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April 5, 2024 83 mins
Stan Norfleet and Chris Gordy of Next Up react to the Houston Texans wiping out the final three years of wide receiver Stefon Diggs' contract following the trade with the Buffalo Bills. This gives Diggs the ability to become a free agent after this season. The Texans also moved up the $3.5 million guaranteed to Diggs next season and will pay it this season, essentially giving Diggs a raise. The Golden State Warriors defeated the Rockets 133-110 Thursday at the Toyota Center. The Rockets now sit four games behind the Warriors for the final spot in the Play-In Tournament; however, the Rockets will lose the tiebreaker to the Warriors who swept the season series 3-0. Stan and Chris review C.J. Stroud's latest media appearance, preview the Astros traveling to Arlington to begin a four-game series against the Texas Rangers and more.
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Episode Transcript

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Now what's next, next up?It's the next man up, next stop,
the next step, take the nextstep, next up, stop next,
next stop. This he wants tobe next. This is next st
up with Tad Norflee ten Chris Gordy, Let's see what's next, next next,

Live from the Sports Talk seven ninetystudios. Feeling good, feeling great
on a Friday, fifth day ofApril twenty twenty four. Welcome in the
next up for the next two hours. Prior or, I should say,
as a preface to the Matt Thomasshow Stand Norfley would be me new to
the station, to the show.That guy beside me right there, he's
our program director here at seven ninety. His name is Chris Gordon Connor Dee

McGovern in his customer position on theother side of that screen. They're doing
some fancy work with computer and somemicrophones and stuff. Connor's always up to
something. Thank you for the SewnSalisbury Show each and every weekday morning they
get up with us or we getup with them to ten am. Appreciate
Brian Lalema, Sean Salisbury and Easya manual doing their deal in the morning.

Gentlemen, Good morning, I amI'm feeling pretty good. Carson had
a great birthday. Shout out tobaby k turned three. And then I
saw a bad basketball game the HoustonRockets. Can't wait to hear about that.
Houston Rockets absolutely get the doors blownoff over at Toyota Center. We

know that the about to Golden StateWarrior is if you didn't see the game,
mine held to mention that Rockets,excuse me, astros were off last
night. They're in Arlington tonight.Can't wait to see that. When you
can stick with us throughout that entirecoverage we will get. We get on
deck going gor there about six pmis what it tells me here, So
we will do that. Rockets backin action as well, the Miami Heater

in town. So a second nightof a back to back there before we
jump in because there is Texans news, which is where I want to begin.
Need to circle back on this.Stefan die Just your night last night,
gents? How you feel? Ohgood? Connor was covering the Rockets
game. You know they let himuse Connor us the microphone last night?
Well no, oh, he wason location. He was there in the

meeting hell Connor just walking around witha damn credential. Uh taking pictures,
sending him back to the old ladycolor. What the hell? Who did
you talk to last night? Personally? Well, I actually did a hop
on the post game with Frost fora little bit. Oh okay, you
did some official business, all right, So I take that back, my
bad. I was being a youknow what, okay, Gordy when we

left off. As it pertains tothe Houston Texans, Nick Cassario had gotten
an A plus. I repeated thathe stole, absolutely stole a wide receiver
one in Stefan Dick. Stefan Diggswas in the city yesterday. I'm not
sure if he's here today or not. He will be wearing jersey number one.

We'll talk about jerseys throughout the courseof this conversation about the Texans.
Nonetheless, he's posting officially on socialmedia Texans announced it is done deal.
Oh but then there's leakage of thetrue details of the deal. Yeah,

I've gone back and forth. Thedetails that I highlight. I believe Adam
Schefter was the first that I sawon them. Connie, you'll tell me
if said audio is available to run. But essentially they did two things.
Did the Texans. As it pertainsto Stefan DIA's contract one, they voided
the three remaining years after this season, allowing him to become a free agent.

That was the big one. Theminor move is they just advanced him
the remaining guaranteed portion. The threepoint five million. You put it with
the eighteen he was gonna get thisyear, So he's hovering around twenty three
million bucks for this season. Idon't have a problem with that. Can
I be real? This makes menot like the deal. This monch not
too far from where you are.I mean so as Adam Schefter said,

He said, added and said itfor Stefan Diggs's part of the trade,
the Texans wipe about the final threeyears of the deal, giving him the
ability to become a free agent.They took the three and a half a
million guarantee next year, moved upto this year, so it's basically he's
on a one year, twenty twomillion dollar deal. It's great to have
Stefan Diggs here. It's gonna beawesome. But Stan, we've talked about
it. Nico Collins is going tobe due. Like if he has an
awesome year, you need to starttalking contract, you know, negotiation with

him. If Stefan Diggs goes outthere, whatever he does this year,
if he kills it, or ifhe's just pretty good. He's a free
agent and you'd like to keep thatguy, but it's gonna cost you a
pretty penny. I just I don'tlike it. I mean, look,
we talked about inheriting the contract,and yes, it was gonna be some
high dollar figures for the next coupleof years, but as we know in
the NFL, things could be reworked, you know, money moved around,

all this kind of stuff. Ijust don't like. If he goes out
there and he's awesome, his agent'sgonna go, Man, Nick really appreciate
you guys taking him in Houston atan awesome time, and it goes great,
let's keep this train rolling. Hegoes, oh, yeah, yeah,
we will. But you guys canbe one of the bidders for him.
And it just becomes like Nick andHe's one year deals, dude,
Like it's funny because it's it's not. You know, it's not like they

signed him to a one year dealin free agency like they do with so
many other guys. But that's kindof what it's become Stan and I just
I don't know, it just it'sit's gonna be awesome this year. But
it's almost like enjoy him while he'shere because he's gonna hit the market and
go to the highest bidder next office. Well, you know what I thought
about you this morning, which happensmore frequently than I would like to admit,

given that we work closely together,But I never think of you.
Okay, good to know, andit shows. So listen, I said,
I remember when they signed all thoseone year deals and two year deals
last year. I specifically remember you, and I vivid in my imagine or
in my mind. Rather oh stayingDalton shortz he's gonna have one and he's

gone. Dalton stayed. So that'sjust an example of Okay, but a
guy can have he decided to stay, He could have easily. Step could
because we saw his reports. ThePatriots were ready, like there were multiple
teams ready. It's no disputing that. What I'm simply saying is if we

have to put the same energy intoDalton shots, because the conversation is the
same. What if a guy hasa great year, it's a one year
deal and he's out Okay, sowhat the the nuance of this piece is.
Nick Caserio was saying, staying,you're right, I needed a receiver.
I went and got a big boy. All of us are happy,
staying. It cost me a secondround pick, albeit from Minnesota. So

I had a free second round pickthat I'm using in twenty five to try
and help us go win a superBowl in twenty four. Well, but
let's remember where that second round pickcame from. Trade got it first pick.
But it's still this is this ishow I gave up a first round
pick for a one year a second. No no, no, no,
no, no, no, that'snot completely true. That's what it is.

He traded out of twenty three toaccumulate multiple second rounds seconds. You're
in a second action of which he'schoosing to use one of those to give
to Buffalo, and you also gettwo late round picks back. So that
is the full picture, and fromthe in reality, they give up a

first roundon digs in an extra second. In reality is what I I really
just highlighted the whole hour, sixthand whatever later on picks. What we're
talking about is the value in NickoSario's mine. I gave up a free
second to go get Stefon Diggs.Now Cassandra first is part of the start
of that deal. No, there'stwo separate deals. There's what I did

in Minnesota, and I use thatcapital to go do this. If I
sell a home and I decide towith the with the wind fall I get
from selling my home to go buytwo separate vehicles, or to buy a
vehicle in a boat. They kindof don't have. The boat and the
car don't have anything to do witheach other. But listen, I digress.
So there's that part and Neil Cassario, and this is why I think

he did this. He says,look, Stefan, come here, be
the best version of yourself, andI'm going to give you three and a
half million more dollars to guarantee youthe fool whatever it is twenty three in
some change. You don't think hisagent asked for this. You don't think
his agent. Of course there's aconversation, but I do believe this is
Casarrio saying, Hey, here inHouston, we're about being fair and equitable.

But give us the best you have. Stefan Diggs is even more motivated
to go get money, whether it'sfrom Houston or whether it's from somewhere else.
The question that I keep coming backto is did you have to you
like? I love the idea ofhaving Stefan in twenty five, twenty six,
and twenty seven with only three anda half menion guaranteed. Casario might

tell me, Stan, do youthink he was gonna play next year with
only three and a half million guaranteed? No, he was gonna wind,
bitch, complain all the things.So I was going to have to give
him money staying. Would you ratherme do this a one year deal at
a reasonable number with no guarantees,or would you rather me give him more
guaranteed money and do like a JoeMixon deal. I'm inclined to say.

