All Episodes

March 2, 2024 77 mins

Welcome to another episode of the QueerLBC Podcast! In today's Quick Tea we discuss Nex Benedict and the frightening transphobia across the US, a bill in California for non-prescription PrEP, and the legalization of same-sex marriage in Greece.

In the main topic we talk substance use and intimacy within the LGBTQ+  community. This candid discourse on chemsex explores the ethical implications and emotional outcomes associated with it, aiming to incite deeper understanding. The episode includes personal narratives regarding drugs' influence on sexual encounters and the allure of substances to break social inhibitions. Cautionary discussions about the potential physical and psychological impacts of substance abuse are thoroughly addressed. It's gonna be a spicy one today! You won't wanna miss!


Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hey y'all, this podcast contains potentially disturbing content.
Our show includes graphic references to topics such as sexual abuse,
self-harm, violence, eating disorders, explicit language, and sexual acts.
Listener discretion is advised.
This show is for mature audiences only.

Good morning and slay, slay bitch, slay all day because you are what?
But listening to the Queer LBC podcast, I'm Christophe, your city top liaison.
My pronouns are he, him, and that motherfucker.
I have with me here my fabulous core whore.
Nino here. Yeah, I'm still here. Local construction daddy and podcast fatty.

My pronouns are he, him. Thank you for asking.
Dr. Mikey here, your professional cheese muscle. Tell me all your secrets.
My pronouns are he, she, all of them.
So what do you have for us today, Christophe? Oh, you know just some.
Quick tea and queer events. Quick tea and queer events.
Quick tea and queer events. Quick tea and queer events.

Ha ha. So this is the quick tea and queer events.
This is where we get into the LGBT and the tea of it all.
Sometimes we get a little Q2, if you know what I mean.
I know what you mean, girl. So what are these queens talking about today, this week?

All right, so today in gay, Greece legalized same-sex marriages.
SB339 in California gives 90-day supply of PrEP without prescription.
All right, today in homophobia, Tennessee governor signs bill allowing public
officials to refuse to perform same-sex marriages.
Today in transphobia, trans student Nex Benedict was beaten to death in a school

restroom after Oklahoma passed a trans bathroom bill.
A leading LGBTQ plus group Is calling for a federal investigation To next Benedict's
death Kansas AG Says school must out trans kids To their parents even without
a law requiring it What the fuck.

So do you queens know any of These quick teas and events I've been hearing a
lot about next I've been hearing a lot about that And it broke my fucking heart,
to hero that that fucking took place and
then for the fact that the school did absolutely
fucking nothing i keep hearing lots of
like different random like reports right yeah

with contradicting information and i'm also
hearing that it's an ongoing investigation right now right that
things are still up in the air but i also heard
that the cops were already saying like they gave the cause of death rather than
like a coroner i'm like first of all you're not qualified to give a cause of
death but yeah they were saying the cops were originally saying that it wasn't

due to blunt force trauma but they've have since taken that back hmm yeah because,
no i don't know i saw here i also was like hearing people saying like oh we
don't actually know if they're what they're like identifying as or like they
don't know if they're actually like Like, LGBTQ.

Oh, they were saying all that craziness. Yeah. I was trying to find,
I wanted to pull up an article that I've seen online versus the one that was
circulating through media.
Because it was more, it was from an individual. Damn, I think they end up blocking it.

While you're looking for that. that one thing that that stood out to
me is we actually talked around like our valentine's day
episode about chaya raychick and
if you remember that article she is behind the
the libs of tiktok and she is
like very much like anti-trans and

she got appointed to the oklahoma education
education library for me on the advisory committee
yeah so next is
also from oklahoma so there was a lot of
controversy because chaya like recently like
visited the area and in the fall spewing like anti-trans things obviously trying

to like get anti-trans getting trans like oriented books or anything related
to lgbt out of libraries so there's a lot of controversy see on about.
Putting some blame or at least highlighting how anti-trans rhetoric
is responsible for what happened to
next because i mean yeah that like

sets a precedent for like what's acceptable like thoughts
and behaviors and i don't know but that's fucked up and it's fucking stupid
that's that's beyond like when they say they care about children yeah and then
go around and then And just completely disregard this event that happened.

I was listening to some news stories trying to be like, oh, well,
you know, they threw water.
And it's like, what the fuck? The reaction is not proportional to what happened.
You murdering me is not like, what the fuck? I threw water at you.
Yeah. And now you've killed me.
Yeah. but i also heard like there was the next

was getting bullied in the restroom and the response was to throw
water the people that the girls that
were bullying yeah yeah and then like they
got mad and then they attacked next yeah so it's like
yeah that's not really equal yeah like water calm down
like ladies yeah
no exactly but i don't

know what's hard because like if i think
the what's happening is like the anti-trans rhetoric
is really like dehumanizing the trans community and
it creates like this otherness and that's what like the powers
to be that want like if you think about they're doing the same tactic to
palestinians right you know any oppressed group has

been dehumanized and when you're at the point of dehumanization people
feel they they can do anything without care or cause
we've seen this in like so many communities like palestinians the
african-american community when they were enslaved you know
like all that required the dehumanization
of that group in order to sustain or

excuse their behavior yep that's how people treat like homeless also yeah because
you hear like a lot of people make jokes about how like they could just like
kill homeless people i guess yeah yeah remember they was like it was like Like
people just going around at night.
Murdering homeless people, sleeping in encampments.

It was like, dude, like what do you, what has to be going on in your mind for
you to just think that that's okay.
There's still a person that could be your family member.
We're all one paycheck away for being homeless. Right. But I remember seeing that also that.
The Department of Justice did not confirm plans to look into the attack,

although the Biden administration officials have spoken out about the incident.
Robinson called for further action, however, as the release of body count footage
shines further light on the events leading up to Benedict's passing.
During questioning from officials, the resource officer for Owasso High School
frames the assault as a mutual fight because Benedict, of course,

scored at their attackers prior to incident.
He claims that the girls could choose to bring charges against Benedict if they
attempt to hold the student accountable.
Police have claimed that the Benedict's death was not a result of trauma,
but the full autopsy, like you said before, has not yet been released.
So you have to like they like they contradicting themselves like in so many

ways that it makes no sense.
Like, OK, so Benedict's parents should file charges against the school.
Then as well yeah definitely like if the
if the girls feel like they want to in the words of judge judy she that that
that doesn't equal you yeah murdering someone because they put water on you

no exactly like a splash of water is not an assault yeah like not a gremlin girl right like Like,
if you go into the rain, I'm sorry.
Yeah. I mean, so stupid.
You got splashed, bitch. Mm-hmm. Calm down.
It is ridiculous. So I've also seen a lot of Instagram stories that a lot of

people have went to Oklahoma and started to protest in front of the school and
show support for next Benedict.
Addict and here at the query lbc we should go ahead and just have a moment of
silence and their behalf and we are sending a lot of positive energy and talks
to your family and friends and we love you and miss you.

