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April 19, 2024 17 mins
KPRC reporter Aaron Wilson joins Next Up to discuss the Houston Texans as they prepare for the NFL Draft that starts with the first round Thursday, April 25. The Texans do not currently have a first round pick, but Wilson says the Texans will find value in the later rounds. They're "doing some homework and zooms," and "[defensive] tackle is of interest to them." General manager Nick Caserio spoke to the media earlier this week, and Wilson attempts to read between the lines of his extensive comments. Caserio has a "substance over style approach," Wilson said. Despite Caserio's attempt to downplay the importance of recent signings and trades, Wilson says it's obvious that "they're trying to win," because "it's time for them to do that."
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Let's go over there to someone thatwas there NRG dropping by the show.
Appreciate my brother Aaron Wilson, ourTexans inside the NFL, big time connections
around the league. Aaron Wilson joiningus here on Next Up Sports Talk seven
ninety Aaron Wilson Casario, my words, not yours. They over there deflecting.
It's like they want to take allthe damn air out the room.

Why does it appear to some thatthey aren't fully embracing the momentum coming out
of last season and signing these ProBowl and All Pro free agents, right
the mentality of avoiding the complacency,and it reminds me of Nick Sabing sort
of maybe a little less combative,but yeah, you know you could see

rat boy and intensity and seriousness.Yes, from Dimko Ryans. There was
a bit of an edge right atthe start of the off season program when
he did his media interview. You'retalking about you know, you know,
we're always hunting, and I thinkthat was the mentality that also came from
Nick. And yeah, you didsee some intensity from him, and it

was intended its sort of a combopre draft press conference and to discuss free
agency. Because you know, thisis his first time speaking. Uh.
We didn't really get into a lotof the actually any of the players,
other than mixing and discussing what theydid with Stefan Diggs. But you know,

you just look for the nuggets within. I thought, yeah, you
know, I got a smile outof him actually with asking him about the
Maryland. He did, he did, Uh, he laughed. But he
was out there throwing to Dick,so he had the background with stuff on
from very long ago and he threwthe ball. Well I thought, I

told him so, but yeah,he just Uh. It's essentially they're not
looking for the fanfare. They're notlooking for the press conference with the guy
holding up the jersey, that kindof thing, and they're more about will
just be about the work and ifthat translates in to wins in the fall,
the excitement doesn't dim at all.And I don't think it, you

know, ultimately affects anything how theexecutive, top executive and the coach uh
decide to go about, you know, tamping down anything. The expectations will
remain high, and yeah they knowthat. And if this season doesn't go
the way that people hope, yes, people will be disappointed and expectations wouldn't

have been reached and people will youknow, that's that's kind of underlying reality,
right if you lose, what's goingto happen then if people are going
to say, man, you didn'tget it done. You had this great
offseason. Of what happened to theteam in the fall. I don't anticipate
that. I think they'll be verysuccessful, but uh yeah, I think
also you're got to think about thetime of year. Why is he so

intense that he's about to do thedrafts. He's a serious guy, but
I mean really that's personality. Soyou mean he's being true to who he
is, which is he's intense andhe's serious. He's more about the work
he and he you know, it'skind of funny he's like, I hate
the draft grades and all that typeof stuff. Yeah. Yeah, nobody

doing in the NFL likes that.But yeah, ultimately is it important?
Does it matter? Does it stopfans from having fun about the helmet leak
and things like that? No?No, I mean that's all that stuff
is for us. And but yeah, you just I think in understanding him
and where he's coming from, he'sjust he's a serious dudes, and he's

about the work it is, soit is funny, Aaron, though it's
like some coaches and gms would almostit's almost they prefer not to have any
cameras anywhere. And no, it'slike, well, if we're not talking
about your team, you guys aren'tmaking the money you're making because it's not
as popular. So you got tokind of take it, take it as
it comes. But I wanted toask you this, Aaron, because you
you got here in twenty you gothere in twenty fifteen. I remember being