I wondered, Cassio if I wouldhave rather you just done an extension and
reek what do you call it?Reconfigured the contract, restructure the deal and
give him more guaranteed money, spreadout over season twenty five twenty six,
and we'll deal with twenty seven later. This just one for one, a
second round pick out the door,and it's a one year staying. I'm

gonna try and treat him good.We're gonna love on him. Him and
CJ half chemistry. We're gonna wina bleap ton of games. And then
if it works, hopefully he'll giveus. Uh, he will remember that
we're the ones that came and savedhim from Buffalo and he comes back Gordon,
that's a lot of if for me. I do not love this deal
now that I'm talking through it withyou guys, I don't love the deal

as much as I initially did.I still like it, but it's just
more risk than I was prepared topillot it first. Yeah, and again
it's this is like, uh,this is like Alex Pregman right now,
like Alex Bregman's in a contract yearand he wants to go out there and
crush it and uh he hasn't yet, but we expect he'll pick it up

and all this and it's just itmakes it. It's one of the tough
things. Like if he crushes itand has an awesome year, he's gonna
hit free agency and you know,want to make top dollar. And again,
like you, you'll have a decisionto make because you might have a
Nico Collins going, hey, it'stime to pay me, and you're going
Stefan Diggs going pay me and howdo you you know, do you want

to pay two wide receivers? Somebodysaid, I saw somebody on Twitter said
this is an idea of you payone or the other. And maybe Nick's
like, all right, let's seeme the best man win. The impact
of step Von Diggs and this restructuredcontract. Your thoughts Houston seven one three,
two one two five, seven ninetyon a Friday here in the Galleria
area, where will Texas talk andlisten to the legendary of KB and me.

This is next up stuck with StadNorthfleet and Chris Gordy during this next
stage on Sports Talk seven ninety.It's deeper, like you said, it's
not just him not being a footballplayer being able to, you know,
get the statistics. You know.It's something deeper, and we don't.
I don't really I can't see hehim tell you I know, but I

just know as far as quarterback receiver, they really didn't have. I wouldn't
say they wouldn't eye to eye,but it was just more of him wanting
to win. I think, youknow what I'm saying in there, And
I don't feel like he thought theywas going to be able to beat the
Chiefs. That's AFC East is I'mnot the FC East. The AFC Conference
is the Chiefs. And I feellike I think he would rather go with
the young quarterback and you know,a new team that's driving, I mean,

it's thriving instead of staying with theBills where they every year getting beat
by the Chiefs. Welcome back intothe show here On a Friday the Sports
Talk seven ninety studios, that wasformer NFL receiver DeShawn Jackson speaking as to
the motivation that may have behind StefanDiggs ultimately wanting to get up out of

Buffalo. They can't get past theChiefs. And in fact, it was
also reported Gordon that the Buffalo Billstold Stefan Diggs's representation, you can seek
a trade everywhere else, we'll cosign. We're not sending you to Kansas
City. Yeah good, And Iwas like, oh, okay, I'm
done with that all right. Sothe nuance here, the layers to this

deal is Stefan gets Stefan Diggs.The actual deal is twenty two and a
half million dollars guaranteed for one season, and it cost Nick Cassario, one
of the second rounders. He gotthe twenty five second rounder in the trade
back out of this year's twenty thirdoverall selection in the first round, Stefan
Diggs a twenty five second rounder straightup. One for one. I don't

love it. It's not that I'mopposed to it. I just don't love
it as much as I did.JAF throws out there, he said,
if Diggs does good and leaves,you know, you could start talking compensatory
picks, a third round comp peck. I've heard there are no comp picks
because it was a restructured deal.Yeah, I don't know. It's kind
of murky of what is a compwas not a coup or really gonna really

like what third round comp pick?That's end of third round? Really?
He doesna say a pick in theone hundred and whatever, like Rock Party
was an MVP candid as a seventhround pick. Tom Brady to go sixth
round pick. Okay, we cango through the history of the leads.
Let's go to the history of Texanssixth and seventh three. Once I got
to do with Casario and Demiko,I told you got to be fair about
that. Okay, Yeah, let'sgo through Nick cas and the Miko.

Oh, so he's different. It'sdifferent because the Miko's not letting Casario do
no bns together they've been so he'sletting them do some bs here. Now
this Stefan Diggs contravert this one righthere, NBC. Who's this Mike Floor?
You know, he kind of says, he's like, look, it's
a great outcome for Stefan Diggs becauseit is he free agent. You know,

it's one of those years you wouldn'teven I wouldn't even call it a
prove it deal because you don't haveanything to prove. It's just it's a
consistency deal. If he does consistentlywhat he's done the last five years,
he's going to get paid to getpaid. But he argues for the Texans
in ripping up the final three years, it's good for the Texans because they
don't dump gigantic cash and cap commitmentsinto one player, because he was due

to make eighteen million in twenty twentyfive, nineteen million twenty twenty six,
and that would be a team milliontwenty twenty seven. But the problem though
is yes, you don't make thoselong term commitments and cap bits, but
you do risk losing the player afterone year, and so that's where it's
just that's where I'm just torn onit. It's like we're gonna love it,
but like I'll tell you this,you're a Texas fan, I don't

know if I'm buying a Stefan Diggsjersey, by the way, he ALLEGI
for a Allegedly Stefan Diggs has paidJimmy Ward one hundred grand to get jersey
number one, and Jimmy Ward willwear jersey number twenty. And of course
Tank Dell is number three. CJ. Stroud is number seven. That's

very cute. I care about scoringtouchdowns. I care about locking up good
players now and again. That's whereI'm at. So I'm gonna tell your
players multiple years, well number onegiving Stefan Diggs money, you can pay
Tier one money to two wide receivers. Cincinnati's doing it, Seattle's paying good

money to both lock it in DKMetcalf. Who else is doing it?
Whom I'm missing? Somebody? Somebodyelse is doing it. What are they
doing in Tennessee? Not Newt Hopkinsand Ridley's making a ton of cash?
Who am I missing? I'm missingsomebody else? Is doing it too.
The Cowboys have done it. HelpBrandon Cooks ain't cheap Seedie Lamb's about to
get paid. Oh, the Eaglesare doing the way A J. Brown
and DeVante, So it can bedone. So go ahead and dreamshake.

Just copied. It's on a coupleof videos. Adam Schefter did say they
would get a camp pick if hedoes so. Schefter is saying there is
a compick, all right, thatalleviate some issue my overall. What really
solidified my position for me is,let's think about the deal they almost did
before this. Had the Texans gottenKeenan Allen, it would have been eighteen

million and change guaranteed this year.Yeah, only a fourth round pick.
If that's what the Chargers would haveaccepted from the Texans. Maybe the Chargers
wouldn't negotiated for a third who knows. But if they were willing to go
Keenan Allen for one year, becauseit was the same deal, it's one
year. Keenan Allen older not quiteas good, certainly not as healthy as

Stefan Diggs. So if you werewilling to go to Keenan Allen and I
would have been jumping up and downfor that as well. Then I have
to be okay with a second roundpick, getting Stephan digs and some late
round picks and potentially some compensatory Theformula makes it add up. I just
don't feel that's warm and fuzzy aboutit. We're only talking about this because

it's it's April, you know,and and we were looking at the terms
of the contract. But come AugustSeptember, we're gonna be excited to have
Stefan Diggs. No, of coursewe're gonna go all in. You know.
This is like you go all inon this year. Let's see what
they do. If they make ad playoff run, if they get to
their first AFC Championship game ever,to the Super Bowl, yea, then
it's worth she's gonna turn around.Go guys, I can't leave here like

we got something brewing here. Let'skeep this thing wrong. You know.
So it depends, But to yourpoint is valid in that this will be
a successful transaction even if it isStepan in one year and the second round
pick that's gone back to Buffalo.If you get to someplace years, if
you get to an ANC championship gameor a Super Bowl, that it is
one hundred percent worth it, andI take that. So that's where my

head is. If you want toshine, I mean on this Stephan Diggs
deal, you can do that.Seven one three two point two five seven
ninety. Speaking of the Chiefs,it is alleged that Buffalo told Stefan Diggs
agent, you can get anywhere exceptKansas City. Who is that former Pittsburgh
Steeler friend of mine, Brian McFadden. He's on CBS Sports HQ. He

also has a podcast with Peterson.Patrick Peterson, formerly of LSU, also
former Steeler. At this point,he had this to say about the Diggs
acquisition and what it means in termsof their pursuit for Lombardi in twenty four.
For the Texans, if in everyteam of the National Football League sact
at this time, there's a lotof ifs associated with him. Right Number

one, a clean bill of health. If the Houston Texas can be healthy,
that's one important factor. But ifC. J. Stroud can play
the way he played last year withall the additions they've made, they are
the next best team in my opinion, outside of the Kansas City Chiefs.
When you talk about teams that couldcompete with the Chiefs to get to that
championship like opportunity this upcoming season isKansas City. And right now, with

all the auditions that we've seen,added Stefan dis the Houston Texas, they're
right there. And that's surprising tothink about when you think about the Houston
Texas maybe three or four years ago. Look at the drastic change they made
and when you talk about championship aspirationsnormal, it's not about the AFC South
anymore. No, they're buying in. It's about Super Bowl moments, trying

to get to that level. Andthey're the second best team in the AFC
in my opinion, right behind theCans City Chiefs. Ooh, that part
right there. Brian McFadden courtesy ofCBS Sports HQ. Gordon. Not that
it's official when you look at theTexans roster, is this the second best
team in the AFC behind Kansas City. I don't look the Chiefs of the