All right so i also saw that some i think
a high school went uh did a walkout in oklahoma
in solidarity oh yeah was this
was it the same school i don't think so i thought i said tulsa oklahoma okay
oh yeah that's different okay yeah because i think the school that they went
to was right outside of tulsa like on the outskirts and i'm like did the girls

get like nobody's talking about what happened to them yeah probably nothing
right now right just sitting at home.
Mm-hmm that makes my fucking i mean
they're gonna get protected like right oklahoma is
hella transphobic obviously but like by just
this action alone but you look at their laws like they've
been gunning after trans people for a while so i

like it makes sense something like this is going to happen here like it's like
statistics like it's proven research you know the more transphobia out there
the more hate out there you know the more likely people are going to to be indoctrinated
by it it's true that's fucking ridiculous that this fucking,
trant like open i mean i get i

already know what country we live in but like
it's this fucking stupid world this is a fucking dumb country i swear to god
and we're not getting any better on fucking fortunately and that's why it's
important that our you know primary Primary elections are coming up and they
are like mostly there's about almost like 200 Senate seats like in like available.

And the people not get down here and voting, we're voting. We are letting these
motherfuckers in places and in seats that are going to be making decisions.
Everybody's focused on a presidential election. We need to be focusing on these
prime primary election as well.
But the Senate and City Council all these seats are becoming Congress Senate
all these seats are becoming available and everybody focusing on that and y'all

gonna let these motherfuckers slide on in and we are just gonna be back to.
Stone Ages do you guys know what Libs of TikTok is?
No, I don't even have a TikTok, so. I don't know what it is either.
Well, it's just, like, that woman Chaya and, like, just, like,
her spewing anti-trans things. Like, that became her shtick real quick.

So she's not, like, posting other people?
No, she's, yeah, I'm quite sure she's posting everything that she believes that she thinks is right.
She's been accused of spreading, like, misinformation about,
like, trans people and just misinformation in general.
I hate this bitch but yeah

yeah oh and then speaking of
and unfortunately trans kids are going
to be like the forefront of unfortunately
a lot of things that's be coming up this
year so kansas state have attorney general
said schools must out trans kids to

their parents even without a law requiring it what the fuck why does that matter
to you like what does that matter to you now you're turning it into like right
like illegal you're just a legal person but also but also that should be that's
almost like you should already know your fucking child,
is going through things you know like so this must be like a i don't know what

parents are doing in kansas but you will assume that you know what your child
is doing right you should know how your child feel if you communicate and love
your child this shouldn't be coming to fucking shock to you.
So for the school to be wanting to out a trans kid doesn't mean that.
It means that that parent isn't being a loving parent.

So child protective services should be called any fucking way.
That's how I look at it. In that sense, you know what I'm saying?
So like for that to be the concern for you to want to out a trans kid to a parent.
You should be looking at the other pictures, like, why this parent don't already
fucking know? Yeah. But also, like, let's say they out the trans kid, right?

Then what? The parent is, like, gonna go to jail for child endangerment now
because their kid came out trans?
Like, what's, like, what is the point? What is the, like, what's the reason?
And then what? They go to what? Like, an orphanage?
So they can just be trans? Because I guess you could probably be trans in the orphanage still.

I don't know. This is stupid! it's ridiculous but the
Republican Attorney General Chris Cabot has ordered
school districts to out transgender non-binary and gender non-conforming students
to their parents saying that failing to do so is a violation of parental rights
the fuck say it again yeah he said failing to do so is a violation of parental rights.

What like what that makes
no sense my right to know that my child is
trans even though i know what my
child is doing like if they're exiting the house wearing
a different gender's clothing i'm pretty sure i'm
gonna notice that as the fucking parent right and if
they went to this unless they're like secretly feeling so

safe at your transphobic school that they
change clothes like right what is this like yeah it feels very witch chunty
very right and you and you pair this with like the rays and bars and stuff like
that like it's really just to kind of like out people and to identify people and but it's also like,

what do you think is going to happen when you identify trans people in a transphobic
like environment nothing good is going to happen to that trans person so what's the point of this.
It's also like how are
you how do you become the gender police and like what becomes an alert and what

doesn't you know what i mean like i have a i know a couple straight guys at
my job and they have long hair that doesn't mean that they're now attempting
to be another gender you know what i mean.
So, like, how do they determine, like, who is being gender divergent and,

like, who is needed to be told on and, like, what? Yeah.
Like, I don't understand. They're going to have to start inflicting dress codes
where they're just like, you have to wear pants and you have to wear dresses
and you have to keep hair long and you have to keep hair short.
Like, what? what you can't like

you can't also i
don't know what the teacher salaries are in kansas
but i'm quite sure they ain't fucking concerned about no child fucking non-binary
or a trans kids what they care about what that child is learning and what they're
doing yeah as a human being i don't think they care about that if you worried

about what teachers want to do pay them more than,
you know i mean yeah i don't
know i feel and then my fear is like okay they're identified
then what happens like i don't know it just feels like a setup for some some
sort of like conversion bullshit to happen you know because be a conspiracy
person because if it's like you have to if you have to be told right it's like

now you need to take care of it it's kind of like well if what What did I need to be told for? Yeah.
Right. Like, what are you going to do to fix this situation, I guess?
Oh, we need to tell you that your son is wearing pink.
Like, okay. And? Yeah, I bought it for him. Now what? Yeah. We'll make sure
they don't wear that color anymore. Like, what are you going to? Like, I don't get it.

Yeah. And nothing really in the article states what happens after,
what they want to happen after.
They've been told, right? Right. You know what I'm saying? like what what now okay thank you mm-hmm,
Let's say there's the trans kid at the school, and the school reports it to

their parent, and their parent is actually a loving parent who's supportive.
Then it's like, well, thank you for letting me know, school.
Okay, now what? Yeah. I mean, it's really only going to impact the trans kids
who aren't in supportive environments.
Environments like a kid who has a parent behind behind them

is going to be fine with this because their parents already know and
the parents are probably already advocating for them in school but
that that kid who has like a transphobic family like that's a
different story like this is those are the people that
are going to get impacted by this the most i'm almost wondering if it's like
let's say they tell the the parent who's supportive and then the kid just continues

to be like trans are they going to continue to like i don't know report more
things that they're doing.
I see what you're saying like y'all this is going to be cited multiple
times yeah like they were cited today for wearing
a skirt the next day they were cited for wearing a
tube top the next time there was like high heels

and this now we're going to expel them because they keep
okay like offenses yeah they don't
because schools do have dress codes at some point right yeah so
it's like like they could probably just enforce
that right because they always do that shit where it's like
oh girls can't wear skirts that are this short and it's like they'll probably
just put something in the dress code being like boys can't wear girls clothes

and now you we're gonna expel you because you're not following the dress code
yeah hmm yeah that sucks but i guess we'll be looking out to see how that goes.
Because there is no policy yet. He just wants this to happen.
But hopefully that does not get passed. So remember, elections are coming up.