at the press conference in twenty sixteenwhen they when they signed brock Osweiler and
they signed Lamar Miller and they hada press conference for him and they both
sat at the table and they hadthe Texans jerseys and hands and all this.
Why does this why does this groupfeel opposed? Like you made some
big splashes in free agency, butyou know, they announced a press conference
a few weeks ago and they go, oh, it's gonna be player availability,

and then there's Joe Mixon a DianeHunter. I'm like, wait,
where's the fanfare, where's the holdup the jersey? We just signed two
awesome players and then same thing forStefan Diggs. No introductory press conference forums,
Like, yeah, it's like aweird and maybe this is the path
they want to go, but manlike, sometimes you do have to celebrate.
These are big additions, right,it's sort of a substance over style

approach and you think about why,Well, I an't it doesn't change anything.
It's just that that won't stop peoplefrom warning of Stefan Diggs press conference.
From a scheduling standpoint, sure itcould have happened when he flew into
sign twenty plenty money signing bonus andhe did all the pictures. Yeah,

from a local standpoint, you know, we just want to I'm a I
don't like lou Sin's. I'm moreof like, let's get that done and
then we move on to the nextstory. You know, the introduction he
talks, we get to know him, you know, I know him just
a little bit from us, bothbeing from the DMB area. Actually he

went to my rival high school council. I went to Saint John's. But
I like him anyway. He's agood council of Falcon. But yeah,
I would say it's just that youwant to get over with. But he's
been out of town. He's notat the off season program. He went
to UCLA, which was great tothrow with CJ, Bomb with CJ some
more for knowing him getting known atthe Pro Bowl. But then right now

he's at Bomb Maritos in South Florida. He's working really hard. I have
no question that he'll be ready andthat when he'll have plenty of throwing time
with CJ. This is just weightlessthings and conditionings, and not that those
things aren't important, but he cando that on his own. And I'm

sorry, and I mean it's withall due respect. I would say this
to Cassio and Demko personally, andif you don't mind, if you got
time, let's hold you over tothe next segment if we could. But
I'm gonna I'm gonna, okay,cool, I'm gonna make this thought.
Diggs is a professional. No onequestions his worth ethic. However, this
is a new locker room, newcity, new environment, new quarterback.

If I were digs agent, Iwould say to him, pick and choose
what days you're gonna be there.You don't have to be there for the
volunteer workouts the whole time, butit would probably help ingratiate yourself with the
marketplace, because you do come withsome perceived baggage from a PR staff word
tossed around and and God bless JoshAllen. Josh Allen took the high road,

and what he said yesterday in Buffalo, you know about Diggs not being
there and so on and so forth. I just think it would have been
better for the organization and for Stefanoptically had he chosen to at least start
the program here and then dip inand out of town as he sees fit
more from here. Wilson on theother side. Next Up, Sports Talk
seven ninety. We're real texted talkinglisten standing Northfleet. It is just a

five. Chris Cordy the next up. It's the next up mentality on your
radio. Every bottle that you gothrough prepares you for the next. Welcome
back to next top on Sports Talkseven ninety. Worried about what a player
does when he walks in our building. So we do our research, We
talk to our players, we talkto other players all the time. Then

we do our research, and thenultimately Demiko and I sit and talk and
if we feel comfortable with decision,and we go ahead and make the decision
I could candidate. I think it'sunfair to label anybody until they have actually
have an opportunity to walk in thebuilding. Nick A Sarios from NRG that
was live yesterday. Yeah, don'tlabel Daniel Harder or Pro Bowl or we
don't know what he's gonna be untilhe walks it out. I mean,
you do. We have no ideaJoe Mixon can actually carry the football in

this little scene because he hasn't doneit in this building. Welcome back in
the next up. Gordy Fleet ConnedyMcGovern joined right now by Aaron Wilson,
our Texans insider here at seven ninety. He's always locked in what's going on
over the NRG. He was thereyesterday. Let's move off Diggs because I'm
just done with Casario and Diggs.Caserio was also asked directly and indirectly about

draft philosophy. And you know howthis works, Aaron. People are gonna
say need versus best player available basedon what you're hearing, you're sourcing.
Where do you think the Texans areleaning when we get new guys in the
building since Casio the college tape's gonnasay one thing. But since they haven't
been in the Texans uniform, youhave no idea what you're gonna get.