Super Bowl champs, but we sawduring the regular season last year they were
not The record wasn't as good.They took some l's, they played differently,
they showed signs of vulnerability. Eleventhey went eleven and six so and
then went on the road and crushed. I'm not and again, congress to
them. They won the Super Bowland you gotta have some lucky breaks to

go your way. But I'm notjust elevating like it's them and everybody else.
It's the it's the Bengals with ahealthy Joe Burrow. It's it's the
Ravens with Lamar doing what he justdid, and now you had Derrick Henry.
Like any of those teams can winthe Super Bowl and the Vegas hots
come out. Yeah, the Chiefsare probably gonna be favored again to do
it because of their track record.But like as if the Texans are only

chasing the Chiefs, Like, no, there are multiple teams. Now,
it looks like Buffalo takes a littlebit of step back. We'll see what
they do in the draft. Theymay draft five rookie wide receivers in this
draft and just say let's go,let's go, you know, run it.
But yeah, I just I lookat it and say that there's multiple
The Texans in that grouping. Yes, I think they are on paper they

should be in that grouping, butI don't see it as their the Chiefs
and none the Texans. Like okay, Bengals might have something to say about
that. The Ravens are gonna havesomething. The Ravens beat the Texans,
not once, but twice last year, like they're gonna have something to say
about it. You mean the Beaglesteam that this Texans team's beat in the
jungle last year. I meant theysay Ravens beat them twice. Ravens,

they lose Patrick Queen, they loseJK. Dobbins, they lose some oh
Geno Stone in the secondary. ThatRavens team looks a little bit different.
Jadeveon Clowney not there anymore. Whatwould you do to address your tacklers tackling
Lamar Jackson, Aziz al Shire,Danilhanna, the Nico Autree the dal Hunters
got once once more runs past him, he's out the picture. Lamar's gonna

run past a lot linebackers on theother side. Brian me Fadd mentioned C.
J. Stroud. I wanted toget to this the other day,
and then we had the Stefan Diggsbreaking news. If you still want to
chime in on Stefan Diggs. Nowthat the deal is out, it's finalized
a second round pick for one yearrental of Stefan Diggs. Y'all good with
this step one three two, onetwo five, seven ninety your home in
Houston sports KBM me to the backto the roll. This is next up.

You kind of hit on everything Iwanted to say. With Stan Norfleet
and Chris Gordy on Sports Talk sevenninety. I felt a connection with the
Miko when I first got there onout of thirty visit with basically is you
go on a visit before the draft, and uh, you know, I
can feel his intensity, how muchhe loved the city of Houston. He

played for the Texans. He reallywanted to turn that team around. You
know, we've been bad for acoverle years. That was cool, Yeah,
just a couple finish finish anymore.It's greight now. We were falling
in the Eagles, so we don'tneed to talk about that, Okay,
That's what I thought. I don'tneed to trusted, So it's more just
about you know, the love ofthe game at this point. Welcome back

in the next up here on SportsTalk seven ninety. Thanks to everybody that
has us pre set number one onyour audio dial. If you missed the
first half hour of the show,Sports seven in dot com is a good
place to go, I say again, Sports seven ninety dot com and of
course our people keep that iHeartRadio appfree at your disposal, locked and loaded
wherever you are in the country,in the whole white world, Craig,

that was Kevin Hart and c J. Stroud, you know the voice by
now sitting in a cold tub.I made a really bad reference. It
was a bad joke and it justyou ever had some of your head going
and it came out wrong. Ireferenced about CJ throwing out parts of his
anatomy, and I was trying toget to the Kevin Hart cold tub.
Some people don't know what the hellI'm talking about. Kevin Hart has a

podcast and it's called Cold Ass Balls, and the guests and Kevin Hart are
sitting in cold tanks that we seeathletes do on a very regular basis.
We know Kevin Hart takes takes careof his body. He's an avid runner
and work out and do all things. So CJ says, Demiko culture,
all of this is because of CJ. Stroud. Stefan Diggs is here because

of CJ. Strout. If that'sDavis Mills or Jamie's Winston or you gotta
have a guy, and the Texanshave a guy so much so, Gordy,
have you seen this? Because ofthe arrival of Stefan Diggs, the
MVP odds have moved. C J. Stroud has gone from plus twelve hundred

to plus nine hundred. Josh Allenwas plus eight hundred. Gee, so
he dropped after being plus seven hundred. C J. Stroud is being elevated
into the MVP conversation. And Idon't think it's for Gayzy to think that
could very well be a reality whenyou look at their skill positions. Yeah,

I mean it's on paper they upgrade. I mean the odds yesterday,
the Sports Betting Dot AG they saidHouston went from twenty two to one to
win the Super Bowl to ten toone. I mean the odds went dramatically,
you know, in the other direction. Houston's odds to win the division
went from plus one fifty to minusone ten. They were they were already
the slight favorite, but now they'rea heavier favorite to win the division.

The win total does remain at nineand a half post trade, so they
don't think Stefan Diggs doesn't necessarily bringthem a higher win total, but it
does increase their chances at making adeeper playoff rount and winning a Super Bowl.
I'm sorry, I was distracted bylooking at something else. I heard
you, but I want to makesure I asked this detail. Did you
say super Bowl adds? Yeah,okay, I missed that. Onis ten

to one got you. But butit's funny they did not. The nine
and a half win total did notchange. Interesting, It's it's funny.
We used to talk about that withsome some bookmakers in Vegas, you know,
ask them like, what's a whatare players in the NFL worth?
They basically would used to tell uslike, wide receivers and running backs,
don't move the line off quarterbacks,quarterbacks, and that's it. If if

CJ. Stroud goes out, yes, Houston's win total will lower by at
least two wins, maybe three.All Right, So a couple notable pieces
of statistical information here that needs tobe referenced because we haven't done it yet.
Number One, with the arrival ofStefan Diggs and obviously having Nico Collins,

who we believe will replicate a typeof season that he had a year
ago. Diggs and Collins were twoof seven players in the NFL with eighty
receptions, one thousand receiving yards,and eight touchdowns in twenty twenty three.
So if you go by twenty twentythree, the Texans now have two of
the top seven receivers in the NFL. That's why I wanted that guy.

Like and whether it was Mike Evans, whether it was Keenan Allen, whether
it was t Higgins, I didn'tgive a damn. Get me at Calvin
Ridley, get me a guy,and now they have one. Well,
I think again, like we talkedabout with Dalton Schultz, he fell in
love with CJ. He fell inlove with the city. That's your goal
this year is is you want StefonDiggs to fall love a CJ. Stroud

to fall over to Meiko Ryan's fallover the Texans and say this is where
I want to be or not?Because let me also add this layer to
it. Yes, it helps thathis brother plays in Dallas. Trevon Digg
is coming back off of I thinkhe has an ACL He's coming back place
caring up in Dallas. Yes,it helps makes life easier for the fan.
They're from the DMV, They're fromthe DC area, so It's not

like Texas is home, but itdoes help when your brother's up the street.
I presume I gotta believe the relationshipsthat he has in the city.
That's why he was here for theCactus Jack HBCU Classic. All Right,
that's cool. But at the endof the day, now that I know
Stefan Diggs is a one year rental, that does not preclude me, if

I'm Nick Cassario, from still takinga wide receiver in this draft, because
you better start adding some assurance.You don't know what the hell this is
gonna look like in twenty five.Yeah, I mean they could. There's
a reality where they could lose StefanDiggs, and you know, let's say
Nico Collins gets hurt this year ordoesn't have as great a year they you

know, they could get to apoint going, you know what, everybody's
replaceable. You gotta protect yourself.Another piece of data, and I know
some people have seen it. Accordingto the NFL, the Houston Texans are
the first team in league history toadd a player who had one hundred catches
the previous year. That would beStephan Diggs, a thousand yard rusher the

previous year. That is Joe Mixonand a player who had ten sacks the
previous year, all in the sameoff season. Of course, that's Danil
Hunter. What Casserio has cooked upover there is an all time great offseason
and he's now done it back toback and we haven't even gotten to the
draft yet. With that being said, I want to hear some more from

CJ. Let's go to the phonelines first though, talking some Texans here.
Let's go to let's go to thesouth side, pac Man run,
what up on a Friday? What'sup? Clint? How you doing?
Man? Who you call me?Hey? Listen, you did in here

that I heard what you're saying.But just stay tight, tight now,
Clint, what's up? Clint?Hold on? Wrong station? What's up?
Pack man? Wrong? You cantell stand Hillo? Man? You
saying like Clint Sterner Man? No, well, actually that's my man.
I got I got Yeah, whichone you do you? I'm gonna talk

to you right now, say whoyou do like? Clint? Dude,
I think I'm a little sexy andbut go ahead with your point sometimes cussing
disgust bro City, you're talking aboutshout out to the home. Its love
former player love I get it.Go ahead, bro now, But listen,
man, Like I said earlier,man, this is the offense we

go. All leader is a linedog. You know what I'm saying.
You're just like you said j theMVP race. You'll put us in the
super Bowl conversation whether we win andlose with depth, right, what we
like is we need some more liners. We need more strength in the line.
We also need some more linebackers.And if we can keep exabing Howard,
there's nothing else to talk about onhaving both sides of the field being

shut down those linebackers that we canget exaving and then nine. But see,
all the credit has been given usto the Midico and she's in all
that. That's love. But peoplefail to realize. But Nick been doing
that since he was with New England. He wanted brought in William McGinnis,
Ronnie Harrison and all the rest ofthem old school vetter to win super Bowls.
So we're doing the same thing you'vebeen doing, you know what I'm
saying up there, trying to doit down here, no difference. So

we're going to the Super Bowl.I ain't posting on Instagram yesterday for nothing.
There is. I got no problemwith that. I like saying super
Bowl expectations, appreciate pac Man run. I will push back on one thing
he said, specifically, William McGinnisplayed for played for Bill Belichick on his
defense in Cleveland, so he broughthim from leveland But the point notwithstanding,

Yes, Casario has gone out thereand has done a good job with Demico,
and everybody knows once you put adeclarative statement on Instagram, there's no
going back. Oh yeah, gottahold you to it. All right,
let's come back and close out theten o'clock album. This is next up
on Sports Talk seven ninety Do itagain, Onto Done, next to What's

next? As more of Next Upcontinues now on Sports Talk seven ninety Home
of your World champion Houston Astros.Yeah, I mean think about the Texas.
Think about this. Two years agoTexans were laughing stock. You get
c J. Stroud. C J. Stroud comes in and has arguably the
best rookie rookie seasons at the quarterbackposition in the NFL. Is correct?