They sure are. Who are you voting for? You guys are voting for these attorney generals. Yeah.
What else is there? What are their good words?
Greece legalized same-sex marriages. You want to go to Greece?
From QVoice Voice News. SB 339 in California gives 90-day supply of PrEP without

prescription by Philip's uncle.
Californians are able to receive up to a 90-day supply of PrEP without a prescription
thanks to a bill signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom.
Woo! Go, Governor! Go, Gaviner. Gavinator.
Gavi No Guns Newsom says all you gays can be sluts. It is decreed.

SB 339 was signed by Newsom Tuesday and went into effect immediately. immediately.
SB 339 improves Senator Scott Weiner's SB 159, the first in the nation law that
allowed pharmacists to distribute PrEP without a prescription that was signed in 2019.

SB 339 will also make PrEP easier for people to access.
HIV continues to take a huge toll on public health in California,
and SB 339 unlocks a powerful tool to prevent new infections.
Weiner, The author's bill said in the statement prep is nearly 100 percent effective
at preventing HIV transmission, but far too many Californians lack access to it.

Allowing people to obtain this powerful anti HIV tool at their neighborhood
pharmacy will greatly expand access and a big step forward for a future free from new HIV cases.
Cases weiner was forced to
pause the legislation last september after a
poison and after a poison pill amendment was
passed the amendment was removed and the bill restored to its previous form

despite significant public health advances hiv remains a major public health
challenge in california nearly 4 000 hiv diagnosis each year black and latino
gay and bisexual men Black cisgender women,
transgender women, and youth continue to be populations most impacted by HIV.

PrEP is a preventative drug taken orally or intravenously that reduces the risk
of contracting HIV through sexual contact more than 99%, making it more effective
than any other measure to prevent HIV, including condoms.
Despite its incredible efficacy, fewer than 25% of the people who would benefit
from PrEP are using these medications.

S.B. 159 authorized pharmacies to furnish up to 60 day supply of PrEP without a prescription.
It also banned health plans from imposing step therapy and prior authorization on PrEP.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. beautiful however few
pharmacies have successfully used the law to furnish prep in california

in surveys providers cited the fact that health plans do not
cover the cost of pharmacist labor in preparing prep
as a major obstacle and the 60-day window
was too short to ensure referral to his primary care physician
labor you mean swatting those pills into a bottle you lazy bitch lazy fuckers
you're trying to save lives you piece of shit other states have successfully

Successfully implemented pharmacy-provided PrEP programs modeled on SB 159,
but without its limitations.
Colorado, Nevada, and Utah opted not to limit the amount of HIV-preventative
medication a pharmacist can provide.
In Colorado, plans must reimburse a pharmacist employed by an in-network pharmacy
for prescribing and dispensing PrEP and PEP to a covered person and provide

an adequate consultative fee to those pharmacists.
And blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
But that's good that they are willing to do that because there are a lot of
individuals, unfortunately, who don't have, you know, health care.
Oh, yeah. And then also, you know, if you don't have health care and you can't

get the prescription, then you can't really protect yourself if you are,
you know, indulging in things.
So that's actually... Indulging?
You don't indulge?
Not anymore something like a judgy word it is it what i mean like okay you just
i don't think that's well you know that's your opinion.

I don't share the same concern,
indulging i mean i love to indulge indulging in sex right sounds so christian
oh you know you out here fucking I'm just triggered suck a dick.
But yeah because you know it's hard to because

I know there is some organizations that you are
able to like sign up on certain things and get
free prep but also like if
you don't have health care did you how do you go and
get tested every three months or like make sure that
you know you're doing blood work when you're
on prep up to make sure that you know everything is

still functioning correctly and things of that nature so that doesn't
i don't know if that covers it but you know that also
has to be looked into because if you're on prep and you
don't have health insurance or a prescription how
are you going to get blood work to make sure that you know you are
still functioning correctly in that
sense that is true you know that's probably they

that's probably why they only give you like two months supply so like
you didn't get blood work for like your third prescription or third refill for
your third refill gotta be a good idea yeah because prep is hard on your kidneys
right so you have to like get checked every few months to make sure it's not like yeah yeah,

But I'm glad they're doing this. Obviously, people aren't going to stop fucking
raw, so just be preventative.
I mean, if it was COVID, would you be denying people fucking masks?
That's true. Like, hello. Or vaccines.
There's so much judgment on sex-based infections, diseases. Yeah.

Like, you shouldn't be doing that. That's why you're going to get it. Like, shut the fuck up.
They should also give this to straight people right like
isn't aren't straight people's rates of new infections
right yeah they're the one leading up in this motherfucker they
want to be on the top so that's probably why it's fucking
being like let oh okay because

the straights probably need it now that's when you're gonna fucking see you
get cured for real when the straights fucking when they're the targets right
so uh tennessee governor signs bill allowing Allowing public officials to refuse
to perform same-sex marriages. What? No.
Let's see. What the hell is going on? So Governor Bill Lee signed a bill Wednesday

allowing public officials to refuse to perform same-sex marriages.
The state lawmaker approved Tennessee House Bill 878 last week.
The legislation states people shall not be should not be required to solemnize
a marriage if they refuse to doing so based on their conscience or religious belief.

According to the Tennessee Legislation website, the governor signed that bill Wednesday.
Lee has not publicly commented on the bill yet per his social media and his office website.
But the bill does not allow officials to deny a marriage license to couples
based on their belief, but prevents officials from being required to solemnize a marriage.

The state house first passed the bill in March 2023, but the state general assembly
booted it 2024 for consideration.
Lee was thrown into the spotlight last year after signing a bill that became
the first in the nation restriction on drug drag performance and banned gender
forming health care for transgender youth. A federal judge later ruled that
the restrictions on drag shows were unconstitutional.

The legislation has faced criticism from LGBTQ advocacy organizations.
Molly Whitehorn, associate director for regional campaigns for the Human Rights
Campaign, said last week the bill was intended to exclude LGBTQ folks from equal
protection under the law.
The Tennessee Republicans argued that the bill was not meant to discriminate
against same sex couples or prevent them from getting married.

State senator mark potey the bill
primary sponsor in the senate said on the senate
floor last week that the bill has nothing to do with
getting the license the hill has reached out to lee's
office for further comment so this is the shit i'm talking
about they literally are trying to play defense so
they're saying like oh okay no you can still get the license but this person

this employee of the state does not
have to do it so ain't that your fucking job
so that means that there has to to be like a standby other person
who can perform it for me so now i gotta go through another hoop
and huddle so you can find another employee to do to like it
doesn't fucking make sense but also so you telling
me that an employee just because they're but

how about that just opens the flood
gates to all other type of religions and
beliefs and consciousness why don't
we just turn this into to an automated experience where i enter
my name and their name and then right just
have a robot doing the fucking robot we don't need a fucking
person so fuck okay you should have nothing but

robots at your right license fucking humans are so fucking inept they can't
fucking do a fucking simple sign a goddamn fucking paper let's get a fucking
goddamn ai in the goddamn office you know how many employees there in the world
that does shit that they don't fucking feel like Like doing all the time.
Right? The fuck? The fuck?
So what if I have my own religion that I just fucking made up yesterday and

I decide that, you know, I don't feel like giving straight couples the right
because my God that I just made up said so. I could do that, right? You can.
But see, but they see it as this is Tennessee. So they see it as Christian religion.
So any other religion ain't really got no stand fooled on this.
But like if you go into there and be like, OK, I am from the Church of Nino.