I say that tongue in cheek.Draft wise, what you think they are
thinking in that second and third round. Yeah, they're thinking about these defensive
backs getting some good ones corner andsafety. I think they will address both.
I think there'll be a new linebackerat some point in the draft.
A tight end. I think theOlhouse stay tight end is of interest to

them, sober there is. They'redoing a lot of homework on late rounders.
That includes Jamal Hills, a fastlinebacker slash safety four to four to
one at about two hundred and twentysix pounds more of a special teams guy,
so they've been doing some homeworks andzooms with him. They've also been

doing some homework on the TCU stateSteve Mark Perry has some good trades around
a four to threety seven at theBig twelve Pro Day and probably shouldn't been
invited to the combine. So yeah, they've been. He also went to
CJ's High School and the Springs withDJ from Ranch Kuckamoga. But I believe
that they will try to hit thosespots de tackle is of some interest to

them. Uh, they've had alot of trips with defensive back stop stop
Gordy. I gotta get to this. Has Tovandre Sweat been pulled off their
board. I don't know. Idon't know that I've heard. I've heard
some things like he won't get draftedfrom some NFL people I spoke with last
night. I've had other people tellme no, they someone's going to take

the chance. Uh, there's alot of concern about him beyond the DY.
It's not only the DUI, multiplesources. So there's a lot of
concern about his behavior and choices.And the weight is not a smear campaign,
it's it's his behavior. And youknow, there are other prospects that

have stuff that no one knows aboutin terms of personality into asyncrasies. The
scouts tell me and they say,you know, this is going to hurt
this guy. And so they alwayshave more information than we do. That
that's part of it, and that'sbecause that's their job, right, That's
all they do is look for thesethings and have that information. That access
to the players and knowing the peoplein those cities and those college towns.

But in Crimson Tovandre, Yeah,that's yeah, I'll be surprised. I
don't think he'd be a good ideafor them to draft Devandre. I think
hopefully things change for Devandre and youknow there's some kind of wake up call
and some maturity's coming for him.But right now, it's a tough situation

for that young man. It's asituation he created, not just with the
DUI, but they were already concerned. This was more confirmation that behaviorally,
he's got to get some things together, and right now he doesn't have that
together. He's got to prove itto people, and I think someone will
draft him. I don't agree withthat scout's opinion. I think he's going

to get drafted. I just don'tknow how long is the slide going to
be, but I think around twoand round three that's over. Yeah.
When you when you interview the kid, though, it's uh, and I
got the interview at the Sugar Bowl. I mean, it's just hard not
to love the kid. He's gotpersonality, I mean, very likable,
but but you're right, it's yeah. I like the way he has a
wat butt and he makes man backup when he goes that well, there's

that there's that part too. Uh. Back to the Cassio for a second.
I just wanted to get your feelfor this because you know, there
was some things made when when theybrought in you know, Demko, it
was kind of that thought of,Okay, him and Nick are gonna,
you know, if they're gonna worktogether, Let's see how this goes.
Because we know sometimes if there's ahead coach that you know that the owner
is is in with and that wastheir pick, but he's not jelling with

the GM, well you know,there could always be a time where they
turned the Tomico and go who doyou want to be going? You know,
bring in somebody that that he canwork better with. But it seems
like he's working well with Nick sofar, and so you know, so
far, so good. But howmuch I mean listening to Nick yesterday and
getting defensive, how much maybe behindthe scenes he is he's still selling to
cal and everybody like, look,last year we were ahead of schedule.