When you hit on that, youliterally say, Okay, it's time to
push all of our chips in rightnow. And what have the Texas done.
You go out, you trade forJoe Mixon. You go out,
you get stuff on DJ, goout and get Daniel Hunter, Demico Autrey.
Like what these additions that they've made, it's because they've they hit on
one position, the quarterback. Youcan make the case right now CJ.

Strout might be a top fall quarterbackin the national form. The way he
played last season, he was thatdynamic of a player. And now with
all the surrounding cast and he asked, come on, man, like the
Houston Texas, Houston Texas for real. The irony is that the song you

play right now, Connor is aCowboys theve saw and they played when they
scored all the things. Nonetheless,that was Damian Woody, former NFL offensive
lineman, Super Bowl champion and currentNFL analysts on the Four Letter Network bragging
on CJ. Strout, top fivequarterback in the league right now, says
he a man that played with andblocked four Tom Brady the greatest to ever

do it. Staying northflee Chris Gordto take you up until noon. We're
wrapping up the ten o'clock hour hereon a Friday. Thanks to everybody hanging
out with us and allowing us tomaintain our status as your home for Houston
sports here at KB and me CJStroud because of all the you know,

the free agency and coming off theyear that CJ had and of course the
amber Rose and the Cactus Jack Tunmanand you know that brother had about the
week and a half bench. Iwould like CJ less air, miles more
sleep my boy, like, let'slet's lock in, and he has sense.
He popped up on Kevin Hart's podcast. He's been on a few other

podcasts as well. I saw CJwas at Ohio State's pro day cheering on
his brethren that are in the positionnow that he was in a year ago.
So I respect that. I don'thave any issue with that. I'm
not worried about CJ off the fieldnow I'm watching Big Brothers looking, but
I'm not too concerned. But thestreets of streets of Ahtown, trust me,
I can tell you Agetown will takehis toll baby. But that's why

I my favorite sit in the country, one of those. Nonetheless, c
J Strider is going to get aheap of praise and many people are wondering
can he replicate this? Many peoplepredict he will, especially when you get
a Joe Mixon, you bring backSchultz and here comes a healthy Tankdale and
here comes Stephan Diggs. I've beenin this situation before, and now some

people are like, stand, Idon't know. I'm nervous. I'm not
ready to say Texans and Super Bowlin the same sentence. What about d
tackle? What about corner? Whilethey're gonna add another safety in the draft?
Da da da da? This offensiveline? Can they stay healthy?
You can't really ask for a rostermuch better than what the Texans have.

You really can't In the NFL.I say this that nauseum. Y'all know
this. Every team has holes.Can your coaching staff, your quarterback?
Can you overcome those holes? Ithink the Texans will be able to and
it will be largely because of C. J. Stroud. He had another

part with Kevin Hart, played thisfor me if you would Connor ken Hart
asked him, like, where didhe get this DNA from his football character?
How did he develop this deal?Talked to my dad last night after
I won the award, and Iwas super blessed to be able to talk
to him, and he was talkingabout my first ever game I did like
a fake run to the left thatyou know how to do, called left

roal fake. Yeah. That wasthe one. Yeah, and the defensive
end came free and no one blockedhim. I got the ball off through
the flat and the dude hit meright in the mouth and my tooth and
they were trying to take me outand I was like, nah na,
hold on, hold on, likeyou can't take me out. Like,
I gotta finish the drive. Andthe next play. My coach's name is
Tojo, and he called a bomband I threw a touchdown and he was

like, man like, like whydid you do that? And I'm like,
I just love his game. Heasked me, like, what do
you want this game? He said, like, we're not going to do
this, you know, just forsome giggles, and I'm like, I
want to be a Hall of Famer. I'm nine years old, so like
and I still have that same levelfocus, the same level determination to this
day. CJ Stroud our quarterback Houstonsitting in a cold tub on Kevin Hart's

colds Ball podcast nine years old.He's talking about being a Hall of Famer.
Gordon Tooth knocked out. I gotto stay in the game. And
throw a touchdown, and we sawCJ do it here. I hard came
back to the Cardinals game. Safetycomes free. I know CJ was concussed.
How he cleared protocol is something thatremains. Will do that at another
time. He stays in the game, CJ. Early in the season.

Now, CJ was taking some shots, he was getting sacked, he was
hold on to the ball. I'mfully prepared to say CJ is a tough
SOB. I'm not concerned about himthe end game stuff, and I'm not
concerned about him off the field.I do appreciate the football DNA, the
football character. Yeah, he's look, he says all the right things.

You want him to continue to,you know, stay on the right path
and all that. But it's hardnot to get excited. I saw that
earlier. Somebody said CJ. Stroudmay already be one of the one of
the best quarterbacks. In an Damienwooded, we played the audio. I
know you stepped out, we playedthe audio. Come out. David Woody
said he's a top five quarterback rightnow. Yeah, I mean, like,
I don't I find that crazy togo he might be one of the

best, Like, what did youwhat did you watch last year, so
wood, is he top five inyour mind? But Burrough's better? My
homes is better on you know?Is Josh Allen better than CJ? Right
now? CJ. Stroud currently hasbetter weapons than Josh Allen. Is he
a better player than Josh? Rightnow? I think you're only as good
as the talent that surround you.I mean, but this, I think

Josh is probably a better player.Like if Josh one Houston and you said
CJ to Buffalo last season, Ithink the Texans are having a very similar
season. Similar. I'll come in, So I'm gonna say Josh is as
good. All right, let's notbelieve it that you had something else you
want to say about CJ. ForI take this last. Come all right,
let's go to the phone lines.Now, I get my technology to
work. Killer Cow wants to getin friend of the station, ran of

the show Killer getting here on aFriday? Brother, Hey, what's up?
Man? Hey? Stan? Iwas I was doing your type of
uh, you know, gallivanting aroundthe city. My wife took me out
the pier of steakhouse. I'm notthat hey, Hey, I'm not in
your classification, man, you know, I'm just a simple guy, man.

But we had a great time,bro. But I was sitting there
eating I'm thinking about staying like thisis what's staying doing tonight? Oh yeah,
yeah, you gotta make sure youmake that now every night. Let
me be clear, I don't gotStroud type money, but God is blessed
me if you choose my spots.Hey, that's what's up man? Hey,
what's up Gordy? Hey, Ijust want to hit on something right
quick man, to be able tomove away from this contract after this year.

It's like one of the most smartest, most brilliant things that Cacerio could
have done. There's no way thatBiggs would have played on three more years
getting this type of money. Whenguy's gonna start getting twenty eight and thirty
million dollars, that's number one,number two. If I'm the Texans,
and I think Gordy was saying itearlier, I mean personally, I'm going

early in wide receiver. If Kenand Coleman and Legette is on the board,
I'm possibly gonna take that. Butanother name you need to look out
for is Malakyo Courtney. That's thewild western Kentucky kid. Yeah, I've
been seeing come up. Yeah.Hey, let me tell you. I
was on that kid the first dayof Senior Bowl practice and I saw him
in drills. I said, whothe hell is this kid? They say

he bald, he was awesome.They say he was like literally this guy
breakaway speed like he is. Heis really good. That's funny. Nobody
knew who he was that day,and that's funny. I hear all these
draft necks talking about him, talkingabout him, but like that day,
I've seen him mock to the textansomebody out there in the Macca sphere has
had him. He was a lateat or something. Because the Senior Bowl
rosters they handed out to us,he wasn't even on it. That's why

I was like, who is thisWho's I didn't even see this kid on
the roster balling. So this digsdeal for you, Killer Cow, would
not prohibit you from taking a receiver. Sounds like you're cool with it?
Are you comfortable? Killer Cow usingwords like super Bowl In association with the
twenty four Houston Texas stan I wason the radio station with you last year

and I was the first person tosay I wouldn't be surprised that the Texans
and made the Super Bowl last year. I don't know if you remember that,
Yes you did say that, youthink I got more scared? Now,
Like, come on, br thisis straight up super Bowl for me,
man, because this team here,now, let me be the first
to say this that I'm gonna runon and enjoy my Friday, Sir.