Church of Satan. okay well you
know what i'm saying the house of
nino writes and it's like i can't serve this
redneck i can't my god
said no all right it's in my holy book there's
one line thou shall not serve trash it's

just like that just makes you you're a trash you're a trash that's so fucking
crazy listen streets i'm tired of fighting for this right to marry your patriarchal
bullshit oh my god stop and then they're gonna say oh it's not intended for
you not to get a license so why,
like this employee needs to do their job i don't give a fuck what they believe

like how many fucking folks in tennessee aren't christians bitch i gotta get
the one atheist in the whole goddamn building.
Right when is when is her schedule so and i gotta get married around this bitch
schedule i mean i mean i guess gays just have to get in these fucking in these

fucking fucking positions.
I'll be the marriage person how's that yeah there you go,
because i now also believe that that is a is that
a appointed position i don't
know i don't know how these things work i'm just a peon
actually i don't know right the

lady from because i right from kentucky yeah
she was up she was voted she was appointed that
position yeah yeah but she also got sued right yeah
does that mean that we can still sue these people if they see
but that what see but it wasn't it it wasn't uh it
wasn't in law yeah so this is probably why they're
doing that so that they could get up out of trying

to get sued but also look at look at it like eventually
gay couple is going to try to get married in tennessee right and they're
gonna be able to get it and then they're going to sue the state and this
is going to go up back to the supreme court and our marriage
is up for question in the supreme court that is like sway
toward conservatism conservatism well

the un needs to get back here and laid some
more human violations laws down
girl like you know like what
did that do nothing exactly what has it done nothing just just like this rainbow
wall it's just validated everything that we've been saying and then nothing's

happened that's all we're getting is validated validated we're getting validation
not rights that's not helpful.
Yes you're valid but i need my right.
Oh man i'm done with this country i am too i feel like i'm just trying to,

i don't know what anymore i know
i'm trying to get by i was sitting down trying to like figure figure
out who i was going to vote for and i was just like headache headache
i'm like i don't want to vote for any of these people i keep
seeing the new idea is like well you
know there's more ways to secure democracy other than
voting and i'm like wow that's just

really gonna be the answer right can't vote just don't
vote yeah like i literally got in the mail a cop a voter guide i'm like i'm
just gonna vote opposite right of this because that's the right probably choice
that probably is the right choice the opposite of whatever that is i've been seeing like smudge,

commercials for katie porter i was like isn't she the only good one she is i
think a genocide denier shut up yeah or she's like pro-israel or something along
those lines damn it yeah Yeah,
it's I can't with anyone in that's in power now because they're all they've

all been like pro-Israel genocide deniers. Yeah.
Okay folks time to rise up.
You either gotta rise up or you gotta lay back
just let the boots stamp on your face yeah i think the only person in power
that's spoken up against the genocide has been rishi talib right from michigan

okay and she's telling her constituents not to vote for biden it's pretty badass,
but it's also like who else
i mean there's like who else are they
gonna vote for you know i'm about third party
i get that privilege because i'm i mean in california right

but that ultimately means if you're
saying you get that privilege because you
live in california you that means that you think that'll just
go blue anyways yeah so it's not
a privilege because you're still gonna not win i'm still
gonna be in the system yeah i'm gonna be fucked yeah either
way that's true help us oh jesus jesus well is that it for the quick tease i

think that's it for these quick teas i think these queens need a break yeah i'm fading break time.
Hey y'all Christoph here and we at the queer LBC just want to say thank you
again for all your love and support but we also wanted to let you know that

you can hit that like button boo,
but we really really really do appreciate a five-star review on apple and spotify
podcast or wherever you listen to the podcast at.
You can also follow us on Instagram at Queer LBC to get updates on the shows and more.
Also, shit, tell a friend about us. Get the word out, you know.

We your favorite LGBTQ plus podcast in LBC, baby.
And we're back. So today at Queer LBC, we are going to talk about chem sex.
That is being under the influence with drugs, alcohol, type of drugs in order to have sex.

Oh, chem sex. Have you got, yeah, chem sex.
So have you guys do, and I know like there's some people that have to have it
and have to do or be under the influence to have sex, I'm assuming.
But have you guys indulged? Whoa, I forgot that's a trigger word. Have you guys...

I mean, if it's drugs, I would say indulge is fine. Have you guys partaked in chemsex?
When you say the word chemsex, it makes me think of literally meth or injecting heroin.
I mean, that's part of it, too. It's the spectrum of chemsex.
But I mean, I'm not going to say that I've done chemsex,

because then it makes it sound like i've literally done that no i
have not done i've not injected heroin into myself while on
sex but i can't say that i have not had sex with an individual who wasn't like
okay like under some heavy influence of themselves were you because i know a
lot of people say like no drugs like but i do how did you feel like were you comfortable as well yes.

Well let's just say like i guess i
myself had always
i'm always under i've been always been under the influence of drug while i was
doing sex but not just drugs what i mean is like alcohol like i definitely like
because when i was younger i was always drinking and then it was kind of like

Whenever I was going to hook up with a guy,
a lot of the times it was after I had met him at a club or a bar where I was
already drinking and drunk.
But then even when I started hooking with guys at my house through the apps
or whatever, I would just get drunk anyways. I would drink beforehand.

Okay. But off of them, like, hey, do you want something to drink? No, I would just drink.
No, no, no. Pre-game. Yeah, just pre-game. before they showed up we gave it
for this but it would even be like at like 11 in the morning and then so like
I mean I was doing like crazy shit back then wow.

God, now I just feel, like, deep diving into, like, psychotic behavior.
I feel like it's, like, that's so far, like, but not really.
Because I still, like, even today, like, when me and my boyfriend are about
to, like, get down, like, I'll still smoke out before.
And, like, he'll take, like, a hit before.
And it's, like, or, like, sometimes, like, I'll know that he wants to, like, get freaky.

Because then he'll, like, he'll have, like, a glass of wine.
Because he doesn't really drink.
Okay. But like when he does drink, then it's kind of, it's almost like a hint
to me that he like wants to like play around later. And I'm like, okay.
I'm trying to open up the channels. I see.
Because I feel like he's more reserved when it comes to sex. So.

