of Loperffito, is that
fair to him? What do youmean? Was it fair to those two
guys? But I'm saying, like, you're this guy sucks so bad.
We're bringing you up because he sucks. You may not be ready yet,
but we're gonna you're you're better now. And whereas low Braffito might be thinking,

like, you know, maybe acouple more weeks in Triple A seasoning
and Flip Lopafito comes up and heplays in one of those Colorado Rocky games
in Mexico City and the ball fliesout of the park. Now you got
a young player with confidence. Sonow maybe he becomes not necessarily every day,
but more regularly in that rotation,and you can stop doing this.

John Singleton to bray you mess.No, I agree. I say the
thought like, what if he makesit work? What if he's more ready
than he'll ever be. No,I don't like that. What if by
necessity he has to go out thereand he does. Well, that's my
point, all right, Verlander's onthe mound tonight. For me, this
is real simple Verlander. You remindme of a mythical figure, legendary into

sports. Right. I need JVto come out there tonight. You've been
on mountain tide, You've been onthe top. The team needs you.
This team needs you. I needyou to get in there and give me
one for the gift. He's notthere yet. I need you to give
me one. I don't care aboutApollo Creed, I don't care about the

Russian. I need you to getin there and fight, all right.
I need you to even though hethrows with his left, throw with your
left throwing to right. Come on, JV five forty five, it's going
down. We'll begin at for thirtyheel sports talks at ninety five innings.
A three run ball, that's I'lltake that for. I need you to
give me seven strong he is JV. To show in the world you're two

there wrong people. Turn this speechon the damn headers. Tell tell your
not Alvareza. Take me the JasonMonument. Hit some dingers out tonight.
Jav's on top of the Jefferson Monumentwhen his arm stretch out and he's saying,
on behalf of Ashtrow's nation, allaround sixteen, all around the Beltway,

all around the spur too. Whatis it ninety nine from north to
south, all the way from Channelyou to Katie, I, justin Bernlander,
have come here to be the aceof this ball, will get us
all the rights. Go hit thedude, mckenzy gore go take advantage of
him. That's what I'm saying.There's been a fun show on a Friday.
Appreciate everybody hanging out. We wouldn'tbe able to do it without you.

We got Matt Thomas and I seeDad Matthews in the studio. They're
coming your way. Appreciate you thisweek. Appreciate you last month again,
we had a great month. Wewouldn't be able to do it without you.
That's kind of the mcgovernor, Chris, Gordy stan Fleet. Everybody have
a wonderful weekend. Let's go astros, God willing. We'll see you on
money. Y'all be well.
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