This team here has the possibility ofhaving a five thousand yard passer, three
wide receivers overly eleven hundred yards,and a twelve hundred yard Russier. When
I say that, because I lookedat gave Davis stats. Gave Davis stats.
It's not even better than what what'smy boy? Tank Dell put up

an eleven games last year, Soyou adding a guy that has the potential
of getting one hundred and fifteen toCJ with this offense. Come on,
br Hey, Kansas City in trouble. I know Gordon didn't like to hear
that, Tugh, but hey,if you're scared, If you're scared,
go to church man. But hey, man, y'all have a great weekend,

have your good Friday. Bro,appreciate that no other Kansas City's in
trouble because Burrow's back healthy. Shejust Stroud's got another weapon, Lamar added
Derrick Henry, I mean that's that'sJim Harpballs and the Chargers. Now they
look different, but Jim Harpball hasbeen successful. Heyton, ain't gonna keep
sucking what happens there and see whatquarterback they bring in there. All right,
Gordon, let's wrapping up the Texansconversation. We talked Rocketscuse I'm gonna

say Astros. We talked Rockets onthe inside. Astros in action tonight.
They were off last night. They'reup at forty five North there for a
little bit. When you watch anAstros tonight, I'll be doing some post
game for the Rockets. Regardless ofwhich one you're doing, you should have
something cool in your hand. Godhere, it's a Friday. No better
way to celebrate and watch some sportsthan sipping on a little something. Yeah
and nice scored Crawford box from ourfriends at car Bock bring the best part

that was at Toyota Center last nightand our he been a minute may Park.
The best part is all the sportingvenues have got tasty delights from Carback
Brewing. And again, nothing pairsbetter with Astros baseball than the ice School
Crawford bach. Uh. You knowit was just a minute made park for
a handful of games. And yousee it all around the ballpark, that
the Kilo Sunrise stripes. You know, the taste of the ice school Crawford

back. When you see it,it's that the amber delight in your can
or glass or cup or however youget down. As we're watching Astros Rangers
this weekend, make sure you gotplenty of Crawford box stocked up at the
house and you are enjoying it becauseit is a home run every time.
Now, what's next? Next step? It's the man, next step,

the next step, take the nextstep, next up, next stop,
next, next up? This team, this is next up with Tan Norfleet
ten, Chris Gordy. Let's seewhat's next next next bin all that we're
from of the week from the SportsTalk seven ninety studios. You could tell

I was up late last night stayingNorthfleet would be me. I'm at stand
sportsman on social media. To myleft, he is at Chris Gordie,
our program director, one of ourfeelest leaders here and that's Connor de McGovern.
You can act him as well.Connor de McGovern represent MISSOO he's jet
lagged. I guess it's one off. He's acting like he's all right.
Brother was away from work a fewdays last week. Glad to have him

back, Glad to have of allof you. And I remind you we
are your home of astros and rockets. We get both in action tonight.
Silver Boot Series kicks off the defendingchamps. They're in Arlington, stroz mech.
They were up fresh off and absolutebleak kicking of the Toronto Blue Jays.
Third game of that series, eightzero, that was on Wednesday night,

So we get game one tonight.I believe Texas Lottery is sponsoring the
Silver Boot Series this year. Igot an email on that shout out to
the Texas Lottery. Won't you hooka brother up? Direct deposit still works?
Okay, So with a ticket,it doesn't mean it's gonna be a
way. Don't worry about how Itry and work my connections for birthday president
or give them scratch off tickets orsomething like that. No, we did

what do we do? One time? We did what is it called where
you the gifts? You can keepexchanging? What is it called? You
know? Yeah? White out hopingdeal and somebody this is. I can't
believe it's starting to show with this. But somebody gave me some gift cars,
the best Buy or something. ButI had my eyes I had my

eyes on. Somebody had just takenwhatever the allotment of money was, and
it was like twenty scratch offs.I was like, no, give me
that, and I took that instead, and then they're all losers. I
think I had to win in acouple of bucks. Two bucks, What
do you do? You get somebodyin there in one? They went on
thousand bucks, shouldn't they They atleast owe you a dinner or something.

Right? If I buy somebody atscratch off and they win a grand,
yeah, depending on a such situation, Yo, lunch, a good ball
of something, Yeah, good lunch. Where was my man killer kel At?
He was out at Paris? Yeah, I mean you could do something
nice for brother, all right?Nonetheless, Astros and Rockets in action tonight,

Rockets over the Toyota Center Income theMiami Heat and Rockets is where we
go to start the eleven o'clock owl. Look, I'm not gonna complicate this.
The Rockets got their doors absolutely blownoff by the Golden State Warriors.
The Warriors sweep the season series.And I'll get into the particulars because it's
been like forever since the Rockets havebeaten the Warriors. What is it some

thirteen games or something. I'll findit here in just a second. One
thirty three to one ten. TheRockets quite frankly, never led, and
the Rockets, yeah, never wona quarter. Things were pretty bad.
All five starters in Houston were doubledigit negative. All five starters for Golden

State were in the plus twenty plusminus Steph and Clay twenty nine apiece rookie
Tracy Jackson Davis. He's at centerbecause Kaminga didn't start, So this guy
goes in for his tenth started theseason and he gets twenty points in twenty

seven nearly twenty eight minutes. Gordion, this was a complete This was ass
whooping. There's no other way tosay it. Ye Jabbarsmith Jr. Twenty
four to lead the Rockets. Yeahhe Cam Whitmore seventeen coming off the bench,
Cam Whipmore seventeen and twenty three andnearly twenty three and a half minutes.
Jalen Green looked like a rookie attimes last night. I mean it

was like it looked like old Jalen, like Gordion. That was embarrassing,
like the defensive effort and look,there's only so much you can do.
But here's the thing. It's it'slike it was weird because last night that
felt like vintage Warriors. Like thatfelt like Warriors from five years ago.
They were make a good point lastbut this season they haven't played that way.
I mean they've lost, They've losta ton of games. And you

know it's Draymond does Draymond things.He pushes people around me. I saw
it writing for my face ten feetin front of me. He's literally just
pushing jack landon. Understands they don'tthey don't call anything on him, but
uh, you know, Stephen Claydoing what they did, Like the rockets
look slow, like I thought,I'm you know, our men did a
good job when he came in,kind of gave him a little bit of

effort, a little you know,a little bit more effort. But like
and then Jabbari had a nice stretch. But Jalen looked they almost look lazy.
At times. It looked like aSteven Silas coach team. Last night.
You know what, let's go tothe guy that replaced Steven Sallas and
I thought I saw this reaction postgame again, I was kind of in
and out. I was doing alittle baby birthday party, so I was
distracted a little bit. But Ithought em Udoka summed up upon seeing the

highlights and reading up on this game. Coach Udoka, what was that that
took place at Toyota Center last night? It looked like the moment was too
big for a lot of players outthere. Saw it looked like deer in
head lights a little bit. Eitherlooks soft or scared one of the other's,

two bad things for a lot ofour guys to have, and didn't
rise up to the moment like Ithought we would. Head coach of the
Rockets email Doka, Gordy. Heused terms soft, scared, deer in
head lights. Disappointment. Gordy.They never let let me go back to
this because I saw this earlier.The Rockets have now lost to the Warriors

in thirteen regular season games consecutively,Gordy. It was fifteen point deficit off
the top, but they've won sixin a row now, like they the
Rockets at one eleven in a row, not on a three game losing streak.
Well, you've played some pretty goodteams, a fifteen point lead by

the half. You've played Dallas,Minnesota and no Golden State playing for their
playoff lives. I just look,we got to keep this in hindsight.
You hope, you hope the Rocketsfinished strong. You know the playoff,
the play in spot is is likelya pipe drink you would eat, an
epic collapse by by God to theGolden State. Even if the Lakers lose
out. It's tough. It's toughat this it's a four games, four

games literally separate Houston State, andthey you don't want to take away.
They're thirty and thirty eight. Theytook a monster step forward they were last
year. I think they're on theright path. I like the pieces of
Fred van vliet and and Dylan Brooksand e May. They're gonna have more
money, you're spending free agency.You're gonna have a top ten pick from
from Brooklyn. We'll see where thatends up. So the future is bright.

I don't want to I don't wantto harp on the neggaetive like them
losing last night. It sucks,but it's also like, look, it
would have been nice to make theplay in spot that stretching the season where
they had lost, lost, lost, lost lot. That's where they killed
it because honestly, that game lastnight, they should be up three four
games on Golden State, you knowwhat I mean for they should they should

be right there with the Lakers fora playing spot. I agree with that.
So you let it slip away.You lost focus this year. The
injuries did take their toll. Whenyou know it happens, but you'll get
shanguon back that year. You justand let's see, maybe they make a
big move. Maybe they say,let's parlay a couple of these young guys
into a proven player. You know, whoever that may be. I don't
know. Is there a two guardout there that I keep saying Zach Levine?