And I feel like that's probably why a lot of people may partake in like a little
bit of alcohol or a little bit of weed too.
Right. right offset the little imbalance of like nervousness and then like oh
awkwardness probably just like oh just give me a shot give me a shot fuck it
right because i feel like sex isn't like.
It is shamed a lot so i feel like a lot

of people have like interesting relationship with it because like
it's pleasurable but a lot of people judge
it and like place so much like negativity
on it it as well you know like you have to
like turn off a portion of your brain to let yourself feel
comfortable doing these i guess debaucherous
acts right and then throw in like it being like gay sex

too yeah your history of that you know because i
feel like i guess i can just go through my history so like
yeah when it was like when i was younger i
barely i didn't start drinking until i was
was actually after i was 21 it was just like random no
i swear to god no for real like i

never started i didn't i didn't want to drink because i like i had like
a lot of drug addicts and alcoholics in my family so i
wanted to steer away from it and then i had
gotten like drunk for the first time with my first boyfriend and
then like we would get drunk a
lot and then have sex and it
was great it was fun because i don't know we're young and dumb and just drunk

right having having sex and then we would
just we would like drink fucking those bj
drinks that boone's farm oh they're like wine coolers and then just like watch.
A movie and like get like blacked out and like have sex with each other that
was good times like you know what those were some good old days.

So that was like always a thing and then,
but we didn't always have to get drunk to have sex and then.
Yeah, because I remember when I was with my girlfriend before that,
I wasn't, we weren't drinking or doing any kind of drugs at all. And then, yeah.
And then, then when I became single, then yeah, I would like hook up with dudes

and I would just like get drunk beforehand.
Like at any time I would be like, oh, I need to like at least have like a shot.
So I can at least like, I don't know, loosen up. Because I'm also meeting a stranger.
So I'm also like kind of like nervous and just like need to get out of it.
And then, yeah, it was always kind of like that.
And then, yeah, if I were to go on a date with somebody and I would hook up

with them, it would be like I would have to get drunk.
Uh-huh. Yeah. Like, I feel like I think I've also probably followed that suit
because actually when I was in the closet, when I was not out yet,
I would feel myself having to make sure that I was intoxicated.
Uh-huh. You know what I'm saying?

Or had a head change of some kind. Right. so it was just like oh shit like and
then if i go to the dude's house like you know we just gonna have drinks and
shit and just chill and relax and then boom get to it but i feel like now.
I can do that but i also feel like i
don't want nobody i want somebody to
be in a clear mind because i don't want you to wake up the next day like oh my

god like i would hate for most like oh shit
like i'm sorry i was drunk uh-huh well fuck you you know i'm saying like uh
and so when people hit on me when they're drunk uh-huh i don't know how to take
that because i also feel like you know at this point you got your beer goggles
on so yeah which version of this am i yeah like.

Even though i should just go for it uh-huh i also don't want to wake up and be like oh,
damn now my self-esteem fucked up that was your mistake right
but there's also a certain level of like safety with that too right like if
the person's more intoxicated than you that's also so true that mean i'm responsible
for you and want to make sure because i don't want you to i don't want nothing

to happen so i want to also make sure that you know you sober up and,
i was also kind of like always getting way drunk
so i feel like i was also that
one who was the one who was getting more wasted than the other person
oh okay well you was pre-gaming of
course oh yeah but even if they were like joining

me on the drink like i always had to
get like a little extra more in because i feel
like i just need i don't know why i always just felt like i need some kind of
like lubricant to like socially get me going okay just in general yeah yeah
just like at end i yeah because i feel like i can't even raw dog like friendships

social situations where where there is no sex expectation.
Like, I feel like I still need that, like at all social moments.
So maybe, yeah, it's not even, or like, yeah. For sex, it's just like another part of it. Yeah. Yeah.
But then I also was not, I was definitely not scared to, like,

hook up with, like, people who were partying.
Like. As long as they know. Yeah. Their limits. Yeah.
Like, I definitely hooked up with a bunch of, like, meth heads in my career.
Really? Of, like, gay sex. I've always wondered this. What does meth do to one
person when they're engaging in sex?

Well from what i've heard because i've never done it but
from what i've heard is that if to them it feels
like poppers just like infinity and it's
just like a never-ending popper spree and that's kind of like why these guys
are like just like on for like the entire like night and they're just getting
like pounded by like a million dudes and just like going going going going yeah

Or even like tops too, right?
Yeah, I think so. Because I've definitely gone to a million shitty hotel rooms
where there's some methed out bottom.
I don't even know what number dude I am, just like pounding them. Oh, damn. Okay, yeah.
So that's there.
I guess I always thought it was exciting, dangerous feeling.

Feeling and so like i would even like like
oh yeah like i never did coke either but i
would definitely like get excited to like hook up with like people who
are doing coke and like i had this friend who
like i had a bunch of like la friends who were all doing coke and
like one of them was saying like he snorted coke on some
guy's dick and i was like what the fuck dude i was like

okay what is that's a thing it is a thing and then so
then i got excited by that idea and so whenever there
were like dudes who were doing coke i was like yeah you can start off
my dick and so then i remember i hooked up
with this dude who had coke
and then he did that and then like he snorted it off my dick in
my apartment and then i fucking fucking see it on his phone picturing him and

his wife and kids i'm like oh hell no i mean he said ain't nothing but a dick
and a line i remember the first time that happened to me i was in nashville
and i was still nope i was in cleveland Sorry.
Was I? Yeah, I was in Cleveland.
And some guy, like, we was on the, I think it was, like, fucking Adam for Adam or some shit.

That's how long ago. These are so stupid. Stupid as fuck. So he's like,
all right, you know, hook up.
And literally opened up the door. Boom, boom, pal. Then he was like,
can I do a line of coke on your dick?
I was like, what? Like, I ain't never touched a shit yet. I don't even,
I was like, what? Like, uh, I guess.

And he did it. I was like, all right, well, let's go.
So yeah that was that was fucking crazy does it make like your your dick numb
or it doesn't do anything to mine right like because if they do it right you
really don't feel it oh okay okay just clear it right i think it's just for
like the scene of it all right yeah,

or that's how they did it and they cleaned it off
yeah just like you know shit that's how it starts starts to lead
way into the foreplay okay okay it's
so funny but yeah so like i've definitely
watched guys like do meth oh my god there
was one time i hooked up with this fucking meth dude and he
fucking blew it in my face what and i

was like because he was like tell me he was trying to get me to do it with him
and i was like no no no i'm not gonna do it with you and
i was like i you can do it that's fine but i'm not
gonna do it and he was like no you really should i
was like shut the like fuck you
and then he blew it in my face and i was just like i
just like held my breath and i was just like waited for like

the smoke to clear and i was just like i
was pissed and then did you leave oh it was my place so i basically had to kick
him out but he was already messed up so he was like energized now and so he
didn't want to fucking leave and i had a mouth i he got like you you could tell
that he was pissed, but I was like, what the fuck? I'm pissed.

Yeah. Right. I told you I don't want to do it. And then you go to my face like it's fucking cute.
I was like, now I would have popped your ass. So I kicked him out and he left.
I was like, what the fuck? Stupid meth hack, bitch.
Meth head out of my fucking apartment. It wouldn't be the first time. Yeah.
And that's probably, and that's probably why you see a lot of people that,
you know, like they advertise like no drugs because they probably had like a

fucking bad experience with somebody that was like fucking high as fuck.
And now you put my fucking living situation in fucking jeopardy or some other
crazy shit I've had bad experiences too where I'm fucking hooking up with some
fucking psycho method and so and then they want to just like all of a sudden,
change personalities and like get crazy and it's like all of a sudden they just want to like.