Well yes, but this is stilla multi year rebuild. And I'm just
thinking of from an aspect of ifthey take a step back in all this
year, if they go seven andten and they missed the playoffs, and
they could because the schedule's much tougher. Is this the way and Nick going?
Guys, I told you this isa multi year thing. This isn't
going to be an overnight you know, we're playing for super Bowls like this
is still part of the rebuild.No, I don't anticipate that happening or

I think that's his messaging or hisagenda at all. I think he has.
You know, if you look athis actions, that's I usually try
to stick with the most as Ican in terms of you listen to what
people say and how they say it, But what have they been doing?
He's loading them up. He's everythinghe's doing. It's spinning spree. It's
all authorized by the cash spending andthey leave the NFL the last few years

in that category authorized by cal McNair. So he every GM has a cat
budget and cash budget. Budget's almostunlimited. They you know, he's writing
big chip. Oh my god,they gave they get twenty point eight million
dollars and a bonus to stuff on. I mean it, it's great money.

So all these guys are getting bigchecks, big bonuses. The structures
of the contracts and they're signing.I mean he tried to get say Quon
Barkley that a couple of years agosomeone would have probably been like out side
of character. I know that hesaid, well, wasn't Devin Singleton a
big enough name? Is much differentthe players they're going after now. He

tried to get Keenan Allen, Hegot close on getting Keenan Allen and then
he pivoted to Diggs. So Ilook at it and I think it's so
aggressive. It's so let's take advantageof the windows. They can say whatever
they want. We don't believe windows. Look what they're doing, right,

Look what Look what Hannah McNair issaying. I had an interview with cal
McNair with my colleague Grandy mickaelboy Or, our sports director, and she said,
we want to win now. Thatis the emphasis. And she talks
about the excitement of from her children, her sons of getting stuff on Diggs

was a run around the house.I think that's more, you know,
I follow the kind of what arethe owners saying, you know, because
they're the one to write the checks, and what they're saying is we're all
about taking that next step, notjust like she said at the owners meetings.
I thought it was a great answerfrom her. We're not satisfied with
just a winning season quote, Andwhy would you be happy just to have

a winning record or we made theplayoffs? No, I mean they want
to take the next step. They'rethe only team in the decision has never
even won a divisional round game.They're the only team that's never been to
the AFC Championship Game, and theyfeel like it's time for them to do
that. So, Okay, that'swhat the season is about. I don't
think they're saying that to create theextra pressure, but they're not running from

those expectations. I just think it'snot in nicked nature or the Miko to
hype things up or you know,to say things like that. But that
doesn't mean internally the bar is superhigh. But yeah, I think they
are. You know, I don'tknow if there is a Super Bowl world

a whole lot you will, butthat's what that's what I mean, that's
that's the goal. I mean,And why do it if you're not trying
to trying to win? I mean, their roster is good. I still
think the Chiefs and the Bills andthe Ravens Or he's very challenging to get
past with all their experiences and thequarterbacks that they have. But this is
why you do this, I mean, but this means the relevant the relevance

is so far up. This isgood. That means that the Texans are
legitimate and that's why everyone, Imean, look at the resources that all
of us put into it. Youknow, like, why are you know,
some of us at every game yourhome roads say we take it seriously?
Why go to the owners meetings?Why be it the combine? Why

you know, have all these conversations, Why I talk to peopleund the league?
Why do all that? Well?I think that they're a team that's
on the cusp, that's my opinion, and I'd be surprised if they are
not, you know, a teamthat's right in the mix. I don't
know if they're going to make it. They could lose to those teams in
the playoffs again, and then theyears considered wasn't quite good enough. He

got a brother. I appreciate it. I know we don't agree with you,
and I could do this thing alongwith Gordon. Everybody listening that loves
our Texans. We can keep rolling. But I got another guest that I
have to get to it from theWest coast. I promise I would do
that. Always appreciate the great AaronWilson coming by following him on social If
you aren't already, then you arenot tearing for Texans and pro football in
this city. He is at.Aaron Wilson Underscore NFL
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