But I know that may or maynot excite some people don't know.
Did John Ty Murray at one pointhe's in Atlanta. They've secured a play
in spot. He's another guy thathas been, you know, kind of
under the radar, but he's aplayer that might de Johnt Murray would be
the best player on the floor.He doesn't have Jalen Green's athleticism, but

he would probably be the best playeron the floor, him apprising, going
we'd kind of I'd have to seewhat that looks like. And then Zach
Levine would be the best player onthe floor if he put on the rockets.
Those are just a couple of names. I'm not saying that. I
haven't heard any rumors about that.I'm just saying, like the guys that
are alable. But the point being, just because it looks like the playing
spot is is basically dead at thepoint they got six games left. They

got two home games left tonight.I guess Miami next Tuesday gets Orlando show
up, show out support. Theguys look finished strong. Maybe you win
five of your last six and youknow, if you winning about five hundred,
this seasf they finished above five hundred. That is that's that's a huge
win. It's a feather in thecap email U dokah, God bless you
brother. And you just realize studentthe West a couple of years ago,

this same record would have you asa playing spot. It's just the West
is really tough. It's amazing.Right now, they're incredible. I want
to add a couple other things,and it just dawned them but you know
who the Warriors are to the Rockets. The Warriors are to the Rockets what
Baltimore is to the Texans. It'sjust damn you see it. It's right

there, it's within reach, andthen it's not. Oh for contrast,
Yeah, you would be the ninththe ninth spot in the East if this
were land season. Can we uhcan we parlay? I know we're west
of the Mississippi. Can we petitionwe would like to move to the eaw
boys in NFC East there up thestreet. It can't happen. Let's also

add another piece here that I thoughtwas notable for the first time, Gord
to last night postgame, we heardfrom Alprin Shngun since his injury to that
right ankle on March tenth. Hesaid, and this thing is only about
sixty percent. Will not anticipate inAlprin Shenguon returned this season. That's fine,

So I'm fine with that too.Go get healthy, young man.
We'll see you in the off seasonand let's get ready to run this thing
back email. Adoca is absolutely right. Though you got punched in the face.
You saw at a team in GoldenState that wanted to make a statement
early all the experience, they intimidatedthe Rockets and it is being reported by
some Fred van Vliet and Dylan Brooks. Dylan Buss his heart, his legs

may be gone. He can't hitthe three right now with consistency to save
his life. The three indeed thatwe had early in the year just isn't
there. Fred has worn down alittle bit. They're fatigued, and just
with Tari being out and Shangun beingout, they just don't have the cam
whit more games missed. They justdon't have the bodies to be able to

compete. And so we'll see whathappens moving forward again. Rockets in action
tonight. You can catch that Rocketsgame on k t RH. Starting to
get six thirty Coming up next?Should the Rockets draft Brody and bring Lebron?
Stop discuss, Let's go to Dallas, Let's do talk about the Silver
Boot series. Astro's coming up.Sports Talk seven ninety Next Stop and back

up, Now, down Door,Pretend Chris Gordy on Next Up on Sports
Talk seven ninety. Welcome back intoNext Up another forty three minutes from now,
you'll get Matt Thomas show here onSports Talk seven ninety. You're home
in Houston sports and that includes AstrosBaseball appreciate everybody hanging out with us.
You want to get in touch withthe show, you can send us a

message at Sports Talk seven ninety.I am at stan Sportsman. He is
at Chris Gordon and an important seriesas the Astros had their first and only
day off in their first twenty inthe first twenty one days of the season
for the Strolls, they get oneday off and tonight they're up in Arlington.
We get ready to rock and rollwith the defending World Series champions.

The last time we saw them,I said, you know what, although
it's disappointing, this is good forbaseball to have this rivalry with a little
more juice. This silver silver bootseries. Gordon, I'm gonna say silver
bullets. That made me think aboutClaint. It made me like, okay,
now this means a little bit moresomething, at least it does for
me. How will the Astros respond? They've been excellent. I mentioned last

year I went up there inside ofMimic May Park as you call it,
Gordy, and the Astros have playedvery well up there. The Rangers are
two and one at home. Thisis the first road game for this year.
Stros on the Mounta tonight. Righthander Hunter Brown he faces left hander
Cody Bradford. Let's just do ascene set. What is your appetite for

how you think this series will playout? Given who looks like they're up
the pitch, the injuries for theAstros, injuries for the Rangers, your
thoughts on what this means. Well, I'll say this, Cody Bradford was
kind of a spot starter for theRangers last year. He wasn't very good.
He had a record of four andthree, started eight games played in

twenty had in the area of fivepoint thirty, a whip of one twenty
one at fifty one strikeouts, twelvewalks, and you know, gave a
fifty six hits, thirty three runsa fifty six innings pitch. So this
is a guy that he's made onestart of the season. It was against
the Cubs a week ago. Itwas five innings, two runs with six
strikeouts. The Astro's lineup is waybetter than the Cubs. This is a

guy that the Astros batch should getafter. But on the other side,
Hunter Brown pitched well against the Yankeesbut got in some trouble with a lot
of foul balls. The pitch countgot up there, up to eighty eight.
It was only able to go fourinnings, give up one run.
It was unearned, So he isan area of zero. Here's the thing
though, Stan April eighteenth, theAstros had a day off yesterday. Yeah,
their next off day is April eighteenth. You play a game the next

thirteen days without a day off.Twenty games and twenty one days. What
does that mean? Hunter Brown's gotto give you at least five tonight,
Well, you go back. That'swhat makes the Roneo Blanco situation. And
then who was that was that?Christian Javier? The next night? Who
was that Javier went? What didhe go? Seven and two thirds the
last time we saw him go outthere? So stretching out guys out.
Yeah, the bullpen is rested,so you know you should have you know,

you got your full compliment of guys. All I'm saying is what you
don't want to do is because here'sthe thing you gotta look at tomorrow.
JP Francis lay to go tomorrow comingoff of paternity leave. If he gets
rocked at all, you got tohave somebody come in and eat inning.
So I almost look at this asa Hunter Brown, even if he's shaky,
you gotta stick with him, likehe's got to get you through five

tonight, I mean gets you sixthgrade. Yeah, but all I have
is Brandon Black. Really, Imean, I guess you get a couple
innings on a Mashinski or Seth Martinez, but like Brandon Black is really your
only extended inning guy that you knowcould have to come like he did last
weekend. He came in multiple inningsto finish out the game Taylor Scott.
So I'm just well, Taylor Scottwould come in in a close game.

I'm saying, if it's a blow, if you're down five nothing, a
Hunter Brown's getting pulled into fourth,you got it. You need somebody to
come in and eat up those innings. So that's where I look at tonight
and I say, this is thisis a big spot for Hunter Brown.
He's got it. He's gotta goalong. And the uh breaking news from
the Texas Rangers is the roof willbe opened tonight, So they will with

the retractable roof. They're gonna openit tonight in Arlington. So some open
air baseball interesting Rangers currently sit attop of the Al West at four and
two. Astros down here in fourthout of fifth place at two and five.
We know the last time again wesaw the Astros, they beat the
be Jesus out of the Blue Jaysball leaving the yard several home runs,

Jo and I and Alvarez. Welcomebrother, We're gonna need that tonight.
And again, just taking a peekand previewing. Who is this? Jose
L Tuove leads the team home runswith three. Adulus Garcia, he's got
three home runs. Yeah in DZleads this team in batting average. Josh

Young, who is out due torisk surgery got He got pumped on the
risk by Phil Maton of all peoplefractured. Josh Young's risk gone. So
he had been leading them in battingaverage. Jeremy Pinya leads this team in
RBIs a Doulas Garcia leads this teamin RBIs last time we saw Adolas Garcia

on rifeller. You know that's myword. He's just always angry. People
are saying road rage. Yeah,okay, so what's the over under?
Adulas Garcia at some point gets intoa little mouthy with somebody whether it be
Hunter Brown, Janner Dz, becausethat's the only thing. We're putting two
young guys out there, and DSand Brown. You get veteran batters up

there, like Adlas Garcia. Canhe intimidate and influence this game and maybe
catch Hunter Brown slipping or make JannaDiez call something that he shouldn't call and
get an advantage. It's gonna happen. I mean, there's there's gonna be
there's gonna be some spiciness in theseries. In fact, I'll put a
maybe not bench's clearing brawl, buta there'll be a dustin a tiff.

Yeah, will happens at some point. That's serious this weekend, I would
fair to say that that's probably accuratefighting words. I can't wait to see
this one again. I'm glad theStros had some time off seven o five
first pitch. Of course, youcan hear coverage of that matchup right here
on KB and ME launch Pad beginningat six pm at the conclusion of the

A team. In fact, youwill hear rockets on KTR. I encourage
if Hunter Brown strikes out a DullScarcia, I would say, hey,
go sit your royd ass down.Let me look at their lineup. I
am not really taking a hard lookat their lineup. What do you think
about the Rangers lineup this year asopposed to last season? They're good.
Let me take a look at thisthing, pulling up their last game four

to one. It starts with Simonand Seeger Evan Evan Carter their their rookie
from last year, Adul Scarcia crushes. You know, Leonis Tavares is still
pretty good. You know Josh Youngwill be out for me Young what would
help them? But it's a it'sjust a faudable lineup. Hey, I

don't have an issue with that.I mean it can being competitive is what
I'm trying to say here. Allright, So there are a couple other
pieces. By the way, youwant to get in on Astro's my fault.
I appreciate y'all saying that. Connorseven one, three, two,
five, seven ninety. What doesthis series? This four game set,
silver booth series, thirteen games kickingoff this year, We'll see the Rangers.