I don't know get loud and like get like attacking you
almost and it's like what the fuck like what is going on bitch like
yeah the fuck i remember i was
hooking up with this one guy and then yeah he like he
just like changed all of a sudden he was just like stop stop and
i was like what the fuck and then he was just like i'm gonna
get loud i'm just like what i like

my dad is like in the room asleep i'm like
uh can you shut the fuck up but the psycho
meth head is actually was the same
person who introduced me to poppers which is like okay and then when i first
tried poppers i was like holy shit i was like great now i'm one of these disgusting
gays who does poppers so i mean because i mean some people had to have poppers

to uh-huh to do the damn yeah to get off yeah,
because i was you know there's a i guess a porn theme or a porn subject what
is it called like like popper baiting a popper bait it was just like motherfuckers
just training yourself to.

Do poppers why training yourself
so interesting like a marathon right right yeah so i remember the second time
that i had tried it was this guy this like older guy and like he was like give
like this older white guy in like hollywood somewhere he was giving me a blow
job and then And he asked,

he was like, oh, can I do this?
Because I feel like at the time, it was more seedy.
Yeah. Because it wasn't popular like it is now.
And it was barely on the rise again.
And I feel like people who were doing it seemed like gross guys from the 70s.
And it was only nasty old men did that shit, allegedly.

But then, so he asked me, is it okay if I do it? And I was like,
oh, shit. I want to try that again.
And then I was like I've been looking for some of this shit And then I felt like I was seeing stars.
Yeah well essentially like lowers your blood pressure right
so everything feels like so much more and i think that's
what all the drugs do but i remember i didn't start

doing puppers until like my late 20s yeah
i think that's when it was yeah so i was kind of a late
bloomer to it i remember the first i remember i saw it and
i was like nah that's a bit too much you
know and then like the second time it was
very tempting so i tried it and it was it was just like the
first hit you ever take is like the best hit you'll ever

have in your life and after that you're just
chasing that shit right exactly because it's never the same
because it's never been the same yeah and the first hit when you
open a new bottle right yeah i don't know
i feel see i feel seedy talking about it but i
like it i think like in doses like

it kind of helps enhance the experience i
definitely feel like i would probably give myself brain
damage if i like let myself do it as much
as i want to because yeah because
i like it but it's
like every guy that i've ever like been with

is always like i don't like it and i'm like god
damn it i mean yeah it gives
me a headache for my own good i know it always gives people
a headache they say but it doesn't really do that to me it don't yeah
i don't get a headache either maybe like off of
like a certain brand certain brands give you oh.
Yeah and i also somebody else's i'm

gonna be old as hell yeah yeah so keep them in the.
Freezer i heard or something like that i hear so many things my old
gay friend he had told me that you put them in the microwave
for like 10 seconds and then they like renew and then it does really i don't
know about putting glass with the explosive yeah you gotta really I actually.
Would not recommend that to anybody Do not try that Do you have like a favorite brand of poppers?

Definitely Rush Or Jungle Juice What about you?
They're this my favorite actually doesn't have like a name is legit just like
a brown bottle with a white label on it and it's all like a warning sign.

And they actually saw it like a like i think like the purple onion like like
somewhere on like pch i think i think it's somewhere around there okay yeah
as they only have it there yeah or double scorpion and too bad it's probably
like corrosive to the skin oh yeah well yeah you can't like get it on you have
you ever spilled it on yourself oh no yeah,

it's fucking scary as fuck right straight to the back yeah shower my god yeah
i didn't wear like i I spilled it and it like went up my nose. Oh, yeah.
And I was like, I gotta go like rinse this and like burn.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, because I was late to Pauper World.

I didn't know about Pauper's until I got to California.
I don't understand the people who do it in the club.
Oh, yeah. So since, I mean, I may have done it a few times in the club just
because, oh, okay, why not?
I don't think it does nothing. But at that point, I was already cross-faded. So it's like.

I feel like you're straight girls doing that. Yeah. Like they're trying to have fun doing poppers.
I'm like, why? You're not getting anything out of it. You're in the club not having sex.
I was legit at a club and I was dancing.
Seeing and then i get a whiff of poppers i'm like the fuck like and i look around
and it's these straight girls like putting the cap on the rush bottle it's so

funny because those big ass bottles you see and it's like that's gonna go dead
yeah not even a third of the way through exactly yeah,
by the small bottles exactly have y'all tried like the aerosol spray version of poppers
no that's just too dangerous it's like maximum impact oh
no it's called like so like do you like spray it into your

nostril no you like spray it on like a rag oh okay
okay okay you huff it it's like legit like old school middle school huffing
i mean i feel like there was this guy that i hooked up with and he legit i was
saying i want to say was just huffing dust off and he was i mean it's the same
thing and then he was like trying to get me to do it and i was like.

I was almost down. I was like, this is not good for me to try.
So I'm not going to. I was like, just say no.
Just say no. Because I feel like I may try.
I would like to think that I'm open-minded enough in different ways that I would
like try anything once before I try to like knock it. But yeah, like I feel like meth.

Don't knock it till you try it. You know, like those type of things.
It's just like, you know what? Like I'm good. like you know like i know what
it's gonna do right yeah i stick to the basics drugs i was talking to somebody
too and they was like they was on i hear that to like when you're on,
molly that you really shouldn't have sex because it intensifies it so much and

it's just like you will always want to crave that feeling again and it'll just
ruin sex for you i get it i also heard that you can't have an orgasm while you're doing it.
Yes. So just like build and build. Yeah. So like if you Right.
So ironically so when I was in one of my excursions in Mexico City I was partaking

in Molly and then when I went to
the Belf House I was just fucking like a jackrabbit but I could not come.
And I was like oh my god like I'm just fucking all these dudes.
And I can't even let it out. Sometimes that happens to me when I do poppers. Like, I can't come.
That's the only time I can't come is, like, if I do poppers with somebody else. Okay.

With somebody else or you just do it and they like y'all both on poppers and
that's what you can't that's why you can't do it or y'all just both do it and
then you just know me like if i do poppers well i'm just drinking off oh then
i can get off still okay which is random yeah,
okay i know weird that's interesting but yeah like i didn't know those type

of things so like when i was talking to my friends and shit the next day i was
like dude like i was just fucking and all these sexy ass dudes and I couldn't even fucking buzz.
They was like, yeah, because you was on Molly all night. I was like, ah.
That makes sense. When did that effect wear off? How long did that last?
It lasted until I got probably the rest of that day.

Oh, thank you. Yeah, because I also didn't try again, which I should have.
So I probably walked around with blue balls.
Um but yeah like i feel that especially if you go to like bathhouses i feel
like you need to have a little bit of a a drink or two to be i mean how could

you go to that shit sober right i mean i'm quite sure there's people that do
those are the weirdos i think going to a fucking in a bathhouse sober?
Jesus. Clear-minded. Come here. No thanks.
What else? I have also been privy to guys doing injectable drugs in front of me.