It's crazy too. What does itmean to you? Whyatt Langford is
already up with the big league clubgetting starts and it's crazy. He was
a rookie. He was playing.Uh, he was playing with Florida last
year. So he's like there,JP Franz, No, no, because
JP fritz was was out of schoolfor a couple like this kid's literally out
of school. Got you, LikeDylan Cruz is not up with the Nationals

yet, Paul skiings with the Piratesis not like they just I guess out
of you know, necessity, likeit's or benefit, like you're you were
in a you're in a really goodspot that you got a really good club
and you could bring up a talentlike it very quickly. Let's go to
the phone lines, Gord, acouple of minutes left in this segment.
Let's hear from the people. ComradeJames wants to chime me in Astros Ranges

Game one twenty four. Get inhere, Comoro James. Well, I'm
gonna say what other people are saying. Every game matters in April, every
single game matters. And I havemy concerns about going up to see the
Rangers their formidable foe. I'll bethere Saturday with my grandkids, as I

said earlier, right, and Idon't think we can afford to come away
with anything less than a split.Do we have four games with them or
three games? Four games? Wehave three four games, okay, split.
I don't think we can afford todo anything less than that and get

further behind, because we're now inthe cellar and we have to start making
up some ground because the the divisionthat we're in is very competitive and they
will leave us in the dust.And so I don't know, James,
it's April, James, I getwhat you're saying. You don't want to

lose the head to head, sure, but like again, if you lose
three out of four, it's stillis not It's not the end of the
war. Because it's baseball. There'sgonna be there's gonna be stretching the season
where the Rangers lose eight out ofnine. There's gonna be a stretch of
the season where the Astros win sevenof ten. It's just you're you're You're
not like, falling behind multiple gamesin April, first week of April is

not the end of the world.But I get what you're saying. Yes,
perception is reality. You'd like toyou'd like to keep pace with them,
Well, well, well, guardyuh is obvious. I do respect
your expertise, but I'm not aschill as it's two of these games.
You gotta have a little two andfive. It ain't sixty two left.

I'm telling you there are streaks inbaseball. Of course there are. There
are streaks. I keep trying totell him, Comrade James, think about
and we don't have the time todo it. All the stuff that had
to go right, and it tookthe one hundred and sixty second game last
year to actually pull off another AlWest title. I don't want it to
have to come down to that inorder, Comrade James. I'm sorry.

Gordon just wants us to just believeit's gonna be okay, James, you
done with your satan brother? Yougot something else? No, No,
we just need some good pitching,some good base running, good intelligent base
running. We can't afford to bescrewing up. And then when we get
people in scoring positions, want somebodyon third and second base with nobody out,

there's no excuse to not at leastget a pop up fly and get
that person from third to home.That's killing us, Amen, Comrade James,
say Troup was up to DFW.Couple of the Astros Nuggets on the
other end, we also need togo around h Town. We jump back
into the Texans and this Stefan Diggsituation. The details are out. I'm

not as comfortable as I once was. I'll tell you why, real Texas
talk and listen to your home inHouston sports Sports Talk seven ninety. Next
Up continues on your phone. Listento Sports Talk seven ninety on any device
with our free iHeartRadio app. I'mthe one with the fourth appearance of the
year for fas Alvarez punishes one deepto right center field. Back goes care

Buyer at the wall looking up.I see you, lady. Two.
Homer came where you're on. Alvarezand the Astros lead is five to nothing.
Alvarez has treven at three, Lolaone. Welcome back. In the
next up in about twenty seven minutes, you'll hear the voices of Matt Thomas

and Ross vir Alm. The MattThomas schell will take you from Newon to
three. Chris Gordon stand Northfleet herebefore we go to the phone lines to
jump back into the Stefon Diggs andTexans convo. Couple other things we want
to clean up as it pertains tothe Houston Astros, who you can start
hearing the coverage for tonight's Game oneSilver Boots Series with the Texas Rangers,

obviously six pm. Right here onseven ninety you can start hearing Astros coverage.
Really important game. Don't know,don't care how you watch it.
I know you can listen right here. Robert Ford and Steve Sparks Astros Radio
Network. Oh. Five times lastyear the Astro saw Cody Bradford. I'm
just looking at the biggest shield.He had some he had some scoreless outings.

What's this? ALCS Game four?He came into the fourth for Dane
Dunning with the game tied three tothree. Jordan Alvarez hit a sack fly
to score Moldy. That became afour to three lead, and then Jose
Bray you hit a three run homerto make it seven to three. This
was up in Arlington. Saw thelast time in the Astro saw Cody bradveror
up in Arlington. Jose Brady wastaking him deep. The last time I

saw Jordon Alvarez, he was goingdeep. Granted that was that minute may
Park. We know this team lastyear played much better away from MMP.
We'll see if that trend continues thisseason. This is the astros first road
game of the season. O Tuckertook him deep to in another game.
Chandler Rome speaking of Jordon, ChandlerRome dropped this yesterday once we got off

the air, and we've been talkinga lot of conversation about Jordon in that
two hole, and I told youthat, yes, I understand the logic,
but I don't know that I reallylove it. Chandler Rome added this,
courtesy of the athletic Jordon Alvarez acknowledgedit's been an adjustment hitting second behind

jose L. Tuvey sees who hesays, sees very few pitches. Sometimes
he's sometime he's sitting next to meand next thing I know, he's already
over there hitting, so I needto rush and get ready. So,
in other words, like his normalapproach to the plate, he's not as

comfortable with it as he once was. Just something to keep our eyes on,
not trying to make him out andout of a molehill. I just
saw that quote bump up from Channelingand I was like, huh. Interesting.
Also in Astro's news, Gordon,let's see here Astro's claimed right handed
pitcher Miguel Diaz and outfielder Cooper hummelOff Waivers. Houston placed his right hand

pitchers Luis Garcia and Penn Murphy onthe sixty day d L that came out.
The Humble Guy's numbers aren't aren't great. I don't know how they What
the hell is he doing here?Well, I don't. I don't know
how they envisioned him using him thed What are we doing? The das
one is interesting because, as Charlerrom pointed out, he's out of options,
so you're signing this guy to cometo come pitch. As Chailer pointing

out, through six big league seasonswith San Diego and Detroit, he are
at four eighty four. A lotof these numbers came from his first two
seasons, two of his first threeseasons in San Diego go. Look at
what he's done in Detroit these lastcouple of years, and it's small sample
size. He didn't pitch a ton. It was only three games pitch at
twenty twenty two and then twelve thispast year. But almost you know,

we we're the bad news. Yesterday, Bennetts SUSA has I was getting a
left handed pitch. Now he wasa lefty. Miguel Diaz is a righty.
But I just look at it.It's it's comparable almost because Miguel Diaz
pitched, you know, basically justthe month of September last year with the
Tigers, just like Bennetsus only pitchedthe month of September with Castros, and
he had an the RA of zeropoint sixty four. So again, he

was pitching for a bad Tigers teamwith nothing to really play for. But
that's encouraging. I mean, I'mlooking at him. You know, pitched
against the Dodgers a couple of times, the Angels, the Yankees, and
he was effective. So mcguil Diaz, I'm intrigued. I'd like to see
a little bit of him. Let'salso the lineup for this week in as
it pertains to the Astros. HunterBrown goes to night versus Cody Brafford.

We'll see who jos Bottom wants touse on Saturday versus John. It's gonna
be JP for all right. SoJay's wife even tweeted out last night,
she goes family is doing well.He's not gonna miss a start. JP
francis back from paternity leave. Hegoes versus John Gray on Saturday Sunday with
the return to Ronelle Blanco since hisno hit game. He goes against Dane

Dunny. And that's a big onebecause it's Sunday Night Baseball, that's primetime,
nationally televised audience. And here's thething, stand they're gonna be talking
all the hype before that game.Is gonna be like they're gonna do a
pregame feature on Runol saying Sunday Night, Blanco, Dane Dunny, they're coming
off of he's coming off the nohitter. There's gonna be a lot of
talk about this. This is gonnabe a nice test for Runo because he's

getting roses thrown at him. Ahman, you're incredible. Whatever it starts.
Now, you gotta go do infront of a nationally televised audience Sunday
night, and don't believe the goodRangers team and a good lineup Monday night
from a Vela Das versus Andrew Haney. All right, let's do this.
Uh this Stefan Diggs deal. We'llget to this and I'll take Drew and
west Chase. You'll be the nextup to call next to going to the

details come out, And yesterday welearned that Nick Casario not only advanced the
remaining guaranteed money for the twenty fiveseason for Stefon Diggs and roll that into
twenty twenty four, he also justtore up the remaining three years of the
contract that we inherited in Houston fromhis extension in Buffalo. So this now

has turned into Minnesota's second round pickin twenty five for a one year rental
and the right to pay Stefon Diggstwenty two and a half million dollars.
I don't love that dynamic. Ilike the idea. I loved the idea
of Diggs being here long term underthe deal that he had signed in Buffalo.

Yes, they were going to haveto be some salary bumps here and
there, some adjustments. Digs in'tgoing out there for eighteen million dollars,
nor should he. But like though, you're a free agent, no strings
attacked after twenty four I don't lovethat. Real quickly from you before we
go to the phone lines and we'llgo to Drew. You okay with this?