What's the... Oh, like... Heroin or... Oh, okay.
I was confused because I was like, I mean, I don't know much about these hard
drugs, but I didn't know that you could inject meth.
Oh, yeah. See, I always thought, yeah, I thought it was injectable.
So it's both ways, injectable and smoke.
Yeah yeah oh i think you can also probably do it probably some

other ways yeah but but like
when oh my god like one time i actually hooked up with
this guy that was using meth but i
didn't know so like he was obviously behind
me and i was facing that way not him and he pulls out like
his pipe but like i couldn't turn around to see what he pulled
out and from what i saw it looked like a

regular like weed bowl but it wasn't because i
found out it wasn't when he like turned on the
a torch because to like that way like
you need to like heat it up so he did that i was
like oh fuck but then he burned me
with his little pookie what yeah like right
on purpose oh no like an accident oh sure yeah

psycho he's gonna get a mark yeah so i'm just like oh
i'm done thank you oh you burned me
yeah literally i am good thank you
don't know it yeah yeah but
yeah because what other because g h b is
one too right oh yeah have you done that i've never
done that no i haven't done that is that it.

Is injectable is that that's like a pill it's like a
tab i think it's a drink yeah
it's like a little tincture but you can put it
on like a paper and put on it's like
lsd type of thing oh but i hear
like that can be that's very potent so you
get to like be very precise with how much you take because you

can it can kill you yeah i heard it can kill
you if you mix it with alcohol yeah like you can't you
can't like mix it with other things because i remember i'm
a mixer there's this one man that i hooked up with in hollywood again and he
was talking about wanting to do ghb and like i wanted to at the moment but then

i was like oh wait i'm gonna die because i already drank before i just got here
so i was like i'm I'm gonna,
and he wanted me to do his, I was like, but will you die if you drink?
He was like, yeah. I was like, well, I just drank.
I was like, but I want you to try it. I was like, but I'm gonna die, you dumb bitch.
Even in your own words, motherfucker. I'm like, hello. Yeah.
Stupid ass. But here, like, that has, like, similar effects to, like.

Like meth where you're like super horny. Everything feels very pleasurable.
Like your sex drive is just like off the charts. Yeah. I've never tried it, but that's what I hear.
Okay. And people like do it a lot for like sex parties or like those Atlantis cruises.
I'm sure there's a lot of people on G during those cruises. I need to sign up
for that. I've never been on a gay cruise.

I know. I'm going to put that on my agenda. I want to go on one.
That looks fun. We might have to take Queer LBC to the ships.
Oh my God. That would actually be fun if we like did a huge...
Reporting live from the orgy from the
top deck top dick so those
are basically the only drugs that i've i'm quite sure there's
a lot more but i know like in the gay community

when lgbtq plus well i'm gonna
keep it gay because i don't think well you
know i mean it's not like i mean
it's a bad thing right because i mean i do know a lot of gay
guys who got like hooked on
me oh yeah oh yeah and then like they ended up contracting hiv oh and it's kind

of like it can turn into like a really like vicious cycle because you start
on one thing and then you do another thing and then you do another thing yeah
that's why i just told myself don't do anything,
like the hardest thing that i do is weed
i mean i guess i don't think this which i feel like it's vcr cleaner i mean

i've done yeah don't say poppers that sex shop video cleaner i've done harder
drugs what have you done i mean i would probably say like i've i mean probably like the.
Cocaine okay how am i a little bump like a bump or two how was it for you i
mean it's cool and you know because i like to drink so i just like you know

shit it just keeps me going i like i I don't need to continuously do it.
So I think I'm like, I'm blessed in one way in regards of like,
I don't have like a addictive personality per se that I know that like I can
quit something if need be.
That's why I always told myself no. Cause I'm like, I have my personality is way too addictive.

Oh, okay. And I already know that about myself. See, and that's good that you
know that because some people will continue to say, you know,
I just give it a try. I'm like, fuck.
But yeah, Yeah, so that's probably, and then, you know, like,
probably, like, Mali. But I think, I don't know the levels of it, but, you know.
Actually, no, that's a lie. I did try half of a, I don't know if it was supposed

to be a Mali or an Ecstasy at the time. Oh, okay.
It was the recession when everybody was doing those kinds of things to the house
music. but it was my friend she got it from she got it from our other podcasters dad and.

And I don't even think it worked. I don't even think it was real.
Because I tried half of it. Because I was so scared. I was like.
And then I tried half of it. And then nothing happened. And then.
You probably was zipped in a motherfucker. So I was like. What the fuck?
And they also told me that I can't drink while I'm doing it.
So I wasn't really drinking. I was like. Okay. Nothing's happening.
So it was very upsetting. It was not. So yeah. Nothing really happened.

So yeah. Basically the hardest thing I've done is like weed.
And alcohol. I haven't actually even smoked a cigarette.
Actually, I think I might have accidentally smoked a hit off of a cigarette
that I thought was supposed to be a blunt. Like a joint. Like a spliff. Yeah.
And then it fucked me up, and I was like, what the fuck was that?
Oh, you took a big puff. And I was upsetting. But yeah, I don't know. Yeah.

I'm a goody two-shoes. Good for you. I'm California sober.
Because I don't really drink anymore. I used to drink like a motherfucker.
And then now I really don't drink at all.
It's just not worth it actually the way that i stopped drinking was because
i switched to weed because it was like i drank so much that it like wore off

and i couldn't really get drunk now you can really high tolerance and then i
didn't have enough money because it was expensive,
so you want to drink you was drinking top shelf you want to drink in the bottom
shelf oh no i was drinking the bottom shelf i was poor it was still too expensive
screw immune to it I'm like, all I have money is for one pomp off.

That's going to last me the week and it's only going to last me two days.
But I like drinking when you having sex.
Have you ever hooked up with anybody who was doing crazy drugs?
No. So that's why I like I I don't understand it.
Not crazy drugs, but, you know, just like weed and drinking.

But like, you know, like hardcore shit. No, at least I didn't know that they were under it.
So I don't really have any except the one dude who did coke off my dick.
Mm hmm. but also like have you,
wanna I don't know if I want to share this but you know what fuck it,
I like to take shots of liquor at a you know what never no you're saying it

bitch like you know like you ever like do body shots off a dude's ass okay,
yeah is that what you be doing those are the best you be drinking
alcohol of this dude's asshole yeah or he's gonna
put his tongue in it right might as well well i mean
it serves two purposes a nice little buzz a
little bit oh my god you just reminded me of this guy

that i hooked up with that we put like
vodka up his ass because you know how they say like it's
supposed to get you drunk it's supposed to get you drunk oh yeah so we like
experimented with that and saw if that could work he got really wasted but and
we hooked up with some other dude at the same time we got like a third guy in
there it was crazy nice that sounded like fun.