I was at a ten Casario stoleone. Now I'm at about an
eight, because that costs you asecond round pick next year to rent a
do for you. And and theway you got the second round pick next
year was giving up your first thisyear. I know you get. Everybody
fine with that. I'm just sayingyou get you give up a first.
This is part of that, allthe bevy of moves. But anyway,

yeah, it's it's it's a risk. And again that's why I say,
like, enjoy every minute he's here. Hopefully it's very successful, hopefully they
win a super Bowl with them,but yeah, it's I'll settle for an
FC championship game. It's just itseems a little, you know, as
risky as and some people say itwas risky the other way. You coherit
that contract and you got Stefan Diggsthe next few years, and what if
father time hits him and he's oldand he's and he don't look as good
like then you moone. But butyou know, you would have cost you

a good bit of money to moveon from him this way if you like
storms and yes, it's it's ayou know, prove it deal whatever you
want to say, like he's goingto go out there and play his ass
off, which is good news forthe Texans, but it's bad news that
you know, will he be herein twenty twenty five. I don't know,
man, That's a lot of workto just let a dude leverage you

and potentially go back out in themarket. Drew and Westchase close out this
segment for us. Brother, yourthoughts on Stefan Diggs now that we know
the full totality of the deal.I think it was just kind of none
of one of those things that they'vebeen doing pretty much all all season long,
where they're looking out for the player, and if you're eating the environment
where players will want to come here, it's like, hey, you come

here, you're gonna have not onlya great organization around you and a great
young quarterback and a meteoritic meteoric rise, but you're also going to be taken
care of on the other side.So I just kind of see it like
that, just them continually continuing toshow that this is a place where people

will want to come. And Ithink Crisprio was also looking at that free
agent receiver class coming up, becausethose guys are younger and they are they're
pretty productive suits, so they stillhave options there. But I wanted to
I wanted to get in real quickand ask about if y'all heard the Matt
Thomas Show when we first signed StefanDiggs, and they had that beat right

on there, uh, and hewas talking about, Hey, this guy
wasn't I don't ever remember him clamoringfor the ball of being up sick because
he wasn't getting the ball. Hejust heard too much. I don't know
if y'all heard that. I justkind of wanted to get y'all thoughts on
that because everybody, everybody and theirmama's saying, Oh, he's gonna do
this. If you don't get theball, you don't do this. If
you don't get everybody out here saythat they didn't cover the bills, They

don't know Stefan. They was onthe outside looking in, just like the
rest of it. So kind ofwanted to get y'all thoughts on that,
like, is that even really aweary I mean, we got a guy
that was right there covering the teamthe whole season for the past few years,
and he said, no, hedidn't cry like that to get the
ball. So just wanted to getyour thought on that. Appreciate you,

no doubt Drew in Westchase. Iappreciate it. On the other side,
we'll hear from a national guy thatalso pops up in Buffalo a lot.
Dan Graziano has some audio he's gonnatell us inside of the Bills camp how
they feel about Stefan Diggs wrapping upa Friday. Next Up, KB and
me to the next episode. Youcan't even stop yourself, Finn John Dory

Next Us. Next Up continues onseven ninety in May. I think it's
important for people to know, andI think people in Buffalo would back me
up on this that Stefan Diggs wasnot any sort of disruptive like locker room
or sideline presence. Obviously we've seenwe saw the outburst against Cincinnati after the

playoff game during the playoff lost acouple of years ago. But he wasn't
causing problems or fighting with teammates oranything like that. He was behind the
scenes sort of letting if he knownthe coaches that he would like a little
bit more of a role in theoffense, especially after they changed coordinators midseason
and now the same coordinator coming backfor next year. I think there was

some concern that maybe the role wouldbe the same, and that might frustrate
him a little bit more. Butyou know, between that and the social
media posts everybody sees from time totime, I think the Bills felt like
it was best for everybody to sortof make a break at this point,
especially getting a second round pick inreturn. ESPN's Dan Graziano informing us that

Stefan Diggs was not a malecontent.He has a competitive fire. There's another
report from the Athletics saying he wentto Josh Allen after Game one in the
locker room, was like, hey, I saw these did you see that?
Like, yo, what's going on? And Josh Allen dropped the F
bomb on him and sentily like,whoa, So Josh Allen firing back.

But he can't put all that onStephan. I think it's just I used
the comparison. I don't think thinkwe're getting Antonio Brown Houston. I think
we're getting more of a too personalityin terms of just competitively passionate. All
these wide receivers. It's always thewide receivers. Man. You'll be surprised,
bro corners, corners, running backs. What's last time we heard a

tight end was upset Travis Kelsey ranover Andy Ride. Yeah, okay,
oh my god. All right,so I don't feel like you're a tight
end being a deal. I'm gonnago sit on the bench of pout.
Oh Jason Jason Witten reflects that muscle. I mean he would let dudes know
on either side of the ball,all right, so let me move.

Ultimately, when I think about thetwenty two and a half million that has
now been guaranteed the Stefan Diggs ona one year deal, it's not that
different than the one year deal thatit would have been for Keenan Allen.
This point, you gave up asecond to get Digs where Keenan Allen went
for a fourth, but you doget late round compensation back. So to
me, it kind of levels out. I'm not gonna go crazy. I

was at a ten about the deal. I'm now at about an eight.
I think he's still gonna help.I'm super excited all of the things.
So that's that part. Oh,breaking news. Not for the Texans,
I'm sorry, but it could havebeen. We've been talking about the d
tackle market for the Texans. GordonDerek Brown or the Carolina Panthers formerly of

Auburn. He was a first roundpick to the Carolina at de tackle.
He's a monster of a man.He remains in Carolina on a four year,
ninety six million dollar deal, Sothat's a potential de tackle that ain't
gonna happen. Yeah, he's Ifigured that they kept. Oh. I
would have loved the Hall with JustinSimmons. To hell with Xavian Howard.

If you could have gave me DerekBrown on that in that deepensive line,
They've got some. They got sometalent. Now Carolina, if Bryce Young
takes that step forward like he's supposedto, you know, Carolina might be
might be a triggering trash And Ihate to say that about the hometown.
Now they're awful. That's bad.That's the worst run NFL team in the

league right now period. Okay.Also, speaking of the league, there
was something else I wanted to getinto. Oh. Also breaking news that
we didn't reference during the show,lebron James eldest Bronnie James has told USC
he is declaring for the draft,but he will not be hiring an agent.

He will work out for NBA teamsand will determine based on that observation.
If he will indeed high representation.Bronnie James, who I remind you,
started his freshman year at USC witha cardiac scare. Right brother,
had basically a heart attack and hadto get back. They got him ready
to go. He got healthy enoughto get back on the floor, averaged

a whopping four point eight per game, four point eight points per game,
two point eight rebounds, and twopoint one assist in nineteen minutes a game.
Bronnie James to the NBA over underthat he returned to college basketball next
season. It's gonna be very interestingbecause I think he's he's doing this to
get an idea of where teams thinkof him. Yes, but I think

you're gonna have teams lie. Theylike everybody to get Yeah, they're gonna
should the Rockets be one of them. They're gonna try to push him into
and that's the intriguing parts. ThenRockets have Brooklyn's top ten. I said,
Raphael Stone, you got that pick? Why not? Let's we got
enough young dudes. Let's take Bronnieand let's see if Lebron wants to follow

on his promise to come play withhis son. Bron James wants to come
to Houston. The Lakers thing isdead. You ain't winn jacket there anymore.
Like, come on, we're notdoing this. Uh, I'll take
Len Lebron. No, I'm not. No, Yes, I do think
Lebron can help this team. That'sthat's Thomas Fred Van Vliet at the top
of the key kicks it to dothis with you. I'm not doing this

with you. Ron Ronnie James,I don't know if he's an NBA.
Ronnie James is not NBA player rightnow. He's going bad to school.
Now it may not be USC Isaw that he So they've changed it with
the not signing with an agent.Yes, you can go all the way
to drafting, because it used tobe a cutoff. There was a date
you still have to can go throughthe draft combine. I thought it was.

I thought there was a cutoff dateafter the combine and before the draft
where you had to say okay.I don't know. I think as long
as because the foreign guys have doneit before, some of the feign guys
come over, they work out,they get an idea where they're gonna be
in, then they go back.So I think they'll and I think because
of the foreign basketball cons the landscape. Excuse me. I think the college

guys in America start saying, Yo, why are you penalizing us just because
we play here? I think that'sto be correct. We'll see the Astros
had or the Rockets had. Theyowned the rights to Sergio Yule from Spain
for the longest, and every yearit was always, is this the year
he's coming over? I did notcare about him. We got oh sorry,
we got time for the Oto.I want to hear this club say,
say Chad Johnson, O Cho sink, I'm sorry, this is nightcap

Chad Johnson and Oto Senko and ShannonShaw what they have to say about CJ.
Stroud, Stefan Diggs, Buffalo's patientsworth. Then with dig the Bills
were so motivated to move him thatthey took on the largest dead money cap
hit in NFL history, which isthirty one million dollars. Remember what I
said? What did I say?Ojo refreshment memory? I'm old nine?

I said, o Jo de tolertionuntil they could replace you. Dick is
very passionate, as was Randy Moss, as was ab as was me.
Is a player that wants to win, so I understand where it's frustrations come
from. I run through the streetsof Houston, but ass naked if I
was Stepan Diggs, because I'm goingto an even better situation because now I
got Nego Collins, I got Tangeddale. I have a rookie quarterback that had

one of the most historic seasons ofall time, and that's where I'm going
to play. That was nightcap ChadJohnson, Ocho Senko. I love those
guys. They do a great job. That was funny. I also love
you guys, my crew here onNext Up for Connade McGovern Chris Gordy,
Standing Northley, and all of youthat allow us to do this thing called
Next Up from ten to noon everyday. God bless you. We appreciate

you. We could not do itwithout you. Hope you have a great
weekend. God willing we would dothis again on Monday. Astros Silver Boo
Series Game one right here on KBand me over at the Toyota Center Tonight
Rockets host of Miami Heat. That'son KTRH. I'm on postgame. Guys,
have a great weekend. Peace toyou,
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