I mean even if like the more innocent hookups that i've had i feel like all,
most of the guys that i've hung out with or drank with or or dated or fucked
they all were down to get wasted too and it didn't feel really like i was.
Like being different okay yeah because i

feel like a lot of people would already be on that vibe
too like trying to get drunk right and
let's and let's be honest here like we're not saying that you need
to i mean because we have all had sober sex
so like right i mean
i know i'm trying to think of when i've had sober

sex so like you know when was
last time i mean that was when i was in in a relationship so that
was years and years ago and that's
some you had to sober sex no weed either probably
like last week nothing okay yeah oh that was like right around that time because

i feel like even because like if i want sex from my boyfriend i feel like Like,
if I'm at the point where,
like, I'm asking for it or, like, initiating,
I'm probably already stoned.
Anyways. Oh, okay. But then if he comes on to me, then I actually will pause

him and be like, wait a minute.
Oh. Let me go get a smoke in real quick. And he'll be like, all right.
Because I remember even just like this last weekend, that's what happened.
I was like, hold on. Oh, yeah. Because you're just coming at me and I'm like raw.
And I'm like. Give me some protection. I'm like, you had minutes to think about this before.

Right. You just, you can't just bring this on him. Right. He should.
Because I was asleep already.
Oh, damn. Oh, yeah. And I told him, I'm like, you'd love to wait to like a last minute.
I'm like. I just want you to just roll on. Asleep. Just like,
bah. ah don't wake me up after you come in in the bed that's funny yeah yeah so that's i mean,

i guess rock and roll drugs sex and
alcohol gold i mean it
just makes it a little fun yeah there's nothing wrong with especially
if you're doing it in moderation and
sometimes it would bother me like
not bother me but like it would worry
me when i would see somebody like doing

a little too much and i'd be like yikes then no
it actually just turned on i just made it turn on
myself because i would be like oh they need to get so drunk because i'm not
cute and they don't like me so that's why they're getting so because i remember
there was this one guy that i had met and he was like a cute older guy and we

went back to his place his boat.
And he's like my boat daddies and
i feel like a million of you listening probably been to the same boat i have
a fucking marina pacifica anyways so this guy you will know him because Because

he's a fucking giant bong and he like never stopped smoking out of it.
And I wasn't like really smoking back then.
And so like he would like not stop hitting the bong like every second.
So he was getting it was like he was like it's like you couldn't breathe oxygen. He had to breathe weed.
Like I smoke a lot of weed. But like it was like.
Almost obnoxious like his lung was the bong and it

was like oh my god why are you smoking so like either
it doesn't work bro like the weed
doesn't work or like something's going
on where you need to smoke that fucking much but like
i don't know i was just like are you
okay like do you even like me because you have to get
that high yeah that you have to be blacked

out i was that's what my my thought was is that he needed a
blackout but obviously it wasn't even working if he
had to smoke that much like like that's
true and i'm pretty i don't know i feel like even
just saying this story is just people
would just know who the fuck he is big fucking
bong rips and the boat in marina you know who he

is anyways yeah but it
i mean ultimately looking back
on him like i i don't find him that concerning but at the time it was a little
jarring okay because i wasn't like experienced in that way so yeah i definitely
feel like if the other person is like not is like on your level it can be probably

really scary for them that's true that's weird yeah Yeah.
And I guess I also wonder like.
Because obviously there's an element of like using to like elevate the experience of sex, right?
Yeah. But we also know that drugs like numb feelings or make it easier to kind
of like let down your inhibitions.
So I also wonder like how much of like people's like self-worth or like internalized

homophobia necessitate the need to use substances and to be comfortable with like doing sex acts.
Exactly. Yeah. Especially being gay and then going into gay sex.
Yep. gotta get your mind out of it that's true,
but I want to do people have to like if they was going to,

jack off to porn to gay porn like would they have to get drunk or is this I
think it's just like the act with another human being or another man per se will,
I mean I feel like if you're at that point you're probably just like either
just an addict you know what I mean where like Like a sex addict?
No, just like an addict of whatever that vice is.

Because then if you needed to jerk, you probably didn't even need to jerk off.
You're probably just doing it.
Right before, right? Or I don't know. I don't know what I'm saying.
I'm not a doctor. Doctor's doctor.
What was your statement? But I feel like I also would need to do that because

I felt self-conscious just in general.
Like body self-conscious and being like that's also true uh-huh yeah that was
also big in the community all bodies matter they do matter,
but yeah definitely like the nervousness of like being naked in front of somebody
yeah it's kind of like especially somebody you don't know who you're meeting

for the first time who you've sent literally the best pictures to not the worst
one you know what I have started doing on purpose I start sending the ugliest pictures I take. Right.
Because then I know that... They're down. Right.
I expected an ugly guy. You're too cute. I'll be mad.

Thanks. I feel like that would be a better compliment to be like,
oh, you're cuter than your pictures.
Oh, yeah, that's true. Your ugly ass pictures.
I used to be like, your pictures don't give you justice. I was like, thank you. I know.
But then I feel like, I don't know. No, I feel like pictures can also confuse
that person into being like, oh, maybe they are ugly.

I feel like, I don't know, people's brains are- That's also true, yeah.
They get framed. A lot of people still love using filters, so you also really
never know until you see a person in person. That's true.
Catfishing's a thing. Still a thing at 224. 224.
Anything else on chem sex? No. If you do engage, do it with safety. Mm-hmm.

No PNP. Come on. Dude, you know, like, I was so new to the game.
Blowing clouds. And I was like, what is P?
Because somebody was saying, like, they was like, oh, you want to party and
play? I was like, fuck yeah. Let's go ahead and get some drinks.
Fuck around and play and shit. Right. Let's do this.
What's the theme? It's a Mario costume. So I remember that, like.
And so then it was like cool like you you know where we can get some i said

get some what like the liquor so i can stop at the liquor store on the way to
the crib like it's like no like some drugs i was like oh oh that's pnp yeah
oh weed no i don't right i don't i don't party and play,
that way that's funny i drink and
party baby yeah that's i
did not know what pnp was yeah yeah was

pmp a particular drug or was this i think it
was referring to myth to me yeah just it's just like
the shorter way of saying party and play or they
talk about tina tina or blowing cloud yeah or the diamond emoji oh yeah diamonds
it was funny because i would like i was like booed up for like a long time and

then i when i came back into the scene and i saw like the diamond I was like, what is that?
I was like, that's a new one. Yeah. The rose.
What is that? I think it's the rose for people who are gen or accept gen. Oh, I think so.
Something like that. Something to do with being people.
Generous. Oh, generous. It's like, gee. Are you generous? Because I'm desperate.

Right. That should be my fucking desperate.
In need. But yeah, that's it for chem sex.
Anything else you guys on the good old chemical sexual experience.
Don't do drugs ladies and gentlemen don't do poppers don't do any of the drugs

that we have mentioned on this show we do not condone sex or drugs or alcohol or anything,
not held liable be your own people be your own person oh this is the end of
our show guys so here at queer lbc we appreciate you listening hope to get five stars from you guys and,

it's my first and last time hosting you did
such a great job so here at queer lbc we love you we care for you you are loved
you are cared for and we'll see you next time peace out Good night,

Love you good night Go take your prep.
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